Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Sep 1940, p. 6

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fpsm WK pT AWmiAt^H amaze a m inute ScfiEfrhFACTS -- BY ARNOLD CONGRESSIONAL VIEWS by Congressman Chauncey W. Reed Exit Sneator Ashhnrst Last week Arizona voters retired one of the Senate's most colorful figures, the veteran Senator Henry F riVE H*w LINES OF # MOTOR GARS BEINO " iSHOWN BY "BUICK" Vhnfftday, I without seams or joints. At the same time, the appearance of the front fenders is improved by the addition of a chrome ornament to the pater side of the valance. Direction signals of the automatic turn-off type are incorporated in the Moving Mountain - COLORADO'S FAAAED MOVING MOUNTAIN" AT DURANGO IS CAUSEO BY »>RE5SURE AND EXPANSION FROM INTERNAL FIRES Rubber road^- NON-DETERIORATING RUBBER IN STRIPS HAS BEEN LAID TO TEST FOR ROAD APPLICABILITY Neurotic- OF FOUR GROUPS STUDIED, MARRIED WOMEN ARB MOST NEUROTIC, MARRIED MEN NEXT, WOMEN COLLEGE STUDENTS AND MEN STUDENTS LEAST * W*§ new lines of motor cars embodying such advanced features as ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v <i>vu compound carburetion, new aerody- ]jghts anfj fen(jer lamps, actuated namic bodies and engines developing a jever control switch mounted un- 115, 125 and 165 horsepower, are be- the steering wheel. „ - ing introduced by the Buick division New gear ratios available this year Ashurst (Dem.), after thirty years of General Motors corporation in deal- are to utilize to the fullest in Washington. A brilliant lawyer jers' show rooms throughout the coun- jmprove<j performance of the enand a fluent orator, he was Chairman i try. ' gines. A choice is offered in the varof the Senate Judiciary Committee for The new cars represent outstanding jOU8 serjeg no extra cost, so the many years. He, it was, who un- improvement. They have been com- new car purchaser may have the type blushingly said when the Court-Pack-1 pletely restyled, with an entire new 0f performance he most desires. Those ing bill was under consideration three jline of bodies on the series 40 Specia , wj10 piace economy ahead of brilliant years ago, "I pride myself on being eries 60 Century and series 90 Limited acce]eration or exceptional hill-climbconsistent in my inconsistencies." His cars, and new modermstic treatment jn^ ability, and those who drive for defeat was probably due to the long of radiator grilles, hood and front end ^e most part in flat country, may obcontinued session of Congress in which he was unable to leave Washington long enough to conduct his campaign. While performing his official duties at the Capitol, his opponent was hitting _ the highways and the byways and the brackets for which an entirely new voters forgetting that Congress had line of Buick series 90 Limited cars sheet metal. .. to"1 gear ratios designed especially The Buick line for 1941 covers the jfor this type of service. price range from the lower medium R L Overton Motor Sales, West Mcprice field, under $1,000, to the deluxe jjenry, is the local agency. passenger car field in the upper price . . " ' been in almost continuous session for nine months, voted for the man who came to see them and against the one has been designed this year. Throughout the range, the new models bear a distinctive style treatment Bell Syndicate--WNU Sen-ice Ride Toboggan Doivn Sand Dunes mmm who "didn't come around." But the which readily identifies them on the Senator took it philosophically. The highway and which is symbolic of next day he remarked in the Senate, sturdy construction and the spirited that, after all, in a republic, the peo- i performance of which the new cars pie had the undoubted right to change j are capable; . , * their servants at any time, they chose | Among outstanding developments "for a good reason, for a bad reason in the new models are the new Buick or for no reason at all." He even found [engines, which have unusually high humor in his own defeat. We quote ,compression -ratios, making them from his speech: "About 7 o'clock this available for the use of the new high morning the telephone rang, and when | octane fuels now developed for the I answered, a venerable lady who lived commercial market. The engines are in Arizona more than fifty-six years of the "fire-ball" design, having domeago spoke and said. 'Senator, I am dis- [shaped pistons and combustion chamtressed to see in the newspaper that jber contour that compresses the fuel you are defeated. What are you go- into the shape of a flattened ball, diing to do for a living now?' (Laugh- jrectly around the spark plug, provid- I ter) I said, 'I may rest a year and jing maximum combustion efficiency then practice law.' She said, 'Oh, are j without detonation or ping. you a lawyer?' (Laughter) Coming Twle« T o l d Talti etf htmat Taker to jnje* of Ffafad--Vpr ' ef Yean Ag» SIXTY YEARS AGO The Democrats of Johnsburgh will raise a Hancock and English Pole, on At the same time, compound car- Monday. Hon. Richard Bishop of Mc- J T r - i M B i S ? a"ZS bound for the lakes on Monda; Mrs. Morse, having sold her residence in this village, will move to Garden Prairie, Boone county, and make her home with her son-in-law, A. J. Harris. We learn that. L. Stoddard has pics.' (Laughter) He ;Wh.t do Ibeen developed exelusiv.1, by Buick JP-W-tan ™»ed „p river you mean by^that?' I replied 'Well, engineers for the 1941 cars. for almost thirty years I have sue- { With compound carburetion, the encessfully distributed applesauce in the gine operates under all normal condi- Capitol. I ought now to be able to tions up to 70 miles an hour on one sell a few apples.' (Laughter) I am dual carburetor, the other cutting in sure some of my colleagues expect me j when it is needed either for fast, 'to describe the sensation of defeat. |smooth acceleration or greater top m • . ___+u The first half hour you believe thatjspeed. The result, in combination with ^ers^ tW Tnhn the earth has slipped from beneath ! the fireball deeign is marked im- of the public square Also that John your feet, that the stars above your provement in engine performance Sn U v S^y p^Lr "far head have paled and faded, andtyou throughout the range, particularly In J* wonder what the Senate will do with- lower speeds where adequate power is Mr. J JUL out you. and you wonder how the coun-'needed to eliminate the necessity of ( xo a Iarm in ^aKe couniy' itry will get along without you. But too frequent gear shifting. With the ( within another half hour there comes inew Buick cars, once the car is in ; FIFTY YEARS AGO Waving the Freneh and English flags, two pretty Canadians toboggan a peace and a joy that would be en- ^motion, it usually is not necessary to down the giant sand mountain near Tadoussac, Quebec The immense vied by the world's greatest philosoph- change from high gear. sand dune is 500 feet high. Toboggans slide down its 45-degree slope at |er. His colleagues, regardless of par- Due to the use of two twin carburgpeeds exceeding 50 miles an hour. Mrs. F. K. Granger met with A severe fall one day last week, but fortunately no bones were broken. Mrs. T. J. Walsh and $on, Dick, re IKE TEX CLASSIFIED COLUMNS T0£ QUICK RESULT! YEAH? J ty, will miss Senator Ashurst in the etors, greater fuel economy is aehievnext Congress. Our nation has pro- j ed through the fact that the car oper fitted by his long, unselfish service. Argentine Beef The Argentine beef question is again that where it is impossible to adjust eausing Western cattle raisers con- J one carburetor to meet all speed and siderable concern. It will be remem- acceleration requirements efficiently, race with some of e noted .nrinterm bered that not long ago a heated con- with compound carburetion, the exact il«4w " " f 1* «W> , . E CHURCH SERVICES (Daylight Savings Time) St. Mary'* CatKnllr Church Masses: Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:60} 11:30. Weekdays: 6:45; 8:00. First Friday: 6:30j 8:001 Confessions: Saturdays: 3:00 p. m. and 7:00 p. m Thursday before First Friday. After Mass on Thursday, 3:00 p. m and 7:00 p. m. Magr. C. S. Nik, pastor. St. Patrick's Catholic Chdrcfc Masses: Sundays: 8:00; 9:00; 1.0:00; 11:00. Weekdays: 7:80. First Fridays: 7:30.# On First Friday, Communion di« tributed at 6:30, 7:00 and befole and during the 7:30 Mass. Confessions: Saturdays: 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Thursday before First Friday . 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. and 7KV; t/ p.m. Rev.' Wm. A. O^ourH, paster. and 5:00 St. John's Catholic Church, lohobciri M&S868 • Sundays: 7:00; 8:30; 10:00; 11:15. Holy Days: 7:00 and 9:90. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: 8:00. - W- ,u c Confessions: . ' :',V' Saturdays: 2:30 and Thursday before First Friday: 2:30 and 7:30. Sex. A. J. Neidert, pastor* Community Chorcti Stmda^ School: 10 a.m. Morning Sermon: 11 a.m. Epworth League: 7:30 p.m. Rev. A. W. Blood, pastor. JMTOENBY FLORAL OQ« u X r ' y - f " 7 1 One Blile South of Mc&emy on Route 3t Floww* for ail Phone 43 VEffllW! J. KNOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Prio« Bldg. - OFFICE HOUfl^ -- , Tuesdays and Fridays •• • y ' er Days by Appointmett ' McHenry . •„ v - Illinoia PHONE 15 f'X X-Ray Service ^ i- W-• dentist v*'-'" ' Office Hoars 9-12 and 1-C> tSyenings by Appointmenl Main Stncl Mrffewry H;- Latheran Evangelical Charcti Sunday Service, 8:Q0 a. m. ^ '•••• Sunday School, 9:15 a. m. A Rev. Herman P. Meyer, pastor. St. Peter's Catholic C hurch, Spring Grove Masses: Sundays: 8:00 and 10:00, Holy Days: 6:30 and 9:00. Weekdays: 8:00. First Friday: o':00. Confessions: Saturdays: 2:30 and 7:15. Thui sday before First iruiav: 2:3v. and 7:15. Rev. John L. Dal^itien, Pastor. . . Freimd Excavating Contractor Trucking, Hydraulic and Grant Service --Road Building-- TeL 204-M * McHenry, III Lilymoor SubdivisioB Sunday School, 10:15 a. Ok Preaching service, 8 p. m. At home of Rev. W. P. Rueckheim. All are invited. jates on one carburetor under most ^rned °n S^urdfy fr°m Gfen Bay djr i.v i•n g ns. Engi• neers explain ^W is., where they have been for sever week8 for health. Tony Barbian went to Chicago on Monday to make a match for a foot of that city. The first frost of the season, on Friday* evening last. Quite a number from this vicinity are attending the Lake county fair at Libertyville this week. FORTY YEARS AGO troversy arose over the question of adjustment needed for the whole speed the importation of Argentine beef in- and power range can be supplied. to the United States to the detriment Compound carburetion likewise contriof the American cattle raisers, and at bated materially to the power increase the height of the controversy the ,'n the engines. President was accused of having re- I In connection with fuel economy, it marked that Argentine beef was not is claimed that the 165 horsepower ; only cheaper but better than Amer-j Buick engine now gives more miles j jican beef. American cattle raisers (Per gallon at 50 miles per hour than! ||f. and Mrs. Peter Walsh, announce hotly retorted that this was just some was obtained from last year's 107 the marriage of their daughter, Miss more of the well-known Washington horsepower engine, at like speed. Ellen ^ Mr John Walsh, "Ferdinand." A recent press announce-1 In the new styling, Buick engineers Tuesday, September 25 at 10:30 a. ment stated that a remark had been and designers, in co-operation with ,n.f gt. Patrick's church,'McHenry. made by Leopoldo Melo in Buenos General Motors stylists, have given The willing Workers will meet with Aires to the effect that he had been (broader range and greater utility to jjrs p Hanly on Thursday afterassured by President Roosevelt that ,the "torpedo" type of body introduc- noon of n(Ixt week A11 members are the question of importing Argentine |«i[ by Buick last year. Unusually cordially invited to be present. beef into the United States would be y^de, Tmh five feet of shoulder room Miss Kate Howe will lead the Y. P. "solved" after the election. Thisj1" the front seat*, the cars are fully c u devotional meeting at the Unicauses American cattle raisers to won- .streamlined from the graceful hood to versnlist church next Sunday evenine der whether or not an attempt will be rear tapered tail. They take Mrs. E. H. Walker entertained a made after the November election to advantage of the tear drop de- number of McHenry ladies at her give the American beef market to I?1*171 'n W"1C" 's accomplished a sweep- piea8ant Lake Geneva home last Sat- ,r,e aerodynamic streamlined back of Those in attendance were: unusual attractiveness. Mrs j^es B Pen,y Mrs T j Waish( The new cars s»re fleet looking and Mrs> John L Story Mrs. W. A. Cristy graceful, with smooth contours and and Miss Julia A Story. scientific placing of windows and accessories to provide the utmost in both appearance and utility. The new aerodynamic bodies designed for the sermmCB OF CLAIM DATE Brtate of NICHOLAS FREUND, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons that Monday, November 4th, 1940, is the claim date in the estate ot NICHOLAS FREUND Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. MARY FREUND, Executrix. WM. M. CARROLL, Attorney. < Woodstock, Illinois. fPub. September 12 - 19 - 26) [the Argentine producers to the conse quent detriment of our own people. This matter is of vital concern to the American farmers of the Middle West, who raise catle. Is the American farmer going to be penalized in another "good neighbor policy" deal? THIRTY YEARS AGO _ . , , ^ On the board of trade Monday afles 40 Special and series 60 Century ternoon butter was declared to be cars provide comfortable space for six worth thirty-one cents after a bitter passengers in addition to adequate dispute. luggage space in the streamlined tail. Frank V. Cobb, who "for'some time The tear drop design has been carried past has been clerking in the drug Williamson County officials of Mar ion, ni., have been notified of these thefts: A 60-foot span bridge, a boat dock on Crab Orchard Lake, and lawn mower. Horses wanted I B U Y Old and Disabled Horse% ---- Pay from $5 to $14. ARTHUR W. WERRBACt Phone 444 335 Hayward Street Woodstock, 111. Zl INSURANCE p£5 1 EARL R. WALSH rrwartlai Reliable Companies When yoq need insurance et any Phone 43 or 01»>M1 Pries BIcfg. MeHenry CASH FOR DEA1* HORSESandCATTM Horses, $3.00; Clows, $100; Dead Hogs and Sbeep" removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodbtock 1624-BC-l or Dundee 10>--Reverse^ Charges Telephone No. 300 Banana splits--8 cents, own bananas." jS s?- J 4 Theodore Weber of Chicago was fined one dollar and costs for going to sleep on the railroad tracks and stalling two trains. The following sign is in a drug store B ... in< Pittsburg, Pa., "Heat wave special, i . s n10^ complete detail in the new store Of G. W. Besley, expects tq move Bring your a body which is an attractive his family to Belvidere the latter part coupe-sedan of the .two-door type, ac- 0f this week, where he has accepted commcdating six passengers. a good position in the office of the For the first time in more than five Borden Condensed Milk company's years, according to the engineers, a plant. completely modern, streamlined, and Nearly two hundred friends of Sen- ; O'ly appointed car has been brought ator William Lorimer tendered that 0 the fine car field in the new Buick honored gentleman a very pleasant series 90 Limited group with which surprise in the form of a serenade at this divisKjn of General Motors will go his Pistakee Bay home last Saturday to the fine car market in 1941. This evening. line will include, besides regular and Most of the summer resorters have formal sedans and limousines, a com- ieft the river and Pistakee Bay for plete line of custom cars to meet every their winter homes in Chicago and requirement. elsewhere. Among important body feature* 0f • the 1941 Buicks, are concealed or in- j TWENTY YEARS AGO built running boards on the series 40,1 60, and 90 cars, matched interior fin- ' A happy wedding anniversary ocishes on all cars, front and rear seat curred at St. John's Catholic church courtesy lights having door jam at Johnsburg on Wednesday Sept. 15, switches, and attractive new instru- when Miss Clara Freund and Mr. ment panel with switch controls on the Henry Nell were united in the holy face of the panel and the instru- bonds of matrimony, Rev. Geo. Nell ment clyster directly in front of the of Effingham* Jll.* /brother of the driver as near as possible to eye level, groom, officiating. Radio panel is located in the center of , P. H. Weber is now assistant janitor the instrument board and radios have at the public school building, having push-button tuning. At •'the . right is started work in that capacity last a large clock or package compartment week. the door of which is fitted with an j M. L. Worts, local agent for the electric clock. ' Sinclair Oil company, has received his The new Buick front end presents tank truck and same has already been an entirely new conception in automo- put into commission. bile styling and streamlining which Is Miss Eleanor Kinsaliuis a new emcompletely functional aS well as being ploye at the L. A. Erickson store on uniformly attractive. All fender lines the West side, having started work are alike with high crown carried there last week. •gracefully forward blending into the • '• headlamp body which is integral with Mrs- Mary Freund, Mrs. Helen Web- t jthe fender and is further forward and er, Mrs. Sue Rankin, Mrs. Catherine 'closer to the outside of the fender Freund and Mrs. Paul Gerasch attendjbody. The front fenders sweep back ed the wake for Frank Gillis at Elgin to the front door line and conform to on Sunday evening. Mr. Gillis was jthe shape of the rocker panel at the cousin of Mrs. .Catherine 1 bottom which considerably enhances Freund. ^ appearance and adds to the unity of I Henry Schmidt of California return- Ithe whole car. Fenders, headlamp, ed to McHenry this week for the first I body and hood side panels are a single time in thirty years. He visited the [stamping presenting smooth contours Kelter families and several old frie»ds. DR. JOHN DUCEY Veterinarian Treating HORSES, CATTLE, DOGS, CATS, ETC. Telephone Richmond 16 Richmond, III * * fltoffel A Reihansperger Insurance agents for all property in the beat eoi WEST McHENRY - ILLINOIS thone McHenry 677-R-l -- Basement Excavating -- RETT'S SAND AND GRAVEL Special Rates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling Black Dirt and Stone - Power Shovel Service fower leveling and grading ^ Cemapt mixers for rent ^ ? J. E. NETT . fotrrikburg P. O. McHenry, IB. A. WORWICK > PBOTOGRAPHEft • Pokraitare . Commercial Photography - Photo-Finishing Enlarging - Copying - Framing Phone 275 -- Riverside Drive % McHENRY, ILL. FRED c. MILLER, M. D. •t . Specialising fal EYE, EAR. NOSE and TBHOAT will be in Dr. A. I. Froehlich's V. Office, corner Green & Bjli 1 Streets, McHenry Brery Wedneeday froai 1 to 2:30 p^a. ' GLASSES FITTED S. H. Freund & Son CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS I Phone 56-W McHenry Our Experience is at Tour Service in B Your Wauls Charlie's Repair Shop Northeast corner of State Bridge on Charles Street WfnPaintinf . jlraek Letterinff Furnituie Upholsteriaf and Repairing 1 CHARLES R&TESSL KENT ft COMPANY - All Kinds mt r k j l i K 8 U B A N C B Placed with the nuet reliable Companion CeaM in and talk It ever Phone McHenry 8 Phone ltl X-Ray DR. L B. MURPHY DINTOT Offka Green -- swa.

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