.* •<:Ft*ms 7. * vr *- »% n II;., iH\|- ; 'V ** - i ;' 1- y • • a:») 1 Your're Invited-$ ,f- J * a ?~\**" Jan. 19,20 and zz Ml &'-V':3^®^\. A " .. .*'• V ?• , ,* * Sfe§^';:':V!i^C'ft; • ..1^ GREEN STREET McHENRf Lard n* 1 • PORK LIVER BACON SQUARES LAMB STEW ••"(?\T < • < , 13c RING BOLOGNA RING LIVER HAM BOLOGNA RING BLOOD 17c SALT PORK PICNIC HAMS PORK CHOPS PORK SAUSAGE VEAL HEARTS 19c Used Cars "•4 * • 1939 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN • Deluxe Equipment 1939 CHEVROLET 4-PASSENGER COUPE -Radio and DeLuxo Equipment 1938 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE With Heater 1937 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE With Heater 1936 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE '% Radio and Heater - * >, 1936 CHEVROLET STAKD. TOWN SEDAK Radio and Heater ,, 1936 CHEVROLET MASTER TOWN SEDAN With Heater 1936 DODGE SEDAN With Heater ?" 1936 FORD COACH With Heater 1936 DODGE COACH With Heater 1935 FORD BUSINESS COUPE 1937 LaFAYETTE TOWN SEDAN With Heater 1934 CHEVROLET COACH Radio and Heater 1933 CHEVROLET OOAlH With Heater USED TRUCKS 1938 PLYMOUTH y2-TON PICKUP 1936 FORD V2-TON PICKUPS (2) 1934 FORD I/2 TON PANEL 1938 FORD iy2-TON 157-in. W. B. Chassis and Cab - 1935 CHEVROLET li/a-TON 157-in. W.I. Platform ' • •' 1034 CHEVROLET IVi-TON 131-in. W. B. Chassis and Cab ALSO SOME CHEAPER CARS AND TRUCKS TO PICK FROM! ~ SGHWEIUUN B0IOIH SAI£S Phone 277 Corner 111. 31 & 20 $ DAYS ... • ' ' "1 S . . . . Bargains in DESK LAMPS, $1.40 value $1.00 TABLE LAMPS, $1.50 to $5.00 value $1.00 , ' BED .LAMPS, $3.50 value ,$1.00 PLANT STANDS, $1.60 value $1.00 FERNERIES, $5.00 to $9.00 vali* $1.00 EZDO Ourvador Wardrobe, $4.50 value * $1.00 *. OIL MOP and POLISH - $1.00 r Liberal discounts will be given on any furniture in our store during these bargain days. Jacob Justen & Sons Green and Elm JfcHenry CONSULT WITH .r INC. p McHENRY^ IU^JNOIS' 4 /, * ' • % 'i v#> in 1?.: * v'.v^' • « Homes HEADQUARTERS FOS Farm' Loans LOW INTEREST RATES Insurance -- Many Years of Experience Consult your, broker as you would your doctor or lawyer! PHONEv^JfcHENRY 8 WHERE YOUR DOLLAR WILL DO DOUBLE DUTY AT THIS STORE. BARGAINS GALORE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. THREE BIG DAYS THERE WILL BE GREAT SAVINGS ON ANYTHING YOU BUY HERE. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. . if",;' SINGLE BLANKETS, solid colors, 66x74, Cy Boy.' *010 SBttTg, ' ' new stripes, with Q £"| collar. £d ivl J)X Boys' lO^o VfoOL UNION SUITS; long sleeve*, ankle f\ | (T1 length, sisee6tol6 I"* «DX WASH SUITS frrr^.. 2 for $1 Girls' DRESSER prints, ^ 2 for 1 HOUSE DRESSES, Q fAf ladies,fast colors--Ct tvl Children's SNOW 8HOE8, d*t OQ white, sixes Sys to 3 «D JL %/ Children's OXFORDS, siaes to2 • . u 3 ji Boy's 4-BuckJe Arctic $1.39 OVERSHOES COATS, Mackinaw, sites up t® IS - Zipper All-Wool LUMBERJACKS/ plaids and plain, sins 8 (T1 QQ to 16 ....... 3)1.5?0 Boys' Kieep-lined $3.45 value, siaes to 18 regular $2.45 for WOMEN Full-fashioned chiffon HOSE, a buy at Semi-fashion chiffon or service 2 for $1 on Q nr (T"l HOSE O Pr* 3)1 $1 $1 i Q1rOn and 2 PILLOW CASKS 5-Year guarantee SHEET. 81x99 ,1 Z PILLOW CASES--to A |Af {1 match sheet rjt X La<U««' BATH (P-| soiled, worth $2.00, worn __--J) A SHOES--oxfords and straps, broken sixes in leather, suede and gabardine, $1.96 and Q nr (1 $2.45lines Li P1* NPX 50 PAIRS all our regular slock ef suedes, oxfords and straps^ all sises, priced formerly at $2.45, now SNOW SUITS, a reduction of $149 $1 on all suits from $3.85 up! f" Ladiea* SWEATERS, all wool, long sleeves 2 for $1 T0WIEL8, Cannon double thread, colored bonier, 22x44, Si |Ar *| 4 limit ... ^.....4 tor J)1 BED SPREADS; chenile, A1 nr extra long d L"0 Others -- $2-96 - $4-50 Men's ALL-WOOL UNION SUITS, $6.00 value 50% WOOIs $3.fiJG value..... 25% WOOL, per suit 10% WOOL, per suit $3.25 J245 51.75 98c Zipper COATS, (1 OQ leatherette ....^ * ALL WOOL Zippier COATS, extra heav^, knitted bottom J3.45 WOOL YARN, 4-os. slrains, A Q/% all colors TtOL SEWING THREAP, O fAr Qr» white or often Ov PURSES, regular $1.00* values $1.95 Tallies 79c $1^9 CHENILE RUGS, a dollar day - -- Water repellent SNOW PANTS, small sise, dollar day value $1 29c for MEN OVBRATJ3, 8-01. sanforised, suspender back and high All leather Work SHOES, worth $2.50, now Good weight Work PANTS, priced now at only 4 buckle heavy Arctip OVERSHOES $1.98 JACKET, blanket lined, a d>1 OA fine bargain WORK SHIRTS, C% (hi Chambray M S5! 3 pr. *1 $1.98 $5.98 $4.95 $5.95 $1 Extra heavy wool SOCKS OXFORDS for dress, tan or black - COATS, sheepskin-lined, corduroy top ... ^ • Molesekin she^ekin COAT MACKINAW COATS, all wool; out they go! SWEATEES and JACKETS, short lots Horsehide front quarter A(J tipper JACKETS 1 SWEATSHUim dark grey 59c SWEATERS^ boys' wool and part wool, sites to 36 Ladies' DRESSES, span rayon, formerly $1.69 and $1.98; guaranteed to wear. Priced now at Ladies' SLIPS, rayon taffeta, laoe trimmed and tailored $1.27 49c Ladies' Built-u broadcloth Men's flannel SHIRTS, green, blue or tan s 89c Penant SKATES, men's, ladies or boys', broken siaes, $450 values, priced to go at Men's SHIRTS and DRAWERS heavy ribbed, pair $3.55 $1 BLANKET, all-wool, double, 72x84, in green, slightly soiled; a $10 value at ---V i i< PAJAMAS, children's, with or without JidSr*_2 for $1 Ladies' NITE GOWNS, flannel only, sixes to 17 39c Ladies'PAJAMAS, tuckstitch .2 for $1 GREEN STREET McHEKRY, ILLINOIS