Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Dec 1939, p. 6

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Groceries and Meats ^»rifaKhl»ai MM wttb Will epbmi spent Christ* daughter and family Otv MUM «tt ad Kenosha;' Mr. aid ' r r i i i tilii >#*»'*"* ,,\W £ & h • -<?*$ tt Wfm £sv-«»~r. .sy' 3^'W; Tou'll be on tap of the Hfeorld when our prophe* y lies'f6t your New. ••TR. -1; * -"vV", ^ WEE'S guithwg store " A"' jjM season's cftttrms «»o MaUFiIIDv ir*r ODCIM 15(1 • ^ r »•••••••• « •Vk*'-ssWI«Mtlll VI# I ? Cream of <?reams" jiuthore wise but ov .heart is in our New Year's wish to you. May it pay you in fortune /our due; GMECTIHMS '&*r 8; GROCERY & MARKET Green. Street SUBSiMs CARET ELECTRIC SHOP WISH # ' f . . . - , • - 4 '. v • "<i " *' H -/ '• • . ' ~ • • ,' - ? In ourmost formal manner, we welcome 1940, '.and wish him a happy stay with us. He is a welcome guest bringing a pack of good fortune • to us all. A6ATHA SHOP Ethel Jones Mir ill iii i;inr' :v The mas ' Thompi j ternoonl Ray Me I Gifts were Th° '*t the home of C. J. JepsOlii UrarSday evening. Cards were played and a social time was [enjoyed. Alan Aikgtr was pleasantly surprised at tj* Qeorge Shepard home Saturday efialfl|{ when a group of young folks came in and helped him celebrate hi3 birthday. Hearts were ; played with prises awarded to Alan A in per and Walter Low. He was presented with a sweater. Mr. and Mrs. joe McCannon held open house Saturday evening for their son, Marshal, who is herefor a few days visit from Norfolk, Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Fatal Walkington and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy and son, Glen, Jr., visited relatives at Barneveid, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, J. V. Buc"kland and Rev. %nd Mrs. Collins spent Tuesday in the W. A. Collins home in Beloit. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Sunday with the former's mother at McH<unry. Carlton Fay of Connecticut arrived here Tuesday for a. visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Fay Rev. and Mrs. Collins spent Christmas in the home of their son, Frank, at Wilmette. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family spent Christmas day in the home of the letter's mother at Hc- Henry. Mr. arid Mrs. Ardin Frisbee and family of Greenwood and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison and family of Round Lake spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Rev. Collins officiated at the marnape pf Arlette Newman and Carl Riotesel at McHenry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heine and son, Euprene, of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison of Clinton, Wis., were callers in the Charles Peet home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Alfred, spent Christmas with relatives at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and family spent Christmas with the letter's parents at Ostend. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Felvey Davis and daughter of Woodstock, Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Anderson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Christmas with the letter's parents at Hunter, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and sens spent Sunday and Christinas with i elatives at Oak Lawn. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson spent Christmas day in the Harry Alexander home at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Gkwn Jackson and family and Mr. and Mrs. * Mervin Christensen and son of Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Montaney and son of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frey and family of Blue Island and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and family spent Christmas day with Mrs. Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCannon and family spent Christmas day in the Lester Edinger home at Woodstock. Mrs. J. C. Pearson and baby son returned home Friday afternoon from the Woodstock hospital. Mr., and Mrs. Joe McCannon and sons, Loren and Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and daughters, Mildred and Virginia, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dewey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Whlkington and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkington at Libertyville. Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison were Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Walker and family of Waukegan, Charles Krohn and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Benoy and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coles and Walter Krohn. Miss Virginia Johnson of Elgin is spending the week with Audrey Merchant. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant and Alice Howard of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. George Harrison is spending the week with her daughter, Mrs. Glenn Treon. at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Harrison ard family. M» and Mrs. W. B. Hfcri is on and son, Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon, Crystal Lake, ar d Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Harrson and Marion Peet of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and Mrs. George Harri- Wm. Boemhke and sofa, Dick, Sftot Christmae With relatives at MwiMkgo. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and family spent Christmas with relatives at Manmgo. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams of Solon Mills spent Christmae with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hall and daughter, Elly, were visitors in the Bruce Larson home at Mundelein on "Sunday. UQLY LAD The Lily Lake Ladies' League spread Christinas cheer by delivering bushel baskets of groceries to the needy families, and the sick were remembered with baskets of fruit. A Christmas party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Vachet at Lily Lake hotel Saturday evening. At six o'clock the party was held for the children. Santa Claus was there and all the children received gifts, candy and popcorn. Later in the evening the party was for the grownups. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed by all. Mr. and $frs. Robert Krinn of Des Plaines, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs yrere dinner guests at the home of Mr.1 and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday. Dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Thoma* Klabough Sunday were Mrs. Nora McCalla, Mr. Griffith, Harriet Burrison of Chicago and D. McCalla of Mount Vernon, Wis. Mr. McCalla is spending a few weeks with his daughter. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw of Grayslake and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ruzha end daughters, Dorothy and Shirley, of Cicero. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson spent Christmas day at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sereikas. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs of Lily Lake visited the home of his pvrfents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs, Me Henry Christmas day. vol/) §*yfpDY son. R E. Howard and daughter, Alice, and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant of Ken osha' were callers in the Ray Merchant home Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and daughter. Marion. Mrs. George Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon =^pnt Christmas wth Mr. and Mrs. EHward Harrison in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'Famam and of Goodfield. HI., and Mrs. J. M. Butler of Bath.. HI., are visiting in the B. T. Butler home Mr. and Mrs Ralph Clay and family and Edna Peet of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons of Spring Grove spent Christmas dav with Mr. and,. Mrs. Ed Peet. H. H Slawson of Chicago was also a guest in the Peet home. Miss* Marion Peet of Elgin is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Farnam and sons of Goodfield. Mrs. J. M. Butler of Bath, Leonard Brown of Crete, Em- | ma Grace Trepers of Palatine, Mr ! and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mr. and i Mrs. S. W. Brown were guests in the B. T. Butler home on Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter, Susan, and Margaret Coyne of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs Rairner Remer and daughter, Nancy of Pistakee Bay spent Christmas in the Patrick Coyne home. The Volo school closed Friday evening for their Christmas vacation. Mrs. Ellwood Dowell called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley attended the funeral services for Arthur Baseley at Wauconda Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Frett of Chicago spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John OefTling. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon and family of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and family of Crystal Lake were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Christmas day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil, in Berwyn. Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters visited her mother, Mrs. Albert Hafer, in Fremont township Christmas day. A Christmas program was held at the Volo school Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslake called at the |ome ol the latter's father, Henry Passfield, Christmas day. Miss Edna Fisher of Waukegan spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. George Vasey and family- of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wagner, Mrs. Mary Sable of Sloeum's Lake, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser and son and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser and son were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter, Ruth Los, visited Mrs. Maria Dunker in Crystal Lake Thursday. The Volo 4-H club met at the Waueonda Township High school Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell spent Christmas day at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex*- under Boucher, at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and: daughters called at the home of Mr., and Mrs. D. Wellmann at Grayslake- Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mfc. and Mrs. John Passfield, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Vasey, Mrs. Herman Dunker, Henry Passfield and Walter Vaso^r attended the funeral services for Rose mary Brixon at Ray's funeral homeat Libertyville Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family enjoyed Christmas, dinner at the home of Mrs. Alda Smith in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and sons, Donald and Harold, and Mrs. Margaret. Grabbe of Crystal Lake were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Charles Rushing of Hampshire and Lloyd Benwell of McHenry called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, and Mrs. Sarah Fisher called at the home of Miss Edna Fisher in Waukegan Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Grabbe of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Ritta enjoyed Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. Billie Elizabeth and Mary Waldmann of Chicago are enjoying their Christmas vacation here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs; William Waldmann. Q - Robins Hear Well Man has better eyes than the tower animals, but his ears are not as good. A robin, for example, can Mr. and Mrs. Max BethTHHi son, hear a worm crawling in the ground v ^BBSS-PAGE WTM frord -- Mercury -- Zephyr * ^ ^ M We ring out 1939 and ring ii| 1940. May the % coming year be the be®l * - *.#. T ' . " * , vf^ ' 1 /•'"MIL */<• . ^ anna ma Gleaning and Dyeing muj W SCH eir&M' «. J. JUSTEN & SON Fnrnitui* We hasten to wish yoi£ an exciting New Yeaiff and look forward to enjoying your patronage. MCHENRY BREWING CO. Established Since 1861 GR££TIN<?S TO ALL STOFFEL & REIHAlNSPERGER Insurance a. me welcome 1940, wis|i- ||ig Mm a happy viaj^, iilth us. He is a wet-' oom^ guest to all. McHEHRY NORM. CH "Say It With Flower*" 1MB Aj.; ukAS. H. FREUND & SOU Contractors (J) --><% =' TWENTY YEARS AGO 1 " |? That the wheat growers and pa- ^ . j trons of the West McHenry flour milt - wished to avoid the busy winter sea- 'w'# son at the mill is seen by the fact', that many of them had big suppliee^ - of wheat ground up into flour early'1 ' in the season. By so doing they not . only saved themselves the disappoint-:- \ ment occasioned by the closing of the'* mill on account of the coal strike, but^ also did away with the long waits; that were so characteristic at this;; time in former years. A few of the Terra Cotta employes!1 assisted the icemen engaged in filling the C. Unti ice house in this village on Sunday. | Saturday was oee of the busiest^ days the village has witnessed 'aince^; last summer. Christmas buying and' • ]" }* * the school election were responsible; . ^ for bringing the big crowd to . flPTOIRTY YEARS AGO y v Three extra clerks this week at Block and Bethke's store this week, as follows: Misses Marie Block, Alice' Simes and Mayme Heimer. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs is helping out at Bohlander's. The business men of McHenry report this year's holiday business to' be the best that they have experienc- ' ed in many years. .' „ Butter went up another cent on tH«s " * Elgin board of trade Monday and was T~~T" quoted at 36 cents. McHenry is now covered-with the 7" heaviest mantle of snow that it has had in many years. The roads in many places in the country are impassable. * and it was with the greatest difficulty that our rural mail carriers covered part of their route last Saturday. FORTY YEARS AGO Jay Van Slyke, who was the founder and for twenty-five years editor and propretor of The Plaindealer. has bought «n interest in the McHenry County Repulbican, of Algonquin. A Christmas tree at the home of Mrs. E. S. Wheeler will be a pleasantl Christmas feature. Will Schreiner, now of the Hebron Tribune staff, spent Sunday with his mother in this village. C. M. Adams and family are now occupying the rooms above the store. Mathew Thelen returned to the great city on Monday. FIFTY YF.ARH AGO Story and.McOmber is the name of the new hardware firm that succeeds W. R. Stevens on the West side. The McHenry Gun Club, will hold their next shoot on Christmas Day, on the West Side park. Slocum's full orchestra, with G. S. Welch, nrompter, wtll be at the Riverside House New Years. 4 Mrs. H. E. Wightman and Miss Jessie have been visiting with friends in Elgin the past week. QUICK RELIEF FROM lyptsia at Mb trees ArMag from STOMACH ULCERS Mn EXCESS ACID ftas»sa>lMfc sfMeaselrsstnatthat - Mas* er HUM Cast Yea NetMag O*»«M.lDiU0» iMttlMof t*» W1LIARD TIUTUINT haw* baoaaoM for rj eli^lof froai Stomach Bott w IS days' trial! which fully at WATTLES DRUG STORK M'HENRY $2.00 to $3.00 Cash for Dead, Dewa and Crippled HORSES and CATTLE Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges Mchenry r RAL 00. -- Phone 608-R-l One Mile South of McHenry i -IP Route 31. Flowers for all occasions! SLENDERIZE 2 to 4 Lbs. Weekly The Safe Natural Way, and Ward Off Infectious Colds, Stiff Joints, Rheumatisrri, With Our Individual Swedish Massage and B a t h s . T r i a l T r e a t m e n t R e g . $2 for $1. Reg. $3 for $2 Up. Seven Visits, $11 and , *16.50. 14 Yis- 9 its, $17.50 and $28.50. Ultra-Violet San Tan Bath, $100. STOMP AH ATO 'S aaty and Reducing Saloa 441 Woodstock, ID. •m

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