•<.' v-vv/* v*&*| J, ^ '• ^ V "" ""-I;- ^vPr> % J *> *&> ** *' I ^:'f, *c; ^ ^ as •w A ' *<n ^ i'^'- J&: l-i Society Motes HOLY NAME DANCE Announcement has been made of a big Holy Name dance on Wednesday, July 17. Watch for further detail*. MOTHERS' CLUB . The date for the next regular meeting of the Mothers' club has been changed from Friday, June 14, to Friday, June 21. Mrs. Wallace Dobyns will be the hostess. * CKEIM^VALLHY 4-H ' The fou A~JBiisting otf the Cherry Valley Girtf Ay . clufe was called to order on afternoon, June 5, at 1:30."> Lorraine Etfcer gave a v talk and demonstration on "Home 2 Care of the T>r;th." Jessie Lindsay ^and Alvert Hunter also lectured and ^demonstrated the art of "Personalis-' . ,ing Your Clothes." ^ • The Cherry Valley Boys 4-H club " ; \ challenged the girls to a game of " baseball on the evening of Friday, -.4 '*r .1 mrnti BHiitm l ft#'.';.: June 7, at the Clemens schbol. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, June 19, at the hotne of Mrs. Straw*. .* -pf v v . ;: • : 'wn* *^u> BRIDGE* CLUB Mrs. Robert Thompson entertained her bridge club' Thursday evening and the prizes were Wn by Mrs. Howard Wattles Ahd Mrs/ Faul Schwerman. Lunch wfas served after the card saaae^ ; •-*. " • • * ». •••,•> •}%. JBAK'Er$£fae^ There will be a bake sale Saturday in the Jacob Justen and Son Furniture store on Green street, sponsored by the Mothers" iclub. Bakery donations are to be brought to the store not latter than 10:60 a.m. Saturday. • ' fc* » •*' ATTEND CARD PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Blake, Mr. and Mrs. John Pfannenstill and Mr. anil Mrs. Herbert Simon attended the card party and dance wbjch was held at, the Catholic church hall at Round Lake Tuesday evening* Prizes were awarded to Herb Simon ar#* Jom hmn Pfannenstill. SURPRISE PARTY »>' LeRoy Miller, whose marriage to Rit&* Freund will take place on Wednesday, June 19, was surprised by members of the John&burg baseball team and the members of St. John's choir at his home on Monday evening. The honored guest was presented with a gift and a lunch was qeryed daring the course of the evening..., • • • DOUBLE ANNIVERSARY Two June brides aj»d bride^grooiits of years gone by CQoamenaprated their anniversaries last "Wednesday, June 5, enjoying an outing. The two couples were Mr. and Mrs. F>rank C. Meyers, to sew every Thursday at 2 p. m., until after the bazaar which will be held Wednesday afternoon and evening, June 26. Plans are also being made for the dinner which will be served to the public at 5 p. m., on June 26, in connection with the bazaar. The ladies are preparing for a large attendance and hope that the people of McHenry and vicinity will not disappoint them. • » • ? ATTENDS BIRTHDAY PARTY 0 Mrs. Nellie Bacon attended the ybirthday party honoring her little granddaughter, Carol Ani^ Courier, of Woodstock, Sunday afternoon. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ulrich, daughter, of Oak .Park, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bacon and daughters of Crystal Lake. DANCE BEVIEfF £ After months of practice, the Evelyn Mannion Dancing school is all set for the big event of the year, "The Sho^" which will be held at the Woodstock High school auditorium on Wednesday evening, June 19, and at the Crystal Lake High school on Friday evening, June 21. The latest in steps and dancing style wil! be in evidence in the variety of clever numbers( ranging from the tiny babies to the advanced pupils, who are presenting numbers equaling the finer floor shows shown in the larger cities. Many of them were brought from New York by Miss Mannion and the late Muriel Kretlow, following last summer's study in that city. The Mannion- pupils are from Woodstock, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Cary, Fox River Grove, Harvard and! Algonquin. Those from McHenry who will take part are Mitzi and Joan Durland, Elaine Nell, Carol Peterson and Lyle Franzen. • • • • 84 YEARS OLD George Meyers, Sr., who was eightyfour years old last Friday, celebrated the occasion Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery and family at Forest Park. The members of his family gathered for a buffet WWmm'Wf' w? a^SzWrSaRtiE j«f,» » ^ N?rw ^ v Jr , Jiine 13,1940 Among tiie fifteen young women who will graduate as registered nurses from St. Therese's hospital in Waukegan this year are Janice May Klontz and Clarice Elizabeth Blake of McHenry' Mary Lois Blasius of Pistakee Bay, and Eyelyn Marie Shober, formerly ef this vicinity. RUTH &ZIHANSPKRGE& EVSLYN MT SHOBER Miss Shober also attended the McHenry high school ^aAd received her diploma in 1937. A little over two years ago the family moved to Ivanhoe where she has since made her home. , Bolger's Drug Store Green Street • McHenry who were married twenty years ago, j supper. and Mr. and Mr^,PtJ; Schaefer mark-] The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Philing their tw2n^se<xmd ^year. After, lip Meyers of Highland, Wis., Mr. and dining at the. TaMy-^Ho. restaurant in j Mrs. George Meyers, Jr.,. and son, Park Ridge, they saw Alice Faye in George, of Woodstock, Mrs. Agnes the movie, "iaUiat* Ufcuiseli'r at the ^2^ /uu/e & Chicago theatf«. r - - •' . CHRISTENING : The little son.of;Mrx and Mrs. Earl R; Walsh was chrifltened John Jacob la'st Surfgay at St. Mary^S church, Msgr. Nix officiating. The sponsors were Leo Wink«l.pp4MTS. Joe Britz. A dinner wag jhield at the Walsh home following ;Jjhe, christening, the guests being Mr. • end Mrs. Jacob Freund, Mrs. Wplsh' and daughter, Ellen W^sh, Mr, 9nd- Mrs. Leo Winkel of M^GEmry and Mr. iand^ Mrs. Joseph Britz.of Rock feland^u BI-WEEKLY PIVE HUNDRED • Mr. and Mrs. John Pfannenstill entertained the Bi-Weekly Five Hundred club last Wednesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Math Blake and Mrs. WSUijun Freund. After the game of cards, there was much merrymaking in accordance with the triple birthday celebration. Three members of the club, Mrs. Frank Blake, Mrs. John Pfannenstill atnd William Freund, had birthday anniversaries within the week. • • • WELCOME PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Frett, who Marshall and children, Rovena, Earl and William, 6f McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan and son, Charles, and Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers of Chicago. Mr. Meyers, a native of France, came to America about sixty-five years ago and settled in McHenry, where he was engaged in the contracting business. He resided in McHenry until about a year ago. Since that time he has been making his home with his daughters in Forest Park and Chicago. Mr. Meyers is in excellent health and his many friends wish him many more happy years. Among the Skk Mrs. Henry Krantz of West McHenry entered the Woodstock hospital Monday morning as a surgical patient. Robert, son of Joe W. Huff of Richmond was admitted to the Woodstock hospital Saturday with a leg injury. Margaret Kiddelsen at McCollum Lake underwent surgery last week at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Ida Fisher is nursing a broken recently moved here from Chicago, arm sustained in a fall in her yard wm • *•§*• - ft - • v m' Slack Suits • ' " ' ' • f i w i $2,50 to $7.95 Give Dad one of these comfortable suits for play or leisure. We are showing fine hop sacking materials, spun ray ons, gabardines and Congo vlwvk . . . &I1 thC All gift purchases boxed McGEE'S 8U McH were pleasantly surprised Monday evening when a party of relatives and friends invaded their home and gave them a rousing welcome to McHenry. The evening was spent in a social visit and an abundance of good food was on hand. * The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schaefer and Mrs. Harry Rankin of West McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Stoffel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber, Misses Millie and Susie 'Frett and John Freund of McHenry. • * • CELEBRATE BIRTHDAY John Phalin invited the members of his family Sunday to his home on Richmond road to help him celebrate his birthday. A buffet luncheon was served in the evening and besides many presents, his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Howard Phalin, presented him with an immense birthday cake. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin, Mr. and Mrs. James Mahoney and children and Mr. and Mrs. Harry ^nderson of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harold, Phalin and daughter, Monica, of Lake Villa. ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. William Bockman of McHenry announce the marriage of their daughter,. Mary, of Marengo, to Mr. Ray Carlstead of Batavia. The ceremony took place Saturday, June 8, at Aurora. The attendants Were M*- and Mrs. Hkrold Carlstead of Batavia and Mr. and Mrs. B. R, Kelley of Marengo. The bride wore navy blue with white accessories and a corsage of garden ias. The wedding dinner was served at Hotel Baker, St. Charles. The bride is a graduate of the Marengo Community High school, class of 1933, and of Northern Illinois State Teachers' college at DeKalb. She has been teaching in Batavia for the past two years. The newlyweds will be at home to their "friends after June 15 at 202 Morton avenue, Batavia." • • • LADIES' AID A score of ladies heard the book review at the Methodist church parlors last, Thursday afternoon when Mrs. Ella Walkup reviewed "India, Land of the Black Pagoda," by Lowell Thomas/ Her story of India was much enjoy ed by all present who voted Mrs. Walkup a pleasing entertainer. Among thd guests of the Afternoon Mrs. Walkup's mother, Mrs. Anna Mollohanx ofJWoodstock, i Mrs. May Poile of Chicago who i visiting Mrs. LinuB N€Wman here. Sewing was in progress during the afternoon and plans for the at the last Tuesday. Mrs. John Whspi of Richmond submitted to surgery at the Woodstock Community hospital last Thursday. Miss Eleanor JBoIger is limping around with a bandaged leg having torn the ligaments in her leg in a fall while indulging in a game of ball .last week. Miss Mayme Bess tore the ligaments in her kri'ee in a fall last Thursday at her home. Her sister, Mrs. Mike Lavell, of Streator, is caring for her. The former is getting around on crutches. Mrs. Jake Freund has been seriously ill at her home on Green street. Jacob Diedrich returned home Toesday from St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, where he had been undergoing treatment the past few days. Miss Catherine Diedrich, R. N., who cared for him at the hospital, came home with him before returning to her work at St. Charles hospital. Aurora. La Verne Hobbs, who has been suffering with a streptoccic infection for the past few weeks, is in a critical condition at her home. Mrs. Theo. Winkel suffered .another heart attack Monday night and is again under the doctor's care. , Misses Mary and Julia Knox, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, had their tonsils removed Wednesday at the Woodstock hospital. Charles Diedrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Diedrich, returned to his home this week from St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, where he underr went an appendectomy. E* BLAKE Miss Blafce, thedaughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Blalq;, who completed her 4WMM at the local high school with MRlfiss of 1934, intends to continue teffwr i nrofession but has made no definite plans for the future. MARGUERITE I. JOHNSON : Marguerite Johnson, daughter of Mr and Mrs. George K. Johnson, will be graduated from Northern Illinois State Teachers college at DeKalb next Monday, June 17, with her baccalaureate degree. The commencement exercises will take place Sunday and Monday, baccalaureate services coming Sunday evening and the graduation exercises on Monday morning. Dr. D. W. Morehouse, President of Drake, university, will be the speaker at both ceremonies. Dr. Morehouse is widely known as an astronomer and a lecturer. For the baccalaureate address he has chosen the subject "An Integrated Concept of God." His address on Monday will be entitled "A Two-Hundred Inch Personality." The college graduation class this year is the largest in the history of the institution. The group receiving degrees will include approximately 121, while 117 more will receive twoyear diplomas. This is a total increase of approximately seventy graduates over last year's group>y< : 1 OF0PJU[NGOROVE V%IES WEDNESDAY Mrs. Marie Kattner of Spring Grove, daughter of the late Chailes Pich,' died Wednesday noon at the Burlington, Wis., hospital after giving birth to a girl. She was taken to the hospital earlier Wednesday morning. Mrs. Kattner was born August 15, 1906 at Chicago. She is survived by her husband, Alois Kattner of Spring Grove; three children, Henry, Martina and Dorothy; hfcr stepmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Pich of McHenry; a brother, Joseph A,. Pich of Chicago, and three sisters, Mrs. Helen Wilger, Mrs. Elsie Stutske and Mrs. Anna' Kattner, all of Chicago. Funeral services will be held at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, dn Saturday morning at 10:00, CST, with burial in Spring Grove. / Wktt u. s. Slat* Staves ufere introduced Info America in Virginia in 1619. HModore Miller have moved to the former's place on Richmond road, which w«u recently vacated by the M. L. Schoenholz family who moved to Boulder, Colo., for the summer. The Millers had been living with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stoffel, on Waukegan street. The Carlson family has moved from the Kelter place at Johnsburg to the Charles Karls place, also at Johnsburgjf •- **•"' r , > ' f. 4«t «f War I The Revolutionary war started ^ with the dispatch of 1,000 British sluoMld ieInrs, to des1t roiy_ , some nuuutifiee* : i " & held by the colonial militia,, Some real bargain*' at Kar Hardware starting June 14. See display ad oif page 2. 4 We fix radios! Whep poor recsp* flop develops, we're at your serrfee. Complete line of tubes and parts. Nye MuswyStore. 4.pg IBUTH REIHANSPERGER Ruth, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger of West McHenry received her Bachelor of Arts degree with a French major at Rockford college Monday mornipg at 11:30. Having graduated with the class of 1936 at the McHenry high school, Miss Reihansperger has attended Rockford college for the past four years. She has not as yvt decided -what her futvre shall be. ESMBMBSE JXTN* And Bemembfi* Dad Has an Eye for Good Looks an£ ^..Quality! Castes ef India b India there are four main castes: The Brahmans or priests and scholars, the Kshatriyas or warriors, the Vaisyas or merchants and the Sudras, servants or serfs. Outside of castes are the Untouchables, of whom there are 51,000,000. will appreciate these crisp new patr ^ ^Jterns and yon will find them among his fay. writes. Included aqiong them are fine Twills, , ; Baratheas, Foulards, and as a season favor- He, Congo Cloth, which is washable and 4hape retaining. (Other fine ties -- 50c to $1.5C^ McGEE Green Street •-?- / McHenry, Hi JANICE H. KLONTZ Janice, the daughter of Dr. and Mr* C. W. Klontz, was graduated from the McHenry Community high school with the class of 1937. Following her graduation from St. Therese's she will take a post-graduate course at DeLee hospital in Chicago. QQMINO EVENTS -wl iwsvi Yltt Me# areyou yov/s? June 14 Mothers' Club--Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. Commencement Exercises--St. Mary - St. Patrick school. > June 15 Bake Sale--Sponsored by Club. \ jane 16 Confirmation--St. Patrick's elmrch. June 19 East River Road Pinochles-Mrs. John Craver. Cherry Valley 4-H Club--Mrs. Strever Jane 28 East River Road Improvement Clob-- Emerald Park Schoolhouse. June 26 Ladies' Aid Bazaar ~ Commbnity Methdist church. June ST Altar and Rosary Card Party--Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. July 17 / / Holy Name Daipe. The will iaL, iC In France the poor are assisted partly through public "bureaux de and'e^siastical charity^ PrWat* MARY L. BLASIUS Graduating from the high school at .Vermillion,.S-D-y in 1937, Mary came to Pistakee Bay with her folks, Mr. and Mrs. N. J." Dlasius, thfee years ago and entered at St. Therese's. She intends to continue her nursing practice. ' y ' The commencement exercises were held in the hospital chapel at 8.15 Tii«sd»y pveniny "Climb though the rocks be rugged" was the class motto and the flowers Were red roses and baby's breath^ The class colors were scarlet and white.. Ship'a Tonnage ~ A ship of 1,000 tens can cany a cargo equal tp that at a caravan at 5.000 camel#. YOUR big, Silky Dynaiftash straight* eight -- the only power plant electrically balanced afttr assembly? , \ Your roomy, rugfed easy-riding carriage that literally f-l-o-a-t-s over bumps on four coil springs that smr need lubrication? When are yon getting smart Buick style, easy Buick handling, the glory of Bukk ownership? Better say "Now!"--for it WQllld hir ^ to 1BK S out on our all-time best-seUer, fll prices*that begin at for the business coupe -- delivered at Flint, Mich. Transportation based on rail rates, state and local taxes (ii any), optional equipment and accessories -- extra. Your dealer's ready to demonstrate whenever you're ready to be shown the best Buick of all time! " *Pric*$ subject to change without notice. wmm R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES front Street, Weat McHenry, HL , » 216 Main 8k, Crystal Lake, &