trem or work aft at the E. B. Woodstock Typewrit- jersonais r Miss Kitsus Dorothy Duers and Robert of Chicago were weekend guests of Jane and Harry Schnaitman. , Mi®. Evelyn Larkin resumed her teaching last week at Prairie school Sfuth of here where she has been Stationed for the paat few years. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Engeln, accompanied by their daughter and husband, Miss ftostna. Young Is spending a Chicago. Mr. Baehlfie, now emptor*! few weeks with her sister at Hsr-by the Standard Oi| c«mpany in CWvard, Mrs. Ralph Smith. cago is the son of Albert E. Boehlke Mis. Anna Phalin who enjoyed the,0* McHenry _ summer with relatives in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. R. Carlson and daugn* left last week for her home at Thors- ters and Mr. and Mrs. E. Sibloom of by, Ala. Tom, her son, who also spent Chicago spent the weekend at the ihef,w retun"d t0 Mr,. Ben Mm. J.k. Justen ] motor bo« rid. int. the Uk«. and' Mrs. William Justen accompan-j Mr. and Mrs. Asahel Stevens of ied the latter's daughter, Kathleen, I Waukegan were visitors • Jew days back to Evanston Sunday and spent this past week at the Robert Thompthe day with relatives at Evanston son home. Mr. Stevens called at tno and Wilmette. I Linus Newman home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bauer left Mc-I Mrs. Ella Rix entertained guests Jotajph Buck of Tupu Mrs. Jack BeMka, of Chinfo^ Maria Valm left Tuesday to spend visitors at the home of _" . a week with Mends and relatives ta H-® Buch and Wly, Tuesday Chleagd. Mr. and Hrs. N. Schmitt and chil- Mr.. Wm.,B.con >nd Mr.. Lw,' M«fyl.. Jo«n, DmmM .nd Jack. Bacon Tinted Bgt. Bacon at St. Lake's hospital, Chicago, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan of Cary, have been enjoying a bit of fishing at' Henry after spending the summer at at her summer home over the week- LaPorte. Minn., the past week. the home 0f her mother, Mrs. J. S end. Mrs. Harold Phalin and daughter,' Freund, for Syracuse, N. Y., where Dr. and Mi%. Jack Purvey and fam- Itonica. of Grayslake spent Thursday! they will remain for approximately jjy 0f Yorkville visited relatives here and Friday with her mother, Mrs. two and one-half months. Sunday. Mollie Givens, while her husband at-! LeRoy Conway is enjoying a two, Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. tended a -Public Service weeks' vacation from his work with (an(j Mrs. Walter Walsh were: Mr. •ihploVees. •' 1 the Public Service company in Chi- and Mrs. George Westerman and fam- Mis? Jane Durland left Monday for cago. "* SEPTEMBER BRIDE Dubuque. Iowa, where she entered up on her first year at Clarke collfege. M. A. Conway ha$ returned from a visit with his sisters at Elgin, Mrs. John Aylward and Miss Minnie Conway. Miss Margaret Larkin, former teacher at the Barreville school, was .'.-/transferred to Fox River Grove to fill tie vacancy left by the resignation of Miss Ellison. Miss Elsie Vycital ily and Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Bev erly of Elgin; the Masses Mary, Nellie and Anna Dwyer and Harold Leavitt of Evanston. Charles Murray of Los Angeles, Harold Taxman left Friday to resume his studies at DeKalb Normal Miss Mary Paull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Paull of Ridgeway, WKs., former residents of this vicinity, Calif., is visiting at th<| Harold Owen has entered Oak Park hospital for home. nurse's training. , | "The Clarence Wiedling family of Mrs. Rupert Jones of Galesburg,. Chicago spent the weekend at their 111., spent last week with her parents, summer home north of this city. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overion. i Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman spent Mr. ad Mrs. Linus Newman spent Saturday with Charles Newman at of this city who teaches at the same Wednesday at Lewis McDonald's home giocums Lake. • scihoo! and Miss Larkin make the dailyjat Woodstock. J Miss Arlene Glass of Madison, Wis., trip together. j Otto A. Boehlke has just entered (an(j 0r. Frank Johnson of Chicago Miss Jane Schnaitman has entered the pre-legal law course of John Mar-, were guests of Dr. and I£rs. Eugene llosher Business college In Chicago.' shall Law school, 315 Plymouth Court,' gayjer this weekend ' ) " Father Walter Conway, who returned recently from Jacksonville, Fla., has been spending a few days with his father, M. A. Conway. Dr. and Mrs. William Nye are touting the West on a two weeks' trip. Mrs. May M. Poite of Chicago called at the Linus Newman home on Monday. She leaves Chicago Wednesday for Haines City, Fla. to spend the winter with her sister, Clara L. Wightman. , . Miss Miriam Sayler, vacationing from her work in the office of the Woodstock Typewriter company, left Sunday on a trip to New York City and Washington, D. C. Frank Johnson returned to Champaign Sunday to resume his studies at the University. Fall S H O E S Specializing in "Hard to Fit" Feet for 39 Years! WIDTHS FROM AAAA AAAAAA TO WIDE! These Famous Makes of Shoes... Keeps Our Stores Busy PLORSHEIM - FOOTSAVER - RED CROSS - AIR STEP BROWNBILT - BUSTER BROWN AND OTHERS 't get in Order by mail! BOWMAN BROS. SHOE STORE "THE HOME dF GOOD SHOES" Southeast Corner Square : Woodstock, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson j^nd Mrs. Emil Schroeder at the Odd spent an enjoyable day as guests at the Hagedorn cottage at McCollum Lake recently. Misses Mary and Lucy Matkovic( Miga Angela Freund, who is studyand Mimes Mary and Barbara Roekh ing at the County Beauty school were Sunday visitors at the Hagedorn .t Wsukegan, enjoyed the weekend at cottage at McCollum Lake. | the home of her parents, Mr. and John Engeln left Monday for Ro- Mrg Anton P Freund. Chester ,Minn., where he will under-1 go further treatment at the Mayo Brothers' clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Thomas visited relatives here Saturday enroute to their home in Forest Park following a vacation through the north and west. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordon of Chicago called at the home of the latter's brother, the Alvin Peterson family, Sunday. Robert Doherty, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty, and John Wagner of Volo returned home Wednesday of last weisk from a 5,000 mile trip through the West- On thpir twelve day trip they visited the Fair at San Francisco and many other points of interest in that direction. Gordon Engeln spent the weekend with relatives at Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff. Mrs. Ada Ryan, daughter, Ada May, of Chicago accompanied Miss Alice Ryan here Sunday where the latter remained to undertake her teaching duties at the McHenry High school. Miss Catherine Kane of Chicago has been a guest in the Fred Rogers home. Paul Justen has returned to Davenport, Iowa, to continue his studies at St. Ambrose college. Elmer Erber, who left Monday for DeKalb, /where he will 'attend the teachers' college for the coming year, was honored at a farewell party given at his home on the Crystal Lake road Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. tended the Central * States Dahlia show at Garfield Park in Chicago on Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. Lester Page left Saturday morning for a week s trip through the north. Mr. and Mrs. Willism VanNatta of Crystal Lake were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Monday. Curtis Newman and Chester Colby left recently for the University of Illinois. Walter Colby was recently employed at the Woodstock Typewriter factory. A. E. Nye was a Chicago caller on Tuesday. Miss Kathleen Justen, who is in nurse's training at Evanston, spenl the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs. William Justen. Mrs. William Belcher and Mrs. Hiley Thomas of Woodstock called on Mrs. Alma Thomas Sunday. Mrs. William Justen was a caller at Waukegan Friday. Miss Arleen Bacon is enjoying a Teachers of the public grade and high schools enjoyed a steak fry Tuesday evening on the lawn of Mrs. Joanne Rulien's residence at Spring Grove. , Fellow hall, Cyrstal Lake, Saturday evening. Two hundred guests were p r e s e n t a t t h e a f f a i r . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vogel and little daughter of Delavan were visitors 111 Staid of TlipHihw at Henry Coonty, Illinois, tfenajfe to Pttre&asiar Committee, advertiaea far sealed bids for approxinuAely five (B) car loads of 1%-ineh Stoker Goal, ofl treated, and approximately two (!) car loads of fcS-inch Egg coal, oil treated,fall Franklin County, F.O.B. tracks, ,Woodstock, Illinois. Bids to be in the office of the County Clfcrk st Woodstock, Illinois, not later than October 6th, 1919. at 10:00 o'clock A. M. ' Afco bids on ftamttng coal from tracks to bin at Court House and Woodstock Armory. The Board of Supervisors reserves the right to accept or refect any or all bids. (Signed) F. E. BECK, Chairman Purchasing Committee. Woodstock, Illinois. September lWJi, 1*39. 18 After breaking a window to rob the home of H. W. Albright in Londonville, N. Y., the chief picked up the broken bits of glass and placed them in a dish before leaving. - Mrs* Anton P. Freund and daughter, Evelyn, spent Thursday in Chicago. NpAsmvticM IN PRICES . . Wholesale prices are s then is m advance •me higher fart in prtee here. Men's flwwOir Coats Tots' Wool Sweaters Tots' FlanM Lace Gsrtafai Seoteh PMds, yd. _ Mattreas Cbrsn, fall stoe Part Linen Tewefing, 1# yds. Blankets, 25% wool Women's FWt Slippers ..4% Men's Week Shirts # Bath Taw*IE, lafge, each ... lf£ Savoy Grapefrwit Jake lie Rlnso Waahing Powder tm Savoy Coffee, drip grind .... 2fc Seedless Kaisbia, 3 pkgs. Mr Ihroasss, 8 sswed ..... W* Old DntehOaomaar, 2 for .u~. 19lr Savoy Egg Noodtee, Bu plcg. lfe Savoy Tomato Jaiee life John Stoffel MRS. JOSEPH HILLER fhoto try Worwlelr Sfiss Geraldine Engels of Spring Grove and Joseph Hiller of Johnsburg were married Wednesday morning, September 18, at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove. A full account of the wedding appeared in last week's issue. Your Last Chancel Buy tires now before prices advance. Ton can still get good standard tires here at the following prices: 4.50x21 Firestone Sentinel ^ 4.75x19 or 5.00x19 Firestone Standard, free tube _... ^ 5.25x17 or 5.50x17 Firestone Standard,' free tube ... 5.25x18 or 5.50x18 Firestone , free tube 3.00x16 Firestone Standard, free tube 2: 8.25x16 or 6.50x16 Firestone Standard free tube i • ^ 32x6--8-ply U. S. Royal, free tube : v 39-plate Batteries as low u':- 570 7-46 9.50 t 75 35 12.60 20-67 Walter J. Tire and Tube Vulcanising, Battery Charging and Repairing Phone 294 , -- :-- West McHenry To our many customers, stockholders, and friends, who by their continued loyalty and generous patronage, have made it again ; j)pssihle for us to pay an 8% DIVIDEND on our capital stock and a PATRONAGE REFUND as <*f August^ Wm. Since we inaugurated our Patronage Refund Plan, thirtyseven of our customers have earned stock in our Company. Many more will have earned stock at the close of our next fiscal year.„ j Our business is steadily increasing each year. . .We are continually making improvements which will enable us to give even better service in the future. ...Our new corn gheller has a capacity of shelling nine tons of ear corn per hour. Our grist mill is now capable of grinding 100 bags per hour. Our feed mixer is always busy, having mixed 1,500,000 lbs. of GOLD SEAL Poultry, Dairy and Hog feeds for the farmers in McHenry and Lake Counties during the past year. Surely this is a pretty good indication that dependable results are blended into every sack bearing the familiar GOLD SEAL trade mark. Our two new trucks enable us to give excellent service on large or small orders anywhere in McHenry or Lake County. Our prices are always fair. The quality of our merchandise has never been questioned. • Again we say we are grateful to our many customers for their continued patronage and pledge ourselves to do all within our power to continue to merit their kind co-operation. 11 -it appears Buiek if going to be the spark plug of the 1940 General Motors lines" • > -~.ig£k think the statement quoted above takes in altogether too much territory. Everyone knows all General ^Motors cars are good cars and good values--no one division needs to "tpark plug" that great line. Just the same, it's true that here at Buick we're straining our suspenders to produce something special for 19>40n We've spent, for example, eight millions more for tools, dies and new plant equipment to MMtke sure of that. , We plan to offer youtor next year not only our accustomed four Series of cars, but two completely new numbers also. you to learn about in connection with making, our famed Dynaflash engines even more to be desired. In every Buick there'll be more swell features of ride and stride than you've got time to count. | So, whettier we're "spark plug" or not next year--who cares? The main thing is, we*tf be" in there pitching" with the grandest automobiles you 'ever saw.! • ' / Co-operative Association JOHN A. BOLOE&, ltffr There'll be something pretty important for BITTER AUTO McHenry, m. " > - - % *1 •4xv ,t ^r ^,..r ri