Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Aug 1940, p. 5

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!W Thwnd&y, August 29,1940 ' -•* wv^r*rv• ~J*nr-V „4. ' *• -V. - JJSji THE HCHXMSV PLADTDEALBS .r^m V ' W'SK'^'W""W J'i 'VH'«f --:x^^======"~^-r .-*- - : r ; - ^ n,, " •C I "SO I HEAR" *• '•'! by ES:~ tARL WALSli We are proud to see that Mrs. Mose is the Commander-in-Chief of the local Willkie bandwagon for ladies. / --I-- After fell . . . the little lady has a •light leaning toward the Republican P » r t y ! . . . . , . --•~U; .. Bet thegiris will hare just a ducky time at their meetings. Wonder if they will take time to blast some of us democrats 1 --I-- ' Saw that note in The Plaindealer last week from Mike Schoenholtz. Says he "even" reads S. I. H. - _I-- .Mike will be back in town for the school year soon. We may get "even" with him. • 1 . - With this fall season low wonders what he summer's wages. I • The first school bell of the year still makes our heart jump. Carrie*, us back |- It always seems to us that any team pih the first division in a major league! must be fair to middlin'.' 8 E t With any kind of a break in luck, it is easy to see where Gabby may lead his crew to the top next year, r --I-- I The mound work of«Olsen, Moody; and Raffensberger must be sufficient! proof that youth ip the Answer to the Cubs prayer. . -- We're all for Gabby. Hope he wins. the 1941 pennant . . . and that Dykes beats him in the seventh game of the World Series. '~l Winning, a penn~an~t • sounds simple4| but seven other teams have the same idea. Just like trying to climb a tree! with seven other guys pulling you;? down. Dont read about this 9tate baseball tournament and forget it. It's really a big event for our community. You will see some good ball plraerg. in action. • * ,k f Yofc friAy see'some future big league stars in action. Scouts will be on hand to look 'em over. --1-- PLAINDEALER SKETCHES By Will Danch 1.1 Gamfes are going so fast in McHenry's State Tournament pl^rtprt the winning team rests right on the spot. ersonals MERRILY (?) THEY ROLL ALONG! ai i*$. All teams agree that McHenry has • sand trap.) Did you hfear that crash? Don't go telling everybody, but that was "Fussy" Frye trying to back out off the garage without opening the doors. (Just a golf bug with his thoughts in to the days when our parents had to (a peach of a ball diamond. More than lafto us to put shoes on oar toughened bare feet, --I-- Pretty hard for a kid to get settled down to books after a summer of freedom. After all, it takes a few days to get acquainted with the new teacher and find out just how far you can go with your devilment. --1-- . * Glad to see that old "Gabby* Hartnett will manage the Cubs again in 1941. The old Gabber is still the most colorful figure on the Gvt* iftttl m the eyes of most fans. --I--^ , • • Because he fails to win a pennant every year for the Wrigley team i£ no good reason to give the guy the bounce. r a little bit of work has been done to put that diamond in good shape. Let's talk this tournament up and take an active part in putting it over in a big way. f --I-- Now, don't muff a chance to see some fine baseball on the local diamond Sunday and Monday. ' * -- • Be there early if you want a choice seat Remember--games start lit J. :00 o'clock. Old Sayings: "Laziness, did I ever offend thee?" -IWe were in Bill AlthoffV hardware store the other day when a little fellow came in and asked "Chuck" Weldt for some paint this color" as he proudly displayed a splash on his hand. 1 --» \ We don't thank "Fussy" Frye for putting those G. O. P. cartoons on the sport page. We suspect malice and forethought. Stop! Look! Listen! BIG ANNIVERSARY TOP NOTCH MATCHES ON WRESTLING CARD Miss Victoria Shorter of Chicago called on McHenry friends Wednesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bugner and" son, Frank, and Miss Mary Thill of Alveda, Ohio, enjoyed a visit in the Joseph J. Freund home this week. They expect to leave the latter part of the week on a trip through Wiscon- : tin, Michigan and Canada before re* turning to their home. John Sutton of Dixon was the guest of relatives in McHenry last Week. Miss Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Rajjf Conway and daughter left today for Dickeyville, Iowa, where they will enjoy a few days of vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James Farrington^ who are spending the summer at theiif cottage at Lily Lake, are enjoying the Company of Mr. and Mrs. Myles Partington of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vycital were business callers in Milwaukee Tuesday. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. George Penny and- STRONGER COMPETITION • tM« week'hi • * Ithe Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich home. The Shamrocks were raitied out at I Mrs. Lester Bacon, Mrs. William; Richmond Sunday but will return to!Bacon and Mrs. Charles Ensign were action this weekend when Greenwood : Kenosha, Wis., visitors last Thursday, invades the Irish Prairie on Sunday. I Misses Frances Michels and Genev Labor Day the Shamrocks will play »cve Knox called on Miss Katherine the Johnsburg Colts at Johnsburg. McCabe, who is confined to St, Ther- The season series between these two'ese's hospital, Waukegan, on Saturteams stands at two victories apiece day evening. so a real battle can be expected in this j Mrs. John Vycital and son, Richard; deciding contest. ispent Saturday in Chicago. The Shamrocks are on the lookout1 an<* Mrs. Mahoney and for stronger competition and would ,®®r* an^ ®®rs- Harry Anderson of Chi- SHAMROCKS SCHEDULE TWO GAMES AND WANT ME0BE WE SnOOlD mave tu*h£d rr BACH THEfre, M CHICAGO! use. HE SB mrif w FOR FRIDAY •N IGHT toa 1 sAc hedu_ll e •t he xMi ftcfH enry C.O. P. jcagT0. oalrnad V Milrlo' atinrodv aM wrsa-a IHtaomwJa rd Phalin Friday's Card Ruffy Silverstein vs. Bert Rubi. Juan Humberto vs. Jim McMillen,' Angelo Leone vs. Al "Whitey" Williams. Jerry Meeker vs. "Bully Boy" Kogut. Four of the nation's best and'most scientific heavyweight wrestlers in the business are expocted to draw out Lake county sporting enthusiasts to team before closing the season, FOR SALE J of Lake Villa were weekend guests in !the John Phalin home. j Mrs. Mary McCabe of Crystal Lake jwas the guest of McHenry friends on Sunday. I Mrs. Elmer Kinsala and sons of | Chicago spent last week in the Henry Kinsala home. ] Lee Cooney of Cleveland, Ohio, visiited McHenry relatives Saturday. ' Miss Clarice Blake, R. N., of St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, spent Wasfcmyton Dutin N*W9* BOYS GET WIRING DATA t, , r, , , „ _ FOR SALE<--Murphy's Guaranteed'Sunday and Monday in McHenry. if S 95ayslake Arena nigh.t' Fly Spray, 5 gal. for $4.00. Farmers 1 Sunday dinner guests at the Jos. J when tney meet in a double main *f:ii MoHenrv even headlining another all-star pro- 1 One of the subjects covered at the Phone 29. 12-tf Miller home were Mr. and Mrs. Guercard ot four top-„oKh FOR SALE--Five cubic foot Ap.x KcVi Ao'tln S!™'C3'i"'"I™? Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCafferty, turer is shown explaining some of the W! 5ALE (ENDS LABOR DAY) JUST THINK OF IT! fire$to«e ^ ^ TIRES fessional matches. Diminutive Bert Rubi, formerly a | tion. Reasonable. Phone 87-J. member of the Hungarian Olympic wrestling team and one of the most scientific of ay present day wrestlers, ("ou^e one» McHenry. will get a reward for his remarkable showing against ex-world's champion Everett Marshall. He gets to wrestle against tiny but mighty Ruffy Silverstein, former national intercollegiate MOVING 15 FOR SALE--PICKLES. Tony Miller. and Z0"- m wJ"° ha*e been visiting (features of modern farm wiring to an *15 friends in McHenry and Spring Grove, ] interested group of boys and men. recently returned to their home in FOR SALE--Building lot on Park 'Vincennes, Ind. avenue, McHenry. Inquire of Mrs.' The children of Mr. and Mrs. James Katherine Schneider, or call 78-R» 15 Farrington of Lily Lake, who have ----7-- ---- - -*• been spending the summer at a camp . , . . . f a s t e r t h a n a n y m e r - j n W i s c o n s i n , h a v e r e t u r n e d t o t h e i r and Big Ten mat champion, who now chandise we carry -- new, comfort- home. Jim Farrington is entertaining stands as the only prominent profes- able, squirm-free Jockey Underwear. his boy friend, Harly Jones, of Bradsional mat star who has never been Provides real masculine support. Knit for(j m defeated. This match is expected to so your skin can breathe. Made by | Alfons Diedrich enjoyed a visit with °,ne °/«J.e AT fastest JnA ex" Cooper's. 50c ub. McGEE'S, Green his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedamples of REAL wrestling ever wit- Street, McHenry. 15 r;rh on 9nnH«v nessed in Lake county. I 1 Mrs OHve Fell of Rockford and Vhe McMillen Has Side Bet other match on the twin fea- FOR RENT | Miss Georgianna Donahue of Hufttley F«RRfNT-A, ri.t,k,,B.y,3mnes 'P^t Sunday with Mis. Ge„,vie»e from McHenry, modi^n 5-room home; fwnox Mexican adonis, and Jim McMillen, great local favorite, in a return match; I » v f fir**«on« CONVOY 4.75/5.00-19 5.25/5.50-171 1.50-16 '5- $£151 $g85 AND YOUR OLD TIRE EVERYFiieKooe Tire carries a written lifetime guarantee -- not limited to 12,18 or 24 months, but for the full life of the tire without time or mileage limit AS LOW AS 150 feet from water front; all sum-' Miss Victoria Shorer of Lake Forwinner- take-all and with a fifty dollar mer a"d winter sports; near golf «uest of Maxine Bacon - - - course; hot air heat, hot and cold on 6unday> running water. Gentiles only. Box j Mrs- May Fisher has returned from "X," care of The Plaindealer. *15 |a visit with Lake Zurich friends. Mrs. P. L. Fowler and children have The scene of the picnic was one «i northern Illinois' electrified farms, open for inspection through arrangements between owners and the PabHa Service company; the Aavang farm may be visited any afternoon but Sunday until October 1. Banging Gardens The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were terraces supported by arches and overgrown trees. They were erected for the amusement of a Babylonian quefeh who had com* from a mountainous country. Latin Word Honorificabilitudinitatibus is Oft ablative plural of a late Latin word meaning honorableness, used as a pedantic nonsense word. It occurs in Act V, Scene 1, line 44, of Shakft» speare's "Love's Labor Lost." side bet. Last week the pair met on even terms for thirty minutes at Peg's arena, and Friday's battle is expected to produce a winner, since the time limit l^ps been lifted by special request. The preliminary matches this Friday should keep the mat addicts on the ends of their chairs and roaring FOR RENT--Several nicely furnished returned to Tulsa, Okla., after spend- 5-room insulated homes and garage, ing the summer with her parents, Mr. Hot and cold running water. Two ton and Mrs. J. J. Vycital. They were accoal will heat for winer. Severing- companied by Mr. Vycital and Richard haus, Pistakee Bay. *15 (Vycital who will spend several days for blood during the early part of the ,POR RENT--Furnished cottage avail-1™ Mr" and Mr^HeTma^Nyl6 Aurora evening. In oonnee,, tthhee iinniimiittaabbllee ! aabbllee aatt $$1155..0000 ppeerr moonntthh.. Smaallll ffaamm - spent" *in the Wm.*A. Nye "Whitey" AI Williams, blonde tatoo-! ily with references. Inquire at Betty's £ome ed Fox Lake heavyweight, goes up Place, Lily Lake. *15, against firey and dangerous Angelo pqr RENT--Comfortable 4 to 5-room i'1? of Chicago are spending the week flat above Royal Blue store, Ringwood. !w'th her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Zvonar and fam- "DR1CED right down to bedrock -- and just before your Labor Day Trip! Here's the value sensation of 1940 built with patented Firestone; construction features to assure longer mileage and greater safety. At these low prices, equip your car with 1 full act today* HOW! TBE FAMOUS Tir«$fon* HIGH SPEED TIRE M Tk-- LOW PRICES w' Leone, Brooklyn, N. Y. Italian chaladifr'lJ^ i^^k!1 Ung^es^ft^ JeJry | Reasonable rent. Immediate occupan- Freund. Mr. Zvonar is enjoying his Meeker, the Hawaiian Be^hcomb^r, in »' * »• "jg l"^0"p. A. Short, lb. N»c, 11 iii 1 1' 11 Mrs. Harvey Nye, Mrs. Al Blake and WjAdtYflD iMrs. Eleanor Nye spent an enjoyable " j day in Chicago on Tuesday. WANTED--Experienced stenograph.-1 The James Farringtons of Lily Lake the other. PLAYGROUND NOTES The activities of the summer play- ler. Give qualifications and references, and their guests, the Myles Farringground ended with a weiner roast in the city park Wednesday noon. A large group of children enjoyed this final get together and lunch. The McHenry tennis team defeated the Norwood Park club in a shortened match due to rain, 3 to 1. Write or call infr person: UNITED,tons of Chicago motored to Danville, FARMERS EXCHANGE, Spring 111., Sunday to attend the Legion con- Grove, Illinois. 15-3 vention after spending a grand evenling at the Farmerette party at Betty's MISCSLLANEOffll Place, Lily Lake, NOTICE--Wr will noi be responsible' ^itt,e Johnny ^"7 f °Ti-1 m , u r, _ r* Lake was a visitor m the home of his ; for any debts contracted by Zane Grey , , Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. 1 in the County of McHenry. Mr. and p^"e" ® The entries for the men's doubles i Mrs. Paul Jolitr, Ringwood, 111. 15 MSM!rr.• and Mrs. JJo*hn. R. Vycital and tennis tournament are coming in and j "ARMERS ATTENTION -- Exchange [daughter, Winifred Ann, have retunv from all indications some of the ,your wheat for Quaker Flour at the led to their home in Washington, D. C., FIRTIFONT HIGH SHE) TKE SIZE PRICE *.75/5.00-11 •7.S* I.2S/5.5M7 i.2i/5.M»1l S.4* 101/11 9.99 IH/lH-tl 11.23 7.80-11 11.99 AND YOUR OLD TIM Otfe* SbM Prapwtk Mtelj lM strongest teams from the nearby towns will be in the tournament. This means that our local boys will have to be up on their toes every minute if they are going to make a good showing. The championship matches for possession of the. Lions Club Trophies will take place on the local courts Saturday afternoon. SALE ENDS SEPT. 2 Millions of new cars were originally equipped with this great Firestone High Speed Tire -- now built to deliver still longer non-«kid mileage. The outstanding value of 1940. Buy a c omplete set today. G E T O U R L O W P R I C E S O N T H E F A M O U S F I R E S T O N E S T A N D A R D T R U C K T I R E S Walter J. Freund : - '"Tffi Open Every Evening and Snndayg . ®we and Tube Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing ^ i Plume 294 , WwtMeHeiff? May in the twilight softhall league ends with this week's games. The final league standings find the gas station team on top with the .greatest number of victories. Farmers Mill. Phone 29. McHenry. 'after spending a pleasant week in the 12-tf home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Vycital, renewing old ac- The league provided a lot ef |nn and interest and plans are being made to organize six or eight teams next summer. During the past week the caddies have been playing their annual caddy tournament. Class "A" division was won by "Bud" Adams; Class "B" division was won by Harry Unti; Class "C" division was won by Deane McCracken. Winners of each division were awarded a set of irons, while lesser awards were given to every caddy playing in the tournament. Mrs. Henry Kinsala, daughters, Mildred and Eleanor, Mrs. Theo. Schiessle and Bertha Schiessle attended the wake for Peter Thorsell at Mundelein last Monday. Mrs. Chas. W. Goodell, Miss Ethel Jones and Warren Jones spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones and family at Dixon, DL DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS quaintances and reminiscing with forai aa i A4 c m i mer classmates. #1.UU 10 JplO.uU oasn Norma Jean Kinsala of Woodstock I Cows - Horses - Hogs a guest in the home of her grandi: • No help needed for loading! parents, the Henry Kinsalas, last Prompt and Sanitary Service !week. Day and Night. Sundays and Holidays jfrs. O. C. Murray, daughter, Marg- Phone Wheeling 102 Reverse Charges ery an<j j0),n White of Geneva were FLOOR SANDING--Old floors like ?inner of Mi8,8 ^ McLaughnew; refinish with Dura Seal; a lifetime floor finish; free estimate. Henning Newman, 932 Marvel Av«<hue, Woodstock. Phone 451-M. *45-26 Is still on, so take advantage of B A R G A I N P R I C E S • New Fall Lines coming in daily especially for " m , ; S C H O O L WEAR W BOYS fants Knicker* Sweatesa Socks t 116 » >fa v.t es i .4; • enms oes FOROIR10 Blouses Dresses 8weat«rr Shoes Ankletis Sport Corduroy Jackets Skirts Hose Also a new line of Infants' and Children's Wear. PRICES AS USUALLY RIGHT! ^ » Open'Wed. and Sat. Evenings and Son. until Noog GREEN ST Telephone McHENRY *<*W<" GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 Or 631-M-l. 2-tf lin one day last week. They also visited Mrs. Jack McLaughlin in the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Harvey Rapp and daughter of Arlington Heights spent Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. William Bacon. Bob Bacon, who had been enjoying av few weeks with his sister, returned to his home here with them. What Is a Jeep? What is a jeep? The state department of motor vehicles pored over the vehicle code and could not find an answer, so asked Attorney General Earl Warren to give his opinion on "\he question of jeeps--particularly if they are subject to tax. A jeep, it seems, should be classified and taxed as a semi-trailer. The attorney general's opinion says: "A jeep is a vehicle having one axle with either two or four wheels. It is so constructed that its froiKt end connects onto the fifth wheel of a truck factor. It also has a fifth wheel upon which is attached the front end of a semi-trailer. In this manner the weight of the front end of the semi-trailer is borne both by the wheels of the truck factor and ifet wbosia of Heredity In an effort to settle the debatable question of whether heredity is a stronger factor than environment in individual development, scientists often study identical twins who have been reared apart in radically different environments. If heredity is the stronger, it is reasoned, there should be little difference between them, but if environment is the stronger, the difference should te great. * 3M,000 Nurses Three hundred thousand nurses are employed in 6,600 hospitals i& the United States. GMC owners themselves art authority for this statement. GMC* sat>* 15% to 49% on gat oline, over other l i g h t - d u t y trucks! And this fact is all the more important when you realize that mny GMC can out- • THi T*UOC OP VALUt • pull any other truck built to« day, engine size for size. Corns and see this truck of valim. See how muck more you get, in modern feature* arid money-sawing perform* r»o«» when you buy a truck-built GMC* • jww# rots* OB? Egg ^':' One egg is equal in leavening quality to one-half teaspoon baking powder. Tim poyinorfi tkrmupk our own YMAC Ho RTL OVERTON MOTOR SALES Street GMC TRUCKS GASOLINE

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