Society Nf W"*~- otes ¥ s Mid-Week Club 1IIS, X?.'C. Hoyte was hostess to the nienit>ers of the Mid-week club last Wednesday afternoon at her home at Columbia Park. Bridge prizes were awarded to Mrs. Thomas Kane, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. Lillian Cox. Jjrs. Ben Dietz will be hostess at the next meeting - • •• • il • * Entertain Teachers The Mothers' club is sponsoring their annual six o'clock supper on Monday evening. October 2$, at which thev will entertain the teachers of the McHenry High and Public Grade schools, arid £l*o the wives of the married men.-An the K. C. hall. Mrs. Harry Durland is chairman of this afv. • . v ...... Attends l«»eH«op* 'lire. Washburn of McCollum Lake, who was a visitor in Chicago a few days last week, attended a luncheon last Wednesday afternoon at the Picardy roorii at Cooley'* Cupboard m Evanston Which was given by Mrs.. Goldie, also a pi»rtime resident at Mc* Collum Lake. Other guests were Mrs. Kilfether and Mrs* HaUeyf; fq^aa^et residents in this vicinity.s .... - • • ' V \ ' ; ;*.v Tenth Anniversary and Mrs. George Hiller epterit& tned about a hundred guests at their home Sunday afternoon, October 13, in honor of their tenth wedding anniversary. The afternoon was spent playing cards. A lovely supper was served in the evening. Prizes for cards went to Mrs. Laurence Siehoff. Mrs. Joe Freund. Mrs. -Joe Hiller, Mrs. Albert Schmitt and Miss Lorraine Stilling. Eighty-One Years Old Peter Diedrich Was surprised Sunday by a group of neighbors and friends on the occasion of his eightyfirst birthday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diedrich, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Math Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. John Wegener and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Regner. • • • Business and Professional Twenty-three ladies attended the meeting of the McHenry County Business and Professional Woman's club Monday evening in the McHenry Community Methodist church hall. A dinner was served at 6:30 p. m. Mrs. Ida Casidy of Chicago, past president of the American Legion auxiliary department of Illinois, was the guest speaker. Her subject, "Voting Intelligently," was both interesting and informative. The program consisted of selections by the Forte Club orchestra, and a vocal solo by Warren Jones. Mrs. Leonard McCracken was chairef the dinner committee. Evening tract firtdge Mrs. Ray McGee Entertained Tuesday evening at a delightful meeting of the Evening; Contract Bridge club. Prizes were awarded to Mfts. George Stilling and Mrs. Harry Dartand. Mrs. George Stilling will be the hostess on Tuesday, November 5. . - • • 4 . , Christening ' The infant son of Mr.'Whd Mrs. James Doherty was Waptited James Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Freund, and Mr. I lunch. This meeting was the regular and Mrs. John B. Freund bf Spring [ October meeting of the Mothers' club. Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Art Behra and Mrs. Ed Wagner of Wkukegan; A1 Behm of Fremont Center. • • • Fifteenth Anniversary Mr; and Mrs. Joe M. Schmitt celebrated the occasion of their fifteenth wedding anniversary Sunday, October 20. by entertaining about seventy-five relatives at a five o'clock supfper. Cards were enjoyed throughout the afternoon and evening. The guests were: Messrs. and Mesdames John Smith, Fred J. Smith and daughter, Marie. Wm. H. Althoff, Bernard N. Smith and family, Carl J, Freund and family. Leo J. Smith and family. Ray Smith. Wally Smith, The next meeting will be held November 8 at the usual time in the Legion hall. The hostesses will, be Mrs. Ray McGee, Mrs. Richard Fleming, Mrs. A1 Barbian and Mrs. Ray Conway. Mrs. Ida Cassidy of Chicago will be the speaker. j Attend Shower Mrs. Albert Vales and daughter, Marie, attended a shower last Friday night in Chicago which was given in honor of Miss Florence Vales who will become the bride of Raymond Ka* priva on November 21. ONE KILLED. TWO OTHERS WE IN THIS VICINITY Latest Sheet Music. Everything in music. Latest records, 3 for $1.00. NYE, West McHenry. ~ 23-bp-3 (Continued from Page One) with two brothers, Guy, of wood, Calif., and Earl, of Oolo., and four sisters, Mrs. Florence Martin of St. Joseph, Mo., Mrs. Emma Burgess, qf Lgs Angeles, Calif., Mrs. Jennie nfaMfipiif Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Cora TfooiWpson of Woodstock, Schnabel Mrs. Floyd £. Covalt received word last week of the death of Frank Schnabel, a photographer and old time 0. . . _ resident of McHenry. son, Stanley, of Compton, together Aftr leaving McHenry, M^ Schnabel located at Goshen, Ind., for Several years and later moved to California. * * He was stricken with an illness early * last summer and passed away Octobe. ' V S 11'. . 'Yil -*• At his request the body was cremated and the ashes taken to New York to be buried beside his brother. Two daughters survive, Mrs. Richard Hodges and Mrs. Fred Fisher, both) of Glendale. Bead Want A* Conway Doherty last Thursday in the Wm. J. Hiller and family, Anton Jf, B It Patrick's Party A large crowd enjpyed the moving pictures of the St. Patrick's centennial at the Altar and Rosary sodality card party last Sunday evening in the church hall. Cards followed the pictures and prizes were won by Edward Sullivan and C. W. Gibbs in bridge; Mrs. Edward Whiting and R. M. Fleming in five hundred; Miss Vivian Bolger in pinochle and Donald Doh- , erty in bunco. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. Sibre Whitng, Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Nicholas Young, Mrs. William Staines and Mrs. Edith Hayes. 9 m m Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Ljungberg, 3062 Eastwood avenue, residents of Albany Park for more than fifteen years, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on October 19, 1940. They have been summer residents of McHenry for forty years. Mr. Ljungberg owns property on the Fox river '*nd has a winter home on Center street, McHenry. ' A dinner and reception was held in their honor at the Chicago Towers club. The tropical room was filled with flowers and presents. At> mock wedding was performed, much to the amusement of all concerned. Open house was held at the home on Sun- * day, October 20. After completing forty years of Service with the City of Chicago in thfe Board of Local Improvements departjnent, Mr. Ljungberg retired in Silver Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh celebrated their silver wedding anniversary Saturday evening by inviting a group of thirty relatives and friends to their home south of McHenry. The entertainment for the evening was Supplied with cards, games and music. Prizes in five hundred were won by Mrs. Clarence Martin, Mrs. Earl Mc 'Andrews, Ed Sutton and James Costello and in pinochle by Mrs. M. A. Sutton. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. The honorees receiv- ' «4 many lovely gifts. Out of town guests were: Miss Anna Dwyer of Evanston; Harold Leavett of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Beverly, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Westerman. Mr. and Mrs. James Co»- tello of Elgin; Miss Georgiana Donolttie, Huntley, and Mrs. Blanche Green i Mankato, Minn. §v("' Halloween Party You're not too old nor too young to ^attend a Halloween party which will be given October 31, Halloween night, •'It eight o'clock in the Lily Lake school by the members of the P.-T. A _ for the benefit of the school. Admission will be five cents for children and fifteen cents for adults. There will be refreshments and prizes. Come in costume or hard-time clothes. Tickets will be on sale at the door you may obtain one from a rv ber of the P.-T. A. The committee in ' aharge of the arrangements consists 4tf Mrs. H. Glick, chairman, Mrs. G. ' Jffelson, co-chairman, Mrs. F. E. Weil- •r and Mrs. R. Biesecker. Sacred Heart chapfcl at St. Patrick's church by 'Father Walter Conway. Sponsors were Mrs. David Powers and Le&owa r, -Conw<.a«?y .) •!<^* (*r' - J Bridge^Lancheon. Mrs. William Correll was hostess at a bridge luiwTt^n af'her beautiful hQme on Wonder Lak& ort Tuesday afternoon. Guests included Mrs. E. M. Strong, Mrs. tvar Fredfricksen, Mrs. Kris Kruger, MrS. ft, Wtfrnay, Mrs. Roy Almgen and Mrs. "Wffiam Keller, all of Wonder Lake, and Mrs. Floyd E.,Cov&k of M^Her.ry. s.. • • r; ... ',V-Z'.'K-' . . AfterrwWrtl Hnod(!i,, ; ; Mrs", John R. ScHtitftt the members of her Pinochle club last Wednesday afternoon. The prize winners were Mrs. John M. Schmitt, Mrs. Anna Meyer, Mrs. Nick Freund and Mrs. Albert Krause. $ext Tuesday, Qctober 29, the club will meet with Mrs. Delia Miller, and «fn Wednesday, October 30, with Mrs. John M. Schmitt. •; Ji . ... -liC' i !*• <? ;jj . Miss Marie Neft of'Johnsburg was the g^aest of honor at a nuptial shower Monday evening in the Johnsburg hall. Hostesses were Mrs. Clara Adams. Mrs. John E. Nett, Mrs. Arthur Klein. Miss Alpine Nett and Miss Regine Klein. Five hundred and bunco supplied the entertainment. A lovely lunch was served. Miss Nett will become the: bride of Thomas Diedrich of McHenry next Saturday, October ,26, at St. John the Baptist church, Johnsburg, at 9 o'clock. ..u „ - •* zi • j.. C. D. of' Jk»•, The twentieth anniversary of the Catholic Daughters of America was marked with a celebration last Thursday evening. A large crowd was in attendance. The decorations were in purple, yellow and white and a large birthday cake centered . the table whereon the lunch was served. This party was a}«o the first in a series of card games which constitute the tournament. Prizes for bridge went to Mrs. Harry Durland, Miss Marie Powers and Miss Mildred Kinsala. The winners for pinoqhle were Mrs. Leo Winkel and the Misses Frances and Carolyn Baur«,<, The court is planning a public caiSl party for Wednesday evening, November 13, in the Knighte of Columbus hall. a m m Woaten'a $odety The Women's Society of the Community Methodist church met at a 1:30 luncheon at the church hall last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Z}on Baker gave a delightful paper on the Negro, basing her talk on the current best seller, "Native Son-" Mrs, C. H. Duker gave the devotionals. The date for the next meeting in November will be November 14, beginning with a luncheon at «1:30 p. m. The speaker will be Mrs. Edmund D. Soper of Evanston 'frho recently returned from Korea and Japan. She will speak about Japan as it is today. Since Thanksgiving Day falls on the regular meeting day, the date must be changed. Mrs. C. C. Hoyte will be the luncheon chairman, with Mrs. Edward Bouma, Mrs. Floyd Covalt. Sr. Mrs. Zion Baker and Mrs. Ellsworth Shoemaker on the committee. i Five circles have been formed and all who have not been enrolled with a circle are urged to do so at the next meeting. Circle One. of which Mrs. George Kramer is chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. William Pries on the afternoon of November 6. An interesting talk has been arranged. Circle Two has Mrs. Zena Bacon as it* chairman. The ladies in the group will meet to sew for the December bazaar at the home of Mrs. Bacon on Thursday afternoon, November 7. Circle Three, with Mrs. George Johnson as chairman, will meet in the church basement on the afternoon of November 7. That same evening this club will serve a cafeteria supper The public is invited. Circle Four, with Mrs. Elmer Montgomery as chairman, will meet at the home of Mrs. Edther Smith this Thursday, October 24. The members are asked to bring something to sew for the bazaar. Circle Five, whose chairman is Mrs. William Green, metts Wednesday evening, November 6, in the home of Mrs. Lester Page. There will be a card party, five hundred, pinochle and bridge, with a twenty-five cant admission price. Schmitt and family, Geftrge J. Schmitjfc and family, A1 M. Schmitt and family, Henry Schmitt and family, Leo J. Hili ler, Mike Schaefer and family, Missel Leona Smith, ^lma Schmitt, Estell* May and Betty Althoff, Mrs. Eliza* beth Schmitt and Clarence Smith, Buddy Meyers, Emil Schmitt, Alvif Freund, Steve Schmitt, Louis Jf, Schmitt, Anton M. Schmitt and Franr cis Schmitt. • * a V Mothers' dub ;.j^n :,the evening of October 8 the ••members of the Mothers' elut> and Aheir friends met at the home of Mrs* C. W. Goodell. The home was gayly decorated with beautiful fall flowersp for the occasion was a recital given; by one of McHenry's talented young pianists, Barrie Taxman. He rendered two groups of piano solos with ar-? tistic interpretations of each number^ playing with a consistently beautiful tone and excellent technique. After the first group, Adele Froehlich sang two solos and an encore, accompanied by Mrs. Carl Weber. Warren Jones followed this with a cello solo and encore. Mr. Taxman opened the second part of the program with three delightful numbers and an encore, followed by two vocal solos and encore by Warren Jones. Elsie Harmson, a guest, graciously consented to play a piano soloi although she had not come prepared to do so. Her selection was the first movement of Beethoven's "Moonligh Sonata." These four young people/playp#!^o< a very attentive and appreciative audience, all present agreeing that the quartet showed a smoothness of technique, a high development of artistic sense and a sincerity of attitude that was a pleasure to observe. After the program, assistant hostesses, Mrs. G. H. Johnson, Mrs. Leonard McCracken, Mrs. G. Newman and Mrs. H. Schaefer served a delicious • r included • WIT44* YO Lf P « NAMC • IMPRI NT .CD © ^ OfANY V_y|>ltr DESIGN ASSORTMENT "9" -- CONTAINING? 5 £ACJ-J 0£ TWES€ IO DESIGNS- '•%.; 'V;: ' A.'-." - • ; ' ^ - ":v - •"* - #r" : " - • V- '.J" m r - ' '•V' •' 'T" 1 % iciswoffism ,i -1 «. --wA um>»v ntu> v«a •v «njiv»y»**'LC Phofif 40 'S DRUG STORE Gfreen Strait Married Thirty Years Mr. and Mrs. Math Blake were pleasantly surprised last Wednesday night by a large group of relatives and friends who came to honor them on their thirtieth wedding anniver fiary. Music and dancing furnished; the entertainment at the party which was held in . the K. C. hall. A* agift, the guests presented them with a purse. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames William Freund, Peter A. Freund, Frank Blake, John Phannen still, Peter Weingart, Anton H Freund, George Young, Peter Blakev John Blake, Nick Weingart, Antor P. Freund, Leo Blake, Ben Blake, Joe Kloeckner, John N. Freund, Emia' Freund and Irvin Schmitt, a!! of McHenry; Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Math Blake, Mr. ami Mrs. Harry Erickson and Alvin and Charles Blake, all of Crystal Lake, Mr. and M•- rs.-T ,J sorih".n- Petr|ak of Cary; More value OUT in the vast Buick plants you'll find men who were building motorcars when manyvof us were still looking forward to our firtt long pants. So when these veterans talk to you about 1941 models, you're listening to Old Man Experience, seasoned bgjr years-long, backstage in-the-know. J|nd straight from die shoulder, with* out any ifs, ands, buts or maybes, these old-timers will tell you that the Buicks now coming off the assembly lines top anything produced here since the first "onelunger" chugged its way down the street. It isn't only that they're handsomer carriages. Or that they're bigger, roomier, steadier with road-hugging weight and poise. It isn't just that the new Fireball* engines, naicropoise-balanced to vibrationless ease, carry Buick's exclusive Dynaflash principle. Iftmmering experimental model# 0*er -flt6 roads--other men were busy arming skilled hands with new and finer tools, setting still higher levels for fine craftsmanship to reach. lVow this modelwise fellow sums it all up. He says sitaply, "the beat yet" is waiting lor you. V'. „ : ^ to new heights of agile brilliance while actu- •My getting 10% to 15% more miles per gallon. It isn't simply that these great eager cars ride .•asier, handle moi*e nimbly, surround you. z_- with travel-luxury that even surpasses the oftpraised comforts of home. It's even more in die brawn and inbuilt-char* • IkJter and fine-drawn precision--in all the* things you don't see about a Buick no leas ifran in the things you can lay eye on. "»&»* while designers were snaring inspira* ion on paper, while engineers were calcunew marvels, while test-crews were *4tceording t* tit Encyclopaedia Britannica, « ^ mttor ivkick trmvtlt with « una »f txpJoaom likt wtvtt * gnat fnjtttiU it talUd a "FuibalIm^ Qe means we have never before built automobiles so good as these we offer you now. BUICK PRICKS BEGIN AT iation bmsed oh / delivered at F7aU> Mich. Transporf 9u y rail rates, slate didr m. local taxes (if any) y eptunal equipment and accessories--exir*. Prices subject to change without mtice. - - - -- Never before so well and durably combined lo many materials, so successfully contrived ftp give you maximum contentment with your automobile. find a lot of fine cars offered this coming year--the natural go-ahead of a progressive industry sees to that. But our man isn't boasting when he invites you to a Buick showroom to sce "the best yet.** Heart and soul, he believes it is just tha$t j "itdowot ^ind befmre long, we thkfik, so will yon* EXEMMAI Of hi# m*. .y Be L OVERTON MOTOR SALES front Street, WMtMeBrary.HL 210 Main St., Oryrtal Lake, m. I WHEN KTTUt AUTOMOMLKS AM BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD TH