mmm A? " .. ' f: L { 1 1; - "T r* • f * * f g»;: . ; ii. ' ' '•'* 1 \ :c v ! Thttnday, April 18, PISI TBI HoHXHRT PULHIDIALKB . ., - **H * * ?^*A5 ?<j ffft "SO IHEA&" «* «'S\ EARL WALSH *7: V^_ K" , •>*••{.• s*w ' • iV ••• Those were choice words indeed .that otir esteemed co-worker, "Fussy" < '•'«» Frye, used on us last week. Dont } *•' know what those words meant, but ^ > like Gracie Allen -- well bet he tells those things to all the girlal --I-- Just when we were forgetting the Primary of last Tuesday, Raechel Spurling comes along with word that many more Democrats will change in the fall. . --I-- This McHenry County is one heluva place for a Democrat! Anyhow, we had our fun watching the Republicans cut each others livestock. Everything went well 'til we entered the granary, He tried to thrtpr a shovel of ground feed ovelr us. , * John has a smart dog--a German short-haired pointer. To prove that the big hound is smart, John showed us1 how his pet could point a mouse in the granary. -INow, wasn't that smart! Bells, bells -- any old cat can do that! --I-- Oh--that's a smart dog. He's sort of a retriever. John threw his gloves on the ground and the dog retrieved a cornstalk. That's' a great dog all right, but we urged John to trade him off for an Irish Wolf Hound. --I-- Had a fine time. Most call on John again. When are watermelons ripe? --»~ Heard Father Weer at the Forester throats. Some very good newspapers,' open house meeting Tuesday night. near and dear to us, headlined a Dick Father Weer is chaplain at the state | as bees right now Those little things seem so serious at the time, but added years temper the importance of those kid tricks. From reports in surrounding papers it seems that Officer Larry Huck has been very busy answering important emergency calls. Serious auto accidents have taken place and the reports j LOCAL aootrrs ENJOY MERIT BADGE SHOW AT WOODSTOCK SATURDAY OK TO BUTFALO " WITH BILL GREEN AND K. OF C. BOWLERS Dear S. I. H.: I was asked to tell about the trip to Buffalo that the two K. of C. bowl. £ ' ' f; v %!-' : Lyons victory in McHenry County but smaller type told us that Green did all right in the rest of the state. --I-- Which reminds us that we Democrats did a fair job in the last Presidential election if you c&re to toss out McHenry County Maine and Vermont. --j- We stopped at the Claxton home last Sunday and toured the ranch with Dreymiller. --I-- John took us to see the little "Irish Pigs" first. Cute little things, but the stripes were white instead of green. --I-- Our guide showed us a lot of fine After the show visit the new Streamline Soda Lounge Open every evening from 6:00 to 11:30 p. m. penitentiary at Joliet and has a world j is in swing of ineresting stories and information that he told in clever fashion. Quick on^the trigger is this fine chaplain. --a- McHenry's baseball team frill get under way next Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock if the weather man cooperates. The gymnasium of the Dean Street school in Woodstock presented an unique and interesting display of Scoutcraft Saturday afternoon and1 'n£ teams made last weekend. I do have it that Huck has done a great j evening, April 13c when Boy Scouts, j n°t know if your reading public will job of handling these cases. You know, j Sea Scouts, and Cubs from the var-1 enjoy it or not but some of the boys we like to hear a boost for a homejious Troops, Ships, and Cub Packs!who made the trip may like to know boy. j within the Boone-McHenry District of I just what did happen. --1-- |the Blackhawk Area Council exhibit-1 ^Te Chicago at about 9 p.m., Now,-was that co-operation? Frank Jed some of their skills and crafts in a j Friday, over the Nickel Plate line. Meyer didn't get even one goldfish af-; Merit Badge Show. The feature of j Our boys were located as a part of the ter our plea last week. (You wouldn't the evening's program was a District ] DeSoto Council of Chicago. The train have a spare (carp atfouhd, would [Court of Honor which was held on|had eight coaches, three diners and a you?) board the "Land Ship" of Sea Scout;baggage car. There were short stops I Ship Number 531 of Harvard: and i n j made at Fort Wayne, Cleveland, and Hie seniors won the inter-class' which Wm. Setvens. Jr., received the j Eri«» Pa- We arrived at Buffalo at girls basketball tournament last Fri-j highest award in 8couting, the Eagle {about 8:30 a.m., EST, or 7:30 a.m., day night, but the Freshman girls put Scout Badge. j our time. From there we went to the on the thriller. Maureen Miller sunk j From the ringing of bells and flash-1 LaiFayette hotel. Some of them stayed one of those last minute shots for I ing of lights in the Electricity Merit I &t the Buffalo hotel and some at the victory. i Badge booth to the roar of miniature I Statler, but all of the McHenry boys --V-- gasoline motors in the Aviation Merit I and most of the DeSoto boys Were at The high school athletes are busy j Badge booth, the show presented an ] the LaFayette. We found out, much Spring football j exciting sight. Finger prints were Ito our surprise, that we were going to ' ' ' j 13.47 --I-- ' The boys will turn out for the first practice session of the year and hope to have a large crowd on hand. All future Bob Fellers and Joe DiMaggios will be given careful scrutiny. --II-- That Harrison boy in the Wattles Drugs and Drudgery establishment has given up on the idea of a hand lotion factory, but is all het up over a new patent on the pending list. He has circulars printed, but we couldn't use them in this space. The boy is nothing short of a genius. --I-- Nothing definite on Clarence Anderson, but his chances of sticking in organized baseball look good. Clarence is in North Carolina at the present time. --I-- Saw the public and parochial school baseball teams battle Monday night in an interesting ball game. Some of those kids can pick up a baseball and toss it around in major league style. --I-- Seeing the game run off in orderly fashion was a far cry from our early days of sandlot games. We made our own rules and had our o^m ways of enforcement. --B-- In those days, the kid that owned a baseball was the pitcher--no question. --I-- How well we remember sawing a long, round piece of wood for a baseball bat. The original stick was short on one end when our mother was (ready to roll up the parlor rag. Tennis courts are crowd- jmade and classified in one booth; pic-[bowl at 11:00 a.m. They really don't ed. The golf team is working hard, j tures were taken in another ,and de-1 €Pye you much time. After the bowl- Track is just around the corner. Never veloped while you waited. Hand j we went back to the hotel for a dull moment. • - j tooled leather projects, made before some much needed rest. That night --•-- your eyes, featured yet another booth. It seems like the guy that said Wood turning was being done on a "Hitler has made a name for himself, j lathe set up in still another booth. but we cant print it'* said a moutlw j Many of the arts and sciences were i alleys, a billiard and pool room, a ful. j represented in the show. The Mc- j swimming pool, gym, a large auditorcity h«N\;. .Try.. _... Alexande* Lumttyr Co., Supplies, <yty hall ......... Rose Worts, Gasoline, oil Mayme Buss, Salary, commis sions Carey Electric Shop, Labor on bridge, piren w,„ Earl R. Walsh, Freight on'waterworks v, ....... Ruddy Bros., Labor on Green street gewer . 249.00 Milwaukee Lead Works, Stop boxes and coil Western United G. ft E., City hall gas, burner rental Valvoline Oil Co., Oil at city hall Wm. H. Althoff, Street signs, supplies : Illinois Bell Tel Co., Telephone service Public Service Co., Ornamental light service Public Service Co., Bracket light service Public Service Service at city hall Public Service- John street... 4.94 30.75 .. 26.67 1.75 2.81 .. 36.75 y .. 23.44 8.57 11.06 8.38 950)1 158.18 Service at 6.10 1.00 the Buffalo K. of C. Council had open house at their club. They sure have a wonderful clubhouse--six bowling Woodstock will be the scene of the county bowling tournament, starting the twenty-seventh of this month. That is, the 5-men teams will bowl in Woodstock. Singles and doubles will be rolled at Sehaefer's, starting May 4. --I-- We look for some McHenry bowlers to be in the money in this county competition. We have some better than average pin-busters in these parts. --I-- DearS. I. H.: Thank you for your kind advice but I am afraid to take it. You ask me how I know he "returns my affections;" well he goes around talking about me all the time--"Carrying the torch"--I believe they call it. Henry Troop 162 exhibited wood turn-1 »um, and almost everything you would ing. j want. They even had a little steam vThe Court of Honor was held at 8 j room where the boys went on Sunday o'clock. Members of the Court were j morning to get boiled out. What do "piped" aboard the "Land Ship" in you suppose they meant by that? We had a very enjoyable evening; some of the boys got in early and some didnt. The big mystery was--Where nautical fashion. M. L. Schoenholtz, Scoutmaster of Troop 162, McHenry, was included in the Court of Honor. The following awards were given |was "Prof." ? Pete and rest of the to scouts of Troop 162. McHenry,! boys in his room claim they got in at along with numerous awards to the 2:30 and "Prof." was much later. (He various other troops: Second Class j won't talk.) Scouts, Robert Peterson, Charles Page Sunday morning after Mass we took and Adolph Weideman; First Class la bus to Niagara Falls. This sure is Scouts, Rudolph Johnson and Paul | a beautiful trip. It is about twenty Bonslett; Star Scout, Thomas Law- \ miles from Buffalo. We crossed to the son. I Canadian side and visited the Rapids Merit Badges were awarded to the I and Horse-Shoe Falls. You are refollowing in the local troop: i minded of the war by the barbed wire Jack Hoag, Scholarship; Norman | around the Canadian power plants at Knaack. Bookbinding: Robert Clark, j the Falls. They are also patrolled by You see I have never been turned Swimming: Marshall Buchert. Book-1 Army men. down; in fact, visa versa, so I would- binding; Norman Neiss, Scholarship,! We got back to (Buffalo at about n't want to tip my hand by being the j Bookbinding. Farm Layout and Swim-; 3:00 p. m., and made the train at 3:80, declarer. There should be some other'mine; Donald Schaefor, Music. Book- arriving in Chicago shortly before 1:00 way to make E. see the light. I, binding, Life Saving, Scholarship and thought you would surely have the j Physical Development: David Swan- "key" to the situation. Please help! son. First Aid to Animals, Civics, me! j Cooking and Scholarship; Thomas Friday & Saturday -SPEClALS-t - v'j 4-yd. Dress Lengths, no two alike, each Chambray Work Shirts, 49c valne Sanforized Work Shirts, 58c value _71» .til 22x44 Cannon Towels 1$#0 Lace Curtain Panels, each Men's Shirts, Shorts, 20c value , 15#^ Printed Broadcloth, jNL12%# * 85c Rayon Satin Slips 69* 39c Broadcloth Slips* . sise 44 / •. Percales, 80 square, , new patterns, yd. • * • llto u 88c Men's Broadcloth Pajamas __7#i Men's Ribbed Union Suits, short sleeve, ankle1 length gfl» Fred C. Felts, Caretaker disposal plant; 90.00 Public Service Co., Power and light at disposal plant Standard Oil Co., Heater oil at ' iK • • _ disposal plant 20.28 »5-"tth Peppereli Tubing, , Motion by Buss, seconded by Freund ' yatfd 259 designating Monday evening, iApril Men's Ties, new patterns 25$ Socks, 2 pair 25. Unbleached Mushn, ^-^ ~ of the council. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH, City. Clerk, 'ft. I. OVERTON, Maydr. . Yw'can protect your own and guests with a low cost accident policy issued with our auto policies. EAKL R. WALSH, Phone 43. fine count, yd. Men's Sturdy Work Shoes ' $2.31 John Stoffel PERPLEXEDER. --I-- Dear Perplexeder: We can give you plenty of keys, Lawson, Cooking, Public Health. Life Saving and Swimming; Paul Bonslett. Handicraft, Swimming. Pathfinding a. m., Monday morning. The boys would all like to take this opportunity to thank the McHenry Couticil and also all those who attended and worked at the K. of C. dance, to make this trip possible. It helped a lot to lighten the expense. I and Stamp Collecting: Glen Peterson, (believe Quentin Walsh has their vote but you will have to unlock the door!Jr.. Wood Work. Life Saving. Cooking,|of thanks also. ^ JDANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENIN0 ' PINK HARRISON'S" at Pistakee Bay Fried Chicken, 60c Assorted Sandwiches Sot Roast Beef and Pork with French Fries -- 30c Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BAKERY SPECIALS Large Loaf White, Rye «Tid Whole Wheat Bread „ 18* H--16d 432^ RIVERSIDE BAKERY Riverside Drive - - - McHenry Large Sugar, Date, Oatmeal, Fruit Ban and Butterscotch Cookies, per dozen Saturday Only Specials - Plain Coffee C a k e s • , • V " v ^ - - V • Butter Rolls, dozen ,.1. ' : o Allowance For Your Old Tires (Regardless of Condition) 0* Famous 4.40 or 4.50-21 4.75 or 5.00.19 5.25 or 5J60-17 5.25 or 5.50-18 6.00-16 8TAIDA&D TIRES 8ave with these low prices --_ List Trade-in Your Cost .17.70 . 7.95 9.75 9.20 „10.65 $1.92 1.99 2.44^ 2.30 2.67 3.22 i ..m $5?8 5-96 7.31 6-90 7.98 6.25 or 6.So 9-68 SbT 12 on Lifetime Guarantee < «*> No Time or Mileage Limit! SPECIAL PRICES ON TRACTOR TIRES Batteries as low as *3 06 Walter J. Freund . Tire and Tuba Vnir^miiriTigr Battery Charging and Repairing --1r West McHenry to the heart of this cruel hemale your, self. Isn't this leap year? S. I. H. Swimming and Mdsio; Dean McCrack en. Reading, Bookbinding and Public Health: Theo. BelHne-, Life Saving, Bookbinding, First Aid to Animals, Rtautiliil ' *1ouak! The cities that are bidding for next j year's tournament are Philadelphia, j Battle Creek, Toledo and Terra Haute. It is our hope that another year more BOWLING^ NOTES Scholarship, and Reptile Study; Rob-,of the fellows will make the trip beiert Richardson, Reading. Bookbinding!cause they sure are missing a great land Public Heatlh ; Damld Thomas, time. Sehaefer's :• C. O. P. Bob Conway nosed out | Public Health. Safetv, Piremanship, i Carpentry, and (Bookbinding; Rudolph Vernon Johnson. Art, Reading, Public Health and Handicraft; Daniel Edstrom, Bookbinding and Firemanship. In addition to these awards to Scouts, Troop 162 of McHenry received the advancement banner for the months of January, February and March of this year. The Troop also , „ T , , „ , . received a Feather Award for parti- «P.«on in the F.ll R.lly .nd other activities. Freund 564 to 563 for high-scoring honors with each turning in one top game. Bob rolled a 231 in his second game. Vernon came along with 233 in thte third.. Match Games took the first two games from Schaefers, then dropped the third by an 8-pin margin. Palmer's 546 was high in the match. Frisby's Canadiens were 81 pins better than Highwood in a dose QSUktCha 'H / /;•'• " . • * Coantjr Leagw* Anderson's 608 series helped Woodstock in a sweep over the McHenry Beer team. Art Krause was top performer for McHenry^ rolling m 570 series. In another match with the same teams, the McHenry boys were plenty hot. Led by Krause's .247 game, the McHenry team piled up 1031 pins in the second game. Jim Frisby was the class in this match -- 212 - 182 - 211 -- 605. The locals had • total 3-game series of 2739. The following girls are in the "200 Club": Phyllis Vogt, 213; Claribel McKim, 215; Nadine Schaefer, 202. Nearly 1,000 persons attended this great Merit Badge Show. OUR HIGH"SCHOOL GOLF TEAM MEET& WOODSTOCK ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON BILL GREEN, (Editor's Hote: Your sports'department is grateful for the above report. However, we can't take chances on libel suits, so beg to report that "Prof." acted as chaperon and model example for the boys in his care.) McHenry -- Palace K. of C. R. Martin 177 181 138--496 G. Kin«ala ...*<......187 172 179--538 C. Weldt 160 160 152--472 W. Green 182 181 182--544 H. Steffea 182 168 206--556 Totals .888 862 856 2606 The McHenry High .School golf team will open its season next Tuesday afternoon on the local course with Wbodstock as its-first opponent. A lar^e group of boys are out practicing each aftemoop in preparation for the qualifying tournament which will determine the squad of six members. Players who do not qualify at first will be given later opportunities to win places on the squad. Included in the possible McHenry squad are the following boys: Richard McHenry No. 2 -- Sehaefer's K. of t A. E. Nye 198 Art Tonyan 125 P. Schaefer 134 G. Frisby 223 W. Sutton J61 111 176 122 158 148 159--463 118--419 138--394 178--560 161--470 Totals ..886 715 754 2806 BOY SCOUTS Yes, you're right this week, Aprfl 19, is the big day for that is when we go to Huntley for an overnight camp. Last night, Monday, April 15, we discussed the hike at the meeting. We Freund, Earl Smith, Lloyd Oeffling, made a list of what in general we Patac»> Old Ttam *---••--»•*--r~ Clay Jfngfces was out tt lititt ifcii week, rolling a 566 series Perkins also ran! V T Nick Fqsund started off With a 222 jfame and wound up 562. Ladies Julie McLaughlin went strong in the last game (182) and marched to the head of the class, carrying a 498 total. Queen for a weekl C. O. F. Winkel's team went strong under pressure Friday night, toppling 958 pins in the third game. That team seems to have it when the chips are down. Gus Freund's team also staged a strong comeback in their third game after a nop in the second game. What makes a team go like this -- 941 - 697 854? . t o f a Steffer again led the field vitlt 8ft "Fits" rolled 500. iBoys beat Girls! But. that blonde Hapke girl showed the boys how to hit pins. Her game went like this: 128- 195 - 211 -- 534. 30 CENTS APPROXIMATE COST FOR EACH ORDEI* It eoet the countv approximately 30 cents for each vote cast in the primary election on April 9, it was disclosed Tuesday when claims for election expenses were approved. Of the total cost, $2,566.20 were for claims from judges, clerks and rental of polling places. It cost $1,307.50 for the printing of ballots. The sum of $416.60 was approved for supplies including poll books, tally sheets and other supplies. The canvass of the vote cost ten dollars and it coat six dollars for the publication of the color of the ballots. Francis Schmitt, Bob Schulz. George Jackson, George Freund, Joe Jackson. Don Schaefer, Lester Smith and Bud Adams. This year the McHenry County Golf Tournament is being revived after a lapse of several years and will be held on the Richmond course, Saturday, May 18. Following is the golf schedule for the season. April 23 -- Woodstock -- Here. April 27 -- New Trier -- Here. Aoril 30 -- Bensenville -- Here. May 2 -- Barrington -- Here. May 4 -- District Meet -- Highland Park. May • -- Richmond -- Herfe---- May 7 -- Rockford -- Thera, : May 18 -- Richmond -- Theifc » May 14 -- Woodstock -- There. May 18 -- County Meet -- Richmond. May 20 -- Rockford -- Here. May 28 -- New Trier - - There. May 27 -- Barrington -- There. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES The Seniors gave a dress rehearsal performance of their class play for the grade school children Wednesday evening. The Junior Class b busy working on the plans for the Junior-Senior banquet to be given in May. Tuesday, balloons with Senior Class Play tickets attached to them were released. It might be well to investigate a balloon caught in a tree. Miss Steven's English TV class is working on "interviews" and "how to apply for positions." Bob Rado and Donald Heftermann, both Sophomores, will be absent from school for some time because of illness. Two members of the Public Speaking Class spoke at the Ringwood Grade School Wednesday evening. Others took part in a Panel Discussion. The Trades Class has made a cabinet in which candy is stored for the noon sales. . The musical organizations are preparing for a musical and dancing program. were to bring. Among these things were blankets, food, flashlights, windbreaker, and a toothbrush. Darold Thomas is to supply a 10-gallon milk can to carry water in. We are to sleep on cots in the cabin. To keep us warm, there is a fireplace and a stove, too. Some of you scouts can pass some Merit Badges there; such as, cooking, camping, pioneering and First Class scout tests. After the discussion on our hike we played baseball 'till the meeting ended at 9:00 p.m. Remember the hike on Friday and be ready at the designated time and place. Be seein' you! SCOUT RUDOLPH JOHNSOH. ' City Council Proceedings The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present? Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye. Absent: Bolger. Regner. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund that the minutes of the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Nye, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Ferwerda, that the collector's report ha approved as read. Motion by Nye, seconded by Buss, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. Jack Smith, Marshall service $115.00 John Wirtz, Police service 100.00 W. C. Feltz, Supt. streets and alleys - 105.00, M. M. Niesen, Supt. waterworks - Earl R. Walsh, Office expense C. J. Eddy, Trimming trees .... Chuck's Ice A Trucking, Track and gravel -- 11J# McHenry Lumber Co., Fad, FLOOR and DECK * .ENAMEL - Goh*7GA* M MADE ELASTIC AND DUftABIS TO WllHSTAND THE CONSTANT ABUSE OP TRAMPING FEET < FAST DRYING ON INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR WOOD OR CEMENT FLOORS BOLQER'S DRUG STORE Phonfe40 Green Street -m.» IS tT; ^ m Si JM am GAS MILEAGE • Mil 'truck op VAtUC • No oth*r truck has tha kind of Mfin* you gat in m GMC. Milaafa lister T«*ti are proving arery day that CMC SUPER-DUTY Engine* an* the most economical of all. It will pay you to investigate GMC Itae peymeefs through our owm VMAC Mae at fowast available rate* 0>J?p*<ctS 0" nsSti"! Frmmt Street ft. I OVERTON MOTOR SALES West Mill--ry GMC TRUCKS GASOLINE - DIESEL for the vi BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 - Green Street • <m mams vt-. • nv -;-