.-W? -I s.rv* , June 13, 0Hj Ooimeil Proceedings Ptifellshed every Thursday at MeiMBrjr, 111., by Charles P. Renich. Entered «• second-class matter at •*fcr pwtoffice at McHenry, 111., under the act of May 8, 1879. • *4-- 111 <|L H. MOSHER Editor and Manager FOR SALE | One Year Six Months ... -...$2.00 $1.00 NEW ?MPIRf McHENRY, ILLINOIS FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Jean Mair - Billie Burke Robert Cumnin^B ^'AND ONE WAS BEAUTIFUL" Ala* -- News and Novelty Reel SUNDAY Jniw> MONDAY June 16 - 17 "V fJadc Benny - Rochester ' Andy Devine - Ellen Drew "BUCK BENNY RIDES AGAIN" ;.S-- Also -- 'Hw lUte* Speaks" (endorsed by Amerksn Legion) - Cartoon News Events and Novelty --TUESDAY -- Joe Penaier - Lindti Hayes (1) "MILLIONAIRE PLAYBOY" flw|i Brent - Isa Miranda (2) "ADVENTURE; IN DIAMONDS" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Lew Ayres - Lionel Barry more Laraiite Day (1) "DR. KILDARE'S STRANGE CASE" Laurel and Hardy "CHUMP AT OXFORD" AMDffw-'ttrS WOOMTOOK MILLER Theatre -- Woodstock Air-Condi tioaed FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Jane 14 - 15 Itfgain Matinee 'till 6HW ** VIRGINIA CITY" -- with -- i.. ERROL FLYNN I MIRIAM HOPKINS RANDOLPH SCOTT Aiided -- Popeye Cartoon - News SUNDAY -- MONDAY J u n e 1 6 - 1 7 Continuous Sunday from 2:90 Bargain Matinee 'till 6:00 -GIANT DOUBLE BILL! I , • Deaiuia Durbin "IT'S A DATE" -- p L u s -- DR. KILDARE'S STRANGE CASE" -- with -- LEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE TUESDAY -- June 18 15c - Bargain Night - 15e "MA, HE'S MAKING EYES AT ME" «-- with -- Tom Brown - Constance Moore Added -- Novelty - Color Cartoort WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY June 19-20 ' "STORY OF DR. EHRLICH S MAGIC BULLET" -- with -- EDW. G. ROBINSON RUTH GORDON DONALD CRISP March of Time Newi The Beautiful DONT LET THEM CALL YOUR DAD A SQUIRMER--Give him Jockey Underwear, the perfect «ift for Fathers Day. Ends squirming, gives wonderful comfort. Be sure it has "Jockey" label. 60c op. McGEE'S, McHenry. - 8-2 AUCTION Off your old-fashioned underwear and let us sell you a supply of Jockey. Gives masculine comfort, knit fit. Buttonless, too. Coopers make it in varied leg lengths. 5Qc up. McGEE'S, McHenry. 4 FOR .SALE--Beagle hound, male, 2% years old. Trained. Phone McHenry 670-W-2. „ , 4 FOR SALE--Ei^ht-btfrner Roper Dri- FRAS stove; 4 burners are giant; 2 ovens; 2 broilers. ' Used only four months; suitable for restaurant or tavern. Henry M. Smith, R-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 602-H-l. *4-2 FOR SALE---Heavy spring chickens and stewing hens, dressed fco order, at the sign of the White Leghorn, %- mile south of high school. . *4 LAST CALL FOR BABY CHICKS-- FOB- Sale--(90). 4-wee.k-old Super Pullets and 150 i-week-old ,straight run baby chicks. Farmers Mill, Phone 29. A 4 flrf -n rOB REST FOR RENT--Grocery and market, equipped. Also 6-rooro modern house. caii 138-m. , ' ; so-tf FOR RENT--Storeroom in N. J. Justen & Son bldg. Large front window and entrance on Main St. Excellent location. Inquire of owner. 1-tf MISCELLANEOUS LAWN MOWER SHARPENING--Repair parts for all mowers. Work guaranteed. Will call for and deliver. Used lawn mowers for sale,reasonable. Robert J. Thurlwell, Main st., West McHenry. Tel. 93-WX. . 48-tf FARMERS--We pay $8.00 to $15 per head for old or down horses and cows. Must be alive. Prompt day and night service, Sundays and holidays included. No help needed to lead. Your pets will be shot on {place if desired. Phone Wheeling 102, reverse charges. 44-10 FLOOR SANDING--Old floors like new; refinish with Dura Seal; a lifetime floor finish; free estimate. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Avenue, Woodstock. Phone 451-M. *45-26 Dead ANIMALS Prompt and Sanitary Service No Help Needed to Load $1.00 to $5.00 CASH: HORSES AND COWS -- Hogs and Sheep Less Call McHenry, Enterprise 2420 • 46-tf LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED & Repaired -- Power Mowers* >Shtrrp e n e d also. Elec. & Acetylene cutting and welding. All kinds of light and heavy blacksmith work done. JtfcHenry Blacksmith Shop^ fef$5-M. '.Located next to Tonyari Construction Co. 4 DEAD ANIMALS--We want them -- Pay Cash! $1:00 per head for cows and horses, if called at once! ! Also pick up hog?; and NK$g3MM^*nd night service, Sundays^ENraEiBdsys. No help needed in 1oM|mwkIi our sani. tary loading devjcAli^ ifcftst mortems will be given '^QRfecmfe^ted. Phone Wheeling 102,v^m^|^^|f8. 44-1Q GARBAGE CO dispose of your or oftener rates. Rei formerly Smith. Plwne CARD We wish to " sincere appreciation to all those who extended assistance or syrriaBft^ 'id any way following the defltn" last week of our beloved wife and mother. We are especially grateful to the Christian Mothers society, to the neighbors and friends who carr^ to our aid, for the prayers, spiritual bouqnets, flowers and cars. 1 4 Ben J. Sehaefer and Family. onable route. Ben J. The Robert Kellers of Elgin were guests in the William Bishop home on Sunday. Miss Jean Houlihan and Charles OUrein of Evanston were visitors Sunday evening in the home of Mrs. Ray Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett of Chicago were McHenry callers Monday. Miss Katherine McCabe returned home with them to make her home in Chicago. - ' Mr. and Mrs.'A. L. Kosinski and Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and son of Crystal Lake were McHenry visitors Sunday. Father Walter Conway returned to Notre Dame, Ind., Saturday after a visit with his father, M. A. Conway. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Clara, attended the graduation exercises at the Chicago University High school, in Chicago, Wednesday. Mrs. Stoffel's granddaughter^ Doris Westfall, was a member of the class. The latter will attend the University of Chicago next fall. Mrs. William Blake, daughter, Lorraine, Mi's. Alex Justen, Mrs. Joe Blake and Mrs. Helena Degen visited Mrs. Jchn Xueny and little daughter, Mary Ann, at Kenosha, Wis., Friday. Master Donald Kueny, who had been spending a few weeks in the William Biake home, returned to Kenosha with them. Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Ray Conway and daughter, Marion, attended the graduation at St. Mary's high school, Woodstock, last Tuesday evening. Their nephew, Clare Whiting, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting, of Elgin, was a member of the class. He received the Elk's award for scholarship and will enter Notre Dame university in the fall. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Meyers of Highland, Wis., were Sunday dinner guesty in the home of Mrs. Agnes Marshall. . Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Douglas and family were guests in the L. B. Krug home at RockfoTd Sunday. Mistf Elaine Krug returned home with them and is spending the week here. Among those from McHenry who attended the commencement exercises at St. Therese's hospital Tuesday evening were Mrs. Helena Degen, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake, Mr. and Mrs. William Blake, Mrs. Edgar Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Justen, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz, Lorraine and Edward Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Anglese and daughter, Kathleen, left Monday for a visit with his folks at Morrison, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Degen, daughter. Josephine, and son, William, of Kenosha, Wis., visited relatives here Sunday. „ Miss Patricia Phalin is visiting Chicago relatives this week. Edwin Michels of Aurora enjoyed the weekend wth his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. Mrs. Carl Nelson of Elgin spent a> few days last week with her mother, Mrs. Augusta Wolf. Miss Marita Blake of Elgin was a weekend guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blake. Harold Bacon of Crystal Lake, former McHenry resident, was elected president of the Crystal Lake Lions club at a meeting held Monday evening. larOVAl! mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Cos. Leading Theatre FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Errol Flynn - Miriam Hopkins 1 __ •-- in -- "VIRGINIA CITY" -- wkh -- Randolph Scott - Humphrey Bogart One of the moat exciting chapters in American history! Deer Hunting Citizeip The city of Biggs, Colo., has again lived up to a tradition that has been established for several years. It is that when the deer season opens, fully one-half of the population moves to the hills. Fortunately, as each hunter is only allowed to kill two deer a year, the hunters get back in time to prevent any serious breal^own. in the city's ocaaomyc and industrial life. 1 Opening of Panama Canal When the Panama canal was opened, in 1914, many New York newspapers took no notice of the event whatever. The reason was that war had broken out in Europe a few days before. Since that time 100,000 vessels carrying half a billion tons of cargo have moved through the waterway. ? Often Is Cause of ll Common Gold By DR. JAMES W. BARTON YOU may be one of those individuals who always seem to have a cold. Even when there is no cold or dampness in the air, your head feels "stuffy," your nose runs, and there is a constant "dropping" into back of throat. It is how known that while infection from others is a frequent TOMi'S Council Room, June 3, 1940. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overtdn presiding. Aldermen present: Buss, Ferwerda, Freund, Nye and Regner. Absent: Bolger. Motion by Buss, seconded by Nye, that the minimi of the last meeting be approved wSread. Motion carried. Motion by Regner, seconded by Freund, that the treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, that the collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, that the clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, that the action of the finance committee be approved in the payment of $565.00 interest on funding cause of colds, it is allergy or j bonds due June 1. Motion carried, sensitiveness to various sub- j Motion by Nye, seconded by Fer stances that often causes the usual symptoms we call the "head" cold. "Allergy of the respiratory tract (nose, throat, bronchial tubes and lungs) may go undiagnosed (not recognized) because the characteristic symptoms of hay fever or asthma werda, that the following bills be paid as approved by the finance committee. Motion carried. John B. Wirtz, Police service $110.00 M. M. Niesen, Water and sewer superintendent 60.00 Mayme Buss, Commission and clerical work 48.28 McHenry Plaindealer, Printing, publication Henry C. Kamholz, Supplies .. are not present. Yet allergy alone jWm. T^sch, Labor in park Dr. Barton may produce chronic obstruction of the nose without sneezing and repeated attacks of a running and stuffy nose, due not to infection but to allergy, called "colds" or sinus mfection. Allergy alone may cause p e r s i s t e n t s o r e throat and stuffy ears that have nothing to do with inflammation or infection of the mouth, ears, nose or throat. Allergy alone can cause all the symptoms and signs of acute or chronic infection of the nose, throat and chest." I am quoting Drs. George Pines and Hymen Miller, Los Angeles, in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Allergy Causes Inflammation. In addition to causing the same signs and symptoms as infection, allergy can cause so much irritation and inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat that the helpful organisms, always present in this lining, cannot fight off the harmful organisms and so infection occurs. 'This means that the individual who is allergic to various substances in the air or in food eaten will not only have the usual "allergic" symptoms, but in addition is likely to be attacked by an infection because of the loss of resistance to infection caused by this allergy. What does this mean? It means that in those'who seem to "always have a cold," the usual tests for allergy should be given by their physician or a specialist in allergy because it is frprdly worth while to use "cold" vaccines or other preventive measures against colds if being allergic to various substances is not only pausing some of. the symptoms but making it "easy" for infections to get a start. 109.80 24.61 10.00 5.20 15.60 10.00 89.34 8.93 61.35 110.00 15.00 80.29 8.00 Alfred Patzke, Labor in park Linus Newman, Labor in park Martin Stoffel, Labor in park Earl R. Walsh, Freight ckarg*, waterworks Milwaukee Lead Works, Waterworks supplies Illinois Bell Telephone, Telephone service H. E. Buch, Labor and parts, waterworks ......... Peter Wirfs, Police service .... Earl R. Walsh, Office expense W!m, Buchert, Gas, oil, police car Wm. Ahrens, Labor on waterworks N. F. Colby, Labor on waterworks Western United G." & E., Gas heat Public Service Co., Ornamental light service ....; Public Service Co., Bracket light service "... Public Service Co., Service at city hall ...» Public Service Co., Service at waterworks plant 28.49 John J. Vycital, Supplies ..... 1.07 Jack Smith, Police service .... 57.50 W. C. Feltz, _ Supt. streets and alleys 105.00 Fred C. Feltz, Supt. sewer service Public Service Co., PWer and light sewer Henry C. Kamholz, Sewer supplies - --. Mayme Buss, Clerical salaries Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Buss, to pay J. W. North & Co., $137.50 from the General Fund and $50.00 from the Special Sewer Fund in payment of audit completed, covering the past fiscal year. Motion carried. « Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Freund, to am^jid Section 2, paragraph 252 of the Food Deliveries Ordinance to include only the retail delivery of food and beverages, the annual fee to be $25.06. Motion ear ried. Motion by Ferwerda. srcftifiilrd by Nye, to pay L. J. Mencken $4fc«r pier month during Jt&ie, July ajod August as the city's portion of expense of maintenance and supervision of the summer piaygnMUi^^lpflOgram, this expenditure to regmtf||nt one third, the balance to be fjhfndf by the McHenry Community High School and the Public Grade School. Jfotion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded ' by Buss, to designate the Public Property committee to proceed with a house-numbering plan for the city. Motion carried. - Motion by Buss, seconded by Ferwerda, to aeeept Public Service Company of Northern Illinois contract as read, providing for changes in hookup and rating plan on street lights in the West Side section of McHenry. Motion carried. Motion by Freund, seconded by Regner, to designate and authorise Alderman Ferwerda to proceed with the installation of an overhead signal light at the corner of Riverside Drive and Elm Street, cost of installation to be paid through the Motor Fuel I'ax Fund. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Buss, to adjourn. Motion carried. B. I. OVERTON, Mayor, v", EARL R. WALSH, City Clerifc Accidental Discovery Accident often plays a large part in the discoveries of science. Roentgen, credited with discovering the X-ray, was put on the path of his epochal feat when he found that waves emitted from a Crookes tube, through which he had been sending electrical charges, registered on some photographic plates stored in his laboratory. sJ••. iV>«.»V, -.' i* , L ^ ^ f.A .v. * "At-V.V h McGEE'S * < \W,V - ' . i • i StoCMMfl 4WICK RELIEF FOR VARICOSE VEINS; Prices cut to rock bottom on many items at Kamholz' Hardware. See display ad on page 2. 4 Father's Day Gifts for Skteiday, i June 16, at $1.00 and up. Nye Jewelry ~ 1.00! Store, West McHenry. 4 gi w Ml npport VariooM V«ias «Mtkoat ffiffcynnss BkMk StMbfep in IMttwight, oooi. liitili to mt reBef this wq way. See these saw Baocr ft Black Elutht Stoctiag* today. '4: / '-r 1 . " •.- . <: *r "'.'V/V r ji-,.";. vAA ' , r . v' v*; Bolger's Drug Stor< Green Stree$'i/ McH &28 95.31 158.18 8.70 90.00 56:08 2.06 30.00 Roller Skating Udesen Roller Rink ^ Woodstocte* MfcHenry Ave. and City LiMdts - Under large teiit . . . Good equipment^ . , electric organ for music! ; SKATING NIGHTLY -- 8:00 to 10:30 EVERY AFTERNOON -- 2:30 to 4:30 Free instruction to beginners PRIVATE PARTIES may lie arranged *ny evening from 10:30 to 12:00. Read the Want Ads w SUNDAY -- MONDAY Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. -- Ifa to 6 p. m. -- 30c after; Child. - lfe GIANT TWIN BILL! Deaana Durbin - Kay Fraaeis -- in -- "IT'S A DATE" -- with -- Walter Pidgeon - Lewis Howard America's sirring sweetheart In her greatest starring role! l«w Ayres - Laraine Day and I-ionel Barry more |p "DR. KILDARE'S t STRANGE CASE*gf * • TUESDAY l#e -- Special -- 15c Ann Sothern in "CONGO MAISIE" -- with -- John Carroll - Rita Johnson WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Edward G. Robinson -- in -- - ' "DR. EHRLICH'S MAGIC BULLET" -- with -- Ruth Gordon - Donald Crisp Spend the 4th cHenry WED.-TlHlltS.-FRI.-SAT.-SUN., July 3K4 5 6 7 Fireworks Thurs. Night A HUGE WEEK OF FUN AftD FROLIC John Dreymiller, General Chairman Mucous Colitis Due to Nervousness I SPEAK often of mucous colitis * because it is ^probably the commonest abdominal ailment for which physicians -are consulted. The outstanding symptoms are more or less pain or distress in abdomen, diarrhoea mostly but sometimes spastic constipation, gas, and'considera-. ble mucous comes away 4n the stool. Mucous colitis is now considered due to nervousness and emotional disturbances, a tendency which can be inherited just as can hay fever or other allergic ailments. The persistent diarrhoea, the colicky or spastic pains and the mucus' in the stool makes the patient believe that there is something wrong ^ with her bowel--that it is probably , J badly inflamed and may later develop into cancer. As a matter of *• fact these patients do not die of this" condition and if they can learn aj~ real philosophy of life it often passesaway. In speaking of mucous colitis Dr. Walter Alvarez, Mayo clinic,- points out that there is really no "inflame> mation" of the colon (large intestine) as colitis implies and that i: patients really knew this they woulc be less alarmed and be more free ofi tbejr syfnptoms. Avoid Excitement. 'IB a patient with a sensitive colon is ever to be reaUy helped, she must be made to realize that she has a peculiar nervous system which will cause her discomfort off and on, perhaps for the rest of her days. It will cause the bowel (colon) t«n get sore whenever she gets excited or upset nervously or when she is very tired or when she is coming, down with a cold or perhaps when she gets badly constipated or takes too many laxatives or yirhen she eats some particular food' to which she is sensitive (allergic). "If the woman has good sense she will see then that she must not keep hunting for a complete cure, but must settle down to live with hejr bowel avoiding as far as she can those influences that tend to upset her bowel." » (Released by WMtcrn K«fW« VnUm.) - '•.t-A "Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back!" You can't lose! For with this offer, iaatead of yd* present old-fathioned water heating system, you gee to enjoy the very latest in automatic hot water service aH without risk or obligation. . Hete's how it works! We install a complete WAir / Heater or a Conversion Unit for your present wiser storage tank and let you test it and use it for a full 30 days in your own home. Then you check it for convenience, dependability, economy . .. see if it doesn't provide all die hot water you need instantly, any time of day or night. Compare operating costs on your Gas bill and if you are not completely satisfied, wt will refund A* payments nuule tn tie new taut and remove tt at our expense! " Sounds good, doesn't it? Theq why wait? Get full particulars nowl - . See your plumber* #r &"c •WW* HEATEft JO® CASH ( ** * aa*Nfc **•" to lomg „ GAS LLJECTRIC COMPANY^ i • . . -vW* - /V. xT .r mm Mm** A