Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Sep 1939, p. 5

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""V*1 - ». ' Tktm4»y.a?tmb«-*l>193e •' • * ' ' ' " • " • ' ' ' - i , tn« udDBoMi" PLAnanALck •V ">r v*-5vj jgc' '.vw-f; , ; v/4^. sv/> •* l ; Page Firs ^Lvs 'i- -SO I HEARS <£ "" ' i.i' U:i . v v- " T.'(f :•: V' " . / -.r- -a. „ , • V-,. •'ft?: JOHHSBtnta SWXXF8 I appreciate the hurfe crowds that at* Q|PPT|>p tv q «a n tended this series. The crowd last - i l z T T i t S i i . . ' S u n d a y w a s t h e l a r g e s t s e e n a t M c - WIN OVKR McHENRY j Henry games in several years. > WALSSH About two weeks ago, we mad* mention that Mrs. Jacob Adams has •fcpent her entire sixty-six years of residence on the same farm. We asked you, to tie that one. --I-- Now, through our grapevine system comes word that W. E. Whiting has - lived his seventy-one years on the name farm, south of McHenry. Beat that one! •".I ; Johnsburg's baseball team again took McHenry down the line and won the fall series. ; --I-- • Somebody said, "Wfctch Chat Watty Smith play that first sack." We sa:d, "Brother, we have watched him and have sung his praises in this column And other columns jat the sport page 'Tttr years." --I-- You, who read ihis stuff, will remember that we have not only sung high praise for Wally as a fielder, but have had great respect for his batting ability. ^ A few years «o, we sat in the dupr- ©ut with Walt Freund on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Up came Wally with his war club. Somebody pulled the gag -- "Don't lose it, Wally, those balls cost money." ' --I-- We wasted no time telling Walt and Wally that if a homer was uncorked, we" would buy a new ball. --IWhat a smack that boy gave the ©Id apple! As that ball wafted high into the air, its wings flapped and w» saw our buck and sqjpe cehts sailing " away. j While those scouts aw seoutittfc f6t All-tStars, they might just as well start with our favorite first baseman. • -- f i - We don't like to heap too much Credit on any one ball player. • In the! past few weeks, we have mentioned | various boys who showed real stuff, j •Not in our mind, but perhaps with; our scribbling have we forgotten some. I For instance, Don Freund has played a whale of a game at third for Johnsburg in the games we have seen. Don can really rifle that ball acrosf the infield. Since George Larkin tried to stea'l home in that Barrington game, we have given him a bit of a ribbing -- all in fun! But, we can't rib him on his hitting. He comes through. Our McHenry team has had the right spirit all year. They started the organization a bit late in the season. It isn't easy to build a ball team m She year unless you can hand - pick 'em. -IThe boys have made a flock of errors, but let's just chalk those up to experience and boost the boys on for next year. -IWhen this baseball bug gets you • it takes a terrible bite. We plan on seeing that night game next Wednesday when the White Sox meet Washington. AB ... s ... 4 ... 3 ... 5 ... 5 ... «•; ... 3 ... 3 ... 3 ... 1 .36 & 0 0 2 i -r • i i 0 8 The big series is over. Johnsburg's! Johmbwrg best came down last Sunday and A. Freund, ef wound up the series by beating Mc-1N. Smith, 2b .. Henry 8 to 7. It was their third B. Meyer, sg straight win. I W. Smith, lb If their was any consolation in de-! T. Pitzen, If .............. feat, McHenry outhit Johnsburg In D. Freund, 3b this game. But, as you know, the'S. Freund, rf payoff comes in the run column.• H. Freund, c Wally Smith, Johnsburg's classy first B. Miller, p ................ baseman uncorked three doubles. Bud Kreutxer, p ...w......... Miller, starting pitcher, had a perfect; TOTALS day at bat with a walk, double and two singles. j McHenry "Chuck" Conner started on the hill J. Wiser, ss for McHenry, and did a good enough P. Dowell job. Errors proved tough on his rec-!A. Anderson, 3b ord, Clarence Anderson finished. Be-' R. Freund, lb sides pitching, Clarence slammed oat Rudin, If a lofty homer. j H. Britz, If ............... Bud Miller and Bill l^reutser, a P. Louis, c louple of cool-headed felldws, shared R. Bennett, 2b ............ the twirling for Johnsburg. Both were B. Britz, rf .......... hit plenty, but had enough in the C. Anderson, cf - p ... pinches. jC. Conner, p Jimmy Wiser pulled a nifty catch G. Larkin, cf ........... in the eighth when he speared Alvin. ' Freund's drive With a thrilling back- TOTALS 36 7 hand catch. j Score by Innings Throughout the series, the winners Johnsburg 100 402 100r--8 9 displayed a smooth defense and made McHenry 000 204 010--7 12 fewer mistakes. The better team won. j Three-base hits--W. Smith (3), R Now, the McHenry boys can plan on Freund, Miller, Bennett. Hoase run-^- AB .4 .. 1 ... 5' .... 4 ... 1 .. 3 .. 3 ' .. 3 ... 4". ... 4 ,2 ... 2 12 evening the score when another season rolls around. The managements of both teams FARMERS, ATTENTION--We exchange cracked corn for shelled* com for 15c per 100 lbs. Farmers Mill, Phone 29. 7-tf C. Anderson. DOES YOUR UNDERWEAR FIT? -- Switch to Jockey. Patented Y front construction. Angled opening vWn't «ap. No buttons. No squirming. Come in now. McGEE'S. 18 FOR SALE--A number of cows, some milkers and some close springers. Tony J. Miller, McHenry, Route 1. «- *18 FARM FOR SALE--120 acres all under cultivation, pood buildings; 1XA mile south of Spring Grove depot, 1 mile south U. S. Rte. 12. Jos. J. Schmitt, Spring Grove, 111. *15-4 FOR SALE-j-Blue Grapes - 65 cents per bushel. Telephone McHenry 647- M-l. I8 FOR SALE--Model "T" Ford, cheap. In good running condition. Henry W. Ahrens, West McHenry. *18 LAKE FOR SALE--160 acres, Mc- Collum's Lake. This includes fine business or home building site of one acre on west side of lake. Can be made source of fine income. Address--Mrs. W. E. Bishop, Chehalis, Wash. 17-4 FUR COAT FOR StALE--Hudson seal size 14, almost new, $70. Moving south soon. Call McHenry 631-R-l. •18 PAJAMAS THAT BREATHE WITH YOU--No buttons, strings, bundling, pinching. Fruit of the Loom. A new shipment at McGEE'S. 18 You see, we plan to tell the boas that this night baseball is something that should be looked over. We have an old gag that our small town readers should get first hand ir/pressions |in such events. We build up the boss 0n such things as our loyalty to the good old Plaindefcter, tell him how we don't really care to go to these places -- it's all for our dear boss, our dear paper and you, dear readers, lure! We use you*readers in those little pep talks. • -I1 But, the boss (Ole Man Mose) turns the tables now and then. A few days ago he sent us a bill! -- And he stamped it, "We Need Cash.' That HOUSE-HOLD FURNITURE FOR SALE--Having sold my summer home on Pist*kee Bay, offer for sale complete line of household furnishing, electric refrigerator, gas stove, heat systems and many other articles. Also full line of tools. For further information, see Kent ft Co., Phone 8. 18 WANTED--TO buy or rent in or near McHenry, house with 4 to 6 rooms; must be reasonable. C. Clark, gen. delivery, McHenry. *18 j WANTED --Young lady for bookkeeper in McHenry office. Write "D," care of The Plaindealer, and give full particulars. 18 WANTED--Couple, 30 to 40 years; S. F. Baker & Co., Keokuk, •184 was easy. We jus't marked it, "Who!woman for general housework, no the hell doesn't?" and sent it back. laundry, must be good cook; man, ah I I around outside work. Call Mrs. Jo-1 The hole in one may be the greatest j seph Iwaniec, 621-W-l, Johnsburg. 18 j feat of the fairways to most people, i WANTED--Man who is desirous ofi .hut we rate a recent incident as tops, j gettjng jnt0 business for himself. No Harry Frye and Frank Schremer play- j jnvestment or signers required. Car fid 18 holes last Friday without swear-| n e e d e ( J - - - - - - . . . . ing--not face! (They Played with two, Iowa. priests.). • . . . • TheMLan* stiH i*eople who find war. One idea put forth U tfVC jJIew thousand have to bite • t^ir dus4 af rj*r Tiow ^and. then or the jpopdfaTibnV wo«id be enormous. They jpay hpve «cnaeilnng there if thijy .Would pift the, guy ' 1 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per head-for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays includ-" - |ed. No help needed to lead. Your who start the | pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 ^ "^. Vars right up tn the front row. *AD'° X RAY lA5: football teanvin Woodstock, Both cart j ORATORY - Expert repairs on all. it plenty rWitfr a f#otba!l tucked i makes All work ^ranteed. Your, - undec tiie arm. *• v ! local Member R. S. A. CLIFFS RA i -1-- Fnuik • Hitchens is the sports publicity cftief at Wonder Lake, but some- •times he gets Jost--or som^thin'. However, Frank "will be. sending us •iHews from time to time. Last weelt, Arnold C. Johnson won {first place in the outboard races and v look home the;trophy. Edward Hanpen was second and Andrew Kunz third. In the Second race, the Schaef- ':.«r boat from Chain-O-Lakes Club was st. rw+3 Eitcr. and Ed Hafts DIO SERVICE, Phone Drive. McHenry. 13, Riverside 17-12 HAVE YOUR GRAPES AND APPLES PRESSED--At Kattner's Cider Mill, 1 mile east of • Spring Grove. Open Tdesday and Friday 'til 9 p. m. Phone Richmond 912. *16-4 In the 2 and 3 spots. GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, The Shamrocks will play. McHenryror oftener if desired. Reasonable next Sunday on the local diamond, j rates. Regular year round route. JjThe Married Men's Club will hold formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. their annual swingfest at the Pistaqua Heights Country Club. And that's the day we pick up that hour of sleep ' jk>st last spring. Snore away! Smith. Phone 366 or 631-M-l. 4-tf DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -r Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows aiivi horses, if called at once! ! Also Mrs. Agnes Marshall and family,ipick up hogs'and pyffe. Day and night Earl Marshall, daughter, Patricia Lee,; service, Sundays and holidays. No •> '*nd Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kosinski were! help needed in loading with our sajiicallers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. tary loading devices. Post mortema Phil Meyers Monday at Highland,.will be given if requested. Phone ^Wheeling 10S, reverse charges. While drinking water froih a beer can, Joan Viehl, 7, of Los Angeles got her tongue stuck in the opening, and the metal had to be cut away. Otto Ritterbush of Astoria, Ore. trying to smooth down a jagged back tooth with a file, opened his mouth so wide that he dislocated his jaw. WARNING -- Anyone molesting the house on what is known as the Weilerj property in the McHenry Country Club subdivision will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. 17-2 Subscribe for The Plaindealer SLOCUMTJ LAKE Miag Helen Lawless and Peter Jacobs of Chicago were Sunday afternoon guests at^he home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Russell and Harold Hanson of Chicago spent Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. ancl Mrs. Elmer Esping and Robert and Lyle Matthews were callers at Barrington Sunday evening. Mrs. VanDeusen returned to the home of her son here after spending the past month with relatives at Milwaukee, Wis., and with friends in Chir cago. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wagj/er at Wauconda. Jack Downs of McHenry was a Sunday dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks . Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfannenstill oi Gray slake were Saturday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. i Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett called, at the homea of Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Natta, Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt and Daisy Davis at Crystal Lake last Tuesday. I Mr. and Mrs. F- Swanson and daughter, Alice, of Highland Park spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and Miss Jane Callahan of Chicago attended the "Old Time Dance" at Diamond Lake Saturday evening. This dance was sponsored by the Rurat Youth of Lake County. Paul Love and Lestjer Jtiggs of Chicago and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping flew in their airplans Eyaa Examined Nyt West MeHsary Dr. Paul JL Schwabe t OPTOMETRIST Phone: McHenry 123-J THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock C74 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY HALF-TON out to the farm home of WiHard Darrell Monday morning. Owing to «n unfavorable landing field they were unable to )md but flew low enough many timea to greet the folks by a wave of the hand. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner spent Sunday evening at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Obenauf, at Libertyville. Mrs. Marlett Henry and Mrs. Joseph Manyslo of Chicago spent Monday at Milwaukee, Wis. Willard Darrell attended an executive meeting of the Lake-Cook Farm Supply Co. at DesPlaines Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Petei Anderson at Cary. ^fcesney Brooks sffcpnt Monday in Chicago and wei^t through the new "40V train at the Northwestern station. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were among the forty relatives who weit present at the home of Mrs.. Jane Keeler at Ban*ington Sunday in hondr of her birthday anniversary. All enjoyed a delicious dinner and supper with visiting which completed a well spent day. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Elmer Esping. Mrs. Marlett Henry and Mrs. Certrude Johns and Miss Belle Taggart of Wauconda attended Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons Night at Waukegan chapter Thursday evening. Mrs. Esping filled the station of Ruth and Mr. Darrell that of secretary. Mr. and Mrsi Harry Matthews, Mrs. Elmer Esping, Willard Darrell and Mrs. Marlett Hen^y attended Worthy Matron and Worthy Patrons Night at Lounsbury chapter, Barrington, on Monday evening. Mrs. Esping served as Worthy Matron ~ * i* * -- I*, f.-» 'ti - 4 SHOULD BE LIKE THIS.., .. '• •• • ?*•' - •::pi j * .'.y */, j ; i "-Al i I GMCs HAVE.. • THi MOST POWER • GREATEST OAS ECONOMY • PASStNGM CAM COMFORT • LOW PRICES No other truck has mil these advanced CMC features. No . other truck can pyul like a GMC! No othar toes as much on gat! A /'demonstration will prooe it 1 TiiM paymmntt throvgh our m YMA\Mam at fowil ovoiloWt rmtmi: R.I. OVERTONM0' Front Street >R SALES West McHenry GMC TRUCKS TRAILERS •DIESELS • * ' LOOK! $25 FOR YOUR OLD STOVE Toward Purchase of This Beautiful New 'S - < u jfi- vi , : V , Vv"' Regardless of age or make of your old stove, you get this Sensational Trade-in Allowance during our Special Fall Sale. REGULAR PRICE SPECIAL TRADE-IN OFFER 25.00 $ 79=? ALSO--BIG SAVING ON MAGIC CHEF"CP"RANGE This new era "Certified Performance" range gives you the 22 finest features of all ranges--with cooking performance ten years ahead! n fl nn $114.00 Regular Price $lI£B0v SALE PRICE With Yttr OU ' s Take Advantage of This Sensational Trade-In Offer to Bring Beauty... New Cooking Convenience to Your Kitchen -" sm "a §25 for your old stove! That's our amazing offer to induce you to Change to modern gas cooking. And think of what this means--a modernized, more attractive kitchen . . . tastier, more healthful meals for your family and more leisure hours for you. Best of all, this new Magic Chef Range cuts cooking costs to l|hc hone. It saves on food. It saves on fuel. It saves you money for years to come because It's quality constructed inside and out. Here's the gas range you've been waiting for. So act now while this special trade-in offer is on. ^ •MY •TIE* MARIS AND H0WEU REMCED FOfi THIS CKIT FALL SttI $5 DOWN B A L A N C E I N C O N V E N I E N T A M O U N T S W I T H YOUR S E R V I C E B I L L Don't Delay^Come in Today! GAS ELECTRIC COMPANY YOD GH ALL THESE ADVANCED FEATURES • AIT0MTK--top burners li^ht vitk the turn of a handle. '• < •' ,i-' V"' * Ml SPEED OVER--heats to SOO* J* only 12 minutes. *MENCQNTMLS --jut dial for aay desired temperature. ' • THCK MSIAATIIII --keep* hear te the oveo ... saves on fuel * BMWEDTYPE BftOHEK--makes brtpO> ing as easy as surface cooking. . ^PORCELAIN ENAMEL FWISN-wirne as snow .. . easy to clean. ^LIFETIME BURNER GUARANTEE •TNIR DEALERS ALSO OFFER SENSATIONAL BARGAINS III M0DERN 6AS RAN6ES

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