Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1939, p. 2

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'W^5 -' -"\ pr-^j «*{ ifr,-;;:Y.i ;«^ "/-^* ' '. J£. ,. i W»^ •* * :'"•%»* " v' >n * v , IIIIIIIIIH I I umi ^QQ| > i "WP PSONB IS Office Honrs 9-12 and 1-S trcningi by Appointment /?:* Main Street >--»: W. MfeHenry Mr $ • '=, ' Phone 43 VERIfOJI J. KNOX > ATTORNEY AT LAW -- Pries Bldg, » - OFTICE HOURS - '•- • ^r Tuesdays and Friday* ' ./. . ;i/^^her Days by Appointment McHenry - - - Illinois FRED C. MILLER, M. D. Specializing iir EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT will be hi Dr. A. L Froehttch's Office, corner Green & Ha Streets, McHenry 4 Every Wednesday from 2 to 4:30 G L A S S E S F I T T E D A.P.Freun«f Co. Excavating Contractor Tracking, Hydraulic and Ortuw Service ^ --Road Building-- TeL 204-M McHenry, 111 t Horses Wanted I B u Y , Old arid Disabled Horses. ---- Pajr from $5 to $14, -- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 444 335 Hay ward Street Woodstock. 111. riRE AUTO FARM INSURANCE LIF1 EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When yen need insnrance of any kind Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. McHsnrj MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who hare money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will'be glad to talk It over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Wankegan National Bank Bldg. 4 8. Genesee St., -Waukegan, IIL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 Telephone No. 300 fltoffel A Reihansperg* lasaraaee agents for all clasoss e( property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY IMJMOtt S. H. Freood & Sou CONTRACTORS --- AMD BUILDERS Phone 56~W McHenry Our Experience is at Tour Service in Building Your Wants •».. Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge on Charles Street §lfR^ Tirade Lettering ^ Furniture Upholstering y and Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of I N S U R A N C E Placed with the most reliable Companies Cope in and taUt it ofrer Phone McHenry 8 Phono lie X-Bay DK.I. B. MURPHY . ^Om8T . ° - Office Hoars -- • a.m. to • p.*. mrmMf JMrtt MeHcnry, EL ANNIVERSARY PARTY at WILSON'S TAVERN Burton's Bridge Wednesday, December 20 flree Venison Dinner betwem 10 and 12 p. m. ms ^>5 Want To Save Money? You can do so by filling your requirements for TIRES and BATTERIES at this time. We are offering 20% off on all FIRESTONE and MOHAWK TIRES and from 15 to 307c off on BATTERIES 39-plate Battery as low as „$3»98 (exchange) Pennsylvania Winter Oil, per gallon .----66(^ Prestone, per gallon ~t• •• Super Anti-Freese, per gallon •• ; ;,iii......v,..„a,.u--75^ 188-proof Pyro, per gallon ----55^ Large Hot-Water Heater, very latest type* will heat any car -- •«,-- Special low prices <m Pumps, Jacks, Fan Belts, Spark Plugs, etc. Walter J. Freund v Tire and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing All work guaranteed ----- Phone 294 --:-- --West McHenry f ^ «.» ****-»• J- >v w ^ •: V- * J. : ^ ippffy .v 'Nijp'**,5 » < * • >. . , v - p t ; , - - f , " ^ r-^4 % . v ' - - n- • - ' ' o x J . . * 4 f > Dmmtoer 14,193* CENTRAL GARAGE •--One of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois-- STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Guaranteed Service on all Makes of Oars and Trucks Full line of Winter Oils and Greases Alcohol - Zerone - Prestone Full line of Atlas and Goodyear Tirtg/ y|g Electric and Acetylene Welding •.'V ^ 7 * r'-' O" 'Washing and PolUhlnf " "** !«•> f SMITH, Prop. PhUM 200-1 Towinc Main Streft 3 Way Top- Overcoat| Removable zipper lining for Spring wear ... Waterproofed! Lining easily replaced for Winter weir , . . . ; Priced -- « $20 ~ $25 FREUND'S Clothing Store West McHenry THE MODERN WAY TO FEJED " . t. and the most economical Here's the Proven Formula -- Your own home-grown grains ~ Your own homegrown roughage - Black-strap molasses; GROUND AND MIXED RIGHT ON ' YOUR OWN PLACE WITH THE Fords Hammermill and Molasses Impregnator FOB DAIRY CATTLE -- Mixing molasses with grain and fodder increases vitality, stimulates appetite and digestion, increases water consumption and milk production, lengthens lactation periods, promotes easy calving, more and healthier calves. FOR BEEF CATTLE -- Puts on weight and finish faster than by any other feeding program. By increasing consumption of cheaper roughage, sharply cuts per-pound beef production cost. FOR HOGS-- Keeps them healthy and growing. Shortens pig-tomarket period. Improves finish. Reduces production cost. FOR POULTRY -- Promotes water consumption, conditions the bowels, improves plumage, and increases'general vitality of the birds. OU'LL ACTUALLY SAVE 20% TO 40% ON EED BILLS AND IMPROVE YOUR LIVESTOCK - ALFRED TONYAN Phone «e-R McHenry, Illinois RING WOOD The Bunco tub was entertained In toe homo of Mrs. Edgar Thomas on Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Lester Carr* Mrs. Nick Young and Lola Boyle. Mrs. Ray Peters entertained the Scotch Bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. C. J. Jepson and Mrs. F. Muzzy. Mr, and Mrs, George Young and Mr. /and Mrs. Ben Justen attended a soil conservation meeting at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and Mrs. Joe Weber were visitors at Waukegan Thursday morning. Wayne Foss spent Saturday in the Rollin Baillev home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter, Susan, of Chicago spent Sunday in the Patrick Coyne home, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were visitors at Elgin Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller of Johns* burg were supper guests in the Roy Wiedrich home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and M?. and Mrs. Joe Weber attended the International Stock show in Chicago oii Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family spent Sunday with relatives at Woodstock. . homes were built recently under the Mr. and Mrs. Leslie verl*m spent 8Upervisjon of Mr E McKim of the Saturday in the Leonard Carlson Wonder Lake Syndicate. home. Jim Loades is building a place here Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and for hig businegs family of Blue Island spent Sunday ^ Holland home ^ been afternoon with the latter s motner, raised make roQm for a basement Mrs. S. H. Beatty. > . ... and garage. One of the latest type The Sewing Circle will iJneet . oil burning furnaces has been install- Mrs. Roy Neal Friday . A po - ed by a McHenry man, Ernie Buc'h. dinner will be served. . . Fred Leslie has fully recovered Miss Alice Peet of Bamngton and an jnjury recieved ilast Miss Marion Peet of Elgm spent Sun- when hg fell and fractured a day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^^rae Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie Bacon the International Atock show in CU> cago Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ed P4et spent Sonday in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ben Pout and family, at Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and family spent Sunday with relatives at Kenosha. ~ Mrs. Thomas Doherty Spent Toesday in Chicago. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marion, were visitors in Chicago Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe, Floyd Howe and Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Stohlquist were visitors at Kenosha Saturday evening. Mrs. Dimon and daughter, Ethel, of Ostend spent Monday afternoon in the Dick Olson home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cairns and daughter, Rita, of Slades Corners spent Sunday afternoon in the Robert Howe home. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Dillman and ?ons of Sunday in Louis Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe attended a party at Miss Sade Shales' at Woodstock Sunday evening. WONDER LAKE The Chappell, Henshaw and Gorman homes are now completed and the families are moving in. These July ver- Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday in the Stephen N. Schmidt home at McHenry. George Young, Thomas Doherty and Antone Freund attended a milk meeting at McHenry Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin ^sspent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Dennis, of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday in the home of her father, Wm. Beth. . Rev. and Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Hutchins were visitors at the Haeger pottery at Dundee Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. George Young and [son, Alfred, spent Friday evening in the Frank May home at Johnsburg. I Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Weaver of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemp | of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. B. T. I Butler attended the International Live 'Stock show in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. P&ul Collins and two daughters of Arlington Heights were callers in the home of Rev. Collins Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Becking of Woodstock t spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Clavton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Vollman, Everett, Vollman and daughter, Karen Mat , j and Mrs. Frank Speigler of Elgin: were callers in the R. C. Harrison home Sunday afternoon. Lois and Ethel Krohn, Amy and Edith Harrison and Esther Smith attended the basketball game at Hebron Friday night. _ Mrs. R. C. Harrison, Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Lonnie Smith, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. Collins attended the Eastern Star installation at Richmond Friday night. I Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Woodstock spent the weekend in the S. W. Smith home. Rev. and Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Hutchins spent Monday at Wilmette. I Among those from here to attend the bazaar at McHenry Thursday were ! Rev. and Mrs. Collins, Mrs .Hutchins, | Mrs. Wm. McCannon, Mrs. George [Young, Mrs. George Shepard, Mrs. I Viola Low, Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ; Peet, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson 'and Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and son, Loren. The Ringwood unit of Home. Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Robert Howe last Tuesday. There were fifteen members and three visitors present. Mrs. Robert Howe gave the lesson on leavening agents and egg cookery and made a cheese souffle which all enjoyed after the meeting and called it very delicious. Mrs. Elbert Thomas and Mrs. R. C. Harrison were chosen as delegates to represent the Ringwood unit at Farm and Home week at Urbana in January and Mrs. Fred Eppel and Mrs. Antone Freund were chosen as alternates. Rev. and Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Hutchins attended the dedication of the new addition of the Spring (Srove Methodist church Sunday. Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Harvard were callers in the S. W. Smith home Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and daughter, Dorothy, and sons, Charles and Frank, and Catherine Freund attended the International Stock show in Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, spent the weekend in the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago and attended the International Stock show. | Mr. and Mrs. RHy (Peters spent | Sunday with the latter's parents at Hunter, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wierich and son were Sunday dinner gusets of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Shultz, at Ri< mond. Loren McCannon and Howard Sht^ ard spent Sunday afternoon in Elgin. Mrs. Louis Schroeder and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Monday and Tuesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Whalen and daughter of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Georgfe Adams of McHenry were callers in the Thomas Doherty home Sunday afternoon. John Doherty, with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey' at UcRenrf, attended Mr. Martins and wife are leaving for Florida the last of the week. Mr. Martins is manager of the building division for the Wonder Lake Syndicate. Mr. and Mrs. Pheneger, son-in-law and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. White, enjoyed a delicious Venison dinner at the home of her parents here last Monday evening. What To Qive that is a Question We Ail Ask . . , Hen We Lilt A Few Suggestions of Our Large Stock at Every day Prices For Dad, Brother of Boy Friend ««« /Ties . . Sweaters . . Belts Suspenders . . Hose . . Gloves... Bath Robes Handkerchiefs . . Zipper Jackets in leather or wool . . Billfolds . .* Mufflers . . Shirts . . Hats ; Caps .. Skates .. Spats > Slippers... f^Brush and Comb Sets-- '"ifififti i ^ "in n i" Table Cloths in lace or damask.. Embroidered y,;: Pillow Cases ... Okenille Bed Spreads . . i ^ Silk Comforters . . Cot- " ton or Wool Blankets In fact.. You can find useful gifts here at prices you can afford to pay. For Mother, Sister u or Sweetheart . . • . Skates . . House Coats in cotton, flannel, chenille Bath Robes ... Hankies.. LaFrance Hose Gloves in kid and cloths Sweaters ... Slips in silk and rayons .. House Dresses . , Silk Dresses Nigbt Gowns and Pajamas in silk, cotton and outing flannel.... --Purses and Umbrellas--* FOR LITTLE FOLKS . . Silk or Cotton Frocks . . Warm Underwear and Night Clothes .. • Snow Shoes ,. Sweaters. • Stoow Suits ...... Parka Hood Sets... A l s o . . . A f u l l Hnr of Baby Wear... A.Full Line of Tree Decorations at Unusual Low Prices! Mazda Bulbs each Mazda Set of 8 lights 59^ WILL BE OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL CHRISTMAS GREEN ST Telephone 182 McHENRY USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULT! nr lUcEenry Beer ^ISK TOUR DEALEl Houte 20 McHenry, Ills t Make Your New Year's Eve Reservations Now!! FLOOR SHOWS f e a t u r i n g CURLEY VAN ^ (Master of Ceremonies) Formerly featured with "Gray Gordon and his Tic-Toe Rhythm Orchestra." Just concluded an extended engagement at the Spanish Villa Southern Hotel, Baltimore, McL Has been featured on various N. B. C. programs^ v 1 Novello and Flora- ^ (Apache and Artistic Dance Team Interpretations) Mr. Novello doubled for John Gilbert in pictures for five yean. Hie has played in the "Merry Widow," "The Storm," "Dancing daughters/' "Barely the Magnificent" and many oth«|^ Orchestra MATT SHIFF and His NATIONAL TEN-PIECE RECORDING} ORCHESTRA ' . DELICTOUS COMBINATION TURKEY AND CfflOKEN DINNER SERVED FROM 11:001 P. M. FAVORf NOVELTIES Telephone McHenry 399 ENTERTAINMENT --- J^2.50 Per Person t* • -

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