Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Dec 1939, p. 6

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Diamond Stoats Boats sailing over dangerous Diamond Shoals, at Cape Hatteras, N. C., pass ovar dozens of old wrecks, which can be teen plainly hy those above. •••-J. l-T i *r « •$ ;sa-> •*^..5 .**. •• \*> Wj! ' " liw JR.> i , 41; • * to be found In *{»*•#« mmriuKi AM «. J. K SATLXK V - - - , Prickly Pear to AastraHa The prickly pear, a form of cacjys native to the American South* west, has spread so widely in Australia as to cause widespread concern. TWENTY TEARS AGO „ W TEAS, for the first time, we present tested toys . . . hundreds of them! -- tlie yew's bes| in appeal and value from the pick of the nation's toy makers -- selected and carefully classified for the proper ages by child experts. Be sure the toys you give are the toys they want. Get your FREE copy of the 32 p a g e FAMOUS FUNN FAMILY Toy G u i d e . H i , . _ will make your ChristmasJO * * " tew W toy shopping easier. Come in today. McHenry The drinking fountains about town have been taken ap and stored for the winter. A very sensible idea, indeed. Geo. Heimer, who his been in the U. S. Army and stationed at Camp Grant for some time past, received his honorable discharge and returned to his home here Wednesday evening- John A. Thennes, local agent for the Valvoline OiJ. company,*is driving I a new Republic truck, which was placed into service last week. One of the most severe rain storms to visit this section in years occurred last Thursday night. The rain was accompanied by severe thunder and lightning and those who were unfortunate enough to be caught in same declare it to have been the worst storm ever experienced. The road leading from Waukegan street, just west of the standpipe, to the Math Bauer property, has been widened and otherwise improved. One of the most severe windstorms that has visited this section in years was that of last Monday and, while no particular damage was done here, other localities report the blowing down of trees and small buildings. The interior of the C. G. Berner electric shoe repair shop in Centerville has been treated to a new coat of paint, giving the place a very natty appearance. Electric light fixtures of the very latest design have been installed in the McGee and Conway store in Cen- | terville, giving the place gne of the J, J. Vycital Green Street --: MORE FEATURES BETTER FEATURES fc/V«£>-BUr CHEVROLET! The new river road through the south end of the former Buch farta, but now owned bv Edward A. Crook, has been opened to the public and is now being traveled more extensively than the old highway. The brick platform and walk at the Northwestern station sre now completed. The platform is also now bein# lighted each evening by six electric lights; three on either side of the depot, lite new furniture is still missing. # . Curtis Harvey, claimed to be the first white child bopi in McHenry township, died kt Waukegan last week at the age of seventy-two years. Butter advanced on the board of trade this week, being quoted at 82^4 cents per pound* The Electric Light company inaugurated the all night service on Wednesday night. The company is doing everything1 within its nower to win the confidence of the public* and from now on will go after the new business that is to be had in McHenry. L. P. Bending has given up his position at the Borden plant here and began work at the Oliver Typewriter factory at Woodstock last Friday morning. Four below' zero on Wednesday morning of this week. The lee man will be on the Job next. *ORTY YE A KM A<iO F. G. Mayes, who has been a continuous resident of McHenry for the past forty-eight years leaves this week for Racine, Wis., to make his future home with his son, Philip S. Dr. F. C. Page, of Boston, Mass., who is a relative of the Cristys, of Ringwood and McHenry, has moved his family here and located for the practice of his profession. Mr. Chas. Eldridge of McHenry, sold his horse, Edmund E:., Mr. Burke of Chicago for $1,000. On the board Monday,, the official market price was 24 hi cents. Fifteen tubs were offered and 23% cents bid, but refused. T. J. Walsh is giving the planing mill a new, coat of paint. T. J. believes in painting the town red and thought best to begin at the dam. The storm Monday night did a large amount of damage in this section. The water washed away the walls of Harry Wightman's new livery stable which is in process of erection. Wm. Stoffel & Co., have just sold to Mrs. Elizabeth Stoffel, a lot owned by T. J. Walsh, upon which she will jtorce commence the erection of a ilwt'Bfcie cottage to cost in the neighborhood of $1,000. Those havifii? the Long Distance Telephone in tffifelr homes were able to enjoy some fine music rendered in Chicago last Sunday afternoon. 1 jSnSwjmwMP ngMt rn TMS CBWWTttK MNMMPIO MTWWH 00mm By CHARLES B. ROTH 'PLEASE PASS THE CUSTOMERS* DBNTB9T J . WW Rears 9-12 by AppohtMst yjiw g W. Mfcilesry J. KMX ^ ^WMOIBT AT LAW Priee Bid*. % OFFICE HOCKS ~ v"r •J'Rreedays and PHdajrs Other Days by fllrflfur » • • 7-X.Y lt S the only !ow-priced car with aU these fine car features 1 Special D* Jttmm Mpurt, FIFTY YEARS A00 ; ? . ft 1 MVBOVAl ' cupfor" jtyuns VAQHIM-P WIM 10N6BT Of TNF MT** ™ fraafront ol grflU to r»ar of body (181 linli»i)OWW SHIFT roUt far T 940 ii ItM longMt of aR lowMt-prlcsd canl WW ffM" BuUB KTSKASUC mm «Asuetm £«|elt:*1ju|lt"8uif It! $1 r Everybody knovrt, it takes fine features to make fine cars!... And Chevrolet for '40 is the only car in the low-price field that has all the fine car features pictured at the left! . . . Small wonder, then, that it is also outselling all other new can for '40. . . . Eye it, try it, buy it, and you'll be thoroughly convinced that "Chevrolet5* FIRST Again!" •S-H.P. VAlVi-lk-HEAD SIX Miss Elsie Gage, who taught the primary department of our public school, the past two years, is lying very low with consumption, at the residence of C. C. Colby, northwest of this village. The Musgrove Bros., have purchased the Henry Bryer property in West McHenry. Consideration, $1,025. Jacob Bishop and his son, John Bishop, attended a wedding of a relative in Chicago the first of the week R. Waite, of Elgin, shook hands with friends here on Saturday and * Sunday last. 4 As we go to press this section is being visited by a northwest snowstorm. 6 Eggs ire selling in this market at 24 cents per dozen. A' little high for that kind of fruit at this time <Jt year. Geo. W. Colby and f&mily will de- | part for their new home in Virginia 1 soon. His goods are being shipped this week. James B. Perry and O. W. Owen each have an ice boat on the pond, and are having great sp*>rt about these days. Greased lightning is nowhere. THERE'S one muscle in the human anatomy which was named by a humorist with boarding-house experience. It is called the "boarding- house muscle" because it is the muscle which enables yoji to extend your arm--and reach. It took its name, of course, from the dining-tables of boarding-houses, where to reach far was to get more to eat at a table where everybody was so engrossed . in his plate he didn't have the time or the inclination . to pass anything to anyone else. Reach won. In business it is reach also that wins. One of the chief values of advertising to Charles Roth the advertiser is that it gives him a reach for customers. Every business must both reach customers and reach for them if it is to exist. The business man whose reach is longest or most skilled is the man who brings the most customers into his store. And those who reach the best have the best stores and can give the best values. The chief concern of every business is its customers. Who are they? Where do they live? Why should they trade with me? How can I tell them of the advantages of my business? Every business man asks these questions. Every successful business man answers them. In the reach for customers, it isn't a muscle which does the trick. It is advertising. A man starts a store. Somewhere are men and women who should buy from him. He is sincere in his desire to serve. But unless he does something about it, his store will fail before enough customers find their way to his doors. He has to reach out fdt them. He begins to advertise where customers will see--in the newspaper. One reads. He is convinceid. "He goes to the stbre. He is well-treated. He buys. He likes what he bought. He returns to buy again. Gradually, as more advertising appears, more customers come, buy, return to buy again. The reach for customers is building a great business. But don't you see that the business man is not the only one whe has benefited in the process? Every customer who found there a better place to buy, a place where he could get a little bit better merchandise and a little bit better service at a little bit better price, also benefited. The customer benefits as much from advertising as the business I man, if not more. • Charlea B. Hath. Noe® Mi'moAT will be fa Dr. A. i! Freeitlkh's T:'Mfee, eeiraer Green A Bha Streets, McHenry Brerj Wedaeedsy frea 3 te 4:30 G L A S S E S F I T T E D A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Tracing, Hydraulic and Ohm* Servioe --Road BuUding-- TeL 204-M McHenrjr, X& Horses Wanted 1 BU Y . 1 , Old aad Disabled Horses. ----- Pay from $5 in $14. _--- ARTHUR W. WKRRBACK Phone 444 335 Hay ward Street Woodstock, I1L FIRE AUTO INSURANCE rt& EARL R. WALSH ' Presenting Reliable Companies - When yon need inenrance of any Hat Phone 43 or 61-Mi Pries Bldg. McHanry THERE'S THAT MAN AGAIN * MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on res! estate. If interested either way, I will be glad te talk it over with you. L OwwilH am >• AND UT, MkMpo bamd on r«0 ratal, md fecal tarn (if Mr), upHtnal «i|iii|Mi--» md mommm MCM wty*c* to dhsae* »»•«'• Mtk g--lO mm Mntar SS SariM,. 659 SCHW.ERMAN CHEVROLET SALES MeHENRY, ILL. Gladstone and U. t. In "Kin Beyond the Sea," North American Review, September, 1878. JPHadstone is quoted as saying: "As jthe British Constitution is the most Subtle organism which has proceed-' ed from the womb in the long gestation of progressive history, so the American Constitution is. so far as I can see, the most wonderful work ever struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man." Lumber Sappty If all the lumber cut in the United States for about the last 135 years . were in a single solid pile it would fnake a cube almost exactly one* . mile in each direction. As much Jiimher has been cut in the past 35 •years as in the preceding 100 years. yOOLL NEVER WORKIM* GBT Arty WHERE HARD. SLOW DOWN I * Joseph N. Sikes tional St.* USE Waukegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St--Waukegan, I1L TBIfr MAJESTIC 103 Telephone No. 300 8toffel A Reibansperger % Insurance agents for all classes fffpetty fai the beet eompaaftea. *E8T MfiHENRX flbUNOlft S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry k Oar Experience is at Y<mj Service in Bnildingy Your Wants « NEWS TOM - SLOW-DOWN! STfelK€S T*Ke PlACB OF OUTLAWED SIT-DOWN STRIKPS. Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast eener ef State Bridge // ea Cherloo Street Radiators Repaired, Bodies and leaders Sign Pafaiftiaf Traek LeMertaf Furniture Upbolateiiaf CHARLES RIETESKL PETER W. PEEVE WNU SERVICE) rrn? ) KENT & COMPANY - All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Jplaced with the moat reliable Ceauaniee Cmm la snd talk It over Phene McHenry I I-Bay DR. L. B. BIURPHt - « «.» US Pwm. WversMe M«r -- f "Itiaij. DL

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