Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1939, p. 4

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" ty .AkA vJ®« THE TTHORT RIMB€N.ER Published etery Uninity a* Mehenry, Bl., by Chartas F. r* ;WJ" ?v %« i-w^,1; * Entered as th« posioffice at the act of May 8, 1879. We write" our in the simplest of terms: may all that is worth; having be youre for 194* One Year Six Months .... QABBY GERTIE r*r i "We're sot superstitio* but we'seealuckyhorstr sloe bringing yon fortune. „ -- - m«?•*-•£ ROSSMAN MOTOR SALES Lafayette -- Packard When yon palm yourself off as an experienced hand, punishment comes on the heels of deception Nash "• DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, Ph.D BEES OO NOT COLLECT HONEY In an old fashioned way fashioned year. Snrely it will hold new blessings for yon and for years. FROM FLOWERS CLIFF'S RADIO SERVICE Clifford Wilson, Prop. r McHBintf :«Arih)EAttl 4 •• . t. V?P •" * ^bOCUftTSLAKE V '... - .>•-.( We will be with yw in spirit When yon are lebratingthe coming of the new year. J0HNSIIM6 TAVERN J08. Hettermann, Prop. r*Ui When bees buzz from flower t© flower, they are not gathering honey. They are collecting ' nectar, which they swallow and partially digest. This is later regurgitated and deposited in the combs of the hive as honey. A bee would have to make about 30,000 trips and gather nectar from approximately 3,000,- 000 blossoms in order to produce one pound of honey. Since bees (workers) only live about six weeks, no one of them ever'makes more than about one-tenth of a pound Of honey in a lifetime. (Public ledger--WNU S«rvlc«.> Mr. and Mrs. ArttourHilkr, Mrs. lane Keeler and -gvaeddNaiKfcfeers, Jane and Bettie, of Barrington mare Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Miss Helen Phaelen of Chicago was an overnight guest Sunday of her aunt, Mrs. Van Deusen at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Other weekend and Christmas guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake. Arthur Wlackerow enjoyed Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Turner at Waukegan. Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, spent Sunday at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan in Chicago. In the morning they all attended the Galewood Congregational church where Miss Jane is organist. Mrs. Ralph Wagner and Mrs. Marlett Henry were callers at Libertyville last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and little son were callers at Elgin Sunday, Mort Jensen spent ChristmaB eve at the home of relatives in Chicago. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Wagner were dinner and afternoon guests Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner at Remid Lake. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lagerlund, Mr. G. Lagerlund and daughter, Margaret, and son, Harold, of Elmwood Park, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park were Christmas eve guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Harvey Obenauf of Libertyville is spending his week's vacation from school at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Rev. and Mrs. R. G. Hallock of Wauconda attended the Christmas program at the Slocum Lake school last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry . Matthews spent last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rowley at Crystal Lake. Mr. Rowley is still very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis of the "Flats." Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis, Miss Frances Davis and Martin Bauer were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle, 7/iilard Dar- 'Hll. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Mr. and Mrs. William Darrell and daughter, Marylin, and son, George, en joyed Chrstmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Oak Park. spirit filled the air. Angel food cake, ke creajn and fat chocolate mi aprr* ®d for refreshments. As eteh cbiM left for home they were given a lovely gift All the parents wish to thank Mr. and Mrs. Beatty, Mrs. McDonald, who wis so kind to offer their place' for the occasion, and the ladies who assisted, Mrs Kilfether, Mrs. Feiereisel and Mrs. Schlitt. In thia column Harry Becker would like to air his troubles. It teems that a certain Mr. D. is his objection. This man gets up and cooks the breakfast each morning. Now Harry is worried, he is afraid his wife will expect him to do the same. This 'Ideal Husband,' Mr. D„ would like Harry to keep his big police dog home. He claims the dog sleeps under the bed until it gets cold thcr. crawls in bed with Mr. D. When asked why he didn't chase the dog out, poor Mr ,D. replied, "Did you ever try to chase a police dog out? Visitors at McKims' on Christmas were Joe Weber, EM Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Pheneger and Mr. and Mrs. White. A lovely Christmas Party was given at McDonald's by Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Beatty of McCollum Lake for the children here, from 7 to 9 jmb* December 22. FOE SALE FOR SALE--Two pure bred registered Holstein bull calves, 3 months old, very well bred. Brandenburg farm, phone McHenery 632-J-l. 32 FOE RENT FOR RENT--Three room flat, heat and water furnished. Inquire at Schneider's flats. 32 WAKTKD WANTED--Man for established business in local territory. Real opportunity for ambitious man. No sign- Frank j erg required. Car needed. S. F. Baker & Co., Keokuk, Iowa. 32-3 WANTED--Ear corn oife shelled corn by the truck load. Write and quote lowest price. Will haul from your farm by truck. Can use 50 ton. Meyer Klass, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. *32 MISCELLANEOUS FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS --On homfes and farms, in and around Mc- Henry, 111. Low interest rateai See Kent ft Co. Inc., McHenry, 111., Phone 8. 28-tf Mrs. Elmer Esping called at the FARMERS--We pay $3.00 to $15 per My SAYS; SftEETIHC* «'• Vi U ' - : : " , Seeing ahead we prophecy a very good year for yon. May we serve yitaj well. IROADWAY BARBECUE John Anderson, Prop. ' Potatoes will be more mealy when baked if the ends are cut oft before putting into the oven. • • • Creamed soup should not be served at a meal when creamed vegetables or fish are served. • •* • A clove of garlic rubbed around the salad bowl will season the salad, but will not give it too strong a flavor. • • • Vary the vegetables you serve. Substitute broccoli, endive, leeks or Chinese cabbage, for given beans, lima beans and corn. • • • If pillows have to be forced into cases, cases will soon wear out. Always be sure to get cases large enough when buying. (AsaoclaUd N«wipap«r»--WNTJ ScrvfM.) TEST FOR PILOTS home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews at Bensenville Saturday evening. Mrs. TVfatthewS is able to be up in a wheelchair. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park and Miss Joyce Ebert of Forest Park visited relatives at Oak Glen Farm Wednesday afternoon. JOHNSBURG head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse changes. 44-10 POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION!--We have a poultry expert who will worm, cull, and vaccinate your poultry. Prices very reasonable. FARMERS MILL, Phone 29. 23-tf Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schaefer of j GARBAGE COLLECTING--tat us Chicago spent the weekend in the dispose of your garbage each week, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaef- or oftener if desired We hope your^ wishes come tmefoir 1940, bringing you and your loved ones the joy. of dreams f u l f i l l e d in. New Year. MCHENRY CLEANERS Experts in repairing of all kinds Lodtz and L-odtx We'reaet superstitious ... bnt we see only good signs for your future through 1940. <3* STANDARD SERVICE STATION \ Pink Gorman Pri¥* and Elm Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegener of Volo called on Mrs. Win. Althoff Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago spent .the weekend with Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith of Spring Grove called on Mr. and Mrs. Joe King Sunday afternoon. Wm. Mr&z spent Christmas day with his son at Lake Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wfilkie of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Woodstock, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Schults of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of John J. Smith. Mrs. John M. Schmitt is quite sick at this writing. , Elmer Meyers is spending the weekend with his sister Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan. Mrs. Richard Guyeser of Chicago spent the weekend with- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Oeffling. ; Miss Katherine Pitzen of Chicago spent Christmas day with her father John Pitzen. Miss Marie King spent Sunday evening with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski, at Woodstock Harry C. Job, wim I the 21 student pilots at the American Airlines school at North Beach airport, New York, is shown having his eyes test ei by means of a phoremetgf. SLOVAKIA CHIEF Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 865 or 081-M-l. 2-tf DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani. tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 108, reverse charges. 44-10 NEW HOME OF McHENRT WELDING & BLACKSMITH SHOP McHenry Welding and Blacksmith Shop has moved to its new home located at Waukegan road on Route 20 in back of Farmers Mill . Business going on as .usual. JAMES ORR, Prop. 32 ^ pa West McHenry, 111. McOULLOM LAKE Rev. Joseph Tiso, who was unanimously elected president of Slovak' la. Prior to his eleettaa he led tbl government as premier. Mr. and Mrs/ Art Burg, Jr., are the I proud parents of a young son, bom I December 18 at the West Suburban hospital. The young man tipped the scale at six pounds. Both are doing fine and returned home Thursday. The christening will be Sunday (New Year's Eve), December 31. Mr. and Mrs. George Cabel were hosts to fourteen guests from Chicago on Christmas day. A delidious turkey dinner was served. Mrs. Huska was well enough to be up and around on Christmas day. She had been ill in bed for ten days. A skating party was enjoyed Tuesday evening. Lucille Weingart, Nadine Schaffer, Harry Ferwerda, Bill Dicker, Berwyn Bourelle, Jim Bailey, Dave Boyle, Dorothy Becker, Gregory Burg and two of his friends were present. The Sales family spent Christmas in Chicago with Mrs. Sales' sister and family, the Larties. Mr. and Mrs. E. Boyle, Mr. and Mrs. George Boyle, Ross and John Boyle and Miss K. Halverson spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. E. Boyle. Mr. and Mrs. Schlitt and family and Mrs. Anna Schlitt spent Christmas at Glen View at the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Patterson. Mrs. Goldie of Forest Park was a guest in the Kilfether hom^ on Christmas day. Thirty were present and enjoyed a moving picture after which they all sat at one big table. It was decorated with candles and the Christmas MEN WANTED > .Several honest, reliable men of good character wanted by feed company manufacturing protein feeds, for work in this locality. livestock and poultry feeding knowledge desirable, car necessary. 25 to 50 years of age. You will be trained to handle a permanent business of your* own, with good earnings. Write Box 22, Care <* The Plaindealer. Name Addrc •SEES' HOW IT'S DONE •' . .1 '/*'s : •» King in the new! ont the old! Welcome to the, new year--Predict? ing your bright futnre|i Things will be good--#; and well- be good ,y*te i:r U Collins, Manager W* Will contribute yjour enjoyment of the ^!New Year lent service. > , % « " . ; a v f e i w . . • ALBERT KIUIISE, NEWS AGENCY } Elm Street jHere's to the festivitidlf k New Year's Eve The bells of the tow$ ring out a welcome t|» the New Year of ' c3bin us in celebration. MEIESA A SON Signs and Upholstering May yotir New YeaHbe a merry mixture of good * health, prosperity and good fortune always. iWM.' .-:r \ PISTAKEE BAY SCHOOL Major Edw. Bouma JJeauty rules the festivities for the New Year! Let's all drink a toast to gay 1940. j ^ new MA'S PUCE Mrs. Kate Shelflo% 'Let's thank Father Time for giving us young 1940 for a new companion. Rely on us to help make New Year more and vour ' important ^^Xecoriomical I GLADSTONE'S Department Store Green Street more * Edward J. Kuncel, 26, of Omaha who has been blind since birth, is shown "watching" the construction ef an engineer's seat in the upholstery shop of the Union Pacific railway. Kuncel is so interested in the road's activities that he has made several trips to the shops to "watch" the various mechanical operations involved in hiaking and rerailway equtpme*. We shortNew v Year's wishes to you. Let us continue to be "your store." 't&vwv NATIONAL TEA GO. ^ James Powers, Manager ml ~ Elm and Green Streets 7^ C

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