Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jul 1940, p. 3

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**w I p 7 Thnrsday, July 11,1840 :*w ,.•*,« •- "tfV ** •{". >. t •^-' > Sjjjf IwSWHfJ •' ; Sl.-iM i i f y . \% "* '^WWfff: 'i*; 1* • ' * • • • *'»•* 'i • * - « ... V-iSf. TH* • ->••.-.^ _•'# *W "*v. !••-?• ;--t*_t: ;:i •:% '. *• - .'. "' ^ • 7 •' V r •• . ' "V-•--•• .*••*'••• <-' nef St hf-* r If'; C - ^ ( Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Daudlin and «*•/'?. Jchildren and the former's father, Felix Daudlin, of Chicago spent the holis; Hdays last week at a summer cottage 41 gat Emerald Park. "** Mr. and Mrs. Harold Smith, of Hingam, Mass., called on old friends in cHenry one day last week. Previous rll* . ^ito their visit here they visited her par- ; .tents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stenger at . ^Indianapolis, Ind., former residents of ' ^McHenry, Mr. Stenger having been a •p ^successful banker here. They also ; f ,«pent some time with her brothers, , -;f '»-^iichafu and George Stenger, mid .their $ *. jfamilies at Waukegan, the latter ,havf ;,T inp since moved to McHenry. 4 Mrs. Ernest Inhelder of Kansasville, f*"" !WSs., who formerly resided in this ity, called on Dr. and Mrs. A. I. roehlich on Tuesday of last week. Gordon Scholle returned Sunday ollowing an enjoyable week at a ummer camp at Lake Geneva. He 'A:i &' ?&s sent as a representative of the Spwcrth League of the Community ' haflpy hours visiting as a child of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff, Sunday. Esther Althoff, who spent last week with them in Chicago, returned to McHenry, while Mrs. Beckenbaugh is enjoying this week in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber and children, Earl Conway and daughter, Carol, and Martin Knox spent the Fourth of July at Arlington Heights where Mr. Conway and Mrs. Weber marched with the Drum and Bugle corps in the holiday parade. The H. L. Schwerins of Chicago are spending the summer at their cottage in Mineral Springs. Their house guest is Mrs. A. Hohman. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Chamberlin of Philadelphia, fta., their son, Owen, and daughter, Anne, were Sunday visitors in the Harold Owen home. The Chamberlins are enroute to Spokane, Wfesh., where the doctor will deliver an address to the Medical Society. Mrs. Chamberlin is the former Genevieve Owen, daughter of Edwin Owen of Oakland, Calif., and formerly of McHenry. She enjoyed exploring her grandmother's old home and showing her children where she spent many flettjodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nye and title daughter, Marcia, cf Libertyville, pent part of the holidays following he Fourth of July with friends and ^relatives in McHenry. t Mr. and Mrs. Petar Engeln of Woodtock were guests in the J. D. Beatty ome Tuesday and Wednesday of la3t eek. Other recent guests in the eatty home were Mrs. Helen Smaley, Mr. and Mrs«. Theodore Snyder, ton, Robert, of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Smalley of Woodstock. Mr. a$d Mrs. Ben J. Dietz and Dr. and Mrs. John Craver attended the funeral of Mrs. Robert Clement, a former resident of McHenry, at Glen JEllyn, 111., last Friday. The Irvin Kobsa and P. V. Dieter families were guests in $he Ben J. Dietz home last week. MT. and Mrs. Robert Beckenbaugh of Chicago were guests in the home Mrs. John Phalin is spending several days with relatives in Clereland, Ohio, where she was called last Friday by the death of an uncle, Thomas Foley. [ Miss Patricia Schuenemann has been a guest in the Harry Durland home for several days. Sargeant Lester R. Bacon has been notified that he placed twenty-third in the aggregate over the entire state in the state shoot held at Camp Lincoln, Springfield, recently. Mrs. Lydia Wright and daughter, Myrtle, returned to their home in Elgin Sunday after a few days visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Tolefson of Chicago spent the weekend in their summer home at Fair Oaks. Rita Martin has returned home following a visit in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fitzek and daughter, Rosemarie, of Chicago, were t¥ PULDTD1AL1R gin,in '..yft .aia.».«a^sa callers in the home of his sister, Mrs. Richard Fleming, Saturday. Mrs. Mary McCabe, who ia employed in Crystal Lake, spent the weekend with friends in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting and son,* Claire, of Elgin, visited relatives here Sunday. Edward Knox and daughters, Dorothy and Anna, of Chicago, were Fourth of July guests in the home of Miss Genevieve Knox. Mrs. James Mahoney and children are spending the week in the John Phalin home. Mrs. Carl Courier and daughters of Woodstock were guests last Thursday Washington YOLO Washington, July 10--Another Congressional recess which begins Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, Kenneth Lee, spent the Fourth of July at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Bertha, of Slocum's Lake visited her sister, Mrs. Pearl Dowell, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wiemuth and daughters of Cuba township spent the finds the politicians on the anx- f°ur* of ^ <>* the ious bench as the hour of decision for 7 the Democrats approaches. The third i , u T, , . , , in the home of her mother, Mrs. Nel- term question will be settled within *nd, '®" li;i_e Bacon. ' » u,«L- fnV Mr ™„i,J "? enjoyed Sunday dinner at the home Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams of Pes- Plaines visited Miss Christine Adams last Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and son, a week for Mr Roosevelt must make known his position in the matter early in the convention sessions. On the eve of the gathering political captains concur in the opinion that the nom- Lowell, of Eglin, were callers in the (ifiation will come to the President by Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich home on j &cci*mation if he wants it. Other the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and children of Chicago were caller! in the Robert Weber home last Thursday. , • , Mrs. Catherine Boger. daughter. Harriet, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frett of Chicago spent the Fourth with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Agnes Lewis and daughter of Kenosha enjoyed the Fourth of Joiy and the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Tesch . of Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda. 1 G. A. Vasey called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ritt at* Harvard Wednesday, Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and son, Thomas Charles, returned to their a wise, a scramble will follow hisj declin-1 £ t 7, 7 ation. Because the turn of affairs at ^t .T ^ , the convention affects their political ^ Wf?ks WJth ^er Mr. and careers many government officials are yjjk exa er ' *t Libertypreparing to abandon their posts here to attend -the conclave ia Chicago next week. Eyea Examine^ A. E. Nye Bldg. Weat McHenry Br. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMFiTRIST Phone: ftcfrrnry 12S-J THURSDAY MORNINGS Woodstock 674 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - X Our Repair Department ^ Is at your service for any troubles yon may have witfe your car or truck. It is one of the best equipped garages in Northern Illinois. Drive in and let us check the car and give you an estimate on the necessary work. Have your truck tested at this garage, which is an official testing station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction to comply with the law. CENTRAL GARAGE Phone 200-J Johnsburg FRED J. SMITH, Prop. Towing Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke and son of Evanston were Wednesday vis- Soraeho. th. business of hM"* Mr' ment continues to run on even keel! u T A , , despite the absence of high moguls.1 ^ Wauconda The machinery for national defense | ^ * A*~ has been set up so that little strain! w •m.u tr j is placed on Cabinet officers. Besides^1 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Owen attended it is unlikely that the new Secretaries1 l.... shower in the picnic at the R. G. Wendt home! of War and Navy will find it worth Wa^rWegat Wonder Lake on July 4. This pic- j while or desirable to attend a Demo- PK. . r\ me. ^ / a"^ Mrsnic was given by the members of thejeratic meeting. They *re listed as --arles Ackerson ln Crystal Lake on Fortnightly forum of the First Meth-.Republicans, a classification tag, which odist church of Evanston. accounted for the hubbub over their Thomas Knox spent the past week confirmations by the Senate this week. in Downers Grove. .The major figures on the Advisory Miss Katherine Kortendick was a Commission for National Defense are guest last Thursday in the John Bolg- non-political and concentrating their er home. Her father. Joseph Korten-1 energies in expediting the vital task dick, who accompanied the Bolters on ' of national preparedness. There their vacation in Waterford, Wis., returned to their home in Rockford with his daughter. Mrs. John Goggin and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Goggin and children of Chicago visited relatives and friends here last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hill of Chicago spent the holiday and weekend in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy of Chicago wer; McHenry Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biggy and Mr. and Mrs. George Sterling were the guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and the Misses Minnie and Jean Conway of Chicago spent Sunday at the Aylward eottajTQ east of the river. Jet- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zvonar and chiT-la dren of Chicago were Fourth of July and weekend guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Freund, and other relatives ip McHenry. Mrs. Carrie Mansfield of Woodstock is visiting her sister, Mrs. Cora Bassett. Guests in the Herman Kreutzer, Sr.. home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Axel j of Hagberg, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kreutzer, j conquest of England or a Mr. and Mrs. Winfi«ld Hagberg and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moderhack and children. Wednesday evening. Miss Edna Wirtz of Ivanhoe is spending a few weeks here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called on Mrs. Pearl Dowell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and goodj psy i.n ith Lis™ s-it,ua *" ne r ef.o1r8 j f a m i l y o f B u r t o n ' s B r i d g e h a v e m o v e d people as a whole are less concerned into- the Dunker cottage. , . . . , . | Mrs. Leslie Davis of Slocum's Lake when competent men handle such im- caUed W the home of Mr .and Mrs portant matters without regard to the1 Lloy"d«Pts' her Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fre-> mont tWnship spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood political storms raging about them. The vanguard of Democratic leaders having in mind the formulating of a party platform have more handicaps 1 Jjowell uncertainty «bou, th, identity of the visitor, „ the horneTr Thf formed 2™, s"t7/„r XTZ" -t"' M' DunkCT'in c^' must necessarily pledge continuation' Bil'lie E!iwibethi Mary Jwin and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher, received a gold medal for placing second in the state showmanship contest. Virginia Boucher of Libertyville is spendfng a few weeks here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Herbert Waldmann of Chicago called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Waldmann Wednesday. Mrs. Frank St. George called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WrigHt at Lake Defiance Wednesday. The Friendly Neighbor group of the Volo Community Bible church will meet at the home of Mrs. William W(irtz Tuesday, July 16. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Norry at River Forest. JOHNSBURG Mrs. Leo Smith and Miss Eleanor' clPients °* King motored to Waukegan Tuesday. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent the Fourth in the home of her mother, Mrs. Wni. Althoff. Miss Irene Smith, Miss Annabel Meyers, Mrs. Frank immekus and Mrs. Fred Miller were Chicago callers Tuesday evening. MOST RELIEF GOES TO PERSONS UNDER 18 YEARS Nearly half the persons who received relief in 1939 were under eighteen years of age, the Illinois Emergency Relief commission reported Monday after sifting results of a statewide survey. The percentage was 46.6. There was a slightly larger proportion of women and girls than of men and boys given assistance. And roughly, the report said, four out of five or 78.1 per cent of the relief population was unemployable. Nearly three-fourths--73.4 per cent -- of the employable persons On'relief were men and boys. The survey, made in co-operation with local relief officials, the report said, was to re-examine the status of those receiving general relief and to provide accurate and detailed information as to the needs, resources and social characteristics of th* im* '•'"AS m FOUR McHENRY COUNTY EXHIBITORS AT SHOW ; Wittmus and Nelson, ani Arnold - Wittmus of Harvard, George Whiting of West McHenry and W. H. Gardner •ma M. ^ an<' son ®°'ors Mills exhibited some M r." and" Mrs ."joe* Adams of Solon !®^ bl"e n J bli?.n L .^^eins at the Mills were callers here Sunday. [State Black and White Show held at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bugner and Mfs^ea 0 rt on Saturday, July 6. family of On hio supent ao few days with \ 1 " t h e 3 - y e a r - o l d c l a s s W i t t m u s a n d relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner tj(f Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Art Peters. * ^ Joe Huff amd <som, Laurence, of Richmond called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff Sunday, Nelson got the blue on their Mamie ! heifer. In a strong aged cow class headed by the 1937 All-American 4- year-old, Wittmus and Nelson got fifth. In the senior get of sire they placed second on three daughters of their sire Acme Inka Rue Bess and in Mrs. Joe King entertained the five I pr^uce f of ^ass they pUced sechundred club Tuesday evening, prizes °nd °" two daughters of Mamie Molly being awarded to Mrs. Fred Smith, ue es8. Mrs. Delia Miller and Mrs. Joe King. Showing but two bull calves at the Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers andjstate show% w- H Gainer and Son's » I AMfwiAC /»Af baaamH in f Ua Km ill of New Deal objectives. Somehow the conviction is growing in some politi- Ethel Waldmann of Chicago are visiting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. cal camps that the campaign will be wnHam Waldmann for' a few weeks." fought out over events stemming from the war overseas and on the personaliies of the candidates. The failures and achievements of the present Administration will figure prominently, William Lohmann and son, Raymond, of Libertyville spent Saturday evening here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. G. A. Vasey is . spending a few but war is destined tm have an o^r-lweeks here at the ho^ of*Mr and shadowing effect at the hustings. On Mrs Herman Dunker the horizon is Senator Wheeler's Mrs Car, ThorseI1 of Grayslake threat to form a third party based on t Thursda with her sigter; Mra. the intervention questiort Ellwood Dowell Sunday. It is argued in diplomatic and gov- Miss Beatrice Wilgon ig ernment circles that a sudden ending her home with the war either through Hitler s negotiated peace in lieu of a prolonged military sprained ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pringle and son of Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Your 1940 Summer Vacation Trip 8f*tb* West and all the lest in a grand All Ameriean trip in 1940. Pick one of theae for your best < > C) C) YELLOWBTONE NATIONAL PARK plus a visit to Beartooth Lake Lodge high in the Wyoming Rockies. Tak$ an all expenses paid vacation trip with everything planned, see all of Yellowstone, stay at National Park Hotels. In via the Northern Entrance, leave via the famed Red Ludfe -liuthwa^. The < only $124.00 up^from McHenry. ' PACIFIC COAST TOURS including sp^tacular Canadian "Rockies, all the Pacific Coast from Vancouver to Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland and Columbia River Highway, San Francisco Exposition, Hollywood, Catalina Island, San Diego, Tia Juana and Agua Caliente in Old Mexico, fide the streamline^*. Cost only $205.00 up from McHenry. ALASKA with choice of three tours, just a cruise for a short trip, or inland to Mt. McKinley National Park, Anchorage, Matanuska Valley, Fairbanks, or up the Yukon to Dawson and Whitehorse. Escorted by DON ECK in person. Every item of expense paid before your journey, even the tips are paid. Cost only $298.00 from McHenry. • . HONOLULU and the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. See thaw tropical Islands on a planned vacation trip, all reservations made and paid for before you start, travel on American Liners, stop at fine hotels. Cost only $325.00 from McHenry. NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR with all expenses paid, many schedules and routes to choose from. Cost only $87.00 up from Chicago. ----• - : ' < ) COLONIAL AMERICA* Ifiwe'w tee* Iboking -- see Old New England. Boston, Concord. Montreal, Quebec, down the St. Lawrence. 1000 islands, all yoa have been looking for and more too. Cost only $145,00 up from Chicago. ( ) GREAT LAKES CRUISB& June, July and August, mans sailings, rate® lower than ever, a short four to seven day eruiae -- see Mackinac, Georgian Bay, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, and Niagara Falls. Cost oniy $59.50 from Chicago.* C ) OLD MEXICO South of the Border. See MEXICO this Summer but make your reservations now, all expense, escorted tours with everything paid, rail and motor-tours for eeooony a$ dahu&e tours, cost only $157.50 up from Chicago. ^ * C ) TRAVEL AMERICA this year. See our natural wonderlands. The cost is low and the service great. Make your reservations or inquire for schedules novf: If you wish to check the reliability of DON ECK TOURS see your local newspaper publisher in whose paper you are reading this ad; he knows us. DQN ECK TOURS Saite 121$ Dally Times BUg. . SPRING GROVE stalemate as an answer to European j Wi,8on ^ fai^ily of Chicago, Mrs. Mr and Mm Flmor WinWmon starv»tion and ruin would place ney| Harry Becker of Los Angeles, Calif., son James of OaT P^rk W1 probAems bef°re th,» coun 4 try' An,d- Mrs. L. Wilson and daughter of Hazel- son, James, of Oak Park, spent last on these matters, the voters would .n_nf Foiirth julv tu- Thursday with her mother, Mrs. to take their ehoioe of sohtion, XmV ^J Mn Fmk Wil,on Knox. Mrs. Winkelman and Jimmy remained for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Schoehman of Baltimore, Md., are visiting in the Carl Barnickol cottage in Woodlawn Park. Ted Belling. Sr., left by plane for Providence, R. I., Sunday afternoon and experts to return to McHenry on Friday of this week. Marilyn and Patsy Owen enjoyed a visit with their grandmother, Mra. C. S. Owen, at Glencoe on Wedesday. Mary Ann Klaus spent the past week in the home of Georgia May. On Tuesday night Mrs. Fred Harms entertained members of her club at the home of Mrs. Frank May. Games offered and promised by the candidates. The Wauconda-Volo 4-H club met A sudden neace would result in can- at the home of Wayne and Warren cellation of enormous war orders for Pankonin Tuesday evening, the British, the shock of which could. Mr and Mrs William Wlrti and 1 qU^Ck!y a J bSOrb<Id b.^ the family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker of our preparedness business. This and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd country is already girdinp for an economic war in world markets against the totalitarian powers. One thing seems certain and that is that the vast sums appropriated for national defense must be raised by taxation which will reach citizens in all walks of life over a period of at least five years. Hardly had the ink dried on the first defense tax bill when the President sent a recommendation to Congress for an "excess profits" tax 'to apply on this year's income. Tax experts are working night and day on schedules for consideration of i the House Committee on Ways and Means. It is believed that about two of five hundred were played through-' ~fr,th3 wil1 ** r0<Juirf,i ,tc ",llP an 111 W. Wacker Drive CHICAGO, ILLINOIS il jCljgrtr trip ^wanted. Clip this ad and mall for free MeHENBt PLAINDHALBB, McHmry, IlliMia out the evening and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Mark Pierce, Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. Harms received consolaitoW. Traveler's prizes went to Mrs. J. J. Freund and Mrs. Sanders. At the conclusion of cards, a lovely lunch was served. Among those from here who attended the American Legion Carnival at McHenry were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and children, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lenin, Mr. and Mrs. Ben May, daughter, Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Widhalm, son, Raymond, Misses Lorraine May and Hazel Sanders. other tax measure into shape. Many lawmakers, who wanted to return to home districts to campaign for re-election, now find it possible to make political hay here. The huge outlays of Federal funds for munitions and motorized equipment have attracted their attention. The result is that officials planning expansion of existing industrial facilities or new plants are besieged by colons seeking patronage for their districts. The defense experts do not consider it wise to concentrate in the industrial East for many reasons. They have recommended spreading the factories around Mr. and Mrs, A1 Schmeltxfsr spent *5t!"n e&sV hauling distance of stra the holiday with relatives in Rock- are*s- a consequence, these ford. Mrs. Frank Sanders spent Friday and Saturday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Westman, and family at Woodstock. Misses Helen and Harriet Sanborn of Chicago are enjoying a week's vacation with their grandparents, Mr. and Mr«. Mike Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Orvis. Mrs. Arthur Hergott, son, Alfred, and daughters, Lucille and Jeanette, returned from a- trip to California on Saturday. Mr; and Mrs. Emil Nebgen and family of Chicago were visitors in the Math Nimsgern home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George W. May and family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. May, on Sunday. Miss Evelyn Sanders, who is employed in Woodstock, spent Sunday at her home here. officials find Congressmen from inland towns and cities descending upon them with demands for locating plants in their bailiwficks. Unfortunately, many sites suggested are turned down as transportation or housing facilities are inadequate. Around shipyards and airplane factories the government may engage in building quarters for employees. which is a prospect arousing the enthusiasm of real estate salesmen. When Congress re-assembles July 22, they will have considerable unfinished business. A particularly live issue is the compulsory training legislation on which a few hearings have been held. The purpose of these sessions was largely to test public sentiment before settling down to a serious study of the proposal. With both camps making overtures to the organized labor giloups it seems that the Fisher and family attended the Fourth Annual Illinois State Black and White Show at Mooseheart Saturday. Arvilla Ann Fisher, oldest daughter of son, LeRoy, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Waukegan. Miss Katherine Schmitt of Chicago spent the weekend with relatives and friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jung of Spring Grove were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels one day this week. H Mrs. Rose Hoffine and children of Genoa, Wis., called on Mrs. George King Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegner of Volo called at the home of M^s. Wm. Althoff Sunday evening. Mrs. Joe Skifano and friend" of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I J. Meyers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe X. Freund and! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund of Spring j Grove are spending a few days with I relatives and friends in Iowa. i **Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Wood- J stock called on relatives and friends here Sunday. | entries got second in the junior bull calf class and fifth in the senior bull calf class. As was characteristic of almost all local shows, the state show had more top quality animals than.. has beea true of any previous show. < Miss Edna King is spending her vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Mik« Gorsk i at Woodstock. c SR. JOHN DUOEY Veterinarian Treating HORSES, CATTLE, DOGS, ' OATS, ETC. Telephone Richmond W Richmond, I1L DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING PINK HARRISON S at Pist&kee Bay Fried Chicken, 60c » Assorted Sandwiches Hot Roast Beef and Poffc with French Fries -- 7-- Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA y. FOR A BETTER CAR ill A LOWER' ^ PRICE Mike Warner of Chicago spent the!®!"81* hold the amendment to the weekend with his children at the home Wagner Act in committee Despite of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Mr. and Mfrs. Ai Schmeltzer were Sunday dinner guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Edith Cleveland, in Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of Wilmette were visitors here Sunday. A party of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown on Monday night. Upon their arrival where refreshments were served. A gift was presented to the happy couple. Those who made up this haooy party were Messrs. and Mesdames Edwin Freund, Joseph P. Freund. Elmer Smith, August Kattner. Clarence they charivaried the newlyweds to the! Freund, Arthur Kattner. Ray Mav, Al tune of blowing horns, banging of pots j Schmeltzer. Charles Fr«»u*id. Harrv and"pans or any noise maker. WhenlMvers. Ant«*i Mevers and Anton Widthe noise died down Walter invited {halm and Paul Weber, Arnold Kattthem all to the Joseph Brown tavern ner and Clarence Miller. attempts to smother domestic legisla tion by emphasis on preparedness and foreign affairs, the controversies cannot be hushed successfully. ' vjy -- * ^ ^ . ®<oo»«uSPoo £Y£ IT TRY/T-BUV/r SCHWERMAN CHEVROLET SALES %

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