f $?L%'r. mmm ?H" />£ Is'EwiwJWS vW¥te£*tf «" " 8P $K» i'4! f July U, 1M0 RINGWOOD Vs|v ?*4*# i7^ I'-V Miss Mae Wiedrich entertained the Bunco club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. : William McCannon and Mrs. Edgar Thomas. Mrs. C. J. Jepson entertained the Scotch Bridge Club at her home on Wednesday afternoon. Prises were awarded to Mrs. H. M. Stephenson «0d Jtfrs, Kenneth Cristy. •v Miss Clara Ramaker of Pistakee Bay and Alvin Miller spent Sunday in the Roy Neal home. [ Mrs. Stanford of Minneapolis spent; the past week with her daughter, Mrs, F. N. Muzzy and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thompson and daughter of Chicago spent over the Fourth in the Patrick Coyne home. Mrs. Rilla Foss and son, Wayne, and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson spent July Fourth at Greenwood. Mrs. George Shepard and Mrs. Grace Hackney spent Friday in Chicago with friends. Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Friday In Chicago with friends. Fred Schau of Chicago is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Louis Hawley. Wayne Foss spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. Menitt Cruikshank of Morton Grove and Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit spent Tuesday la the Wm. McCannon home. Miss Marion Pcet of Elgin is visit* ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet| Mr. and Mrs. Glen Benoy entertained the Young Couples Five Hundred club at their home Friday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Darrel Benoy and Daniels Rawson, high, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington, low. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger were guests from Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howe treated the crowd to home made candy as It as their fourth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday in the Wm. Young home at Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson were pleasantly surprised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at Hebron Sunday when a group of friends came in and reminded Mr Stephenson that it was his birthday, A social time was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Saturday evening in the Stephen M Schmidt home at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Dahlin and daughter, Doris, and Miss Grace Darling of Oak Park were callers in the C. J. Jepson home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Malsch of Chicago were callers in the Clayton Harrison home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper and daughters arrived here Tuesday from Michigan where they spent a week's vacation and they remained until Saturday invthe home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, rsturn in j to their home in Chicago. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake spent July Fourth afternoon with her grandparents, Mr. and Mtf. S. W. Smith. ~ Hfcrold Jepson and son of/ Urban* spent the weekend with hiB parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. COOL, COMFORTABLE family o* Richmond, Mr. and Mr*. Cfeaitsa Jfcey and family of Blue Is- Ml*. Wilmer Montanye and son Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer on and family, Mrs. Viola Low and family, Vivian Whiting, Mrs. Jennie Bacon, Will Beatty, Walter Wilcox and Herbert Loetcher. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and j son, Howard, Mrs. Grace Hackney and Miss Bernice Smith of DeKalb spent j Patricia Coyne were Sunday dinner the weekend here with her parents, j £uest» in the Alan Ainger home at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crys- Greenwood. tal Lake spent Sunday afternoon with | Mr. and. Mrs. Lyle Hopper and the latter's mother, Mrs. George Har- daughters of Chicago spent Friday rison. evening in the B. T. Butler home. Miss Virginia Jepson returned home' Mrs. Wattles and son, Glenn, of Mc- Saturday from a week's visit at Ur-, Henry were Sunday dinner guests in bana and Armstrong, 111. : the C. L. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and j Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Howard and daughterf Bernice, attended the horse daughter, Ailce, Mrs. Kenneth Mershow at Burlington Saturday after-, chant of Kenosha and La Verne Eagle noon. i of Sault St. Marie, Mich., spent July Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and 4th in the Ray Merchant home. family of Woodstock spent Sunday in J Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler and famthe Lonnie Smith home. , ily spent Tuesday evening in the An- Miss Mildred Jepson of Evanston drew Butler home in Chicago. f spent the weekend with her parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Smith and fam- Mr. and Mrs, C. J. Jepson. | ily, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and Ralph Smith and sons, Billy and, family, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harri- Arnold, of Harvard spent July Fourth son and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtz- W. inger and family enjoyed a picnic at Roy Harrison's on the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom and •pent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Roberts at Mandelein, Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were dinner and afternoon guests on the Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Wauconda. Friday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry were Mrs. Henry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, and her sister, Mrs. E. Ohota, and daughter, Diane, of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable were callers at Waukegan last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan and daughter, Jane, of Chicago are spending the summer months at their cottage at Slocum Lain. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter. Joan, vysre callers at McHenry Saturday* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson and son of Cary were cellars on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson of Chicago spent Friday afternoon at the home of Mr^-and Mrs. John Blom- They Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Lyle, spent the with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet and, --- U..K£,UUIU „„„ _ daughters spent Wednesday and daughter, Alice Mae, of St. Charles I V „ oi_July a* *Ye ome °* Mr* Thursday at Starved Rock. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson of Mundelien and Mr. and Mrs. Croker of pent Sunday evening in tlje Ray Merchant homo. ' Charles Krohn and daughters and |)vc full support--yot look like Unm ftsss ^^OMKNwclcomethi* firmer support. And here"« revolutionary kw Bauer b Black Blaitic Stocking. Made of lighter Latter yam, thi» •tockincsivea you cool comfort, yet it ia anatomically c o r r e c t -- gives yon more good newi Elastic Stockings can be worn unnoticed, either under (ilk hoae, or wittent other hoae. They can be laundered frequently, too, without losing their shape. Ask your doctor aboat Bauer flt Black Elastic BOLGER'S DRUG STORE Phone 40 Green Street LILT LAKE Libertyville spent the Fourth of July Audrey Merchant spent Sunday in the C. J. Jepson home. Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pickert of Waukegan and Walter Harvey of Canada Were callers in the S. W,' Smith home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Herbert and Alva Herbert and daughter of Elgin, T •« T , . .. were callers in the Mrs. S. H. Beatty' V1 y Lae Lad,es League held home Sunday aftertioon. i !J.nc° P*rty Bernie's Casino. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crys-1 ^rtIe Swanson» Mary Klabough, Evtal Lake spent Sunday afternoon with nf®s wS5e ^on Myra Lipson, Joher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. j rosch 1' ^€e Erickson, Smith. > . | Lavfn and Mrs. George Wegener. Wilmer Montanye, Jack Whiting' j|^Vran^^rs' Seyfferth, Mr. and Stanley Danielson were supper ?? Mrs. Clarence Seyfferth and son, guests in the Mrs. S. H. Beatty home j r* a „ Mr** Art Seyfferth. Mrs. Mil- Fourth of July. i ^red Bettray, Mrs. Florence Miller, Mr. Mulbrandt of Chicago spent' 9";fbelIe> Earlene, Dorothy, Theodore Sunday afternoon in the S. W. Smith ®UJ,ay' and Mrs- ®dna Wischover, all home. Mrs. S. H. Beatty and her family enjoyed a family picnic at Beatty's Pond July Fourth. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson and (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of- the Condition of West McHenry Stale Baitk McHenry, 111. (P. O. West M< H enry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law stttd showing condition at the close of business on the 29th day of June 1940. RESOURCES " « ** Cash and due froiabanks ...... _$346;039.68. United, States Government Obligations, direct and'or fully guaranteed . _ 4: Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts Overdrafts . Banking house, $6,794.73; Furniture an<l fixtures, $933.12 . • ^ •• 11. Other resources ". 6. 7. 234,833.03 103,529.12 466,187.81 27j05 7,727.85 815.91 Grand Total Resources MlfiK .$1,136,160.45 of Chicago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth over the Fourth and the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Zimmerman and family of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott Sunday. Miss Erleir Schultz, Mrs. Nora Mc- Calla, Margaret Farrell and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baron, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rad, Miss Irene Brannman, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Frietz and Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Kostelecky, all-of Chicago, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nemes and daughter and friends ot Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh | Sunday. | Jack Bolger of Chicago visited at j the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. I Jack Wrublewski Sunday. I Visitors at the home of Mrs. Helen j Cusick over the Fourth and weekend j were Mr. and Mrss. Jimmie DePuye and Delores, William, Stover and I Phyllis DePuye, Pat Lester, Mr. and j Mrs. William <Musick, Mr. and Mrs. ! Elmer Cusick and son, Tommy, and and Mrs. Harvey Bailey at Amoby Another, enjoyable birthday party took place at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Burkha'rt Sunday at their cottage at Williams Park when a number of relatives gathered in honor of Mr. Burkhart's birthday. A bounteous dinner was served at noon after which the usual good time of visiting was enjoyed and Mr. Burkhart was presented with four beautiful lawn chairs. The guests present to enjoy this memorable day were the two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulska and Geo. Burghgraef, Jr., of Chicago. It will be remembered that a party was held the previous Sunday for the son, Charles. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews spent last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mrs. C. ft. Hansen and Mrs. O'Brien of Roseville were callers at McHenry .Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Johnson of Chicago were callers Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Webster. Arthur Wackerow and friends spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Huntoon at Sugar Grove. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bangs of Highland Park were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Fired Nordmeyer were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hellier and daughters, Betty and Jane, of Barrington, were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett Saturday afternoon. Qsark Mountains in Arkaattp. brought back many souvenirs. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Jones and children from Pittsburgh, PB., were recent visitors at the Wmhuret cottage at McCollum Lake . Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bourelle spent the weekend at Delavan Lake visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. Passeneau of Chicago. Arlene Madsen is spending her two weeks vacation at McCollum Lake with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen. Last Week Luella Green of McCollum Lake entertained Laura Force, Gladys Maushak and Laura Mackeben, all from Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. William Tiele spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schubert of McCollum Lake. The following people "were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Green of McColhim Lake, Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Harris and children, Elaine and Louis, Miss Dorothy Scheffler, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Zulauf and children, Mary Louise and Dorothy, Dr. J. J. Valko and A. J. Bartlett and son, George, all of Evanston, HI. ' Miss Berneice Thomte of McCollum Lake became the bride of Mr. Carlson of Chicago June 22. Kay Hslversen of Chicago became the bride of Ross Boyle, son of Mrs.! Elizabeth Boyle of McCollum Lake, j Those spending the weekend at Mc- Coilum Lake were as follows: Mr. and Mrs. A. Elarton, Downcis Grove; Mr, and Mrs. John Adams and daugh- £r' M** P^dell and son,. Joseph Bald. Mr. *"2 FlVk Frlt*» Mrs. Schramm and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Howe and Mr. and Mrs. William Rochelle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Letourneaa of Chicago are spending their two weeks vacation with their daughter and sonin- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bourelle, of McCollum Lake. Mrs. Betty Kilfether of McCollum Lake left July 10 to go to California where she will remain for a month. Mrs. Michel Gorski of Woodstock spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and M^ Joseph Sch&efer at McCollum McCollum Lake residents were grieved to hear of the sad death at Miss Jeanette Boyle, who died Friday at the Woodstock hospital after a lingering iiiness Miss Boyle is survived by her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Boyle, and five brothers, Everart, George. Ross, John and David. The funeral was held at the Justen Funeral home at McHenry on Monday at 10 a.m. Burial took place at the Ridgewood cemetery. Axei Lind of Chicago died suddenly early Sunday morning while spending the weekend with his wife here at their summer home. He is survived by his wife, a daughter, Rose, of Chicago and a brother, Fred, of Seattle, Wash. Funeral services were held on Wednesday, July 10, at 2 p. m. at the chapel at 1024 Michigan avanue. -Bm was'buried at Cedar Park. Read the Want Ada . <4$ McCOLLUM LAKE Tuesday, July 8, Berwyon Bourelle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bourelle, entered business college in Chicago where he is taking a course in court reporting. He is commuting by train daily. Mr. and Mrs. Harry. Becker took a trip last Week through* Iowa. Missouri 12. Capital stock 14. Surplus LIABILITIES 15. Undivided profits (net) •, 16. Reserve accounts 17. Demand Deposits ; 18. Time deposits J Totfcf of deposits: t 50,000.00 50,000.00 31,638.26 17,500.00 534,193.61 *31,068,00 (1) Secured*by pledge of loans and'dr investments $ 25,000.00 (2) Not secured by pledge of loans and/or investments . x m (3) Total deposits Other liabilities . 940,281.61 _$965,281.6r 21^40.58 Grand Total Liabilities Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities:' Loans and investments pledged: '• ft . U. S. Government obligations direct and'of fully guaranteed ---Total Pledged (excluding re-discounts) 27. Hedged: Against funds of State of HliijQi» 1364604&-- and Arkansas. They stopped at Oel- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams and sons, wein, Iowa, Kansas City, Mo., and the I Melvin, Gerald and Albert, all of Chicago. | Visitors at'the home of Mfc. and ; Mrs. Fred Dosch were Mr. and Mrs. j Art Olsoh and daughter, Arlene, Mr. | and Mrs. Frank Ruzha and daughter j and Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and daugh- I ters and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hahn ! and son, all of Chicago. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson Saturday the occasion to celebrate Mr. Swanson's second year as a sargeant on the Chicago police force. Games, singing and dancing were ejoyed by everyone. About eighty-five guests were present. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded a most enjoysble evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero and Whiter Caughlin of Chicago spent the weekend at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert KHnn of Cicero visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Nystrom of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and, Mrs. Wilbert Swanson fot the Fourth and over the weekend. It's a Datel tf your hoy (or girl) is going away this summer, make a "date'* with him _J(or her) for telephone Visits at regular intervals. Distance rates are low; and they are reduced as much as 40% every flight after sefan and all day Sunday. SAVE AFTER SEVEN! Typical tfatlon-fo-stotlon rate* la' •ffact after 7 every il(W «ad aN day Sunday Abest 46 miles About 140 miles Abost 220 mile* Abort 500 miles osly 3Be only 50c ealy Me only 95c \ ILLINOIS TELEPHONE COMPANY > LOW LoWtt DISTANCI •ATBS. NOW WMCTlVt, PROVIDE : A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING ON CALLS OP MOM THAN 420 AIRLINE MILIS. ..$27,000,00 „$27,000.00 27,000.00 SLOCUM'S LAKE Total Pledged „$27,000.00 Cr.,/fr7rr':' djposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distributiS to sSdSSderl ai iwear that C?rfy' Casl}ier °* the West McHenry State Bank, do solemnly * above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and iin^ tthhee rreenpoo^rtm mmaadXe ttooa oth,OeU AAtueHdiSttohOr Wo^f Public A®cc*orueen'tws,i tSh tate oift eImllsin oainsd, paumrsouuanntts tosh Iomw*n. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. " ' Correct Attest: JOS. W. FREUND, "STATE OF ILLINOIS, SIMON STOFFEL, Director County of McHenry. (SEAL) Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July 1940. ROBERT L. WEBER, Notary Public FEDERAL RESERVE SY8TBM Simon Stoffel c. J. Reihanspcrger D I R E C T O R S Wkn. M. Carroll Wm. A Nye, M.D. W. Freund . Gerald J. Carey MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping were callers at Cary Friday afternoon. Callers and visitors Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrjr Matthews were T. A. Simms and two children of Cary, Matt Colwell of St. Mary's of the Lake Seminary, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Swensen of West Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ludeman,-Mr. and Mrs. F. Hulska, William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burghgraef, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart, Chicago, were guests Fourth of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Burkhart at Williams Park. Miss Jennie Dowell was a caller at McHenry last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and two daughters of the "Flats" spent last Tuesday evening at the homt of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Harry Raeburg of Belvidere spent last Wednesday with his wife and son at the home of Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Bergstrom and children of Chicago were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Blomgren Fourth of July evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelock and son, Harold, Jr., and little daughter of Villa Park were callers Fourth of July evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Celia Dowell and Mrs. Harry Raeburg and son, Oliver, were cqflers at Barrmjrt<m Saturday evenimr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Chicago were S<unday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wlm. E. Burkhart at Williams Park. Miss Gertrude Webster and aunt, Ifrs.- ppker. of Wi&ei»a Papk ft & let water for dishes loos** "Satisfaction Guaranteed or your money back" ON AUTOMATIC GAS J?ATER HEATING SERVICE! Check all 3 before you buy! Check conveniencehot water instantly at the turn of a tap. Check dependability--plenty of hot water for every house- 4 hold use with no attention. Check economy--low iKe gives you 30ft to 30* mm Gas for the pip;; jou pay today. How?... this easy way! We install a complete Water Heater or a Conversion Unit for your piesem water storage tank. You use it--test it--enjoy it for 30 days... and if you are not completely satisfied, «v wtU rtfund At payments mmtk tm th* W? - . unit smd remove it at utr expense! You can't lose... so take advantage of this Ws markable offer now. Have all the hot water you van«»whcn you wantk... «tiov«|Wf| $IK YOUR PLUMPER, Oil f WESTERN UMtETS W GAS **•» ELECT RIC COMPANY!/ l 1 v--'"