- •V'.B • THE MeHEKRY ?LA0t1>RALE* Thursday, August 29, 1940 rVVV V V Society rJotes ^: " Plan for Centennial Plans for the centennial celebration of St. Patrick's church of McHenry, which is to be held on Sunday, September 22, are well under way. Committees in charge of various activities liave been working for several months to make this parish anniversary a day which will live long in the memory of tlw parishioners. ^Farmerette Party The LiljA^ake Women's club held a Farmerette. i>irty for their husbands and guests 3rt Atty's Place, Lily Lake, Saturday evenWig, August 24. Seventy- five dinners were served. Following this tfte Virginia Reel, quadrilles and modern dancing, as well as singing, continued into the wee hours of fho morning. .Edward M. Lannes was master-of-ceremonies for the evening. The music was furnished by the Adams brothers. m m m ATTENTION, FORESTERS! The members of St. Mary's Court, No. 594, Catholic Order of Foresters, are urged to attend the meeting on September 3, 1940, at St. Mary - St. Patrick school, at which time there will be election of officers. Lunch and refreshments will be served. John Schmitt, Chief Ranger. Alfred Weingart, Recording Sec'y. • • • . BIRTHDAY SURPRISE Miss Maxine Baeort Was surprised by a group of friends at her home last Friday evening on the occasion of her ' ~ J What new cor _ for I94I will have brand-new aerodynamic bodies that are bigger, heavier, smarter, * roomier and finer finished , than ever? 4wr-- *i LIOVERTOH MOTOR SUttS Boys' Shirts Boys9 Slacks *v. IT* Fresh fall patterns and colors in these Kaynee shirts. All are guaranteed fast colors and sanforized. ==f854 -- $l.oo SWEATERS ffanart fall colorings to harmonize with your new slacks, in either coat or pullover models. - We are featuring a fine Zephyr 100% Wool Sweater, by Kaynee, at $1.06 ,'tfg',i i Green Street Store for Men M birthday. Various games were played during the evening and a lunch was Served. Those present besides the j A honoree were Misses Marie Miller, Pat Knaack, Marguerite and Carmen Freund ai\d Charles Weldt, Norber* Mauch, William Kinsala, Marshall Bacon and Leonard Antopson. • • * Honor Fature Bride ^ %7" Mrs. Irvin Comes entertained more than thirty guests Saturday afternoon and evening at her home at Lake Defiance in honor of her niece, Miss Dorothy Comes of Chicago, who is to become the bride of Mr. Richard Ahrenson of Chicago next Saturday, August 31. The wedding will take place in Chicago. Music and dancing provided the gay entertainment for an evening of fun. Out of town guesets were Mrs. D. B. Harris of Kent, Ohio, Mrs. E. Thonneson of Chicago and Mrs. Ben Thonneson of Crystal Lake. Nubby tweeds, diagonals, herringbone weaves are outstanding in these fall trousers, ideal for school wear! All have pleats and. most have zippers. $1.95 to $4-95 BOYS' OXFORDS Good leathers. $2-95 to $4.00 JOCKEY SKIRTS AND SHORTS FOR BOYS 3 for $1.00 Boys' Short Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Were 85c, now 2 for $1.35 Smart Boys' Ties--four in hand or already tied 2um ItcHenry Get-Together 1 - A group of relatives and friends enjoyed a get-together Sunday evening at a dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Freund of West McHenry. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Gibson and Mr.' and Mrs. Sam Zvonar and family of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nye and children of Aurora; Mrs. Kenneth Smith and daugher of Montpelier, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Neinstedt and son, Kenneth, of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Flo^d Cooley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Eugene Sayler and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald of McHenry. . ^ * ' ' - » ' ' Outdoor Party "" Mr. and, Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Jr., entertained Sunday afternoon and evening at an outdoor party, in spite of the rain which let up just long enough so as not to spoil all the fun. Mr. Covalt recently built an outdoor fireplace and so the group of friends were invited to roast weiners and corn and to enjoy other outdoor sports. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thomas of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen of Cary; Miss Ellie Jensen and Urban Comes of Lake Forest; Miss Shirley Covalt, David Egelhoff and, Hale Risetter of McHenry. <8 9 • • • Bridal Shower Miss Elseda Freund, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Freund of McHenry, who is to become the bride of Mr. Fred Fuchs of McHenry at St. Mary's church on September 4, was honored last week at a shower given in tiie Johnsburg church hall. Approximately sixty guests attended the affair and presented the brideto- be with many lovely gifts. Prizes in five hundred were awarded to Mrs. Margaret Schmitt, Miss Agnes Schmitt •nd Miss Agnes Smith. Bunco awards were received by Misses May Smith, Bose Stilling, Anna Schaefer and Lavena Brown. The hostesses were Mrs. LeRoy Miller, Mrs. Clarence Glosson, Mrs. Leo Smith and Miss Frances Fuchs. • • • Honor Future Bride Miss Frances Fuchs of Johnsburg, formerly a resident of Humphrey, Nebr., was honored at a shower Monday evening which was attended by almost seventy friends and relatives. There was double reason to celebrate because Miss Fuchs' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fuchs, and her three sisters and one brother, all of Humphrey, Nebr., are visitnig relatives in this vicinity this week. The latter were also honored. Hostesses at the affair which was held, in St. Mary - St. Patrick school hall were Mrs. Elizabeth Michels, Mrs. Vera Smith, Bernice Freund, Elseda Ferund, Mrs. Nick Freund and Carmen Freund. Bunco, pinochle and five hundred provided entertainment for the crowd and a lunch was served at the close of the party. Miss Fuchs is to become the bride of John Weingart of Johnsburg sometime in October. The wedding will occur in Nebraska. • • • Birthday - Shower Several relatives and friends attendjed a delicious dinner Sunday noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I Marshall at Crystal Lake which was (held in honor of the birthday anniversary of their son, Kenneth, Jr. The I same group remained for the evening order to honor the little daughter | of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bennett of Mc- IHer.ry anrl to present her with many lovely gifts. The guests enjoyed a | sociable evening of cards. Those present were: Mrs. Agnes iMarshall and family and granddaugh- |ter, Patricia Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph [ I Bennett, son, Ralph, and daughter, Zelinda Anne, of McHenry; Clyde Carr of Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Charles jEgan and son, Charles, Jr., of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kosinski of jElgin; Beverly Montgomery of Forest Park and Lillian Vales of Chicago. Rural Teachers Meet The McHenry group of Rural Teachers held their first meeting at the Central school in Woodstock on Tuesday of this week. Miss Helen Harrer, retiring chairman, conducted the meeting. Interesting and educational talks were given by Mr. Gray of Houghton Mifflin company, who gave a discussion on reading, and Mrs. Armstrong, who gave a demonstration on intermediate reading. Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, j Mrs. Ada Manning and Miss Hobbs ( gave talks pertaining to the curriculum for the ensuing school year. Mr. Myers, county food administrator, spoke on surplus commodities and the lunch program for the school. Officers for the current year were elected as follows: Weldon Andreas, chairman; Miss Evelyn Bohl, secretary; Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, assistant librarian. Thowe elected to serve on special committees are: Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, mathematics; Miss Bernice Smith, pn mary reading and Miss Evelyn Bohl, intermediate reading. "After the meeting the teachers secured their supplies for the school year. Don and Bob Summers of Chicago were Sunday guests in the John Vycital hone. OPfJN !$Si ytrasDAY, fewin^ wide, the doors, and 4iitt the children in. They are America's children, sound of mind, strong of body and free of spirit. They ask to learp, for education is the fountain from which they drink the draughts which give them strength to face the future, and confidence with which to assume their responsibilities (i* adults in the years ahead. The school doors open for 'another term, and in march the children--alert, aware, in 'forested as much in the world today as in the geography and history of an older world Swing wide the doors, and lit the children in! For once l&ain it's time for school days begin. The anwser N" 0 W, the question that arieat i&4he minds of the scholars,fjs SCHOOL SUPPLIES to be 'found BOLGER'S Drag Store Anything and everything that pupils need in the line of supplies can be secured at this up-to-date store, located on Green Street, McHenry. Just a few of the necessary items are listed below. Scores of others) are on our counters. Large Stock of Pencils Just the kind of lead you like, hard, soft or medium, and at whatever price you wan£ as low as 1 cent A large selection in a wide range of prices. Everyone should have one for use. throughout the school year. Spiral Note Books Always lay flat when opened'^ making it easier Priced at 54 and 104 ttng Note Books Pencil Sharpener ^No longer necessary to Whittle away pencils. A few turns of the crank ---does the job. Composition Books We hare them in at almost any price one cares to pay. Something every pupil must have! Rulers Drawing Materials Chalk and Erasers. Pupils'Handy Kits Oontainsi*. Pencils and Rulers 25c School Bags Start the year right. The ! handiest piece of equipment for carrying books and papers. • < > O BOLGER'S -fountain Service Appeals to the^ student as well as the families. Just name the delicacy which is your favorite and in ; •. -m few moments it is placed in front of you. What a treat! Time! Is an important factor in business, and just as essential in school work. Be'on time with INGERSOLL WRIST WATCH We have 'em! You'll ^ Sheaffer "Fountain Pei|r~ or Pencil The ones that are guaranteed. There are none better... and priced very reasonable. -- LOOS® LEAF BINDERS FILLERS PASTE OR MUCILAGE CRA-Y-O-N-S Put up in several colors. Get a box of these before starting the school year. / * ' C R A Y O L A S * * : • "fwi'-'i ! in many colors! rggfafe INK for the PEN LEADS fbrPENCn# PENPOINTS », > i J."".."' • ' B'PC- m From September I to September d » 100 Sheets I TYPING PAPER . 54' THE M?HENRY DRUGGIST Ms HENRY*ILLINOIS THE STORE FOR THE STUDENT Sheaffer s i GOLDPOINT PEN/ Reg. $1.25 value 6 wv K.' tf