Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1940, p. 3

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"»•' '"f r > , •*'„ '*33 ** > I7i .;3aThursday, September 19, 1940 1'^ -/ Door Bells for Dogr N ft'1 J 'At the front door of many homes i5?' '.'I0 Copenhagen, a small pedal pro- J f|ects at a point near the ground Inhere the dog usually scratches to a^ention. The dpg is taught to /Vfjress this pedal when he wishes to Rejoin the family circle and this action closes the circuit of an electribell. The idea pays for itself . B avoiding muddy paw marks on Rejected ":vC AH the top ranking t jected the manuscript of Pearl Buck's "The Good Earth." Vitamins Font Vitamins were found through husks from^rico, which were led chickens. Mai K«t* Women After testing 553 men and women of all ages, Dr. Norman Frederiksen of Princeton university declared that men understand women better than women understand men. He noted, however, two times in the male life when his judgment of women falls off--(1) at the age of 13 or 14 and (2) "around the college age." The older women get, said the psychologist, the worse & tb#ir judgment of men. : / • t -i- i • v.- * P-4-- Lions Rarely Attack Naturalists have discovered that lidhs rarely attack human beings if they can help it. In about 90 cases out of 100 a lion will run away at the mew approach of a man, they/ claim. . * , THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER VOLO JOHNSBURG Sentaor Ray Paddock, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family attended the Republican rally at Barrington Sunday. The Volo Cemetery Society met at the home of Miss Vinnie Bacon in Wauconda Thursday. Seven tables of airplane bunco and auction five hun- Mrs. Fred Smith, Mrs. Joe J. Freund, Mrs. Steve May, Mrs. Peter F. Freund, Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers were Chicago calty rs Tuesday. • Miss Evelyn Michels spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Frank Young, at Spring Grove. Bill Marz, Ben Tonyan and Adam Comer Riverside Drive and Pearl Street MCHEKRY S NEWEST RENDEZVOUS FOR DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE Towh Club Cocktail Lounge Snack Shop, serving delicious sandwiches. dred were enjoyed by all present. The jBildner left Sunday <m a fishing trip prizes were awarded Mrs. Ray Sey- 'up nortj, I"our: HironimU8, Mrs. j "d „ E<lw,ri Fre(t chi. Lloyd Eddy, Mrs. Pearl Dowell, Miss , . ., . j of .. . AAddaa DVOoWwEeLlLl aanndd MMISisSs BBeeaattrriiccee Duooww - coa{S M° rssp eDnte lltah eM wileleerk end at the home .U Damty refreshment^ were served Mr and Mrs Irvin Schaefer o{ at the close of a pleasant afternoon. | Wauke^n called on Ml, and Mrs. Robert Hook is seriously ill at the :^m j Meyers Sunday afternoon. St. Therese hospital, Waukegan, at I Mr and Mrs. Joe P. Miller motored this writing. His many friends here lto East Troy, Wis., Sunday. hope for a speedy recovery. j Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George vis- daughter, Nancy, of Chicago and Mr. ited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. |jmtj Mr&. Jtay Horick of Woodstock Richard Dusil, in Berwyn Monday. j called at the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Jr., spent Tues- jSmith Sunday. 'day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs ! Clyde Wright at Lake Defiance. Mrs. Henry Klapperich is spending a few days with relatives at Milwau- CELEBRATION SALE -- PEL & SAT., SEPT. 20-21 RINGWOOD ROYAL BLUE FOOD STORE -- F, N. Muss$r, Prop. -- *8Wf,%iCfr..AND SAVE IN BINOWOODt SPECIAL -- Pure Came Sugar 10 «». 45£ , (with $1.00 order) Powdered or Brown Sugar lbs. for 25^ Sweet Potatoes (new yellow yams) 6 lbs. for 25 c* New Red Triumph Potatoes .. ...peck 25^ Sunkist Oranges, large size ,, dozen 25^ Red Tokay Grapes 3 ^s. for 25^ Bananas, first quality 5^ t ~ : CANNED GOODS -- Famous Sus-Q brand. Sweet corn, peas, green and yellow beans, pork and beans, kidney beans, tomatoes, catsup 3 for 25£ MEATS -- Pork Loin , 25c lb. Cold Meats - 23c lb. Bacon - 15c lb. Chuck Beef - 23c lb. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ^BOWMAN BROS. 40th Anniversary Celebration and Fall Fashion Parade Starts Wed., Sept. 18 9A.M. Offering America's Finest Lines of Footwear at Prices That Defy All Competition! BERE THEY ARE .... / > FLORKHEIM .. PARADISE .. MODEART .. RED CROSS . . JUVINILE .. SIMPLEX CO-EflS . . SOCIALITE . . THEATRICAL . . DEBUTANTE . . PARIS FASHION . . AIR STEP AND OTHERS! FREE: For opening days of Sale only, on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week . . . We make YOU a present of a delicious Birthday Cake! Here's where you both get to eat the cake and have it. . . For these shoe bargains will long be remembered... A lasting satisfaction! -* .. ' - You Are Invited! Don't Turn Us Down! Be Present . - and Share in this Great Birthday Party! , Bowman Bros. Shoe Store Southeast Corner of Square Woodstock, 111. 25% DISCOUNT \ from list price on the famoa# 'Firestone STANDARD TIRES AS LOW A& $5.85 Take advantage of this discount and trade in your old tires regardless of condition. " •• v" ' » 440 or 4.50 - 21 4.75 or 5.00 -19 5.25 or 5.50 -17 5.25 or 5.50 • 18 6.00 -16 6.25 or 6.50 -16 I, lU. List 7.80 8 »5 •*B-85 9.30 10-75 13-00 Lifetime Guarantee--No timo 0r mileage limit Batteries as low as $ g 95 Trade old battery and get a new one give good service in winter. 2-gaL can Pennsylvania Oil Jl 1.34 Walter J. OPEN EVERY EVENING AND ALL DAY SUNDAY! Tire and Tube Vulcanising, Battery Charging and Repairing 2 9 4 -- W e s t M c H e n r y Donald Dunker of Crystal Lake ,kee, Wis, spent Sunday with Robert Dunker. Mi\ and Mrs. Joe Karls and daugh- Mrs. Pearl Dowell and daughter, !ter, Margaret, spent the weekend with Adas Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mrs, Lloyd Mre. Margaret Landre at Chicago. Fisher and daughter, Mary Lou, Mrs. i Mrs. Leo Gerlach spent Saturday in Albert Hafer were Friday dinner j Chicago. guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. j Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner of George Scheid, Jr., in Wauconda in Chicago spent the weekend with Art honor of Mrs. Scheid'* birthday anni-! peters. versary. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago Miss Alice Grimelli of Rhir.elander, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wis., is spending a few weeks at'tha F. Freund. home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner. I Miss Irene Smith attended a wed- Mrs. Frank St. George called at ding at Chicago Sunday. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huff of Richmond j Wright at Lake Defiance Tuesday. were callers here Saturday evening, j Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stangeland and Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin family of Wauconda were Sunday!spent Sunday at the home of her Page Three Is Totalitarianism Qn Way In America? by George Ptock The answer to the above, of . course, is YES. The trend has been toward Totalitarianism despite the fact that we have had an opportunity to witness its devastating effects on the countries which have adopted it or had it forced upon them. Over and against this, there are certain things which we know about our own American System of Free Enterprise. We know that competition is the greatest assurance to the consumer of reasonable prices and high and everimproving quality of product, for by and through competition, the consumer gets his money's worth. by the ever-increasing centralization of power in the hand* of a few men at Washington? There nan be only one answer and it is that we have lost faith in^.ourselves; that as a nation, we have been seeking panaceas.'holding out our hands to the government for gifts instead of meeting our responsibilities. Free Enterprise has not failed us. True, the System is not perfect and some of the men who are running it needed a lesson. That lesson now has been learned and Free Enterprise if given an opportunity will go to even greater accomplishments for owners, workers and consumers. Surely we are not going to turn our backs on a system which has done so much for us and go "leftist." That would be no answer to our problem--it would be a show of weakness on our part--a favor of turning business Lack to the business men under reasonable regulation?" Be he Democrat or Republican, the candidate who . declares himself on* equivocably for Free Enterprise and against further meddling with business by government, is the man to vote for. If we elect such men, then the answer to the question posed in the title of this article will be: MA thousand times NO -- In America, Totalitarianism is on the way out." evening visitors at the \orae of Mr. and Mr®. Herman Dunker. Arnold Wirtz, youngest son of Mr. mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann and daughters Of Chicago spent Sunday jand Mrs. Williarp Wirtz, has been on .at the home of Mr, find Mrs. Joe 1 the sick list the past week. mann, I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, j Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen, Mr. and • Kenneth Lee, were Woodstock callers'Mrs. Nick Pitzen and Mr: &nd Mrs. j Wednesday evening. jjoe J. Freund left on a fishing trip up I The Volo unit of the Lake County north for a few days. i Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. I Mr. and Mrs. George Zarnstorff of 'Alvin Case Wednesday afternoon with'Woodstock and Mrs. Rose Hoffine of Mrs. Lloyd Fisher as co-hostess. The Genoa. Wis., spent Sunday at the major project, "Selection and Care of .home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller I Rugs," was given by our home ad- Mr. and Mrs. Peter F Freund. Mr. visor, Mrs. Volk. The minor project.'and Mrs. Joe King and Mr. and Mrs. | "Interesting Vacation (Experiences," Steve May motored to Chicago Sunwas given by all the members. Dainty day evening. | refreshments were served at the close j j of the meeting. | Police of Aberdeen, Wash., are look- Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. Georg° ing for a thief who stole an entire .spent Friday evening at the home of logging camp of more than forty Mr. and Mrs. J. Valenta in Cicero. 'items, including a 2,200-foot cable; Eyes Examined huge saws, and a topping gear. SLOCUM'S LAKE 1 In a drive to rid the county of rats, {more than 12,000' rat tails were turned in to the county agent at Memphis, 1 Mo. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, j ^ and Earl Johnston attended the plow-j Weaver Martin and Martin Weaver I ing match at Wheatland last Satur-jof Lancaster, Pa., are going to many I day* 1 Mabel and Alice Martin, sisters. I Mrs. M. VanDeusen returned to the ^horne of Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry Sunday after spending the past five weeks with friends in Chicago. I Willard Darrell attended an execu- I tive meeting of the Lake - Cook Farm Supply Co., at Lake Zurich Monday. Mrs. Frank Wilson and daughter, Beatrice, of Volo spent last Friday af- Iternoon at the home of Mrs. Clara j Dowell. j Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wagner and Mr. jand Mrs. Raymond Whgner and son | of Buffalo G^ove were Sunday after- ! noon visitors at the home- of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Mrs. S. J. Baker of Williams Park spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roberts at MundeTein. Mr. and Mrs. David Berkhgraef and daughter of Burton's Bridge spent Monday evening at the home of M*, and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett. spent the weekend at the lakes at Lac du Flsnibeau, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. WITH Burkhart were among the guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haiges at Williams Park last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren attended a wedding shower on Mr. and , Mrs. Ray Anderson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson at Cary last Wednesday evening. Don Sharpless of Evanston and John Kellerher of Highland Park were guests Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hoffman and J Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman of Liberty- ; ville were visitors at the home of Mr. land Mrs. Harry Matthews last Thursday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk at ; Maple Park. Mrs. Lusk and daughter | returned home with them aftec.spendj ing Saturday at the Blomgren home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Park and daughter, Jacqueline, and Mrs. Ella Parks | of Park Ridge and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson of the "Flats" were visitors I Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ;W. E. Brooks. j Elmer Esping spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. C. H. Hansen was a dinner J guest last Tuesday at the home of ; Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien at Ideal Acres ;Farm at Roseville. i Mrs. G. J. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake at- | tended the Republican rally at Bar- | rimrton Sunday.. | Thursday visitors at the home of ! Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mr. ^nd Mrs. M. Motto, John Brewer, Miss Mary Jorden, from Chicago; Mr. and Mis. Wm. VanNatta of Crystal Lake; Mrs. Mary Wright of Barreville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillief of Barring- ; ton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter. Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable. McMenry 123-J Woodstock 674 x We know that under Free Enterprise, competition has been #veloped'confession of failure. to a high degree--under it workers On November 5th, wfe are going to not only have been given an ever-in- elect 435 congressmen. Let's ask all creasing share of the dollars they pro-]of the candidates these two questions: duce but each of these dollars continu- . "How do you stand on Free Private ously buys .more and better goods. ; Enterprise ?" and "Are you for con- We know that the profit motive of tinued government competition with Free Enterprise is the vital actuating ' and control of industry or are you in force in, creating efficiency and stimulating Effectiveness in industrial operations. It is indispensable. In addition and constituting a further stimulus to initiative, is the constant threat that without efficiency, instead of profit, there may be a loss. We know that the money invested in Private Enterprise, in the main, represents what people have saved out of income through thrift and self-denial. Investment in industry represents in part "venture" capital, which has been risked in enterprise for the sake of profit and is entitled to profit commensurate with the hazards involved. Wfe know \hat millions of Americans have a stake in industry either held directly in the furm of stocks and bonds or indirectly in the form of savings deposits and insurance policies. Knowing all the aforegoing truths. ^why is it that we have marched along the road toward Totalitarianism the past few years, for there can be no doubt we have done so as exemplified #• MR. FARMER! If yon have the misfartaae to lose any livestock, call the PALATINE RENDERING COMPANY and yon will receive the highest prices. Old, dead and disabled horses, cattle, hogs, sheep removed promptly. Day or night service. Phone Palatine 95 and Reverse Charges • t , * M',% • ^'4' -1 . " " Dr. Paul A. Schwabe QPTQM£rriUST A. E. Nye Bklg. Weet McHenry MORNINGS APPOINTMENT ONLY THURSDAY DANCING EVERY SATURDAY EVENING PINK. HARRISON'S 5 ? Pistakee Bay ^ Fried Chicken, 60c Assorted Sandwiches Hot Roast Beef and Pork with French Fries -- J ©ivine Music Perfect Mixed Drinks BARBARA HORICK'S ORCHESTRA S P E E D Y TO "TpAOt OUR MOTOR VEHICLE IN ON ONE OP R0SSMAN MOTOR SALES j, SU6HTVY USED CAPS By "DICK" eepEMu I CAN Auow ABLE > IT SEEMS TO HAVE AO AIM SHA IPMEMCUYL NIAORW CANT r ivv \NIF AND THEN SHE HAS THE HICCUP5 AO^IN HASH - LaFAYETTE - PAOgA&B General Repair Work T7 Washing, Greasing, Towing Lawn Mower Sharpening AUTHORIZED ... SERVICE RQS5MHN MOTOR SALES RIVERSIDE DRIVE and PEARL STREET - PHONE. 13 :« Saturday "EVR0LET MtpipmN >• ! 'Q i- J . '<"1 - f , • THRILLING NfW BIGNESS | Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich, daughter, Adele, and Mrs. Paul Yanda enjoyed last Thursday at Brookfield zoo. Mr. and Mrs. 3en DicU leii iast Thursday, to enjoy a few days visit with George Boehm, 94-year-old uncle of Mr. Dietz, at Mauston, Wis. On their way back tfcfff itoppad M tke Wisconsin Delia. . , MAJOK *D*SH1N8MW ' ^RISTOSTYU" DESIGN •KM CONCEALED SAHTV-CnPS AT EACH DOOft >K 1UXE KHK-ACOOM ON AU MODEUL * WITH BALANCED SMUNQMO FRONT AND tEAR AND MPtOVEO SHOCKPtQSr STORMO • * ORIGINAL VACUUMPOWER SHIFT mil con IT AS ONLY BUILDS IT It's a SIZE sensation • • • m STYLE sensation ... a DRIVE and RIDE sensation ^ Bigger In all major dimensions both inside and out . • • with 3' longer^wheelbaso and 3-couple roomhuf in all sedan models ^ With dashing now "Arlstostyle" design and longer, larger, more luxurious Fisher Bodies that sot the now stylo for the new year ^ With a mighty 90-h.p. Valve-in-Head "Victory" Engine that lifts performance and lowers costs it's the new • low-price leader by the builder of leaders • . . CHEVROLET . • • holder of first place In motor car sales for 9 out of the last 10 years! ^CHEVROIETS tkLEADER *NEW LONGER WWEIBASE * LONGER, LARGER, WIDER FISHER BODIES - WTH NO DRAFT VSNTKATtON * 90-H.P. VALVE-INHEAD "VICTORY" ENGIMI * SAFE-T-SKdAL HYDRAULIC BRAKES Plus many mar* outstanding comfort, safmty ami convMfMt* features. EY£nV IT - T B0 "! "H 'J MoHEHSY, ILL.

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