. ' • - ^ • ^ f W ' j ;f+ *.*&*£»•!«£$ "•<?•/' •" ' . ' * r "•- . *_ " * .. Z% - *->+ '••»•«* '- ' - • . * "* 1«,198* ^ '"* ^ ---V -- ^ -~*r3 RINGWOOD home at Crystal Lake Saturday even Mr. and Mh. Max Beth and son, 5 i Billy, Chicago, spent Saturday In the _ Wm. Beth home. The Home Circle was entertained in I. N. Butler of Elgin spent Friday 4he home of Mrs. B. T. Butler Wed- in the B. T. Butler home. aeaday. A one o clock luncheon was Mrs. A. L. Laurence and sons, Joe ^ *.y * • * ' £0n - \>\ > - fed hy Mrs. Lester Carr, Mrs. Berg aiMj w illt and Mrs. Joe Wegener of «ad Mrs..Butler. In the afternoon a McHenry were visitors in Elgin Frinne program was enjoyed. (j^y. wMrSo ^ith and .*?M *** Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughters, *ra- S" ,m S™11*1 were v 181 tors at and Carrol, were Woodstock vis- Woodstock Thursday evening. jitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson, Johns-, Mr. and Mrs George Shepard ani lmrg, spent Sunday evening in the famjiy spent Friday evdhing in the Geo. Young home. t home of the latter's mother at Mc- *>• onH Mrs. B. T. Butler and fam- jj---- Uy and Mr. and Mrs. F A Hitchens "M*/'a„d Mrs. Eari Hendrickson of jwre dinner guests m the I. N. But- Richtnond were callers in the S. H. lerhome in Elgin Saturday evening, ^atiy home Sunday everting. Mr. and Mrs Clayton Harrison were Mrs Jennie Bacon ^turned home Elgin visitors Friday. from Elgin where she spent a couple Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and of week8 with h«r daoghCsr, Mrs. family spent Friday afternoon in El- Ix)uJf! Abendroth. J?in. *#-• »*.- ,, fv.-t f Kltrirt Trsr>'tit -- SI -- Uie WW*fIKI Wltll ltd iifcV* ed a surprise party on Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Roy Todd at Richmond Friday eveini Mr and Mrs Nick Young were vising, it being their wedding anniver- itors at Ljbertyville Friday. »ry- • I Mrs. Geo r ire Harrison spent from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe were Tues<jay until Thursday with her callers at Mundelein Sunday. ^ daughter, Mrs. Henry Hinze, at Crys- Mr. and Mrs, George Shepard and ^ daughter, Gladys, and Alan Ainger Miss Betty Brennan returned home were dinner guests in the Earl Colby after Ending the summer at Fontana. Howard Shepard, Loren McCannon, LeRoy Neal and Frank Martin attenced a party in the C. H. Duker home at McHenry Saturday evening. ' at Hebron ind Lake Geneva Saturday lend were Mr. aad MM. Clement* of afternoon. | Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker and. Visitors#at the home of Mr. and daughter, June, and son, Irvin, Waukegan, were Sunday dinner guests in the Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant and Alice Howard of Kenosha were supper guests. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren, and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. fiolutd McCannon at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters of Chicago spent Friday Mrs. Thomas Klabough over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Richarq Driscoll, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paul and daughters, Joan and Patricia, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Severns of Chicago. A surprise birthday party was held on Mr. Laurence Sansone Saturday evening at Vachet's. A lovely lunch was served to about twenty guests. Singing and dancing were enjoyed by everyone. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Sansone, M*. Schmidt, Mr. Lang, Mr. and Mrs. Frietap, Mr. and evening with the latter's parents, Mr.' Mrs. Ray Bloomstrand, all of Chi- -A-liJu *iQ»--i ° W • te^--uiaittvu i |I /»o rrr- •j Mi-> - a--nH- M--r--s • Thnm*«- WlnVvn--nf rK Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard of Ken- Mr. and Mrs. C. McDermott, Mrs. Lotosha were callers in the Ray Merchant tie Bransford, Mr. and Mrs. Einspar, home Saturday afternoon. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Seyfferth and Orra Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Belle Seyfferth, all of Lily Lake R E D U C S The Safe, Natural Bring This Ad and For trial treatment; Regular )2.M -"•$1 Nen-ammonia Permanenta, $1N up Oil Permanents, 2 persona for $5 up Singly for $3.00 up complete SCISSOR RAZOR WAVE CUT with Shampoo and Hairdresa $1.50 S T O M P A N A T O ' 8 Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 10. Harvard and A. W. Smith spent Sun day in the S. W. Smith home'. Wm Wm Wurtrineer and dauiKstock, spent Saturday in i&e'S: W. and Lonnie Smith homes. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters visited relatives at Forest Park Saturday evening. They were accompanied home by the foipner's mother, Mrs. F. H. Peters, who will remain here for a visit. Mrs. Phelps Sanders of, Fontana spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Mrs. Minnie Coates returned home Sunday from a week's visit with her sister in Dundee Mrs. Lottie Bransford held a farewell party^at her home Wednesday afternoon. A lovely luncheon was < lit Mrs. ,T. munity Bible church Sunday evening, November 19, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and daughter, Myrna and William Snell of Chicago were Wednesday guests at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey were Sunday guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Margaret Grabbe, near Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and family spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner near Wauconda in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner's forty-eighth wedding anniversary. v McCULLOM LAKE Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. Vachet and Mrs. Dosch. Mrs. John Claflin of Mauston, Wis., mother of Mr. Klabough, is spending a few days st Lily Lake. WONDER LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Fontana, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Jr., and Pat Flanagan, the radio announcer, and his wife spent a few days here Mr. "and lire. Phelps Saunders of | *n their lovely home on the lake shore. 9°aies were callers dau^hter, Betty, and Janet Johnson in the Fred Wiedrich home Sunday' ^ afternoon. visited Mrs. Frank Johnson at a sanitorium at Rockford Sunday. Mrs. Alec Anderson and daughter Dora, spent Thursday afternoon in Woodstock. A. r.t.h ur Shulti;of- 0So1lo n *M»-inll s Mr. andj, ^M rs.Tred Wiedrich. Jr., and dau^h- Betty> Janet Johnson and Mr,. M'. and Mrs. Ray Peters and Mrs. F. H. Peters visited relatives at Hunter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Shultz of Richmond. It was built last spring by the Won- Mr. and Mrs. Cylik spent Sunday in Chicago attending a banquet at the Royal Blue Headquarters. Visitors at their home on Saturday were Mr. mond, Ind. v ^ Mr. and Mrs. B«ittjr attended a reception at the Stevens hotel in Chicago Saturday evening, November 11, in honor of Armistice Day. The Sales family visited in the home of Mrs. Sales' sister, Mrs. William Lcrtie, at Chicago Sunday. Gueats at the Sidney Smith home bn Sunday were Mr. and M[rs. R. Nimtz and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Madsen, all of Chicago. Dorothy Becker of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of her parents here. Everat and George Boyle and theif JOHNSBURG Mrs. Arnold Huff of G«r.o. City, MrJ^, s,'u„ders spent Thursday at and Mr«. .Toe Miller of Johnsburg and Waukeean McHENRY FLORAL 00. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer of Wood- Pho^&e 608-B-l -- uQuiiio hi mMiil,si sjojinu tInI or nonoiy on Route 31. Flowers for all occasions? ^ "V ^ *** s.«urd.y •„ Wm. McCannon home. Misses Pearl Smith and Rita Mae Mr. and M»*s. Rov Wiedrich. Mrs. .1. F. McL»uehlin and daughter. Julia, spent Wednesday in Chic?<? o. The pupils and teacher of the Maple Square school held r bn«ket social on Thursdav even'ne. B. T. Butler was' awarded a turkey. Mrs. R*lnh and son, Denpts. «nd M»^. Max Beth were callers at Crystal Lake Saturday mornine. , „ „ . . n" i Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs ily of McHenry spent Thursday even-,c L Harrison iiv m Fred Wiedrich home. Mrs. Woodford and daughter, Iva. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon were callers dicate. Mr. DuPree, who is one of the musicians of the Mark Fisher band," Is making his permanent home here. Mr. Schwager of Chicago and Wonder Lake passed away Thursday, November 9. James B. Keating is in the hospital where he underwent surgery. Mr. Ellert, a well known decorator Merchant spent the weekend with Mrs. of LaGrange, spent the weekend here der Lake Syndicate, under the super vision of Mr. Martin, building manag- „ ,, - ^. . er, and the contractor, Mr. McKim, of!^ a 1 * Jh,capo; ^re weekend McCollum Lake, employed by the syn- ^ at the home of Mrs" E- Boy,e Mrs. Woodford and daughter, Iva, Benoy at West McHenry. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Jr., and daughter, Betty, Mrs. Phelps Saunders, Janet Johnson and Charles Hess spent Friday afternoon at Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Marlowe and "»Jfce north woods hunting deer, son of Huntley and Mrs. F. H. Watat his home. MV. and Mrs. Young are now making \Wonder Lake their - permanent home. Gust Winkle is spending a few days Among the folks that spent the weekend at their homes here were Stuhlfeier, Elarton, Turney, Mather, Kostie, Dunkel and Piotrowski. The Feiereisel family attended a dinner party in Chicago Sunday evening. The Schlitt family entertained the following guests Sunday at their home here. Art and Hertha Streit and the Mather family of Chicago. A very enjoyable evening was spent at Bill Schaefer's tavern Saturday evening. Music was furnished by Mr. and Mrs. Finnell, formerly with WLS, and square dances were enjoyed by many. Many received prize ducks, geese and chickens. Among those Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo visited with her father, John Pitzen, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gerlach and son, Billy, visited with relatives in Milwaukee Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and Mrs. Edward Hetermann visited with Edward Hettermann at St. Therese hospital at Waukegan Sunday afternoon. Mr. and MTS. Jack Bode attended a funeral in Chicago Wednesday. Gerald Hettermann, Elmer Meyers and Wm. Thiel were Woodstock callers Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann and daughters of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago son, Elmer, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer At Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ortel of Chi* * „ cago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mri^" - r George Michels. r Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski and tmrkt ily of Woodstock spent Sunday wilft Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. JT Jim Hettermann and LeRoy Meye^ were Waukegan callers Sunday aftel^ noon. Miss Maytote Kerlrmanh and Anthony Kerkmann of New Munstefi; Wis., visited their aunt, Mrs. WtULAlthoff, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Freund <11« Chicago visited with relatives a#:" friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller of Ricl> mond were callers here Sun lay. When John Murphy of Charlotte, ?f. C., heard a police siren behind him, llii- ^ stepped on his brakes with so much of forces that the cops rammed into hi* Woodstock spent the weekend with car- Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. FreVind. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krift of Burlington, Wis., visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefcr at Waukegan. j Mr. and Mrs. Edward Meyer and | Mrs. Laura Baurchet of Chicago-were callers here Tuesday afternoon. } Henny jHettermtann . called do: *<W|! son, Ray, at Mundelein Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner of Volo visited their mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J, Meyers and QUICK RELIEF Symptoms of Distress Arising frsn STOMACH ULCERS wieto EXCESS ACID? : Flrae'BMkTeHseffHeineTrettfisentthai " MBSt Help t K WW CestMou j Owottft mlllioB bottle* of the Viu '*»• * * TMATMSNT hare beea oold for relie i ti •yumtoiM ot Oiatram lulling from Stoat* aad I Wwn duo to titwi AcM g Nw DljiiBni, Urnr or MaM «toi---it.li . » -.'-'1 Am to B«mm AcM. Sold on 15 days' trial! i* for Mmti" which fully tUa tratoal--traa--M WATTLES DRUG STORK, M'HENICT The following homes are now being nt werp.Mr,. Guinto ,n^d three lorysia' wKe wurnajf mormnif. | tles and son, Glenn of McHenrv were built under the supervision of Mr. Mc-Lj Mr.and Mrs Caren Mrs ^nna Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olson and fam-1 u.. Kim: Lamphere, Chappell, Murray, Howa;d iTura Web^ and sistor Namt-6n GIFT SUGGESTIONS Name-On Coasters. 59 for Hmtt, abaorbent qnaltty la (mi, whtta «r yellaw, laprjaM la fmn brawn! LILY LAKE Steier, Berglund Fritz home. and the Bell and VOLO Mr. and Mrs. Harry ii. Miller of ana Cicero spent Sunday at Lily Lake. The Volo unit of the Lake County Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson at- Home Bureau met at the office Wed Fmily, Mrs. Henry Heuser and son, Henrv. who played the piano, Mr. and Mr«. Ingels. Mr. and Mrs. Langrem, all of McHenry. Mrs. Lee Larson celebrated hotbirthday Saturday evening bv entertaining a number of friends from Chicaeo at Schaffer's tavern. Kate Schaffer furniFnod a very beautiful and delicious cake for the occasion. Visitors at the McKim home F r > - Nama-On Whit* Napklnsy 75 far 1*90 Tm, cacktall or dinner alaa, wtth •< (raa or MM. la ni bhn, crecn! Name-On Paper Guest Tewefe, 50 far • . XM Heary whit* quality, with JUT monoma ar nana iaipriatad in ni blaa or inm ... fHT haM ar cattac*! Hams On Statlewsry .LM 200 alasla ahaata or 100 faMt al ahaata and 100 aa«ala*aat Btan4ar4 pa par ia whita. Mat, mr ar irary with printad n>ia I tended the wedding of her sister, Miss| nesday afternoon. The major lesson, , Lillian Schonauer, ,in Chicago, Wed- was "What the Textile Labels Mean,"|d»v eveniner were Mr and Mrs. Ralph nesday, November 1. ! given by our home advisor, Mrs. V61k.j White of Wonder Lake and A1 EWr- Among the sick at Lily Lake: Mrs. The minor lesson, "Book Review," was ton. George J. Wegener is recovering from given by Mrs. Carl Fink. Refresh-! The Hsrrv Beckers enioyed the coma recent operation at the Woodstock ments were served at the close of the pany of eisrht of their friends Sundav. hospital; George J. Wegener is re- meeUng. I They tried their luck »t hunting, rov'onng from an infected hand; Miss Dorothy Wagner, daughter ofi William A. Cahill, 86 vears old, an Kathleeni Klaboughi!s i^overing from Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Volo uncle of Mrs. Leo Sales, and Miss & scalded foot; Mrs. Wilbert Swan- was united in marriage to Mr. C. Irene Kelly and George McNamee of »°n re°u ^ennK m ^ Mrs. j Phannenstill Saturday, November 11,1 Chicago will be guests at the Sal<»s Fred Dosch is recovering from a heart «t St. Peter's church. jhome Sunday, November 19. * v--i «.v * •»* j' "rs- J°seP^ Boucher and Mrs. A. Horn, Jr., and Mrs. Horn, t. V,S't0™ i * '*®me °* Mr. and Son, Lawrence, of Waukegan spent Sr., returned from a week at Escan- ^rs. F. Dosch Over the weekend were Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. aba, Mich., recently. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly, Genevieve Ellwood Dowell. Daw Jack Wallace of Grayslake; Mr. I Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and and Mrs. Gus Hofer. Mr. and Mrs. C.|family> Arvilla Ann an«T Lilah Mae O. Swanson, Mrs. Clara Winter, John Fjsher visited Mrs. M. Dunker in Tysler, Lois Swanson, Miss L. San- Crystal Lake Sunday. fone. all of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs.| 'Many relatives and friends from the Harry L. JMiller of Cicero, and Mr.; locality attended the funeral services and Mrs. W. Swanson of Lily Lake. for Mrs. Anna Case at Wauconda Fri- Mrs. Alex Wirfs visited her mother, dy Burial took place in the family Mrs. George J. Wegener, in the Wood- ]0t at Volo. McHENRY PLAINDEALER t Over the appetizing platter served to you here, is smiling1, courteous and efficient service. We are always ready to welcome yon, and yaur guests! • * • . '• --Phone McHenry 26 TURKEY DINNER EVERY SUNDAY, 75^ BUSINESS LUNCH EVERY DAY, 35^ AND UP -- fountain Service Deluxe --, Cigars and Cigarettes ---- KARLS CAFE Riverside Drive McHenry, I1L Stock hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn of Chi- Mrs. Herman Dunker, Mrs. Walter Vasey, Mrs. Frank Wilson and daugh * New in Roominess * Richness * Quietness With still easier handling * A soft, quiet ride-- mn KEEP I0ME OL is the 1940 Ford! IN A 9*40 FORD rot. gM more room, greater quiet, a finmr throafhoot rule, ea»ier handling, and a mack Sdf-M-alinjr hy4ra«lfe shock more luxurious car than ever oe- . ,i_ fore. There are no lent than 22 important 1940 improvemmnCa, including the following t sorbera * Deluxe •eating comfort New finger-tip gearshift on tear faig colama (All moddt, Mft Ira cost) _ iaproT< --^opcratioa ' «•»«? New front wiadow voptilatlon eostrol ^ N«w instrument panel|s s aw 2-spoke steering wheel • Improved springing and cfcassIs sfehiliatng on alloSltp. models • New Sealed-Beam heniHaaspay beam indicator «• dash V*8 eaglae tm mmy lew-prleed Pt PHONE 1 FOR A DEMONSTRATION Authorised FORD Sales and Servic^ cago spent the weekend at the home ter, Beatrice, attended a personal ipf her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George shower for Mrs. Charles Rushing at Weeener. » 'the home of Mrs. Lloyd Benwell neat i Visitors at the home of ii*. and McHenry Thursday. [&rs. Laurence Sansone over the week- Mr and Mn. ^ Bacon of Round Lake called on Miss Vinttie Bacon on Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, called at Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher on Rockland Road near Libertyville Wednesday. «. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann and son of Grayslake visited Mr .and Mrs. Herman Dunker Saturday. Dean Baseley, Jr., spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley, at Wauconda. Mrs. Alexander Boucher of Libertyville spent th" weekend here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart of La<- Crosse, Wis., and Mrs. Alda Smith of Wauconda were Friday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvip Case. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson a£j Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley Friday evetiing. Community Ni^ht. was held at the Volo Public school Friday evening. Mrs. G"or$re ^lieid.* Jr>- 0f Wauconda called at the* Dowell JBrotherr home Wednesday. * Marv Alda Case spent the weekend with her aunt, Mrs. Alda Smith, iii Wauconda. Mr. and Mr*. Bernard Hanke of Evanston snent Saturday here at thfe home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. C. Wells, Mrs. C. Wells, Mrs. A. Wells and daujrhetr, Goldie, of Huron, South Dakota, called at the Dowell Brothers home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. James Vaenta of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Frank St. George. * . Mrs. Alex Martini and Mrs. Jorfep!) Wagner called at the home of Mrs. MU Moran in Oak Park Thursday. Mrs. L. Littlefield, and Mrs. Frank St. George called at the home of Mr* and Mrs. Bernard Hanke ii EvanstoB Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kirch anil daughter of Chicago were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr& Joseph Wagner. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Saturday visitor at th^ home of Mr. and Mnfe Wfeyne Bacon at Crystal Lake Special Thanksgiving church serj vices will be held at the Volo Com Will Advertising Do Me Any Good? Certainly, Let us answit have come rapidly lower. Hence, your question by pointing out some - advertising has opened the door to of the things advertising already hmr developments which have freed you Motor Sales Main Street, McHenry, III done for you and your family. Advertising has given you new and better food, trade-marked to guarantee quality. It has brought you the pleasure of movies... made your automobile comfortable and safe...and given you labor-saving devices in your home. Through advertising you, have learned where and what to buy to save money. As a result of nationwide sales, possible only through the power of advertising, great laboratories and factories have been developed... giving you higher quality merchandise while prices * from kitchen drudgery... saved you from fatigue of long hours of washing, cleaning, baking. , Advertising has a direct effect on your income in two ways. First, you buy more for your money because large-scale manufacturing, possible only when advertising delivers quantity sales, brings prices down. •Second, your income is larger because advertising makes jobs..a and when jobs are plentiful all incomes are higher. To eliminate advertising is to destroy American enterprise and the American Way of Living. UPHOLD AMERICAN STANDARDS ...BUV ADVERTISED BRANDS. This is one of a series of advertisements prepared by the Advertising CM ef St Lotus, sbtwimg temttmer benefits gaiftd tbntfgh qdvertiwify t