Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Apr 1940, p. 2

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RINGWOOD Hi». Viola Low entertained the Scotch Bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. Jtay Neal. Quite a few of the Young Adults attended the county dance at Richmond Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley entertained the five hundred club at their Jiome Thursday evening. Prises were fewarded to Mrs. George Young and Ray Peters, high, and Mr. and Mrs. f|F. A. Hitchens, low. The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. oe McCannon Friday. A pot-luck "dinner was served at noon. The remains of George Lumley of Renville, Minn., was brought here for / Words WnU-* ^"•'vxV "-'V I On the sign at the bottoM y ' , . of this advertisement are tw»'--; words--"Reliable PrescrijpL'--y:- » lipns." The .meaning {> clesir,". .^'; ^ Y.>a may rely upon chl ' .^splaying shir (tga> It it the;. of a selected group of |>hprmacies, maintaining fci jhest ethical standards aa<| .. specializing in the careful con|» JJfcunding of all prescriptions^.* Bring your next prescription k« - to be filled. You are assured Cl : ailed professional service^ ' fee i .t, pure, potent drugs and €>: tae lowest possible pricefc " BOLGEK'S DRUG STORE burial Tuesday afternoon. He formerly operated stores at Ringwood and Greenwood. Shirley Ann Walkington of Libertyville spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mrs. Ben Fout and sons of Spring Grove and Dora Anderson spent Tuesday afternoon in the E. fe Carr home at Keystone. Mrs. George Young spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith, at McHenry. • Patrick Coyne of Chicago is spending the week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ainger and son, Alan, and Gladys Shepard were visitors at Elgin Thursday. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Chicago. Miss Dora Anderson spent Wednesday afternoon in the Frarrtt TVfner home near Hebron. Floyd Carr, Greenwood, spent Sunday evening in the Wn. McCsfhnon home. Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of Morton Grcve spent the pust week in the Wm. McCannon home. Funeral services were held Saturday for Wm. Wallace who moved here from Chicago six weeks ago. He was buried in Ringwood cemetery. Ralph Smith and soil, Arnold, of Harvard spent Sunday afternoon in the 5. W. Smith home. M. E. church services will be at tO a.m., DST, Sunday morning and Sunday School at 11 a. m., DST. There will be community services next Sundp v evpniner at 8:30 DST. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olson and family and Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow York and family spent Sunday in the Leslie Olson home at McHenry and helped him celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington spent Sunday in the home of their son, Frank, and family at Libertvville and visited their new grandson, John Bennett Walkington. :a' Vi. Vf.: > ii - ' , itv, ' ' t - f . . . . . UNIVERSAL Automatic Iron with Fold in* Clothes Rack Wrinkle-Proof, streamlined chromium plated iron with finger-tip heat control and rust resisting folding clothes rack, equal to 50 feet of line, a combination that will bring new speed and convenience to your ironing day Kitchen CI and Chopping Board For cube steak, chops, fowl, splitting squash and many other jobs, this 7 inch* cleaver and chopping board is a necessity in every home New Design Health Seal* Keep an eye on that waist line with this dependable scale. Easily read dial encased in Chromium Plated Hood. Choice at 3fintohsiP"^ NAflBtfft* fWJWp April 25 to May 4 J. J. Vycital Hardware Green Street Big 8 CM. ft. capacity, Mode(l LB8-40 mTrm- McHenry, Illfiii>is YOU EVER SAW IN A BIG 8 GU. FT. Families of Four or More need a BIG Refrigerator--And Here's a Beauty at a Bargain Price! All the Convenience, die Thrift, the Durability of a Big General Electric! Over 16 »q. ft of Shelf Area. Over 8 cu. ft. of Storage Space. 10 lbs: of Ice--100 Big Cubes at One Time! • lire Mere ideasj ty Ossrisg aMIl You can save more left-overs, buy food in bigger quantities at better prices, freeze more ice--and not out-grow your refrigerator's capacity with resulting loss of an early "trade-in". *179.95 ALL-STEEL CABINET• STAINLESS STEELS Fraazar • T*l-»-Fr*rt Indicator • Intttac light • Vegetable Ceetelew e 7 MBCS set el etriortul dishes • FMM 4-E THRIFT UNIT. SWEEPHM PRICE REDUCTIONS! You can now buy this G-E model LB6B 6J2 Cu. Ft. Six0 1940 Model for only $ 114.95 CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP Green Street . McHenry, !lI. .. , . i - v , ,: • Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family of Algonquin and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jepson and family of Urbana spent the weekend in the C. J. Jepson home. Mrs. C. J.' Jepson Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Dewey, at Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter, Susan, and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and daughter of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ragner Remer and daughter, Jfancy, of Pistakee Bay spent Sunday in the Patrick Coyne home. Mrs. Rilla FOBS and son, Wayne, and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent Saturday afternoon in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and family, Richmond, spent Sunday with the letter's mother, Mrs. S. H. Beatty. Misses Helen Ruth Butler and Marion Hawley spent the weekend in the D. C. (Bacon home at Crystal Lake. "Mr. and Mrs. Bert Colby of Crystal Lake were callers in the (H*yton Harrison and J. V. Buckland homes Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Waedrich and son, James, moved to Richmond Sunday. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, were visitors at Sharon, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Loui^ Wice of Chicago spent Sunday in the Boy Neal home. Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry and 1 Mrs. Karl Bradley and daughter, J Alice, of Crystal Lake were callers in' the Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin home Sunday afternoon. j Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and family of Woodstock spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connel and Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the S. W. Smith home. ' Miss Mildred Jepson of Dvanston is spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young soent Sunday with their daughter and family at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and fam-, ily and Edna Peet of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and children of Spriner Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mrs. Ed Thompson of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in the Wm. McCannon home. Mr. and Mr". George Bacon of Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth of Elgin and Will Beatty of Keystone spent Sunday with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Clay and family and Edna Peet of Rockford and Mrs. Ed Peet were callers in the Wm. McCannon home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and daughters visited Mrs. Johnson at Rockford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting and Mrs. Carlyle Wolfe and son of Chicago were callers in the S. W. Brown home Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Friday night in the home of their daughter and family at Kenosha. They were accompanied home by their granddaughter, Marion Jean Block, and grandson. Franklin Block, who stayed over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bratz of Chicago were callers here Saturday afternoon. Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Wednes day in Chicago. Wayn° Foss was a dinner guest Sunday in the Ernest Snyder home at Keystone. Mr. and Mrs. Frpnk Block of Kenosha spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs Hepburn. M rs. Leonard Franzen and son, Lyle, of McHenry were callers at the S. W. Brown home Saturday afternoon. Mrs. I. E. Walker and son and daughter of Waukegan spent Sunday in the Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Olson and son of McHenry were Sunday evening callers in the Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis and son, Stanley, of Chicago were callers in the Fred Wiedrich. Jr., home Sunday, The Ringwood Home Bureau will sponsor a white elephant card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison Friday evenire, May 3. Mrs Clinton Martin. Mrs. Eldred Johnson and Mrs. W. B. Harrison are on the committee. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard of Kenosha spent Sunday in the R. C. Harri son home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Voll man and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Vollman of Elgin were guests in the afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the I. N. Butler home in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were Sunday dinner guests in the Frank Turner home at Hebron. Floyd Foss of Richmond was a supper guest of his mother, Mrs. Rilla Foss. Monday evening. Miss Margaret Coyne is visiting in Chicago. Mrs. Ellen Whiting entertained the "Easy Aces" at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to, Mrs. W. B. Harrison and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Paul Walkington spent Sunday In the Frank Walkington holne at Lib: ertyville. home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pitcher, Mr. and Mrs. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Kagdh, Mr. and Mrs. Macky, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz, Mr. aftd Mrs. Spatafora, Mr. and Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Chdlini, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ginni, G. Toons, Mr. and Mrs, Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. L. Venable, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sansone, Mr. and Mrs. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, Misses Viola Brady, Mary Hubbell and Mrs Helen Robinson and son, BillSe, all of Chicago, spent the weekend at their summer homes at Lily Lake. A card and bunco party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth Thursday evening. Prizes "were awarded. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs. C. McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mrs. W. Einspar, Mr. arid Mrs. T Klabough, Mr. and Mrs. Etten and Orra Belle Bettray. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough were Chicago visitors Wednesday evening. r, April 26, i( JOHNSBIJRG Mrs. Rose Hoffine and children of Genoa, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnsterff of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller. Mrs. IBob Wilkie, Chicago, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller motored to East Troy, Wis., Monday evening. Miss Annabel Meyers and Walter iFreund and brother, Ben, motored to Chicago Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ray Karaey and the Misses Martha and Helen Althoff of Kenosha, Wis., were visitors in the home of their annt, Mrs. William Althoff, Sunday. Mr. and Mm Stanley Zoellner of Chicago spent the weekend with Art Peters. Mr. and Mrs.- Peter F. Freund were Waukegan callers Wednesday. Art Peters was a Chicago caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bertrang, Aurora, visited with relatives and friends here Stfnday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago spent the weekend in . the home of Mrs. Delia Miller. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mrs. Martha Freund and daughters of Woodstock spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Math Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and son, LeRoy. called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan Sunday. Rev. Nick Schmitt of Oklahoma spent a few days with relatives here. Mrs. George Zamstorff of Woodstock spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Joe P. Miller- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and family and Mrs. Joe P, Michels called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Young at Spring Grove Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughters, Nancy and Lois, of Chicago were callers at the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith Sunday. Joe Frett and son, Bob. Clarence and Arnold Michels motored to Waukesha, Wis., Thursday evening. Mrs. Harold Gielow and children and Mrs. George King were Woodstock callers Friday afternoon. Miss Katherine Smith of Chicago called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock snent Sundav in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Fr#uod. Head the Want Adn> McCULLOM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. George Wild and Mr. and Mrs. Dumas of Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Winkrantz Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schmidt of Diamond Lake were callers at the Winlcrants cottage Monday evening. Mrs. A. Thompson and daughters, Arlene and Elaine, and Mrs. Schoat of Berwyn spent three days here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wkrren Barker and son, DeWayne, of McCollum Lake, who spent the winter in Chicago, have returned to their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Greenwood of Chicago spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and daughter, Judy, and Mr. Pardell; son. Frank and daughter Josephine, of Qhicago spent Sunday here. Mrs. Bowler ahd daughter of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mrs. George Schuebert entertained Mr. and Mrs. George Fuhrmark, Mrs. A. Tamm and daughter and friend, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bethke, Evelyn Mildren and friend, William, Mr. and Mrs Gus Fuhrmark and Miss Margaret Tempi# and Sagent Jerry of Chicago and Misa Minnie Johnson of Rockford on her birthday anniversary Saturday eveH* Ing. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fritz of a* cago spent the weekend here. Guests at the S. J. Smith home Si#- day were Mr. and Mrs. Jack 0*NeB, Mr. Shd Mrs. Frank Madsen and daughter, Arlene, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Nimtz and daughter, Jerry. „ Ed Dorn was pleasantly surprised by a number of friends Saturday evening, the occasion being his birthday anniversary. Mrs. Wm. Bailey entertained a f««r friends Thursday afternoon: Mrs. J. Burzinski, Mrs. Larson, Mrs. KricH, Mrs Schmitt, Mrs. Sales. Mrs. Huska, Mrs. Xiddelson. Bingo was played prises won by Mrs. Burzinski, Mil. Krickl and Mrs. Sales. f 'A >f4 CARD OF THANKS J - ; 'S\ We wish to take this opportunity of expressing our deepest appreciation for tine kindnesses of our neighbors and friends during our recent bereave- , ment. We also wish to thank all thewe who sent flowers or cards or any expression of sympathy. '-VC Mrs. W. S, Wallace and Children* 'T"' '1 ^' 'v" WWHUtUff DANCIKG EVERY SATtTP-DAY EVEWHTO PINK HARRISON'S at Pistakee Bay - Fried Chicken, 60c Assorted Sandwiches .Boast Beef and Pork with Fxfcnoh Fries -- 38* Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks BARBARA HORtCK'S ORCHESTRA When you buy a refrigeratoi this year be sure you're not paying good money for an out-ofdate, last year's model offered at "clearance" prices. See Kelvinator's^ complete line of 1940 models . i l l at greatly reduced prices! KELVINATOR <5 -;t Here's What Kelvinator Has DoneToBnnjf You Finer Quality At Lower Prices! J^OW you can buy a big 6V4 cubic-fooc 1940 Kelvinator built by America's oldest maker of electric refrigerators--at die amazingly low price shown at the right! This is no ordinary "pric4 induction" on out-of-date last year's refrigerators. Nor is this just a "price leader." You save $30 to $60, compared with last year's prices, on every big new Kelvinator in the line. Kelvinator is passing on to you savings that were made possible by sweeping changes in Kelvinator's distribution program ... by standardizing on big 6 and 8 cubic foot models . . . and by anticipating increased LILY LAKE _ The Lily Lake P.-T. A. card and bunco party was held in Mrs. Arts Skelly's home Wednesday afternoon,, April 17. Members present were Mrs. R. Biesecker, Mrs. W. Einspar, Mrs. G. Nielson. Mrs. A. Skelly, acting hostess, Mrs. F. Wieler, and Mrs. D. Woolridge. Honors went to Mrs. F. Miller, Mrs. W. Einspar and a consolation prize to Mrs. A. Nielson. A lovely luncheon terminated the afternoon. The next Lily Lake F.-T. A. meeting is to be held in the Lily Lake school April 26, at2 :30 p m. Important!! All mothers are urged to attend. Mr. and Mrs. R. Hintz and daughter. Alice, and friends, Mr. and Mrs.i J. Boehm. all of Chicago, spent Sunday at their place of business, the Lily Lake hotel. Mrs. Klein and daughter of Chicago visited the home of Mr. andlfrs. Claude Vaehet Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Generievte Daw* of Grayslake visited the j You say* money---AND LOOK WHAT YOU GET! The finest quality in Kelvinator's 26 years ... all Porcelain-on-steel inside, finished in long-life Permalux outside... roomy shelves, stainless steel evaporator, and two extra-fast freezing shelves that give 84 ice cubes in a hurry! Every Kelvinator is powered by the amazing, money-saving Polarsphere sealed unit that uses current less than 20% of the time, and has sufficient capacity to keep $ refrigerators cold, under average household conditions. See for yourself the fine quality Kelvinator is able to bring you at these record-low prices! Get a free copy of "The 1940 Refrigerator Guide". Then come in and look! en TNESt OTHER FUTMES! Meaning Psrmolux Cabinet n«Mi ... P»rc*lain-«n-«tMl Interler ... 11 Hi SqiMr* Peet «f IIMH Are* ... Ohm Chilling Tray ... 2 l*li« Past l*F ring IIMIVM ... S4 llg lea Cwbm--9 lbs. . .. laay-Tonch Deer Handle...ImboMed Prauer Doer... AwtomotU Control... Auto watlc UglH. TO HELP YOU PICK the ben refrigerator for roar mbnejr, your Italvinitor daltt will glidlTtht yoa • frM of 'The 1940 Refri#*fator Gold*". It coo- •othoritadr* toot 1940 Mfrifcrstoc rmlatt. Gtt rows today. tTbeOs tH rCeUfr»ig c^ to< daalar will, a fraa copy Refrifftfitoi ttisscovpli lavormaooa UgntotY. *Prk*sxb*miftr d*ltv*rjm ytmr hud>tn 5 Y*sr Pntirtiim PUm. StsM *mdItmltaxtsactrm. KELVINATOR SAVES YOU M0 ta $«OON NEW 1040 MODELS.BM 6CU.FT.AND SCU FF. MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM. 8* CUBIC FOOT... FAMILY-SHE 1940 KELVINATOR OH* $11475 * IN YOUR KITCHEN 8 YEM PMTECTMN PLAN WANT CHEATER BEAUTY? Model SS-6 is in the true Kelvinator tradition of beauty--it has two extra-fast Freezing Shelves, Kelvin Control, Chilling Kelvinator s new ' • low price only . . ^ - < *11995 WANT A COMPLETELY EQMPKD REFRIGERATOR 7 Model S-6 features complete equipment-- Big Vegetable Bin, New-type Ice Trayi, Sliding Crisper, Big Cold Storage Chest, etc. Kelvinator's new low price a *139-95 WANT "HOIST-COLD"? Model HS-6 has complete equipment plus the new "Moist- Master" System that decreases the loss of moisture from foods. Kelvioator's new low price , .-a only *16995 WANT ALL DELUXE FEATURES? Model R-6--Has deluxe equipment. Two glass covered Sliding Crispers, Big Cold Storage Chest, Speedy- Cube Ice Trays, etc. Kelvin- Hor'i new low . • price only . • *17995 WANT THE FINEST REFRIGERATOR MADf? Then you wane Model HD-6. Has all modern conveniences, plus Kelvinator's exclusive, new "Moist-Master" System. Kelvinator's new ' a low price only - ^ . H. ALTHOFF HD*" Obrner Main Street and Route r

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