Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jul 1940, p. 5

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> 1 •*£* Mi 11^ % life * - ^ ^i *g p ^" T{ „ \ %v V y ; r * *< > ;7.: V (?• ' • -H' <9 ' ' . 1 "SO I HEAR EARL WALSH w From our window it sounds Hk« hell broke loose in all its fury. J " --• Must be the Fourth of -July is just around the bend. HOPP PITCHED C. 0. P. TEAM TO 1 TO 0 WIN x OVER HIS OLD MATES McHenry took the strong Algonquin nine into camp last Sunday on a 1 to 0 score. A reliable source tells me that a baseball game with a 1 to 0 score hasn't been played on the local diamond since 1906. Well, that record was broken last Sunday! McHenry scored the one and only run of the game in the fourth inning. This is how it happened. Bob Sehult* £f.£ Those doggone firecrackers are an- came UP an<l E°t to first on an error wBoyihg. But, what's the use? , Weion the shortstop. Next man, Glenn might as well get oni -oar cap. gtn i Anderson, laid down the most beauand ioin the eanr tiful sacrifice bunt you would see in -5-- | »ny ball park, advancing Shultz to Guess a little taste of storm makes |S€Cond' T*e pitcher, Carl Hopp. who us appreciate the xalm that follows, jwa® "ext In J,ne> on ball and ' i sent it way deep into centerfield. The Legion carnival is sure to be a j Somehow or other the fielder caught big success. Dreymiller is General the ball and threw it in to hold the Chairman. Just call him "General." "inner at second. Too had, but we --•-- : weren't licked yet. Our faithful Joe Or"call him anything else you might j Freund. came up and smacked a neat like to, for all of us! (single into left center that sent our r*' --!ru nner across the plate. The inning . It looks like the General and his ^nded on a pop fly to the catcher, lenv- •jTSoys hare a big time planned for Mc-|'n£ two men die on bases but what Henry during the next few days. • I matter, the boys got that run across __| jin time. '• You can attend a Legion Carnival That one run lead held up during :/: McHenry, have a good time, and I the rest of the game due to the fine . Act worry about the nickels you spend. I work of our pitcher, Carl Hopp. He vlfou can always bet on the Legion!did a great piece of work out there ! Spending their funds for some better- j on the mound. He struck out nine jaient in the community. I batters and allowed no walks in com- --|--- | parison with Simonini's seven strike- We saw a whooperdo of a ball game louts and three walks. Yes sir, fans, on the local diamond laBt Sunday When McHenry scored a 1 to 0 victory o' the league-leading Algonquin nine Carl Hopp, former pitcher for the this boy has what it takes arid knows where to put it. I see I'm not the only one who has realized that. Wisecracks from the back exposed the presence of the Johnsburg boys at our Algonquin team, hooked up in a duel' Sunday's game. You said it boys, re- With "Tubby" Simonini, late Tot the j venge is sweet and we're coming out *" * " "to get it this coming Sunday, July 7. That's the game we have all been waiting for and it's not far off. It ----"White Sox fold. Simonini outhit Hopp, but he didn't out-pitch him. --»-- - Adam Bildner, the Mayor of Johnst> urtg, led a delegation into town "to look over the battle. --1-- Adam was quick to point out to us that it took a couple of Johnsburg boys to win the game for us. Bob Schultz got on and Joe Freund brought him in with a clean «hit to left center. --I-- Hopp and Joe formed a nifty battery. Both worked like champions. -- Joe snared a foul along the third base line for the final out bf the game -- and you should have seen him hug that ball. . The game was played ih^i'hour and 45 minutes, but had its anxious moments. For instance, a hard drive to left field that Richard Freund snared. It was ticketed! --B_ I The Waukegan Merchants will give McHenry plenty to think about in the local diamond on the afternoon of the Fourth. -- I ' V . ' Then eotnes the game! Johnsburg Will be here next Sunday. You can be sure of a packed house for that game. t --I-- Rivalry between the two teams is reaching a peak akin to the days of old. There were great battles in the PLAYGROUND NOTES will be a battle royal and a game noone will want to miss. Now here is another treat fans--on this coming Thursday, July 4th, we meet the well known Waukegan Merchants on the home field. These boys are undefeated in their bracket of the league and will give us plenty of competition. There you are fans, two big games on two big days. What more can you ask in the way of good entertainment over the holidays? Let's see a good turnout at these games, especially the game with Johnsburg. You all know how much fun it is getting revenge on your athletic foes and being there to enjoy it. Well that's x what we're going to do Sunday, so , e P™'-tennis team won a grand let's see you all down to cheer the!« match at Woodstock last CLARENCE ANDERSON, "ACE PITCHER ON SHELBY, N. C. TRAM LUCKY WIFE CLARENCE ANDERSON The above is a picture of Clarence Anderson, son of John Anderson of this city, in a follow-through action shot. Clarence signed with Milwaukee last year, but remained in McHenry to twirl for the local C. O. F. team. Early this spring, Clarence went down to the Goldsboro, North Carolina team in the Cast Plain League. Goldsboro then optioned him to Shelby in the Tar Hill League where he is now piling up an impressive record. With a recent no-hit, no-run game to his credit, Clarence rose to spot of "Ace" pitcher for his team. Due to a .320 batting average, the name of Anderson often appears in the role of pinch-hitter. What's more, he is now used in the outfield, when not scheduled to pitch, to utilize that power at the plate. His name also appears in the All-Star cast in the league. Nice going, Clarence! McHenry is pulling for you. All young or beginning tennis players who want to play in the tennis tourney Thursday morning,, be at the courts by 8:45. Choose your*own partner for this match. Both boys and girls may enter. boys on. Bye, now! "SPIFFY." "»• : AR McHenry !•-. . Wiser, ss 4; B. Funk, 3b 4r Whiting, 2b 2 Bennett, rf ............ 4 Garifol, If ...1 N. Freund, If .................. § Schultz, lb 3 ^ Anderson, cf 3 C. Hopp, p ... ....... 3 J. Freund, c 2 H Sunday afternoon, playing six singles matches and winning them all. The girls making up the McHenry team were A. Froehlich. Eleanor Althoff, Betty Althoff, Wanda Smith, Julia j j McLaugthlin and Esther Althoff. J j In the men's county tournament at qI Harvard, B. Klontz and his partner, q|M. Boutelle won their first two 0 j matches, advancing to the semi-finals j|to be played Thursday afternoon. q] Freund and McCracken were eliminat- _ : ed in their first match by Hendricks j: and Woolf of Woodstock 6-4, 7-5. After a few words, mostly spoken by the young wife, he* hubby sprang to his feet. ' "You've gone too fat;!" he exclaimed, angrily. "This is our last quarrel. I'm going right out of your life." "Oh, Henry, darling, where are you .going?" she cried. "Where I'll never trouble you again," he replied, as he started to open the door. "I'll find a place where wild adventure will wipe out the memories of this moment--perhaps in the jungle--or on the stormy seas--" As he spoke he opened the door, then closed it again and turned sternly to his wife. "It's lucky for you it's raining," he said. T mL Page Fft* SLOCUM'S LAKE WISE GIRLS 4<Wiiy do you prefer humorous fel* lows?" "Well, a girl has to have her wits about her nowadays." Enjoyable Time Lissen--I had a most enjoyable time at the dentist's this afternoon. Hurja--I don't see how that could be. Lissen--It's true. When I went in another dentist was working on my dentist's teeth. No Objections - Chlupp--That Texas millionaire «ays he's going to show the New Yorkers a thing or two. Skinker--Well, if one of the things he shows them is his bank roll they won't object. ' Totals .: . 29 AB Algonquin -- • J. Zamecnick, 2b .....i...... & Meahle, lb •• 4 McKay, 2b 1 O. Banak, ss 3 Kossack, ss .'.w. 1 U. Hopp, cf ...................... 4 Kogman, 3b 4 Simonini, If 4 Zamecnick, rf 1 Dvorak, c 8 Simonini. p 2 11 The newly formed Softball league got under way with a bang Monday evening with the Gas House gang trouncing the Married Men 19-8. The Married Men seemed to have an off old days--ask any old timer. --ft-- Jake Wlentworth, a McHenry Old Timer, who first hit this burg about the time the sparks from the Chicago fire were settling down, came back, last Sunday to visit old friends. --I-- " The Charlie Lampheres, who live in Elgin, but really belong in Mc-jEbel, rf Henry, were celebrating a wedding i -- anniversary (pick a number between j Totals 32 -40 and 50) so Jake toured over from . Score by Belvidere to join the celebration. (McHenry 000 100 OOx--1 4 0 Twilisht Leans --I-- ^ 'Algonquin ....000 000 000--0 7 *2 Married Men 8 -- The Old Timer told about the time. Stolen bases--Shultz, 1. Three-base! AB 4as folks bought him a new Sunday j hits _ Simonini, 1. Struck out --by! Roy Miller, cf . . 4 Mlit and he loaned it out to every kid Hopp, 9; Simonini, 7. Bases on balls !Gus Freund, 3b !. 4 ^ j On the afternoon of July 4th, the p | McHenry girls' team will play the I Harvard girls on the local courts. These should be very interesting matches to watch* Perfect! Father--I saw you kissing that young man goodnight last night. Don't you know that kissing is a good way to transmit germs? Daughter--Good? Gosh, it's perfect! Grand and Glorious . Butler--So the madam has Teft you? I'm sorry, sir; I know just how you feel, sir. Whifflebotham--Go on, James; you never felt that good in your life. •' • Seasoned Troops Little Boy (reading item from China)-- What does it /mean here by "seasoned" troops^ father? Parent--Mustered by the Officers and peppered by the enemy. Trials and Troubles Kind Old Lady--Yes, my good man, I, tpo, have had my trials. , Man-at-Door -- Indeed, ma'aira And what did they pinch you iov? • I Hallock wer(e Mr. and Mrs. M. H. j Webster and * daughter, Gertrude, J Chesney Brooks* Mr* and Mrs. Earl Johnston and two daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Willard Dar- Mr. Lessentine of Chicago spent rell and Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, Round M. H. Webster. ; Lsfce and Mr. and lilrs. Raymond Van Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nerstrom of Natta of Elgin visited at the home North Chicago were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Sunthe home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blom- ^aygren. ' | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mr. Mrs. S. J. Baker of Williams Park Ind Elmer Espi"K and Willard spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Uarre11 w®re S^ests Wednesday even- Mrs. M. H. Webster.' at the. home of Mr. and Mrs. of n . • , . i Marvin Wells at DesPlaines. T !!"' w* a"p hte™» I Visitors at the home of Mr. and Jennie and Mrs. Harry Raeburg, and Mrs. H Matthews last Thursday grandson Oliver were callers at afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Allen £1 STa U1iday eVT^ T i Hayford and Miss Dona Jean Stanek fr?e" fw JPfJer J*"!* Crystal Lake, Mrs. Elmer Rosene cobs of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. El- 0f Gray slake and Mrs. Grace J. Kerns mer Esping Lyle Matthews and W.l- j of Independence, Mo. lard Darrell were Sunday supper and | Mrs Harry Matthews entertained a nUmber ladie* afc her ^me last w ^ i FridaV afternoon. Two tables of W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney,, bridge were in play with high honors were among the Farm Bureau mem-; awarded to MrS; ^mer Esping and bers on a tour to the Morton Aboretun conSolation prize awarded to Mrs. R. l T n „ C- Hal'ock., A dainty lunch was ^ Mrs. G J. Burnett were | served at the close of an etljoyabie af_ caHers last Thursday at the home; ternoon. Those present were Mrs. R. of Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ritt at Crystal^. HaUock. Mrs. Lvle Broughton. Mrs Persian Rings' Taatbs Xerxes, Darius and other Persian kings are buried in giant, cross* shaped tombs cut in a rocky cliff. kT S Lake. j George Lundgren. Mrs. Arthur Boehm lo^TV, ^ John speni ancl Mrs. C. G. Dorwhi of Wauconda Mr l7M yrmn!f J r J f,a,,d Marlett Henry, Mrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at Maple i Blomgren «nd Mrs. Elm#F Esping. a/, ' m. u ... i Frank P. Ross and four grandchil. , ^ f» Matthews.Wil-1 jren 0f Oak Park were callers at the fWr" an.d..Mrs- E1«!er ,home of Mr. and Ma. C. H. Hansen Esping attended the wedding of Miss ]a«,t Tuesday Elizabeth Mary Huffman of Liberty, j Mrs. c H. Hansen visited at the v,He to Rev_ Frances Kranz of Des- home of Mr> atld.Mra O'Brien at Ide^ Plaines at the First Con^egational i Acres farrtr at Roseville Saturday aS church at DesPlames last Wednesday ! ternoon ' , - evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kranz will J ' •. - - ^ • make their home at Omaha, Nebr., ' Mr. and Mrs. HaroM P. Owen were rJoJTtiLi8 l y * I dinner gtfests at the home of friends gregat,onal church in Chicag0 la8t Saturday. Thomas McGan from Ohio visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Wednesday. Friday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillier and daughters, Jane and Bettie. of Barrington. Miss Bettie remained over untif*Saturday night. Matt Colwell of St. Mary's of the Lake Somin!"y was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Monday. Those from this community who attended the silver wedding anniversary party held in the parlors of the Federatedc hurch at Wauconda Monday evening in honor of Rev. and Mrs. R. % 3f Keep trim-- $martf athletic with *tHE •^TEF.P that dim, youthfal figm - J\. with The Bracer, the amaring . new-type supporter belt, A Bauer 8t Black product,The Bracer . is knitted of two-way stretch ' 'Lastes" yarn. May be washed again and again without shrinking. And The Bracer has an exclusive fly-front that meant it can be worn all day. No buckle*or huttons to bother you. Try The Bracer. Bolger's Drug Store Green Street McHenry Farmers, Attention! - n V.uh MILK"^in4-4. WE WILL BUY YOUR CREAM -- AND SKIM hkxj.V Pine Tree Dair$ Phone McHenry 321 McHenry Post No. 491-American Legion invites you, your family and friends to their q | night in the field and will undoubtedly ! be much tougher next time. Wednesday evening the If. of C. meet thfc Foresters. Ed Smith is the head urnj pi re and as usual worked a good game ~1 j back , of the plate. Joe Schmitt was ; base umpire. that had his picture taken. Another story covered the old iron bridge over the Fox when it was a ew bridge and the pride of the counside. A sign on the bridge warned "$5.00 fine for riding or driving faster than a walk over this bridge." • McHenry likes to have the likes of Jake Wentworth come back to visit and reminisce ... Or any other old toner. •• is going around this week with his right hand in a big bandage. .Bte can't fool us with that stuff. He knows we planned to hit him for one of those "Expense Account checks this week. --I-- Hell probably keep that bandage handy all summer to slip on when he Bees us coming. We'll be lucky Mw if we catch him off^uard before the football season rolls around. Marengo failed to show up last Sunday, so Johnsburg won by forfeit. . Here was much talk that the Marengo team was afraid to show up. Aw! That couldn't be! Those Johnsburg boys swing: mean bats, but they are real nice fellers. SHAMROCKS BURY RICHMOND UNDER HEAVY BARRAGE --off Hopp, 0; off Simonini, 3. HIT BY TWO WARS Fred Rogers, lb Harold Freund, ss 8 Ira Dowell, rf 8 Ralph Reingfiedt, p ........ 8 I Eddie Justen, cf ...T..„....... 2 Nick Adams, 2b 8 , Dave Walkington, c 8 Dan O'Shea, If iC. Freund, lb 1 Last Worjl As kit--Why does a woman always get off a car backwards? Tellit--So as to have the last word with the conductor, you poor moron. CARNIVAL •IT IN TWO PLACES Wed which will be hold on Fri Sat and Sun., July, Totals Gas Station Gang H. Anderson, 2b D. Meyer, 3b R. Weber, p A. Anderson, ss | R. Hughes, c M. Schreiner, sf ....... A. Justen, If F. Johnson, cf ^...t... L. Huck, lb Ed Ried, rf G. Draper, rf 32 - 19 AB 5 .... 6 e ....»« ..... 4 ..... 4 ..... 8 ..... 8 3 4- ....... 8 * 8 9 R 3 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 .He--He was hit in two places. She--My, my, why will a man (o to places where he's apt to be hit? Jim Larkin pitched four hit ball as his Shamrock mates ran wild on the " bases to defeat Richmond Sunday by a score of 12-0. --Jim was never in very much trouble with only two men reaching third base. Next Sunday the Shamrocks go to Crystal Lake to play the Fmgrey Cobs. . •• Carolina Sand Danes Largest sand dunes in eastern America are the nine shifting sand mountains of Pim onnntv. N. C. . U. 8.-Canadian American firms have about $4,000,- 00f J00 invested in Canadian branches Totals .... Married Mqn Gas House ... 44 19 17 Score 1 3 0 0 2 2 0-- 8 4 1 0 7 2 4 1--19 - Weather Observation Wimpus--The weather we are having now isn't anything like that 20 years ago. Zimpir--Neither is it anything like it was six months ago. 3-4 7 at the Legion Park on Green Street, McHenry Plead Guilty Boogy--I. never argue with my wife. Woogy--Same here. I always plead guilty and take a light sentence. Mutual Agreement Father--If I ever catch you out with my ^daughter again, I'll shoot you. * He--Well, I'll certainly deserve it. This picture might serve as an editorial in itself. It was made by a news-of-the-day newsree! photographer in the heart of France's war zone. The veteran yon see here lost bis eyesight in the last World war. With bombs dropping all around him, he is a victim of this war as he makes his way to aa air-raid shelter. Souvenir Postcards It is estimated that annual sales •»f souvenir postcards are in excess of .50,000,000 in the United States. ' Cheese Named for Ttfwa Limburger cheese takes its nam* from the town Limburg in Belgium. Pweumatie Tabes Pneumatic tubes for transmission Df messages were introduced in 1C.53. OrdeR your Rubber Stamps at The My Neighbor Says := When dyeing clothing always wear rubber gloves. They protect the hands from discoloration. Brush the yolk of an egg over the top crust of pie before putting it into oven an& •crust will bake brown and flaky. Cocktail canape: Wrap large, cooked shrimps with bacon. Bake or broil the combination until the bacon is crisp. -- ^ ^ • • • •• . . • By using soapy water when making starch, the clothes will have a glossy appearance and the irons will be less likely to'stick. • • * Mince pie with orange-flavored, crust is delicious. To make thl» crust, use orange juice in place of the liquid ordinarily employed. _ (Associated Newspapers--WNU Servicc.) Free Speech Jack--Do you believe in free speech? Fred--That depends on whether I'm bigger than the other fellow. An Explanation Dzudi--I wonder why fat men are always so jolly and good-natured? Bunchuck--That's easy. They can't run and they can't fight. Exercise Preferred . Warden--What kind of exercise would you like to take? Number 89762 (condemned to die) --I'd like to skip the ropel Big Free Attraction! America's Most Pretentious and Beautiful Aerial Thriller THE UP-SIDE DOWN WRON6-SIDE-OUT HIGH-IN-AIR ACT SENSATIONAL AND ORIGINAL Breath-taking performance presented on a beautiful steel rigging, 95 feet in mid-air, luting no net or safety devices! P R I S E N T E D ON -Fri., Sat. and Sun., Nights- GAMES -- FERRIS WHEEL -- ALL KINDS OF AMUSEMENTS -- Something to amuse all the people all the time Grand Display of Fireworks on the Fourth of July Night n

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