Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jan 1940, p. 6

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• ; * \ * - # 4 • V. <* .. *.•*"&-*••*! W->-~ ' : May young: Chicago woman, died in a fill a car near McHenry after ha*- visited friends here. 25--Mrs. John Scheid, of age, died of a heart ailment after SADDENED IN 1939 II |§3V .«» ></r »» 'tfg" WILLIAM SIMBS V-VWv-:- - - . . -.'ji'ik'in'"'- •• • • »• • • • <** MRS. MATH MRSm MRS, JOHN SCHEID Ti;- EDWARD MILLER MRS CALLA M. PERKINS I MRS. ANNA BUGNER MAR? WNYAlTf^ BLMER HUEMANN a. l, ward MRS, HATTlE DOWELL McHenry and _ ire deprived of many of their noteworthy citizens during: the past year. Many there are who mourned the seventy-six persons, recorded in the Plaindealer files, who left this life of pain and suffering to be taken into a life of eternal happiness. • Jan. 8--On£ of the first homes to be saddeed was that of seventy-year-old Leon Hodge, a life-long resident of Solon Mills, who died of pneumonia. Jan. 10--Stephen H. Smith, 68, who spent his entire life in the vicinity of Johnsburg, suffered a fatal heart attack. Jan. 18--Death called Adam Leitner, 82 years old, a former resident of McHenry who died at Elgin. Jan. 17--Friends and relatives were saddened to learn of the passing of Abraham Lincoln Ward, 74, who resided in West, McHenry for the past thirty-one years. Jan. 17 -- Pneumonia caused the death of 57 year old Mrs, -Elizabeth J. Schmitt at her home near Spring Grove. Jan. 19---The tragic death of Edward Miller, 28, who died of injuries received when he was thrown by a bull, was a shock to many local folks and especially to liis wife of seven Wionths. Jan. 20--Mrs. A. J. Kamhols, .49, life-long resident of McHenery, died of a heart attack. Jan. 20--Peter J. Wagner, 78 years old, whose parents were early emigrant pioneers, died on his old homestead near Spring Grove. Jan. 25--Herman J. Kreutzer died at Victory Memorial hospital at the age of 56 after an illness of three weeks. He had^ been an alderman of the second ward for fourteen years and Republican committeeman of the second precinct of McHenry for eight years. Jan. 28--Death claimed Sylvester McGee, 89, who lived in Hartland Township during his entire lifetime. He was the last of thirteen children born to Sylvester and Mary McGee who settled in McHenry county in 1844. Feb. 2--Philip Daley, 23 years old, son of M. H. Daly of West McHenry, died at Forest Lawn Sanitorium at Jefferson, Wis. Feb. 4--Another descendant of a pair of early settlers, Selim Pierce, 80 years of age, succumbed to a heart attack which closed a life spent entirely in Spring Grove and vicinity. Feb. 10--The passing of Mrs. Hattie Dowell, 57, a prominent citizen of Wauconda was ihoumed by many fliends and two children, McHenry residents. Feb. 11--A ruptured appendix caused the death of little LeRoy Meyer, six years old, of Spring Grove, who died in a Waukegan hospital. Feb. 13--The life of Mrs. Margaret Friend, age 53, came to a close at her home at Richmond. She was born and spent her childhood at Ringwood. Feb. 15--Diphtheria claimed another victim, little Kenneth Wegener, six years old, of Volo. Feb. 23--Mrs. Dorsanna C. Smith, 90 years of age, a former resident of McHenry, died in a Chicago hospital. Feb. 24--Mrs. Mary Tonyan, Johnsburg, the mother of nine children, died at the age of 82 of pneumonia. Mar. 1--A heart attack proved fatal Peter Schaefer, Sr., 87 years old, of Johnsburg, who had been ill foi about one year. Mar. 4--Mrs. Calla M. Perkins, 54, died in Victor Memorial hospital at Waukegan of streptococci infection in the blood stream. Mar. 4--Mrs. Catherine Miller, €2, succumbed to a heart attack. Previous to the last six years spent in McHenry, she had resided in Johnsburg since birth. Mrs. Anna Doherty, 77, a life-Ion* resident of this vicinity, died, leaving four children to survive her. Mar. 14--A light stroke deprived William Simes, 85, of life. He had been confined to bed for several years and was an old time resident of this vicinity. Mar. 18--Mrs. Jennie Gorman, 76, died of the heart ailment with which had been afflicted for sunshine according to being a resident of this vicinity for! long list of new arrivals. In number, thirty years. ibaby boys triumphed slightly, there May 26--Elmer Huemann, 31, met being forty-seven, while the young almost instant death when struck by ladies numbered forty-four, a total of a car at Lily Lake. He was attempt- j ninety-one for the year. ing to walk across Route 20 when he| jan. j--A tiny daughter made the met with this tragic accident. / new year a happy one for Mr. and May 31--Having been ill since Feb-' Mrs a Ruehlman of Ringwood. z».HrSt"n'Sr~ --i *-£->*• lvmn May 81--Robert Richardson 68, I'and SrTW Sim- Crystal L,ke, d.ed after an .lines, of J„°"ar,nouneed the birth of a girl. twenty years. He spent part of his life in the vicinity of McHenry. June 1---Joseph Schmidt, who was a native of Johnsburg and church or* ganist there for many years, died at his home in Beloit. June 7--James Sedlacek, 32, who was employed at Fox River Grove, was crushed to death beneath a tractor. > June 19--The death of Henry Heuser, 45, who dropped dead while on his way to work, was attributed to a heart attack. , • _. July 10--Life ended for Joseph E. Ernst, 69, a former resident of McHenry. July 11--Suffering ceased for Chas. , t>0>, Awarded with l~ J. Karls, 62, who had been struck by of Elm^ood Park were awarded w tt» b,rth cf a baby girl. in the neefoif v .... iti boys were paWwdf^" Mrs. Arnold ing line when oat. Sept. 28--The stork wonted overf time, having delivered a baby boy alfg both the home of the Clarenc«f: Freunds at Woodstock and at th«$| Math P. Freunds, little Nicholas JohnM Sept. 29--Mr. and Mrs. Geo .Roeste# welcomed a daughter. Oct. 6,--A new male arrival enterect the Alex Martini home at Volo. '0. Oct. 7--A little girl was born tqfe Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freund of Ctya-Ltal Lake. Oc.t 30--Attorney and Mrs. Harrys^ Hitzeman of Chicago were proud o# •-i their baby boy. ' - Oct 31--Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smitlt, happily announced the arrival of son. t i Nov. 1--The little son of Mr andl Mrs. James Hanly was brought inta the world. Nov. 5--A six pound girl brighteni ed the lives of the Roy Millers. $ Nov. IS--Little Patricia Margaret was welcomed into the home of Mr^W^ jan- 12--A son was born to the Edwin Hettermanns of Johnsburg. jan. 15--Mr. and Mrs. Dick Olson of Ringwood possessed a tiny son. Jan. 19--A boy, John Compton, was born to Dr. and Mrs. Jack Purvey. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner were th<e parents of a daughter. Jan. 22--A little daughter entered the George Blake household. % Jan. 23--Mr. and Mrs. William Wolf were happy over the birth of a girl. jan 25--The Arthur Diedrichs announced the birth of a little girl. jand Mrg DonaId McVicker at Crys/- Jan. 26--A son entered the William L^e. H. Tonyan home. Nov. 15--Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jan. 27---Mr. and Mrs. Renard Blum 0f Johnsburg were elated over th#>* a car the ^previous day while he ^fas walking on Route 31, two miles north of McHenry. * Aug. 8--Mrs. Alma Heide of Chicago, a well known summer resident, passed away at a Chicago hospital. --- , „ _5_i Auff. 12-Th. body of Mrs' Jul* Kaufmann was found floating in the Fox river after she had suffered heart attack «nd fallen from a pier, in front of the cottage where a daughter.^ T . Nov' 17--A little bom Jan. 28--Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith Mr and Mrs Richard McDonald ox Ringwood received a son. (Chicago. ' Jan 29--A son was born to Mr., and Mrs Arthur Cox. Feb. 2--Mr. and Mrst Ernest Freund WUU1J - -- n i J Feb 4--The Anthony Widhalms of a Spring Grove announced the arrival Nov. 25--Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Rush*.- ing of Hampshire greeted the arrival - of a little lady. Nov. 27--Mr. and Mrs. Waited Vasey, near Volo residents, announced y the birth of a ion. j ^ Of a SOn. _ 1 J -Nov*. 28--*A so ownn wndaso bUVoKr.nU tVo Dr. and| she Feb- 6_A baby g,rl ,Wat w«Jcomed J Mrs. Leo L. Thelen of Elgin. , into the Clarence Douglas family. _ -| Dec. 1--A baby boy arrived in th# lived, into the river. i new member, James Jo Aug. 17--Jacob Miller, 58 years old, appearance suffered a stroke which ended his life of which the last eleven years had been spent in this city. Aug. '19--James B. Kling, 43, wellknown Pistakee Bay resident, died of brain concussion after he had fallen down a stone stairway in Chicago. Aug. 22s--Ethel Biggers, 35, of Ringwood was found dead of a heart attack in l>ed. Aug. 28--The passing of: Charles Wesley HarreTson, 72, of Wonder attributed to hardening of the arteries. Aug. 30--Mrs. Catherine Kunz, 46, who died of bronchial pneumonia, had lived at Wonder Lake for five months. Sept. 3--Mrs. Catherince Democh, a native of Johr.sburg, died of a gastric hemorrhage as she arrived there for a visit. Sept. 17--Maurice "Morry" Emmert, a well known former resident, was killed in an automobile crash between Burlington and Elkhorn. Sept. 24--Mrs. Justina Parks, 79, who had lived at Wonder Lake only a few months, dropped dead of a heart attack. Sept. 27--Adolf Fischer, formerly a resident of McHenry, died in Elgin at the age of 86. Oct. 6--A heart ailtnent proved fatal to Charles Kruse. 67, president of the State Bank at Richmond. Oct. 12--A former barber in McHenry, Johh Franzen, 48, died of a heart ailment at Chicago. Oct. 18--Thomas Slavin, a native seph, put .in an heme of Mr. and Mrs. ,, " ' Alois Steffens home at Johnsburg. x : 8vi«„e Dec- 8--A baby tfirl was born to Louis Nims- jjr. and jjrs jjell f7<?rr.. « Feb. 13--A Wonder Lake couple, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Larson, was delighted at the arrival of a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Diedrich were also elated over the birth of a Ifirl, Nancy Carol. Feb. 15--Mr. and Mrs. Peter Justen of Woodstock welcomed a little son, William Darwin. Feb. 16--Robert Frank became a new member of the Earl Hironimus family. Feb. 18--Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Thelen were the parents of a little boy. Feb. 21--A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Collins. Feb. 27--Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Huff of Richmond announced the arrival of a son. ' , . Little Dee Ann Lucille, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester, saw the light of day. . Mar 3--Ylc. and Mrs. Leo Diedrich were blessed with a son. . Mar. 23--Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Zoia of Woodstock received a daughter, Helen Ann. . Apr. 4--The Thomas Iwamecs welcomed a baby boy. Apr 5--Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell of Waukegan were the proud possessors of a son. Apr. 13--Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox announced a new Arrival,, David The Leo Hillers of Johnsburg former resident Ringwood, died Woodstock. Mar. 20--Mrs. Anna Bugner died Johnsburg after an illness of ftve months at the age of eighty-one. Mar. 26--The death of Mrs. Math Niesen, 71, at Mayo Brothers clinic at Rochester, Minn., was attributed to coronary thrombosis. Apr. 5--A stroke brought death to John Zuschnitt, 74, of Johnsburg, who 1>ad been ailing for several years. Apr. 6--Mrs- Ella Dee Lamphere, 89 years old, former resident of McHenry answered the call of death. She was the widow of a pioneer farmer, Ethan A. Lamphere, of Lake and McHenry Counties. Apr. 7--The death of Mrs. Margaret •R. Trainor, 83, occurred after an illness of one week. Apr. 25--Berfyjrd Rosing, 70, of Big Hollow, was fatally injured^ by an automobile while he was walking on U. S. Route 12 near Volo. May &--Thomas McNally, 77, who had been a farm hand in McHenry county for four years, suddenly dropped dead. Mav 7--Life was cut short for Ar nold B. Brown, near Volo resident, who died at the age of sixteen of meningitis and influenza. May 13--Harlen Gerald Dowell, 21, an employee on one of the William R. Skidmore farms, died of injuries received beneath the wheels of truck. He was working under the r when one of his friends drove away with the truck,, thus crushing him to death. May 18--Mrs. John W. Hermann, 89. who had lived in McHenry since 1916, died after a four-week illness. May 19--The death of Mrs. Nick Petesch, 74, of Oak Park was caused by a stroke. In 1895 she came to McHenry with her husband where they operated a drug store. May 21--Merlvin J. Kent, who for George were also the parents of a son of Ireland who has lived A. McHenry | Apr. ^ welcomed into for the past fifteen years, died afterl and Mrs. Robert Cary were proud of a little daughter. Apr. 24--Mr. and Mrs. Louis Block were elated over the birth of a son. Apr. 29--A son was welcomed into both the Daniel O'Shea and the Vernon Kempfer homes respectively. May 11--Mr. and Mrs. Quentin Walsh proudly presented a daughter, Sandra, while Mr. and Mrs. William Boetsch were honored with a son. May 13--A baby girl arrived in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmitt May 16--Mr. and Mrs. Led Smith were the proud parents of a daughter. May 16--A little boy put in an appearance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Felmenten, Jr. May 17--A daughter received a place of honor in the Harold Bacon home at Crystal Lake. May 27--Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald announced the birth of a baby girl. „ „ May 29--Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Stilling were delighted at the arrWal of a daughter. June 1--Mr. and Mrs. Jwhn Kenning, Jr., of Chicago were honored with a little girl. June 29--The little son of Mr- and; a short illness at the age of 77 years. Oct. 18--Mrs. Arthur Lawrence, 55, of Wauconda, died after a lengthy illss. She formerly resided in McHenry. Oct. 19--Thomas E. Graham, 75, a Long Lake resident was buried from St. Patrick's church. He was a rep- *entative of the eighth district from 1912 to 1920, was instrumental in founding the fish hatchery at Spring Grove, and many other notable works. Oct. 22--Casimir Kessy. 44, of Fox Lake, died in a boat On Fox Lake of a heart attack. Oct. 22--Bessie Leng, 17, of Fourth Lake, well known in McHenry, was killed in an automobile accident north of Grayslake. Nov. 2--Loots E. Fleury, 79, a Mc- Collum Lake resident, died of a heart Nov, 6--Mrs. Catherine McCann, 78, passed away with a heart attack after a lingering illness. She made her home in Lake Villa township for the past fifty years. Nov. 13--Dr. Christian Keller, an oculist who resided in Orchard Beach subdivision, died in Chicago where he had lived the past six months. resident, was ^dlled wte, h?s' aftomo- i Mrs. Rollo Chamber#.. «» ELTthTzio^ " NOrth Sh0rai Ju^lO^,eioh„H.G-rftower. 1 Nov. 16--Fred Klein, who lived at' the' Parerts of a^ daughter Spring Grove for the past ten years,; ^ 13~A 1,ttle *,rl »««t^ died at a hospital in Waukegan. of Johns, burg. Dec. 12--Mr. and Mrs. Richard' Nimtz of McCollum Lake were delighted over the birth of a son, Rich* ard Sidney. A double feature, Mr, „ and Mrs. Harold Freund of this city proudly presented twins, a boy and ^ grl, Gene and Jeanette. A little maif; was welcomed into the home of Mr|a and Mrs. Clarence Pearson of Ring*1 wood. Dec. 13--The Clarence Regner's pos« . sessed a baby boy. Dec. 18--Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burg, Jr., of McCollum Lake announced th« birth of a six pound son. Dec. 25--Mr. and Mrs. Howard Vasey received a Christmas present in the form of a baby boy. QUICK RELIEF FRQiVS Sjnptomi of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DUE TO EXCESS ACID Ana* BookTells off HomeTraatrnm t tha t MM* Help or ttWM Cost Yon Nothing Owone-million bottles of tbe WILl-ARl) T&KATlltKNT have baensoid fdr rt lit 1 of ^gntomi of arising from Stomach •4P»iil«ii«l UltMdue to Bwms AcUl-- »wr PIpiMw, «wr or U»»t Stomach. 4nto Bnm AcM. Sold on IS days'trial) i* for "WOter** Winiji" which fully this WATTLES DRUG STORE. M'HENRY 'IUcHENBY FLORAL QOk j;--jphortf One Mile Soutfr of Mwry Flowers for alt oceaeiona! into the Alvin Rothermel Nov. 17--Samuel H. Beatty, 70 yeai | old Ringwood resident, passed away after an illness of one year. Nov. 27--Andrew H. Henderson, 81, years old, a former resident who owned a general store in this city, died at Milwaukee of a heart attack. Dec. 5--The community mourned the passing of Dr. Francis J. Aicher, DDS, who died of coronary thrombosis in a Chicago office where he had gone to have some dental work done. Dec. 9--William A. Bolger, 68 years old, who was b#rn on the Bolger homestead south of McHenry, passed away in Chicapo, Dec. 13--William H. Noonan, 70, a native of Ringwood, passed away6 at Elgin aifter an extended illness. Dec. 22--The tragic death of George H- Weber. 39, who died suddenly of a heart attack, brought sadness to the community. Cream Fried ice cream became a reality at the Chicago World's fair in the Gay Nineties. It was dipped into thin batter, doused into hot fat that cooked the batter before the cream * Death r the Great ot Ru--ia died of apoplexy. Vampire Diet Vampire bats in the New 00 live entirely on blood. York received home. July 19--A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout of Spring Grove. July 20--Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmitt were happy to announce the birth of a girl. July 25--There was a new arrival, a son, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Freund of Spring Grove. July 24--The Leo Blakes were the parents of a boy. Aug. 1--Mr. and Mrs. Gsorge Smith of Johnsburg and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thurlwell both announced the arrival of a girl. Aug. 9--Mr. and Mrs. Carl Courier of Woodstock proudly possessed a baby girl. Aug. 17--A daughter. Ruth, AnA, brightened the lives of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Phannenstill of Volo. Aug. 22--A double surprise, twins, iij the form of a boy and a girl, entered the G<n>rge Justen household Sept. 1--The stork dropped a little ffirl at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Freund. - Sept. 7--Mr. and Mrs. Franklin j Becker were the parents of a daugh- j ter. . j Sept. 14--The arrival ot a baby boy j was greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Ale* | Wirfs. Sept. 15--Mr. and Mrs. Peter Olson were elated over the birth of a son. | Sept. 2--The Marshall Froutys of i Greenwood announced the arrival ol a daughter. 'i Sept. 23--Mr. and Mrs. Herbert freund of Ringwood presented the . tSLEND!ERIZl!i 2 to 4 Lbs. Weekly The Safe Natural Way, and Wwri OfT Infections Colds, Stiff Joints^ Rheuia*- tisrei, With Oar Individual Swedish Massage ami B a t h s . T r i a l T r e a t m e n t R e g . $2 for $1. Reg. $3 for $2 Up. Seven Visits, $11 aad ^ $16.50. 14 Via- 9 ita, $17.50 aarf $28.50. Ultra-V olet Son Tan Bath, $ 1 . 0 0 . . . . . . . . STOMPANATO'S : • Beauty and Reducing S&lMk Phone 641 lucing San*, Woodstock, Hi. t World's best low-priced stapler. Pins, Staples, T?cks. Built of LIFETIME steel Rubber treads. $1.50-100staples FREE. WHh Tack-Remover, $1.46. The Plaindealer " > V

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