Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1940, p. 3

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' j l \ '** ^H3 , January 4,1940 s 1939 MR. AND MRS. WALTER SMIT® MRS ROBERT SNYDER v' *"•••' MR. AND MRS, QRVAL GRANGER MRS. EVERETT THOMAS , MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM JOHNS r - HA,Am §*&• CJUMJ* NIX , MR. AND MRS. ALFONS WIRTZ MR A NT) MRS HFMBV flPngg ^Wr*v-'Jr' To . jrV'^v'.V' W:'4 " " *'• , MBS. KENNETH PATK MRS. GUY DUKtt JF SEVERAL MARR1A8E8 OCCURRED DURING '39 Glancing: back over the Plaindealer flies, the records show that fifty-five couples said "I do" during 1989, both in and around the community. We hope that their love makes the world go 'round many, many years for them. Jan. 4--One of the first marriages of the season united Miss Viola Freund of Johnsburg and Mr. Robert Snyder of Baltimore, Md. Jan. 7--Mr. Fred Luedtke of Woodstock married Miss Louise Wolf, formerly of McHenry. Jan. 7--Miss Margaret Steinsdoerfer of McHenry became the bride of Mr. Donald McVicker of Crystal Lake. Jan. 11--A lovely wedding at Spring Grove united Miss Lucille Adams of Spring Grove and Mr. Alfred Freund of McHenry. Jan. 25--Miss Marian Fyatt of Chicago and Mr. Leo Scarborough of McHenry were united as one at Woodstock. Jan. 26--An Elgin wedding mad* Miss Mary Celine Adams, whose hom« is in McHenry. the bride of Mr. John N. Whalert of Elgin. Jan. 28--A McHenry couple, Mies Evelyn Karls and Dr. Lawrence B. Murphy, Jr., were married. Jan. 30--St. Patrick's church was the scene of the marriage of Miss Catherine Kunz and Mr. Michael Kerrigan, both cf MoHenry. ® Feb. 18--Miss Ruth Phalin of McHenry and Mr. Harry Anderson of Chicago exchanged vows at the latter city. Feb. 18--Mr. Walter Anderson, McHenry, took Miss Marion Weingart, also of McHenry. for his bride. Mar. 8--Mr. Howard N. Ensign brought Miss Elsie Mae Japp of Omaha, Nebr., to McHenry to become his wife. Mar. 25--Miss Lillian Seibel of Woodstock and Mr. Orval Granger of McHenry took each other "for better or for worse" at Woodstock. Apr. 15--Miss Adele Doberstein of Ringwood became the bride of Mr. Edwar E. Nickel of Chicago at McHenry. Apr. 15--Miss Louise Weingart and Mr. Stanley Schaffer, a McHenry couple became man and wife at St. Mary's church. Apr. 26--A Richmond wedding united Mi «s Valeria Miller of Richmond and Mr. Arvin Arseneaugh of Kankakee. May 2--Mr. Kenneth Pate of this city eyhnnp"»d vows with Mis« Marp- arwt Helen Kleinrath of Crystal Lake at the letter's home town. home of Mrs. George Harrison Momday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant and Alice Howard of Kenosha and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and daughter, Edith Pearl, spent Monday in the ^ i r :i 1 Ray Merchant home. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin is visit- plying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. , * 'Tt'fL Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Wood- • ' r i stock spent Sunday and Monday with ^ |s her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. sd ^ Arthur Anderson of Woodstock formed the first union. Mr. Wilfred Melahn of Gilberts piarried the bride's sister, Miss Hattie Baker. Oct. 22--Miss Lorraine Pepping of Crystal Lake and Johnsburg and Mr. Chester Watkins of Crystal Lake were married at Crystal Lake. Oct. 25--A Johnsburg couple, Miss Amelia Weber and Mr. Walter Smith, were happily united. J Oct. 28--Miss Dorothy Lieser of Chicago and McCollum Lake exchanged vows with Mr. Charles Miller of i Smith. McHenry at St. Patrick's church, Mq- [ Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and Henry. j family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison Oct. 28--At a Rouftd Lake wedding, I and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mai- Mr. Herman Walters of McHenry and < lowe and son of Huntley and Mrs. ; ^ ! Miss Dorothy Tonyan of Fox Lake [ Georgia Harrison and daughters. were married. j Olive and Bernice, of Woodstock spent '/'%$ Oct. 28--Miss Eileene Mulcahy of {Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Har- - McCollum Lake became the bride o!|jrison. Mr. George A. Boyle of Chicago at St.; Harold Wagner of Woodstock spent * ?*- ^ Angelus church. Chicago. Friday evening in %e R>. C. Harrison Nov. 9--Mr. Earle E. Monear of Mc-«home. ?' ? V \ Henry made Mrs. Nancy Miller of j Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family Crystal Lake his bride at Waukegan. I spent Sunday and Monday with rela- f Nov. 11--Miss Dorothy Wagner of Round Lake and Mr. Eloy Phannenstill of North Chicago were united in wedlock at Volo. tives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coyne ahd family and Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Rentier and daughter, Nancy, spent Sun- ••.SfcS «£•.*?? Nov. ^8--A double ring ceremony at! day and New Year*s eve in Chicago. . Mary's church united Miss Evelyn j Mr. and Mrs. I. sN. "Butler and reund of this city and Mr. Joseph T. daughter of Elgin snent Wednesday St Freund ind Petitclair, Jr., of Waukegan. Nov. 18--At Spring Grove, Miss Eleanor Freund of that city exchanged vows with Mr. Victor Freund of McHenry. Nov. 23--Mr. Elmer Myer of McHenry married Miss.Esther Olson of Chicago at the latter place. ^ Nov. 25--Miss Clarabelle Roberts of Ringwood became the bride of Mr evening in the B. T. Butler home. Miss Virginia Jefson rj-tn -ned to Mt Vernor, Iowa, to resume her studies at Cornell college, after spending the holidavs with her parent*, Mr.' . £ and iilrs. C. J. Jepson. »» Miss Catherine Coyne refcurred to|#^, college at Jacksonville, 111., after spending her Christmas vacation with f * her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Walter J. Mahoney t)f Chicago at St. j Coyne. j y Miss Virginia Johnson returned to?' Monday after < Patrick's church. Dec. 24--Miss Arlette Newman and Mr. Carl Rietesel, both McHenry residents, were wedded on Christmas eve. Dec. 30--Mr. Carl Bickler took Miss Edith Pitzen for his bride at St. Mary's church. Both live at McHenry. RINGWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCannon and son. Loren. and Patricia Phalin spent Sunday in the Roland McCannon home at Algonquin. F. N. Muzzy was a visitor at Marengq Tuesday afternoon where he!at was called by the, illness of hig, evening. her home in Elerin spending the week with her cousin, Audrey Merchant. * I # J' Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and! daughter. Bernice. spent Wedenesday^ in the Lyle Hopper home in Chicago. ^ <5 Mr. and Mt% Lonnte. Smith nndKg 1 family spent Md^idayJn the Willianr*f VVurteinger home iTl ~Woodstock. > - X Gladys Shepard and Alan Aineerg----^--- snent a few days the past week with^^vl*;^ friends and relatives in Chicago. 2-, V Ralph Smith and sons, Billy and*' is, Arnold, of Harvard spent Sunday "•? Monday with his parents. Mr. an3| .<• Mrs. S. W. Smith The Home Bureau held & card party the Osterd schoolhouse Fridays Prizes in five hundred wer mother. (awarded to Howard Walkington ai! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fransen andi vrank Harrison; in hearts to Alan| M son, Lyle, accompanied by Mrs. J. G.iDimon fttid Charles Martin: {n checit- - Wagner and William Shotliff, Spring I ers to Frank Martin *nd LeRoy Neal ^ Grovr, attended the funeral of a rela-'in piroohle to Clarence Draper and , tive at Holoit. Wis., Sunday. They! Antoije Freund. Mrs. Hoppe and Mr«..£: ' ^ also viaitvd relative? at Rockton, 111. | Eppel were on the serving commit-1 ; Mr. antl Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Jr., j tee. There were fourtet-n guests be"|. | May 3--Spring Orove was thp scene \ and dauchtor, Betty, visited Mrs. I sides the members. ' '"K ^ of the marriage of Miss Alvera Freund (Frank Johnson at Rockford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Fra*-k of Rogers -~i of that town and Mr. Clemers Freund I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weber and fam- Park spent the weekend in the R. C.-> % o.f .Jo.h ns.b ure .i < >1 11 . if J UL if : I • X 1: : Mf>" 5--Mis« Ruth Schwarr and M^. Charles NW. both of Elburn, ,said "I do" at McHenry. k May 6--Mr?. Mary Wngner of. Mc- TTenrv and Mr. R. Lyle Gasser of Woodstock were married at Woodstock. May 13--Mi^s Luella Reinboldt of Odebolt. Iowa, And Mr. Fredrick Huamann of Johnsburg were wedded at Johnsburg. June 3--Mr. Henry Gross of Des- Plw'nes wedded Miss Viola Schmit(vat Spring Grove, the latter's home June 7--Mr. Guy Duker of McHeit traveled to Alton. 111., to make Miss Ruth Paul his bride. June 10--Mr. Paul Yanda, music instructor at the high school, married Miss Lura Ritchie at Winnebago, Minn. June 11--Miss Lillian Segel of Chicago, whose parents reside in McHenry, and Mr. Harry Rosenthall of New Haven, Conn., were happily united at Chicago; Miss Caroline Freund of Johnsburg and Mr. Everett Thomas of McHenry exchanged vows at Johnsburg. June 21--The wedding bells rang ily of McHenry spent Monday with; Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fay spent Mon- j sday#; with Mr. and Mrs. John Tyrrell t and family at Fox Lake. I Mr. and Mrs. iCirk Harrison and | s son, Robert, of Woodstock spent Sun-j day ill the J. C. Pearson home. • f. '-il JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wau- Miss Betty Brennan spent Sunday jconda wore^ Christmas caller? here. at Kenosha. j~~ J. V. Buckland'iand C. J. Jepson are on the sick list. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston has been spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepn. Mr,..a'i<l Leo Gerlach and sons^ spent Sunday with relatives In Mil- J waukee, Wis. Mrs. Martha Freurd and daughters : of Woodstock spent a few days with:5|: her mother. Mrs. Math Freund. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund a*"i Mrs. Patrick Coyne and Mrs. Remer;daughter, JNancy, «pent New Years'! and daughter, Nancy, spent Wednesday in the home of Mrs. Stephen H. ^ day with Mrs. Ralph Simpson at Crys-1 Smith. | tal Lake Mr. ard Mrs Steve May and daugh|- Harold Jepson of Urbana spent iter. Mr. and Mrs. Joe; »P«nj I Sunday night and Monday with his i Wednesday Pvemrg with Mr an|d parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. | Mrs. Joe E. M.ller at | • Mr. and Mrs. Hefry Nell left for^ Florida where they will spend the winter months. > Mrs. Jacob Steffes, Mrs. Dick Hes-S| t«r anrl daughter and Mrs. John King^ of McHenry visited with Mrs. Mamie; Kirg Friday afternoon. f Mss Katherine Althoff of Elgin Patrick Coyne of Chicago spent the. past week here with his family. The Ringwood unit of the Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Collins Tuesday afternoon. There were fifteen members and one visitor present. Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Eppel gave the lesson on "Meat Cookery. , , .h out at Spring Grove for Miss Marie They baked a ham with pineapple j s^ent New Year s day with her m Young and Mr. George Bell of Solon! which was very delicious and served j er.^ Mrs. Wm. Althoff. _. Mill. lit to the members after the lesson.! Miss Kathorme Pit.-* of Chicago - Marriage vows were ex- j Mrs. Fred Wiedrich- Jr-» and Mrs. R. St. Patrick's church by|C. Harrison were chosen as delegates Mills. June 24- changed in Miss Eunice Marshall of McHenry and to go to Urbana Monday to Farm and Mr. Anton Kosniski of Chicago. June 24--A Park Ridge wedding united Miss Christine Wegener of Lily Lake and Mr. Robert Krinn of Des- Plaines Home Week. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr entertained the five hundred club at their home spent the weekend in the home of her_ father, John Pitzen. Mr. and M>-s. Leo Ki««r spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Freund at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Miller a-d fam- Thursday evoning. Pri.e, wore .ward- j Ed Hoffine and Mr. ,nd Mrs. b'mcs. ed to Mrs. George Shepard and F. A., June 24--Mr. Edward Harrison of Kitchens, high, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray! Mike Gorski rvd family and Mr^d Rinsrwood and MMiissss Ruth Owen of!"--- -- iMrs" <**>*** Zamstorff of Woodstock Elgin became man and wife at Nashua, Io^ra. • June 24--Miss Arlene Warner and Peters, low. Wayne Foss spent Friday fripnds in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters spent Sun- Mr. William .Johns, both of Elgin, j <}ay and Mor-day in the Lyle Hopper were married at that city. 'home in Chicago. •*« n v June 26--The marriage ceremony of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Foss of Rich-jMrs.^ en^ Miss Eleanor May of McHenry andmond. Warren Jones of McHenry, Ted with spent Sundav 'n th? home of Mr.* and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mr. ard Mrs. Paul S- humacher and family of Crystil Lake New Vear's dav in the home of Mr. and< •m Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer. Waur BUBS ciieanur jnay ui incneiuy »"u i mona. warrrn jumc? ramnuj, . . VI v . i •iv Mr. Walter J M.anning of Chicago | Koistra of Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Alec f Je&an- sP«nt New Ye day was performed at Wilmette. Anderson and family, Mrs. Frankie j ar ^ rs. m. . . e ^ June 28--At Waucoi.da, Miss Irene! Stephenson and Wayne Foss were,' Mr; M«"s- Walsh of that city became the bride Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Rilla'8P*n u.'s J1 p/j / of Mr. Alfons Adams of Johnsburg. Foss. and Mrs. Jack Bode / July 1--Miss Mary Harriet Jenksj Mrs. J. F. Claxton and son, Will,! Mr„ i of Ringwood received the ring of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymijler and * Thomas Petissc at Barrington, the lat- Martha Leaof ^cHenrvje.-e dinner | ^ Mjner and Clan,nce Smith of ters home. guests m the George Shepard home ^ ** Sept. 2--A double rin* ceremony New Year's day. united Mr. James Reinlie of Chicago Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson and fam-!J lng >r>i»UT« anrl >hil and Miss Marion Ruth Anderson of ily spent New Year's day with the, Mr- a"d. McHenry at this city. flatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dimon„dre of Ch.cagospent fV Sept. 13-A pretty ceremony at | at .Ostend. . . ' i Spring Grove united Miss Geraldine} Mrs. D. L. Hall is nursing, in the Engels of that city and Mr. Joseph j Earl Bowers home at Richmond. Hiller of Johnsburg. | Mr. and Sept. 14--Miss Cecelia Brown of, family of Goodfveld, 111., spent the Spring Grove became the bride of past week in the B. T. Butler home. > Mr. Alfons Wirtx of McHenry at) Mrs. Ralph Clay and Edna Peet of Spring Grove. 1 Rockford spent Sundav with their Sept. 16--Miss Dorothy Althoff of j parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. They, McHenry and Chicago and Mr. Robert; with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peet, Beckenbaugh of Woodstock recited the! attended the wedding of Lorraine matrimonial vows at Chicago. jYanke at Ridgefield which occurred Sept. 16--The marriage of Miss |at midnight Sunday. Myrtle Huffman of Terra Cotta a^d j Mrs. J. M. Butlpr of BJath,. 111., is Mr. Wilbrd Th'irlwell of McHenry oc-j visiting in the home of her daughter, curred at Woodstock. j Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. and son. B. T. Sept. 19--(Mis* Asmes Lay of Spring; Butler. Grovp became thp bride of Mr. Ger-1 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and, family aid Klaus at Sterling. Jof Spring Grove and Mr. and Mrs. Oct. 11--Miss Hazel Howard of Mc-. Ed Peet spent New Year's day in the Henry and Mr. Jack Fletcher of Bar-: Ralph Clay home at Rockford. rington were married at a pretty cere-1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shales, Mr. and Schaefer. | Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Frett of Chi- 'Mv r rs. IHTerb"er' t wFa^rnaamt Ianl di c a g o s p e n t t h e w e e k e n d i n t h e h o m e MilIer. . Skyscraper Fomdatieas J' The foundations of the skyscrapers in New York city are sunk to bed rock by means of open cofferdams or closed pneumatic caissons. < The caisson may be a huge timber box or steel cylinder, open at the bottom, but closed \^t a height of 8 or 10 feet so as to form a working chamber Above the working chamber .the caisson is filled with concrete. which is pierced by vertical shafts for the passage of men and materials. When the edges of the^ caisson reach rock, the working er the foundations have been completed, the steel skeleton ia r»pfc!ly placed in position. chamber and shafts are filled with mony at_ the .la „tte r . ^ [,M™rsr. - M« naoy nard S£trokhliqi uM.,s"t r a' nd Miss c o n c r e t e , f o r m i n g a s o l i d p i H a r A f t - fhp fminHatinns hafvp Oct. 18--Miss Clarice Stilling of j Rade Shales of Woodstock spent Mon- Johnsburg and Mr. Clarence Freund : day in the Robert Howe home. of Spring Grove were matrimonially J The Home Circle will meet in the bound for Johnsburg. } Ray Peters home Wednesday, Jano- j Oct. 21--Sis tors were married, one J ary 10. j Children Start Boom in the morning, one in the afternoon i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Ofa-' The diamond that set at Woodstock. Miss Laura Belle tal 1Uke and Mr. and Mrs. Edward mining boom in Baker of oateo^.'est McHenry and Mr., Harrison of Elgin were callers alt the' discovered by otfthegwrt j. jid Jess * •w' iMiUtMii'm mWii'iijif^

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