ftCWM\M IW,_ U, JW*P' Vf* HPvS,B- W* JIIBW\* « ;», *• ; *- isssm.*; .•*CV ;;v»V. THE SPECIAL ASSESS- %ypyj ? llt» If • CITY OF MeHBNRf^., MeRENRT COUNTY, ILLINOIS j State of Illinois, Owaty of McHenry, sa. Hie undersigned collector ef #*^*I Mitscments of the City of McHenry, Illinois, does hereby publish and advertise that a return to the general officer of the county having authority to receive State and County taxes, wflt® be made, of all unpaid special assessments or installments thereof matured and payable, or interest thereon, or interest due to January 2nd, 1940. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the general officer of A® county having authority to reccive State and County taxes in the county in which such lands, town lots or real property may be located, will make application on the 7th day of October A. D. 1940 for judgment against said lands, town lots and real property for said assessments and matured installments with interest thereon and costs and for an order to sell such lands for the satisfaction thereof; that on Monday, the 21st day of October, A. D. 1940 as fixed by the said General Officer of the county, all such lands, town lots, and real property will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Woodstock in McHenry County, Illinois, for the amount of matured installments of special assessments with interest and costs due thereon. Hereinafter contained is the list of the delinquent lands, town lots, and real property, the names of the owners, if known, the amount due thereon, together with interest and costs as provided by Statute. Specified amounts do not include cost of redemption certificate. Dated this 21st day of September, A.D. 1940. MAYME BUSS. Gttf Collector, City «£ MoBawy 26.47 25.04 25.04 11.74 24.24 Special Assessment No. 6 -• fHcHenry (West of Fox River) Jtiis W. Rothermel, It 2, blk 5 $ 11.60 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, blk 5 11.60 Myrtle Pels, Ely 11 ft It 5 A Nly 19 ft of It 6 blk 17 25.41 J. B. Miller, It 6, blk 21 25.04 County Clerk's 9db.--Block 21 X. H. Miller Estate, sublt 2, It DO A sublt 2. It 11, blk 21 .... West McHenry, III. Robert Patxke, EH It 1. blk 6 Robert Patxke, WH It 1, blk 6 Ray Page, the Sly 66 ft of the Sly H It 1, blk 9 John B. Kelter, blk 3 Henley's third addition to West McHenry --. 11.59 8*ction 35, Township 45 N. Range 8 East of TTvird P.M. <3.'Norton Owen, 130 ft adj the IN 40 ft of that part It 4 lying W of a line that is parallel with and 150 ft distant E at right angles from the E line of Elgin Road now subdivided as lots 9 ft 10, of Owen, Stenger A Allen's second addition to McHenry Special Assessment No. 9 Snyder's Subdivision. McHenry (West of Pox River) 1»R. McGee. Its 12 A 13, blk 2 505.82 McHenry (West of Pox River) Mfcthias Weber, It 1, blk 16 239.65 Mathias Weber, It 4, blk 16 239.65 Mathias Weber, Its 1 ft 2, blk 17 474.67 Niesen's Cafe, Inc., It 5 ez 8 11 ft blk 17 198.78 Myrtle Fels, S 11 ft It 5 ft N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 258.23 John B. Kelter, It 1, blk 18 .... 367.18 Jos. J. Rothermel. Nly 50 ft It 4. blk 18 29445 George A. Stilling, Sly 40 ft ;. It 9, blk 19 144.87 *•* Special Assessment 16 k £:H. Miller Estate, McHenry jWest of Fox River) E 24 ft Of WH Its 10 ft 11. blk 21 .... 86.60 Special Assessment No. 11 West McHenry w. F. Vogt, SH It 5. blk 2 .... 602.28 --#rB. Kelter. EH It 18 blk 3 154.76 Robert Patzke. EH It 1, blk 6 394.55 Robert Patzke. WH It 1. blk 6 394.55 Wm. Tesch, It 1 ex W 184 ft blk 8 212.68 Special Assessment No. 12 Sectior 26, Township 45 N. Range 8 East of Third P. M. Frederick Beller, It 26 422.64 Frederick Beller, It 28 ex a piece of land beginning at the NE cor of a nc of land conveyed by E. M. Owen ft wife to B. Nordquist ft Anton Weber, etc Special Assessment No. 13 McHenry (West of Fox River) J. H. Miller Estate, Its 6 ft 7, . Mk 21 1,109.50 Jos. N. Miller, EH of back st adj on the W A the W 53 ft of Its 2, 3. 6 & 7, blk 22 497.25 Special Assessment No. 14 *----F• E. Covalt, E. M. Owen's Estate Addition, It 5 159.85 . May Powers, E. M. Owen's Estate Addition, It 9 259.75 Special Assessment No. 16 West McHenry Wm. Tesch. E 80 ft of sublt , 1, It 1, blk 8 277.49 Ray Page, the Sly 66 ft of SH }t !• blk 9 535.27 Owen, Stenger & Allen's Addition to McHenry Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 644.98 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 2 549.13 Sterner, Covalt & Weber, It 3 549.13 Stenger, Covalt £ Weber, It 4 549.13 IStenger, Covalt & Weber, It 6 549.13 Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 7 549.13 C. Norton Qwen, It 9 649.13 C. Norton Owen, It 10 ......."...549.13 Covalt & Weber's Country ! Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 8 540.68 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 7 540.66 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 8 540.66 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 9 39,6.t?,l Charles S. Owen, NEH Section 1 . 35, Township 45 N, Range 8, E of Third P. M., that pt ? C It 4 lying S of the S line of John st extended E ex Owen, } * f'Stenger ft Allen's Second w; J Addition to McHenry and ex that pt It 4 described as beginning at the intersection of the E line of John st etc. 3,888.18 Special Assessment No. 17 West McHenry i < 5 ' Harrison Smith Estate, 8 ilk adj W 41 ft It 6, blk 3 64.73 Kent & Co., It 8 of Section 26, Township 45 N, Range 8, £ of Third P. M 158.56 A. S. Parks Estate, of Section 26, Township 45 N, Range 8, E of Third P. M.. Its 15 ft 16 ex E 50 ft thereof 611.24 Special Assessment No. M West McHenry Wm. Mead It 7, blk 4 55.01 Hanly's First Addition to McHanry M. L. Worts Estate, Its 1 ft 287.42 Hanly's Second Addition to West McHenry G. A. Hanly, H 1. blk 1 120.88 G. A. Hanly, It 2, blk I .......... 120.88 , G. A. Hanly, It 5, blk t ... G. A. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 139.61 G. A. Hanly, It 7, blk 1 ^44.89 G. A. Hanly, It 8, blk 1 ,..^^ 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 9, blk 1 ..w-w 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 10, blk 1 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It ltfblk 1 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 12, blk 2 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 13, blk 2 ..i..u.^44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 14, blk 2 44.89 G. A. Hanly, It 15, blk 2 44.89 G. A. Hanly, It 16, blfc 2 .. .44.89 Alma Thomas, Its 17 ft 18, blk 2 --. 182.71 M. H. Detrich, It 27, blk 2 ........ 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 28, blk 2 ....... 44.89 M. H. Detrich, It 29, blk 2 44.89 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry M. H. Detrich It 3, blk 2 49.68 M. H. Detrich, It 4, blk 2 49.68 A. I. Froehlich, It 5, blk 2 49.68 A. I. Froehlich, It 7, blk 2 49.68 A. I. Froehlich, It 8, blk 2 ... 49.68 A. I. Froehlich, It 9, blk 2 .«^„j49.68 A. I. Froehlich, It 10, blk 2 .... 144.45 J. B. Kelter, blk 3 144.45 Sbction 27, Towpship 45 N, Range 8 "Geo. H. Weber, Ha per DR 120 p 374 192.19 M- H. Detrich, It 17*ex Ha as described in book 120 p 374 and ex E 132 ft of said lot etc 1,375.95 G. A. Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the S line Its 1 ft 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry 97.45 M. H. Detrich, Section 84, Township 45 N, Range 8, E of Third P. M., It 2 659.28 M. H. Detrich, Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 E of Third P. M., It 3 109.49 M. H. Detrich, Section 84, Township 45 N, Range 8, E of Third P. M., It 4 482.67 Oat Lots to West McHenry Geo. Hanly, that pt out It 9 described by beginning at the • SE cor of said out lot 9; thence N 88 degrees 32 min- > utes E 39 ft to an iron stake etc 50.08 Special Assessment No. 21 H. L. Worts, of Hanly's First Addition to McHenry, Its 1 809.00 Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry * Isi-Sk', mm 9.28 25.14 Special Assessment No. 14 Snyder's Subdivision E. R. McGee, It 11. blk 2 4J2 E. R. McGee, It 12, blk 2 20J9 E. R. McGee, It 13, blk 2 v 20.29 McHenry (West of Fox River) Geo. Meyers, W 374.25 ft of blk 3 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 2, blk 5 Jos. W. Rothermel, It 3, Mk 5 Leo Rothermel Mathias Weber, It 1, blk 16 .... Mathias Weber, It 4, blk 16 .... Mathias Weber, Its 1 ft 2, blk 17 Niesen's Cafe, Inc., It 5 ex S 11 ft blk 17 Myrtle Pels, S 11 ft It 5 ft N 19 ft It 6, blk 17 J. B. Kelter, It 1, blk 18 ., Jos. J. Rothermel, It 4, blk 18 H. E. Buch, S 10 ft It 1 ft N 26 ft It 4, blk 19 H. E. Buch, N 33 ft of S 40 ft of It 4, blk 19 Geo. A. Stilling, Sly 40 ft Itf 9, blk 19 M. L. Worts Estate, W 52 ft of Its 2 ft 8, Uk 21 .. J. H. Miller Estate, It 6, blk 21 J. H. Miller Estate, It 7, blk 21 Jos. N. Miller, W 58 ft of Its 2, 3, 6 ft 7, blk 22 Mrs. M. L. Worts, S 10 ft It 5 A all It 8, blk 22 County aiii mite of Illinois, is correct and ttWk % vmz* •* Very respectfully, v MAYME BUSS, ' . Collector of Special Assessments. State of niinofs, McHenry County, sa. In the foregoing list the abbrevi- 25.14 'ations are used as follows: F for for- 8.50 j feited or back tax; N stands for 16.06 | North; S stands for South; W stands 16.06 for West; E stands for East; frl I stands for fractional; und for undivid- 30.41 ed; m for middle; assm't for as- Isessment; co -for county; elks for %80.411 clerks; sub for subdivision; addn for Iaddition; a for acres; It for lot; blk 26.14 |for block; ek for except; no for num- •41 ber; RR for railroad; hwy for highway; bal for balance; bet for between; int for interest; adj for adjoining; S 4«09 for special un 122 6.50 25.14 25.14 S0J9 Societ y Motes I *S - i i W.C O. F. A regular meeting of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters will be held this evening in St. Mary - St. Patrick hall. Mrs. Mary Freund will be chairman of the committe in chanter#'! • • • CtafctJ it •> On Wednesday evening of last week, Mrs. Mary Freund graciously entertained the members of the Pinochle club. Prices were awarded to Mrs. Martha Freund, Mrs. Rosella Schmitt The cost on each tract of land and and Mrs- Marfcaret Schmitt. On Wed 139.611 J. B. Kelter, E% Its 9 ft 12, 7J6 blk 22 6.44 Rev. R. C. Freund, E 90 ft It ; C 1 ft E 90 ft of N 16 ft It 4,vV blk 25 Owens' Ont Lots to McHenry J. B. Kelter, It 3 ex S 7 ft 16.06 M. Kelter's Addition to McHenry Geo. Meyers, It 1, blk 1 ........ 9.28 town lot listed above is 86 cents per tract and 19 cents per lot. If paid before sale, 36 cents oh each tract and 19 cents on each lot in addition to which cost, all such due and unpaid nesday, October 2, Mrs. Martha Freund will be hostess for the club • • • ,. • v.-.'- Birthday Part? ..I • Mm. Margaret Reed was the gawt general taxes will bear interest on of honor at a party at her home last first installment after the first day of Thursday evening on the occasion of June, on second installment after first her birthday. The evening was spent day of September, at the rate of one in having a general good time. Those per cent per month until paid or for- present were Mr. and Mrs. David feited. Parts or fractions of a nionth*W8lkin£tOT1v Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dowwill be regarded as a month. i ell. Mr. and Mrr«. Wynn Fesch of Mc- I, C. Frank Daly, treasurer and ex- Collum Lake, Miss Lorraine Schaefer, officio county collector of the said Harry Ferwerda, Harry Conway and County of McHenry in the State of Billy Reed.' Illinois, do hereby certify that the • • • foregoing is a list of delinquent lands, Afternoon Contract Bridge. lots and blocks upon which taxes ie- Mrs. Albert Barbian was the hostmain due and unpaid for the year ess last Thursday afternoon to the A. D. 1939. together with the owner's members of the Afternoon Contract 25.14 25.14 Geo. Meyers, ^ lt^2^blk 1 9.28 name, if known, the amount due there- Bridge club at her home on Riverside on for taxes, and the year for which Drive. Prizes were received by Mrs. 12.09 the same is due and I hereby give Grace Stilling and Miss Clara Miller. 16.16 notice that application vHll be made The next sesssion of the club will be 16.16 to the Probate Court of McHenry held at the home of Mrs. Harold Owen. County, State of Illinois, on the 7th Mrs. Owen's sister, Miss Florence day of October thereof, to be holden Edmonds, of Los Angeles, Calif., will at the Court House in Woodstock in be the guest of honor at this party. 22.02 : the said county on the 1st Monday in 30.85 • October, A. D. 1940, to-wit: October Fox River Valley Camp 7th, 1940, for judgment against the Pox, River Valley Camp, No. 3251, above described lands and town lots R. N. A., will hold its regular meetand blocks in the said county for tax- ing Tuesday. October 1. All officers es for the year 1939 together with in- are urged to be present as District terest and costs due and to become Deputy O. Bratzler will direct pracdue severally thereon; or as much'of tice at this time, the last meeting bethe said taxes and costs as may then fore the convention. It is most imremain due and unpaid; and that an portant that every officer be in at- West McHenry. m W. F. Vogt, It 5 ex NH J. B. Kelter, Ett It 18, blk 3 Wm. Mead. It 7, blk 4 Robert Patzke, EV4 It 1, blk 6 Robert Patzke, W% It 1, blk 6 Ray Page, the S 66 ft of S% It 1, blk 9 Frances Froehlich. It 7, blk 9 Out Lots to West McHenry Geo. Hanly, that pt out lot 9 beginning at SW cor of said . out lot; thence N 88 degrees E 39 minutes etc .T. -25.14 M. L. Worts Estate, lis 1 ft 1% of Hanly's First Addition to McHenry East River Road Pinochle Mrs. Clarence Redwanz entertained the members of the East River Road Pinochle club last Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. George Glos, Mrs. Ed Sutton and Mrs. Ralph Jos ten. Mrs. William Freund will be hostess to the club on October 2. SFRIKG GROVI eT'W • U: j %• *•• 'MO. E. S. Initiation eeretnorrfe» *er» the todsr _____ F n of the evening when the members of _, the Eastern Star met Monday evening. Mrs. Lillian Gilbert, Grand Lecturer, of Crystal Lake, #as present for the occasion. The next meeting of the lodge will be held Monday evening, October ?. Arnold May has returned to the r University of Illinois to resume his studies. His sister, Lorraine, his toother, Frank, and "Ted7' Shotliff ac- t , companied him to Urbana on Sunday * J of last week* • • • * ;JS \|j Word has been received that Jim* JV/I* < and Carol Sanders arrived at their •, destination safely. They have retumed to their homes in Montana^ having spent more than a year with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank >* >'• ^ *' Sanders, [ Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freund re|« ' turned last wee"k from a trip to H|i* # : , Celebrate Birthday A birthday dirmer in honor of Mrs. AgneB Marshall was held last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. an<J Mrs. A. L. Kosinskt at Elgin. Mrs. Marshall received many lovely gifts. Those present were the Kosinskis of Elgin, Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Marshall and son of Crystal Lake, Earl Marshall and daughter. Patricia Lee, Mrs. Agnes Marshall. William and -RoVena Marshall, Mrs. • Ralph Bennett and children, all of McHenry. • • • Naslund - Mead Nuptiafs A pretty wedding took place Sun- ! w.. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Klaus and ; > children and Albert Britz attended the tf '* -P{ marriage ceremony and reception of the Helen Howard - Bernard BHtz ' wedding on Wednesday. The ceremony was held at Antioch in the afternoon and the reception was at Rudy's and Jack's in Fox Lake in the evening. Mrs. £1 Schmeltxer, Mrs. Matt Nimsgern and Mrs. Earth Cleveland enjoyed a matinee "Life With Father" at the Blacks tone theatre fn Chicago on Wednesday. Visitors of Mrs. George W. May at Wloodstoek hospital on Sunday- were hetr husband, George W. May and c h i l d r e n . G e o r g i a , P a u l , D o n n a a n d , K 5 i Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin May, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Fred DeThorne of Waukegan and Mrs. Frank Rosing of Volo. Mrs. May day afte_ rnoon/, S. eptember 15', at four BMWAWhMaI ve t--o r-e fmlfca.i n -- a1t. _ the« hospm ital Hanly, It 2. blk 1 ................ 25.14 1 place above mentioned for an order A ten cent social card and bunco to sell said lands and lots for the party for the members will take place satisfaction of said taxes and costs, after the business meeting. All mem- And I do hereby also give notice that bers are asked to attend. all lands and town blocks in the above " " * and foregoing list and for which Bake Sale such order of sale shall be made will To assist in raising funds for the be exposed to public sale at the Court opening of the Community Methodist House in the City of Woodstock in church at the beginning of its fiscal said county on Monday, the 21st day 1 year the ladies of the church will of October, A. D. 1939, commencing at! *P<>nsor a bakery sale at the Pries 9 o'clock a. m., central standard Meat Marke't, Green street, on this time, for the amount of said taxe«, Saturday, September 28. interest, and costs as provided by Everyone interested in the church is 25.14 25.14 25.14 25.14 25.14 20.29 20.29 25.14 25.14 25.14 law, unless prevented by previous payment. asked to donate something for this sale and it is expected that there will Dated at Woodstock in satd Comity a ^ne assortment of cakes, pies, " " " " cookies, doughnuts, etc., on sale Saturday. The patronage of the public is appreciated. G. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 122.87 G. Hanly, It 2, blk 1 122.87 G. Hanly, It 5, blk i 122.87 G. Hanly, It 6, blk 1 122.87 Alma Thomas, Its 17 A 18, blk 2 185.75 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry A. I. Froehlich, It 10, blk 2 .... 122.87 J. B. Kelter, blk 3 122.87 Section 27, Township 45 N. Range 8 Bast of Third P. M. Geo. Weber, Ms a per DR 120 P 374 243.08 M. H. Detrich, It 17 ex Ha . per DR 120 p 374 and ex E 132 ft of said It that lies W of and adj It 5 of Hanly's First Addition to McHenry etc ...1,567.38 Geo. Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the S line of Its 1 A 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry 122.87 Section 34. Township 45 N, Range 8 E of Third P. M. * M. H. Detrich, It 2 603.60 M. H. Detrich, It 3 122.87 of McHenry this 26th day of September 1940 at Woodstock, Illinois. C. FRANK DALY, County Treasurer and ex-offldo County CoBeetor. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of September, 1940, at Woodstock, Illinois. R. D. WOODS, (SEAL) Courfty Clerk. State of Illinois^ ^ ' County of McHenry^ ^§* v I, A. H. Mosher, do hereby certify M. H. Detrich, It 4 361.50 I Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 1 Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry j application also will be made to the tendance. The meeting will start G. Hanly, It 1. blk 1 {said Probate Court at the time and promptly at 7:30 p.m. G " * *' ~ G. Hanly, It 5, blk I .... 25.14 G. Hanly, It 6, blk 1_....„ 25.14 G. Hanly, It 7, blk 1 25.14 G. Hanly, It 8, blk 1 25.14 M. H. Detrich, It 9. blk 1 ........ 25.14 M. H. Detrich, It 10, blk 1 25.14 M. H. Detrich, It 11, blk 1 25.14 Special Asstwrnent No. 24 Hanly's Second Addition to West McHenry M. H. Detrich, It 12, blk 2 M. H. Detrich, It 13, blk 2 M. H. Detrich. It 14, blk 2 ........ Geo. Hanly. It 15, blk 2 ........ Geo. Hanly, It 16, blk 2 ........ Alma Thomas, It 17, blk 2 .... Alma Thomas It 18, blk 2 .„. M. H. Detrich, It 27, blk 2 M. H. Detrich, It 28, blk 2 M. H. Detrich. It 29, blk 2 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry J. B. Kelter, blk 3 25.14 E, M. Owens' Estate Addition to McHenry F. E. Covalt, It 5 .... 12.45 Mary Powers. It 9 20.29 Section 26. Township 48 N, Rugr 8 E of Third P. M. A. 8. Paries Estate, the S 182 ft of Its 15 A I61 ex B 50 ft of S 104 ft of said It 18 29.94 F. Beller, It 28 80.81 F. Beller. It 28 30.81 Section 27. Township 45 N, Range 8 E of Third P. M. M. H. Detrich, It 17 ex Ha per DR 120 p 374 272.13 G. H. Weber, Ha of It 17 as described in book 120 p 374 .. Geo. Hanly. that part It 18 lvine S of the S line of Its 1 A 2 blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition t* McHenry 25.14 Section 34. Township 45 N. Range « E of Third P. M. Geo. Hanly, It 2 ex W 157.62 ft 25.14 M. H. Detrich, W 157.62 ft It 2 79.15 M. H. Detrich, It 3 25.14 M. H. Detrich, It 4 70.16 Section 35. Township 45 N. Range 8 E of Third P. M. F. Beller. It .6 ;... 86.89 Owen, Stenger & Allen's Second Addit ;on to McHenry 47.42 Awaits Sisters' Arrival Miss Florence Edmonds of Los Angeles, Calif., is expected to arrive by airplane next Sunday to visit her sister, Mrs. Harold- Owen. Her intended stay here will be about ten days. On October 7. William D. Edmonds of Detroit, Mich., will join his cousins here and will drive Miss Edmonds back to 388.58 Out Lots to McHenry Geo. Hanly, that pt out lot 9 described by beginning at the SW cor of said out lot 9; thence N 88 degrees 32 minutes 39 ft to stake etc 62.54 Special Assessment No. 23 Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 437.07 J. B. Kelter, blk 3, Hanly's - - 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 2 25.14 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 3 25.14 Stenger. Covalt A Weber,, It 4 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 6 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 7 25.14 C. Norton Owen, It 9 25.14 C. Norton Owen, It 10 25 14 Stenger. W^er & Covalt's Country Club Addition to McHenry Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 1 25.14 that I am manager of The MeHenry kos Angeles. Mr. Edmonds has trans- Plaindealer, a newspaper of general *erred his business to that city and circulation, printed and published in near his uncle, who is Mrs. the City of McHenry In the County 0f °wen'3 *«ther, and after whom he is McHenry, State of Illinois; that the name^. foregoing lists of lands and other real . ®®rs. Owen is planning several parestate situated irt the City of McHen- *'es ,'n honor of her sister and their ry, County of McHenry and State of r0UBir1, 1 Illinois, on which Special Assessments ** _ " " * or Installments thereof are matured I ^ t C. D. of A. and payable or entered thereon or in- _ f^xrt Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, C. terest due to January 2, 1940, due and | D* of A » held monthly social meetunpaid for the year 1939, are duly j on Thursday, September 19, at the published in the said McHenry Plain-1 ^ C- hal1- Cards ^ere played with dealer in the issue of September 26, j ® prizes being awarded to Mrs. 1940, and that the said list was care- Helen Weber, Gertrude R. Weber and fully examined and compared with the ^rs- Marie Schiessle for bridge; Miss list furnished by the Treasurer of ^e'en Bauer and Mrs. Celia Winkel said county for publication, and found1^ve hundred and Mrs. Elizabeth to correspond therewith; that the num- Schoewer and Mrs. George Bohr for ber of copies was equal to the whole, P'nochle. Refreshments were served circulation of said paper for that day. ky the committee. I do further certify that the said winners of the Merchandise club McHenry Plaindealer is a newspaper ^ ^®te are Miss Alice Gaulke, Miss that has been regularly published for Freund, Miss Marie Nett, at least six months prior to the publi-1 if ^s' ®en D'etz, Mrs. Peter M. cation of said notice, and that I am Schaefer, Miss Betty Thompson, Mrs. duly authorized to make the certifi- _ George Thompson and Mrs. Laura cat*. at the Crystal Lake Evangelical Mission church, when Jeanne Muriel Mead, daughter of Mrs. Blanche Mead, of Crystal Lake, a former resident of McHenry, and Mr. Russell Douglas Naslund, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Naslund of Crystal Lake exchanged vows. Rev. Paul Rosell. a missionary in Africa who is on furlough, read the ceremony. Miss Dorothy Schulz g""j"Q played the wedding march and accompanied the soloists, Miss Marjorie Anderson and Earl Conway, the latter of McHenry. The bride, in white silk moire, was attended by her sister, Mrs. Evelyn Gaebe of Elgin, matron of honor, and Misses Alice Mae Hessler of Ridgefield and Marion Johnson of Crystal Lake, as bridesmaids. Virginia Gaebe of Elerin, four years old, was the flower girl. Gordon Kling served the groom as best man and Roy and Lestef Newman were ushers. The newlyweds wif Imake their home in an anartment in the Cohn building on William street, Crystal Lake. Mr. Naslund is employed by Fred Kling, mason contractor, and his bride by the Oak Mfg. company. several months. She has both legs broken, the result of an accident which occurred two weeks ago. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kattner, son, Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. May visited Mrs. Hannah Carlen in Rockford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Doetsch of Wilmettei and Mr. and Mrs. Eldred John, son and children were visitors fn town Michael Wagner of Chicago spent the weekend with his children at tbe home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Visitors in the Mrs. Bertha Esh home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. And yStraub, daughter, Yvonne, of Chicago and Miss Lucille Esh who is employed in Woodstock. The Community CTub held its regular meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Monday night. Following the meeting. cards and visiting were enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the com- ' mitfcee in charge. JOHNSfiUKG A. B. MOSHER, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of September A. D. 1940 at McHenry, Illinois. ANTHOJKY J. WIRTZ, '(Seal) Rotary Public. Third Addition to McHenry 437.07 | Stensrer, Covalt & Weber, It 2 - Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 1 506.32 % .£tcr.ssr, Ooeaii « Weber, It 2 540.66 jStenger, Covalt A Weber, It 8 540.66 Stenger, Covalt ft Weber, It 4 540.66 Covalt ft Weberj It 5 540.66 Section 27, Township 45 N, Range 8 E of Third P. M. Geo. H. Weber, Ha per DR 120 p 374, It 17 M..H. Detrich, It 17, ex Ha per DR 120 p 374 2,265.48 Geo. Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the S line of Its 1 A' 2, Wk 1, Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry 562.78 Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 E of Third P. M. M. H. Detrich, It 2 ...,.>,622.98 M. H. Detrich, It 3 ^..„1,183.39 M. H. Detrich, It 4 ........1,450.31 Supplement Special Assessment No. 23 Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry Geo. Hanly, It 1, blk 1 ....47.16 Hanly's Third Addition to McHenry J. B. Kelter, blk 3 47.16 Section 27, Township 4$ N, Range 8 E of Third P. M. Geo. Weber, of It 17 Ha per DR 120 p 374 M. H. Detrich, It 17 & Ha per DR Geo. Hanly, that pt It 18 lying S of the S line of Its 1 A 2, blk 1 of Hanly's Second Addition to McHenry Section 34, Township 45 N, Range 8 E of Third P. M. M. H. Detrich, W 157.88 ft It 2 170.85 M. H. Detrich, It 8 --- 1244)4 M; H. Detrich, It 4 151.18 91.77 239.04 59.90 , - - 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 3 25.14 Stenger, Covalt & Weber, It 4 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 5 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 6 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 7 25.14 Stenger, Covalt A Weber, It 8 25.14 Steneer. Covalt A Weber, It 9 25.14 Wattles' Addition to McHenry Frett Bros., It 1 20.29 Frett Bros., It 2 20 29 Glenn Peterson, It 8 ..." 12 45 F. Hinz. It 10 12.45 Wattles' Second Addition to McHenry John F. Knox, It 5, blk 8 12.45 Ella Newman, It 6, blk 3 25.14 Henry Ahrens, It 5, blk 5 16.06 Math Laures, It 4, blk -1 20 29 McHenry (West of Fox River) Coanty Clerk's Sub.--Blocks 12, 20, " 21 and 27 H. E. Buch, sublt 2, It 5 A sub- It 2, It 6. blk 20 4.09 J. H. Miller Estate, sublt 2, It 10 A sublt 2, It 11. blk 21 25.14 Nizza Holly, sublt 3, It 1, Mk 27 Nizza Holly, sublt 2, It 2. Wk 27 West McHenry Wm. Tesch, sublt 1, It 1 ex 118 ft blk 8 16.06 18.08 14.71 Wm. M. Carroll, Attorney , Woodstock, Ulinofe NOTICE OF CLAIM DAT® Estate of HELENA DEGEN, Dec* ed. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, November 4th, 1940, is the claim date in the estate of HELENA DEGEN PhannenstilL * * Women's Society The Women's Society of the Community Methodist church held its first meeting at the church last Thursday. A delicious lunch was served by a committee of which Mrs. Ray Page was chairman and Mrs. Clarence Douglas, Mrs. C. H. Duker, Mrs. Elmer Baum and Mrs. Harold Owen assisted. The meeting opened with devotions led by Mrs. Leonard McCracken. The president then explained the outline for the new year. There will be a monthly meeting starting with a 1:30 lunch on the third Thursday of &ch month. All friends of the church have been divided into five groups. These | groups will have an elected chairman I who will become a member of the ex- 1 ecutive board. , I Each group may choose their own time of meeting and also decide what Here Are Many Things - Of Interest To Travel Patron^ pon Eck Tout* Don Eck offers the lowest priced all expense trip to California this fall and winter you have ever heard of, every two weeks, starting October 18. Just think of seeing New Orleans, dining at the most famous of French restaurants in the Old .French quarter of that interesting city, "Antoine's " On west across the state of Texas with stops at San Antonio to see the Alamo. El Paso for a visit to Juarez in Old Mexico, a dinner dance at the Tivoli club. San Diego via the Carriso Gorge route, the "Charm City" of Southern California, it's Ramona's Marriage Place, Balboa Park and Point Loma are all to be seen during the twenty-four hour stopover. Los Angeles with headquarters at the Ambassador, a dinner dance in the famous Cocoanut Grove "the World's finest night club," see the Movie Studios, beaches, homes of the stars, dine in the Spanish Patio. Last, but not least, a trip home on the most popular of all streamliners, the "El Capitan." Low in cost--you bet you! Only $139.45 from Chicago. Central American countries are unique when under normal conditions but when they hold their "Fairs" they are most interesting November 17-24 in Guatemala City will be held the "Fairs" of all the Central American Countries. Are you going to be there? Why not? Never a better opportunity than Don Eck tours offer right now. Leave Chiacgo with a happy group on November 12th (the election will be over and the winner will have been decided), sail from New Orleans on a big "White Fleet" ship for Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, have seven full days traveling all over that scenic country under the direction of Don Eck. Return to New Orleans November 28. All expenses paid for thaty fine trip is only $238.40 and up, sccording to steamer accommodations desired. Make reservations now, no time to lose. More and better--Have you only a limited time, do you like to fly. This is something that is really a bargain, only $650. to $795. from Miami to Rio and return with every item of ex- Mrs. John Smith and sea, Claience, Were Chicago callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. BUI May wears ^jpod- •tock callers Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ZoeBner fpent tiie weekend with Art Peters. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith spent Sunday with relatives in Rockford. Miss Annabel Meyers spent A finr days at Boarbon, hi Mr. and Mrs. Adam Bildner entertained relatives from Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff and children and Paul Huff visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huff at Salem, Wis., on Sunday. Mrs. Arthur Klein and daughters, Mrs. Leo King and son, Harold, Miss . Eleanor King and sister, Sally, motored to East Troy, Wis., Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter spent the weekend ia the home of Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hettermann, Mr. and Mrs. Clarencee Stilling spent a week up north recently. Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mrs. George King, Frank May, and Bfrs. Joe Karis motored to Waukegan Wedneseday. Mrs. Math Schaefer and Mrs. John Degen were Woodstock callers Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Eva Althoff and sons, Charles, Bill and Bob, of Neoska, Wis., and Miss Helen Althoff, Mary Jane Carney and brothers, Dick and Donald, of' Kenosha, Wis., were callers at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Sunday. Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and daughters. Annabel, Mrs. George King called on Mrs. Mike Gorski at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. * Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith left one day this week on a fishing trio un north. Mrs. Ford Jackson, Mrs. Joe Huemann, Mrs. Frank May, Mrs. J. Karis and Mrs. George King were Woodtock callers Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers called on Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Schaefer at Wlaukegan Sunday afterenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo King and Mrs. Henry Stilling motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that I they W1?h to do- An evennig for young claims may be filed against the said I wo*hen and mothers with small chilestate on or before said date without issuance of summons. MARY BLAKE, Administrator. (Pub. September 29 - October 3 - 10) CARD OF THANKS For the many kindnesses shown by our relatives, neighbors and friends during the sickness and following the dren is also a -feature. While the groups at the ©resent time were divided more or less on an interest basis', the division is not arbitrary and members may choose their own group. Watch for a card announcing your group meeting and plan to attend. The next monthly meeting will be October 17. Mrs. Lester Bacon will be in charge of the lunch and Mrs. Elmer Montgomery, Mrs. Roland Endeath of our beloved mother, we are ' S1^n> Mrs. Floyd Covalt, Jr., and Mrs. To the best of my knowledge and belief the foregoing lift of delinquent lands, town lots and real property within th4 City at McHenry, MeHenry most grateful. Also> we wish to thank all those who sent flowers or spiritual bouquets, or who offered their cars at the funeral. Children of the lata m Mn. Helena Degen. Howard Ensign will compose the committee. Mrs. Zion Baker will lead a uiBcuBsion on the American Negro. Lunch is twenty-five cents per person clety» .' -f*-. HENRY L. STADFELD DIES AT WAUCONDA RESIDENCE. 4 „ Judge Henry L. Stadfeld, of Waupense paid for a trip of eleven to COnda, who was widely known in this twenty-five days. Think of that. Visit many South American countries, visit them in true style, see more and spend less on one of these Strato-Clipper Cruises. They leave every Sunday, Wednesday and Friday from Miami (just like commutation service New York to Chicago). The finest equipment at the lowest price ever offered by Pan American Airways. Don't overlook this bargain, it only lasts from October 2 to December 31. and then the rate goes back up $200. and more to the peak season fares. These are. bargains every one of them. Make reservation* and travel arrangements with Don Eck, dependable service always. Air, rail, steamer or motor. Don't forget Hawaii December 9th. Don Eck Tours, 928 Daily Times Bldg., 211 W. Wacker Drive, Chicago, HI., Phone Franklin 8*1* :v The first American pins made in Rhode Island during the Bvrohitkmafy wm, by Jeremiah WillrinsaL ' % ' ' vicinity, passed away at 7:80 o'clock last Wednesday night at his homo* near Wauconda after a lingering illness. He was sixty-eight years old. "Hank," as he was called by all who knew him, had been justice of the peace for more than sixteen years. He£ also conducted a barber shop in the" village until ill health forced him to give up barbering two years ago. Likewise, he was a fine sportsman,« regarded as one of the best marksmen among hunters in this section of th« country. Funeral services were held at teiy~r' Saturday morning from Transfigura-« tion church, Wauconda, with interment; - in Transfiguration cemetery. Mr. Stadfeld was a brother of Mrs. - 7 peter Diedrich of McHenry. r CARD OF THANKS In this manner, we wish to thank; bur relatives, neighbors and friends* for their beautiful floral offering* w/f l kind expressions extended as during oar recent bereavement. Mr. ani. Mxa. Howard Lockwood *1§ - and Family. M m. ¥