Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Mar 1940, p. 2

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L4'" - - -"• v ;"" *v'. •-• "• - •• - '•'. 'w *• '-'* 4 * • '-•' >K " "• • - J ' : ••> TtlNGWOOD VOLO 1^ %t" The date of the primary is uear at hand. This is Presidential year a very important primary. I urge vt>u to go to tli? pol Is arid cast vour ballot. While you aire marking your ^bcilhit .if ybu will place a cross %5in the square opposite my name I will j greatly appreciate the favor. EDWARD H. COOK FOR CORONER (Folitical Advertising) Mrs. Ray Peters entertained the Scotch Bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ralph Simpson and Mrs. Roy Neal. Mr. and Mrs. George iShepard entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. B. T. iButler and Mrs. Louis Hawley and Lester Carr. The March meeting of the P.-T. A. was held at the school house Wednesday evening. Harry Anderson of Richmond brought his movie picture machine down and showed pictures of his recent trip to California and New Mexico. He also showed pictures of the Brookfteld Zoo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin attended the funeral of Edward Chester at Harvard Tuesday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago, Rev. and Mrs. Rlollin Hallock of Wiauconda visited Mr. and Mrs. Her* man Dunker Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Case of Bertha, Minn., arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Case will spend the summer here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldmann. Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz and^ sons, Marvin and Jackie, Arvilla and Richard Fisher enjoyed dinner at the home of Mrs. Bertha Grabbe in Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. Richard Dowell, daughter, Ada, and Miss Bertha Davis spent, Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Slocums Lake. The Volo unit of the Lake County Home Bureau will sponsor a card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Barrington business callers Tueaday. Mrs. Frank St. George was a Mc- Henry shopper Tuesday. ' Mrs. Alex Martini and Mrs. Joseph Wagner were Waukegan callers Saturday. , Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe sons, Donald and Harold, and Mrs. Margaret Grabbe of Crystal Lake enjoyed Easter' Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chauncey W. Reed Veterans Widows and Dependents Pensions The House Committee on World War Veterans' Legislation will soon report out a bill which, if enacted into law will grant pensions, under certain <»*>. «>. wrt «...u specified conditions, to widows and HeV^an Dunker"Friday weningT Aprii! <*i'dren of World War Veterans whose 5. A large crowd attended the Easter services at the Volo Community Bible death was due to causes not service connected. The bill grants a pension of twenty dollars a month to childlcss iy »nu ... Ichurch widows of World Wbr veterans whose MV and Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of manage to the veteran occurred prior " Wauconda spent Thursday evening at to July 1921. It will also provide the the Dowell home. [following pensions: 1. Dependent QUALIFIED EXPERIENCED A WORKER! .1 *' •m Vote Republican WALTER T. WOODCOCK FOB CONGRESS family spent Thursday with relatives at Waukegan. Jtfiss Catherine Coyne, who is attending MacMurray college at Jacksonville, III., spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Coyne. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Clarice Huff returned home from Hot Springs, Ark., Friday where they spent the past two months. Gladys Shepard and Catherine Coyne visited friends at McHenry and Woodstock Friday afternoon. Wayne Foss visited friends ill Chicago over the weekend. v Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Chicago spent Sunday in the Patrick Coyne home. Mr. and Mrs. Whi. Heine and Mrs. Lora Levitt of Chicago spent Sunday in the George Shepard home. Mrs. Viola Low and family and Mrs. S. H. Beatty spent Sunday in the Elmer Olson home. Miss Marion Peet of Elgin spent the weekend in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mr Herbert Waldmann and daughters, widows who married the veteran prior Billie Elizabeth, Mary and Ethel Jean, 1938 »nd of Chicago spent Saturday here at the, f8;™J widow and two children, $34 00, home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wald- 1 'w*h *4 fo u r. ™ch agonal child n m a n n , i n h o n o r o f E t h e l J e a n ' s s e v - ! J ; o 0 l ? h a" 4 * 1 2 « f , 7 • J . " ' enth birthday anniversary. a I for ^w?tU ch'ldfn' *2J Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann and chi dren (with $3 for each additional son of Grayslake were Wednesday child total amount to be equally divisitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Vld<^ 3- Herman Dunker. , er $20, or both, ?15 each. As to the Mrs. Alda Smith of Wauconda call-l w,dow' <*lld or rh'ldren. *he tota! ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin ^mpensation pavahle cannot e*ceed Case Monday. $oo. ine bill is H. K. yuw. John Wirtz has been on the sick list the past week. <fWire Tapping" The recent announcement bv Attor- Mrs. Leslie Davis of Slocum's Lake ,ney General Jackson that the Denartvisited her sister, Mrs. Pearl Dowell, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer. Miss Mary Vehard and Fred Yarflfe of Fremont township spent Thusday evening ment of Justice has abandoned "wire Tanping" as a means of detecting crime will, we believe, meet with the approval of a majority of our citizens. It is expected that the Attomev fJpri- and. „Mr s. C. TL . Hrr a-rr ison andJ Mr. andJ Fisher, daughters, Arvilla and Lilah, , , . U J N. J J II. XT _I.L Mrs. Clayton THTa n a.tte.nd.ed. c hurch 1j a n d s o n , R i c h a r±di,,„ a Tt tiein:.d e d t h e N o r t h n:. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd , ^al will also issue an order prohibit Fisher. j Federal District Attorneys from Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case, daughter, prosecuting or nresentin«r to Grar>d Mary, son, Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- T ^ J " l"~1~ liam Witz, sons, Marvin and Jackie, Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd premium prices for silver at the expense of the American taxpayer and that certain nations unfriendly to the United States have been benefitted under the Administration's Silver purchase program. The premium paid to foreign purchasers by our country helped to finance the Russian conquest of Finland. Armond Nolette of Alfred, Me., suing for divoree, told the judge his wife never even smiled at his jokes although 'she would laugh her head elf - tf any other man told one." , services at Greenwood Sunday afternoon. Dave- and Andrew em district of the Illinois School Music Association band contest and festival at the Waukegan Township High Juries, cases which are based in whole or in part on evidence obtained bv wire tanning. The practice of wholesale wire tapping by Federal Agencies his bfen the subiect of severe criticism and even though the Attornev General has issued his order repardinf the subject. the Senate has author. 0 , MWl! school Saturday. Arvilla Fisher, Shir- ized its Interstate Commerce Commit Sunday dinner guests in the Roy Neal, nilni,pr Marvin Wirtz Hfrt-rv Case tee to conduct an investieration of the home Misses Isabelle Fellens and Angela Freund of McHei^y visited Gladys Shepard and Catherine Coyne Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson, Waurorda. spent Friday ^afternoon in the C. J. Jepson home ley Dunker, Wirtz, H&rry Case and Richard Fisher from this locality of wi"? tanning and the use of d'c^ are members of the Wauconda Town- tanhone by law enforcing agencies, ship High school band and appeared "Wire Tannine" is a dangerous nra<S on the stage at 11 a. m., with the tire and if indulged in in a wholesale above mentioned band. manner, the Constitutional Rierhts of The Friendly Neighbors group of American citizens might very easily be the Volo Community Bible church met scattered to the four winds. There is Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander, aati the hnoommee oofi aMnrs.. Ray Hxiaafieerr Ww«eud-- -no tellin-g whparta citti cme imghictr hbt ee nudse dP ofwor, n* A^i. rvf i nesday. The afternoon was spent in or wnere me practice migrnt ena. row* Mrs. Cole ana Art Simes of HTeT broMn making a quilt. Dainty re*fr eshi men^ts earr ttVhiirirssttyv FFped^perraall AAogrepnncciieeqs mmiicgrhhtt m the H. JVi. i . the very ensily create a condition whicfccpent Fridav evening ---. , . , . Stephenson home. !^ere 8fved by tlle hostess at Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and ;^se °f Vx/. after"°°nson. Howard, spent Friday evening Jhe Friendly Neighbors group of the with Mrs. Shepard'5 mother at Mc- Voio Gommumty Church wi 1 meet at Henry home of Mrs. Frank Wilson Wed- Mrs. Rojand McCannon and family; "^^'RtymUd Lohmann of Liberty- tapping" under appropriate safewould rival the OGPU of Soviet Rus sia. However, we do feel that the suggestion advanced by Attorney General Jackson, that Congress consider the advisability of authorizing "wire vilfe called at the home of Mr. and guards in certain tvpes of criminal A Fighting American for Americans Primary: April 9th • Vote Republican! of Algonouin were supper guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. ^eP"j*i " TTOVfi i?isher Thursdav cas«s su"h as kidnaping, extortion and S°M d M eVw'l"on Bovd and Mr Mr- and Mrs- Herman Dunker and racketeering, is entitled to serious JJrS' 7 1 1 Jf'f»rai>y visited the former's mother, Congressional consideration. In this nd Mrs. Wm. Tegausch and son of iMrs ^ jDunlaer, l^n (Crystal Lake class of crimes often times it is neces- Easter Sunday. ' fsary resrtr^ this practice in order Mrs. Frank* St. George was an to apprehend dangerous criminals and Evanston business caller Friday. Mary and Lyle Case entertained a number of friends at their home on Thursday evening in honor of their (Political Advertising) ./A , 1 RE-ELECT HAROLD KELSEY Republican Candidate for State Representative ON HIS RECORD Prevented The Motor Fuel Grab Championed Agricultural Bills For-- BOONE LAKE McHENRY Fought Government Waste Stands for Local Self Government •v Backed by: Sducational Leaders Agricultural and Business Leaders Labor Groups One Good Term Deserves Another VOTE FOR KELSEY Chicago were callers in the Elmer Olson home Sunday afternoon. j Mr. a^d Mrs. George Young andj son, Alfred, w^re Sunday dinner guests of. Mrs. Young's parents at McHenry. Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Smith and daughter of McHenry were callers in the George Young home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith' and famiW were Sunday dinner guests in the Wm. Wurtziger home at Woodstock. Ralnh Smith and sons, Billy and Arnold, of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon and evening with his parents, M»*. and Mrs S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and n spent Sunday with Mrs. Wiedrich's narents, Mr. and Mrs. Shultz, at Richmond. „ Mrs. Ed Peet spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Fout, and family at Spring Grove. j Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet entertained their children and their families at dinner Sunday in honor of the birthday of Mrs. Peet. She received many nice gifts from them including a big bouquet of vellow roses. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Clay and family and Edna Poet of Rockord 3nd Mr. and Mrs. iffen Fout and family of Spring Grove. * . Miss Mae Wliedrich vyjfted friends I at Solon Mills Monday niorning. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and family spent Saturday with the latterfs i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Frank of Rogers Park, Myrtle Wagner. Wm. Glawe and ; George Perkins of Woodstock spent ! Sunday afternoon in the R. C. Harrijson home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Col§s of Richmond spent. Sunday in the Ray Merchant home. Mrs. Rov Harrison and daughter, Edith Pearl, and son, Loren, and Rita Mae and Audrey Merchant were visitors at Waukegan and Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. JJutler and family and Mr. and Mrs? F. A. Hitchens spent Sunday in the I. N. Butler home in Elgin. Miss Edith Pearl Harrison spent from Wednesdfiy until Sunday with Miss Gay Klein-exel in Chicago. Mrs. George Harrison entertained ,her children and grandchildren at dinner Sunday in honor of her birthday. I Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. I Edward Harrison and Marion Peet of I Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze arid i Mr. and Mrs. Glenn ^Treon of Crystal ! Lake, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Harrison and son. Earl, and Mr.-and Mrs. I^ftymond Harrison and son, Bruce. The C. & N. W? railroad depot was closed Saturday evening. Jvtst where "the present station agent, F. A. Hitchens, will be sent is not known yet. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Adams and daughters, Dorothy and Louise, and Mrs. Neuberg of Genoa City spent Sunday with Carrie and A1 Adams. to safeguard human lives. Silver Purchasing I Despite the opposition of Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau, the Sen. birthday anniversaries. The evening ate Banking and Currency has proved was spent in playing games. A very a bill, which if enacted into law will delicious luncheon was served. Mary's put an end to Treasury purchases of and Lyle's guests departed wishing foreign silver. The Committee vote them many more happy birthdays. was 14 to 4, and Capital observers Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell spent noint out that the substantial major- Don't Miss HI v - ^ xe : 2 ; -Vi?, V ; . • s- V- •• i " ' ' A' f • PI St Mary's Gym Doors Open at 7 P. M. APRIL 4 • 5 • - 6 ./ - Sponsored by Woodstock Business Firms* -- •>' .V. -i EXHIBITS OF HOME FURNISHINGS, .APPLIANCES, FURNIk n TURE BUILDING IDEAS AND FARM AND HOME MERCHANDISE FREE PRIZES AND GIFTS Given by Various Merchants - Music and Entertainmtttt SPECIAL SESSION -- Saturday Afternoon for Farmers and Out-of- Town Visitors. Doors open at 1:30. FREE ADMISSION i • f I LOWEST PRICE I HISTORY! 25y 6 FR1GIDMRE Elaster Sunday at the home of the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher, at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and daughter, Ruth Lea, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Ritt at Harvard Thursday. Rev. R. C. HallQck and Chesney Brooks of Waucomla visited lbs. Sarah Fisher Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner were ity indicates that the bill will probably pass both the Senate and House during the present session. Mr. Morgenthau's opposition to the proposal, however, indicates that a President's veto may await the bill if it is successful in hurdling obstacles in both Houses. 'Senator Townsend of Delaware (R), the bill's author, in his observations on the subiect, points out that foreign nations have been paid Don't Pass Up This Sensatiotttf Savings Opportunity! H Our supply of these record-making refri^eratw Values won't last long! Act before it is too late! -"Kever before has a genuine 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire.. = Complete with so many advanced features :. .sold for so sensational a price. Every model brand new. Complete with a 5-Year Protection Plan against service expense on the mechanism. Come in today. Easy Payment Plan terms. / YOU GET ALL THESE EXTRA-VALUE ADVANTAGES! IWbovs Meter-Miser • Exclusive F-114 Safest known • 1-Piece All-Steel Cabinet light • Open-Shut Freezer Door • Uni-Mauc Cold Control • Automatic Reset Defroster • Frozen Storage Compartment • Cold Storage Tray • Touch-Latch Door Opener • 4 Big Ice Trays with Automatic Tray Release • Stainless Porcelain in Food Compartment • Satin-Smooth Dulux Exterior • 5 - Year Protection Plan Against Service Expen»el...*o<i many others! IjCOUSTOKMt TMv||r Automatic ONLY 11478 Easy Terms JACOB JUSTEN & SONS reen Street McHenry, I1L WANT TO MAKE A CHANGE FOB THE BETTER ? 3Amioq And now the big thrill-- 10 minute the wheel and he's hit>tying bad lign the order He's now hearing the story of Pontiao a "long-life" engineering--hearing why •ad bow Pontiao saves hi li i man getting Now he i discovering that rtm tg, 1c __ ai the car he's al to owa, Will be buy it? o take i , _ wanted long-wheclbase beauty is prior«< do wm milk tiu hunitl Special Six 4-Do6r Touring Sedan, as Illustrated 1884* A OBNCRAI. MOTOMS VAt.UK tii WHHN f : \RM U L f a m i l y b u d g e t e e r s t a k e t h e i r f i r a t look at a 14*40 Pontiac, they're apt to aay, "It'a way out of our reach in price." But they're mistaketit This big 1940 beauty gives most everyone that impression. It's the kind of oar they've always dreamed, of owning. But it's priced right dnm with tkt Uwestt Pontiao, with ita "Triple-Cushionod" ride, its power-paoked Pontiao engine, its big oar size and comfort, its famous operating economy is the logical choice, if you "want to make a change for the better"! * Delivered mt Pontiac, Mich. Transportation based rail rates, itfte mad local taxes (tf any), optional efuipmaat and aecotsarin--extra. Prices subject to change without notice. ft. I. OVERTOfr MOTOR SALES Ma-, - i; : , West McHenry, iH t

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