Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Apr 1940, p. 1

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1 IV* v*i;Cf*Myi; 1 •; • - * i \% 'l M m-'-z. V,** £•$.: * •>$; ? ~ ^ >1 McHENEY, ILLINOIS, THU&SDAY, APRIL 11,1940 No. 47 Ifer-lfc--Jfe-- --7Sr--"pk--~$k McHenry- County Remains Loyal To f. Lyons LYONS, BROOKS POLL BI6 LEAD IN M'NENRY COUNTY, ALTHO GREEN WINS IN ENTIRE STATE ^mmmmm»-- . lUed Wins Reelection to Congress Over Strong: Opposition ^ > By Townsendites Supporting Woodcock Although Richard J. Lyon*, » friend and neighbor from Liberytville, lost the Republican fight for governor, his backers and friends in McHenry RICHARD J. LYONS 'county are jubilant over the splendid Bbowing he made in McHenry county over his opponent, Dwight H. Green. Lyons carried all but. Jlix pre- . ducts in the county. Those on the red side of the ledger being Marengo two, Chemung one, McHenry three, Nunda three, Algonquin two, tlfree and five. The Libertyville Republican swept through the Woodstock precincts like a prairie fire, likewise in the other precincts in Hebron, Richmond and Greenwood. Huntley also gave him a . big vote. All in all the Lyons backers are happy over his showing in the county although he did lose to Green*in other parts of the state. * Although Lyons and Brooks ran as a team Brooks ran far ahead of his running mate. He carried all but one precinct in the county, Grafton two • which he tied at 36 all. Brooks polled 6,630 votes as against 2,619 for Ralph E. Church, Evanston congressman. It was a splendid tribute to the vote getting power of Brooks who likewise carried almost every county in the state to make his .« victory so complete. Other state winners on the Republican side although not official appear to be Hugh W. Cross for lieutenant governor, Justus L. Johnson, for secretary of state, Arthur C. Lueder. state auditor, Warren Wright, treasurer, Goerge F. Barrett, attorney general. prville Anderson and William G. Stratton for congress at large. We have Fresh Water Smelts* direct from Menominee, Michigan. Every- * one eats and likes 'em deep fried. Central Market. 47-fp REPUBLICANS IN TOWNSHIP CAST HEAVIEST. VOTE Although a record vote was expect? ed in the primary election on Tuesday, April 9, a number of voters in the four McHenry Township precincts, Bierhaps reluctant to declare their vote, owered the percentage in comparison With the number cast in 1936. There were 1,458 votes cast this spring, as compared with 1,578 votes of four years ago. The Republicans are definitely on the rise, with 904 ballots, against 654 Democratic votes. In 1936, there were 810 Republican ballots and 768 Democratic. Interest was keen on account of the number of contests for both county and state offices. Voters in the third precinct, including McHenry and Lily Lake, returned to the G. O. P. this year after remaining Democrath^lfcl1 the past several years, with a majority of seventy Republican votes. First Precinct In Precinct 1, including Ringwood, 178 voters declared themselves, 146 being Republican and 32 Democratic. Earl Whiting. Republican, received 124 votes for Precinct Committeeman, while Sibre Whiting, Democrat, trailed with 28 votes. On the G. O. P. ballot in this precinct the recordings were as follows: Thomas E. Dewey for President, 129 votes; for United States Senator, Ralph E. Church, 37, and C. Wayland Brooks, 106; for Governor, Richard J. Lyons, 108, and Dwight H. Green, 35; Arnold Lund, with 24 votes, led the Lieutenant Governorship, with Hugh W. Cross receiving 22. Justus L. Johnson chalked up 47 supporters, while his opponent fot Secretary of State, Arthur J. Bidwill, received 46. Richard Yates Rowe, also seeking this office, received 27 votes. Charles W. Vail and William R. Mc- Cauley tied with 18 votes each, while Edward T. O'Connor had 16; they were running for Auditor of Public Accounts. p For State - Treasurer, Warren Wright scored 50, with A. C. Lewis getting 26. Oscar E. Carlstrom for Attorney General, 57 votes, George F. Barrett, 29. For Representative in Congress, State at Large. William G. Stratton. 78, Stephen A. Day, 25, and Chas. P. MacAuley, 23. Running for Representative in Congress from the eleventh district, Walter T. Woodcock received 70 votes, WINNERS IN STATE-WIDE CONTEST ss ROOSEVELT, KERSHEY LEAD IN DEMOCRAT VOTING IN COONTY GARNER MAKES NICE SHOWING Stelle an* Adamowski Defeated By B!g' Margins* Wltk Barrett Running Close to Martin DWIGHT H. GREEN C. WAYLAND BROOKS HARRY B. HERSHEY THREE INJURED, TWO SERIOUSLY, IN AUTO ACCIDENT TUESDAY Two persons were seriously injured and one received minor cuts and bruises Tuesday in an auto accident which occurred a few hundred feet south of the Johnsburg road on Route 31. Mrs. Mabel Jetters, of Chicago and Lake Geneva, the driver of the car, was thrown from the car and was rushed, unconscious, to the Woodstock hospital. Two local girls, Miss Darlene Lockwood and Miss Lorraine Knox, were the two passengers. The former was X-rayed at the Woodstock hospital for a back injury; it has not been determined as yet just how seriously she was injured. Miss Knox received lacerations on her forehead, left arm and knees, and other bruises. The three were driving south from Richmond when the accident occurred, about 4:45 Tuesday afternoon. It is said the driver lost control of the car going around the curve near the Johnsburg road, dashed down the ditch on the east side of the road, through a barbed wire fence and roifc ed over three times in the field. (Continued on Page Four) AN APPRECIATION To the many loyal friends who supported and voted for me at the Primary last Tuesday, I desire to express my sincere thanks. Your help is all the more appreciated because of the unwarranted and untruthful attack that was made on me through the medium of handbills that were circulated throughout the community Monday evening. The result of the Primary indicates that the voters do not approve and are not influenced by such tactics. I have tried fairly and conscientiously to serve my community and district during all the years of my public life. That will be my policy in the future. I hope to merit your continued confidence. * * 47-fp THOS. A. BOLGER. KELLER, KELSEY WIN AGAIN! With nine precincts still to be heard from Wednesday afternoon in Lake county, the legislative vote shows Nick Keller 28,098, Kelsey, 22057, Allen 19,788. OFFICIAL FIGURES, M'HENRY COUNTY, PRIMARY ELECTION Total Vote .14,822 OFFICIAL REPUBLICAN VOTE Official Republican Vote 10,602 President of the United Statea:- Thomas E. Dewey .8,935 United States Senator: C. Wayland Brooks •« MUM 6,829 Ralph E. Church ...^...^^-.m.^2,679 Governor: . i - RichanS J . Lyons tr^.r.6',164 Dwight H. Green 3,731 Lieutenant Governor: John V. Clinnin Guy C. f^pple Hugh Cross Charles Hindley .......... William Jerome Arnold L. Lund Earl B. Searcy Secretary of State: Justus L. Johnson Richard Yates Roft- »«wwkisKl,827 Arthur Bidwell ...2,467 Auditor of Public Accounts.: Edward T. O'Connor 1,229 Joseph Edward Scanlon ............ 266 Charles W. Vail 927 John William Chapman ............ 370 1,474 322 .-,......*...2.333 481 282 1.881 1,070 ,....,..3,776 Henry G. Hansen ......... Arthur C. Lueder ........ William R. McCauley Harry W. Nelson Oscar Nelson U...... State Treasurer: Frank J. Store Howard W. Trovillion . Warren Wn^ht JL... James A. Dayton -- A. C. Lewis ........ Attorney General: 334 ,..1.522 1,449 336 ..1,583 600 815 .h«.»....J3,335 617 ......1,971 Oscar E. Carlstrofli Frank R Entrl^toii _jfharles W. Had!ejf_w Edward A. Hayes Ceorye Li«don George F. Barrett Renresen«a'ive in Congress, State at Large: I Lloyd W. Lehman ~~««....1,338 | Charles P. MacAuley 985 j Frank J. Mackey 572 , James McGrath* 242 i 2,867 99 66 :.2,012 386 • -1,724 Earl C. Mertes ...........7.7^^:"... 170 Milford H. Olds ...., 167 William G. Stratton ..4,598 Orville L. Anderson 1,134 William J. Baker ...i.....--.. 399 William H. Brown 318 John E. Cummings ....U.....L. 277 Stephen A. Day «...1,706 Allan Healy 818 George S. Lavin 176 Representative in Congress, Eleventh Dis'rict: Chauncey W. Reed ....(....„......„...5,227 Walter T. Woodcock -- . Delegates to National Convention: Frank A. Reid 5,651 Harrison H. Robillard 1,490 Hayes Kennedy 2,331 James C. 'Bell 2,903 Alternate Delegates tq National Convention: " T. Merle Paul 5,265 Maurice Shurtlelf 5,810 State Central Committeeman: Frank A. McCarthy Z ...4,177 Georpe R. Perrino 3,029 fJtate Senator: Ray Paddock m.M„.MMHW>M....5,063 Richard B. Martin ..............1,354 Verne Corley 445 Albert E. Nordstrom ^....^J.,089 Representative ia General Assembly: Nick Keller ®,7!f Harold D. Kelsey .,>...................4,451 C. Russell Allen 15,776 Willis A. Overholser ..1,109 Martin Jensen .-- 498 Daniel S. Hunt 304 Brown Pierce 473 Michael J. Haney 147 Charles E. Neal 294 Charles Kerwin Stratton* 1,771 Senatorial Committeeman: Charles F. Renich 6,961 Clerk of Circuit CoarU-- William T. Conn 7,580 (State's Attorney: , William M. Carroll ....«....»..~.....7,670 County Coroner: •" t Edward H. Cook 8,847 Harry L. Ehorn 5,295 OFFICIAL DEMOCRATIC VOTE Official DemocratuTVote 4,220 President of the United States: Frankin D. Roosevelt ..2,788 John N. Garner 833 United States Senator: James M. Slattery .2,237 Benjamin S. Adamowski 1,182 (Continued on page four) REED DEFEATS WOODCOCK I II * CLOSE CONTEST fruPage . Will - ....... Kane McHenry Beet _ .13,364 .»..u...r.l 1,201 ,,*..14.271 5,221 Woodcock 9,063 8,000 13,912 3,894 Total ._.„w. 44,064 34,869 Chauncey W. Reed of West Chicago won out In a closely fought contest for re-election to congress by defeating Walter T. Woodcock, Elgin publisher, by a margin of some 9,000 votgp-on unofficial returns from the four counties In the district. Reed carried all four counties but was given a scare in many precinct3. AThuge vote cast by members of the various Townsend clubs in favor :>f Woodcock together with a well organized campaign made the battle interesting. Woodcock carried eight precincts m McHenry county including Grafton one, Dorr two, Hebron^MoHenry one, Nunda two and three and Algonquin one and five. Ehorn Is Winner Over E. Hr HARRY L. EHOR\ Harry L. Ehorn of Richmond coasted to victory over Edward H. Cook of Huntley in Tuesday's primarv Ehorn polled 5,288 votes as against 3,861 for Cook. It was a clean cut victory for the Richmond man over the veteran from Huntley who has served some 17 years in the office. President Franklin D. Roosevelt lot his Democratic party in the McHenry county primary with a total of 2.761. John Nance Garner received only 1,- 360 votes. In the race for United States soft* ator James Slattery won out in the county over Benjamin Adamowski by a vote of 2,243 to 1,328. Harry B. Hershey swept to victory over John Stelle by a vote of 2,090 to 1,276. Thomas A. Bolger is a winner in the fight for the one place on the Democratic ticket for the legislature. He polled 8,126 votes in McHenry county while his opponent, Jack Hoff, received 2,387. Bolger ran right along with th« other ad' inistration candidates. Likewise the candidates for precinct committeemen on the organization ticket were easy winners. It appears that the Democrats were outscored in every precinct in the county* Even old rock-ribbed Hartland came back into the Republican column when Republicans polled the largest vote in many years. McHenry three, another stronghold of th£ Democrats came back strong for Republican, candidates. In gener al there was a big trend back toward the oldtime Republican pluralities of bygone years. Republicans in general were jubilant over the Vote cast in the county while Democrats had little to say. They found it hard to get out votes like they did in 1932, 1934, 1936 and 1938. There was a bitter fight between the regular organization, headed by the state jobholders, and the Stelle groift, headed by S. T. Oliver. The Oliver group feels that Garner polled a very fine vote in face of the machine organization wh^h backed President Roosevelt precinct. Paddock Sure Winner In District We have Fresh Water Smelts direct from Menominee, Michigan. Everyone eats anA likes 'em deep fried. Central Markets. 47-fp WANTED--Men for wood and iron work. Hunter Boat Co. 47-fp flay Paddock, veteran senator from the Eighth Senatorial district again is a winner in the race for senator. He carried McHenry county by a vote of 5,131 while Richard Martin received i 1,360, Verne Corley, 448, and Albert i E. Nordstrom, 1,070. | Reports indicate Paddock will carry i Lake and Boone counties by big marfgins. Paddock will return to Spring- ! field with a big vote. ! FARMERS, ATTENTION! Don't forget to bring us your soil samples before Friday, April 19. Farmers Miy, Phone 29. 47-fp Buy your Baby Chicks at the Farmers Mill,^the Home of Good Chicks. • Phone 29. 38-tf-fp •MMH REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC UNOFFICIAL RESULTS BY PRECINCTS IN THE COUNTY Riley ... Marengo 1 Marengo t Dunham Chemung 1 Chemung S Chemung 8 Alden Hartland Seneca Coral - Grafton 1 Grafton S Dorr 1 -- ( Dorr 2 ' Dorr 3 ...--~ Dor* 4 .......... Dorr 5 Greenwood ... Hebron ». Richmond Burton McHenry 1 ... MdHenry S. McHenry 8. McHenry 4 Nunda 1 Nunda 2 _. Nunda 3 Aigonqufe 1 Algonquin 4 AJgoaqulft S SENATOR C'harch 80 125 130 •4 171 99 40 . . 33 . 72 _ «9 ... 83 .... 44 .... 36 ...1»1 .... 98 ...121 ...110 .... 32, _. 53 .... 70 ....147 ...25 . .. 37 .... 74 .... 52 .... 24 .... <0 ... 66 . ...Ill ...111 ...112 ...127 .... «6 .... to 87 Riley ... 25*1 Marengo 1 238 Marengo 2 173 Dunham .. 351 Chemung 1 297 Chemung 2 <9 Chemung 3 177 Alden 104 Hartlaad ~ Seneca, ... Coral Grafton 1 . Grafton I'. Dorr 1 Dorr 2 ....^. Dorr Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwoq^ Hebron .... Richmond - ~. Burton McHenry 1 - McHenry 2 _ McHenry S.£ McHeniT 4 _ Nunda 1 .-- Nunda 2 Nunda 3 Algonquin 1 . Algonquin 2 . 207, Algonquin 3 , 1C1 klgoaquin 4 . 1M Algonquin I . 156 153 255 M 320 460 858 354 94 187 339 319 69 10C 170 117 119 104 195 171 289 176 Woodcock 17 143 115 55 130 109 25 53 39 56 111 sso ~ 22 201 316 226 194 < T2 80 202 _ 178 r* 70 72 168 23 52 M4 154 180 If© % 101 V 40 177 .2713 MC7 Total Riley Marengo : Marengo Dunham Chemung Chemung Chemung Alden Hartland Seneca ... Coral Grafton 1 Grafton 2 Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr 8 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron ... Richmond ^.tv •' Burton McHenry 1 „... McHenry 2 --. McHenry McHenry Nunda 1 Nunda 2 Nunda 3 Algonquin I Algonquin 1 Algonquin S Aigunirtn 4 Algonquin • Total 4 s 30 175 209 111 255 199 49 37 86 94 62 64 50 136 176 187 133 31 66 94 78 33 35 10S 66 2.9 51 118 179 151 178 191 104 458 GOVERNOR Stelle Riley Marengo Marengo Dunham Chemungjl Chemung S Chemung "3 Alden Hartland ~ Seneca Coral . Grafton Grafton Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron ...^.r Richmond ...--... Burton McHenry 1 McHenry 2 ..... McHenry 1 McHenry 4 Nunda 1 Nunda .... Nunda 3 Algonquin ,1 Algonquin 2 Algonquin 3 Algonquin -4 Algonqult * •erskey 43 70 53 31 135 143 1 45 88 17 14 110 12 46 68 115 100 8 Riley Marengo Marengo Dunham Chemung Chemung Chemung Alden Hartland ' Seneca .... Coral -- Grafton 1 Grafton t Dorr 1 .... Dorr 2 .... Dorr 3 .... Dorr 4 ... Dorr 5 FOB REPRESENTATIVE Bolger ;-- 191 24A Riley * ...42 Marengo 1 ,.122 Marengo 2 140 Dunham 71 Chemung l« ui--,115 Chemung 2 .^^..|45 Chemung 3 Alden Hartland Seneca .... Coral Grafton Grafton Dorr 1 Dorr | Dorr 8 Dorr 4~ LEGISLATURE Keller Kelsey 47 Greenwood 31 56 31 9 ' 88 112 44 86 62 85 99 <3 111 75 44 "Hebron Richmond . Burton ....... McHenry 1 McHenry 2 McHenry 3 McHenry 4 Nunda 1 ^ ... Nunda S ..... Nunda 3 Algonquin 1 Algonquin 2 (Mgonquin 3 Algonquin 4 Algonqntn I Total JM0 Total 15 Dorr 5 ^--24 16 Greenwood -- 78 8 Hebron ..._ ..--153 88 Richmond „ 135 « Burton ;. 15 27 McHenry 1 t. »_^,49 75 McHenry 2*. 75 114 McHenry 3 . 31 McHenry 4 % 197 Nunda 1 ~ 42 21 Nunda 3 ...» j:„. 58 242 Nunda 3 ...» 33 51 Algonquin 1 57 45 Algonquin 8 51 48 Algonquin 8 ...S....88 ?8 Algonquin 4 7 84 Algonquin 5 MX , • 2887 ' TAal J 24 115 100 68 217 149 102 30 95 93 86 228 24 156 243 130 175 140 i09 140 92 10 22 46 44 15 74 290 167 367 161 222 385 175 Allen 175 *37 . *27 152 • .129 IPS |61 ' *19 *73. 830 •82 135 • '*87 892 854 179 .117 *9S 837 807 • 195 \ St* 827 m U9 270 Sfn 532 5*5 463 T*> 199 488 Riley ... Marengo 1 . Marengo | „. Dunham Chemung 1 Chemung * Chemung t Alden Hartland Seneca Coral . Grafton Grafton Dorr 1 Dorr 2 Dorr 3 Dorr 4 Dorr 5 Greenwood Hebron Richmond Burton McHenry 1 McHenry 2 McHenry 8 McHenry 4 Nunda 1 Nunda 2 Nunda 3 Algonquin 1 Algonquin t Algonquin 8 Algonquin 4 •Igoaqaia 1 COEONEB Cook 65 212 325 119 .328 .160 .. 63 .. 84 . 90 123 127 .131 . 32 166 .187 .188 170 . 70 .90 51 18 14 27 90 77 .24 110 . 80 .128 .153 .114 143 . H , m 4446 l*m ToOl .nn .......... .... 184^ 132 80 252 209 30 112 • "*i 83 106 no •-< . » . • 245 324 '" '291 . 263 "59 11| . £$% 339 / " 468 Si .f'Sv: 104 "i ICS . ^ 'IT • 189 336 •• : ys-M 196 ': :" :t1 .83 . ^ Ut ' j '"v' Is

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