m-v. COMING EVENT8 "' ' October & ...... ^; ' SC. D. (rf A.--St. Mary.jpt Wlrick Hall. - , October 1# ' Past Oracle -Meeting--Mr»4 Ohu. ®nsign. . '- yt. C. 0. F.--McHenry, Aurora ccmrt* r; at Johnsburg. ; , ^ October 12 " • ' Columbus Day Dance--The of C. ' v. October IS Mothers' Gtllb--Legion Hill. October t7 -y C. 0. F.--Hard Time Party. F G R S A Pure Bred «, S p r i n g " B o a r s Pine Tree Dairy Farm McHenry,III Society Motes « QUALITY BLANKETS I/O Wool Blankets, pair .$3.25 72x84 5% Wool Blankets,. pair 72x84 Cotton Blankets, pair 72x84 25% Wool Single Blanket $1.89 36-in. Outing Flannel, "yd. 16o Mountain Mist, special 45c Flannelette Gowns, extra size . . 75c Women's Pajamas • 79c Boys' Corduroy Overalls 85c Boys' Caps i 25c -> Boys' Dress Shirts ... 49c - 58c « Cane and Maple Syrup, 22-08. 19c Spencer's Self-Rising Buckwheat. 5 and 10 pound sacks? MOTHERS' CLUB The Mothers' Club has made plans toVjneet at the Legion hall next Friday, ^ctober 13, at which time Mrs. Richarvi'd Fleming will be hostess. Dr. Kirby of the Abbott Laboratories will be the guest speaker. TC - m m • EAST RIVER PINOCHLE CLUB The home of Mrs. George Braeseke at Oakhurst was the scene of a meeting of the East River Road Pinochle club last Thursday afternoon. The prizes were won by Mrs. George Glos, Mrs. Geo. Justen, and Mrs. Braeseke. Mrs. Clarence Redwanz will be the hostess at the next meeting of the BANQUET The auxiliary of the Crystal Lake ! Drum and Bugle / Corps entertained I the members of the**Sorps and their I wives at a banquet Sunday evening at i the V. F. W. hall, Crystal Lake. The ' delicious dinner was followed by an . evening of dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Conway and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber of McHenry were attendants at the affair. The corps will march Thursday evening from the V. F."W. hall to the Odd Feliowte carnival which is being held in Crystal Lake. * • • ' MARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Residents of McHenry may be interested to learn of the marriage of Mrs, Bernice Kumhal Shertnan of J Harvard, a former resident of this city, to R. C. Bennett of ChicagoT The ceremony took place at Dubuque, Iowa, September 20, with Rev. Arnold Buel officiating.' ' Attendants of the couple were Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawver of Capron. • The bride's dress was grape colored with matching accessories, while her attendant's costume was of black and gold. Following the dinner, the newlyweda left on a trip tb the Wisconsin Dells. Wheaties Coco Wheats, pkg. Cream of Wheat, lg. size Savoy Macaroni, 1-lb. pkg. Savoy Quick Oats, 48-oz. pkg. . Bisquick, Iff. nkcr. „ «- O J, ' ^ -W-aw-r. Seedless Grape Jam; „• 28-oz. jar ; . Savoy Coffee, ft. 10c W.C.O.F. At the meeting of St. Clara's Court, W. C. O. F., last Thursday evening, thirty-seven members were present to learn of the lovely invitation. St. Clara's^ Court at Johnsburg has invited the McHenry Court to attend their meeting of October 10 at which two courts from Aurora will- also be entertained. The business meeting was followed by a social hour. Those wishing t6 attend the meeting October 10 who have no cars are kindly asked to call Mrs. George Freund, phone 111-W, and arrangements will be made. All those who will attend the meeting are expected to meet at St. Mary - St. Patrick school that evening in order to leave at 7:30 p.m. EJPWORTH LEAGUE The Epworth League of the McHenry Community Methodist church met at the home of Warren Jones on Sun- IjC1 day evening, October 1, to hold their j annual election of officers., They yere 22c assisted by Mrs. Qhas. Goodell and 10c Miss Ethel Jones. I The newly elected officer.® are as 'follows: President--Shirley J. Colby; 17C First Vice-President--Martin Baum; 30c Second Vice-President--Esther Colby; (Third Vice-President--Warren Jones; Fourth Vice-President --Lon- Smith; Secretary--Laura Sherman; Treasurer-- Gordon Scholle. Wayne Smith led the discussion perj iod, after which Warren Jones entertained the Leaguers with motion pic i tures. Refreshments were served at j the close of the delightful evening. 25c 29c fel E L E B R A T I O N Thursday Evening Sponsored by P. T. A. More than sixty members and friends were present at the Parent- Teacher association meeting on Wednesday afternoon it St. Mary - St. Patrick School hall. Mrs. Ray Mc- Gee presided at the business session during which plans were made for a public card party to be held on Wednesday evening, October 18. The\ money will be used for the purchase of science books for the sixth and seventh grades. November 29, Wedv. , „ « „ T , , nesday, is the day set aside for the Kinsafc, Mrs. George H. Johnson and tour of the j^^ea company. Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer. In ftve hun- , . . .. dred awards were given to Mrs. John' Fol.lowin» business meeting, r. w--i w--"« w- Monsignor F. C. Conley of Freeport ochle Ensign and bunco, Mrs. Frank Thorl- mjtte(, by j Adeticious l»nek urvcd by .J" J** "™«- committee by Mrs. E. G. Peterson, Wednwday afterchairman, assisted by Mrs. Chauncey. ' ° m r Harrison, Mrs. Alice Harrison, Mrs. Gerald Newman. Mrs. RoIIo.Chamber-, „iM Mar^erlU] Joh„son OTtertam. ed Miss Hawel Howard at a miscel- PUBLIC CARD PARTY The Fox River Valley Camp, R. N. A., sponsored a most successful card party at their hall Tuesday evening. Winners in bridge were Miss Eleanor Smith and Mrs. Earl Brown. Pin- .„ • , ^ , , . . . . .. nrize winner was Mrs. Howard fav f e, anJ1\U8tr T*te^ ,e^ure on his v1Sit to the Holy Land. The social com- MI8CELLANE0US SHOWfiR Kn and Mrs. Gilbert Howard. HOUSE WARMING ^ Mrs. William Miller opened her beautiful new home northeast of Ringwood on Wednesday afternoon when a committee of the Altar and Rosary society entertained at' a party. laneous shower Saturday evening. The latter's marriage to Jack Fletcher of Barringtop will take place October 11. Those present at the delightful affair were Mrs. Ray Howard, daughter, Hazel, Mrs. George Johnson There were nine tables of ftve *hun- daughter, Marguerite, the hostess, and dred and two tables of buncb Winners at the former game wdre Mrs. V. L. Austin, Mrs. George Miller, Mrs. Nick Miller, Mrs. Claude Spiegelhoff, Mrs. Phil Druce, Mrs, Joe Miller, Mrs. Charles Kruse, Howard Slavin and JJrs. George P. Freund. The bunco favors went to Rosemary Stilling and Mrs. Nick Freund. A delicious plate lunch closed the after the Misses Arleen Bacon, Miriam Sayler, Mary Althoff, Rita Martin, all of McHenry, and Mi3s Nellie Bylsma of Woodstock. Prize winners at cards were Arleen, Rita and Mary. A' lovely lunch was served. ^ -S- ' FARMERS! Be sure to see the new FORD Tractor at Buss-Page Motor Sales, West noon. The hostess was presented many McHenry, on Friday, October 6. 20 beautiful gifts. - j fi;. McHENRY COUNCIL, K. of C., Mark off the evening of this holiday, October 12, on your calendar for. a good time. Meet your friends afe The Bridge for the celebration and dance to the peppy music of the , * * * ' / Dixieland Band f - ' composed of colored musicians who know how tsu . / "do their stuff." And, W the way, why not bring along a fr^nd or two. The charge for tickets is nominal Please c<Misider this an invitation to a wonderful McCOLLUM LAKE SOCIAL CLUB A meeting of the executive committee of District No. 1, McCollum Lake Social club, was helcj October 1, at the home of A. J. Stuhlfeier. They formulated the following program consisting of four branches. The first is the executive department, with A. J. Stuhlfeier as president and Rose Hagedorn as secretary. The Executive Committee includes Frank Surz, A1 Elerton, Earl Wagonseller, E. J. Plunkett, A. O. Anderson, C. Feiereisel, Frank Kurth, J. F. Marweg, E. R. Spencer, Wm. Schlitt and A. J. Stuhlfeier. Rose Hagedorn, A. O. Anderson and E. O. McKim are on the Auditing Committee. E. A. Wagonseller is th° Property Custodian while Mils. McKim is named Public Agent. In the Improvement department, the Road Commissioners were named as follows: E. A. Wagonseller, F. Surz, F. Kurth, C. Feiereisel, J. F. Marweg and G. Gorapson. Terry Mathers has charge of the public beach improvement, and A. G. Elarton of the 'private beach. Fishing game improvement will be handled by Bill Schaffer. The Sports Department will include Hank Martinic, Jr., who will take car3 of the Golf situation; Terry Matheit* of the Horse Shoes; Jim Freeburn of bowling on the greens, and Clarence Feiereisel of Soft Ball and Fishing. Mrs. Schlitt, Mrs. Feiereisel and Mrs. McKim are co-chaimen for the Social Department. They will make arrangements for all social events inluding Home Coming Week, Decoration Day Picnic, Fire Work? and Children's Events to take place July 4. Also, there wlil be a three-day celebration about Labor Day, which will include finals in all sports, awarding cups to. the winners and a Hot Dog roast. The Social Club is ending up the 1939 Social Season with a Hay Rack party to be held October 21 at 7 p. m. A nominal charge is being made. The evening will conclude with a lunch at Bill Schaffer's. For -ticket*, please see Mrs. Schlitt or Mrs. Feiereisel. For your subscriptions to The Plaindealer, please see Mrs. McKim. • • • I FORESTERS INSTALL OFFICERS On Tuesday evening, October 3, St. Mary's Court No. 594, C. O. F., held its annual installation of offciers at / St. Mary - St. Patrick school hall. | Father Paul, the spiritual director, ih- 1 stalled the following officers. Chief Ranger--Jotyi R. Sehmitt. Vice Chief Ranger -- Stephen N. Sehmitt. • Past Chief Ranger--Jacob Freund. Financial Secretary -- ^George P. | Freund. ^ . Recording Secretary--Alfred Weingart- Treasurer--Alvin Phannenstul. Speaker--William Althoff. Senib^ Conductor -- Charles Wein- |gart. Junior Conductor--Richard Williams Inside Sentinel--Gerald Miller. Outside Sentinel--Joseph. II. Stillmg. • Trustee--Joseph May. - ' Speeches Were given by Tr. A. J. Neidert of Johnsburg, Msgr. C. S. Nix, Fr. Paul, Math Sehmitt, j Chief Ragner of St. John's Court No, 196 at Johnsburg, Jacob Freund and j George P. Freund. The Chief Ranger, Brother John R. Sehmitt, acknowledge jed the co-operation of officers an<f" members during the past year andt asked for , continued co-operation of same during the coming year. .• Brother William Althoff gave an interesting talk on Good-of-the-Order, reviewing the court's activities during the past year and outlining a plan for the new vear. He also read "The Mcv Henry Ranger," a mysterious pape£ which is published by a mysterious editor and presented to the court each meeting. Plans were discussed for a ioint initiation with Court No. 96 ai Johnsburg within the next month The met'tinf* was well attended. A committee was appointed to draw u& a resolution of condolence on the death of Brother Adolf Fischer which oc*n curred last week. ^Brother Fischer ha«f been a Foi-ester for fifty yea^s, cha • Mrs. feimon S toff el broke her shoulder in two places Wednesday morning in a fall from a stool at her home.f Thursday, October 5,1939 mmm Where? lit McHenry on the Evening olf C E L E B R A T I O N AND First Big Social Event of the E L A N D B A N D When these colored boys start playing, your feet begin to shuffle. . . . the remarkable new musical instrument . . . Hammond Oriran Go's "NQVAC0RD" ... First time in Northern Illinois. When Columbus started out, he didn't know where he wag going, but he America. He took a chance. On Oct. 12 you take no chance. You will land at The Bridge and you can rest assured a mighty pleasant evening is in store for you. This event is sponsored by McHenry Council, Knights of Columbus. These KnigMir know how to entertain -- They'll be waiting! r r This advertisment contributed by Bolger's Drug Storp mtitk •^.U. .".Aj '> & •>* . J" In every 1940 Buitk you get the skilled engineering and sturdy quality traditional to Buick--enriched ft At extra value which General Mttors uwiet and Bukk workmanship eon frwidt .evening of fun! Advertisement contributed by McGee's Clothing Store ro, you couldn't do what we wanted to cheap., -it':. You get a car that positively glitters in its brilliance of action, modern as television in the wondrous way it does things. You get under that car a marvelously engineered chassis almost, indestructible in its steel-thewed strength--articulated fine as the bones in your hand and keeled like a battleship with its torquetube backbone. Of iafe ter member and organizer St Mary's court in McHenry. After the business meeting, lunch and refreshments were served by the committee. The next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 17, will be a Hard Times party. All atteadantf will dress for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Glossen and children of Spring Grove called at the John Scheid home Sunday. You couldn't micro-balance engines, heavy-up frames and running gear, strengthen bodies, enrich upholstery and fittings, improve performance, better the value per inch, per pound and per dollar--and do it with last year's methods. i Sjd we faced it, re-tooled and reti£ wed our vast modern plant all over again--put eight million new dollars on the line; the Buick line for 1940. What did we get for it? Rather ask, what do you ^et? Listen, You get 72 new features, and more. You get pride, joy, satisfacoU get a big beautiful brawny tion and thrill--lor here you get «ar styled to knock your eye out. Buick at its unbeatable best "J* • "MKROPOISID" DYNAHASH VAtVEM- WAD STRAIGHT-EIGHT ENWNE*Oll- (AVWO PISTON KINGS IN ANOiITt nSTONI * "CATWAIK-COOUNG" HUS UlTRA-aAPIO CIRCULATION UNDU MSSURI * BUICOIL SPRtNOINO FOR TMS "WHl HOAT" RIOf * FUll- UN8TH TORQUE-TUU DRIVC * nPTOC HYDRAULIC SRAKH * AUTOMATIC CNOKI * SILP-BANKIMO KNKIAC1ION. RSCOH WHCKl MOUNTIN0 it roRi-N-Arr FLASH-way drection SMNAL it tnONOtt NfW "DOUBU WALL" TURRIT TOP SOOY BY NSHIR - WITH SAPSTY PLAT! OLASS ALL AROUND * CASY ACTION HANOI. SMPT TRANSMISSION IT SAPCTYINMV StAtCO SIAM MTAMMHTS You get for your command that surging, soaring, millrace power of the matchless Dynaflash en* igine, now electrically balanced after assembly to micropoised perfection! R. I. OVERTON MOTOR SALES • front Street, West McHenry, HL 216 Main. St., (fcyslal Lake, 111, ^Transportation based on rail raUsf state unJ tucas uixo {if any) y optianat" tquipmunt anJ acceswries -- txtr Price) subject to change tvMtut notice. tXtMPlA? Of G i N t > A I•V. • C ' b .