Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Aug 1939, p. 7

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AnfustSl, i. *• » ( ,_v '|v u-W ; KJUHDXALUl 4 #.. -*- 80WVEY NOTICE NOTICE ia hereby given to the •turners of the following described Seal Estate situated in the Township of McHenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, to-wit, Blocks 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 28 and 25 of Wooded Shores Division of Farm Lands a part of SW% Section 18 Twp. 45 North Range 8 East of the Srd Principal Meridian as recorded in Book 8 of Plats at page 111 in the office of the Circuit Clerk of McHenry County assessed to the persons and now described as follow* to* Wit:' . . Wooded Shores Division of Farm Lands , H. Nixon & Joan Porter, N 66 ft of S 220 ft W% blk 9. T f U Talti SPORTS OUTFIT TWENTY TEARS AGO Miss Ellen Walsh, daughter of Police Officer and Mrs. Jack Walsh, and this year's graduate of the McHenry high school, was awarded a signal honor at the Illinois state fair school J . H. Nixon & Joan Porter, N 55 ft ?f domestic science at Springfield, 111., of S 170 ft WH blk 9. s^r we We a*r e i• n,fo rmed that Prof. AA . ~E . I B. A Lorrair N 65 ft of S 115 ft WH blk 9. Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 9. Hfehn Zvonar ft Amanda Zvonar, N 50 •£. ft of S 100 ft WH blk 10. Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 10. Chas. A. ft Dena C. Revor, N 65 ft of S 285 ft EH blk 12. Otto C. ft Grace E. Olsen, N 40 ft of S 275 ft E% blk 12. Anna W. Wickline. pt blk 12. i r Frank R. ft Marguerite F. Jeffries, DR 229 p 838 pt blk 13. lirving J. ft Mary H. Olson, I}jl 223 p 445 pt blk 13. Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 13. Lloyd L. $ Marie L. Senchal, p 574 pt blk 14. Nye has accepted the position of superintendent of the schools at Coal City, 111. The new position, it is said, carries with it a very nicip salary. William Althoff of Johnsburg hat entei ed the employ of Smith Bros., and entered upon his new duties in the .Centerville general store on Momday morning of this week. J. J. McCarthy has purchased Prof. A. E. Nye's beautiful bungalow on Elm street. DR 236 THIRTY YEAR8 AGO A warm sports outfit has a beige colored wool Jersey overblouse and • brown woolen skirt that may be worn with sweaters. The shoes are brown calf. A lynx Jacket Is also shown. v Oily Council Prooeedinfi Council Room, August 7, 1939. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, J. HfMiller is having a new cement;Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye, Reg - - _ T . T c_ . 99, platform and sidewalk constructed in! ner. Absent: None. 4 U D R 2 2 3 1 ' " I W » ! > • » « o ' M o t l o „ b y R e g n e r T O 0 „ d e d P e r . ness in Centerville. A good improve- {werda tha^ the minutes of the to,t . •» i. , . - x. ! regular meeting be .approved as reaft. Ground lias been broken for the|^tion carried. handsome new cement block business p 305 pt blk 14. Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 14. Carlton A. ft Claudia A. Palmer, PR 221 p 376 pt blk 15. Anthony J. ft Katherine Siebert, N houFe that is to ^ er<K.ted by N. J.L Motion by Freund, seconded Vjr 50 ft of S 550 ft E% blk 15. Harry C. Meier, N 50 ft of S 1350 ft on the ^est Side. E % blk 15 Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 15. Just-n just west of his furniture store!:Bol«er> *hat the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Work of filling in the hollow on J Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by either side of the Boone creek bridge Nye, that the collector's report be ap' F. E. ft Florence B. Lowell, DR 220 js under way and before many mor4? proved as read. Motion carried. p 288 pt blk 16, moons have passed, pedestrians will j Motion by Buss, seconded by Bolger, Anna S. Kreiter, N 75 ft of S 310 ft have the pleasure of a nice new walk that the clerk's report be approved as W% blk 16. Al Soehren, DR 229 p 445 pt blk 16. *iong the thoroughfare. read. Motion carried. Miss Kate Heimer is showing hrr! Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Al Soehren, DR 229 p 445 pt blk 16. frjends a beautiful new dark oak Regner, that the following bills be Wm. T. Born, DR 231 p 2 pt blk 16.: Purcell piano which she won by solv-jP*>d as approved by the finance com- Chas. A. ft Virginia Bulvas, DR 231 p ing one of the puzzles that the piano, mittee. 42 pt blk 16. „ |compary has been publishing^ the | Edward J. Buss, Alderman ser- Michael ft Mary R. Lorch, DR 235 p Metropolitan papers of late. v'ce $ 25. ______ " j John A. Bolger, Alderman ser- FORTY TEARS AGO vice ...» _____ Fred Ferwerda, Alderman ser- 364 pt blk 16. Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 16. tudolph Kovar, et al, DR 221 p 874 pt blk 17. Anna W. Wickline, (ex. DR 221 p 374) pt blk 17. - Horace R. ft Alice M. Wagner, N 112% ft of S 247% ft Wl/2 blk 18. 0U 25.00 mgton l ^ A ' " • . t ' ' ^ j modification of the war plans is seldom accomplished in the ferver of war hysteria when the patriotism issue is easily raised. The "blue prints" awaiting a special "war Congress" include the highly controversial Neutrality Act revision which failed at the last session but which would probably hurdle Congressional barriers now. Out of the locked files would come money and price control to protect the currency Washington, August 30--With fire land prevent racketeering in waralarms ringing throughout the world, j times. While the public sentiment is the earth-shaking changes of the last I now definitely against sending Amerfortnight have narrowed thinking in !»ca troops across the seas, the planthis area into the question which per-1 ners have a selective draft act ready sistently emerges "what can and will f°r submittal to Congress. The War the United States io in world af- j Industries Board which, has been in affairs," session the last few days have been The tendence of the day is to adopt' reviewing War Department plans for A realistic attitude toward vital as-1 control over American industry, espects of American policies which are peci'Hy the vital plants making or within the sphere of predictability, j capable of producing munitions. The There is nothing disorderly or pan-1 Army has conducted several experiicky a* the government settles down J ments arid lately has inaugurated to meet grave emergencies. Actually ("educational orders" to acquaint prithe momentous matters which have Iva^* enterprise with the tooling recropped out lately have been met with j quirement in case of war. the cool detachment 9I an engineer! Because young men and their famwho knows that emotions are all right *ilie«p are today seriously talking of for the rank and file, but care and their "participation in wartime measskill are required to adequately handle! ures, it may be well to consider what delicate problems. The analogy of Uncle Sam has up his sleeve. Though the engineer is particularly appro- J expeditionary forces are not cOntempritae inasmuch as the blueprints for plated as an immediate step, the denational defense measures have been fense of the Panama Canal is upperuhder preparation for the last eigh- most. The Secretary of War has adteen years in anticipation of" a nation-' vised Congress that "our entire al emergency. ! scheme of national defense hinges up- While the-planners do not like the on the security of the Panama Canal, implication that they have furnished Anti-craft defense is proceeding rapblueprints for the economic life of a '^ly, but the concern is not so much nation during a war, they frankly ad-;from attacks by Tnlll^fr» mit that their portfolios are stuffed. forces- In Panaiha, the greatest with proposed laws and regulations danger" says Woodring, is from sabready for a signal from the White otage." And, there are 12,000 aliens House. It has been reported on Cap- 'n the area. itol Hill at various times that sug-| As to the young men of military gested legislation has been drafted age. The existing plans call for a which would give the administrative protective force of 730,000 soldiers, branch of the government powers com- The equipment studies are based on parable to those exercised by a diet these figures. The present strength tator. The exact terms of these pro- of the regular army plus the Nationposals are known to only a few forial Guard units is 379,000 with 21,000 this subject has been a closely guard- officers. In an emergency this force ed secret. A curious Senate Military j would be augmented by volunteers or Affairs Committee considering defense; " legislation last spring smoked out Sec- j retary of War Woodring and obtain-! ed this succinct admission "we have] extra expenditures for armament. The troublesome factor is the effect of external and internal inflation on the price ^structure. It is a difficult task to explain the phases of inflation to the general public because it is a subject which confuses the fiscal experts. * PLACED" UNDER PEACE BOND Walter Calhoun of Burton's Bridge was placed under a $500 peace bond by Judge Charles F. Hayes last Thursday. He had been in the county jail for a week on a charge of assault on a complaint signed by his wife, Helen. R E D U C E . . . The Safe, Nataral Way. Bring This Ad aad For trial treatment; $1 $2Jt Non-amiMMia Permanent*, |1M vp Oil Permanents, 2 persons for $5 ap Singly for $3.M ap a SCISSOR RAZOR WAVE CUT with Shampoo and Hairdraas flJI S T O M P A N A T O ' 8 Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, in. !'VW a draft. The Army expects 500,000 iii the first call under the selective service. Eventually they hope to have a defense force of a million men and bills drawn up that give the power '67,000 officers or at least that is how to the Chief Bxecutive to do certain| "" ' " * 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 While loading goods at the Rlttg- VIce wood station on Friday, J. E. Cristy George P. Freund, Alderman fell from the wagon, dislocating the! serv'ce wri«t joint. 4 A, E. Nye, Alderman service « On the Elgin Board of Trade, Mon-j Joseph M. Regner, Alderman £ecil A. Martin, N 45 ft of S 135 ft day, fifty-five tubs of butter were of-! service ; W% blk 18. . 1 fered and all sold at 18% cents. The R- I. Overton, Mayor service .. 30.00 Roy P. & Barbara Klein, N, 67H ft official price was made at 18 cents, j Vernon J. Knox, Attorney serof S 315 ft W% hlk 18, ! Michael Connelly who lives about] vice 50.00 Horace R. ft Alice M. Wagner, $ 90 five miles south of here sold a horse Earl R. Walsh, Clerk service 105.00 ft of W% blk 18. | to a Woodstock man for $75. last Sat-! John B. Wirtz, Police service 115.00 Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 18. 1 urday. jJack Smith, Police service 100.00 Hugo & Ella Pieper, W 100 ft of E Fred Kamholtz, West side barber, j W. C. Feltz, Supt. streets and 1550 ft blk 19. has moved from Mrs. Going's cottar* alleys ---- 105.00 Glenn H. & Elinor J. Winters, W 40 rooms in the brick building, M. M. Niesen, Supt. water- • ft of E 550 ft blk 19. ?' 'owned by Henry Semes. "* | works Eugene M. ft Josephine C. Strong, W j Earl R. Walsh, Office expense FIFTY YEARS AGO Burdick Pump ft Machine, Waterworks, supplies and things." He did not specify beyomv that point. Judging from bits of gossip and an occasional official statement it is possible to draw a patch-work picture of what Woodring reluctantly described "certain things" which Mr. Roosevelt would ask the consent of Congress whenever the occasion demanded. And marked opposition is unlikely for their (estimates for equipment tare worked out. With continued evidence of economic flurries incidental to a warlike world, it may reasonably be anticipated that the American government is ready to cope with fluctuating currencies. The various agencies already possess strong powers. Naturally everyone is concerned over inflation which is possible in connection with MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. (freea 8t PISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY PERCH Come and Enjoy Yourselves Saturday Evening al PINK HARRISON'S 4t Pistakee Bay Divine Music ---- Perfect Mixed Drinks I FRIED CHICKEN -- 60c : ASST. SANDWICHES BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA Dancing Every Saturday Night Throughout the Season '•Si-y. CENTRAL GARAGE --One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Guaranteed Service on all Makes of Cars and Trucks Full Line of Atlas and Goodyear Tires W Electric and Acetylene Welding Car Washing and Polishing FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 200-J Johnsburg 50 ft of E 1450 ft blk 19. Jiohn J. ft Callye B. Mackey, W 40 ft of E 1710 ft blk 19. J|uck Roney, of Wauconda, win- labor Norman J. Lease, W 50 ft of E 1900 ^ njn^ golden laurels with his pacing Downs Motor Express, Haulft blk 19. ' ladislav ft Anna Ruzicka, W 50 ft of E 350 ft blk 19. . Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 19. Thomas ft Esther Long, E 50 ft of W 150 ft blk 23. Anna W. Wickline, pt blk 23. C James J. ft Marie A. Flanagan, DR 220 p 454 pt blk 25 mare "Maggie R." She won second; ing meters money in a race at Chicago a few J Art Meyers, Labor on streets days since, making the fast time ofjC. P. Newman, Labor on 2:18, I streets C, A. Walsh and family have moved to Elgin. > Our citizens, old and young, were shocked and pained on Tuesday forenoon to learn of the sudden death in Anna W. Wickline, (ex DR 220 p 454) Chicago, of George McOmber. the eld Clarence Regner, Hauling gravel, use of truck James B. Clow ft Sons, Waterworks supplies -- John Stilling, Gas, oil, storage fire truck 114.05 101.84 pt blk 25. est son of the late John McOmber of .Mlwaukee Lead Works, Water- That in pursuance of the provisions this village. of Sections 62 and 63, Chapter 120 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois, you are required hereby to have the aforesaid tracts or pieces of land surveyed, and a plat thereof piade and recorded in the office of tha Recorder of deeds in said County, within 30 days from the date hereof, 98th fair will open here Friday mornas provided by law; such plat to be jng on its largest exhibition of local approved by the undersigned. WALWORTH COUNTY FAIR, ELKHORN. ON FOR 4 BIG DAYS ElkhorW, Wis.--Walworth county's agricultiire and handiwork. Enter- Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this tainment of aH kinds has also been 22nd day of August, A. D., 1939. ; JR. D. WOODS, Countv Clerk. (Pub. Aug; 24 - 31 - SeX ?) 0HURCH SERVICES (Daylight Saving Time) St. Mary's Catholic Church 'MftSS6S« Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:30 Holy Days: 6:00; 8:00; 10:00. Weekdays: 7:00 and 8:00. First Friday: 6:30 and 8:00. « Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 3:0ft p. m and 7:00 p. m. iMsgr. C. S. Nix, pastor, ' St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; 10:00; 11:00 Weekdays: 7:30. First Fridays: 7:30. On First Friday, Communion dis tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p.aa. Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 to 5:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Wm. A. OTiourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Johnabarg M&SS6S} Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00;1)4& Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:80. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:30. Rev. A. J. Neidert, pastor. , Con inanity Church Sunday School: 10 a.m. Morning Sermon: 11 a.m. Epworth League: 7:30 p.m. Lutheran Evangelical Chnnll Sunday Service: 8:00 a. m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, works supplies Clarence J. Carp, Printing ...... The McHenry Plaindealer, Stamped envelopes, advertising Alexander Lumber Co., Material John J. Vycital, Paint, supplies, brashes Paul E. Geraisch, Labor on waterworks R. I. Overton, Washing car .... Holly's Service Station, Gasoarranged by the Walworth County | line, oil Agricultural Society. Farmers will|Wm. Tesch, Labor on streets .. show the best of their harvest and j Freund Oil Co., Distillate the best animals from their herds. |Earl R. Walsh, Freight charge Herds through this section of thei waterworks state are better than other years, ac-|Ben N. Smith, Hauling gravcording to County Agent James Beat-, el, grading tie and special tents will have to be 1 Wattles Drug Store, Formalused to house the livestock show ofi dehyde both open and youth's classes, accord-j City of McHenry Water ft ing to F. M. Porter, fair secretary. I Sewer Dept., Sewer charge .. The addition of game birds to the!The Travelers Ins. Co., Collipoultry exhibit this year is expectool sion insurance to make it the largest show ever of-jMayme Buss, Commission and fered at a county fair. An exhibit of j clerical service game birds will be here from the j Illinois Bell Tel. Co., Telephone state game farm at Poynette . | service A special Sunday attraction for J Public Service Co., Ornamental farm folk will be the auction sale of light service all breeds of purebred sheep, con-'Public signed by fair exhibitors. The sale will open at 10 a. m. Friday has been designated as dren's day when all children und age of fourteen will be admitted to the grounds and amphitheatre free ol charge. There will be pony races in the afternoon and a huge display cf fireworks will be held in the evening. There will also be a fireworks display Saturday night. Midway attractions will be furnished by the Gold Medal Shows, who have reserved space for ntne rides and an j Henry C. Kamholz, Sewer supequal number of shows. '< I plies An ice skating revue, with a num- uPaul *E. GerAsch, Installing 50.00 15.00 37.90 YOURS TODAY ONLY 14 other G-E Models, oil priced lower Htan ever before! h 45.50 15.00 37.25 4.07 8.90 1.25 28.71 12.50 .93 Service Co., Bracket light service Ppblic Service C«., Service at city hall blic Service Co.. Electric at disposal plant •••• L. J. McCracken, Beach supervision ••••• Matt M. Schmitt, Compensation insurance Fred C Feltz, Supt. disposal plant -- McHenry Lumber Co., Sewer supplies ber of beautiful girls performing on artificial ice, will be one of the headline attractions of the evening showi. across the race track. A musical revue of dancers, comedians and singers will be held along with the best and packing pump, sewer .... Public Service Co., Power at sewer plant Public Service Co., Electric at sewer plant 14.46 25.70 6.63 95.31 158.18 2.28 47.52 40.00 150.00 90.00 5.81 1.23 14.55 ^ 49j06 3.10 Motion by Buss, seconded by Nye, circus and vaudeville acts available, j that the city pay twenty cents per Music for the show will be provided j jJneal foot as its portion of new slde- (four foot width) constructed Bead the Want b$* a ten-piece swing band Gov. Heil is expected to be one of the interested race fans during th% fair to watch his champion Uncle Walt race for a $500 purse and added money in the free for all trot Labor Day. Asking only for good weather, officials of the Walworth County Agricultural Society, promise the greatest four-day exposition in Walworth county fair histoqr. * wa^ks by property owners, applications to be made to the clerk and approved by the proper committee. Upon roll call the following aldermen voted Aye: Bolger, Buss, Freund, Nye, Regner. Voting present: Ferwerda. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Freund to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk- ; JL X OVERTON, Mayor. > : „r-; •ERE'S a refrigerator that's certainly both a beauty and a bargain! A genuine General Electric with the same sturdy all-steel cabinet construction, the same sealed-in-steel cold-making mechanism that have made General Electric Refrigerators famous throughout the world for dependable performance and enduring economy. Begin enjoying the new convenience and new, thrifty savings of this modern refrigerator tomorrow SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Balance (plus small carrying charge) oh your Electric Service bill. ATTENTION! Other electric appliance dealers are now making an especially attractive mid-summer offer on modern electric refrigerators. Get facts-now! A GENUINE GENERAL ELECTRIC WITH.,. • All-Steel Cabinet • Stainless Stool Super- Freezer • • Sealed-in-stoel Thrift Unit • 5 Years Performance Protection • 11.7 Square Feet of Shelf Public Service Company OF NORTHERN ILUNOIS

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