Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Nov 1939, p. 3

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RINGWOOD *.T Thanday, November 2,1939 • '*;fe':7; umm'h, - * f*?, - " • \ * ; . 4^ The Men's club was entertained in the home of Jay Cristy. Thursday evening. Five hundred was played md a social time was enjoyed. Miss Carrie Adams entertained the r i&unco club at her home Thursday af- IV. $1 REDUCE... 2 to 4 Pounds Weekly ! 1 Came in for your privilege «tf 2 Trial Treatments, One regular $2.00 Treatwent, for One regular S&.00 Treatment, for $2 * f Cater to Men and Women Clientele. NoU<--We pay half for your Physical Examination, (not over $2) with a Course of 7 Treatments. Seven Treatments?* $11, $16.50 up. Singly $2, $3, $4, $5 and $6 Nen^ Ammonium Permanent^ $2.50 up. Oil Permanents, 2 persons. $5 •p. Singly, $3.00 up, complete. STOMP AN ATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Mnme 641 Woodstock, 111. temoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Nick Young and Miss Louise Williams. Mrs. Ray Adams and Mrs. Newberg of Genoa City were out of town gueste. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White and Bennie Dudek of Detroit spent from Tuesday until Thursday in the Wm. McCannon home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young were visitors at Waukegan Wednesday. Among those from here to attend the ftazaar and chicken dinner At Greenwood Thursday were Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters, Mrs. Joseph McCannon and Gladys Shepard. The Home Bureau held a card party »t the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Harrison Friday evening. Five hundred, hearts and Chinese checkers were : played. There were six tables of five hundred, four tables of hearts and two taWkw of Chinese checkers. Prizes in j five hundred were awarded to C. J. Jepson and Mrs. Robert Howe; in ! hearts to Frank Thompson and Howlard Harrison; in Chinese checkers to jFerrell Martin and Raymond Harrii son. Mrs. W. B* Harrison, Mrs. Borgej son and Mrs. Robert Howe were on ; the serving committee. Sewing Circle at her home Friday. A pot-luck dinner was served. Miss Gladys Shepard, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ainger and sons, Alan and Elbert, Mrs. Lillle Coudrey and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Greenwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barckley in Chicago. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.'J. Jepson. Mrs. Houston of Osceola, Iowa, arrived here Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Libbie Ladd. She will spend the winter in Florida again With Mrs. Ladd. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doherty were visitors at Woodstock Saturday evening. David Walkington, McHenry, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. George Shepard and daughter, Ladd where bridge was played. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. K. C. Hughes and Mrs. Houston were out-of-town guests Mr. and Mrs. Byron Hitchetts of Chicago spent Tuesday with the former's parents, Mr. and ifrs. P. A. Hitchens. i A parade was the feature of the evening in charge of Mrs. D. L. Hall. Prizes were awarded to Elly Hall and Charles Smith from the upper room Gladys, ^TrS^^^ternoo^^th «nd Norma Larson and Muriel Butler her mother at McHenfy. £°m the lower room for *e best Mr. and Mrs. Will Kelly of Aurora rome8- were callerg at the home of Mrs. Libbie Ladd Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Roy Neal and Mrs. Ladd were visitors at Solon Mills Friday morning. at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Mary Obenauf, at Libertyville. Mrs. Ralph Wagner attended a bridal shower on Miss Dorothy Wagner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner near Round Lake last Thursday evening. Mrs. CeHa Dowell and daughter, Jennie, were. Sunday afternoon guests Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hall and daugh- *t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry ter, Elly, and Roy Hobart spent Sat-j Raeburg at Crystal Lake. urday and Sunday at Manitowoc,! Willard' Darrell, in company with Wis. | Mr E. Harris of Grayslake, A. D. Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs. R. Smith of Libertyville and C. Iverson Remer Were visitors at Crystal Lake of Palatine attended a Manager's Monday afternoon. meeting at" Decatur last Friday. Tuesday evening the P.-T. A. held a{ Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round Halloween party at the school house. Lake, spent the weeknd at the heme Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and fam- Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy were call- jiy spent Sunday afternoon with relaers at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mrs. Clinton Martin entertained the I Change of Management of the actives at Marengo. of Mr; and Mrs. 6. J. Burnett. LILT LAMM A Halloween party was given by Hubbells and Bradys at their homd at Lily Lake Saturday evening, Oc^ Miss Alice Peet of Barrington spent tober 28. The home was beautifully the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Frank of Rogers Park and Miss Gay Klein-Exel of Chicago spent Sunday in the R. C. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Herbert and daughter, Shirley, of Elgin were callers in the S. H. Beatty home Sunday afternoon. decorated in orange end black with pumpkin faces and cats and goblins. At cloven o'clock a supper was served to about t^enty-ftve guests! Games were played and singing and dancing were enjoyed by all. An Irish jig was put on by Mary Hubbell and Helen Robinson. Guests present were this Misses Mayme and Ann Crane, Irving Crane, Mr. and Mrs. C. Kelly, Mr. and Corrected Justice Tafl Helen Terwilliger, a 13-year-old girl, wrote Justice Taft that he had misquoted the oath of office when he administered it to President Hoover. He used the words "preserve, maintain and defend" instead at "preserve, protect and defend." Camel's flump Camels have no water in their humps. The hump is a reservoir for fat which the camel uses as a food supply on long marches. The stomach of the camel, however, can store a large quantity of water for short periods in one of its several chambers. ""•v Watchdog Stolen B*. 3. J. Sullivan of Scrantdn, Pa., felt that his car was safe when he parked it, locked the doors, left his watchdog, a Boston terrier, on guard inside. The car was safe. Beyond prying open a door, thieves didn't bother it. But they stole the watchdog. A Happy Home "What are the tests of a happy home?" students in a marriage course at Scranton-Keystone college were asked in an examination. One boy wrote: "A happy home is one wheflto every member of the family wants to wash the dishes." J'- u^fe§;-i.3* MICHIGAN GIRL STOPPED , Eva Atzenhober, 15 years old, of " Vi Jackson, Michigan, was held in custody Saturday by Sheriff Lester Edinger. She ran away from her home the first of the week and was picked up in Richmond last Thursday night. The youngster said she was on her way to Casper, Wyo., to visit hea aunt. The parents came to return the girl to her home. QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising frem STOMACH ULCERS . due TO EXCESS ACID Free BookTells of HemeTreatneatthat Must Help or it WM CestYov Nothing Overono million bottles of the WILLARD TREATMENT have bom sokl for relielof •ymptoma of distress arising from ttamai li and PIWDTIM Ulcar* DUO TN Ekccm Ac**-- Mprttaa, iw or UpMt Stomacfc, HMrttam, ate., dua to Excacs Add. PoW! on 7 ~ trial! AAK for "WSHRTL'I Mmsagc" which rully wcpUina tkia treatment--FRAA--AT WAri LfcS DRUG STORE, M'HENRY Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson | Mrs_ M Kelly Mr cai^n. Mr and were Sunday dinner guests of friends Mrs OToole, Cele Cahl, Lucille Kelly, at Huntley. Shirley Hawley and Eleanor Pries spent Saturday at Waukegan. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, in comnanv with Mrs. Linnea Peterson, Mrs. Misses Grace and Mary Hubbell. He en Robinson. Viola Brady and many others all of Chicago, and Mr* and Mrs. Fred Dosch of Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bloomstrand o# -> AT THE CORNER OF ROUTES 31 AMD 20. ^ ----Formerly operated by Mrs. Oelia Knox----- Effective November 1st FRANK 0. MEYER EDWARD 3 SWAHSON AND DONALD MEYER IN CHARGE " ' " . . . ' *• •' » • . ^ ^ » We cordial^/(nvlte you to come in and let us convince you that this is. the place to come for first class service. ft WE ARE PROUD ' - It the food we serve and the way in which it is ,, served. The next time you are looking1 for a plase to eat, please ditt? mmA try one of our • dinners/ "> V-v & TURKEY DINNER EVERY SUNDAY, 75^ BVSIJSESS LUNCH EVERY DAY, 35* ABB OT -- Fountain Servioe Deluxe---- • e Cigars and Cigarettes--- KARLS CAFE Riverside Drive --: McHenry, 111. Ehorn, Mrs. Leslie Allen and Mrs. j C}rica|*0 visited at the home of he£ Rov Todd of Richmond, attended the: mother, Mrs. Lottie Bransford, ovor Legrion Auxiliary convention at West- - - - mont, 111., Saturday. Mrs. Louis Hswl-^v spent a few dajtt the past week in Chicasro. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Herbert of Burlington were visitors in the S. H. Beatty home Friday afternoon. Charles Krohn and daughters, Ethel and Lois, spent Sunday in the R. C. Harrison home. the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wishhofver. Mr. and Mrs. A. Seyfferth, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth and Mr. and Mrs. Battrajt and daughter, all of Chicatro, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth. Mr. and Mrs. L. Venable and dauffh* ter, Marilyn, and Harry Strnad visi ed the home of Mr. and Mrs. Strnad Mrs. Robert Howe and Mrs. Paul j Sunday. Walkington of the Ringwood unit of j ^ Halloween masquerade and hard the Home Bureau attended local lead-|jjme pa^y Was given at the home of ers school of leaving agents given by Mr and Mrs Aifred Seyfferth Satutv Miss Cook at the home of Mrs. T. J. Sweeney at Woodstock Friday afterday evening, October 28. The hall wai decorated with autumn leaves, corn noon. All members of the Ringwood' shocks an(j pumpkins. Prizes unit of the Home Bureau, please remember the joint meeting with the Solon-Richmond unit this Friday, November 3. Will Volk of Antioch spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Clinton Martin, Mrs. Robert Howe and Mrs. Elva Borgeson of the were given to the funniest dressed. They were won by Ray Bloomstrand, Mrs. Wilbert Swanson and Mr. Sarle, Jr. Games were played and singing anfl dancing were enjoyed by everyone. At midnight a lunch was served to about one hundred guesta. Mrs. Kelly and son and friends of m»fti important wtetv Ford ears AS LVXM JFwmm V'M . 'r5: INCE the Ford first offered V-8 performance , ft low price 8 years ago, the •ecord shows that each new Ford has meant still more line-car advantages at low price. But low price has never bought so many new fme-cmr features in a single new oar* •sit buys now in them 1940 HFord V-8 cars! Drive them! Improve* meats in gear-shifting, clutch action, chassis, give you more' than ever a fine-car feel. Ride in them! Improvements in roominess and quiet ... in cushions and springing and overall luxury will give * you more than ever before a fine-car ride, in luxurious fine-car richness! Whatever your plans for 1940...don't miss these great new Ford cars. They're at jour dealer's now. See and drive them today 1 22 important 194$ . improvements--and the only V'8 engine in any low-priced car! FORDW Jorl940 Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau Chicago spent Saturday at the home attended the Sewing Machine Clinic Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Sansone. given Thursday in the showroom In Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and Townsend's garage at Woodstock. daughter, Lois, and friend, Pat Babin,* Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr.,. Qf Chicago spent a few days at their and daughter, Mary Ann, and sons, cottage. Bobby anc^Billy, and Janet Johnson j a party was held at the home of were visitors at Rockford Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Vachet on Saturday here they called on Mrs. Frafik Johnson. • Mrs. Jennie Bacon is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter in Elgin. Mrs. Arthur Bell of Soloh Mills spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Alice Mae Low and Alice Feet spent Thursday afternoon in the Phelps Saunders home at Fontana. _ Mr. and Mrs. Dimon of Ostend sp<fnt( Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and family. 1 Mrs. Charles Brennhn and Mjn. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., were visitors Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs J. R .Smith of McHenry spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. George Young, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sunday with the latter's parents at Hunter PHONE 1 FOR A DEMONSTRATION evening, October 21. Games, singing and dancing were eitjoyed by the guests who numbered about fifty. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. McDermott, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. L. Bransford, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bloomstand. Mr. and Mrs. Seyfferth, Orra Belle B^ttray, Mr. and Mrs. Einspar* Mr. and Mrs. Sansone, Mr. and Mr|, Strnad, Lester Venable, Mr. and Mr*. Sarle and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Lir)» son, Mrs. Lavin, Evelyn Lavin, Mr. awOfrflrHint*, Mr. and Mrs. Boehm, "M. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. T. Klabough. Mr. and Mri, A.- SchalPer and friends and sever*)] others of McHenry and Johnsburg. Mrs. Wilbert Swanson spent a week in Chicago at the home of her sistel^ Lillian Schonauer. Mr. and Mrs. Gold spent the weelt* "id at the home of Mr. and Mr<* Sarle. Mrs. Morrison of Chicago spent th* Buss - Page Motor Sales Authorised FORD Sales and Servioe Main Street, McHenry, HI ttieafo Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer and family | weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. were Sunday guests of the latter's c. MeDermott. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Katiner, at I Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch attended Spring Grove. |the piano recital of twelve-year-old The Ladies' Aid Society will hold | Joan Bishop in Chicago at the Audi- GIFT SUGGESTIONS w Wins On Whit* Napkins, 75 far Tea. c«cktail or diaaar iIm, iBiiTMaaliaai wMi ana w MUM ta ni fTMl! Wame On Coasters. 50 fer.. US Hear?, abMrbcnt (utt| In (Rtiii whit* «r Imprinted in fftw*n brawn! % their annual basaar and chicken supper at the home of Agnes Jencks November 16. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Richmond spent Sunday eveninc in the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and family and Mrs. George Harrison were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison. „ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connel and son of Chicago were Sanday visitors in the S. W. Smith home. Floyd Howe was a caller in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins o?^ilmette were callers in the home of the former'? parents', Rev. and Mrs. Collins Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison and family of Round Lake spent Sunday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Miss Soper returned home Monday torium recital hall Thursday evening^ October 26. They also visited at th# home of Mr. and Mr. John Cusick. C. Schonauer of Chicago visited at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of Chi' cago visited at the home of her par* ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrublewskifc over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough spent the weekend at Milwaukee. Wia. , Wayne, the baby son of Mr. and J.Mrs. Alex Wirfs, arrived home fronl the Woodstock hospital Monday. SLOCUM'S LAKE Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, _ Ethel, were business callers at Waufrcm a month's visit with her brother kegan Saturday afternoon. »-On Paper Guest Towels, 50 fer .. J D-- i jr white quality, with ywr er mn ia red, bin ar fiMl. ... far Inn »r c*ttag«! Name On Stationery. Ut 200 linfk ib*rtn or 100 f«U- •4 ifcccti tiri 100 enrcloMst Standard pa par ia wkHa. blM> •tax «r <tm7 with priatad aaaw aa4 SPECIAL! Name-On PersonallatA MATCHBOOKS 100 for 1.00 la (di bla*. ni rih«r, vkile er artKi ctnn. Peraoaalixad wtth jmi ar laitlals 'ar •ahwiitr *aaL Mchenry plaindealer in California. Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon, who have been staying in the Buckland home during "her absence, left for Florida Tuesday to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and son were Sanday dinner guests of her Barents, Mr. and Mrs. Shultz, at Richmond and simper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Hulf near Woodstock. M»\ and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family spent Sunday with the letter's mother at McHenry. Clsvton Harrison. J . V. Buckland and C. L. Harrison attended a Knieht Templar turkev supper at Woodstock Th'irsdsy evening. Frank Wiedrich spent Satnrdav at Elkhorn. ' V Mr. fend Mrs. Lester Carr and family snent Sunday with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred WiedrieV The Home Circle will meet with Mrs. B. T. Butler Wednesday, November 8. Mrs. Libbie Ladd entertained the Easy Aces and a few friends Tuesday. A one o'clock chicken dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mrs. Ed Cropley at Solon Mills. After dinner, tfce till it* Mrs. Miss Helen Lawless and Peter^Jat cobs of Chicago spent Sunday after-* noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock of Wiauconda and Willard Darrell spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. J®?- Swanson and daughter, Alice, of Highland Park were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of -Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Willard Darrell called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and Mrs. Margaret Grabbe near Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Misses Jennie and Ethel Dowell were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Callahan and daughter, Jane, of Chicago were callers Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom and sons of North Chicago were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner were Sunday dianor aad aftetmoaa gpasts %eVe been sold BETTER HEALTH Orange jolce and tomato juice on the breakfast table! Spinach and salads in our daily diet! New, better, more healthful food for every meal, every day! These benefits have been sold to us through advertising. A few years ago we had oranges ]' only for Christmas. Then growers started advertising the healthful^ qualities of orange juice. Prices came down to where all can afford this golden fruit as part of the daily diet. , Fc ear* a distinguished physician and nutrition expert tried in vain to get people to drink tomato juice. Then advertising took up the erase. In 1937, Americans used 5,750,000 cases of tomato juice. The Roman Emperor Augustus and, later, Napoleon knew the value of salads in the diet Yet salads did not become a diet habit until adver* tiling began an educational propram less than a generation ago. These are but a few of the exftoK jies of how advertising has popularized health-giving foods... bow it has led the march to the American Way of Living, ' V1 UPHOLD AMERICAN STANDARDS ...BUY ADVERTISED BRANDS ' *' • V*** \ * ' This it one of a series of advertisements prepared by the Advertising Clmb St. Louis, showing consumer benefits gained through advertising.

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