Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 Dec 1939, p. 3

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Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young1, Mrs. noon. , Klein motored to Kenosha Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schaefer and 4<m, Soman, of Waolmgan called on Mrs. Wa, J. Meyer* TteaAiy after- Michels and daughter, Evelyn, d Mr*. Albert Huff motored to "aukegan Friday. Mrs. Dena Lay aftd Miss Regina QUICK RELIEF FROM llapliM «f Piitresa Mihg from STOMACH ULCERS mkto EXCESS ACID •f H--Twli--I Uiat •r ItWM CmIVmi NatMag twtttaof tte WILLARD km bMB aold for reUei of mMH from thwrh to to Iwjii *«M . . llNrftan, SttfiNiMM, ate., U te--TUM. gold OB IB daystri»H , fuIl3r IfAlTLBS DRUG STORE, M'HENRY CAS£ FOR DEAD CATTLE 4^ AND HORSES Ec-rses, $2.00; Cows, $3.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed freeR MID WIST REMOVAL GO. Tel. Woodstock 1624M-1 or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges McHJINRY FLORAL CO. Phone 608-R-l, - x • One Mile South of McHenry oa Route 31. ftewsft for ail occasions! SLENDERIZE 2 to 4 Lbs. Weekly The Safe Natural Way, and Ward Off Infectious Colds, Stiff Joints, Rheumatisnl, With Our Individual Swedish Massage and Bfcths. Trial Treatment Reg. §2 for $1. Reg. S3 for $2 Up. Seven Visits, $11 and „ $16.50. 14 Vis- 8 its, $17.50 and $28.50. Ultra-Violet Sun Tan Hath, $1.00. STOMP AN ATO'S Beauty and Reducing Salon Phone 641 Woodstock, 111. MISS UBOTTV (•) $|A7S Dainty, Accurate IU ...and for the top of flit stocking-- BABY BROWNIE Special • • Eastman'] latest and I favorilt with o& * Hudwmdr dtdfacd, smart 6mnss, (M> tares that nuke snapshots easier to sec. Makes surprisingly good pi^turtSt W*. 1% k 2% name is to be Rkhaid$iiaejr, weight five pounds, nine ooncea. lira. Nlmitz is the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Sidney Smith. Guests at the Sid Smith home ovei the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Pierson and Mr. and Mrs. Madsen. Mrs. Schlitt and children enjoyed Friday in Chicago shopping and visiting her sister and mother and dad. Mrs.. McKim and Allan spent Wednesday in Chicago shopping. YOLO Miss Dorothy Michels, Miss Annabel Meyers and Miss Marie TCing Were Genoa, Wis., callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Freund of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Peter F. Vrmmd. Miss Thelma Jackson and Miss Pauline Bode called on Mrs. Joe Karls at the Hartland county hospital Saturday afternoon. Elmer Meyers is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan. Mrs. Steve May entertained the live hundred club Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Chas. Michels, Mrs. Wfti. J. Meyers and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mrs. Ford Ja.-k'on »nd Mt«, FrsnVMay were Kenosha callers Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund were W rod stock callers Tuesday. Mrs. John Smith and daughter, Leon a, and Mrs. Fred J. Smith and daughter, Marie, were Elgin callers Friday. Mrs. George Miller of Grayslake and Mrs. Henrfc Stoffel of Volo called on their father, John Pitsen, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller spent Saturday and Sunday with -Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller at Chicago. Miss Annabel Meyers and Miss Marie King called on Mrs. Joe Karls at Hartland hospital where Mrs. Karls is a patient. | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and son, LeRoy,. called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kirkmann of New Munster, Wis., and Mary Epping ; of Burlington, Wis., were visitors at 1 the home of Mrs. Wm. Althoff Thursday afternoon, v Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams of Solon Mills were callers here Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago snent the- weekend with Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegner of Volo called on Mrs. Wm. Althoff Friday afternoon. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann, >ever,jng Mr. and Mrs^ Albert Pepping and Mrs. I Mr and Mrs james Valenta of Stephen H Smith attended the funer-1 Chicago and; Mr. and Mrs. Jan - al of Earl Hoffien at Spring Grove on porfces 0f Berwyn were Sunday guests Special Christmas services will be held a$ the Volo Community Bible church Sunday evening, December 17, at 8 o'clock. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Carl Fink Wednesday, December 13, at 2 o'clock. The mfgor project, "Consumer Information On Buying Small Kitchen Equipment," was given by •%T- TT rn . . .. 1 •%* . . T» ,1^ Magnussen and the minor project, i The True Christmas Spirit," was given by i Mrs. Helen Johnson Volk. Mrs. Walter Vasey and son returned to their home here Wednesday from the Woodstock hopsital. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Passfteld and Harry Passfield attended the funeral services for Mr. Richard Baseley at Grayslake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters and Milton and Ada Dowell attended the International Live stock show in Chicago Thursday. The Volo Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Alex Martin Monday, Mrs. Ellwood Dowell spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher, at Libertyville. Bernard Hanke of Evanston sp • * Thursday here at the home of and Mrs. Frank St. George. The Volo Communitv Club will ran < t at the Volo school Friday eveni December 16. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family enjoyed turkey dinner at the home of the former's mother. Mrs. M. Dunker, in Crystal Lake. The occasion was the seventv-ninth birthday anniversary of Mrs. M. Dunker. Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. .T. 0'Bn< n and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher intended the installation of officers of the Mayflower chapter No. 555 at the Masom> hall i- Wauconda *Fri .... temoon at the home of Mr. and.Mrs. Earl Snyder at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. G. J -Burnett were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Ltoritarii Round last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder of Grayslake were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. H. L. Grantham,, Sr. Mrs. George -Stagg and Ardath Grantham of Wa'uconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Saturday morning. C. H. Hansen of Island Lake road was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Friday afternoon. Otis Phillips spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson on the "Flats. Arthur Wackerow Spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Huntoon at Kanevilte. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Mrs. Mary Obenauf of Libertyville spent Monday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were callers Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner of near Round Lake spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner.. LILY LAKE By the recently probated will of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Helen Paugh of Lebanon, Ohio, was bequeathed a rolling pin and a potato masher. Mrs. Thomas Klabough entertained the members of the Lily Lake Ladies' League Friday evening at her home. Bunco was played with prizes being awarded to Orra belle Bettray, Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. T. Klabough. A baby shower was also held in honor of Mrs. James Klabough. Many lovely gifts were rereived. A lovely lunch was served to the guests. Those present were: Mrs. James Klabough, Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. W. Etten, Mrs. H. Brown, Orra Belle Bettray, Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. McDermott, Mrs. Strnad, Josephine Dosch, Mrs. Thomas Klabough, Mrs. Mae Budil. Mrs. Louis Schroeder was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Mrs, Jack Wrublewski Wednesday at her home. A very quiet afternoon was spent in talking over old times. Guests nresent were: Mrs. Mr* Eibcii, Mrs. Then, Mrs. McDermott, Mrs, T. Klabough, Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Vachet, Mrs. Strnad and Mrs. Lavin. Mrs. Schroeder is spending a week at the heme of Mrs. Wrublewski. Visitors at the home of Mrs. Fred Dosch Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahn and son, Joseph, of Oak Park and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw of Grayslake. Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Mr. and Mrs Henry Fast, Jack Lavenger, Mr. and Mrs. Hyett, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson nnd manv other of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Lake. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. 1 and Mrs. C. McDermott Sunday were Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Klabough, Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough of Lily Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman of Chicago also visited in their homes. Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago spent a few days at their cottage here. Mrs. Louis Schroeder was the guest of honor at a luncheon given by Mrs. William Etten Thursday. Bunco was played with prises ineritad by Mn, J. Wrublewski, Mrs. H. Brown, linf> A. Seyfferth and Mrs. McDermott. CHRKTMAS CARDS , JT Seleet your Christmas Cards CrpiB The Plaindealer line. Prices range $1.25 for box of 25. Delivery made in two days from time order is placed. ,5' y jy For your very dearest friends, the most personal of all gifts is your portrait. It's thoughtful -- it is you. , Make an appointment today! Phone 275 Riverside Drivf McHenry MI PLACE RESTAURANT Phone 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Green St. * - Chicken Dinner Suidaj^#- 60c Sunday Chicken Chop Sney Friday ~^£resh Boneless Pike of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Georere. Mr. and Mrs. John Thrum of Chi cago were Saturday visitors at th» Thursday. Mr. and Mrs .Tony Miller of Chi. cago were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller Monday even-; D^ell" BVother7 home. Sarah Fisher. Mrs. Albert Mrs Arthur Peters and Bill Marz,Hafer and Mrs .Lloyd Fisher visited were Woodstock callers Wednesday William Lohman at his home in I.ih- Mr. and Mrs. Schweitzer of Chi- ertyvjjie Saturday cago were callers in the home of Jack Mrs Frank St George, Mrs. 1,- Bode Saturday. 1 Littlefield, Mrs. Joseph Wagner, BR' - Mrs. Al Wegener and children of jRussell Gibbs and Mrs. Bruno Gr.m- Wauconda visited their grandmother, j eUi t Wednepday afternoon at the Mrs Wm. Althoff, Tuesday afternoon. | home of Mrg H Maypole at King Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel called on Ialand at Fox Lake DEAN 15 toml* PERFECT GIFT Mrs. Earl Hoffien at Genoa City, Wis., Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of Wilmette were callers here Saturday evening. i ^ Mrs. Art Peters and dapjfhter, Dorothy, were Elgin callers Flfday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chambenin and family and Miss Katherine Pitzen of Chic^o spent Sunday with John Pitzen. Mrs. George King snent the nast week with her sister, Mrs. Earl Hoffie" at Genoa Citv. Wis. Mrs. Frank Nell and Mrs. Jacob Weingart were Waukegan shoppers Thursday. M*. and Mrs. Mike Gofski of Woodstock sDent Sundav in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. Alvin Case, Mrs. Alda Sir •! !• and Mrs. J. O'Brien attended the international <-Livestock show in Chi cago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter's parenjts, Mr. and Mrs John Oeffling. Fay Joyce of Waukegan spent the weekend here at the home of Mrs. A l vin Case. Mr. and Mrs. A. Daley and Mr. ami Mrs. C. Joyce of Chicago were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. Miss Lucille Bouchejr, Lawrei • Boucher and Lloyd Carlson of Waukegan were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Passfield and sonS spent Sunday with the letter's father, George Dowell, in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. John Goldberg of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley. Mr. and Mrs. CyTik were hosts to Ed Moberg of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Steder and children of j Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner Satrn Park Ridge and the Ellesen family day. of Bellwood on Sunday. Midred and McOuLLOM LAKE DIAMOND RlrtGS -- at -- $25-00 $35.00 -- $50-00 and up ffome in! . . . Compare Zenith \ Radios with other makes ! ! Priced $12-05 and up A. E. NYE ; -- Phone 123 , West MeHenrjfi ; Bud returned home Monday evening from a visit with friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Dorn and son, Bob, Mr. Bailey, Ross and John Boyle, Kay Halverson and Emil Simon were visitors qt the Backer home on Sunday. Dorothy is attending night school in McHenry. taking up typing. Marg Cinley returned home Sunday evening after spending some time in Kansas. Miss Fay Stackdale. sister of Mrs. Mathers, celebrated her nineteenth birthday anniversary last week. Tea was served to her guests. Sorry to learn of the death of Mr. Anderson's sister, who passed away November 22. Mr. and Mrs. Feiereisel were dinner Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and 'Mrs. A! bert Hafer visited Mrs. George X son" at the Elizabeth Condell hospifa' in LibertyvHle Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon of Crystal Lake were Sundav guests at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren wt n business callers at Grayslake La>l Tuesday afternoon. Willard Darrell, in company with A. D. Smith of Libertyville, Eb Har ris and Dr. Nordhausen of Graysli* m attended the Fat Stock show in Chi- «"iests at the Frank Kurth home on 1 cago last Thursday. Monday. Since Mr. Feiereis*»l is on I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and his vacation, he and hi" wife spent daughter, Frances, were callers at Saturdav in Milwaukee. Wis. j Crystal Lake last Friday afternoon ^The Schlitt familv entertained Mr. Misses Jennie and Ethel Dowell «nd Mrs. F. Klawitler and nephew, | tended the show at the Gramn Rav Cool sen. over the weekend. ! school at Grayslake last Saturday Mrs. Mathers just received a 1940 evening. Buick from he*- husband for a Christ- Mr. and Mrs, mas present. $ice going. Fern! S^me of the weekend «*ue<ats in the **"K>Tn home wore Mr. A. Stuhlfeier, Mr. arri Mw. W>ite Mr. and Mrs. G. B<wle and John Bovle. aM Mrs. Ka«einski are now making their permanent home here. Scytaie of the weekend visitors were Mr/and Mrs. Piritz. th^ .T^hncne fam- ;lv. Mrs. K«»nt and «on. Philip. Mr. n"d Mrs. Gau Vreau, •Snercer*. Tumevs. 'V)r*nso»i family, Knrths. Fast'nirs, Ponds. Lennox's. Waltons, Cermacs. Brackens and Hallevs. Guests at the George, Cable home on Sundav were Mrs. Cable's mother guests at the home of Mr. and M and two brothers. Carl. Vic a«d his j Marlett Henry. wife, and Mr. and Mrs. Bischoff. i Mrs. Elmer Esping and Robert and Saturdav. December 9, was Mrs. i Lyle Matthews spent the yeekend at Arthur Wagner and little dauehter. Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Sable were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Martin at Woodstock last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren wt Sunday dinner and supper guests at th« home df Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson at Cary. Willard Darrell attended a dir. < tor's mating of the Lake-Cook Farm Suw>ly Co. at Des Plaines Tuesday Miss Helen Lawless. Miss Helen Phalen and Peter Jacobs of Chicago were Sunday dinner and suoner McKim's birthday. Thev celebrated the occasion with Mr. and M^s. Elartnn and Mr. and Mrs. Henrv Weber of McHenrv by attending a venison dinner at Channel Lake. We are e'lad to hear Joseph Kilfether is well on the road to recovery aft»r a severe case of chicken nox. Mr. and Mr«. R. Ninitz are the par ents of a son born December 12.' the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt MaHhews at Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. John Blororen and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda were pnests last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple Park. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and stfbRE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS SLOCITM'S LAKE His t Mrs. Mary Sable spent Sunday afi IICHLY CARVED FRAME SRACEFUL 18th CENTUIV STYLE $98.00 Every popular style, fabric and color ... A gift extraordinary! Two-piece suites priced from $68.50 to $120 00 Fin*!? tailored la beoutiful coretlafl labrics . . . built with the famous 5-Siar 1 Construction ... a "hit" at the Chicago Sty!* Show . . . see this suite tomorrow. We are proud of our Lamps j-, . the largest selection wo . kave ever had, priced t very low! I Mirrors ... priced from $1.50 to $9-50 Large stock in a variety of shapes and sizes. Chairs of every style, shape and covering . .. hi variety to suit all tastes... Priced from $4*75 to $33-50 v SCATTER RUGS Ideal For Giving. Colorful, beautiful, extremely practical, these Bigelow scatters are welcome additions to charming homes. They spreadvplenty of che<jf and gayety for their size, and yotl can use them in dozens of spoil around the house: Wide varietjrqI patterns, colors «nd gradc% Smokers . . . metal and wood... $1-00 to $7-50 Twin Studios -- $24-50 to $39-00 Your selection will be held for Christmas if you wish N. J. JUSTEN & SON Next door to West McHenry State Bank, West McHenry, III T % $ l, A ' '4 ft" ' \ 4S 7 * *v •. **• ••Ti 'I -

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