A?v f - •• # " S" t ^ % ^ ' *V " '" •^w^T->S :"f"' T ••> .1. •* *•- v" <» ^ • Thursday, April 4,1940 : ::\ + . v£'•><•:*> TBI MflBSNRY ' ' ' • * ' W *PWi Page Three SLOClhkfS LAKE Earl Converse was a caller at Mc- Henry last Thursday afternoon. Harry Matthews, who has been un- -der medical care for the past three months, is not so well at this writing. Mrs. M. VanDeusen returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry Sunday after spending three weeks with relatives in Chicago and at Milwaukee, Wis. Miss La Verne Obenauf of Liberty- •ffle is assisting in the home duties at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner during Mrs. Wagner's stay at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darrell and two children of Wauconda were Sunday afternoon and supper guests at the home of Willard Darrell. Mrs. Arlene Zahorick of Island Lake and Mrs. Marlett Henry spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Mary Obenauf of Liberyville spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Arthur Wagner was a business caller at Round Lake Monday morning. Misses Jennie and Ethel Dowelli spent Saturday evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and son, Oliver, were business callers at Barrington last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kaiser of Volo spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey of Amboy spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Marlett Henry spent ^ few days the first of the week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennet, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgrea were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom at North Chicago. 4 Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Jennie, were business callers at Higgens Corners, Wis., Monday. Robert and Lyle Matthews were supper guests last Thursday evening at tite home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Guerra in honor of their mm, John's birthday at Island Lake. Ki'a. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Otis Phillips spent last Friday at the home of Mrs. Ella Parks at Park Ridge. Walter Earlson, Mrs. Mike Motto and son, George, of Chicago spent RESTAUR ANT Chicken Dinner Sunday --"- 60o Friday -**s*frresh Boneless Pike Phene 377 JUSTEN & FREUND, Props. Often St (Political Advertisement) Smash the Machine! Let the People Ride Claude F. McDermott <f - Democratic Candidate Precinct Committeeman McHenry 3 v ^ Last name on Democratic Ballot--Endorsed by, : Stelle-Barrett-Adamowski ticket. - 1 earnestly solicit your vote on April 9th! -- Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable spent last Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett: Chicago spgnt Thursday at the home of his parent^, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Mark Pierce entertained members of Iyer club. Cards furnished the entertainment and prizes were merited by Mrs. Joseph and Orlando Guenra, Island j Mark Pierce and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Lake, were supper guests of Lyle j Mrs. William Bowman received conso- Matthews in honor of his tenth birth- i lation and traveller's prizes went to day, last Friday evening. | Mrs. Leon VanEvery and Mrs. Mark Mr. and Mrs. M. L. VanNatta of (Pierce. At the conclosion of cards Franklin Prak, Mr. and Mrs. Glen | lunch was served. VanNatta and daughter, Barbara, of j Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers Chicago were visitors Sunday at the j of St. Peter's church met at the home home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. I of Edwin Freund on Thursday night Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Dowell of .for their regular meeting. Following Roseville called at the home of Mr. the meeting, cards were enjoyed. A and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Sunday. ; lunch was served by Mrs. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer Dr. and Mrs. Earl Young and famspent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews were business callers at McHenry Tuesday afternoon. LILY LAKE ily of Chicago have returned to their home here for the summer months. Mrs. Wade Sanborn visited in Chicapo on Saturday. Mrs. Leonard Fratisen and family of Ringwood are spending a few days *t thr home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph G. Wagner. Mrs. Marearet Bower and daughter Carol, of Waukegan spent Saturday "ftemoon at her home here. Miss Ruth Gracy returned to Waukegan with them to spend several days. Mrs. Edith Turner is confined to her home by iliness. James Gracy of Crystal Lake called on his mother, Mrs. Ina Gracy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Isackson, their son and crandson of Chicago, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Wasmer. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and children of Chicago visited in the A card and bunco party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Vachet Wednesday evening. Prizes were awarded. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Wilhert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. William Etten, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred fVyfferth, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kiabough, Orra Belle Bettray and Paul Harvey. The serving ©f a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Maekey of Chicago spent Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Weihner and daugh- j ^Vke" Huff and Byron Orvis homes on ters of Chicago spent Sunday at Lily Sunday. „ . __ _ - A 1 This community was shocked to Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott ho„r „f the death of Louis Hegeman and son were Chicago vmtors Satur- of Wilmot. Amonfr thosp froiThore £ e. • .. I who attended funeral services Sundav Mrs. Wilbert Swanson is spending a I sfternoon at mimot wprc Mr d few days m Chicago at the home ofMr„ A, Beni«h, Mrs. Bessie Baril and her sister JJoseph Switzer. Mr. and Mre.Laurence Sansone of| Miss Alvce Nodland and Mr. Brad- Chicago spent Saturday* and Sunday,>y of Chicago vi8ited friends here at Lily Lake. | Sunday Mr and Mrs Draper of Chicago | Mr and Mrs Victor Erickson and spent the weekend at their cottage. i5nfart son t>f Chicago wore visitors in Mrs. Alex Wirfs and Mrs. Rose j th„ ,Tohn Lav home Sundav. Justin were Elgin visitors Thursday ; Mr. and Mrs. FroH Sparror and two Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bender of daurht°rs of Chicago spent Sunday Chicago spent Sunday at their cotat their eottaee hero. tage and also visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Thayer of vr J ,, T * L, ..Woodstock called on Mr. and Mrs. Mr and Mrs. Lester Venable and FrnTlk Wfraner on Sundav. daughter, Marilyn, of Chicago visited Sunday guests in the .T." J. Freund the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. hoTnp wpre Mr and Charleg „ Strnad. over the weekend. |and famnv y Mr- Tos(,,Jh£a*e' Mrs. Edith Cleveland and Martin visited the homo of Mr. and Mrs.jThelen of Round Lake t Sund Frod Dosch Saturday. k the home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh and Schmeltzer sbn, Richard, spent Saturday and Sun-' Friends of Mrs. Mary May will be p-lad to hear she has returned home f»*om the Woodstock hospital where VOTE REPUBLICAN APRIL 8TH , ELECT GEORGE R. PERRINE •OF AURORA TO THE STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE FROM THE 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT (McHenry, K|ne, DuPage, Will) A YOUNG REPUBLICAN WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT • INDORSED BY REPUBLICAN LEADERS THRUOUT THE DISTRICT • PLEDGED TO WORK FOR REPUBLICAN SUCCESS IN 1940 YOUR VOTE WILL BE APPRECIATED For State Central Committeeman: Eleventh Congressional District. (Vote fot gjas) 5 SPRING OROVE |ng. Three tables of five hundred Were played and the awards went to Mrs. John Kattner, Mrs. Arthur Kattjier and Mrs. Frank Sanders. Conso- ___ lation went to Mrs. Ella Siegler. Ideal Acres farm. Traveler's prizes were won by Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and JMath Nimsgern and Mrs. John Katt-1 Haiwbter. Mary Lou, motored to Deer- Itier. The serving of refreshments field Thursday. • GEORGE R. PERRINE •JL Slfned: ROBERT H. MYERS *PERRINE IN APRIL'-'REPUBLICAN IN NOVEMBERI* day at the ^iome of her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. .Tack Wrublewski Mr. and Mrs. A1 OUon and family ;she spent oViite'some time.' of Chicaeo snentSunday at L.lv Lake.; A1 Bonish and AI Schmeltzer at- Tbe Lily Lke P.-T. A gave its sec-jtendpd 0dd Pel,OW9 mppti wn. ond card and bunco nartv at Mrs. H. mot Mordav night. Kinsnar's with Mrs. Matbew P. Freund actine°as bostet,«». The next 'n turn to enfrtam will be Mrs. R. Bie«ecker at Mrs. H. Einsnar's. A minting of the P.-T. A. was held M?>r^h 29 at the Lily Lake school, at which time where was a cake sale and pntertainment bv t.ho children. -."-i- . - cake was donated by Mrs. F. E. WeU-|fnends here hope for a speedy re- VOLO Senator Ray Paddock is ill at his I home here at this writing. His many also. Mrs. W^isbaum donated an apron ! coYf G. A. Vasey of McHenry spent a few days Vre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mrs. Georjgo Scheid, Jr., and daughter, Lillian, of Wauconda visited Mrs. Pearl Dowell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Baseley and Mrs. John Lay was hostess to the family spent a few days the past Inembers of her club on Tuesday even-1 week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Baseley in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Shear of Evanston and Mr. and Mrs. A. Matizen of Park Ridge spent Tuesday at the brought the evening to a close Mrs. Ada Carr is spending a few fireeks with Mrs. Rose Antcliff at Richinond. Mrs. Ina Gracy and daughter, Butb, visited her there on Wednesday. Tbmmy Freund was absent from Kchool several days last week due to Illness. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Leon VanEvery on Wednesday for an afternoon of cards. Twelve members were present to en- |oy tha games of five hundred. Prize Winners were Mrs. Joseph Wagner and Mrs. Ora Pierce while Mrs. Frank Sanders received consolation. Traveler's prizes went to Mrs. Mark Pierce j Hironimus. Mrs. Alvn and Mrs. Frank Sanders. A lovely j 7.*llha, Alyin Case, Li'i lunch was served by the hostess. Jacob J. Freund was under doctor's care last week. Paul Weber spent Thursday in Chicago. ; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pierae- of (Political Advertisement) for tse good or the party Krause Republican Precinct Committeeman THIRD McHENRY PRECINCT at Buch's Basement Hall Come Oili-- Come All! ^ Indies and Gentieme^ ^ a Yon are invited without 4 ticket or card. : REFRESHMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell of McHenry werr; Sunday callers at th« home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evanston spent the weekend here at the home of Mr. and MrS. Frank St. George. The Volo 4-H club sponsored a card narty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker Friday eveniner. The eveni"<* w«« snent, in nlaving briHee. pinochle, euchre, auction five hundred and bunco. Hieh honors were awarded to Mrsj« Harold Rudzin*ki. Edwin Di*om. Hefoan Dunker, Mrs. Frank Case. G"or«»,c' ah and Arvilla Fisher. Refreshment"5 were served ond visiting brought the evening to a clo»e r William Lohman a^d son. Raymond, of Libertvville wpr« .Satu^daw visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Irvwin Summers and daughters, Joan and Joyce, of Edison Park, Miss Feleicia Stevens of Norwood Park, Jack Matizen of Park Ridge and John Carin? of Kansas City. Mo., were Sunday guests at the Ideal ' Acres farm. | Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rossdeutcher and son attended the wedding of Miss i Jennie Celbr to Joseph' Tekampe at ^Mundelein Wednesday. j Mrs. Carl Fink, Mrs. Cecil Ander- 'son, Mrs. Wendell Dickson, Mrs. Hugh iO Brien and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended a twelve o'clock luncheon in honor of Mrs. Helen Johnson Volk, our home advisor, at the Lake County Home Bureau office at Grayslake on Tuesday. They attended the officers' ; ti air.ing school in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Withers, daugh^ ter, Leona, and son, Robert, of Rock- | ford, Til., spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. ^.en Litt'efield. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George at tended tfe funeral services fop Henry Lange at Evafi=ton Thursday. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Tuesday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. | Richard Dusil. in Berwyn. ! Mrs. Russell Gibbs, Mrs. Len Lit | tlefield, Mrs. Frank St. George and Mr?. Bruno Grimelli were Wednesday : luncheon guests at the home of ! Frank Immekus at MiHenry. John Passfield is ill with the flu at j his hom& i The Volo 4-H/club inembers and J their instructor, James Davis, will meet at the home of Robert Tuesday evening, April I. INTERESTING F "NEARBY NEWS The graduating class of the Hampshire Township High school will be of unusual interest this year, as on the roll are three boys and a girl from one family, sons and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schiesher of that village. The young people are Edwin, Donald, Robert and Annabel. They are a fine appearing quartet, of whom the parents and the school are mighty proud. In digging a well near \he Fox River in the Algonquin Hills Subdivision a week ago Friday, H. E. Boetsch struck the most active rush of water he has met in his career as a well digger. The 4% inch hole produced approximately 14 gallons of water a minute. Harry T. O'Connor, Harvard, police magistrate, succumbed to a hefrt attack shortly after reaching his home late the afternoon of March 23. He was a car companion of C. J. Williams, police chief, on the four block ride from his office to the O'Connor residence, 206 West Brainard street, Harvard. With Lf.€range now approaching its one thousandth day in which there have been no fatal accidents, members of the village board Monday night, March 25, took steps to further the village's traffic safety features. On motion of Trustee John Westenhaver, the board voted to request the installaion of stop and go lights at three intersections in the village. Awakened last Wednesday night by a youth passing by on the highway outside their home, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Hollands, an aged couple, and a younger couple, Mr. and Mrs. Rasmussen, with a small child escaped with their lives from a fire that destroyed their home and all their belongings on Buckley road, near Libertyville. Total damage was estimated at $3,500. Karl Jansson, 23, of 831 George avenue, Waukegan, was arrested by Waukegan police last Wednesday niffht on charge of making a left turn at Washington and Genesee streets, violating the dram shop act. by having an opened bottle of wine in his car, and driving a car without a vehicle tag. Five McHenry county motorists received minor injuries and one was seriously injured at 7:30 o'clock last Thursday morning, March 21, when the automobile driven by Roy Brady n*nd the milk tmck driven bv Leopold Benecke, of Union, sideswiped each other on a narrow bridge near Route 67 and about one-half mile north of Union. Fifty-four years serving the drug needs of the Libertyville-Mundelein area ended for the F. B. Lovell store, 426 N. Milwaukee avenue, Libertyville, last Mondav when the business was assumed by Frank J. Wenban of Lake Forest. Mr. Wlenban, a druggist in Lake Forest since 1922. bought the interest held iointly by the Mrs. Augusta M. Lovell ectn*e and James Swan for a reported $7:000. Richard Sears. 12, son of Mr. and Mrs. Weslev Sears of Gravslake. and Tandson of Richard W. Sesrs. on? o* the founders S°nrs-Ro«>buck a"d f"»mtmnv. w»« k:"«d last Thu^day in Miami lleach. Fl»„ 'vhe»» !»*» va^ struck by a car Chartes T. Weneer. Jr.. driver of the car. was held on a reckless driving charge. The Sears went to Florida from ^Grayslake recently. (Political Advertisement) $ ^ V Attention Voters! IN LILY LAKE ' McHenry and Nuoda Townships Vote Tuesday, April 9, 1940 Do not allow the unfair and vicious series of articles appearing in one of the Chicago tabloid newspapers to influence yon. It was purposely designed to intimidate your vote. Exercise your right of franchise! > . Everyone, get out and do your duty! AND VOTE THE PRlMARlf Tuesday, April 9, 1940 litis is the only way you can. get honest and efflcien| gQVeramant;,. . ' '. \\ tDWARD M/LABWES, President J' Lily Lake Political Club >V-S' (Political Advertisement) " » >c' ' iff A'. ""*• , -J* ;,a§| M i • - 7 t i: u i tv j - EE-ELECT RAY PADDOCK Republican JIANDIDATE ' FOR 8th Senatorial Pistrict McHenry, Boone and Lake Counties . A On his voting record, attention to duties and attendance at all sessions of the legislatuflr Given rating of "EXCELLENT" by the Illinois Agricultural Association ancj endorsed for re-election. Commended for attendance, attention to duties and voting record by Legislative Voters' League. Endorsed by State Organization of Township Officials. Always opposed attempt to centralize governai^t by doing away with local self goyernment. > Endorsed by Illinois Federation of Retail Associations. Has always opposed diversion of gas tax money for jmrposes other than road building. \ote for RAY PADDOCK for STATE SENATOR on the Republican Primary Ballot, April 9 m IT HOLDS FIRST PLACE in Pep, Power and Pick-up amonc/ a///ow-priced cars/ « V - m si n mm You drive the leader when you drive a Chevrolet for '40--the leader in pep, power and pick-up--and the leader in style, stamina and sales! It holds first place in acceleration--.first place in hiU-climbing--first place in all-round performance with all-round economy--*among all cars in its price range. . • f ' . That's why Chevrolet for *4® is first in satot * * . why more people buy Chevrolets than buy any other make of car . . . and why your Chevrolet dealer strongly recomapends that you eye it--try it--buy it--todayl MASTER 85 business coupe, Atf moc#e/j priced at Flint, Midi. Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (if any), optional equipment and accessories--extra. Prices subject to change without notice. r j •M IEADER IN SALES t (HIT OF THE" I AST 9 YEARS £qe It •• Tntj It •• Biujlt! "CHEVROLET'S First AgainV SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES McHENRY, ILL. •A-!": •. - > -m.: