*> - Y * j * .*.**• -ti FT1 ;•!••; *£ •;' r? v. «f**\: B O A R D• o^ q Part On* k. # fc-«tit # n r.s** •# •r y C o n n f e f Official Report of the Proceedings for the Fiscal Year finding April 1,1940. SUPPLEMENTAL TO-- MM* McHENRY PLAIN DEALER, McHenry, III. Special April Meeting^ 1939 , ; The Honorable Board of Supervisors 'of McHenry •county, Illinois, met In spe- ' J$iai session pursuant to a call signed . ;tty mo.« man une-triiid ot its iiiei«.iyci'& : -ifti iu« cuuh House in the City 01 • Vouu.nuvK, on Tuesday, the 25th aay oi >' April, a. tj. is*39, at ten o'clock A. M. . The newiy elected Supervisors being >/X" 'Freaeni at tile meeting, presented their 1 ^ ttieuentiats and it who announced tnat It Was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Clawson and dujy seconded by Supr. Harrison that the report of the committee on Finance be approved, and the Kesolution authorising the issuance ji Tax Anticipation Wariants be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stoekwell, Dusenberry, vVittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll. Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Harrison, Turner, , v tt niti.e weie any objections to me said Stevens, May. Schmitt, Meier, Filip and ".-. feupervisoru qualifying as memoers oil Asst. suprs. x6lan and Rosenthal voted •^tkic county Boaiu, now is the time to laye nay none. The Chairman declared •i- * v Thursday. April 18, 1940. SUPERV I l l i n o i s Ail-Of which is respectfully iub*itt*d. H. M. TURNER' K. F. KUECKE* J. E. HAhKlouJl ROY J. STEWART P-ifl the generat rc«4 bills, incurred in I nois, hereby accept the work and math ® care and the Improvement of the terials furnished and approve the above Mpeak. • < No objection being made, the meet- , . ihg wa» <.au«u to outer uy the retiring "Chairman, John J. Fitlp, and the roll ' b«riii£ ctti.eu uy me Uki K, tne xollowiihg iiie.nuci s j espoiidea to tneir names, ' 60-wit: Supervisors. L. A. Stoekwell, JKay F. LIUaeiit/erry, Carl Ifi. Wimaua, •*'. IS. Week, N. B. tiawson, G. J. Carroii, • • • hi. t . ivuecaer, Cha.8. W. Ackman, r. C. Iferrls, uoy j. Stewart, J. K. Harrison, U. M Turner. J. u. Stevens, ii'ranK May, |(jatn senmitt, Henry C. Meier, John and Asst. supervisors T. J>". . •ylfljpt, Jr., and i'aUl liosenthalj con- S111.dj.inK a full Boara. ine retiring Chairman, John J. Filip, thanKed tne members of the Board, County Oniceis ana ine Press ot the County, im ine isiJieu^iu cuopei ation given him during tne past year and stated tpat the wst oruer of business to come before the meeting was the • i^ieciion 01 tne Cnairman lor tnj ensuing year. Supr. J. G. Stevens ad- • Cieaoeu. me boa»u and stated that n V-- »as a pleasure tor him at tnis time to ^iace in nomination tor Chairman a na- 1 <ive ot Richmond riownsnip, 'the present jfrapervisor nomKue i.uvti>^>hip Oi uorr, Ikoy J. Stewart. The nomination was duty seconded by Supr. May. The chair tueii caned 101 lurtnei' noiuiiiaiious. Ihere being 110 further nominations, it "was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman anu uuiy seconded by Sdpr. Clawson tnat the nominations be closed. Motion declared unanimously carried. Thereupon 11 was regularly moved by Supr. Ackman and auiy seconded ty supr. Tui ner that the Clerk be instructed to Cast me unanimous vote 01 the Board Oi Supervisors of McHenry County now du'y organized for the supr. from I>orr Townsnip, Koy J. Stewart, for CiiitirmuU lui' the ensuing year. Motion declared unanimously carried. The Cierk tnen cast the unanimous vote as directed. Tne result of the election being 'announced, the newly elected Chairman Vvas escurteu to tne Cnair by the retiring cnairman, anu presented with tne j gavel. Supr. Stewart then thanked the 1 nitiuoers 01 the Board lor the very great / honor bestowed upon iiiai and siaieu j Inat he would endeavor to All the oince j in honor to the memDers of the Board / and people ot Mcnenry Couniy." I The records of the Special March, I meeting, were read and on motion | • approved and ordereu 01 record. I The toliowing report ot the County / Treasurer for tne month of March, 19aa I 'Was presented and reau and on motion J vf Supi. Stevens and duly seconded by n Kupr. May and declared carried, was ap- , proved and ordered plaeed on lile ,to-wit: J the motion unmnimowsly carried. The Bond of C. Frank Daly, County Treasurer and Ex-Djficio Supervisor ot Assessments of McHenry County va^ presented and read by the Clerk. After the reading of the Bond, it was regularly moved bv supr. Hairtaon and duiy seconded by Supr. Turner that the same be approved and ordered of record and the roll being called, Suprs. Stoekwell, uusen berry, W'ittmus, beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier, Jf'ilip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Kosenthal voted aye nay none. The Chairman declared the motion unanimously adopted. The Committee on Roads and Bridges made the following report, to-wlt: jOoonty Treasurer's Sepoct -^ ^ 9or the Month of March, lS«r' Receipts Ba!. en hand 1-eb. Z6, laaa ....$200,646.39 Ivedec-meU irom rorieitUres **toil.21 l'eis. I'rop. Back Taxes 1,034.81 111. Kmergency Kelief 3,312.00 Highway f und i,U01.96 Supervisors, Co. Home .... 418.53 Violation of Hwys 36.U0 County Olticers' r ees 1,438.01 Oeneial- Fund lt,Vi>8.U4 Old Age Asst. Adm.( Salary retund 380.00 Ltlina ueiiet 6>ou.uu Did Age Assistance 35.73 Motor Fuel Tax ....31,(32.94 Jnneritance Taxes 3,640.31 Insurance Adjustment 28.03 Total Receipts for March 58,052.57 Grand Total Receipts 9258,698.96 Bzpendltures County Orders ....$13,916.20 Highway Orders 1,604.03 (•rand and 1'etit Jurors . 18.K0 Inheritance Taxes 10.00 Bounty Orders 18.80 Old Age Assistance 5 35.73 Salaries 854.63 lnstitue Fund 5.00 Mothers' 1'ensions 1,03 7.50 Bridge Bond Orders -- 31,684.82 Probation Officers .?. Coroners Jurors ill. Kmergency Relfef '. Oor Tax r und Stamps T Fiei^nt on furniture -~ Deposit, order of Court Violation of Hwys." Motor r uel Tax Fund .. UU.00 18.00 »,899.00 ... ; 838.00 33.06 36.00 S74.36 6,082,29 a...--..M2,616.67 Total Disbursements Bal. 011 hand Mar. 3l*t lit all fund* .......-.^ra Grand Total $268,698.96 The above and To'refrOing report *is true and correct according to my best knowledge and belief. C. FRANK DALY, Co. Treas Subecriged ' and sworn to before me this 26th day of April, 1939. K. D. WOODS, County Clerk. The Committee on Finance presented the toliowing report, to-wit: Woodstock. 111., Apr. 25, 1939 To the Chairman and ^lentlemen of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your Committee on Finance would I/eg leave to submit the following reso lution and recommend Its adoption, to Wit: WHEREAS, there is not at this time sufficient money in the Treasury of MoHeniy County to meet and defray the ordinary expenses of the County and it is necessary at this time to pro vide a fund to meet all such expenses by issuing and disposing of anticipation warrants to be drawn against the Coun ty Tax levied in the year 1938 in the way and manner provided by the Stat ute of this State for the issuing and disposing of warrants. BK IT RI0SOIA K1) by the Board of Supervisors of the County of McHenry that the County Treasurer of tUi.s County be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to issue and >«e\l as needed, an ticipatioh warrants to a" amount not to exceed the sum of ntfain* the Countv Tax levied in the year 1988 but in no event shall the anttfipHtiOi warrants issued exceed T."><~r jit'ithe amounts of the appropriation tax levied for the year 1038: that: sarid warrant shall be issued as needed, in the «um of $5,000.00 each and each band to be.so drawn so that the-same -shaH^riraw'. interest at the lowest available* rate .not to exceed 5c?„ per annum from the'time of its issuance until vaid or until notice is (riven that said wAfKanf > is/ recalled for payment, which anticipation iwnr>- . ranti* are issued for the purposp of creating- a fund l rom which payment of the ordinary and necessary expenses of said County may be paid. . BIO IT FI KTHKK RISSOUVKD that such anticipation warrants shall when Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois; . . The undersigned members of the Road and Bridge Committee for said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at Woodstock, Illinois, on the 2lst day of March 1939 and inspected the machinery in operation that had recently been purchased for McHenry County, a 12 foot blade grader a 10 foot blade grader, a rubber-tired tractor and a road maintainer. Their periormance proved satisfactory and as represented, and we decided to accept same on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, and recommend payment for same during the month of May, 1939. We then met at the Court House to receive bids for materials required for the Spring Grove, Illinois, road improvement, known as Section 13, M. F. T. The lowest bids 1 eceived,, for materials delivered on the Job, were at the following unit prices: Tibbitts, Cameron Lumber Company, cement $2.70 per barrel, less 10c per sack for cloth sacks returned Consumers Company, gravel and sand at $1.07 per ton; 10 in. Storm sewer at $0.30 per foot; Concrete Block Catchbasins $26.47 each; Olney J. Dean Steel Company, Reinforcing Bars at $2.23 per hundred pounds; The Shurtlelf Company, Guard Rail Posts and Planks at $53.00 per thousand board feet; 760 carriage bolts and washers $46.60; Neenah Foundry Company, Type 1 Frame at $12.60, Type 8 Grate $6.50 cast iron grate $4.00; Wheeling Corrugating Company; corrugated metal pipe of toliowing diameters per foot: 16 in. $0.68; 18 in.--$0.81, 30 in.--$1.64, 86 in. $2.70, 42 in--$3.15 and 48 in $3.61; Grohne Concrete Products Company, Right of Way Concrete Markers $1.20 each. It was decided to award the materials to the above listed low biddsrs, and that payment be made for the same delivery to the Job. We again met on the 8th day of April 1939 at Woodstock, Illinois and audited and paid bills chargeable to the McHenry County Patrol System of Roads as a whole for repairs and machinery for County owned machinery and labor overhauling the same to a total of $985.49 Bills chargeable to various sections of the County Patrol System of Roads, for labor and materials heretofore approved as to rates, were audited and ordered paid as follows: Section 3 Sections 4, 18, 18 Sections 4. 17 Sections 5, $ Sections 7. 10 Section 8 Sectioij 9 - Section 11 ,f„ Section 12 ...v , 70 82 Sections 13, II » ~... " 11^ 48 Section 14 1<>«.66 $ 161.17 196.75 286.44 44.86 117.82 131.72 377.01 99.03 State Aid System of Roads in the county, includinlg salaries for patioimen and road workers, gravel, gravel hauling, labor, lumber, posts, road signs, snow removal, repairs and supplies tor bounty owned machinery, machinery .ental, small tools, cement culverts and oridges. paint, insurance on County .oad workers, machinery and buildings, painting, fuel, grease, oil, gasoline and .ncidenals. That the Road and Bridge Committee >e authorised to meet monthly to audit jnd order paid bills and transact business of office. That a trip of inspection of the County state Aid Roada be taken by the Jommittee and that so far as possible the nearest member of the Committee uandle emergency matters. That the County Superintendent ot Highways act as general overseer ot ..he woik and as cierk of the i\oad ana bridge Committee and that he be reieved of keeping a book showing each and every expenditure of the Road ana Bridge Committee as under a new system the County Clerk draws all the orders and keeps the record of same. We further recommend that the right of ways tor roads built out of the notor fuel lax funds be secured by the regular right of way Committee and chat emergency matters that may develop in the administration ot said road improvements be handled by the Road And Bridge Committee. We further recommend that the policy adopted by this Hoard at the special October 1931 meeting, namely of the Koad and Bridge Committee, ordering orders drawn seini-iuontniy for ruau work and materials under contract entered in»o by this Board, to the extent of 90 per cent of amounts due, be continued, and that said policy be further extended to include the work beng done in this County rrom the motor fuel tax funds, by day labor construction. We further recommend that the County Treasurer keep the Koau and Bridge funds in a separate account and credit of said account with its proportionate share of ouck taxes when &anie are received and distributed, and road fines and receipts for machinery rental and road materials. We again met on the 11th day of April 1939 and inspected the work completed and materials furnished on the County- Bond issue Bridges 0:1 State Aid Roads as the contractors had asked for estimates. We decided to allow a partial estimate of $4000 on the Wart Bridge and $4500 on the Alden Bridge, ind instructed the County Clerk to make said payments. That we met at the site of the Alden Bridge on the 22nd day of April 1939, and found said bridge and the new channel finally completed substantially 111 accordance with the plans, specifications, contract and agreement and decided to accept said bridge and channel on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois, the itemised cost as follows: 113.7 cubic yards Class X Concrete at $25.90 per cu. yd $2944.83 1022 lineal ft. piles, furnished and driven at $U.b0 per ft. .... 817.60 3.8 cubic yards hand rail COD' crete at $50.00 per cu. yd. _..... 190.00 12800 lbs. reinforcement t at $0.46 per lb 665.80 f. test pila 126.60 1 nam* plate mi'ii "h 11 •» * lfr.Ott amounts ordered paid to the contractors on the Alden, Worf and Bridges. "* ' C. L. TRYON, Co. SuiCor Hwys., McHenry County, Illinois It was thereupon regularly moved by Supr. Kuecker and duiy seconded by Supr. Cairoll that the report of the Committee on Koads and Bridges be adopted by this Board, and the roll being called, Suprs. Stoekwell, Ousenberry, Wittmus, Beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Asst. Suprs. Nolan and Aiftof which is respectfully submitted. Highways petitions your Honorable April 25, A. D. 1939. m;:;: FRANK C> f EHR1S. -"h: • t>o«rd to deem it expedient to build said Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the '.:yrtii H. M. TURNER •:wt\ - tortuge at tne entne expense of said Board of Supervisors: * . V*V <•" ' . F R A N K M A Y ' C o u n t y , a n d t h a t y o u a p p r o p r i a t e f r o m Y o u r C o m m i t t e e o n C l a i m s , Labor ijk T/^ 1, C- L. Tryon, County Superintendent the county Treasury a sumcient sum of Fees and supplies would beg leave to of Highways for McHenry County, 11- money to meet the cost of said bridge report that they have examined all " • 4 '> ;£}>*' iinoKi, nereoy accept the materials fur- and that you direct the County auper- claims presented to them, and recom- i nisiied and approve the amount ordered mtendtnt of Highways for said County, mend the payment of the following, and •- . ^ paid the contractor. to prepare plans and specifications for . that the clerK be directed to issue orders ' 1 * C. i*. TK1 ON, Co. Supt. of Hwys., ; said improvement, all as provided by . on the County Treasurer to the Claim- • £ McHen.y County, Illinois.- Woe lb ridge Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Your committee to whom was referred the matter of the construction of a new biidge at the site of the is'oe • Aiiicle v, Section 34 ot the Road and jsridge Laws of Illinois. Rosenthal voted aye, nay none. The bridge, uetween Sections 8 and 17 over chairman declared the motion unani- Uusn Creek in the Town of Marengo tnously adopted. j in said County, would beg leaVe to sub- Supr. Turner addressed the Board and nut the following report on the matstated that due to the Superintendent i ters before them. of Highways being ao busy that noth-l tve met at the site of said bridge on mg had been done as yet with regard to I thie 21st day of March 1939 to witness .ne repair of the McCauley Bridge in the driving of the test pile. The pile Hartland Township, but that he hoped wasr successfully driven to a depth of .n tne very near future somthing j feet Ueiow me proposed bottom of would be accomplished. He further the footings ana we instructed the constated that there was noi a vacancy on tractor to secuie and drive 18 foot piles the Committee in charge of the repair of same. The Chairman announced that he would appoint Sup>. L. A. Stoekwell as a member of said Committee to replace C. M. Palmer, now reired. The appointment was, 011 motion, duly made and carried, confirmed. The Chairman further sifted that lie would also at this time, appoint Asst. Supr. rtosenthal as a memi/er of the Special Committee in charge of the repair of the Diggins Bridge to fill vacancy. Said appointment was, on motion, duty maue anu carried, confirmed. The Special Committees in charge of the repair of tiie Guttschow budge, the Biand Bridge, the sackett Bria*e and the Noe Bridge, made the following reports to-wit: 179 bb-ls. Portland Cement a* -- $2.40 per bbl. ; ,""MW.fft 1918 cu. yds. extra streamed excavation at $0.25 wZ-™ 144.2 cu. yds. sand and gravel moved to new location of bridge at $0.30 per 479.50 4*.S« Cost per contract $6,610.69 Less payment ordered April 11th, 1939 4,500.00 T°t»l $2,647.24 Bills were audited and ordered paid out of Motor Fuel Tax Funds, since the last meeting of this Board, aa follows: State Aid Rt.-- 20B, Sec. 24 Rt. of Way, Treas and Recording fees $86.98 8B, SB1 176 Rt. of Way, Fay H. McKensie 100.00 SBI 176 Right of Way, treas. too 8.02 13-13A Sec. 4-IT Maintenance, Treas. fee and labor (3.65 5B, sec. 8, engineering labor 16.02 5B sec. 8 const., labor, 4k mat 9.76 26 sec. 10, const., material 68.24 26 sec. 10, insurance 340.22 11 sec. 11 engi., labor 76.08 26 sec. 12, engi. labor, material, treas. fee ........i.v... 63.66 25, sec. 12 const., mach. rental .. .2,378.48 5B ext., 4A ext., 4A sec. 13, engi., labor, material, adv. costs 94.49 4A sec. 13, const., labor, material, Treas. fee 238.72 21A sec. 14 engi., labor 99.28 21A sec. 14 const, mach., rental, insurance, Treas. fee ...1,433.03 28 sec. 17-IT maint., labor, mat..... 14.70 14 and 15 sec. 19 engi. labor 36.20 9 sec. 21 engi. labor 388.80 20B sec. 24 engi. labor, and Treas. fee 118.43 20B sec. 24 const, mach., rental, material 378.28 We audited and ordered paid bills from the County Bridge Bond Fund, for office work, survreying, testing and backfilling and inspection work on bridges being constructed on the State Aid System of Roads, as follows: Warf Bridpe $136.69: Alden Bridge $138.76; Lillibridge Bridge $6.72 and Greenwood Bridge $19.04. The matter of a proposed new additional State Aid Route in the vicinity of McOulloms Lake and Wonder Lake was discussed. Owing to the illness of H. C. Richman of the State Divison of Highways, who is in charge of the alignment for State Aid Roads, we have been unable to ascertain what right-ofw; y would b*3 necessary in the matter of several right angle turns, and we therefore decided to make no recommendation on the matter. The matter of Insurance on the Conn Amount due contractor $1,110.59 The filling of the approaches was not included in the bridge construction contract and same Is being done by the County by day labor. We therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer, payable out of the County Bridge Bond Funds in the sum of $1110.59 as a final payment to the contractor, Herman Mass of Algonquin, Illinois, in the matter of said Alden Bridge. We then went to the Lillibridge Bridge, just south of Harvard, Illinois and found that the old structure materials were removed and the back-filling had been completed and the bridge was now completed substantially in accordance with the plans, specifications and contract with Herman Mass of Algonquin, Illinois, and we decided to accept said bridge on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. The matter of a railing on said bridge was further discussed. The bridge has a 30 foot roadway width and no railing was provided in the above contract, but due to the location of the bridge practically In the City of Harvard, and very close to State Highway No. 173, we deemed a railing was necessary. We decided to accept a bid of K. T. Barton « plumber at Harvard, to furnish and install a 2V4 inch galvanized pipe double railing at both ends of said bridge for $77.00. The cost of said Lillibridge Bridge in accordance with the unit price bid by the contractor, is itemised as fellows: 89.6 cu. yds. Class X concrete at $28.00 per cu. yd *2,606.00 10090 lbs. reinforcing bars at $0.05 per lb 634.50 Removal of old structure 275.00 1 name plate 15.00 134 bbls. Portland cement at $3.64 per bbL 863.76 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: lour wonuiuttee to whom was referred the matter of constructing a new ondge at the site of the Guttschow Bridge, in Section 23 in the Town of Chemung, in said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: That we met at the site of said bridge on the 21st day of April 1939 and found same completed substantially in accordance with the plans, specifications and contraot. and decided to accept said bridge on oehalf of McHenry County. Illinois.1 r Tne cost of said bridge Id itemised as follows: 1 test pile driver Homoval of old structure 137% bbls. Portland cement at $*.45 per bbl 8050 lbs. reinforcing rods at $0.06 per lb 78.8 cubic yards class X concrete at $27.oO 3.3 cu. yds. hand rail concrete •t $66.00 1 name plate -- $126.00 $186.00 .. 336.87 .. 402.60 2,127.60 184.80 22.50 lor said bridge. We again met at the site of said bridge on March 28th, 31st, April 3rd, and oth, 1939, to witness the pouring ot the cement for the east looting, east wall, west footing and west *all respectively. The seel superstructure is now In place ana we lecommena that the conactor be allowed an estimate on the completed work and materials furnisnea, wuich estimate is Itemised as follows: 109 cubic yards class X concrete at »oz.oo per cu. yd. ...v$3,488.00 10110 ibs. reinfoicing bars ' at $0.06 per 1l 5bx'<3 lbs. structural steel . at,$o.so per lb 1 test pile 1193 lineal ft. piles rurnished at »u.3!> per it. 417.55 890 lineal tt. piles driven at $0.25 per it Mj.50 606.50 4938.20 60.00 17a bbls. Portland cement at $2.40 per bol. L... _ Removal of old structure Less 416.20 300.00 $10,344.96 ..... 1,034.49 Less payment ordered March 14th, 1339 $3,324.27 -,.2,610.95 Amount due contractor $713.32 We therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on m* Counly. T'eafaUlt r pnyublt iroiu the«i*oHenry county Bridge Bond Fund In favor of the contractor, Tonyan Construction Company of McHenry, Illinois, in the sum of f71^.32, which payment will discharge McHenry County's obligation in the matter of the construction of said Guttschow Bridge. All of which is respectfully submitted CHAS. H. ACKMAN G. J. CARROLL C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent or Highways for McHenry County, Illinois, hereby accept the materials furnshed and approvo the amount ordered paid the contractor. u u,CL L' TRYON, Co. Supt. of Hwys., McHenry County, Illinois, Brand Brldg* Mr. Chairman and Geiittefnen of the Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Your Committee to whom was referred the matter of constructing a new bridge at the site of the Brand Bridge on the public highway between Sections 3 and 10 in the Town of Greenwood, McHenry Countv, Illinois, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. We hereby submit a partial estimate on the completed work and materials furnished, since the lost meeting of this Board, consisting of the structural steel now in place. 48214 lbs. structural steel at $0.0675 per lb $2,916.94 Less 10% retained under contract 291.69 w» „ $9,310.16 we therefore recommend that the county Cierk draw an order on the County Treasurer payable from the County Bridge Bond * und in favor of the contractor, i^ric Holnnuer Construetion company of Libertyville, Illinois in the sum of $9,310.4«. All of which is respectfully submitted. K. F. KL ECKER E. BECK H. C. MEIER Ai?",1" Try°n- County Superintendent of Highways tor McHenry County, Illinois, hereby accept the work and materials lurnished and approve the above amount paid to the contractor of aforesaid bridge 1 C. L. TRYON, Co. Supt. of Hwys.. McHenry County, Illltibls. It was thereupon regularly moved by oupr. fuunsou and uuiy seconded by supr. Turner that the report of the special Committers be udopted L-v this Board, and the roll beintj tailed Suprs. ^totkweil, Duseiiiitury, Wittmus, Beck, v-4aw soji, v.urroi, ixii»KKer, Ackman, Feriis, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May. •senmitt, Meier, 1' nip ahd Asst. Supr. .\01an and Kosenthal voted aye, nay none. Tiie Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried. The special committee in charge of the repair 01 the Keed Bridge and johnstor. c Culvert in the Townsnip of Richmond, presented the following report, which, 011 motion of Supi. Hai rison and uuiy seconutd oy Supr. stockweil, and ueciartd unanimously carried, was approved and oidered placed on hie, to- . . $8,684.26 Less payment ordered February Uth, 1939 * 8,144.83 Amount due contractor ..._$ 639.43 We therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer payable from the County Bridge Bond Funds in favor of the contractor. Herman Mass of Algonquin, Illinois, in the sum of $639.43 as a final payment in the matter of his contract for the construction of the aforesaid Lillibridge bridge. We would report that the Worf bridge in the Town of Riley, is completed except the painting of the steel structure; and the concrete floor and railing are nearing completion 011 the Greenwood bridge. We have received and turned over to the Countv Treasurer for the County _ _ Road Fund from Motor Fuel Tax Fund, r<iad worker* and motor vehicles was rental on countv owned machinery, comr( iscus»ed and wee ddeecciiddeedd ttoo HHWaarrdd tthhee pensatlon ahd liability insurance and 15 sftid Comity irwurawoe to1 the Marengo •Insurance"A>r»nr;- o|f MAreft&o. IJHhois. representing the Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company] Yaw fSnmmittee recommend!* the followitr** 'rtiiethod >>f control n1 the County1 expenditures for ronds, for Which the County is responsible, for the ensuing year. •i At the meetings of' this BoKrd of Supervisors. ' the Road and Brfdfee Committee shall make an' estimate of th» amount of funds, within the ^x .lev.y for the purpose, needed to carrr on ftte hulMiMfP ttrrd rtiaifrtainifrjf' df the roads for which th» '"ounty is responsible, from time to time. If said estimate is annro'-od by this Board, it shall be considered as a limit on the authorised expenditures of the County Road and Bridge Committee, over which limit sali drawn show upon their face that they ! committee shall not step. Under said are pavrhh solely out <>f the tax when funds appropriated the said Road anu „ collected, and uol uLliurwii>e. iH'-h corrugated me tat ctUvert .as . foll o w s : .• ' ' ' , T Seetinri ™ ..." ' ....$ 298.46 tsectibn l2 MPt.. :...!.v..,r >,878.48 KeeWon 14, Mtnf"L416.71 Section 24 Mf^ Ji 43.37 ' Total 1 -.;;U-4-.-J--;:ir-^--i-t--.|4.237.02 The above said surn is hereby rer> ppropriated for road purposes, includ- <ng purchase of machinery and the repair and storage therepf. Xqur Committee estimates there will Heo'esSarv for the c^re. of tt|e,Mc-. Henry County 'Patrol System of roads and (the purchase of machinery $55001. n total appropriation of $9000 from the County Highway funds until the next meeting of this Rofrd. ,-,i L. A. STOCKWF.LL N. B. CLAWSON* R. V. DI'SRN'BERRT I; C-. L. Tryon. County Superintendent Bridge Cuuuiiillee uuic ud "MHt lot Mcilcuiy County* JUU^ett Bridge, w .. , $2,625.25 we therefore recommend that the County Clerk draw an order on the County Treasurer, payable from the McHenry County Bridge Bond Funds, in -aver of the contractor, The Central West Construction Company of Chicago Illinois, in the sum of $2u25.26. All of which is respect fully submitted J. G. STEVENS PAUL ROSENTHAL ROY J. STEWART I. C. L. Tryon, County Superintendent of Highways for McHenry County, Illinois, hereby accept the work and materials furnished and approve the above amount ordered paid to the contractor of aforesaid Brand Bridge. C. L. TRYON, Co. Supt. of Hwys., McHenry County, Illinois. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the •Board of Supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: Your Committee^ to whom was referred the matter of const) ucting a hew tridge at the site of the Sackett Bridge in Section 16 in the Town of Alden, in said County, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them. That we met at the site of said bridge on the 20th day of April 1939 and,, founfl the bridge completed substantially in accordance with the plans and specifications and contract and decided to accept said bridge on behalf of McHenry County, Illinois. The cost of said bridge Is itemised as follows: 1 test pile Furnishing 864 lineal fe«t of piles at 50c each Driving 811.5 lineal feet of pi!<s at 30" . tea bW6. Portland oemeni at $2.40'., 9880 lbs. reinforcing bars at $0.0fi 494.06 98.fl' yards Class X concrete- • • at $25.80 2551.62 3.2 cu. yards hand rail concrete"-- at $50.00 . Removal of existing structure, 18,11.40 1 name plate ¥$.00 $125.00 432.00 868.45 372.00 Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of supervisors, McHenry County, Illinois: kour Committee to whom was referred the matter of the Reed Bridge and the Johnstone culvert In section 30, in the Town of Richmond i/eg leave to tfubmit the toliowing report on the matters before them: That we met at the site of the Reed Bridge on the 20th day of March 1939 and we lound the conci ete bridge wasned out and lying in the bed of the stream. We decided that a new structure was necessary and instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to secure bld^ from three companies for four (4) new six (6> foot diameter corrugated metal pure iron culverts, each ilurty-lour (34j feet in length and to order same from the lowest bidder and to proceed to install them with the County road employees and equipment. He then went to the site of the Johnstone culvert and lound that the head walls had broken off and fallen into the stream bed and the barrel of the concrete arch culYert had settled one foot at the north end and was inadequate and the roadway had beer, re-iiued so one-way traffic could use the road. We decided to replace the old concrete headwalls with headwails of creosoted timber held in place by heavy galvanised roads passing through the road pike and also to install one (1) new six (6j foot diameter corrugated metal pure iron pipe culvert thirty (30> !eet long to the west of the present arch culvert and one tl) new four (4) toot diameter corrugated metal pure iron pipe culvert thirty (30) feet in length to the east of tne arch and instructed the County Superintendent of Highways to secure prices and install saint- at the same time and in the same manner as for the above mentioned Reed bridge. We are informed that the materials have been ordered and partial delivery of the material has been mat and the installing of same, under wa We recommend that funds to pay for the said improvements be borrowed from the County Bridge Bond Fund. All of which is respectfully submitted. H. C. MEIER G. J. CARROLL E. F. Kl'ECKBR oated this 26th day of April A. D. 1939. CARL J. RUND, Highway Commissioner of the Town of Algonquin, Mcnenry County, Illinois. State of 111., County of McHenry, ss. t^arl J. Rund, Highway Commissioner for tht Town of Algonquin, In said County, being first duly sworn on oath, aays tnat the facts stated in the foregoing petition are true of his own knowledge and that the matter is an emergency one. CARL J. RUND Subscribed and sworn to before me this 86th day of April A. D. 1989. 1 seal) R. D. WOOOS, Co. Clerk It was thereupon regularly moved by oupr. Ackinan and uuiy seconded by _upr. harrison that the prayer of the iettion be granted, and the Chairman oe instruted to appoint a committee ot three supervisors, and they, together with the superintendent of Highways, •.o have complete charge of the repair jt said Bridge, and that they be given iull power to act, and the roll oeing jailed Supr. Stoekwell, Dusenberry, wittmus, beck, Clawson, Carroll, Kuecker, Ackman, Ferris, Harrison, Turner, Stevens, May, Schmitt, Meier, Filip and Assist. Suprs. Nolan and Rosc-nthai • oleti aye, nay none. Tne Chairman declared the motion unanimously carried, the Chairman appointed Supervisors Beck, Stevens and Ousenberry to act as such committee. The Liquor Control Commission of McHenry County made the following report, wnich on motion of Supr. Ackman and duly seconded by Supi*. Stevens, and the roil being called, was declared unanimously adopted, to-wit: April 1$, 1989. Your 1938 liquor license will expire April 30th, 1939. Please take notice, that if you intend to continue to operate a tavern for the sale of intoxicating liquors in McHenry County, outside the Corporate limits of any City or Village, it will be necessarj lor you to make application, furnisn new bond and renew your license for the year 1939. The liquor Control Commission of McHenry County will meet at the Court House in the City of \> oodstock irom tne 20th to the 29th of April, inclusive, except Sunday and Saturday afternoon, irom 10 A. Si. to 4 P. M., tor the purpose of receiving your renewal or new application. it will be necessary tor you to appear before the said'- Commission, as above stated, for tlfe puipose as set forth, and unlesB you do appear, it will be understood by the said Commission that you are not intending to operate a tat em on and after April 30, l»i9. Anyone operating a tavern without a County license alter said date will be subject to ppi osecution according to law. file license fee is due and payable In *>ne installment at the time ot making application. 1 lease take ootlce and govern yourselves accordingly. uy order of Juil.V J. FILIP, Liquor control Commissioner of McHenry county, Illinois. .lss t Liquor Control Commissioners: f*aul Rosenthal, Crystal Lake, Illinois, N. B. Clawson, Alden, 111. April 24, 1939 To the Chairman and Gentlemen of the *3oard of Supervisors. The undersigned Liquor Control Com .nission of McHenry County would beg leave to report that since the January 1939, meeting of the Board of Supervisors that they received applications and issued licenses to the following named persons under the Illinois Liquor Jontiol Law, to-wit: No., Name, Address, Location, Li. Fee ?8--William J Miller, 3 ml. sE of Woodstock, Woodstock. 111., RFO 8 transfer $20.00 19--B. A. Conner, McHenry, 111., RF£> No. 1, 2 mi. N. of McHenry, transfer 80.00 1--John E. Freund & Son, McHenry, 111., McHenry Bridge, Rt. 20 transfer 20.00 99--Phillip Lehman, McHenry, 111., RFL> No. 1, Illy Lake, 2 mos 26.00 ants tor the several amounts allwoed, as follows, to-wit: i- rank Xhorni/er & Co.---, : Co. Clk. elec. sup. ...';--i^$17.00 -• Co. Clk. ptg. anu sup. ....; i,,.,' 179.44 .» , v.? Co. Clk. tax bk. etc. 80.41 - M , > *4v Co. Clk. elec. sup. • 7.89 J3 Or. Cik. ....... Shf. off. sup. ....... iJ. F. Pettibone & CO. -- Or. Clk Co. Clk. ptg. and sup; Co. Treas. off. sup. ..... 196.18 64.80 1$1.77 The following I'etition of tht-Cmnls. #ioner of Highways of the. Township of Algonquin, was presented\*md read to the Board, to-wlt: .. \ Petition. To .the Board of Supervisors for McHenry County. Illinois: Th" tfnden-ijrned Commissioner i>f n« Total $ 85.00 Total amt, previously reported 14,772.60 Total amount received and turned over to Co. Treas. on Liquor License fees for the period ending April 80, -- : 1939 .. $14,867.60 Your Commission sept out notices to all tavern keepers operating taverns under County license, notifying them that the Commission would be at the Court House in the City of Woodstock rrom the 20th to the 29th of April, inclusive, except Sunday and Saturday afternoon from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. for the purpose of receiving renewal or new application for the year 1939. Attached Ueiewith and made a part of this report is official notice. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN J FILIP, Liquor Cont. Com.. PAUL ROSENTHAL, Asst. L. C. Com. N. B. CLAWSON, Asst. L. C. Com. N. B. cook Co., Co. Treas. off. %up. 10.39 H. C. Milier Co., ct. hse. sup. .... Callaghan 61 Co., cir. cik Grant Nolan, judcy. Justice fees ..udwig Wilson Co., ct. hse. supt ..harles F. Hayes, J. P., judcy. justice fees The American Law Book Co., judcy. libry - -- .t. O. ^Andrew Co., ct. hse. jail .11. State Employ, ct. hse. sup. ..ester E. Swain, McHenry Cot Bridge Bond -- < estle Muldoon, Co. Clk. elec. 'has. A. Kuppt, v^o. Clk. elec. sup. ^ V. Kiltx, shf. off. sup. $1.54, Co. Treas. off. suy. ? 13.12 14.6$ J. R. Kingsiey, ct. hse. jail repair 61.88 State BanK 01 Woodstock, Co. Treas. on. sup. $4.82. Co. Hwy. sup. 75c 6.6T Grant Nolan, Co. Cia. eK<_. sup. ;harles t. Hayes, Co. Clk.^elec. sup -- Crystal Lake Herald, Co. 'I'nan. pits- $64.00, supt. Of Sch. off. exp. 80c I'he Harvard Herald, snit. off. sup. sup. achs. off. exp. $1.00, Co. Clk. prtg. and sup. $112.77, Co. Treas. prtg. >o».5u Marengo Republican News, Sup. Schs. off. exp. 90c, Supr. prtg. $2.50 The Hebron Times, Supr. prtg vVoodstock Daily Sentinel, Supr. prtg. »s29.;co, Co. Cia. prtg. and sup. $11.50, Supt. Sch., off. exp. fd. $14.30, Co. Treas. sup. $19.15 874.16 Woodstock jouinai, supr. prtg. $.80 .dcHenry Plaindealer, supt. of Sch. 90c Co. Treas. ptg. $35.00 Co. Clk. elec. sup. $83.#« ....-- ,'layton C. Harrison, Co. Clk. elec. sup vVm. J. Meyers, Co. Clk. elec. sup. •.-eter J. uoherty, Co. Clk. elec. sup - M. J. Walsh, Towrn Clk.. Co. Clk. elec. sup - - •larold Schmidt, Co. Clk. ptg. . and sup - _iown Mtg. Co., Ct. Hse. jail rep. ^thel C. Coe, Co. Supt. Sup. Sch. off. exp rietciMim Mtg. Co., er. TB cattle »r. Henry W, Sandeen, Co. Clk. ins. depdn il. Beil id. Co., ct. Use. jail tel. .American surety Co., Co. ins. -- j. F. Mitchem, Co. ins .darengo Ins. Agency, Co. Ins .Marengo Ins. Agency, Co. ins 134.k® •j. L. Tryon, Co. Hwy. maint. .... 416.7* rlall A Eckert, shf. off. sup. $1.30 ' Ct. Hse., rep. $4.25, coal $39.67 U.1% i-'rank Mishler, Ct. Hse. rep. $12.69, Ct. Hse. sup. $12.31 84.$t .tfarinda Bates, shf. feed. pris. $2.00, Ct. Hse. rep. $2.60 t.6f „onway Dairy, shf feed, prls 16.79 .loesiey's Bakery, shf. feed. pris. 16.34 . ingel & Koch, shf. feed, pris 69.2$ •vest. t'n. Ga & Elec. Co., shf. feeding prisoners $.11 chmidt s Market, shf. feed. pris. 88.81 .uirl G. 1- ritz Battery & Elec. Co., Ct. Hse. jail rep 6J# a. W. Wagner, Ct. Hse. jail rep. 21.6$ j. S. Sanitary Specialties, Ct. Hse. sup 18.0# u. A Stockweil. supr. sal. mil. 25.2t McH. Co. Bridge Bond 82.0$ it. F. Dusenberry, supr. sal., mil. 24.8$ McHenry Co. Bridge bond .... 87.90 0. M. Palmer, supr. sal., mil 6.6# F. E. Beck, supr. sal., mil 37.30 McHenry Co. Bridge Bond .... 18.0# .V. B. Clawson. supr. sal., mil 87.2# McHenry Co. Bridge Bond G. J. Carroll, supr. sal., mil S9.6#' McHenry Co. Bridge Bond 13.6V i5. F. Kuecker, supr. sal., mil 38.2# McHenry Co. Bridge Bond 11.6# Chas. H. Ackman. supr. sal., mil. 44.5# McHenry Co. Bridge Bond 7.1# Frank Ferris, supr. sal., mil 18.9# McHenry Co. Bridge Bond Roy J. Stewart, supr. sal., mil McHeni y Co. Bridge Bond J. E. Harrison, supr. sal., mil Henry Turner, supr. sal., mil J. G. Stevens, supr. sal., mil McHenry Co. Bridge Bond . rank May, supr sal., mil McHenry Co. Bridge Bond H. C. Meier, supr. sal., mil McHenry Co. Bridge Bond 1. H. Freund, supr. sal., mil McHenry Co. Bridge Bond John J. Filip, supr. sal., mil i-'aul Rosenthal, supr. sal.. miL .... McHenry Co. Bridge Bond A. B. McConnell. supr. sal. mil McHenry Co. Bridge Bond 1'iwman & Erbe Mfg. Co., shf. off. sup. \ ' ; 41.4$ .. /' • ' % • 27.71 m-i 27.70 ' >• ^ ^ A.!' 35.00 66.0# 14.60 1».$0 25.00 •9.60 18.60 80. 11.76 18.60 12.5S \f- 85.»d 50.00 108.89 j; 'i • The Committee on Licenses made the following report, which was, on motion duly made and carried, approved anu ordered'placed on tile, to-wlt: Highway* of thp Town of AJgonquii in said Co'inty. wmfld respectful])-.• that th«j b rid ire "kflotvH " thg, Pyctt h^ij.. friil'ed flue to" liigH wvter:-.flint'Wald fridge is on a hifchw.-iV 'al>oyt t wcjit'r 1 ?>>.)' rodi of PyottV C«rn£h<. ih •'S^ttlrm 28, resent public 1 west Range * lt» thp 'Towh of Atedmiuin. over the v-t'it l.a'ke' oiVt.Ud '" rr^ nci»d«» to be replaced l>y' a"rteW l-ridge or series of pipe culverts Ifo'r wh>'-t> wot-k the Town 1.1 Alfonipiin is resj>ohsib1^. ' " That the eo«-t of paid'bHdg^ "HTill '^e • hi* su«i <sf thilt the 'nopulatllm. of Mid Towri' is lefs than 15000; thai til" cost <>f said br!<ta<*' is 'f"hre' tHW Amount .due. contractor $ 861.08 ' *•>•»•" ' 4'1' eerft* 6p' the Mie •H<in,l»-etl We/therefore recommend .- that the ' lar*Vald.'itioir tm "tii^ 'as- "ounty Clerk draw an order on - the ..-essment roll: and that the levy of r^ad '"oonty Treasurer payabl- from the M<-- and I ridge tH* for two years passed in Henry County Bridge Rohd Fund in said Town was in each year not less favor of the contractor, Herman Mass ! than twenty-five (25) cents on the one ofv Algonquin. Illinois, in ' the sum of i hundred dollars ($100) valuation, the . - 84.652.07 Less payment ordered March ., 14th. 1989. i ^ 3,690.24 Anrll 26, 1939 To the Chairman ana uentiemen 01 the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on Licenses would leave to report that since the last report made to this honorable body they have received one application for a dance hall license and after having duly considered said application, they authorise the issuance of a license to Applicant Address Fee John E. Freund, one block E. of Fox River Bridge, McHenry, 111. $2S.0f The above fee of $2,>.00 has beer tuined over to the County Treasure; and we have taken his rect ipt th >refor All of which is lespectfully submitted. PAUL ROS^VTHAl* Chm. Lie. Com. N. B. CLAWSON. The Clerk presented „a list of Cl">im« rtgainst the County, and It wa* there- *m<>n regularly..t»"ved l>y Sunr. Kuecker ttnd rtwjy seconded l-y ,Svn»r. Turner th*,t ail s.?#p._d,ing Committees .of, this Board lake rharpe of _tbn, liiyiifleHfi V-e/or--"- this meejtiiw: tliat.lx: ,t"h;^ir le instructed i'" :<Pl>'|'-"t/ thf landing Committor--' and--the V" {}8ch CMPWPit^ tf»e, , tilbervifi^, - changed l>y the r^oa-d, as constituted working force of the Hppr0 for the'past year. and .thai. "JI bi'ls vx, cla.i.ms tie t-efeirrd to proofi cOrffttiitUes,..iipiflthe Board,adjourn to l':30 o'clo^H r\' for , Com£MW*e J861.83, which payment will discharge McHenry County'*-: obligations in the matt"r nf the conslurcton of saitjl Sackwhole of which levy is needed for the ordinary repair of roads and bridges in said Town- Wherefore, the said Commissioner of ".VAik'.'. Motion dP.c.lar.vjJ c^riTpid.,,;Thereupon '"(he Board ;<djo!|rne'1. ;, 'J," Kr>;\rd hu>/ pur^v^nt Vm aajomjituvji b'lVir u'.^oVl roll call, tiie s.i $ same m..e m„iw r •espond d to their names as appeared of record in the morning session, constituting a full Board present. The Committee on Claims, Labor Fees and Supplies, made the following report, which on motion of Supr. Harrison and duly seconded by Supr. Turner,.and upon roil call, was declared unanimously adopted, tu-witi 37.8f,„ 30.3$ 86.4# 4$.li ~ 12.1§ 64.4K 35.7$ 18.3* 1.89 78.8S 8!9. » ,4.i . 4.0# 4.0# •;» 20.09 100.00 6.30 10.1$ Amer. Munitions Co., shf. off. sup. 10.3#. Rochester Germicide Co., C H sup The Fyr Fyter Co., C H sup riohn Hdw. Co., shf. jail sup. clot Thorne & Son, shf. jail sup. clo. uester Edinger. Sheriff, shf. per diem fees, serv Lester Edinger, Sheriff, shf. per diem, fees, serv. Harold Gillis, shf- dpty. jeorge Ehlert. shf. dpty. i.--; Martin Bohl, shf. dpty. -- Kichard Farrell.- shf. dpty. ™_- Armour Birk. shf. bailiff .... •xiren Edinger, shf. bailiV Jlyde C. Miner, shf. bailiff 'rank J. Mack, C H sup. fund .... C. J. Williams "!ity of Woodstock, C H Jail It. and water 85.3$ "ity of Woodstock, C H jail It. pnd water 1 estie Muldoon. C H jail sal.--. 1 y Lhr Co., C H jail coal A ®«ter Fdinger.' shf. per diem fees »tv \f?»rian Kdlnger. shf. feed. pria.. 'h'llp K Bie-deman. «hf. dnty... lelen Pchoepke. er. TB cattle . A. Crissey. Prob. t>ff.c.. >aisy V. Min^re. sup. schs. ass.'t and clerk hire i.'-in* Mumw, C H J-*'l co*l dans. Hansen. C H jail coal , All.«f,whi<*h i" rew»»eetf«lly submitted. sjT . H. M. TPPVKR ,r> v FRANK C. FKRIM8 . F R A N K MAY The t"Y>mi"1tte» on Clain>*. Ooun'v "«or rail* the following report, whi'-h. n motion of Stinr. Carroll and duly 4,"on4rt^v Su*»r. Filip and the roil bedeclared unanimously ttlopted, to-wlt: • • . . . A'<ril 3>. A. D. Ui. ..Chuirnw'n and Gentlemen of the ^ Po«rd of Sonervlsor*". Your Cor'rrUtee on C'Uinty PooJ_.. .. ^laims would beg leave to report th»|" they have'examined all claims presented " to them, and recommend the payment op •*,-.v^ -he following and that the Clerk b# di».. )? '•ected to issue orders on the Count#1 *' Treasurer to the Claimants for the evora'l amounts allowed, as follows, to* wit; I-',' iV 1AA.n9 00.00 75.00 113.75 M.W