Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 May 1940, p. 6

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rtw.'i LILY LABI i f i F Z1 i SSfl wm$m 9L mri and bunco party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude HoDcrmofct Wednesday evening. The guests present were Vr. and Mi's. Stallie, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. T. Klabough, Mrs. Einspar, Mrs. Etten, Marston Wrublewski, and Billie Etten. The serv- ' Misses Mcry and Grace ffubbell, Viola Brady and Mrs. Helen Robinson and son, Billie, of Chicago spent the weekend at their home at Lily Lake. Visitors at their home Sunday were ing of a lovely lunch concluded a most J Anne and Mayme Crane, Herbie Crane, enjoyable evening. > | Mr. and Mrs. William Brady, Sr., Mr. Brady, tfl, Thomas Hannigan, all Champions Fishing as Aid to Longevity NOTHER Methuselah? Mr of the U. S. professional allaround bait- and fly-casting title, believes the sport of fishing to be a panacea for human ills. He maintains that every month spent in piscatorial pursuit adds a year to one's life. On this basis, Tony, now 45, should live to be more than 200 years old, if he never engages in another day's fishing, for he estimates that he has spent an average of four full months each year with a rod and reel in his hands 3ince choosing his career at the early age of six, following an unsuccessful experiment in the transmutation of his mother's pet goldfish into gold. Tony concedes that barring accidents a person might conceivably attain immortality, if his theory is correct. Nevertheless, he was not averse to preserving a record of his okill for posterit when the opportunity was offer him of starring in "Let's Go Fish*. ing", 2-reel sound motion pictutf# that has been produced and is b#» ing distributed by the Fisher Bo<qT j division of General Motors. Herj^ Tony and Art Neu, former chanih pion of the National Association! of Scientific Anglers, demonstrate* one of the more beneficial aspects of the sport. and C of CMc*eo. Visitors at the home of Mr, Mrs. Jack Wrublewski Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nemis and baby daughter, Sandra Mae, and Mr and Mrs. Taylor of Chicago. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch all week were: Mr. and Mrs. George Harper of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham, Mrs. Carrie Parker of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olson and daughter, Arlene, Mr. and Mrs. William Brady, Jr., of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly and Genevieve Daw of Gray slake, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Milled, Cicero. Mrs. Alex Wirfs and' daughter, Roberta Mae, ware Woodstock visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, Cicero, spent the weekend visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener. Mr. and Mrs* Hintz and daughter, Alice, have returned to their place of business, the Lily Lake Hotel, after spending the winter in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh of Chicago spent the weekend at his home at Lily Lake. ' , Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Sunday were j Frank Klabough and son, Clarence O'Connor and Jajnes Hodgson, all of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sereikas of Chicago spent a few days at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Swanson. Mr. and Mrs. Gold, Mr. and Mrs. Spatafora, Mr. and Mrs. Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Kane, Mr. and Mrs. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. Harder, Mrs. Louise Gannon, Mr. and Mrs. Galitz, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Swanson, Mr. Zuprisnki, Mr. and Mrs. Venable, George Toons, Mr. and Mrs. Chelini and many others of Chicago spent the weekend at their summer homes at Lily Lake. . ... ... ef Team An TWENTY YEARS AGO Brown, who operates a soft drink parlor in the Peter B. Freund building on the West Side, will close the establishment soon. He will go from here to Peoria. John Pfannenstill is now employed at the J. J. Vycitai hardware store. Miss Irene Conway is a new "hello" girl at the local exchange of the Chicago Telephone company, starting Monday. Emory Herdklotz, George Lindsay and Henry Kennebeck are new employes With the McHenry Lumber company, starting this week. THIRTY YEARS AGO •f* V NOTICE OF CLAIM ^ATE Estate of JOHN ENGELS Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, June 3rd, 1940, is the claim date in th£ estate of JOHN ENGELS, Deceased pending in the County Court of Me Henry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. STEPHEN ENGELS, V Administrator.? WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney Woodstock, Illinois (Pub. April 18 - 28 - May 2) n f i >• S: Napoleon Mclntyre of Newark, N. J., arrested on a charge of stealing eighty dollars from a friend, crammed the money into his mouth, and tried to swallow ft. By vote of 22 to 21 the Elgin board of trade Monday fixed the price of butter at 29 cents. E. C. Fisher has again been chosen superintendent of the Dundee schools. Ground for McHenry's new baseball park was broken Wednesday and those having the work in charge hope to have the grounds in condition for practice by Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Freund entertained the members of the "Progressive Sixteen" club at their home on Gfeen street last Sunday evening* --*• a.***.* liltii A. sp JUST LIKE FINDING old stove allowance. special male discount ff O f . : 9 M •I04SS. /022 15SS. NOW $ ONLY Wmmm fciiiVrtfoiii'fi nppli FORTY YEARS AGO Attorney C. P. Barnes and Alderman A. J. Cannon made the run front Lippincott's Hotel, Fox Lake, to McHenry, a distance of twelve miles, irf an hour and twelve minutes, one day recently with Mr. Barnes' new 20th Century A very pleasant surprise was perpetrated on Charlie Heimer last Thursday evening. Janitor Brents pleasantly surprised the members of the grammar room 'by donating two fine potted plants. The ladies of the Universalist church will give one of their delightful social entertainments and best of all serve one of those toothsome suppers that tempt the appetite of the most fastidious, (Friday evening at the city hall. State of Illinois, County of McHenry, SB. In the Circuit Couvt. EDWIN PEARSON, ' Plaintiff, GRBTHE PEARSON, ^ Defendant. Complaint in Chancery for Divorce No. 29130 Affidavit showing that the dfefenant, Grethe Pearson, resides out of this St^te and on due inquiry cannot be found, so that process cannot be served upon said defendant, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of this court, notice is therefore, hereby given to said Grethe Pearson, defendant that the plaintiff in the above entitled cause filed his complaint in said cause on the 29th day of April 1940, and that said action is now pending and undetermined in said court, and that you, the said Grethe Pearson, defendant, must file your appearance in said action on or before the First Monday in the month of June, 1940, and in the event you fail to do so default may t>e entered against you. WILL T. CONN, «. . Clerk Plaintiff's Attorney: Vernon J. Knox j'--. , Attorney's Address: Crystal Lake, Illinois. - (Pub. May 2 - 9 - 10) FIFTY YEARS AGO 1st four saloon licenses have been taken out in this village so far this year. The prospects are that there will be one more, making one less than last year. At the meeting of the new board on Monday evening last, Jas. B. Perry was re-appointed treasurer, E. Lamphere, street commissioner and John Simon, lamp lighter. At the opening party, at the Parker house on Thursday evening next, Smith's orchestra will furnish the music, and will be composed of seven pieces, with harp accompaniment and Will J. Cutteredge with flute. Died at his residence in this village, on. Thursday morning, Chester V. Stevens, in the 41st year of his age. SIXTY YEARS AGO Strawberries and cream at £. D Scott's restaurant on Thursday evening. Hon. F. K. Granger left for Springfield on Monday afternoon. He goes to attend the state convention which meets Wednesday. The person who borrowed a part of an extension ladder from J. Story will confer a favor by returning the same. Do not wait to be asked a second time. We understand that there is strong talk of putting up a telephone from the depot to the Riverside House, in this village. This would be a great convenience to our citizeMt /j;. CHURCH SERVICES (Daylight Savings Time) SL Mary's Catholic Church Masses: Sundays. 7.00; 8:30; 10:Qfc ££^30. Weekdays: 6:45; 8:00. First Friday: 6:30; 8KK).' Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 8:00 p>. m and 7:00 p.m. Msfr. C. S. Nix, pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Church Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; UMMfc 11:00, Weekdays: 7:80. : First Fridays: 7:30. •, ' On First Friday, dis tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and before and during the 7:90 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 and 7:00 to 8:00 p. as. Thursday before First Friday: 4:00 to 6:00 p. m. and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Rev. Wm. A. OKourke, pastor. St. John's Catholic Church, Johnabarg Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 10:00. ^ < Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. * First Friday: 8:00. Confessions: 1 Saturdays: 2:30 and.7:S0. Thursday before First Friday: 2:80 and 7:30. Rev. A. J.\ Neidert, paftor. Community Church Sunday School: 10 a.m. > Morning Sermon: 11 a. nj£../ Epworth League: 7:30 p.|lk •• Rev. A. W. Blood, pastor J Lutheran Evangelical Church Sunday Service: 2:15 p.m. Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. St. Peter's Catholic Chirch, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00.. , Holy Days: 6:80 and 9:00, Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. ' Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15, Thursday before First FrUay: 2 and 7:15. Rev. John L. Daleiden, Pastor. With fear <" Cemk Stoee ill® ^; * Gleaming all white finish Wy to de« « Coavcothandy covets * 2 reguwn 00,-pi«« fully in.»U«* ^-provide. kKp,kit*«cool«*Sinoke ^Urgclock.H»adyco^ So f«<y i#r, tmof domm • » • thmn mm UUtm m* 0S.SO m mmmth with few momthig Gmm Service MK $25.40 off the regular selling price! That's what you save when you buy this handsome, full-featured Moore Gas, Range for only $78.60 and your old stove. It's another grand bargain from our Magic Mealtime Gas Range Sale -- now being offered at this reduced price for a very limited^ -f _^ne only. - - Want better baking, broiling, top surface cooking ? Want • p fllfew kitchen freedom, new ease in preparing the most fla- % y o r f u l and d e l i g h t f u l m e a l s you and y o u r f a m i l y e v e r s a t ~.M down to ? Of course you do... and you can get all this plu$ , savings on food, fuel, and time with this truly modem range. See it now--arrange to buy it on easy terms! fj OMmt Psilm At* Mm Offering ImM Vi |a«Ml HUT" WESTERN UNITE F) WGAS<*. ELECTRIC COMPANYL/ SOCIAL SECURITY H>AR1> REPRESENTATIVE IN McHENRY ON MAY 8 For the convenience of employers find employees in this vicinity who desire information and assistance relative to the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance program of the Social Secur' Ity Act as amended, Albert S. Lewis, manager of the Waukegan field office jf the Social Security Board will be in McHenry, Wednesday, May 8, from | 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. with headquarters at the Potet Office. Inquiries may also be made by letter or telephone at 'the field office of jthe Board located in the Post Office in Waukegan. "Many employers and wage earners wish information concerning oldage and survivors insurance as well, las other phases of the Federal Social jSecurity program," Mr. Lewis said. J i"We are glad to be able to make direct ^contact possible for them and this personal service will be given regularly to the people of McHenry by ihe Wau- Lkegan office." I When a politician becomes a nuisance in his home community it is possible to get partial relief by sending him to Congress. DR. JOHN DUOEY ^teriiwr^ /. Treating HORSES, CATTLE OATS, ETC. Telephone Richmond 16 Richmond, III 0ASH FOR DEAD HORSES and CATTLE Horses, $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Dead Hogs and Sheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL 00. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M1 or Dundee 10--Reverse Charges KSVj-.i'1 PETER PEEVE % I 5# Maimer ruoui, oo. V- Phone 608-R4. -- f ' .K . . V "-"V,. y V W South of McHenry cm B«|te r yiowwrs for m occasiona! Phone 48 -ITTDEIIB . v.. ^ <i yHWW J. JQIOX j, . attorney at law ^ Priei Bldg. y »a,'V • OFFICE Taesdays and Pridays r Days by Appofntnedl McHenry - * ; » ; is .X ; , •M i SAYLEE DENTIST J.E Hours 9-12 aai 14 by AppointMMt Main A.P.FrenadC«. Excavating Oontraeftor Trucking, Hydraolic and Orm Wfr-? Service . 'm Road Building-- Tel 204-M McHenry, Qt [arses Wanted I BtJ ¥ Old and Disabled Horses. P»y from $5 to $14. --. ARTHUR W. WXRRBACK Phene 444 3S5 Hayward Street Woqjgtoct, HI, rati ^ INSURANCE EARL R. WALSI farm Companies ^hen you need insurance «f any PhaM 48«r fl-M PItkikldg. McHenry MONEY TO LOAR I have cBenta who have to load ea'flnft Mertgagea ei real Mtata aad ethers who want to Wr> row money on vert estate. If interested either way, I wfll ha glad to talk it over with yea. Joseph N. Sikes Waakegaa Natieswl Bajolk Bldf. 4 & C 11 Bt, Wauhfcjan, IiL TEL. MAJESTIC 108 Telephone No. 800 Itoffel ft Reihantpergil agenta tor all clasass ef property in the beat wmpwlw. •1ST MeHINRY (LLDfOM S. H. Freud & Son . CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience ii at Your Serviee in Bnildtng Your Wanta CharHe's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge on Charlee Street . Sign Painting Truck Lettering Vnrniture Upholstering and Repairing CHARLES RIETESEL KENT A COMPANY AO Kinds of IMBURAN O-m-i with the Companies $bhm In aad telk H «rer Phone MeBenry 8 putin '•if.; BR. L1. MURPHY - V-i." .; f

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