, * > • '*• • . £ ;jp» <;•;" •< • ; '• • £g©$& >r -- ** -4 -.£.**'•'• ~' C..Vv . 4 W*< > - '•li-'ijr *" """^ ~ ' " ~- t%w?v •.,5.t *&.«&*& r £ • •' H\>»'-'Tt. ••»*- ^ •-•"^fi'Bfr.1 --- - -v; ••'-•-• - 7* ~jr-. SMPWI ^ ©uv--^ *. •?• '"A.- * ' •» iL. V J>vtV'^rf-V • _ • " v'-, V+, - 'V* _• * \_" «-}- ? • • »-•>• Vy'I '^.i " •.•* ! s4f v - ^ .' > -\ jl^:'*' .* ; A- A-#*' t • . „.v*v*, c* c. -***.- vt *^,; fit's '. #; *'.. -- * v ' . ^T Tv * . ' ' * • •*->» j* ." ! 4" ^ ' , I * Jk »#> % f ?'{'*, >• \« ji t. . > " " ' _ ' "i«* 7 } , * «•»;$£ x£ *»*. m m ft* \- >:• m ® Volume 65 |<jk»r'..ViM,-;^ CASE AGAINST CHARLES DAIN IS CONTINUED KENT AND ALLEN PLEAD' GUILTY The murder trial of Charles Allen • ;',Dain, 14 year old St. Charles parolee, ,' vwho is charged with the slaying df -v-Lester Groth, Riley township farmer. * :'"w*j» continued again in the circuit court Monday. i; xDavid R. Joslyn, attorney appointed! by tile court to defend Dain, stated that he is waiting for a report from "Dr. Stanley Dulsky, psychologist of the department of public welfare otf the state. The latter examined Daitt , in the county jail a week ago. Joslyn is also waiting a report from Dr. Benjamin Boshes, psuehiartrist at the department of public welfare, who. examined Dain at the same time Dt. Dulsky did. When these reports are received, » date will be arranged for either a. trial by jury or a hearing before the icourt. whichever is decided upon at the time. A few weeks ago, Dain and two other young prisoners made an attempt to escape from the county jailK •by cutting a hole in the ceiling ovet --the cell block on the second flooj». ^ Hearing Today The cases against Raymond Alleife 17 years old of Crystal Lake, ana William Kent, 16 years old of Jariea- •ville, under indictment on a charge! of assault with intent to commit robbery were continued until this Wednesday morning at 9:30. Allen pleaded guilty, through his ^attorney J. J. McCauley, to the charge. V Attorney McCauley was appointed by, the court to defend Allen when C.: Russell Allen of Cary withdrew from the case. Attorney^V. S. Lumley advised his client, Kent, to enter a plea of guilty. saying that he thought he was doing! Ibest for the youth to advise him in | this manner under the circumstoae«% surrounding the case. Planned to Escape Roth Allen »nH Kent are said bj£ ^Sheriff Lester Edinger to have been in on the plan to escape from the jail ~ -*rith Dain. Kent, it is claimed helped Dain cut the hole in the ceiling while Allen not taking a,part in the hole cutting is said admitted acting in the part of a lookout from his cell on the second floor. Attorney McCauley asked time to prepare a ppition to file in. behalf of Allen asking that he be placed on probation. Judge Pierce said he would allow the Harvard lawyer such time but that it would do no good because he would deny same after learning that Allen was in on the plan to escape jail. Judge Pierce said jails were fcuilt to house criminals and not to ' be torn down by inmates of same. Judge Pierce said he would hear argument on the petition on Wednesday before he passed sentence on the youth. It is not expected that Attorney Lumley will present a petition McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1989 T I No, 27 Mat * mms w. MRS. HAROIJ) OWEN MESSES WAY INTO A TURKEY DINNER , ,v; ^:V;, >4«ti •tfftMV# This Thanksgiving Day, the members of the Harold Owen family will gather 'round to watch the carving of a huge turkey. Mrs. Owen was award-j ed a fifteen pound bird for selecting! th v,,' -v -. i.;-:, -c.i th.' \ " correct number of seeds in the eighty. JACK RUSSELL LOSES IN pound Plandealer pumpkin. j FIGHT FOR T.TFE KIDNAPPER IS SENTENCED TO ... .v• M-i^ -vi •n'WV?. 1 fr." '* -ci - M ;>•} The Plaindealer conducted a contest for two weeks, printing a blank in each of two issues for the readers to place thereon their idea of how many seeds would be found in a large pftmpkin. The guesses ranged from 50 to 12,000. Mrs. Owen's guess of 465 was just four away from the 461 seeds Death in The electric chair was the<~. grim seriertce returned Wednesday against Jack Russell, slayer of Wm. Scott Hamilton, a Kansas salesman. The fate of the outlaw Was placed in the hands of a jury of seven women and five men in the federal district found in the pumpkin. Peter J. Doh- a* Tuesday night. Sheriff erty and Ben Brefeld did the counting, ^dinger of Woodstock received wor.i ' j«*rly Wednesday that the prisoner « i, bad been given the extreme penalty. Since he was charged with kidnapping under" the Lindbergh law, it was not necessary for the government to prove Hamilton was murdered. It is l necessary only to show that a kidnap victim is taken across a state line and not returned unharmed. GIVEN FOUR MONTHS ^ Three P°®sib,e Verdicts TiAn,.^ 75 rw.«..i T.U-] The Jurors had to decide on one of Fred Lichwart, 73, of Crystal Lake,j three verdicts-guilty with a recomwas sentenced to serve four months; mendation for 0r inst the dea,h at Vandalia Monday by Judge Henryl ,t with K no recommenda. L. Cowhn on a charge of vagrancy. tjon to the court Qr not ^ilty They decided that he would pay for his AROUND THE COURTHOUSE -v CHANGES NAMB William L. Pierce Monday crime with his life. After the singing cowboy completed granted the right to Jj?ona Hertz a six-hour testimonv in a last des- Ettlinger of Cary to change her name perate eflFort to avoid paying foi4 his te Leona Jane Hertz. The matter was j deed in the electric chair, his lawyers presented to the court by petition. [rested his defense lr.te Tuesday after- -- ! poon. The outlaw gave a detailed ac- PROBATE ESTATE i count in a calm monotonous drawl of Four children,^ Mary Milkager of j,js movements, beginning with his es- Ktnosha, Kate Wood of Kit Carson,;cape on July 11 from a guard of the Florida, Ann Snyder of Ccupliville. Oklahoma state penitentiary at Mc- Wisconsin and Wm. Beardsely of Har- Alester, wjjere he was serving a senvard, s^are the $10,000 estate of Addie tence for robbery, to the shooting of Beardsley, #ho died recently in Har- Hamit%, in the latter's car in a devard, The estate was probated Mon- serted Tfesture lane nttir Ringwood d*y- ; three days later. * ill He remained ZSZSSfu UU«t Ethel Roth filed suit against -- 41 : Think back three hundred and eighteen years Ago ».,to 1621 .... when our Pilgrim forefathers completed their first harvest! They had no luxuries: their humble gratefulness was for adequate provisions, for crude homesteads, for refuge against winter's bitter cold and hurling snows. Their gratefulness was for the chance to be free; to fight for liberty; to pursue that happiness which is the birthright of every individual It was in Plymouth that this first Thanksgiving Day was observed, more meaningfully than any Thanksgiving Day since! Today, in well-heated comfort of modern homes, we observe Thanksgiving anew. The physical comforts we enjoy are immeasurably greater than those of our forbears: ind we must still be thankful for the freedom with which we have been endowed; for the liberty which distinguishes our nation among all nationr; for the happiness which we pursue, and which we may pass on as the heritage of our own descendants. These are troubled times, and in thc&r darkness wr find fill the more reason for a full measure of Thapks giving, in the happy company of our loved ones> on this dav. - _ .. T -i r i i- • x the actual shooting, shouting from the S. Roth, Lily Lake police magistrate, ?tand that ,t was an accident. He in the circuit court Monday asking paid th>t Hamilton tried to get his separate maintenance. In the bill it frQm hini and in the scuffie which in stated that they were "! foUowed the gun exploded {and Ham- Chicago on December 25, 1922 and jjton toppled from the car along the ; diyorced and remarried at Crown -r«ad^i^# Point on July 15, 1930. Mrs Roth his testimony he ^ he fled charges habitual drunkenness and that fche penitentiary because of an over- Ike defendant -cenauiUntly. *ent « %helmjnp desin, to see his wife, Mary, prolonged drunken sprees. iwhose love he feared he was losing. He denied he kidnapped Hamilton, ASSAULT CHARGE saying the 23 year old Arkansasf'City, -«£y-. for probation but he did ask time td present some evidence in behalf of Kent before sentence was passed. APPEAL TO MOTHERS* JOIN ORGLANIZATIOlf AGAINST FOREIGN. WAR OFFER NIGHT CLASS IN TYPEWRITING AT HIGH SCHOOL NOV. 27 IVAN STRATT0NS ENJOY DRIVE TO FORMER HOME A charge of assault with a deadly Kansas minir<J salesman willingly weapon has been filed againSt Carl he, d him tQ ^ to Chicago. And |and Robert Willwnll of Chicago m he concluded by asserting that the ; the justice court of Charles F. Hayes. ^ shootins was an accident. I The case has been continued until No- j Hig gtory was heard by the first i vember 25 and bond placed at $1,000 mJxed jury ,n the hiHory of Cook I each.. Both have made bond. It is counj.y qUalifcd to impose the death claimed that the two brothers were sente„ce> « | hunting pheasants near the William Hami|ion pjcked up Russell near | Krutz home in a subdivision near pittsbur|r Kansas, on July 12. think- Burton's bridge Sunday morning and inf? he wa8 a hitch hiker. The outthat some of the shot from shells ex- ,aw . him to drive him Maywood. ploded by the two Chicago hunters ^ told the • _ struck the Krutz home. It is claim-, ed when Krutz informed the two hunt- DOUBLE RING CEREMONY ers to get off his property they re- lrWTT„„ PU1PT VKr vPFTrNTI fused and struck him over the head UNITES EVF.T.YN rREUnU. with a gun. i JOSEPH PETITCLAIR. JR. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Strstton and |*st year many people of this com-_ children, Prances, Virginia and Richmunity became very typing minded ar^> returned Sunday night from a and took a course in typewriting at n'ne the high school. In response to sev- report SENTINEL EDITOR WINS | VICTOR FREUND WEDS i FIRST PRIZE IN NEA ! ELEANOR FREUND AT NEWSPAPER CONTEST, ST. PETER S.CHURCH » » i H »»»» Cbas. F. Renich, editor of the---A- pretty November wedding was Among the Sick At 9:30 Saturday morri'-g. Novem- | ber 18, Miss Evelyn Freund. daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Anton P Freund «f | this city, and Mr. Josenh T. P^tifclai", , , . _ i Jr.. son of Mr. »nd Mrs. Jo«enh Petit- William Schaefer underwent »n op- , . gr of Wauk^,n were united iif XX aim* liAaw * , marri#«re at a r'»*g cer>- Here in Umt«l State tod.y, we er»l rique.U, th.t night cl.«s will buried under .even or eight inch., of ""X"* ??""K "T"- " .l™"' a"'" M™ h» >»«" «' S" M,rr" ChUrCh have « of the fa»te.t growing or- be re,umed thi. year. Both a begin- .now l.st Monday night. ^ 5^ j!ZJ5'V2£JS't Cf^ " her home ne,r tt,i* City ,or„tl"> The bri<k t.. in ™.r-i« W izations of our time. It is called ning and an advanced course will be Since Mr. Stratton is • native of Nation" c test'4'0"*1 Eft0^al A"°' 'ng wh K ich. M.iss .E1®an?T. Fre"nd ^past few weeks. Her sister, Mrs. Bet- bJ f.theT Her "lovely Vwn was of ie National Legion of the Mothers'given. The beginner's class will be Randolph, N. Y.. and Mrs. Stratton paper publishing ^ITe'best writeun'on j 6 Victor Freund. ty Farrell of Crystal Lake has been ivory satin, with a sweetheart neckpt America. Its mid-west regional for those who know nothing of the of Elmira, N. Y., they have many the recent tr-D Alaska. The three _!!!. a8^istin^ in her c^' 1 line and fioving train. The tiara of ' headquarters " - -- -- --' -- " ** A ; day ^p t„ S yS1 JihVe "I"" •T"?. er^ion for appendicitis at Hein*ho«-1 ^ received word WedneL.y doming Cin/ Grove .t ^aO F^S.^^".""^^ K.„ m'"- typewriter or who use what is called friends in'the'state with whom they pHzeTwere^iwIrt^l^'the1^AlJScM £iven «w?y b> hf "brother. George Roy Peterson, who with his wife, ^ iaCe"Trimm'ed^ veil was the "hunt-and-peck system." The ad- enjoyed a short visit The three chil- Stea msh i p Co i^d the Northera Pa Fre""d^ Her fitted/own ^ molded the former Marybelle Pate, resides osed of oranr,e Morons. Her oieamsnip k,o. ana tne nonnern ra ,n fitfced pnncesB i,neS( ~-.th a lonf with the Loren Pate family on a farm OT,ly jg^jrv wa« a string of pearls. *»»"• H.er tr,ailin« "et V few miles 801,111 6 of McHenry re- g^ 'cnrr-„d a bouquet of white roaws vanced class will be for those who dren were born at Jamestown, N. Y. cific Railroad. located in Chicago, in. m- , The legion was started by three mothers in Hollywood, Cal., less than can handle the typewriter fairly well While driving te the east, they sto^ . # , ... , -*•-«. ,-v ; one cam^ m month ago, and stands for: and who wish to build up speed along P*1 at Erie, Pa., to call on Mr. Strat- Edrtor Ren»ch s stories of the trip tiny blush veil was fastened with a turned home from St. Therese's hos- lnnH ^weet was 1 Opposition to the use of Amer- with other projects. ton's father who is eiehty-fou- years were published both in the Sentinel tiara of gardenias. Roses, sweet peaslpital, Wsukegan, where he was taken ^ maid of hopor. Miss Angela, lean troops for any other purpose ex-| The course will be for ten weeks old. In the state of New York, they and Plaindealer, but the entry in the and gardenias composed her lovely J following an injury to his left hand. Freund sistpr Gf the b-ide. wore pea- Acepting defense against armed at-jwith two lessons, a week, each an visited his brother. John Stratton and contest was made by the Sentinel, bouquet. I When he caught his hand in. a corn ^ue Ve!v°to«>n. w?th and aclacks. jhour long. There will be a meeting family, and his niece, Mr. and Mrs. 7 trlP^Prove® to be doubly interest- Miss Lucille Freund, maid of honor, J shredder on the Pate farm, he broke cessorjes to match. Mi«s Mane Petitc. 2. Support for a program of ade-'at the high school, Monday evening, Ernest Carlson, at Falconer; they Chas. r-> as he also received M:o« Clpra Freund, bridesmaid, several bones in his fingers. Although cjajr 9jFter o' tHe w»« th-» quate national defense. November 27, at 7 o'clock for begin- a'so called on his sifter and her hus- f , ® masquerade ball wore identical dresses and hats of his hand is badly mangled, it bridesmaid, wearing dubo»»«*»t velva- 3. Opposition to groups seeking the ners and 8 o'clock for advanced work- band at Randolph. Other stops were on "ie "le en" °* l"e light blue velvet, with dubbonet ac-j thought that amputation will not be t pn made 0n the same nattem as the • * _ . . « « ... . . if ?tt . « . . . i.t. *«_ urafop rvot-i a? rna frin . mi » • « • * ' | • . . , , - * , , . overthrow of the American form of ers. Arrangements will be made at Mayville, where they Were the water part of the trip. cessories. The former carried pink'necessary, 'maid of honor. a*>d bougovernment. ithat time for the regular class nights. Bernice Beck, Sherman and The stories also contained numerous roses, arranged in the same manner Now, in every city and town Sentry, Everyone is invited is avail them- ®pni'R Point. N. Y. pictures, most of which were taken by as the bride's, while the latter's bou- Posts of the Legion are being formed,, selves of this opportunity to learn The Stratton family came to Mc- the Plaindealer camera, which un- quet, composed of asters and sweet yet, if this organization is to be ajto typewrite. 0 HenrV four years ago. He is em- doubtedly helped to dress up the ac- peaS( was in the form of a pillow. success (and'we know every woman, -- -- ployed with the McHenry Dairy and counts and made them more interest- Cynthia Frett, little niece of the wishes this with all her heart) we ELGIN GIRL TO TALK ^ since September, the family has been ing to the judges. ' bride, was the flower girl in a fuschia Births need your whole hearted support and co-operation badly. There are reports that the Sentry ( OVER WBB* SATURDAY "derating the McHenry Dairy Bar on . Elm street. Relatives and friends of Miss Ruth Posts of Waukegan and surrounding Frisby, daughter of Mrs. Thomas A. towns are doing very well and have, Frisby of 464 North street, Elgin, will fiearly all of the women organized, be pleased to hear that she has been I see no reason why we women of selected as one of f.ve students who McHenry and its vicinity can't do as' will broadcast on a coast to coast pro- Veil as the next town. I gram over the Columbia broadcasting Still the response to the drive for system from Chicago Saturday. Bull members here has not been so great Session, the name of the Weekly studas anticipated. We know you women, ent program, will feature an all Drake A|»f jdcHenry and vicinity can do better university cast. An informal topic, ihan that. Perhaps some of you have"Ho We Want Security?" will be disr tie en putting it off until some of your cussed by the students. friends have joined, and others for-i Mis Frisby is a senior in the Liberal gotten about it. 1 Arts college, president of Kappa Kap- So let's rally to the good cause.! pa Gamma social sorority, Ti Kappa The Lepion asks only that women who Delta forensic fraternity and social join believe In the patriotic principle > Tanhellenic council. Bull Session is of- , that no American men or boys should ;fered over WBBM Saturday at 4:30 Will T. Conn Wffi Seek Re-Nomination , . . . . , Mr. and Mrs. R i c h a r d McDonald of gown: she gracefully carried a small announce the birth of a six --t 1 i --- Leo Meyever have to fight on foreign battle ""fields. Join now! Become a defender of the lives of millions of American young tfnen! Remember, it costs you nothing 8x10 colored and six 3x5 photos in • to join, no fees or dues of any kind, j easel folders is made by the Worwick Just send your name and address Studio, McHenry. Good only for one *-to 'Mrs. Ned Bourelle, McHenry, or person on the photograph and only if PRE-CHRISTMA& SPECIAL A pre-Christmas special offer of one 'tall 666-W-2. Evergreen Blankets and Wreaths. I used before December 1. Bring this ad. Phone 275 for appointment. 27-fp Order yqur £ttlg>er Stamps at The P l a i a d e a l e i i ' t " OOMINO EVENT8 0 November 22 Benefit Dance of St. John's Chareh«*» Nell's Pavilion, Johnsburg -- Sponsored by Holy Name Society. / November 24 „ , , , Ringwood Unit of the Home Bureau Conn has served a.8 circ,u'l clerH of McHenry county since 19£o with a Mr. colonial bouquet of asters. 1 er attended as best man. A wedding breakfast was held at miets of t»* *^>se«. De'nhine Freund, brother of the bride, was the best mar. Dinner «mests was •••••»••»• ' held st The Bridie at roon and the afternoon celebration was also held there. Phil Rvan. a brother-in-law of the groom, entertained with numerous vocal selections The bride is a srraduate of Mcpound, thirteen ounce daughter, born at Lewis Memorial Maternity hospital AAtt AAnprnill PPrriimmaarryv A wedding brr>aKiast was neia at . *frh. Fridav morninir Novem- ine or,uc ,s a "l --V the and din f C gThe g; Wer Henry Community High _ ^ . 1 about forty guests was served at „ T„ class of 1933. ilso of St. Tnereses . ^ T- ^ hV..an- Niesen's cafe in McHenry. The couple Ml^8 ^cy ^rl ^,as bo^ to Mr and of Nurs^e in 1937. She has r-ed that he will be a Republican their friends during the af-;M£ ^k Mav o Joh^sbure at the been doing practical service ever s-- idate for re-nomination at the * j ... : a. Mrs. rrank May oi JonnsDurg at ine _ <rr<>i>iiifiui in 19S4 1 Circuit Clerk WH1 T. Conn has an rounrcandidate April primaries next spring. Mr. -- Party at Clinton Martin home. November 26 Public Card Party--St. Patrick's Hall , -- Sponsored bjr Altai- and Rosary ^ f?iven out f°r a coun Sodality. ^.^t primary. Mid Week ftrid^Oub^- Mrs. Rollo MARRIAGE LICENSES Chamberlin. George Wm. Hoey, Harvard, fm, to Grove splendid record for efficiency. Conn's announcement office at an(pM;;; ternoon and evening at the bride's home in Spring Grove. After a short honeymoon, the couple will be at home to their friends in Spring Grove. i' j*?8* to "The bride is the daughter of Mr. since. ... , . , , * a . The eroom graduated i" 1934 from Woodstock hospital last Wednesday, Wa„kejran Township Hieh school. November 15. ; y |He is employed with the Oakes Pro- _ . , j ducts at North Chicago. The coupl*3 Residence CnangfS - |wil, m9ke their home at 138 South o Lewis street, Waukegan- Attorney and Mrs. Walter G. French The out-of-town guests were: Mrs. moved Saturday to their recently pur- Joseph Petitclair. Sr . Mrs. Arthur chased home in Antioch. The attor- potitHai**. Mrs. Fred Petitclair and P.-T. A. -- Togr Jewel Tea Cor Plant Evelyn Grace Wise, Har\ard, 111., No- McHenry schools Nick Freund of Spring Grove and the j?room is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund of McHenry. She received her education in Spring ney has had a law office in both Mc- son. Fred. Jr, Mrs. Joseph Bomkamp whHe the eroom nttnndwd the j Henry and Antioch for some time *nd daughter. Esther. Mr. and Mrs- -- Barringtna. November 30 Ladies' Aid--Mrs Lillian On.' K December 7 C. D. of A---Second Tournament Card Party. December IS "The Magi's Gift"--Operetta--Community High School. See the New Farnsworth Radio on display at H. E. Buch A Son. Phone 48 for demonstration. M<,Flnly. 111. tr-tp vember 18, 1939. Elmer Krause, Huntley, 111., to Beulah Botts, Woodstock, 111.,'November 15, 1939. Evergreen Blankets and Wreaths. McHenry Floral Co., Telephone 608- •ac-v- • - - .• 87-fp A N T B I Men familiar with tools chanic. Also me- Hunter Boat Company. 27-fp for The Although he will probably deVote TWman Bomkamp. Mrs. Bernarl most of his time to work in Lake Valeoinski. Carl Lisbeth. Jr., Kenneth FRED KLEIN. SPRING j county now, he will continue to main- BradW. Miss Wanda Nellins. George GROVE RESIDENT, DIES I tain his office in this city. Neighbors Nadelhoffer. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mov. A multitude of friends mourn the and friends of the attorney and his Mr«. Frit* Johnson. Miss Gertrude nassine of Fred "Fritz" Klein, a res!-; wife were sorry to see them leave Malon»y. all of Waukegan; Mr. and H^nt of the vicinity of Spring Grove. ] since they were among the outstand- Mrs. James Reeves and son. Jimmy, He was taken to St. Therese's hos- ing and respected residents of this Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sheldon and sort, pital at Waukegan last Wednesday' city for'a number of years. [Ror.*id. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rvan and and passed sway Thursday, November : children. Bobby and Barbara. Mr. and 18. . I Joseph Lawler, dog trainer of Wal-.Mrs. Philip Petitclair. all of Chicago; Neighbors and friends of Mr. Klein i tham, Mass., says he finds that the and Alfred Dorciak of Ft. E»OK, were shocked to learn of his sudden | best way to train a vicious dog is to tucky. depth He lived at Spring Grovp.let it bite him and then bite the dog for ten ymmS Irifht bttk. •W! >c"