Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1939, p. 8

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imp ' & ..--3^r--^ '. :'"i l;V Societv Nfotes.- 1' 0. E. S. The 0. E. S. installation of officers |o have been held on December 8 has teen postponed until Saturday, «ember 9. • • m : NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB On Monday evening the Neighbor- *fiood club met with Mrs. C. J. Rei- Hfcansperger. The awards went to Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mrs. Peter Justen •nd Mrs. William Spencer. m * • evening bridge club Mrs. Ed. Nickels entertained the Evening Bridge club Blast Thursday evening. Mrs. Paul Schwerman and Jfrs. H. B. Schaefer were #Vfarded thfe prizes. Mrs. Scharfw #01 bte hostess for-the next meeti|^. ^ THREE ANNIVERSARIES " : During October and November, Mr. Und Mrs. George Kuhn have been receiving well wishes from friends and , "Relatives upon their birthdays, respectively, and their forty-eighth wedding " Vlrinversary. c W. C. O. F. m, Clam's court, W.C.O.Fv toft fanned a Christmas party for its jnembers to take place at the next ' • Aieeting, Thursday evening, December Each lady is requested to bring a • package, containing a lunch for a single person and an inexpensive gift. As in former years, each is also asked to bring a gift for the big basket. Don't miss the fun and gaiety. * • • AFTERNOON BRIDGE .. An afternoon bridge club met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Jlrs. Herbert Simon. The prize win- -iters were Mrs. Herb. Simon, Mrs. Albert Vales, Sr., and Mrs. Frank nughes. The hostess served a lovely luncheon to the ladies. • • • HOLT NAME OFFICERS The Holy Name society held its an nual .election of officers on Mond#y evening. Those elected to fill the of- -Jkces for the coming year were: William H. Althoff, President; Leo Blake, . Vice-President; Leo Meyer, Secretary; John R. Freund, Treasurer. The other officers will be appointed at a f later date. • • • DINNER PARTY On Eaturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Joseph entertained a group ©f relatives and friends at a dinner party at their most beautifully modernized home at McCollum lake. The guests of honor were Miss Devera Joseph and her fiance, Mr. Mort Rothchild, both of Chicago. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph, Mrs. Tillie Lippman, Bernard Joseph and Albert Frazin. R DINNER GATHERING ~~ Albert Schmidt, Miss A. G. A Schmidt and Mrs. Helen Heide of El- - gin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber * were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'Peter H. Weber and Miss Clara Schiessle Sunday evening. The former showed colored movies of his recent vacation in Sun Valley, Idaho. Action pictures were taken of such sports as swimming, skating and golfing. After the technicolor moving pictures, the guests enjoyed a game of cards. o PAltTY FOR GUEST ILs. Getrtrude Parcell of Santa Fe, New Mexico, was honored at a pinner party Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Colby. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hall and family of Grayslake; Miss Lillian Hall of Chicago; Mrs. £va Hall anef'son, Ralph, Oak Park; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sattem and daughter, Judith, of Congress Park; Mrs. "Emily Sattem and son, Ralph, Bmok- #eld; William Sattem, Miss Lois Kief- Tor and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Colby of "Woodstock; {Mr. and Mrs. Charles JIall, Mrs. Anna Sattem and the Raymond Colby family of McHenry. * * • EPWORTH LEAGUE The Epworth League of the Com munity Methodist church had a very enjoyable meeting at the church hall Sunday evening. Next Sunday at 7:30 p. m., a Sub-district Rally will be held at the Community Methodist church and all of the Epworth Leaguers are requested to be present; all the leagues in the Sub-district will be in attendance. Don't forget your ten cents or you will not be able to register, but don't worry as this covers everything, including the refreshments. • • • BIRTHDAY SURPRISE A birthday surprise party ws(s held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams in h<gior of their son, Tony Williams„by friends and neighbors of • the latter. Many beautiful gifts were presented as remembrances of the oc- - casion. Cards and bunco were played, prizes in five hundred going to Mrs. Joe Miller, Mrs. Arnpld May, Mr^. Raymond Freund and Mrs .Peter Mil ler. Those receiving bunco awards were Paul Tonyan, Mrs. William Mil ler, Marilyn' May and Jerome Tonya Dainty refreshments were served after which the evening closed with si musical program. Those present wers- Mesdames Wm. Miller and family Georpe May and family, Peter Miller Leo Hiller and family, Ben Tonyan and family, John Bappant and family. Arnold May, Raymond Freund and son. Joe Miller, Michael Degeti. J Williams and family, Henry Williar and daughter, Louise, .gnd. Bob Df " •Mt and Joe Gausden. UGK8 GLUB IHVITai to Mnvuva tukdais time and IhV "hostess^ will be Mrs. Elmer Baum and Mrs. E. K. Bassett. • * * * I" 1 CHILDREN'S PARTY The Mothers' rhib is sponsoring a Christmas party for the. children on Friday afternoon, DeOemWr 15, in tike K. C. hall. • * . P.-T. A. On Wednesday afternoop the regular meeting of the Pfcrfint-Teacher, Association was held in St. Mary - St. j Patrick school hall. Sr. M. Andre-j ella's music pupils presented a de- j lightful musical program. The stud-, ents of the eighth grade sang several selections, followed by a novelty, four, girls playing on the same piano at one time. TJtfee others g*ve & mu-, sical reading. | In behalf of Mrs. Ned Bourelle,1 Earl Walsh delivered an interesting address concerning the recent organ-! ization of a sentry post m this local-' ity of the Legion of the Mothers of America. Father Paul Tuchlinsky showed several reels of movies on Washington, D, C., while Mrs. Ray McGee explained the various places shown. A report was also given on the trip to the Jewel Tea Co, plant last week; fiftysix ladies toured the plant. Plans were made for a public card party to be held in the school hall Sunday evening, December 17. The proceeds will be used to give the children a Christmas party on Thursday afternoon, December 21, at 2:30. Mrs. Harry Durland will be the chairman for the card party. Flowers fbf the holiday season. Evergreen blankets and wreaths. McHenry Floral Co. Phone McHenry 608-R-l. 29 Santa Claus West McHenry ber 16. ill be at Althoff's in In Saturday, Decem- 29 The lions chib extends a cordial invitation to all the farmers and btiqdress men to attend the next meeting of Tuesday, December 12, to be held in the K. C. hall at 8:15 p.m. Since th* purpose of this meeting is to promote good fellowship between the farmer and the business men, the intended guests will not need much coaxing to attend. The relationships, both social *hd economic,^ of these two eroups are so dependent on each other that it is no n\ore than natural that there should be aii^ occasional good will meeting. The speaker for the evening will be Arthur C. Page, editor of the Prairie Farmer; his subject will be "The Present Farm Situation." There will also be some sort of a musical program. The townspeople and farmers are undoubtedly familiar with the Prairie Farmer magazine which reaches such a large group of readers every week. Tf you h Jive <"»njoyed the interesting and timely reading in this publication, you will surely be pleased to have an opportunity to have an interview with the editor himself, and listen to what he has to say to- the men of this community. This affair will not be a dinner meeting, but will start at 8:15 as stated above. A lunch will be served at the close of the evening, ' . Mr. Page may be heard over tne radio daily, speaking from the Stock Show at Chicago. He broadcasts over station WLS at 12:00, noon. UMTS mxA > - ' ' ' - «•« " """ ' " " " Jr.- • CANDIDATE FOR CORONER H. L. Ehorn- of Richmond has decided to make the race for the office of McHenry county coroner at the primary election next April. Mr Ehom Operates an undertaking business and funeral home in Richmond and is well qualified to handle the office of coroner. Flowers for the holiday season Evergreen blankets and wreaths. McHenry Floral Co. Phone McHenry 608-lS-l. 29 Neary 4,000 letters went into the mail in McBwry county on December 10. asking petifNb to 1 buy Christinas Health Seals. The sale of these seals is being spocKWftd by the McHenry County Tuberculosis Association, which CHMSIMA4 is affiliated with the SalSi State and National Associations. These seals are being sold by all tuberculosis associations throughout the nation, as 'Veil as many other (Countries. The funds tare used to carry on ' a tuberculosis *prouujw ^. gram by education, h / and medical research , . om* ,r9m in six universities " i'" and to promote the use of tuberculin tests and x-rays for the eafty {H^tjMery of tubercplosis. This is a aatteMdde progranj.' . • The mail salci Is conducted the^i' towns under the leadership of the fclloxliig uinu uivil, with Mrs. Marie Johnson of Woodstock acting as the county chairman: Harvard--Mrs. lola Sheoard, . Marengo--Mrs George Hance. McHenry--Mrs. Gr*t*a G Hebron---Miss Lorraine Redll Richmond--Fr^hk A. Love. Huntley--J. C. Honn. ; ^ The Beta Sigmn Phi Sorority has charge of the seals k) Woodstock Margaret Jans Leonard, president of the group, ht chairman. The Junior League has charge of the seals in Crystal Lake with Mrs. Richard Seese as chairman. The schools conduct the sale in these towns and the principals act as chairmen: Algonquin--Roland McCannoii. Cary--T. E. Sims. Alden--C. C. Bragg. Each rural school distfM itill jMll the seals in its district. - CHRISTMAS CARDS Select your Christmas Cards from The Plaindealer line. Prices range $1.25 for box of 25. Delivery made in two days from time order is placed. \> * , $ .ijupwiw> t ' "5.1 ? "t$3 ™ F.v-^7 if w now and w$m» your jysbtfiou flom a wonderful THE PRICES RANGE FROM $1.2S box of Cards ready two days after order is • : ?• j O I F T 8 H I i T S eo:' eo H ! n\ uto.'.it,* wnj .•jicpjH •HP Vi i.M+ ' viW t" SWEATERS 2 GIFT JACKETS GIFT P A J 4 H A I & Every man enjoys a good sweater. Give hixn just wiiat he'd buy himself... a smart iboat model... with days and days of comfortable wear. $2-95 to $7.95 .GIFT HANDKERCHIEF* Good-looking patterns in sury coat construction or jacket styles .. All wool fabrics. Men's -- $3.95 to $7.50 Boyi' -- $3.25 to $7.00 GIFT MUFFLERS lv LADIES' AW On last Thursday afternoon the Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. C. W. Klontz. The afternoon was spent at work on unfinished articles which were tb be used at the bazaar held! this Thursday afternoon and evening in the M. E. church hall. Next Thursday afternoon the ladies will meet in the Methodist church for a Christinas party. Gifts will be exchanged at this - <L.J . • •" / Sfe alwayr need? shirt-s . . and especially these with a new longer wearing collar. Lustrou^ white broadcloth, " ijlt white on white and the newest patterned ,S,>y- shirts are outstanding .. $2>00 - i' ' He'd appreciate a box of three white shirts ..with a collar guaranteed to outlast the shirt, at... $4.75 * V a m . • • • > . I^QIFT TIES - A colorful array of smart new patterns and colors .. for gift giving!" ' ,$1.00 <!Uli I . GIFT HOSE Warm woolens in either regular lengths or shorties . . Colorful patterns . . as well as plain 50d --?> OTHER GIFT SUGGESTIONS Newest Schick Shaver, "Captain" . $12-50 Gift Belts . . . . $1.00 Gift Suspenders . . $1.00 Novel Tie Racks . . $1.00 Shirt and Short Sets $1.00 Or $ Smart Suit... ... or Overcoat! Attractively arranged in gift ftoxes . .. with his initial.». pure linen with rolled hem. , Box of three... "" x . , $1-0(J Warm woolens in colorf ul pal terns ... that can not be du4 plicated . . Smart silks and rayons . . . ideal for : f gift giving. >7\ $1.00 to $2.50 - Whe&er yon prefer gfring Mm lnxnrious silks ttt $5 .00 or smart patterned pajamas in middy ar$oat style from $1^65 ... we have f*|hem in a generous selection! Your Gift Purchases will be attractively boxed and Personalized with His initial... ; at no extra cost! OPEN FVEKV NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS STARTING WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC. 13 GIFT GLOVES*. * If hie prefers sturdy gfoVea ... we have them in the Rngby ... a feature of long-wearing Goatskin at.. $2*50 Should he prefer more tail ored types .. . the smart Mocha and Capeskin gloves are outstanding from.. $2-00 'SS • '• .*• • • -JSSr -mw- >• « "m

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