Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Oct 1940, p. 3

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Thursday, October 24,1940 THE MoHXHEY PUUJfDEALER u .f &•*. j $§.' ' . m< : K%>- • <m: •'• •• ft \ • PINK HARRISON'S x • >;*r- "*» * ---- Pi®tafeee Bay ----* Fall Season J ; -f * i i> * j^"'4 t ,' .5-. TIME DANCING £V£^TSATUS|2AY Liy ,4 ^Charles Schroeder, Caller, GOOD FOOD GOOD DRINK# V GOOD MUSIC Barbara Horick's Orchestra HALLOWEEN PARTY SATURDAY, NOV. 2 (Surprise) RINGWOOD ill ^ S&ft;. w*- * ^ 1*4 1 Under NewManagement e Cleaners has taken over ANNA HOWARDS' GLEANING & PRESSING SHOP High class cleaning . .. We specialize in rugs, draperies, suedes, leathers and furs . . . Phone us on our cash and carry pricei ... We delivcil ---- Mrs. Howard will continue to manage the shop! M. L. BEHM, Mgr., Libertyville - Phone McHenry 42 -A Ak A ^ FREUND'S Store... JOS. W. FREUND will celebrate his 50 Years In the Clothing Business in the same building week of October 21st to 26th by giving 10% discount on broken lines of SUITS AND OVERCOATS and herewith expresses his thanks to the public for the patronage during his years in the business! '•Tvyvy v v v v v v v v v v v yvyvv w v v (Political Advertisement) DWIGHT H. GREEN •Republican- Candidate for GOVERNOR WILL I , pwignt tureen is a figlites*. He smashed the notorious -A I C a pone gang in Chicago. He fought the Kelly-Nash Machine to a standstill in Chicago's last Mayoralty election. He is a winner! » A vote for Dwight Green ibd the Republican ticket is a vote for good governnsent, courage, ability and honesty in office. Elect Green Governor «£ Hlinow! SIM T08R Stiti Mi MM Vol* ©BEPPBUCM • WtNDBU IWttUOi • eCuius LlS^MY a TWAT1ANO Mooiu • DWWHIH^ O MEN hr U.Mti•••tQsiWI Q MUOH W. CROSS l«r S.t.1 .(•) •* MH a JUSTUS i. JOHNSON NttMaWHw • AKTHUS L LSUDKft Par Stat* TIuihw • WAUtKN WRIGHT rtrMlttii*yG««ail • OCORGI F. BARMTT Q STVHM A. OAT Q WILLIAM O. STKATTON DEFEAT BOSSISM IN ILLINOIS Mrs. F. N. Muzzy entertained the Scotch bridge club at ther home Wednesday afternoon. Prizes were merited by Mrs. B. T. Butler and Mrs. Joe McCannon. The Sewing Circle met with Mrs. Weldon Andreas Friday. A pot luck dinner was served. The Bunco club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Mildred Munshau in Elgin Thursday at a 12 o'clock dinner in honor of the birthdays of Mrs. Will McCannon and Mrs. Ray Merchant. They received many nice gifts. In the afternoon bunco was played with, prizes awarded to Mrs. Charles Coles. Mrs. George Young and Mrs. Will McCannon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard entertained the five hundred club at their home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. James Bell and L. E. Hawley, high, and Mrs. J. C. Pearson and B. T. Butler, low Weldon Andreas, Bernice Smith and Wayne Foss attended a teachers' meeting at Aurora Friday. . Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son, Howard, Mrs. Pat Coyne and daughters, Catherine and Pat^cia, Mrs. R. Remer and daughter, Ndhcy, p.nd Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Dennis, of Crystal Lake were dinner guests in the Alan Ainger home at ; Greenwood Wednesday. * Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bailley of Chicago spent Friday night and Saturday with Wayne Foss. Mr. and Mrs. George Young attended the thirtieth wedding anniversary party for Mr. and Mrs. Matt Blake at McHenry Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will Heine of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Greenwood spent Sunday in the Geo. Shepard home. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young and son of McHenry spent Sunday in the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson spent the weekend at Evanston with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Norman. The Ladies' Aid Society will serve a baked bean and brown bread dinner Wednesday, October 30. * Mr. and Mrs H. M. Stephenson ?pent Sunday in the Harry Alexander home in Hebron and called on friends in Delavan and*Elkhorn. Wis. I Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and f^rnily | spent Sunday with relatives in <bhicaero and Oak Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. George Hutson and daughters of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mrs. Libbie Ladd. There will be Community^ services at the Methodist church next^undny evening. The Woodstock Male quartet will furnish the music. Mr. and Mrs. George Young spent Sunday evening in the James Bell home. The Ladies' Aid will hold their annual bazaar and roast chicken supper in the Royal Blue hall November 14. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained Sunday in honor of the fiftyfirst wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Those to attend were Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, and son, John, Mr. and Mrs. Lonine 'Smith and family and A. Wl Smith of Ringwood, Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, of Harvard, Mrs. Lyle IJopper and daughters of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and family of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. James Lindemann of Dundee, Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake and Will Hoffman of Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Zeigler of Round Lake, district director of the Illinois congress of parents and teachers, gave a talk at the P.-T. A. Wednesday evening on joining the congress. It will be taken up at the next meeting which will be at 2:30 Friday afternoon, November 8. There will be a Halloween party at the schoolhouse Wednesday evening, October 30. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Sunday with their daughter and family at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit, Mich., are visiting in the Will McCannon home. Miss Mae Wiedrich and nephews, Joe and Charles Carr, called on friends in Woodstock Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of lflorton Grove spent Sunday in the J»m. McCannon home. Mrs. Harold Wiedrich and children •pent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich home. Mrs. Pat Coyne and daughters and Urs. R. Remer and daughter, Nancy, •pent Friday in the Ralph Simpson home at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCannon and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit were dinner guests in the Lloyd Gratton home at Woodstock on Monday evening. Miss Rita Mae Merchant of Chicago •pent Sunday afternoon with her par- ~ants, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mrs. Charles Coles of Richmond Mrs. Ray Merchant and daughter, Audrey, were visitors at Kenosha on Friday evening. Floyd Carr of Greenwood was a dinner guest in the Will McCannon home Sunday. Miss Helen Whiting returned to her work in Chicago after spending the past two weeks at her home here. Mrs. Frank Wattles and son, Glenn, of McHenry spent Sunday in the C. L. Harrison home. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Lowell of Wonder Lake have left for their winter We in Sebring, Florida Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughters, Amy and Carol, And Mrs. Lonnie Smith and daughter, Dorothy, spent Friday in the Henry Marlowe home in Huntley. Rev. and Mi s. Collins are enjoying a trrp through Tennessee. •nd Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch Mrs. Lester Nelson and children •nd Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch •pent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mrs. Bacon and Will Beatty called on Mr. and Mrs. Norton at Keystone Friday afternoon. - Ml"- and Mrs.' Wm. Tetrow of Chicago spent Thursday afternoon in the 8. W. Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeCannon and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wlhite spent Tuesday at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. & W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, spent Sunday evening in Elgin. Patrick Coyne of Chicago is spending his vacation here with his family. VOLO Mrs. Ed Baumruk and son and Mrs. John Baumruk and son of Berwyn spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda spent Friday at the home of Mrs. Pearl Dowell. Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, Kenneth Lee, called on her mother, Mrs. Margaret Grabbe, at Crystal Lake on Tuesday. -o Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Russell and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family and Mrs. Dora Vasey and family attended the fall festival at the Wauconda Township High school Friday evening. Mrs. Clinton Raven and family of Slocum's Lake spent Friday with her mother, Mrs. Pearl Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and son, Kenneth Lee, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerson at Crystal Lake. Misses Alice and Mayme Dowell of Slocum's Lake called on their sister, Mrs. John Passfield, Thursday. The Volo public school was closed Monday due to a teacher's meeting at Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann. and son of Grayslake were Sunday visitors at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe and sons, Mrs. Margaret Grabbe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rossman, Crystal Lake, and Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and daughter, Winifred, of McHenry spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., of Wauconda called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke of Evanston were Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Otto Klemm is erecting a new home' in our town. Clifford Wilson of Milwaukee, Wis., spent the weekend here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson, Sr. Clifford is attending an electrical school at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell ana son, Thomas, spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer at Slocum's Lake. The Wauconda - Volo 4-H club members and leader, James Davis, met at the Wauconda Township High school Tuesday evening. The club welcomed four new members: Lilah Mae Fisher, Robert Matthews, Keith Russell and Richard Miller. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. The club will meet Tuesday evening, November 12, at the Wauconda school. Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., and daugh« ter, Lillian, of Wauconda, Mrs. Albert Hafer of Fremont tow&«hip, Mrs. Pearl Dowell and daughter. Ada, Mrs. Ellwdod Dowell and son, Thomas, and June Dunker were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher in honor of Mrs. Fisher's birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart at LaCrosse, Wis. * Mr| and Mrs. James Valenta of Chicago, Mrs. J. Balmes, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dent, Jr., and Mrs. D. Dent, Sr., of Evanston were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George. Mrs Leo Schmitt returned to her home here Friday evening, after spending a few weeks in Wisconsin with relatives. Buddy Thennes, Harry Case. Robert Dunker, Richard Fisher, Walter Panek from this locality, accompanied by James Davis, vocational agriculture teacher journeyed to Harvard Saturday. Th^, above-named students entered a poultry, grain and seed judging contest. Mrs. Sara Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family spent Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Power's at Wauconda, in honpr of Mr. Powers' and Mr, fisher's birthday anniversaries. LILY LAKE A card and bunco party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude McDermott Wednesday. Prizes were awarded to the winners. The serving of a lovely lunch concluded, a most enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero spent Sunday at Lily I*ake. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn of Cicero and Mr. and Mrs, Alex Wirfs and son, Wayne, and daughter, Roberta Mae, of Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. John Cunningham and Mrs. Carrie Parker (mother of Mrs Cunningham), Barrington, visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Hafer and Mr. and Mrs. Dumbro of Chicago spent Sunday at their home at Lily Lake. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O'Connor and Mr. and Mrs. O'Connor, all of Milwaukee. Mrs. C. O'Connor is a sister of James Klabough. Mr. and Mrs. James Klabough were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustafson of Roekford Saturday. Among those who spent the weekend at their cottages were Mr. and Mrs. H. Wise, Mrs. M. Harber and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Venable, Mrs. Strn^d and son. Harry, Mr. and Mrs. Mackey, Mr. and Mrs. C. Blum, Mr and Mrs. Laurence Sansone, Mr. and Mrs. Bender and many others, all of Chicago. , Richard Driscoll, Margaret Farrell., -Mrs. Nora McCala and Mr«. John Christopher visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough on Wednesday. Mrs. Bernie Peschke was a Chicago visitor Monday. McCOLLUM T.ATTK Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sales and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schiefelbein of Lyons, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Sid Smith are spending the week in Chicago. Mrs. Stephen Huska spent Thursday at a birthday party in Chicago. Weekend guests at McCollum Lake were Mr. and Mrs. Elarton, Mr. and Mrs. Mathers, Mr. and Mrs. Matters, Mr. and Mrs. Madsen, Mrs. Bowler and Mr. and Mrs. Marweg, Mr. and Mrs. Ball, and Mrs. Schram and family. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt of Diamond Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Winkrantz. Edward Horn, formerly of McCollum Lake, died Monday evening about 6:30 in Brookfield, 111., after a long illness. He was thirty-six years old and leaves a wife, son, father, mother and a brother, as well as a host of friends both of McCollum Lake and Brookfield. Funeral services were held this Thursday morning at 9 o'clock from funeral parlors at 3745 Grand boulevard, Brookfield. QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMACH ULCERS OUT TO EXCESS ACID kfsbtf HasseTiaalaMatthat Mast Help er (tWM Cest Yea I Over one million bottles of the WIIXARD TREATMENT have been soki for relief of symptoms of distress arising from MmmI and Daadmal IHwi > due to EMM ACM-- (*•*** Saur or Upaat Momach ; CihImw, Hawthorn. Sli ipl«nm«i. «tc due to Imn AcM. s>oid on 15day- trial' 1 Arte for "WRbrd'i wMcb Dfl) erphtn« this treatment-- fr«*--at WATTLES DRUG STORE FEED C. MILLE. R. .J, M. Specializing la ^ EYE, EAR, NOSE an* will be in Dr. A. L Froehliek's Office, corner Green ft E*» Streets, McHeary •very Wednesday froai 1 to 2:30 p. GLASSES FITTED . Need Robber Stamps T Order at The Plaindeaiar. Here's the BIGGEST STORM SASH VALUE IN YEARS NEW IMPROVED STORM ; SASH Here ia the greatest i'"!""' eaMat la Storm Sash in years. Now you caa have for your home genuine Morgan Storm Sash with glass bedded in putty and permanently secured with wooa moulding. This definitely prevents loosening of putty and leakaM which is common with tM old-fashioned storm sash after it has been installed and removed a few times. All Morgan Storm Sash are treat ed with water repellent toxic chemical which guarantee V long life and guard against •welling. 'fi • Gloss Permonentiy Secured with Wood Moulding Alexander Lumber Co. Phone 5 Main Street West McHenry NO INCREASE IN PRICE THAT RUMOR AI0UI NASI WAS TRUE! ItutmJSice EdcU! Tvt Ike Bilf Unw-- • 25 to 30 Miles per Gribs sff Gasoline in a Big Car! • Reemer tiian Hany 1940 Can Costing op to $200 More! • Hashing Pickup of N«vMnyisg Scot" Engine! • CoM Spring* os Ai For Wheels! • New "Unitized" Stool Body - Safer, Quieter! • iMproveti Weather Eye Conditioned Air System ... and Convertible Bod! • Overall Saviegsqpto$IOtaYoar! flood News I In the Face off Rising Now Car Prices-- Nash Announces 1941 Prices $70 to $159 LOWER! /-V: . ;'-vv ' •••*. TODAY--there's a M*w kind of car in the lowest-price field--the 1941 Nash! It's so new .V. so different that driving it is a thrilling experience. Little would you believe, as 70a look at the size of it--194 inches long--that it delivers 25 to 30 miles to the gallon, with usual good driving. Powered by Nash's new-type "Flying Scot" Engine, it's the fleetest, smoothest "six" you.1 ever had your hands on! the wheel but laughs at evoiSM MILKS 10* bumps. With Two-way Ballbearing Steering and soft coil springs on mil f»mr tnkttls--h rides like a miracle in motion. Its quiet, its unusual roominess are due to a new kind of "unitized" construction. Frame and body ««• welded together. The front seat s almost five feet wide. The rear has ample iptce for Nash's big Convertible Bed. "New 1941 prices be*in in the lowest price JMd-- $798 for > b«* Ambt^idor 600 Business Ckmpe. All orices, delivered «t factory, include siand*rd ill AJ«Mlf«% Weather $8lf* KUIXE MOOtt ILLUSTRATES, <801* »maeinw«MMMi«<iiiiik --MM-- Even the air you breathe is different-- thanks to the new conditioned-air wonders of the Weather Eye System. This year Nash prices are lower. All Nasla cars have new economy. See also the big, beautiful new Nash Ambassador Aeropowered Sixes and Eights--at your dealer's. First public showing toJmj! 1 HEW SERIES--17 BEAUTIFUL HOBOS lit Muh rtmlwitil 11 "4H" . . . America's aew low-price car. (<rlind« Manifold-Scaled FmiiK 194 incites over alL Su models. IV A empowered Nanh Ambassador Sh --1(1 HP . . • (-cylinder Twin Ignition VaNe-u»-Head gim, 201 inches over alL Si* models. » TkeAeropowered Naah Ambassador Elfht-115HPL j Cylinder Ijcnxtioo Vilve in-Hcad EnfiBC. 20| Jachw o<cf alL Five models. \ Soft-Action Springs 768 l>t livered Hero Eiwiide Drive and 'ir. MB SHE

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