Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1939, p. 1

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MFIE STUDENTS OWE CHHSTINS , OPERETTA BEC. 15 TOM HETHERINGTON. HELD FOE ROBBERY BY CHICAGO POLICE Aftow beirij dismissed foi dissatisfactory service on Saturday, November 26, after a week and a half of employment with the Nielsen bakery in this city, Thomas Hetherington, 18 years old, left for Chicago and a week ^THE MAGI'S GIFT/' TO BE of foul play. IK TWO ACTS Magi's Gift," a two-aet *&*• ifcta, will be presented Friday, De- Joining Ms half brother, Edwcrd Arnold, 24, of 3404 Hirsch street, Chicago, they decided to become bandit* and robbed three stores during the week. They were arrested on Frid*> KIDDIES, WRITE LETT*R TO GOOD OLD SANTA CLAUS WE WILL PRINT THEM NEXT WEEK BONDS HOLD WHLSON, LEWIS TO GRAND JURY «ember 15, by the grade pupils in | on information supplied by police of Hie McHenry High Community school -- • - - - ' jpbditorium. "The Magi's Gift" takes place In medieval England on Christmas Eve. Tradition says that in the cathedral there is a shrine which contains the Crown and scarlet robe worn by Casper, one of the Three Wise Men, and Hiat every Christmas, Casper appears Gibson City, in Ford county, and were identified Sunday at the police showup. Amelia Gildow, clerk in a store at 5159 Belmont ave., said they locked her in the icebox after taking fourth" hilars November 28. James , ^vV'^' k.ddi^ orMcHenrrand all Ladig, manager of the store at 8634 Harold Lewis, 19, was bound over to the grnr-d jury at Woodstock Monday by Justice Charges F. Hayes. His bond was set at Richard Nielson, 26, of Clinton, Wifl* was also held on bonds of $5,099* Beth were arrested test week. The story cf their arseet is known to The Plaindealer readers. ft came about after a "rigged up" «Ieetric eye camera In the gasoline station of Dr. E Say# children ,do you want to write T,. Brunswick, who resides between a letter to Santa Claus this year? j McKenry 'and Crystal Lake On Route Wouldn't you like to tell old Santa 131, took a picture alleged to be Lewis just what you want him to bring jn the act of robbing his place of busiyou this Christmas ? Maybe you didn't ness. know it, but Santa is a regular sub-| After he was arrested Lewis conscriber to The Plaindealer and be. fessed to authorities thfct he entered reads the pages of this newspaper I the place and also took part in the every week. I Ferris job with Niel#on and two So, The Plaindealer is going to'others.. J PMNDE RANT WITH WORK TO RECORD CENSUS AT LEAST 225 JOBS IN DISTRICT -South Racine ave., said they got fiftyearth and walks up and down j three dollars from hinf on November the surrounding communities a chance to write to Saint Nick And express •gain on .... " just what they want him to do this Hie highways distributing gold and 129. On November 30, Miss Grace . .{j Evenly blessings to those who chance: Theis, manager «f a store at 8200, notl°*Vdo *> meet him. j Montrose ave.. claims they took forty y°U ^ to * 1 The heroine, Elsbeth, who lives at) dollars from her. AROUND IH COORTiOIISE CASE AGAINST DAIN, MURDER INDICTMENT, SLATED FOR TUESDAY On Tuesday, JUecemfee? 12, the case against Charles Allen Dain, 16-yearold St. Charles parolee, who is alleged to have shot and stabbed to death Lester Groth, Riley tawnship farmer last September, will be heard. This announcement was made by William L. Pierce Woodstock last Thursday afternoon after a confer* ence between State's Attorney William Carroll and defense counsel, Attorney David R. Joslyn. Dain is under indictment for murder. Attorney Joslyn was ^pointed by the court to defend Dain at the only appearance the defendant has made in court since the murder and his indictment State's Attorney Carroll is anxious to get the case off the docket. Sheriff Lester Edinger is anxious that some action be taken in the matter. A few Anriy itf-1940 a census of the United States will be taken which means that a vast amount of patronage will accrue therefrom. The work for enumerators will not take long, but the better paid people selected will be occupied for some time in duties of the undertaking. In the eleventh congressional district embracing the counties of Du Page, Kane, McHenry and Will, it is estimated that not less than 225 _ v„._ will be employed in the work. The j weeks ago Daim, together with two, majority^ of the employees will be j other young prisoners, William Kent j DOCTOR AICHER SUFFERS FATAL ATTACKTUESDAY SET UP PRACTICE HERE 1913 ^ 4i ' ' * Viv"" Si SEEKS JUDGBlENT • LI_ , A judgment of seventy-five dollars ne,£hborhood of 7,500. The last cen» Just a letter in your own way, . . , j mu 1 . ,, ,. ., 1 tell him exactly what you expect and #ie inn, believes in this legend. The! The two young men told Police they, th • t it maii ^ or po,t Innkeeper, Thomas Morley, whom she had held up the three stores with toy oftice v Addres8 the letters to "Santa •:#alls uncle, is quite stern w,th her (guns, then ordered real ones sent to c, „ care of ^ McHeary Plain- ^ eu^s^h^rowS1"6 MWill PH^ Letters * ^01^^^^^^ Evei^n^^ t>,ot mViot aho rwalls is true. t j „ tj f jiist what you have written. Well, . Workers to be engaged in the under- M IMklMm tafcmi-trB'dww. The editor -- approximately two years and »as well f n p,aindMler will take yoar let- '•"nnd the vicinity. It is said enumerators, but a number of better [and Raymond Allen, are alleged to1 paid jobs will be available in dis* have tried to saw their way out of j charging the work. the county jail. Since that time Dain' Non-enumerator jobs in Illinois are' has been removed from the second placed at between 125 and 150, while floor cell block and placed in Hie "ball the enumerators will total in the pen" on the main floor. j Allen and Kent were' tier that what she recalls .not true The Brother Returns Sir Arthur Hertford, a Crusader the St. Charles School for Boys by Judge Pierce last week. They pleaded guilty to an indictment charging as-j sault with intent to commit robbery. | Several physical examinations have fOTlitb tu viaii* jjllanor House. FILES DIVORCE SUIT j taking, other than enumerators, will been given Dain since he was arrested known »ro„nd the vicinitv It is s«id 01 ine *"i*,,,ue«iwr «»• *"<" ---| a suit for divorce was filed by Ev-i^ d,st"ct superintendents, or mar-1 following the slaying of Groth in his iiat after he had teen arrest^ h* ter and then pnnt ,t' Jut ,kf ?°U elyn Wescott against Archie Wescott^sarea supervisors and necessary barn. That these reports will be made ;l»ve .written it, in The Plaindealer. ./ tfce K court „8t Thursday.! c,erK>1 force to aid in the various dis-1 public when the ca» i» Mlled for He has been away!-^ very brazen toward the police- j ™ ^ ^"J hearing is expected. |from England for five years and re- menr Moreley he»r»_ of hi, con."|«»" ta the paper, he will be sure to And They were "married in Chicago on trict governmental units. When the mother of the two bovs 'a??0' Santa C1»us.^ets the pafn ***!*' March 28,193o7 Extrerae crusty Area supervisors will be paid $225; Sheriff Edinger states be has a „ ,, I week and reads it very carefully. Ho, k;ii ^nd baby sister had been killed in an|J> the when y0ur better is printed: "^turns believing that his father, mother DR. F. J. AICHER Tin entire community was shocked Tuesday afternoon, December 5, to I per month, distrct managers on the complete confession from Dain in , . _ - ..„ bass of $2,000 yearly plus bonuses of; connection with the crime. He also learn the d«a_th °f of T ^iccident. hears 01 nis com-| , ]th V" "I ,V'~ »n nna( SALES TAX SUIT 1 one dollar for each 1,000 names sub-1 states that Dain re-enacted the slaygng and plans to jsend hand, burst into tears'at the sight of j4;., J14.6": may^' he | The state department of financc and^for each 100 business and ing when taken to the Groth farm a iither part of England, but before he!"»na' D"rsi ' ,uL PI.W1, moote Sir Arthur h,s mother, it is said. Whom she thinks is the Magi of old When Sir Arthur speaks to Elsbeth, bring just what you have asked for, j a sujt for delinquent sales tax manufacturing concerns enumerated; few days after the murder took place. that is if you have been good children L_ainst Lawrence Stephens of Maren-, assistant managers will be paid $150 At this writnig no order has been ' .aJ An wAf q clr fnr tiM' . » « n< l . ner mnnfh stonncrrAnkaro tl nat« -- x _ L..tA vn.r0TllD081S est citizens, Dr. Francis J. Aicher, DDS, 49 years old. who passed away suddenly in a Chicago office. The death was attributed to coronary e learns that he is his baby sister, om. Via HonH Moralev had 1 Clty> dled suddenly Monday PLUMBER DIPS AT WARK I »nd- of course> do not ask for 100 go in the amount of $426.56. Stephens P«r month, stenographers $120 per given to have the petit jury to hrl Hoffien, 48 years old, of Genoa mRT,y things or too big presents. I formerly resided in Clayton, Illinois,' fks will rcceive from $100 on December 12. Unless the j' Good old Santa has so many, many which address he operated a place ----- --' -73 SSSSXS AS op« *4aken the child and a large sum time getting enough gifts to satisfy: PROBATE KRUSB WILL to $105 monthly. The appointments to all the places \ be heard before the court, wil^be made through political recommendations. In congressional districts report _ jury^ re- Dr. Aicher, in eompany Mth Dr. ports for duty "the~caBe witf probably George A. SeegmHler of Woodstock, money and had bought the inn instead 8. tl®n?e » Richmond. Of taking her to her relatives. How-^-| ^ ! them all. So, you "see, if you ask for! Ant^Knile Ts "oft^The $10,000 es- represented by Democrats the ap- CIDQT CII ever, the innkeeper is not punished; Johns'b^L ITiTfun81 to° much' maybe some other . I*11? tate of her husband, Charles' Kruse,! pointees will follow the congressman's' rlllO I lU and the story ends happily for every- ^ were held a^Genol rSi" boy or girl might have to go without .h di d Octolx r 6. by terms of, recommendation. In districts where I era. services were held at Genoa C!^., aUogether. And we know that none ^V,, probated the coun- Republicans are in congress, the a*. of the kiddies in' this part of the cmJ.. M Judge Henry L Cowlin. Pointees will be made upon recomcountry would want that to happen. 1 jf.. 3 ajgo named executrix! niendation of one or both United Santa Claus would like very mu^ of the will "dated March 6, 1919, I States senators. In Illinois the latcne. The •> h CHRISTMAS CLUB MEMBERS THIS WEEK Approximately distributed e mummers add a «reat deal of' merriment and fun to the olav. and ptirftlfQ *DC ||AII CI* the Carol^ingers stage, "The Nativ- UiIlUAO AHt mAILtU a scene from an old mystery fay of the Middle Ages. « Two Performances J The yoUng folks have been putting great. deal of effort into this pro* /•! jpluetion and will have it quite per* fected for the performances. They ill present a matinee Thursday, Dember 14, at 2:30 p.m., the admision being ten cents. The main performance will be staged Friday even- December 15, at 8:15; admision, twenty-five cents. You won't want to miss this colorgay affair, so |ret your tickets Among the groups of characts to take nart in the production are « chorus of Carol Singers, Morrice Dancers, Skaters Chorus. Christmas Chons. Chorus of Angels, SheperU* and Wisemen. to know just what his children would like the best and that is the reason that this newspaper is going to help him find out and provide a way for him to read over the letters before he had motored to Chicago Monday to attend the meeting of the Chicago S>ental Society at the Edgewater Beach ' ifcotel. and remained over night to have ;/* Rental work done the next day. RV PITY. Monday ni-srht. the doctor had ar. U1 at the Sheridan Plata whores lirrnilP tftl n llhlinAV they had registered. The hous» phymtLlInU IiLLU nlUnUnl sician administered a sedative, ard Dr. Aicher rested well all night. a i l : GRANT DIVORCES A divorce was granted last Thursday to Julia Levy from Harry Levy ter office, incumbents are Scott Lucas and James M. Slattery. Complete Census The census to be taken next year' Dies Apaaag Frieads When Dr. Aicher arrived. he'*w*» by the West McHenry) So. come on, children, send in your ^ panted a divorce from An- 132,000,000 people. The question-, with findmgs ^J°"0^s- The treas S.,.t.aut e bank this. w ee.k. to the Christmas letters. thev mr,.o,.r e let,t:eurs. drew fEc . Hnaawwlieeyy onn aa charrg*e_ of de„se r.- i "aires will be voluminous. There will «rer s repoii= th.^nth wHh also ^ , hoasing cen8U8 of over 33,- 304.86 collected during the month, with ^ ^ ^ ^ down tQ ^ 000,000 homes, 3,000,000 business $3,450^4 paid out. Balance ori hina Mumped in the ch*M and died "1 concerns, 7,000,000 farms, 170/W0 was $7,774.70. The amount paid out t MAN HELD TO GRAND JURY. CHARGED WITH ATTACKING YOUNG GIRL ---- comes on Christmas eve. $8,500 has been! Write Immediately ^ So, j tters. And the more letters he gets drew ^ club members for the past year and i the better Saint Nick will like it. But, tJon by' judge William L. Pierce Fribusy shoppers will go merrily oi\ their j remember, that you must do this right day were married at Crystal way, knowing that they will not have away, so there will be plenty of time) ^ 19SO. ;v , to draw on future pay checks or take!for him to get your message, for, you, , v | out loans to purchase their Christmas | know, he might have to go a long way, $85J7 JUDGMENT jp!->| y cheer. This amuont is a considerable to find just what you might ask for.| A jud(rment 0f $85 97 was ordered increase over the savings last year of jAs soon as you have read this column, | a|raingt Charles J. Hepp and Charles $6,000. or if you are too little to read, your jn favor of Herman Fegheimer Members of the club are enthusi-; parents can tell you about it, take ^ t^e Hofherr Meat company of Chinstic in their praise of the system by your pencil and sit right down >nd ^ Cfig0 judge William L. Pierce on this method is a convenient way to write your letter. If you cannot wklte j prjday The City Council met Monday even- . F^Hng much hotter in_g i.n* regular meeting and enjoyed abou^t th eir business i" the citv. asrree- ' -- ,-- f. e A r«i^i in m>r 'ncr to meet at the office of Dr. Mav- The! (1940) will be more complete than things are accomplished m a compar- ^ classmate and dear friend of ^fof'^Te'r, r,vlOT™d ^ '» ^ ing. on the grounds of drunkenness. -- . , , plaintiff resides in Huntley. I {hat of any previous federal census. Eileen Smith Hawley of Crystal; ^^1 obtain information as to the Drepare for their Christmas shopping.1 yourself, ask mother, daddy, sister or The case, an appeal from the jus By taking advantage of this method brother to do it for you, but be sure tjce court 0f Albert Krause of Mcthe strain on the family or individual to tell Santa in your own way just jjenry> involved a transaction over budget is not so devastating. For > what you would like to have t^e saie 0f some meat to Harry's New others, it has made systematic saving know. And get it in the mail right gar at McHenry. Justice Krause easy and taught the fundamentals of »way. Then when you get The ™ft1"" i rendered a verdict in favor of the thrift and by the releasing of so many dealer, you will see your letter in "imeat company. The defendants then William Tihhens of Woodstock, 48' doHars at one time, it cannot help but r»nd veu will know that SanU ClaJf" i annealed to the circuit court. At the " ... act as a tonic on business in general.i " ill be sure to read_ it as soon as he,, .nnoiionn manufacturing establishments 12.000 mines and quarries. •n4 The business is expected to start $1,000 funding bond. In addition to January 2, 1940, and those of popula-• this, a payment of $®®0 interest on tion, housing and agriculture on April outstanding funding bonds was made. 1, 1940. Preparation for the great It will be recalled that several years task that is called for once in ter. ago, the city fathers found it neeesyears is now well under way. years old. charged in a warrant with ra^e, was held to the grand jury under $26,000 bonds Wednesday morn- . ing in the justice court of Charles F. Hayes at Woodstock. Due to the serious charge against Tibbsns, the high bond was recommended by State's. Attorney Wrp. M. Carroll. The victinr of the alleged assault was a 13-ye^r-old <rirl. It is reported the criminal attack was made Saturday night. . . Sunday morning the authorities ; learned that Tibbens had a friend who resides in a cottage on the Fox river hearing Friday the appellants were not present. •' Attorney William at. Carroll represented the meat corn- There is no profit for the banks in"" gets his paper, too. . their Christmas clubs yet they share' There are two more issues of The with the depositors in the benefits as Plaindealer that will be printed before ( ^ they broaden the scope of their us«-. Christmas eve. Your letter will have, fulness in the community they serve, i to appear on either December 14 or DAT SENTENCE A new savings club will be started j December 21. Send them in and if |t por ieaving the scene of an acci , , , w most instantlv. shortlv before one was swelled beyond nornuj oVlock. Hi. two friend,. Dr. W ^"1"";!'.^^ miller .nd Dr. were with him at the fatal moment. Patients and f-iend* of Dr. A»ch >r were sorely grieved "'hen the* learned of his passing. His pleasant smile sary to'refinancT'and put"the"city~ on and cheerful yord we^ a much aoa sound financial basis. Thus, the Preciated add.t'on to this little com- 1TOT TV WPA WOR1TKR funding bonds. Through able hand- *nuj"ty, wei h y ev^rvone, «re HOI^ WPA WOKKBft ^ egent off}ci|llll> will never be anyone who csn quite ON $1,000 BONDS, cit£ has been rated high in financial t»ie niche he had ^rved m the ROBS LOCAL TAVERN status for several years. ^orW N:~ G,v°; °f L'f* . . . I ,T,h e. c. i ty collector had a busy month, tn end ^ C 1 ~ n A A 7 • _ n d e a r t h . H e h a s c o m n l e t e d a s ' m r l ® . v ® t Walter Spoleder, 38 years old, for- If » ' fun(i tk- e:*v heroic, TTn-d -»nd b«ck th^t mer WPA worker and "pin spotter" in $88 02 in the s^e.r 'u"d" , . y wat gift of life, admitting an^th^r the Schaeffer tavern and bowling .1- clerk_ reported $530.,8 cohected dur- ^ ^ ^ ^ leys in McHenry, is being held in the '"P" the month. , , niness county jail at Woodstock under bonds' An ordinance creating a band com* Model in Greatness of $1,000 on a charge of burglary and Ittel was Dr. AicheTws, not frlv , larceny. j ton naming Alderman Perwerda, Nye d^n^l cu'"fr"O"1^ h!* Spoleder admitted to State s Attor- an j . t *1^ TVlw. utmost to the •er»ir«»^f his work. b«*t nev William M. Carroll at a hearing An amendment to the Food Dellv- preatV ordinance sets an annual fee of w®» a truiy HTeaix immediately for 1940 and if yon .re1 does not get in <m ^the 14th yo" wffl Jack Day X L 23?*^ "fLn dol'laS on each vehkle mjtin* ^ not already a faithful member, aaw is. be cure to find it on the 21st. your chance to enroll. sentenced to serve twenty days in the [ Monday afternoon that he took twen- The original fee was fifty hum. 111., he was > d~*V> by amount his parents. Benedict and An«s Ai-'«'»r, inear McHenry and that he might bel * .{.ut, Jhiding there. The help of Jack Smith.! An argument over trapping rights "McHenrv nolicemsn. a"d Harold We are going to look for your Yail7and hV ucenae to drive «'ty-five'dollars in currency and eight d«)'^- -- . tor soon. Santa Claus will know when car jn IUinois for one year revoked by dollars in nickels from «.«e Schaeffer d PETER PORTEN SHOT he reads just what you are ireading Judge Henry ^^owlin me^hants. This fee was later deem- »?<> Tu PT/ITTT STTkIP AQ 'now that he is going to get a lot 01 mornjntr Mrs. Florence Reed of Har-|30. He had been emp y w h PThorhitant with the result Choosim mSA»a Otters from the children of McHenry ™°rd testif.-d that as she was return- j place up.until the day previous. I '^.da chXe his studies at HE EXAMINES TRAPS and country around. He does not like .n(j to her home from,.Wood stocky on made to include wholesale delivery of P^ja. »nd ' ttoDos, denutv sheriff, was enlisted Thev vi«ited the cottage and. although by; the the latter havinr passed nway three i.rV.oWu, ^..a hi, ^..ion, W he„n ~ -A--1-- Brmdlev , twifersity, ___ . s gradnated from !to be disappointed and he will be evening of November 27, Day the place by climbing through a win- t° ^'ot^overed under Northwestern Dental college at Chii looking to hear from you all. I j^ve Across the black line and crowd-| dow in the rear of the building. He food and ca^o in 1913. Shortlv after graduwas blamed Monday for the bul'et j Remember to address your letter to ^ hpr car into the Brookdale bridge »aid he was well acquainted not affect the !oc#l business men ation. he came to MrHenry and began wound of Pccer Porten, 18, who resides 'Santa Claus " care of The McHenry ( on Route 14. While she went for help |huildin^l?aving^ worked In the place ^th # ret^il Wsines^ \ his practice. All the while he had the .Tacobv subdivision between Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. it looked like there was nobody inside,; Burton's and Rawson's bridges in Mc- Day disappeared from the scene. leav-,for , ing his car. Later he was arrested atj __ t w__ forced with the re- Henry county. I MAN INJURED IN farm by Constable B. D. Holmes house «ralt that Tibbens was found hMing Porten and his father were at work AUTO CRASH TM>AY j d broUght to the county court. i o on a trapping project in a slough on, Shortly after midnight th« Thurs-, The a?restw™^ made Tibbens be-'the Fox River about a half mile south day morning a man from °ak fark j^QAL PMA MEMBERS in^nla^ Z*™Z' ™rf Jlouto 176 early Monday when kj driving: a Ford ^ckc^hedu.lj ^ ^ iod of time. •actice line* his same location, in ilding on Green 00- Department Edinger said that the man had serv-d' bullet struck him on the right fide! the rear of a car confining Joseph, time in the penitentiary for a like "ear the chest. The two were sep-; Blake and son, Harold whores^e . • „ j a rated from each other while examin- about a mile and one-half north 01 , „• sentenced from OMk ^ traps. The father heard a McHenry. The accident occurred al- Milk Association held election of^officounty. , 4 _ I • /nttriil KtC MAaf in tho The McHenry branch of the Pure rSAY IT WITH FLOWERS" The McHenrv Floral Co. is prepared to supply flowers for the holiday season. Evergreen blankets and - - wreaths. Phone McHenry 608-R-l. .. 2MP • CHRVTMAS CARDS Select your Christmas Cards from The Plaindealer line. Prices range $1.25 for box of 25. Delivery made ia tyro days from time order is placed. 29-fp PARENTS, PLEASE NOTICE! The second and final shots of diph- .ftcm toxoid will be given on Tuesdhy, December 12, at 9:30 o'clock. Give electrical gifts this Christmas. Visit Carey Electric Shop, Mcv Henry. shot and on investigation found his son shot through the right side. He was removed to Wauconda where a bullet from a .22 rifle was taken from his side where it struck a rib.- The incident was placed for investiation with Sheriff Lester Edinger. "'o'-tpn said he had had a dispute with mother young trapper whom he knew «s Kc-Dsell last week, bat insisted that he did not know who bad ftretf the shot. SANTA AT ALTHOFF'S Broice, rent due, no food In the IT" P""* commlttw V on G to feed hi, wife and four chil- »»rted findinirs.n l.he.r p JM to houae wh|fh b„ dren, was the reason given to State's both fire truckscupied by the Gladstone Departi Attorney Carroll for his act ter considering various plans, it was Dy The McHenry man was arrested d«*,d?d ^ h?ve the committee secure p^t Gwad Knight Monday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff add,^?"al ^ In 1919 he married Annabel M. Harold E. Reese after suspicion A decision will be reached very 8°®n-' Heimer of this pity The doctor wa> pointed to him as the man. Shortly ^ fftfttT t f [n past Grand Knight of the local after his arrest by Reese he admitted iKnights of Columbus, a Modern Wood-. most in front of the letter's home on cers Wednesday evening in the K. C Route 31. | hall. About fi.fty members were prea The two persons riding in the Blake ent to elect the following officers car were uninjured but the Oak Park J President. Nels Pearson; Vice-Presiman was treated by a Ideal doctor j d»nt, Lester Shemian: Adytsorv Comfor lacerations about his head and mitteeman, Stephen Schmidt; voting he took the money. It is said after he took the money Spoleder paid his rent, bought some groceries and did a little drinking al- Births sr* ifnan of America, and a member of the 'Chicago Dental society. other bruises, demolished. Both cars were nearry MARRIAGE LICENSES ^ , Clarence W. Limbaugh, Crystal T.»ke. 111., to Lorraine M. Yanke, Crystal Lake. 111.. November 30. 1939. Donald Andre Courtette, Woodstock, Old Santo in person will be at the Til., to Ethel Hollarbush, Woodstock, Wm. H. Althoff Hdwe., in West McHenry, Saturday, December 16. Bring the children in and let them visit old Saint Nick. 29-fP nL» December 2, 1939. This store will remain open every evening tfrom M* wtf Christmas.. John J. VycitaL, _ 29-fp4 N O T I C E I TWs store will be open every evening' from Wednesday, December 18* until Christmas. 6LAD6T0MPS ; Gree« Street .J* Delegates, Peter A. Freund and Ed. Conway; Secretary-Treasurer,, Paul Doherty. > Gerard Eckoff of Kankakee, president of the Pure Milk Association, "snoke to the local members . He stated that he was pleased with the conditions here and that all the farmers are receiving the same price for thetr milk. Walter Winn, of District 6, was also present at this meeting. Refreshments were served at the close of the affair Starting Wednesday, December 18, McGee's will b* t^«S^4U*ht *tiU Christmas. «.'f ;n: "r- £ lary he asked 4iis "boss" for some money saying he was broke . Paying for drinks for himself and friends with nickels brought suspicion on Spoleder. .*» GIVE FURNITURE his beloved wife, lie fe surv;"<^ K" one brother. Ben Aicher. of Oak Park; two sisters, Josephine^ day, December 1. CHRISTMAS CARPS Select your Christmas Cards from The Plaindealer line. Prices range $1.25 for box of 25. Delivery made Give a G~ ift o,f JFru rniItu re annAd «ynonullll in two da'y s from time order is placed. have something that will ^ »^| Give electrical gifts this Christ- • T ^ tssss;h..?f.rchr^ delivery if you wish. N. J. JUSTEN it SON, West McHenry, ID. »-fp Starting Wednesday, December 18, McGee's will be open every night 'till Christmas. 29-fp 7 Tno-V nf California, and Mr?. L^nat ^ " ftReibschhger of Peoria; and twor-^ ^ nieces, Mary Louise and Jean A'cher^^f> of OaicPark. One sister. Mrs. Mearl f ; En«?el. precedes him in death. ^ A requiem high mass was read at • •'* St. Mary's church this Thursday mor?iing at 8:00. Funeral services wilt : take place at St Mary's church Fri- . % day at 2:30 p.m., with interment in ^ 29-fp St. Mary's cemetery. h* Doctors Arndt Nordlev of Cwst«l ^ SUrting Wednesday, December 13,!Lak<» and George Seegmiller of Woo^- cGee's will be open every night till \ stock will be at the late doctor s <>fhristmaa. 29-fJ» ^ in the near future snd -'ill tak^ • j appointments to complete the wnrt XMk yovr 1tafrktr Stoa«a at Tke'which Dr. Aicher was unable to fin- 'ttr • V - . a - . j ' .1-.? • "ft t /'V' "v'

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