Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Oct 1940, p. 2

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~ \% \ [ ' *»f||r iISJ ^iiM»i}»pi -rrj *k%: rOTT^fW-^ • -1 * .. J v • -, :j?pii&:*>.: Pftft Tw* 'AuS^-f VW -w^<^'3? *'£! •<•. i •. - >• • * - 4 ^ • -; -• sk:.: j'**y.js-:-i.; •-' - ,\' > . < - » - - • - *»' *;*?•••;. -'=•'• r«- r'.'-jc •••'! "^. -a ^ -*- *j t-r-^v £ i ** r«* ^ r r -- f, * ** ••t * Af£ * % { > " *> ' > ' * 4 \ * * sw®. HomikT PLA1HDIALXB YOLO Community Night will be held at |^!' the Volo school Friday evening, Oc- £,, tober 11. Ke 'V The Volo Cemetery society will meet at the home of Mrs. Joseph Passfield Thursday, October 17, instead of Thursday. October 10. Mrs. Stanley Wiemuth of Cuba township called at the home of her parents, Senator and Mrs. Ray Paddock, Thursday.^ A pre-nuptial shower Wfs given tn honor of Miss Eileen Magnussen .on PfTf- Columbus Day ..,' Sponsored 'by MM.: • •/. McHENRY COUNCIL KNIGflTS OF COLUMBUS Saturday, Oct 12th at the xv~: Bridge Ballroom High Class Orchestra y 'r* ENTERTAINMENT EVERYBODY WELCOME Thursday at the home of Mrs. R. G. Magnussen. Miss Magnussen will become the bride of Russell Taylor Saturday. October 12, ft the Ivanhoe Congregational church. Miss Alice McGuire of Waukegan spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Anna I.usk. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Wegener and son, Bernie Joe, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wegener and daughters nft»tored to Dubuque, Iowa, Dickeyville, Wis., and Lancaster, Wis., Sunday. They visited Mrs. Anthony Wegener's sister, Sr. Edinia, at Lancaster, Wis. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called on her sister, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.. George Hartman of Elgin spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and son, Thomas, spent Tuesday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher, at Libertyville. Mrs. Frank Stanton of Long Lake called at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Alvin Cise Thursday. Mrs. Pearl Dowell and daughter, Ada, spent Friday evening at the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis at Slocum's Lake. Mrs. Herman Dunker and Mrs. Alvin Case spent Friday at the Lake County Home Bureau office, judging 4-H record books. Junior Raven of Slocum's Lake spent the weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. Pearl Dowell. The Volo unit of "the Lake County Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. R. C. Hallock Sn Wauconda on Tuesday with seventeen members and five "isitors present. A very dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting." Paul O'Leary has returned to his home here after spending the past three weeks in the hospital. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Mon- "Milestone Car99 Presented to Contest Winners ? * ' . . . ' r Presentation of Chevrolet's "Milestone Car"--the 1,006,000th 1940 model produced by the industry's leader --wfs made at the New York World's Fair last week to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Weinert (shown here), of Iron Mountain, Mich., owners of the millionth Chevrolet sixcylinder model, built in 1929. The Weinerts were winners of a nation-wide contest conducted by Chevrolet to locate No. 1,000,000. As guests of Chevrolet, the Michigan couple drove to New York, arriving at the Fair with more | than 110,000 miles on their '29 car, which Weinert had I purchased as a uaed car, at a price of $26. M. E. Coyle (left), general manager of Chevrolet, presented the new 1940 Special l)e Luxe model to the Weinerts. Chevrolet's production of a million units this year maintains a sevenyear record of a million a year average, with the 1,000.000th 1940 car following No. 900,000 by exactly one month. The well-traveled 1929 model has been returned to Detroit, i where it will be placed on display. life"" WIDER RSWR I0DIES With N* Draft IVL-J •t nt'»n»W *«W I * M 10X1 KNEE-ACTION ON All MODELS WMi Balanced Springing Fr*nl anrf Int, and h*> pr*v*«l Stiockpr*o( Slitrlwg * 90-1LP. VALVE-IN-HEAD "VICTORY" ENGINE * ORIGINAL VACUUMPOWEK SHIFT Ml« Only CtwvroM Builds II • SAFE-T-SPtCIAI HYDRAULIC BRAKES Mvs many morm outstanding comfort, safety ar CMVMint* features. day with her parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil, in Berwyn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Valenta of Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Marwhite of Cicero spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. JOHNSBIJRG gtflW Here's YourlMKIMDM * THRILLING NEW •IGNESS la AN Major Pi mint tain * HEW LONGER WHEEL! ASE Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer of Twin Lakes Were callers here Monday evening. Mrs. Fned Smith entertained the five hundred club Tuesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Peter Smith, Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mrs. Steve May. Miss Irene Smith, Miss Laura Meyers and sister, Annabel, and Mrs. Helen Immekus were Chicago callers Thursday evening. Mrs. Math Jungen is quite sick at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frett of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mrs. Delia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Karls and daughter, Margaret, spent Sunday with Mrs. Margaret Landre, at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zoellner of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Art Peters. Mrs. Clara Fehniger, Mrs. Frances Lichte and son, Henry, of Chicago spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers, Mrs. Ben Freund and daughter were Waukegan callers Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Mertes is spending a few days with relatives in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkie of Chicago spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Freund. Miss Katherine Althoff of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoff. Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann entertained relatives from Wisconsin Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Wagner of Volo visited their mother, Mrs. Wm. Althoif, one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Meyers and daughter, Annabel, were Waukegan^ callers Wednesday. guests last Saturday at thd home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Burkhart of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart at Williams Park. Mrs. Arthur Wagner attended a wedding shower for Mils JLovina Browj? at the Lily Lake Casino last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pfannenstill of Grayslake spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr^ and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. Wm. Burkhart returned home Friday evening after spending the past eight days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burkhart in Chicago. Mrs. Burkhart was receiving medical care for an injury she received in a fall. Mrs, Celia Dowell and Mrs. itarry Raeburg and two children were callers at Waukegan last Friday. Mrs. C. H. Hansen and Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Friday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler at Round Lake. Mrs. Arlene Zahorick of Island Lake, Mrs. Marlett Henry and Willard Darrell were four o'clock luncheon guests at, the home of Mr. aftd Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Celia Dowell and daughter, Jennie, were callers at Barrington Saturday evening. Mrs. Walter Long, Mrs. Eugene Marinus and Mrs. O'Rourke of Highland Park were, guests last Friday evening at the home of Mr. *ad Mrs. C. H. Hansen. BEG PARDON! An error was made in the publication of the delinquent tax list for Mc- Henry township, wherein the name of John Blake appeared for property described as the north one-half of the northwest quarter of Section 23-45-8. Br. Blake had paid these taxes. C. FRANK DALY, *21 County Collector. Pretense of Knowledge "A pretense of knowledge," said Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown,, "often develops unsuspected intelligence because of the mental effort necessary to keep up the deception." Senility Vitamin Deficiency Evidence that senility and other symptoms of old age are accompanied by typical signs of vitamin deficiency was recently presented. Thursday, October 10t 1910 Queen Victoria First , Queen Victoria was the first "I lish queen to assume the title of Em- I press of India; parliament providwi for the title in a bill in 1876. f > ,1 i?v Here's the BIGGEST STORM SASH VALUE IN YEARS flMEW IMPROVED i/v, p' «• * "Tv-t-'Jv iSTORM SASH Here is ike greatest weptov Storm Sash in years. Now you eaa have for your home guanine Moiya Storm Sash with gloss bedded in puMjf tod permanently cecarcd mi ilk « (nauj&ag. Thb definitely pre* ktoitenlcg o' putty M *fjuc.h in common wkk old-fashioned it tor after it has been i and removed a few All Morgan Stow Sash are tre ate4 GLASS gmtr with water repellent toxic ckemi eal whick gear an ten long nfe tM gnard agni«nt •wuUing. WAUCONDA Gloss Permanently Secured with Wood Moulding . • -ii •„/ mi;• Ms . uj • Alexander Lumber Co. Phone 5 Main Street West McHenry NO INCREASE IN PRICE Mrs. Libbie Haas, aged 82 years, passed away on Tuesday. October 1, after a lingering illness. Libbie Oakes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Oakes, was bom in Stamford, Vt., on September 12, 1858, and came with her parents to Illinois in 1866. She was married, to B. S. Hammond of Chicago in 1883 who passed away on Feb. 22, 1917. She was married to Jos. Haas, who survives, on November 2, 1921. Services were held at the Federated church on Friday with burial in Wauconda cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kirk and Miss May Daley were Waukegan shoppers Saturday evening. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Golding are spending the week with their daughter, Mrs. Charles Bechtold, and family in Richmond, Ind. J^rs. Amelia Dickson, Mrs. John Ross and Miss Delia Kirwan attended the *66th session of the Grand chapter of O. E. S. in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Manning, Mrs, Margaret Ripkey and daughter, Grace, of Chicago spent Saturday with Mrs. Alice Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Orok of Clifton, N. J., and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haas of Columbus, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Chicago were called here by the death of Mrs. Haas. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Melsheimer attended a wedding in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Johanna Walsh attended the funeral of her uncle, Michael Weston, held Monday at St. Mary's Catholic church in Woodstock. Burial was in McHenry. Mr. Weston was 89 years of age, was born in Ireland and saw service in the British army and came to this country fifty-two years ago. Mrs. Lydia Steinsdoerfer entertain ed the Royal Neighbors Tuesday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Peck of Chicago spent the weekend with the former's mother, Mrs. Edith Peck. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Johnson, Crystal Lake, spent Thursday with relatives here. We learn that policeman Frank Tiffany of Lake Forest was stricken with a heart attack while playing golf in Elgin and was taken to the Sherman hospital in Elgin. J 7 t I {Official publication . Report of the Conditional West McHenry State Bank v. McHenry, 111. (P.O. West McHenry) transmitted in response to call of the Auditor of Public Accounts, pursuant to law and' showing condition at the close of business on the 30th day of September 1940. ~" RESOURCES ~~~ ~ 1. Cash and due from banks 2. Outside checks and other cash items 3. United States Government obligations, direct and/or fully guaranteed 4. Other bonds, stocks and securities 5. Loans and discounts ..... 6. Overdrafts • It's the longest, largest, most hncuriovs car the loader has over boftt • •. with 3" more whoobaso and "throe-couple roominess" in all sedan models ... with dashing new "Aristostyle" design and a new bounty--r-- lending Body by Fisher, fovnd only on Owvrolet and higher-priced cnrsl--i-- Parade along the avenue in this sparkling beauty, and you'll attract every' eye ... for the new 1941 Chevrolet is the smartest car that ever won • radiator ornament... the Style Car of the United Statest Performance?--even more powerful and even mote economical than Chevrolet's record-breaking road action of last year I Riding comfort?-- "the smoothest, steadiest ride of all," with De Luxe Knee-Action and balanced springing front and rear on all models! But, come, you be the judge of the new 194! Chevrolet! Eye It--Try It--Buy It! See how finely and faithfully it is designed to be flrtt again in popular favor and popular demand! 17. Banking house, $6,794.73; Furniture and 1 fixtures, $933.12 " V . . . . . . . . 11. Other resources Grand Total Resources $611,432.94 1,663.11 170,882.91 89,648.31 450,901.62 94.83 7,727.85 354.32 ...$1,332,705.89 Capital stoek Surplus 12. 14. 15. Undivided profits (net) 16. Reserve accounta 17. Demand deposits 18. liabiliths m, ^ | ^ •• ml !" Time deposits ... i... , 1 : '-•"y Total of deposits: • (1) Secured by pledge of loans and/or investments .$ 25,000.00 (2) Not secured by pledge of loann and/or investments .......... 1^. „..l,126,299.22 t 50,000.00 50,000.00. 36,677.50 20,000.00 685,808.84 465,490.33 (3) Total deposits 25* Other liabilities .$1,151,299.22 24,729.17 Grand Total Liabilities ...............__...$1,332,705.89 Memorandum: Loans and Investments Pledged to Secure Liabilities: 26. Loans and investments pledged: U. S. Government obligations direct and/or ftilly guaranteed $27,000.00 SLOCUM'S LAKE Two-ton« colort on all Spccbtl At Lmm i m ' tmall '^"FIRST BECAUSE IT'S FINEST! McHENRY, Wt+ Mrs. Marlett Henry spent last Wednesday and Thursday in Chicago, where, in company with her mother, Mrs. Bennett, they attended a meeting of Grand chapter, O. E. S., on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughter, Joan, Mrs. Catherine Wagner and Mrs. Mary Sable were callers at Waukegan last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. David Burghgraef and daughter, Rose Mary, of Griswold Lake were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart last Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Oak Park were dinner and supper guepts last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, were callers at Elgin last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and *on, Chesney, were callers at La- Grange Monday. Miss Helen Lawless and Peter-Jacobs of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and sons, Robert and Lyle. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping and Willard Darrell were Sunday afternoon and supper guests -at the heaw^f Mr and Mrs. Marlett Henry. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren Were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Nertjtrftm at North Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grube and son of Chicagp were dinner and afternoon Total Pledged (excluding re-discountsJt 27. Hedged: . Against funds of State of Illinois _$27,000.00 J$ 27,000.00 Total Pledged .$27,000.00 The bank has outstanding $28,373.06 face amount of Deferrred Certificates, payable solely out of future net profits, if and when such future net profits are earned^ (future net profits are operating profits plus recoveries, less charge-offs and proper provision for reserves) representing contributions to the bank and subordinated to al| -deposit and creditor liabilities but payable before any distribution to stockholders a£ such. I, Gerald J. Carey, Cashier of the West McHenry State Bank, do solemn, swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, an_ that the items and amounts shown above agree with the items and amounts show* in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. GERALD J. CAREY, Cashier. Correct. Attest: WM. M. CARROLL, C. J. RBIHANSPERGER, Directors. STATE OF ILLINOIS, County of McHenry. ss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day at October 1940. (SEAL! ' BOBBRT L. WEBER, Notary Public, MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Simon S toff el C. J. Reiharaperger D I R E C T O R S Wm. M. dsn-oil Wm. A Nye, M. Df Jos. W. Frev Gejrald J. Care; ^^lEMBEE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION

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