; *' - ^ * * *' * ^. -1 . "' *' tig* tlx 4 V V-;v.'-*. '•^•: . i_T« * *; •. * MiteiiaMhi MODERN PIONEERS *0 WDUSTTO vRODVCtf s BETTER CIV/I NIG IT' 45 '"••• ' V f^' "• • • '• "» }^'X' THE McHENRY PLAINDEALE|t "\ ••> * <% NEWS HEM: MODERN PIOMEERS TO ee HONORED IN FEBRUARV COMf>/ieMORATiM& 150?!- AMNIVERSARXV OF PATENT SYST€M. McCULLOM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Halley ahd Ray and Mrs. Kilfether were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Cylik on Saturday evening. They enjoyed a sociable game of pennyante, after which a delicious lunch was served. Miss Marie Burzinski won first prize in a jitterbug contest held in Chicago one evening last week. Mrs. Makofski is spending two weeks here preparing and decorating the home so it will be ready for the rest of the family to enjoy in a short time. Raymond Musyznski, Bob Martenir and Allan McKim celebrated their fifteenth birthday this week respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, formerly of McHenry, have rented the Reid home here and intend to make it their permanent home. ' Mr. Wagonseller underwent surgery for appendicitis recently. Bill Becker has just recovered from a streptococci sore throat. Bob Sales, Stephen Huska, Jr., Mrs. Larens, Mrs. Feiereisel, Bill Schaffer, Mrs. Huska and Mrs. McKim are suffering from colds. Considerable damage was caused %t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Doran last Friday by a fire. The McHenry fire truck was called and had it ander control in a short time. Mr. and Mrs. C. Nagy were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Feiereisel oh Sunday, and on Monday, Mrs. F. Kurth and Mrs. J. Meyers were callers there. Some of the weekend folks were the Strong family, Mr. and Mrs. and Ruth Gouth, Mr. and Mrs. O'Flaherty, Bill and Thresa Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Elarton, Art Stuhlfeier and Math Dunkel. " Mr. and Mrs. and Jim Dooley were guests at McKims over Saturday and Sunday and Eileen and Georeg Boyle were guests on Sunday. Who is the Rip Van Winkle of Mc- Collum Lake? He has been so busy on the road making so many trips to Florida. It was four weeks before he could visit his family, even the dog did not recognize him when he saw him.' i Answer: John Kilfethen CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chauncey W. Reed Retail Food Values The retail value of 58 representative foods in the United States dropped 9 per cent last year, but still remained well above both the pre-war *pd fecent depression l e v e l s . . V ' ; Traffic Accidents Last year there was one fatal traffic accident every 16 minutes, and one non-fatal injury in an accident every 27 seconds. mtm SSSiSiWSii By Special Local Wiring Contractors;.. 1 m S AVE1.. .Take Advantage of Today's Low Prices and Special Terms • Announcing! New lower prices on -electric outlets now in effect in mis community. Local wiring contractors, cooperating in a special campaign, now make it possible for you to install extra electric outlets at a saving in money--enjoy the convenience Jbf having a sufficient number in "every room in your home. _il Check your needs, room by room. See where you could use radditional electric outlets in your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, dining room, living room, basement and halls. Then take* adt vantage of the special prices and terms now in effect on duplex outlets completely installed. You can pay for them conveniently with your monthly Flerrrir Service billT so get complete information on prices and^ ^ About special low prices OQ E"CTRIC ©WTLtTs {'n groups of ' * °n,y " Down" • • • as little as *1 a - Month with you, Electric Ser^ bill. (Offer applges i„ aU b"< unusually terms today! 'Frarkie and Johnny "Were" Sweethearts When the CIO Chieftain John L. Lewis shook the very foundation of the Democratic party with his recent blast at President Roosevelt accusing the Chief Executive of being an enemy of labor, a rogue, etc., and proclaiming to the world that he would not support the President for a third term, he placed a number of prominent Democratic politicians in a very uncomfortable position. With the President and Lewis at odds, a number of leading members of the Democratic party are attempting to play "both ends to the middle." Senator Wheeler of Montana who apparently will enjoy the Lewis blessing for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, is endeavoring to shake hands with Mr. Lewis with one hand and pat the President on the back with the other, while Senator Guffey of Pennsylvania, lip for re-election this year, is, in one breath telling what a swell fellow Mr. Lewis is andv in another praising the President and informing his listeners that the people of the nation demand that the President seek a third term. Guffey has.'only one chance for re-election, and that is, if Roosevelt is renominated and by some miracle can carry Pennsylvania and in so doing darry Guffey with him. These are rough days for the boys who pre courting the- blessings of both FDR and John L. The breaking up of the once happy home by the disgruntled bride is causing no end of concern in Democratic ranks and it is rumored that the groom in the White Houte deeply resents what he terms ingratitude on the part.of a "well provided for" spouse. The Supreme Court, One Hundred- Fifty Years Impressive ceremonies in the na^ lion's Capital on February 1st mark the 150th Anniversary of the first meeting of the Supreme Court of the United States. Promptly at noon the ei-ght present Justices of the Court (the recently named Associate Justice Frank Murphy of Michigan has not yet qualified) ascended the bench and with members of the Judiciary Committees of both the Senate and the House held impressive ceremonies in commemoration of the historical occasion. Addresses were given by the Attorney General of the United States and the President of the American Bar Association and the response by the Court was given by the Chief Justice. Later in the day commemorative addresses wer» delivered in the House bv Hatton W. Sumners of Texas and U. S. Guyer of Kansas, Chairman and ranking Republican member, respectively of the House Committee on the Judiciary and in the Senate by | Senators Carl A. Hatch of New Mexico and Warren Austin of Vermont. I Prior to the commemorative exercises I wreaths were placed on the graves of i the deceased members of the Tribunal. 1first meeting of the Supreme Court of the United States took place 1 150 years ago in the Royal Exchange j Building in New York with Chief Justice John Jay presiding. Historians I point out that unlike today there' Was I a dearth of cases for the Court's consideration and after a brief session of a few days it adjourned for several months. The Supreme Court of the United States has always been our great bulwark against injustice oppression and tyranny. May God grant that it always will be. We end this paragraph with the closing words oi' the chant intoned when the Supreme Court convenes, "God save the United States and this Honorable Court." The "Smearing" of Dies The exposure of the dastardly conspiracy to "smear" the Dies Committee and its Chairman by the agents of a subversive organization should of itself be evidence that the action of the House in continuing the Committee's activities for another year, was well taken. Un-American organizations, window dressed with respectable names, cannot endure effectively when the spotlight is turned onto their inr «?r workings. Sometimes the truth hurts. Honest individuals and organizations have no need of resorting to trickerv and forgery to besmirch the V-eputations of those question their sincerity. ^DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, PhS>. STUPID PEOPLE 00HOTOtt AT THE MOVIES MORE THAN INTELLIGENT PEOPLE - Psychologists say that we are all wrong in supposing we are mpre intelligent than our weeping brothers when we feel no urge to shed tears during emotional movies or dramas. Except in cases of "chronic weepers," intelligent people are more likely to feel like having a good cry than are dull people, for they want to cry because their keen imagination makes the scene real. Imagination is one of the big aspects of intelligence, and it enables people to place themselves in the situations acted out by the performers. So, go ahead and enjoy yourself when you want to cry. You have at least a little imagination in you. (Public Ledger--WITO Service.) ^DEBUNKER By John Harvey Furbay, PhJ>. THEBieLt " DOES NOTSAY JONAH WAS SWALLOWED ftY A WHALE '» - The Hebrew Bible does not mention a whale in connection with Jonah. It only speaks of "a great fish." Some English versions of the Bible have translated this as "a whale" (Matt., 12:40). In the French Bible, and in many others, the original meaning is preserved. A whale is not a fish; it is a water mammal Which breathes with lungs and nurses its young. (Public Ledger--WNU Service.) Thursday, February 8,1940 lit t-Ray •vite. L. B. MURPHY DENTIST Office Hones -- 9 a. m. to 9 p.>L Green Street -- McHenry, m. KENT & COMPANY All Kinds of ^ I N S U R A N C E p T tfceed with the meat icuJ^I Companies CHM in and talk it ever Phone MeHenry 8 Charlie's Northeast corner of State Bridge on Charles Street Ufa Painting Truck Lettering ' : V r Furniture Upholstering and Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL vf1: S. H. Frenod & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W Onr Experience is at Tour Service in Building Your Wants Telephone No. 300 Stoffel ft Reihansperger • Insurance agefits for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENKY* ILLINOIS GABBY GERTIE YOUR WIRING CONTRACTOR AND PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS ft 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake "When a secret is preserved spreads too easily." POSTILION IN FELT MONEY TO LOAN I have clients who have money to lend on first mortgages on real estate and others who want to borrow money on real estate. If interested either way, I will be glad to talk it over with yon. Joseph N. Sikes Wankegan National Bank Bldg. 4 S. Genesee St., Waukegan, UL TEL. MAJESTIC 103 INSURANCE FARM LIF1 EARL R. WALSH Presenting Reliable Companies When yon need insurance of any ktoi Phone 43 or 61-M Pries Bldg. McHanry Horses Wanted i B u Y Old and Disabled Horses. -- Pay from $5 to $14. ' ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 444 335 Hayward Street • Woodstock, 111, A. P. Freund Co. Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Cramzzi Service : --Road Building-- TeL 204-M McHenry, III This smart postilion of eel-gray felt is trimmed with black grosgrain ribbon and veiling. A gold stickpin fives a touch of elan. ' x PETER 1 PEEVE ; ui (WNU Service) PETER m. PEEVE i Jm&i- FRED C. MILLER, M. D. , Specializing in EYE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT will be In Dr. A. I. Froehlki's OAce, corner Green ft fta Streets, McHenry « Pv«*y Wednesday from 2 \m 4:9t G L A S S E S F I T T E D 1 ------ Phone 43" . • VERNON J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 Pries Bldg. - OFFICE HOURS - ^ Tuesdays and Fridays „ Other Days by Appointment McHenry - Illinois , PHONE IS DR. J. E. SAYLER DENTIST Office'Hours 9-12 and I-* ~ Evenings by Appointment Main Street J--: W. MeHenr?