Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Jun 1940, p. 3

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RINGWOOD Mrs. Paul Walkington and Miss Dora Anderson entertained at a kitchen shower for Gladys Shepard Thursday afternoon at the h6me of Mrs. Walking:ton. Airplane bunco was played with prizes going to Kathryn Coyne and Mrs. Oliver Ainger. She received many useful gifts from her friends during the afternoon. Each gift was found at the sound of an alarm clock from various places. Ice cream and cookies were served by the hoetess. Mrs. Oscar Berg entertained the Greenwood Dorcas Society at her home Thursday. Mrs. Ray Merchant entertained the Bunco club at her home Thursday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Mrs. Louis Hawley, left for Morris town. Mrs. Louis Hawley will spend a week there. Mrs. S. W. Brown visited friends in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. Elma Hawley, Mrs. Fannie Zike and Ruth Phillipi spent Thursday evening in the D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake. Wayne Foss spent Saturday with friends in Chicago. Robert Schwartz of Chicago spent the weekend in the Patrick Coyne home with his wife and son. The Sewing Circle will meet, with Mrs. McKelvey at Greenwood June 21. Martin Nimsgern of Spring Grove was a caller in the George Young home Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Stanley Hunt and children spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Thompson, at Woodstock. Mrs. Catherine Young and Mrs. Charles Dowe and children of McHen H. Win. McCannon and Marion Wiedrich.! ry spent Tuesday with Mrs. George ^trs. B. T. Butler entertained the ] Young. , j Scotch Bridge club at her home WedSchultz, Harry Enss and nesday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and Mrs. Viola Low. Mrs. George Young spent Thursday all Waukegan Archie Harold Snyder of Chicago spent the weekend with Wayne Foss. Riev. and Mrs. Collins, Mrs. Wampol and Mrs. Winona Frank spent Tuesday in the W. A. Collins home at Mrs. Fannie Zike and Miss Ruth Beloi Plollipi of Morristown, Ind., spent Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison en- Thursday in. the Louis Hawley home, tertained Mr. and .Mrs. Vern Malsch On Friday, they with Mrs. Elma Haw- of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs, Ardin Fr?si «y> who has been visiting here, -and bee and family of Greenwood, Mr. and Eye* EnnlMi Jr. Paul A. Schwabe : McHenry Woodstock §74 A. R. Nye BWt West McHenry OrrOMOTRIST THURSDAY MORNING8 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DANCING EVERT SATURDAY EVENING PINK HARRISON'S at Pistakee Bay Fried Chicken, 60c Assorted Sandwiches Hot Roast Beef and Pork with French Fries «#» 15c Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drink$ BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA J Our Repair Department . , Is at your service for any troubles you may have wtfch yifSr car or track. It is (me of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. Drive in and let ta check the oar and give you an estimate on the necessary work. Have your truck tested at this garage, which is an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction to comply with the law.' CENTRAL GARAGE FRKD J. SMITH, Prop. Phone 800-J Towing Johntborg Your 1940 Summer VacationSTrip West and all the Eeit In a grand All Amoriwii trip in 1940. Pick one of , bestvacatioiu : ( K YELLOWBTONE NATIONAL PARK plus a visit to Beartooth take Lodge high in the Wyoming Rockies. Take an all expenses paid vacation trip with everything planned, see all of Yellow- Stone, stay at National Park Hotels. In via the Northern En- , , trance, leave via the famed Red Lodge Highway. The cost is law, #ily |124.00 up from McHenry. / { ) PACIFIC COAST TOURS including spectacul&rffaTia<rtan Itbckfes, all the Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and Columbia River Highway, San Francisco Exposi- _ tfon, Hollywood, Catalioa Island, San Diego, Tin Jua&a and Agua ----^Jaliente in Old Mexico, ride the streamliners. Cost only $206.00 tip from McHenry. ( ) ALASKA with choice of three tours, just a cruise for a short trip, or inland to Mt. McKinley National Park, Anchorage, Matanuska Valley, Fairbanks, or up the Yukon to Dawson and Whitehorse. Escorted by DON ECK in person. Every item of expense "paid before your journey, even the tips are paid. Cost only _ $298.00 from McHenry. ^ ( ) HONOLULU and the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. See these tropical Islands on a planned vacation trip, all reservations made and lid for before you start, travel on American Liners, stop at fine EDti tels. Cost only $325.00 from McHenry. ( ) NEW YOfRK WORLD'S FAIR with all expenses paid, many . schedules and routes to choose from. Cost only $37.00 up from Chicago. » . N C ) COLONIAL AMERICA. Hue's mm vow bw looking for -- see Old New England. Boston, Concord. Montreal, Quebec, . down the St. Lawrence, 1000 islands, all you have been looking for Md more too. Cost only $145.00 up from Chicago. ( ) GREAT LAKES CRUISES, June, July and August, many sail- ; i»£S, rates lower than ever, a short four to seven day cruise -- ,r ?£? Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Detroit,. Cleveland, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. Cost only $59.50 fromChicago. ( ) OLD MEXICO South of the Border. See MEXICO this Summer but make your reservations now, all expense, escorted tours with everything paid, rail and motor tours tot afMAMUT ftr rialwr" tours, cost only $157.50 up from Chicago, C ) TRAVEL AMERICA this year. See our natural wonderlands. The cost is low and the service great. Make your reservations or inquire for schedules now. If you wish to check the reliability DON ECK TOURS see your local newspaper [wWinhii in ' -frtiose paper you are reading this ad; he knows us. DON ECK TOURS Sake 11I« -- Dally Times *11 W. Wacker Drive % J CHICAGO, ILLINOIS t V C^eck trip wanted. Clip this ad and mail for iU. information. THE McBENRY PLAINDHALBK, McHenry, 11 Haifa £ } Mrs. Wtt. Harrison and family of J sen of Burnett road, Mr. and Mrs. Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hillier and daughtw, Jane and Bet- Pearson and family to dinner Sunday in honor of their son, James, who is here from Washington, D. C. Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mrs. Frank May and Mrs. Joe Hueman of Johnsburg spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. George Young. Mrs. Clinton Martin and Mrs. J. C. Pearson attended a desert luncheon at the Hunter Golf course at Richmond Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens visited friends in Maywood and Forest Park the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Font and children spent Sunday in the Ralph Clay home at Rodcford. Miss Shirley Neal and Andrew Raemaker visited Mr. and Mrs. John Cristy near Harvard Sunday. Mrs. Cora Flanders and Miss Soper spent Friday in the Mrs. Clifford Mil ler home at Crystal Lake. Patty Ann and Maxine Betty Clay of Rockford are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and family attended the Baccalaureate services at the Woodstock High school Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet spent Sunday in the Joe Coates home in Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Soy Wfedrich and f&mily of Richmond spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. tie, of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond VanNatta of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Lyle Matthews spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Geer at Moline and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson at Davenport, Iowa. On Tuesday they attended the high school graduation at Davenport of which a niece, Miss Carol Louise Johnson, was a member. Mrs. Marlett Henry spent Monday and Tuesday at thf home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Bennet in Chicago, having been called there by the illness o? her mdther. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Bailey of Amboy were over night guests Monday at the home of Willard Darrell. YOLO Special Sunday evening services will be held at the Volo Community Bible church, June 10. Mrs. Watler Vuwy and son, Kenneth Lee, visited Mrs. Margaret Grabbc at Crystal Ltk# Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Earl Stengel and family of Wsuconda spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Herman Duaker attended a Mrs" kwter Cm .nd Mb, Ha, Wiedrich spent Wednesday »ft»moon Solid.^ GtsysUke on at McHenry. Francis Hafer underwent a minor Miss Shirley Freund of Spring 'JJ"" ' •™®r ,mn« +ha wSfi. w.i * i operation at the ^ngregatidnal hospital in Chicago Tuesday. Weekend in Chicago visiting Miss Jean Macy, a former schoolmate. Miss Macy left Tuesday, June 11, for Indianapolis, Ind., where she entered the Carmelite Monastery. Rex Ray, Billy Gritzuk and Clarence Adams of Ringwood were callers at McCollum Lake Sunday in a "new" V-16. L. Sales spent Saturday in Chicago,, attending the wedding of Miss Margaret Newman. Jack BoureDe received a painful injury Tuesday. G. H. McNamee, Bunny and Irene Kelly had a very good time at the Sales home Sunday. They were joined by several other guests later. Attention! McCollumu Lake Community Club members, also property owners in McCollum Lake Estates and Knollwood subdivisions! -- There is a special meeting of the McCollum Lake Community Club called for Sun day, June 16, at 2 p. m., at the home of Clarence Feiereisel. The purpose of the meeting Is to *«ttle the question of the rights of the property owners to the use of the waters of McCollum Lake. This' has been a matter of debate for several months with many versions of the matter. It is of vital importance to all club members to have this situation clarified and all property owners who jure r.ot club members are urged to join the club in order to get their information at first hand, rather than accept as facts, information which has been retailed with no foundation of truth. New memberships will be accepted before the meeting. -- A. M. Bailey, Secretary. Grove spent the weekend with Helen Ruth Butler. FVed Wiedrich arid s«n, Harold, morninf*0™ " RICl""°nd LnLiWefSd Mr fiiH Mr* p.„ p.*.,. w., Richard Fisher returned to the home T Butler home Fisher, Wednesday. Richard was a The Ringwood nnit of the Home ([?"«"*W^',0ck '<» Bureau met at the home of llrs. Paal j . u wlu-_ v , Walking Tuesday, June « Sixteen; J^th Ttttded^&^y memters were present. Roll call was; ^ „t the ^ ^ responded to with a grammatical er-;£T ; Grabbe at Crvotel T.»Vo ror commonly used. After the reports urday evening ^in hb o^nor o,f IM rs. 8PRINO O&OVX of the various chairmen the nomin ating committee presented the list of Grabbe's birthday anniversary. Joseph Dowel! and daughters of officers for the jnew year as L^e^can^^at ThT home of lows: Mrs. Robert Howe, chairman; Mrs. R. R. Harrison, vice-chairman; Mrs. Clinton Martin, secretary; Mrs. C. L. Harrison, community interest; Mrs. Paul Walkington, 4-H; Mrs. Antone Freund, foods; Mrs. E. E. Carr, health; Mrs. Eldred Johnson, clothing; Mrs. R. C. Harrison, home furnishings; Mrs. Fred Eppel, minor project; Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., publicity; Mrs. Glenn Benoy, personality; Mrs. Frank Muzzy, handicraft. Four new {members were welcomed into {he unit at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughters of Woodstock spent Sunday with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Carlson and family of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Alec Anderson home. Mrs. Georgia Harrison and daughter, Bernice. of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Lonnie Smith home. The Ringwood unit of Home Bureau will hold a weenie roast at Clinton Martin's Wednesday, June 26. Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Woodstock spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and daughters of Woodstock and Miss Mercedes Ltndemann Thursday in Smith homes. Mrs. Joe Coates of Grenwood gave a pantry shower for Gladys Shepard Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Gibbs, Mrs. George 8hepard and Gladys attended. ana m of Crystal A party of relatives and friends pleasaJntly surprised Mr. and Mrs. George W. May at their hotne on Monday night in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. About twenty guests were present to spend an evening at cards and visiting. A delicious lunch was served by the guests with a large cake attractively decorated for the occasion. A gift was presented to the happy couple after which the guests departed wishing them many more happy anniversaries. Those who celebrated were Messrs. and Mesdames Peter M. May, Arthur Kattner. Eddie May, Raymond May, Charles aftd Mrs. John Passfield Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family, Arvilla Ann and Lilah Mae Fisher spent Sunday evening at the | ^eun^. Ben May and A1 Schmeltzer. home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dunker " at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Alvin Case spent Monday at the home of Mrs. Gordon Hazelton at Racine, Wis. The Volo Busy Bees 4-H club met at the home of Shirley Ann Danker Thursday evening with nine members n'^^- and five visitors present. A very I ^rs- EH® Siegler WM hostess to dainty lunch was served at the close |^e members of her ehab on Tuesday of a meeting. The dub will meet next ni£ht- F've hundred furnished the Also present were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schaefer from Fox Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson of McHenry and Paul Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund visited Mrs. Clarence Amann at St. Elizabeth's hospital in Chicago on Monday SLOCUWS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were callers at Libertyville last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Marlett Henry and Mrs. Arlene Zahorick were callers at Crystal Lake last Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner and three children of Round Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and daughters spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Miss Helen Lawless and Pete Jacobs of Chicago were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Miss Margaret Hansen and Mr. Keller of River Grove spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. p. H. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and son of Round Lake spent last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. Miss Ardarth Grantham of Waucopda visited her auat, Mrs. G. J. Burnett, last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grube of Chicago spent last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Irwin of Burton's Bridge speAt last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner, Mrs. at the homo of Bonnie Vasey, June 20. Mrs. George Seheid, Jr., of Waucon da and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont township won Wednesday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Mrs. Alvin Phannenstil! sponsored a bridal shower for Mrs. Genevieve Wright at her home Sunday after noon. Mrs. Bertha Grabbe of Waukegan visited Mr. and Mrs. William Wlrtz Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Prett of Chicago _ . | "pent the weekend here with the lat- Laks spent ter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Oefand Lonnie J fling. Mr. and Mrs. Deaa Baseley and family moved to their new home in Wauconda Thursday. Mrs. Norman Washo of Lake Zurich called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Russell Tuesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evanston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. Joseph Wagner and Mrs. Frank St. George soonsored a bridal shower for Miss Genevieve Wright Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. St. George. The afternoon was spent in playing auction five hundred and airplane bunco. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Russell Gibbs, Mrs. Joe May, lllrs. William Wirtz, Mrs. Joseph Passfield, Miss Genevieve Wright, Mrs. Norman Washo, Mrs. Herman Dunker and Miss Beatrice Wilson. Miss Wripht received many pretty and useful gifts from her guests. A very delicious lunch was served at the close of a very pleasant afternoon. * The Volo Bible Sunday school is sponsoring an ice cream social Tuesday evening, June 25, at the Volo school starting at 7.30 o'clock. A three-act pantomine will be given by the ladies of the Sunday school at 9 p. m. Many special songj will be sung. There will be no charges for admission. . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crook attended the funeral services for the former's aunt, Miss Crook, in Park Ridge on Tuesday. The Friendly Neighbors Society of the Volo Bible church will meet at the home of Mrs. Karl Hironimus on Wednesday, June 19. entertainment and prizes were awarded Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mrs. John Lay and consolation went to Mrs. Frank May. Mrs. Ernest Peacock and Mrs. Siegler received the traveler's prises. A lovely hrnch was served following cards. Paul Weber motored to Chicago on Tuesday to spend the evening with friends On Wednesday morning he and Ted Frederickson of Chicago left on a trip to Wyoming and South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund and daughter. Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund* spent a pleasant evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Freund in McHenry Tuesday. night. Refreshments were served. Misses Annabelle Nett and Lucille Weber of McHenry spent several days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leo'Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein of Johnsburg at their home on Wednesday night in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Klaus. The evening was spent at cards and prize winners were Mrs. Walter Smith, Mrs. Leo Freund and Mrs. Arthur Klein received consolation. The serving of refreshments completed the party. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz attended a baseball game in Rockford Thursday night. Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Eldred Johnson near McHenry on Thursday afternoon. Three tables of five hundred were in play and prizes were merited by Mrs. Albert Brits, Mrs. Arthur Kattner and consolation by Mrs. A1 Schmeltzer. Traveler's prizes went to Mrs. Norbert Klaus and Mrs. Steve Schaefer. Following cards a supper was served by the hostess.. The club will meet next at the home of Mrs. Arthur JDetri in Johnsburg. Mr. afld Mlrs. A1 Schmeltfcer attended graduation exercises at Sycamore on Thursday night A cousin, Robert Wells, was a member of the graduating class. Visitors in the Geoige A. May home on Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and Eddie Schmitt and Clarence Miller. Refreshments wm served. A most enjoyable afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. Leon Van- Every by a party of friends on Thursday. The event was in honor of Mrs. VanEvery's birthday. Cards and visiting were the afternoon's diversion and the lovely awards for high scores went to Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. J. J. Freund. Consolation went to Mrs. Nick Freund and traveler's prise to Mrs. Mark Pierce. Guest prises were presented to Mrs. Dorothy Demar and Mrs. Wanda Todd. A lovely lunch was served by the guests after which the honored guest was presented with £ gift Miss Lorraine May spent Syiqy in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe and fassily of Chicago were visitors here S«** day. •*; Miss Hazel Sandeis spent the week* end in Woodstock at the heme of her sister, Mlrs. A1 Westman, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Eldred Johnson and children of McHenry were dinner guests in the Peter M. May home Sunday. Mike Wtegner of Chicago is enjoying a two week's vacation with his children at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. /t^PHILCO REFRIGERATOR r * L. Ai Barmattii Co. Home of World Famous fclectrical Appelates Open Wed--day and Saturday Brentags Phone Woodstock 990 McOULLOM LAKE Catherine Wagner attended the funeral of an uncle, Mr. N. Gulster, at Waukegan Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lagerlund in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schembri of West Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Willard Darrell were dinner and supper guests Sunday at the Guests at the Barber home Sunday were Miss Ruth Landon, Miss Blanche Jones and Jack Dunstan. Mrs. Art Thompson and family, formerly of Berwyn, are spending the summer here. John Pardell entertained friends over the weekend from Chicago. Mrs. M. Bowler and daughter, Dor- _ othy. of Chicago are spending the summer here. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer and home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mat- j family attended the funeral of Mrs. thews. jBen Schaefer at Johnsburg, who died Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and j suddenly Tuesday nipht. __ daughter, Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wag-j Mr. and Mrs. A1 Nagel spent the ner and Mrs. Mary Sable spent SuA-| weekend at the home of John Winday evening at the home of Mr. a^» krantz. HW*' mm The Master 85 Town Sedan, *699* Mrs. Arthur Kaiser near Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and son, Gerald, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner at Round Lake. Saturday and Sunday callers and visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mrs. C. H. Hut- Mrs. A. Elarton has been sufferings, with a sprained 'ankle, hut is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Creek entel> tained friends over tM weekend her^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lortie and family spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sales. Miss Nofine Bourelle spent thf Chevrolet Iff '40 eet- •eoswesaM other lowest" priced con from front of griHe to rear of body (ltliedMs)... awl it abo eeledi al other makes of coil, reganfless of pricel It's the bitttst package of value In the busiest price range; and, of course. Its extra length and extra weight mean extraworthto you, the buyer, in all ways. That'a why people are saying, "Why pay mace? Why accept less?" That's why they're buying more Chevrolet" than any othpr car, for the ninth time in the last ten years! FIRST AGAiii! MASTER 85 BUSINESS COUM OHw iiiili Msfcer it At moduJs prind of Flint, Mjtk. Trmmoportofioft boaad <m rw) rota*, <W( amd' loco/ foxgg oflyjf opMoadf and occasion**--mxfra. Prim I* thange without noNca. miT'TiriT'Burm SCHWERM AN CHEVROLET SALES

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