rr:t'%,m^ u ""•' ~ ' ThursdJa--y, A.ug us.t 8~ ,1 940 */ •,* *. •'• .•*v• *r*, ' ,"-* 'V j *> • \-^* •' •*• * - SLOCIIM'S LAKE Harley Lewis of DeKalb wms a filler Monday afternoon at the home ."^ipf Willard Darrell. \Mr. and Mrg. A. C. Sorensen of iWauconda spent Saturday evening at fife home of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Webster. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and aon, Gerald, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jfi, Wagner, near Round Lake. Miss Gertrude Webster, in. company with Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Baker of Williams Park, are spending two weeks vacation at Manitiwich, Wis., and at Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Norman and "daughter, Patricia, of Chicago were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests I** *lt>%i « -- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Callahan. Miss Patricia remained for a week's vacation with Miss Jane Callahan. % Mr. a?td Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park were dinner and afternoon guests last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Miss Hubertine Ross of Caney, Kan., is spending two weeks at the hofte of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett, Mrs. Ohota and daughter of Chicago were dinner and afternoon guests last Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Axe! Nerstrom and son of North Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson of Waukegan spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blofagren. Frank Wackerow of Chicago and Thursday evening with her parents, Mr. end Mrs. George King. Mrs. John M. Schmitt visited with, her sister, Mrs. Joe Kattner, at Spring Grove Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller of Richmond were callers here Sunday. • Miss Annabel Meyers and Mrs. Geo. King were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff and family of Richmond were callers here . Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Snyder c/ Baltimore are spending a few weeks in the i home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund. Mr. and Mrs. George Landre and family of Chicago spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls. nersonm Gerald and Marie Miller an<jl Mr. Mauch of McHenry and Miss Dorothy Lay of Spring Grove enjoyed an out ing at the Wisconsin Dells last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Reinlie of Chicago and the Carl Anderson family of Barrnigton were Sunday guests in the John Anderson home. Mrs. Theodore Belling and children, Ted, Jr., Gervaise, Bruce and Sally, left Wednesday for their new home in Providence, R. I., where they will join Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund' and \tthhVeiTr hhuussbbaanndd a»nndd bbrrootthheerr.. They are daughter, Nancy, of Chicago spent *ast Via a POute thpou&h Can" Saturday .an.dj Scu ndia..y. with Mif rs. Sn. Hn . ada. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner enter- iH1,* T*!u L , Mr. Anderson of Cleveland, Ohio, were tained friends from Chicago over the 1'zabeth M,cheIs- AA11AMn : a. il. i _ « • SiinHflv vitifAN Edwin Michels of Aurora enjoyed [the weekend with his mother, Mrs. callers Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews as guests of Arthur Wackerow. Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, spent the weekend and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett in Chicago. Oi\ Sunday they attended a birthday dinner party in honor of Diane Ohato at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ohato. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Suyay dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren, at Wauconda. Mrs. Celia Dowell and Mrs. Harry Flaeburg and son, Oliver, were callers nt Waukegan last Friday. weekend. < Mr, and Mrs. Mike Gorski and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of Woodstock attended the picnic here Sunday evening. John Bertrang and friends, Aurora, were callers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Thomas of Woodstock spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. BPSma GROVE Sunday visitors in the M. J. Walsh home were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Young and children of Waukegan and Miss Sue Stone of Woodstock. . Arthur Martin, William and Charles Sutton made the acquaintance of their cousin, David Buckley, of Peoria, for the first time lust Tuesday evening at Chicago. The latter, a boxing promoter, was in the city on business. Mr. and Mi's. J. Assel of Aurora called on friends in McHenry Sunday. Miss Miriam Sayler and Miss La- Verne Carlson of Chicago were weekend guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler. Miss Georgiana Donahue of Huntwas a \ kUG- •4Vugu*L. MMEMCK jf/rrs MfFORf- WXKD E A T M \D0D6ERS NATIONAL \ SAT. . AUG. 24 «•!« FRE EXHIBITS, DISPLAYS Mr. and Mrs. Pete Justen afid son j Mrs Math Nimsgern was hostess .to j Huntof Woodstock. Kenneth Granger and ]the members 0f her club at her home j ley and Miss GeneVieve Knox of this Miss Frieda Klabunde of Richmond jon Tuesday night. Five hundred fur-1 city called on friends in Dijfon last were callers Sunday at the home of ,nished the entertainment and prizes Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. I were awarded to Mrs. J. J. Freund,! Franklin Ensign df Palatine Mrs. Celia Dowell and Harry Raeburg were callers at Barrington on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. N. Beckdall and Miss Grace Ferrard of *** •« *» • A 1CUIIU 9 • * WWMtlV 1V4W • Mrs. Fred Harms and consolation went visitor inN the Charles Ensign hoine to Mrs. John Lay. Traveler's prizes Friday. went to Mrs. Ella Siegler and Mrs. Ernest Peacock. A lovely lunch was served following cards. lirace f errard Chicago were guests Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and wiwi mrs. r oss' mouter, Mrs. John last Wednesday evening at the home family returned from a fishing trip to | Claxton, and sister, Mrs. John Dreyof Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart. .Wisconsin on Saturday. They stopped ' miller. Enroute, they drove to Buf- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart spent ;here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs.: f»lo where they boarded a lake steam- Tuesday with relatives in Chicago (Frank Wacnw. while »nmnt« to thoir ler bound for Detroit. Mich., havinor Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and son of New York City arrived in McHenry Sunday evening for a few week's visit with Mrs. Foss' mother, Mrs. John Julia Foley, returned home with her for r visit, * Mrs Martha Page of Chicago is visiting her son and wife, Mr. an«| Mrs. Lester Page, and other friends in McHenry this week. Miss Nell Doherty called on relav tives in River Forest last Wednesday^ Mrs. M. J., Walsh and daughter^ Dorothy, Miss Helen Welch of Wood* stock and Miss Betty Cannon of Wau» kegan visited in Oak Park and Rivef Forest last Thursday. Mrs. Albert Belts of Marengo was the guest of friend» here last Thursday. She will be remembered as Mis# Lena Hartman, former eighth grade teacher in the Public Grade school. Ray VanHierselee and sons of Wau4 kegan were visitors in the home o Mrs. Elizabeth Michels Saturday. , Charles Vycital and his little German band furnished music at St| John's carnival, at Johnsburg Sunday*; Earl Conway was the vocalist. Miss Betty Cannon of Waukegan enjoyed a few days this week in the M. J. Walsh home. Mrs. Russell Fyfe and little daughter returned home from the Woodstock hospital last Thursday. Miss Carmen Freund, |L N., is caring for them. y*\ Will FOR GOSH SAKES, AUMTY,- DON'T YOU MOW BETTER tHAM TO GET CAUGHT IN 1 A "DRAFT"? J M • * < --y TOWNSHIP PROPERTY ASSESSMENT DECLINES A drOp in the total assessment for 21,125 acres of land in McHenry township is shown for 1940 which assessment is $886,985 as compared to |887,995 in 1939. An increase is shown in the assessment qn lots in McHenry from $557,600 in 1939 to $561,200 in 1940. Joseph N, Schmidt is the assessor. Australia Increases Australia's population increased 70,267 in the past year.' , , ^ •V , Ellis Island Ellis island is approximately JSTKl acres in area. ; v'CV • Order your Rubber Plaindealer, at TIm DANSING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING PINK, HARRISON'S < Pistakee Friecl Cliicken, 60c Assorted Sandwiches Hot Roast Beef and Pork with French Fries -- 35c Divine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA M SPE E D Y DIGS Chesney Brooks attended a Lake Geneva Echo party at Bartlett Beach, Zion, last Sunday evening. Mrs. Manicon of Omaha, Neb., who has spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks, returned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. w vioiv mo paxcuba, ui. aitu jnrs. ,""V4V vmvJ owaiu- Wagner, enroute their Ier hound Detroit, having home in Chicago., ! their car shipped at the same time. Mrs. Mary Ann Thelen was guest jThey motored here from Detroit, of honor at a party observing her Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence eighty-ninth birthday anniversary at j Martin and daughter, Rita, visited the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph j formers' son, William, who is confined Kattner on Friday afternoon. Al- *° Oak Park hospital where he unthough the date of her birthday was derwent an operation last Thursday, on Saturday the event was celebrated! John Scheid and daughter, Rena, KB3B23 Annie Adams, at Diamond Lake, saturaay tne •»«»« ovueiu una uau^nier, nena, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart spent j Friday. Relatives gathered from var- ! spent Sunday with Woodstock relalast Friday evening at the home of ious localities to wish her many happy tives. , Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clarence at Elm-I returns of the day. Games of five "r. and Mrs. Lawrence Wood of - - - Chicago are occupying the Clarence Anglese home while the latter are spending a few months in Chicago. Mrs. James Mahoney and children have returned to Chicago after spending the past month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. Her niece, wood Park Mrs. Marlett Henry and guests. hundred and bunco and visiting were »VVV j OIIU KUCOVO, tvh,,ve a«%ft*ewrn»nowoin» 'as duitvfvetrosiivoun,. Ank bUuUf1fIeCtI Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett and Mrs. j supper was served. The honored guest Ohato and daughter, Diane, of Chicago were callers last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. JOHNSBURG Mrs. Delia Miller and Mrs. LeRoy Miller were Woodstock callers Wednesday. Miss Katherine Pitsen of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of hei father, John Fitzen. Jacob Miller of Zends was a Sunday caller here. Miss Marie King of Genoa spent A nmeurnp M TRUCK usa& CHEVROLET LEAD IK mes.. because they lead In economy, ^ dependability and value I Own**- CHfVWHfl l lined'"- lUyifot tc-* Chevrolet tracks lead in sale because they have the desirable balance of power| ,|' economy and durability-# power to do the job well*. economy to do the job at lovf * coet, and durability to stay oi| the job. That all adds up to •alue--exceptional value that has kept Chevrolet trucks out"' in front in sales--leading again in 1940, as they have led > year after year. Consider A modernizing some of your v trucking equipment now--* all models and types of Chevrolet trucks are still available at today's low price level. H WERM AN CHEVROLET SALES Comer 111. 31 and Illinois 20 Telephone 27T was the happy recipient of many gifts. Those present were Mrs. Henry Thelen, Mrs. John Schmitt, laughter, Elma, Mrs. John Thelen and Mrs. Mike Schaefer of Johnsburg; Mrs. Fred De- Thome of Waukegan; Mrs. Anton' Schmitt, Mrs. Joseph Schmitt and and daughters, Mrs. Albert Schmitt, Mrs. Henry Schmitt and Mrs. Albert Justen and children of McHenry; Mrs. Joseph Kattner, Mrs. Frank Wagner, grandsons, Herbert and Richard, Mrs. Frank Bergsma and family, Mrs. Gregory Kattner and son and Mrs. Mike Freund, Jr., Spring Grove; Mrs. August Kattner and children of Chicago; Mrs. Joseph E. Miller, daughter, Elizabeth, Mrs. Ray Miller and Mrs. Alfred Kattner and children of Richmond; Mrs. Ed Bauer and children and Mrs. Leo Hiller of Ringwood; Mrs. Henry Heinle, daughter, Louise, and sons, Ralph and Henry, Jr., of Elkhorn, Wis. An eight pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Britz at Community hospital in Woodstock on Friday, August 2. Mr. and Mrs. Martin May of Chicago were visitors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May on Saturday. Misses Lucille and Berniece Nimsgern spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgern. Mr. and Mrs. Glendale Esh and son of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Bertha Esh. They also visited his sister, Mrs. Albert^. Brits', | at Woodstock hospital. | Among tho?e from, here who enjoy ed the chicken dinner and carnival of St. John's narish in Johnsburg Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Freund, son, Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. May, Mr. and Mrs. Al Schmeltzer, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen. Miss Lucille Freund has returned to her work in Chicago having spent the past three weeks at her home here Mrs. William Adsit, daughter. Beverly, of McHenry was a visitor in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Behrens. Weekend guests in the Frank Wag ner home were Mr. and Mrs. Sasser and daughter and Michael Watmer df Chicago. Herbert Wagner and Tommy Freund accompanied them to Twin Lakes Monday afternoon where they enjoyed swimming. Miss Eleanor Karls, daughter df Mr. and Mrs. John Karls and George Hartwri^ht of Chicago were united in marriage at a three o'clock ceremony Saturday afternoon. August 3. at St. Peter's church with Rev. John D*» leiden. castor, officiating. The bride was attired in a blue floor lensrth gown and finger tip veil. Miss R«y gina Karls, who was her sister's attendant wore a gown of pink with accessories to match. Clarence Karls was the bridegroom's bect man. After Jhe ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home to members of the immediate family and a number of friends. The haopy couple will soend their honeymoon in San , Franciscfl^, leaving by nlane the same day. ^ Mrs. G. H. Jones. Mrs. Guy Winifei Mrs. Walter Winn and Mrs. Leon Van- Every left on Monday for a trijjl through Michigan. They are traveling with the Jones' trailer. The new ball diamond has been completed and the first softball games under the floodlierhts was played on" Monday night. There wil be more nieht games scheduled during the next, two months yes, POO spmd, ECONOMY, LOOKS AND COMFORT YOU Wit l NEVER riNP THE EQUAL TO THE U5EO CAPS OP R0SSMAM MOTOR SALES NASH - LaFAYETTE - PACKARD General Repair Work Washing, Greasing, Towinf Lawn Mower Sharpening it* tomrnceof OIVE ME THE OPDEC. 0LANK AND I'LL 04 THE DOTTi DONT Be CHJMB, BOY smnadmh l-s ON "THE OQOEQ. BLANK' "TMATS JCI5T WHAT AROUSED MY AUTHORIZED SERVICE^ RQS5MRN MOTOR SHLES RIVERSIDE DRIVE and PEARL STREET - PHONE 13 '••you can have an 'marie Gas er Heater ton or Your Money Back! I "Ybtt-foay-only 5% down m n'wm* each month toward purch^sje qf the Water heater. And if you are not more than satisfied, we will remove it and reinstall your old water heater. You take no chances. 'i ,-T " X I to ™ Atn> ^ "Of **>OUf ' "*Vs bacl' fot What a grand opportunity for every family putting up with old-* fashioned methods of water heating! Just think, through this. Special Summer Offer you can have a modern Automatic Gas Water Heater put in your home, and check operating costs and be under no obligation to keep it unless you are satisfied. Thij offer gives you a month to try Automatic Gas Hot Water* Service. Use it for refreshing showers on hot, sultry days for shaving .. . for dishes and 101 other household jobs. Try it for convenience and economy. And, if at the end of the trial period you wish your old equipment reinstalled, we'll do so without cost to you. Your order will be cancelled and there's no further obligation. Yes, it is a sensational offer, but the time limit'is short. You must act quickly to take advantage of it! OFFER ENDS AUGUST 31st ...SO HURRY! -r A Youngstown, Ohio, college its mascot a penguin called Pete is insured against fire, theft, e^rtb* quake, and many other hazards, j Your neighborhood master plumber is also making this remarkable offefi & V- .\vV y m^^tegavjTiiEim