Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1940, p. 4

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. # T*t» four-'- X" a the period McHXMKf PLAOIDXALE* 1 '**V*~^%- ••% j<;?.u1 * /'*• - *~ ."^s-, a,, " * v* \ j*' . \ *-1 ^weyl, i.yM£ ... V1 ' '^•'-- ?J -Vff »-*?» » %/i•« »"» .* .-*"*• Earliest Us* , lb* aarltost tTMtlCS *M to from 8,000 to S. NEW £MPIB§ MdBBNRY, ILLINOIS 8*11.1ht Spa Continuous >AY -- SATURDAY Dix - Gail Patrick Morgan - Joan Fontaine "MAN OF CONQUEST" Also -- Cartoon and News SUNDAY AND MONDAY January 7 -8 WaHace Beery . Chester Morris Virginia Grey "THUNDER AFLOAT" Abo--Cartoon - News and Novelty TUESDAY (1) "CALLING ALL MARINES" ^ "«AELXE CHAN IN CITY OF DARKNESS" WEDNESDAY -- THtjRSDAY Joe E. Brown - Mary Carlisle (1) "BEWARE SPOOKS" (By Request) Wallace Beery - Jackie Cooper (2) "THE CHAMP" Watch for our next ^SUNDAY AND MONDAY'S Program! The Beautiful IIIOVAIJ mm CRYSTAL LAKE. ILL, McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Double Feature Walter Connolly in "THOSE HIGH GREY WALLS" Jalmny Downs to "LAUGH IT OFF" SUNDAY AND MONDAY San. Cant from 2:45 p. m. -- 25c to 6 p. a. -- 30c after; Child. - 10c FRED MacMURRAY --in-- "HONEYMOON IN BALI" -- with -- • Madeleine Carroll - Allan Jobes 8>' Akim Tamiroff fagi-gt " --, TUESDAY \J Me -- S p e c i a l -- 15c "ALL QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT" the First Time, Uncensored Version! WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Jaseha Heifeti -- in -- "THXT SHALL HAVE MUSIC" \ -- with -- iM lfcCrea - Andrea LmIn MILLER Itoa tre Woodstock Air-Conditioned FRIDAY ONLY -- January 5 On the Screen "LAUGH IT OFF" -- with -- Cfcire Moore - Eadggaarr Kennedy SATURDAY --# TJan uary 6 1 Continuous from 2:30 2 -- BIG Features -- 2 "mi FLYING DEUCES" -- with -- Laurel A Hardy - Jean Parker -- P L U S -- 'CHIP OF THE FLYING U -- with -- Bob Baker r-P A party df ft-ietuU leathered at the home of hfrs. Maftfca Bowman in Richmond on Tuesday afternoon in honor of her birthday. Cards were enjoyed and prifce winners were Mrs. Joseph Brpwri and Mrs. Ernest Peacock while consolation went to Mrs. Ina Gracy. Refreshments were served. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dykstra of Woodstock-Visited Mr. , and Mrs. J. Gracy on Wednesday. Mrs. Frank Sanders spent several days last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wfestman in Woodstock where she, was called by the illness of her daughter, Evelyn Sanders. William Ra&ch of North Dakota called on friends here Wednesday. Mrs. Emma Furlong of Hebron was a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner on Wednesday. Ralph Pierce spent his Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierce in Chicago. SPRING GROVE-- (Too Late for Last Week) This community was greatly shocked to learn of the sudden death of home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher 6unday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Caspers, Mr. and Mrs. George Weber last Friday. Our deep-! Joseph Wagner, Mrs. M. Wagner and est sympathies are extended to the be- |8on, William, Mrs. Charlee Miller and reaved family. Among those from Alvin PluHmenstill attenda® the funhere who attended funeral services at eral services for George Weber at St St. Mary's church. McHenry, on Tues-, Mary's church In McHenry Tuesday day were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Freund,' morning Mr and Mrs. "Frank Wagner and Paul I Mrs George Scheid, Jr., and daugh- «M r f* andj -Mw rs. Jto sephv tWit agner.Mmr . | ter, Lillian, and Udell Grantham of Wauconda called at the home ^ Mr and Mrs George Wagner Mike Wag- j a n d M r g u d p i s h e r X u e s d ner of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Hen- , __ . _ . ry Heinle of Elkhorn visited in the _ Mr «fd Mrs Charles Rossman of Frank Wagner home Tuesday. They! ®arrevi«e '»P«"t M°nday evening with also attended the funeral services of jMr and Mrs- Walter Va8«y- George Weber in McHenry. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and CharleJs Kleker of Chicago is a | family of Crystal Lake and Mr. and guest in the Charles Behren's home Mrs. G. Thelen of Chicago were Sunthis week. j ^ay visitors at the home of Miss Vin- Approximately one hundred fifty, nie Bacon. people enjoyed the Christmas pltfy Miss Arvilla Ann Fisher, Marvfh by the children of St. Peter's school Wfirtz, Robert Dunker, Richard Fisher, at the parish hall on Thursday night. Burnell and Keith Russell .Stanley, The program consisted of drills, songs Donald and Ralph Brown and William and playlets in which all of the chil-1 Sunderland, Donald' and Delmar dren took part. At the close of the j Ahrens attended the 4-H Christmas program Santa Clans made his ap- j party at the Libertyville Township Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn andjpear&nce whjle the children shouted j High school Friday evening. SUNDAY -- MONDAY J a n u a r y 7 - 8 Continuous Sunday from 2iN Bargain Matinee TiU,6:00 BIG DOUBLE BILL! "HONEYMOON IN BALI" -- with -- Fred MacMurrey - Madeline Carroll - A N D - ' "BLONDIE BRINGS UP 'BABY" -- with -- Penny Singleton - Arthar Lake TUESDAY -- January 9 15c - Bargain Night - lfie "SHIPYARD SALLY", v -- with -- Grant Fields - Sydney Howard WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY January 1* - 11 --A Big Mid-Week Special!--- THE ADVENTURES OF SHERLOCK HOLMES " -- with -- Basil BathkMe - Ida Lapfea Norpuui Bruce Miss Katherine Huff of Chicago spent Sunday evening in the Mike Huff home here. i Math Lay, who "Was ill with the flu, is again able to be up and around. Walter Brown spent Christmas with his parents in Iowa. On Tuesday his brother-in-law, Claude Duffy, visited him, remaining dntil Saturday when he returned to his home in Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Walter •Smith of Johnsburg visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller on Thursday. Wayne Miller, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Miller, was seriously ill but has improved. Mrs. Edna Street has returned home after visiting in1 Michigan the past month. Mrs. Castle of Aurora was a guest in the Chester Stevens home from Wednesday to Sunday. Charlene Sheets, 6-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sheets, was taken to Woodstock hospital on Friday for a blood transfusion. She had been ill several weeks but is now recovering nicely. Mrs. William ShotlHF and son, "Ted," spent the weekend with relatives in Rockford. / Misses Hazel Sanders and Lucille Esh were callers in the Leland Hegemann home near Wilmot one day last week. Frank May ta confined to his home with the flu,.. Mr. and Mrs. Anton May, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. May, Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus, Leo Lay, Paul Weber and Miss Alyce Nodland, were among those who attended the wedding on Saturday of Miss Nora Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Watts of Fox Lake and Martin May, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton May. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple travelled by plane to Detroit for their honeymoon. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wa^tier. Mr. and Mri, tfiqk Wigner and Mrs, and sang "Jingle Bells." Gifts weraj Mr. and Mrs. Aivin Case and family distributed and Santa gave every child .enjoyed New Year's day at the home a bag of candy. {'of Mr. and Mrs. John Joyce fan Wau- Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peacock spent kegan Christmas in the E. E. Allen home in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. George Sefie?d, Jr., of Wauconda and William Lohmsnn and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Westman and, son, Raymond, of Libertyville spent children, Miss Evelyn Sanders and . New Year's day at the home of Mr. Bud Sharen of Woodstock and Miss: and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. The Volo Cemetery Society will met at the home of Mrs. Frank Wilson Thursday January 11. SLOCTIM'S LAKE Maxie Bolts of Crystal Lake spent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Visitors in the Arthur Kattner home on Christmas were Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Kutish of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. May and family of Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Benish and children visited friends in Chicago on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Sunday. | Mrs. Harry Matthews were callers at Edward "Ted'» Shotliff and |Arnold i McHenry Saturday afternoon. May, students at the University of j Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner spent Illinois, are spending Christmas va«*-, New Year's eve at the home of Mr. tion at their homes here. > and Mrs. Leo Regner at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern and j Willard Darrell spent Sunday and family spent the holiday with rela-ipart of New Year's day at. the home tives in Chicago. j of Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews at Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behrens spent j Oak Park. Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were William Adsit and family, in McHen- 1 callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ry. | Walter Paulauski at Waukegan Tues- A Christmas program was grektly j day evening. An aunt, Mrs. Wagner, enjoyed by a large crowd at the Com- passed away Tuesday afternoon, mufiity church on Saturday night, j Mr. and MrSj G. J. Burnett were Miss Louis Winn, teacher at the pub- j recent visitors at the homes of Mr. lie school, gave another of her excel-1 and Mrs. Mort Ritt and Mr. and Mrs. lent musical Christmas plays, in which Win. VanlNatta i>i Oijf»uu uonc. all the children participated. The mu- I Harry Raeburg and two friends of sical accompaniments were played by Chicago left December 26 for Los the school music teacher, Mrs. Paul Angeles, Calif., and are now attending Winn. After the program, Santa the Aviation Training school there. Claus arrived jingling sleigh bells and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round carrying a pack of candy and nuts Lake, spent the holiday season at the which he distributed to the children, j home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs, Ina Gracy, Ruth ind John I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mr. Gracy spent Sunday in Racine ,Wis. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Willard Mrs. J. J. Freund was hostess to Darrell attended the old time dance at the members of her club on Tuesday Libertyville Saturday evening. night. Cards were enjoyed and prize! Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren ware winners were Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. Sunday dinner and supper guests at John Kattner and Mrs. Frank Sand- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ers. Mrs. Bushman received consola-, Lusk at Maple Park. tion. Traveller's prizes went to Mr*, i Mrs. Marlett Henry spent New Nitk Freund and Mrs. Frank May. A, Year's day at the home of her par- John Wagner of Chicago visited in]lovely lunch was served. jent«, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, in the J. G. Wagner home oVer the week- Mr. and Mrs. Wendlyn Kattner, Mr. Chicago. end. Mr. and Mrs. N^ck Wagner at- and Mrs. George Kattner, Mr. and j Frank Wackerow and friend of Chitended the Watts-May wedding on j Mrs. Arthur Rauen, Stanley and cago was a caller at the home of Mr. holidays «t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude MeDemwtt Viaftova at tike home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doach New Year's eve and day were Mr. and Mrs. Carl 0. Swanson and daughter, Lois, of Chicago, Mr. and Mft<'John Cunningham; Mrs. Carrie Parker of Barrtngton, Mrs. Jack Keane of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott, Thomas Klabough, Mrs. R. McCalla of Lily Lake and Mr. and and Mrs. Joseph Daly, Genevieve Daw and John Wallace, all of Grayslake. News Saturday, The Community church was completely destroyed by fire on Sunday afternoon. Although the fire department responded to the rffarm, nothing could be done^as the fisfnes had gained such headway Before they were discovered. The Fox Lake and Richmond fire departments were also summoned but the fire was beyond control when they arrived. Doe to the strong wind and dry weeds, the. men had to fight the flames for several hours to save nearby hdihe*' and' Other buildings. Because of; their efforts no other damage was done. Mrs. Jennie Ok toby spent New Year's day in&ttie I*»n Van Every home. • Herbie Wagner spent his Christmas vacation confined to his home with the flu .but he was able to return to school on Tuesday when it re-opened. Among those who spent New Year's out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Behrens, Mr. and Mr&. William Adsit and Mrs. Thornton who went to Racine; Mrs. Mark Pierce spent the day in Chicago with her son, Clarence Pierce, and wife; Miss Lucille Esh visited in Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Peacock were in Burlington. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. William Shotliff and son. Edward, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and son, Lyle, of Ringwood, and Mrs. Joseph Wagner attended the funeral of a cousin in Beloit on Sunday. Guests in the Joseph Brown home on New Year's 'day were Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Rohr, ^Clinton, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wirtz of Crystal Lake and Walter Brown. In the afternoon they motored to Ringwood to visit Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. Mary Stephenson. • Dinner on New Year's day in the Norbert Klaus home^ was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. William Britz, daughters, Shirley and Marie, Frank Deering, Paul Lewis, Ben Britz and Miss Helen Howard of Fox Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein and daughters of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prosser and children of Chicago; Miss Evelyn Schaefer of MoHeary, and Joseph Klaus. Martin Butler, 79 years old, long time resident of this vicinity, died at hb home at 5:30 early Tuesday morning after an illness of but a few days duration. He leaves to mourn his passing his wife, Rosalie Butler, who has been an invdlid for the past seven years. He was always cheerful and will be greatly missed by his many friends. Funeral services were at St. Peter's church Thursday morning with Rev. John Daleiden officiating. Tommy Freund, six year old son of Mr and Mrs. Charles Freund is suffering from an attack of stomach flu Mrs. Norbert Klaus and small son, Bobby, are also numbered among the sick. Mrs. Klaus has the flu and Bobbie is suffering from an abeess in the ear. \ Mr. aAd Mrs. John Wagner of Chicago are' ber* Christina Kattner, Chicago, and Miss and Mrs. Harry Matthews Tuesday af- Regina Kattner of Prophetstown spent ternoon. Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John! Merwin Fuller of Saginaw, Mich., Kattner. spent the weekend at the home of Tits Christmas dinner in the William mother, Mrs. Catherine Fuller, at Wil- Kattner home was enjoyed by Mr. and liams Park. Mrs. Frank May and family, Mr. and ' Chesney Brooks, as a delegate from Mrs. Math Schmitt, sons, Stanley, Mr. the Chicago Northern District of the and Mrs. Ernest Kattner and family Epworth League, attended the Youth of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Anti-War Congress at the Interna- Kattner and son, Billy. i tional House in Chicago from Decern- Mr. ad Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer spent ber 27 to 30 inclusive. There were the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ave hundred delegates in attendance, Thompson in Rockford. i* delegate from India and another Dinner guests in the Chas. Freund from Canada. home on Monday were Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and children and Miss Alyce Nodland of Chicago. Among those from here who attend- j ed a Christmas party at the Eldred j< • TT- i a= Johnson home in McHenry Monday ^ and Mrg White of Wonder Lake night w®r® r- and Mr. and Mrs. E. McKim spent Raymond May, Mr. *»d Mrs^ Arthur Thurada Chi where th were Kattenr and son, Mr and Mrs Edwm | " Mr May and children and Mr. and Mrs.;Jnd Mrg ph daughter of Mr. Ben May. Other guests were Messrs. s . „ w. • » and Mesdames ^ Hoffman and John (| Mp_ and Mr8/g p ftttended DoetBch o l me , - _ ' the performance of George White's John Weber and Frey May from FoX g^^ at ^ Erlanj?er ^eatre McOULLOM LAKE le^happy parents of a son Lake. VOLO J Friday evening. On Saturday even- ! ing, they were entertained by Senator land Mrs. Beasley of Washington, D. C., in the Balanies Room of the Black- I tone hotel. They celebrated New , Year's Eve with Mr. and Mrs. McKim at the Bridge in McHenry. | A number of people having sum- : mer homes here spent their New Eve at McCollum Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph St. George of Chicago called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George Wednes-jiVei , day *ear s 0. A. Vasey of McHenry called at 1 McHenr*. Among them were Mr. and th. home of Mr. m2. Herman ^ i riffs, Olsens and Senstocks. j Bob Doran entered a Chicago hospital for observation Wednesday. He may have to undergo surgery for appendicitis. < wee- .t th. home of Mi.. F.y SS T 1 morning, the house was filled with Dunker Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and daughters called at the home of William Lohmann in Libertyville Thursday. Miss Carol Case spent the past , Ctly Council Proceedings Council Room, Dec. 4, 1939. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Alderment present; Bolger, Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Regner, Nye. Absent: none. Motion by Freund, seconded by Nye that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. - Motion by Ferwerda, aeconded by Bolger, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Bolger, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Ferwerda, that the action of the Finance Committee be O. K.'d in paying Funding bond in the amount of $1,000. and interest in the amount of $585. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, that the following bills; be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. John B. Wirtz, Marshall service *..$115.00 Jack Smith, Police service .... 100.00 W. C. Feltz, Supt. streets and alleys 105.00 Earl R. Walsh, Office expense 15.00 M. M. Niesen, Supt. of waterworks ,50.00 Wm. Tesch, Labor, streets and alleys 1.60 John Stilling, Gas, police car 8.21 111. Bell Tele. Co., Telephone service &28 Thomas P. Bolger, Supplies .... L70 N. F. Colby, Labor on waterworks i$o H. E. Buch, Labor on fire hy* drant S.00 Mort Ritt, Repairing streefc clock 2.60 Carey Electric Shop, Labor and parts Public Service Co., Public property Public Service Co., Bracket light service Public Service Co., Ornamental light service ....; Public Service Co., Sewer service Public Service Co., disposal plant Public Service Co., Service at waterworks Illinois Municipal League, Service charges, fire tax colle<v tlons H. C. Kamholz, Supplies Tonyan Construction Co., Labor, material, pump house floor Western United Gas A Electric, Burner rental Blake Motor Sales, Farts and labor on police ear ........--.. McHenry Plaindealer, Waterworks, envelopes, aidv. Art Meyers, Labor on Water* works Henry Kennebeck, Labor on waterworks John J. Vycital, Supplies McHenry Lumber Co., Coal for city hall Mayme Buss, Commission and clerical salary ........ M. J. Schreiner, Gas, oil for police car The McHenry Band Fred C. Felts, Supt. disposal plant Mayme Buss, sewer salaries Standard Oil Co., Sewer maintenance : 10.14 Public Service Co., Sewer power, light 49.70 Carey Electric Shop, Sewer maintenance 1.00 Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, to amend the Food Deliveries Ordinance as read, inserting the words "Or for resnle," also changing *he annual fee to $15.00 with provision for $5.00 fee covering term from date to passage to end of current fiscal year. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Bolger, to pass and approve the band ordinance as read. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Regner, to approve the Mayor's appointment of a band committee consisting of Aldermen Ferwerda, Nye and Freund. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Ferwerda to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH, City Clerk. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. by Hassard Short, who responsible for the soeoaap ef hits as "The G: Wagon/' "As last season's "The American Why." Bill Robinson, who recently gained new fame as 3hirtey Tea#pie's screen dancing partner, is sappOrted by the original Broadway cast faolwHiy the same group of sensational "jitterbugs" who originated such dances as "truckin'," "Susie Q," and "The Lindy Hop," and the large chorus of sepia sirens was described by Fay King "The Ziegfeld girls of Harlem." For its Chicago engagement a scale of popular prices has been and 2,500 seats for each performance have already been placed on sale at prices ranging from twenty-five cents to one dollar and best orchestra seats are fcwdonarsTi~t^r^^ : henry, HL, by Charles Entered as the poaMRee at the act eft May *. 187». One Year Six Months Mi COMING EVENTS WANTED--Man for established business in local territory. Real opportunity for ambitious nan. No signers required. Car needed. S. F. Baker & Co., Keokuk, Iowa. 32-3 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- Assist with infant and cooking; two adults; small Chicago apartment; locating in McHenry after April; free transportation. Write Eisen, McHenry, or phone McHenry 321. 83 MISCELLANEOUS FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS-- On homes and farms, in and around McHenry, 111. Low interest rates. See Kent & Co. Inc., McHenry, 111., Phone 8. 28-tf FARMERS--We pay $8.0P to $1,5 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 POULTRYMEN, ATTENTION I--We have a poultry expert who will worm, cull, and vaccinate your poultry. Prices very reasonable. FARMERS MILL, Phone 29. 28-tf Power 44.08 5.00 158.18 95.31 ... S.10 46.60 - m>* 1*24 2.12 86.60 1.00 4.35 10J55 '24 JO 5.00 *.69 ... 14.03 .... 50.09 81.54 881.50 90.00 80.00 GARBAGE COLLECTING----Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 631-M-l. 2-tf January 9 East River Road Pinochlt Kirk. January 19 Forester Dfcnce --St. Jb!tn*ft hall--Sponsored by St. John's C. O. F. January 11 , w Ladies' Aid--Mrs. Albert' Blood. Wl C. O. F. -- Thirty-fourth Anniverfc-^?^ • sary Celebration. January 12 £ \ Mothers' Club Mrs. Paul H. SehwerK ,1 „*- man. January 16 Rivet vie^r Camp--Installation fleers. January 2B Public Card Party--St. Ma*y - fet. rick Hall--Sponsored by P.-T. A, -few. W ' '. $^#4 Y $2.00 to $10.00 Cash for Dead, Down and Crippled HORSES and CATTLE Dead Hogs and Siheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges January in Waukegan. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, and Udell Grantham of Wauconda were Tuesday dihner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Miss Joan Ann Moody of Wauconda spent a few days here with Arvilla Ann Fisher^ Volo school opened on Wednesday morning, January 3, after a week's Christmas vacation. Bernie Peschke held a New Year's Mrs. Alvin Case attended her Alum- party at his place of business, Berni Club at the home of Mrs. A, Ernie's place; about thirty-five people Singer in Wauconda Wednesday. | attended. A lovely lunch was served Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of to all the guests. Games, singing and Evanston were Sunday visitors at the [ dancing were enjoyed by all. smoke, but no damage was done. | The Sales family spent New Year's I at the home of Mr. Sales' parents in I McHenry. LILT LAKE •••L&dter home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powers Of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Wellmann and son of Grayslake were Tuesday visitors* at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Helen, of Slocum's Lake 'visited Mrs. Sarah Fisher Friday. Mrs. Ed Bacon of Round Lake visited Miss Vinnie Bacon Mr. and Mrs. Claud daughters of War-fttvf bUUlia LriIKe V1Bin S^flBay* A New Year's party was held at Vachet's Sunday evening. Games, singing and dancing were enjoyed by everyone and a lovely iunch was served to all the guests. Mrs. Lottie Bransford and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bloomstrand, of Chicago spent New Year's day at their cottage at Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Kagen of Chicago spent New Year's at their cottage. Mrs. I. Lavin and daughters, Ruth and Evelyn, are spending three weeks in Florida. ' Mr. and Mrs. Myron Morrison and he | daughter, Myry*^ Waited through the MpS. CHARLES k ~ World's Most Famous Dancer Coming Soon At Auditorium Theatre Making Chicago an early stop on its record-breaking cross-country tour Michael Todd's "Hot Mikado" will be gin a two weeks engagement at the Auditorium Theatre on Sunday, January 7. One of the biggest shows to take to the road in several years "Hot Mikado*' has a cast of 150 headed by Bill Robinson, the world' most famous tap dancer. It comes to the Auditorium following a long run on Broadway and at the New York World's Fair where it was seen by more than a million people. "Hot Mikado" was described by New York critics as "The greatest all-cejored show of all time," and it is completely different than any swing version of the Gilbert and Sullivan master piece that has ever been presented. Scaled to the proportions of spectacle the musical comedy is replete with many unusual scenic effects such as a volcano that actually erupts, a singing moon, and a massive forty foot cascade of soap bubbles. The colorful settings and fantastic costumes were executed by Nat Rarson, who designs the massive stage shows for New York's Radio City Musk Halt "Hot Mikado" waa directed DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1.00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hogs and pigs. Day and night service, Sundays and holidays. No help needed in loading with our sani_ tary loading devices. Post mortems will be given if requested. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse chargea. 44-10 Tuck Stitch Underwear, each ..l.._..J25c - Flannelette Gowns 79a; Women's Pajamas 7frfc Men's Pajamas 790 Women's, Girls' Galoshes 95o Men's Flannel Shirts ^$1.2$ Heavy Wool Socks 39* Men's Union Suits Men's Part Wool Union _ Suits 25% Wool Union Suits .. Children's Union Suits, TAP 69* -^9* fl.9(4 w CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking my many McHenry friends and relatives who remembered me with so many beautiful cards and gifts at Christmas time. Words cannot express the joy I felt when I received so many lovely remembrances. MRS. LOLA WALSH. Los Angeles, Calif. each Sheep Lined Coats Boys' Flannel Shirts Boys' Sweat Shirts Boys' Sweaters - 25c -39* * $3.94a!c .....39| Eyes Examined A. BL Nye HUg. West McHenry Phone: McHeary 188-J Woodstock 1)4 Dr. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY MI PLACE RESTAURANT .Mm* >77 JCSZXN t raKUKS, frap*. Onw St. Chicken Dinner Sunday --- "V;. P". ' Sunday Chicken Chop Suey Friday Fresh Boneless Pike YOUR HOUSE NEEDS AN OVERCOAT,TOO! AN OVERCOAT OF th CAPITOL ROCK WOOL HOME INSULATION > Heat and Cold Proof Reduces Fireproof Vermin and Termite Proof WILL SAV9 UP TO OF YOUR FUEL COSTS Snjoy the Comforts and Protection of Contplete Insolation in Tour Home for as Little as Five Dollars per Month ^ <-- Manufactured and Installed byj". The Standard Lime & Stone Co, Factory Branch $101 No. Monitor Ave., Chicago^ i ^ ,s For information or estimate, please call or write v LEO J. STILLING -- District Manager -- Elm and Court Street Telephone McHenry 75-J 7:M i

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