Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Oct 1940, p. 6

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Page Six THE McHENRY PLA1NDEALXR RINGWOOD £ Thursday, October 31,1940 Mr. %nd Mrs. Wm. McCannon with Floyd Carr of Greenwood were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank at Morton Grove. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ainger of Greenwood spent Sunday with the latter\ parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard. Mrs. Max Beth of Chicago spent Wednesday ^nd Thursday in the McLaughlin home. Mrs. Fred JViedrich, Jr., and daughter, Betty, spent Friday afternoon at Waukegan. " . Miss Bertha Haven and friend of Racihe, Mr. and Mrs. John Dreymiller and Will Claxton of McHenry were callers in the George Shepard home Sunday afternoon. ( Miss Helen Ruth Butler entertained some of her schoolmates at a Hallow* een party at her home Saturday evening. ; .;S Mrs. Paul Walkington spent the past week in the home of her father at Greenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Rea and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Neal and «on, John, visited their; sons, J im Rea and LeRoy Neal, $t, Rantoul, 111., Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society Will hold; their> annual bazaar and roast dhick$B supper at the Royal Blue hall November 14. There will be plenty of aprons, fancy work and candy for sale. y Mrs. Ralph Simpson and son, Dennis, of Crystal Lake, were callers itt the Patrick Coyne home Saturday morning. \ Rev. and Mrs. Collins returned home from a trip to Tennessee Friday. Mrs! Ralph Clay and children and Miss Edna Peet of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fout and sons spent Sunday in the Ed Peet home. They celebrated the third wedding anniver-. sary of Mr. and Mrs. Fout. Patricia Ann Clay remained for a week's visit with her grandparents. Harry Anderson of Richmond was a caller in the Mrs. Jennie Bacon home > Sunday morning. .1 Mi. and Mrs. Roland McCannon and family ol Algonquin were Sunday diiif ner guests of the latter's parent«» Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr spent Thursday and Friday with relative at Dubuque, Iowa. Mrs. George Harrison spent Sunday in the home of her son, Walter, and family."" Mr. and Mrs. Whi. Wilson of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Becking of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. George Young andson, Alfred, spent Sunday evening with the latter's parents at McHenry. Mrs. Harry Anderson and sons were visitors at Mrs. Jennie Bacon's Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Treon of Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Harrison and Alice and Marion Peet of Elgin spent Sunday in the Charles Peet home. Ralph Smith and son, Arnold, at Harvard spent Sunday afternoon with his parents, Mr and Mrs. S. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Peck and sons and the former's father of Elgin were supper guests in the C-. J. Jepson home Sunday. Mrs. Libbie Ladd entertained Mr. and Mrs. Colton and her father of Sun Prairie, Lillie and Warren Bigelow of Broadhead, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Becker of Crystal Lake at dinner at Twin Mills station Sunday. A family reunion was held at the home of Mr. ancl Mrs. Weldon Andreas Saturday afternoon and evening. The folowing relatives attended: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piske and chidlren of Rockford, Mr. and Mrs. Reverand Gilliland and daughter, Winnebago, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andreas and son of Diamond Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Harry G^qpsche of .Diamond Lake and Mr, and Mrs. Mimgel Andreas and daughter, Ardis. Miss Florence Zapfe of Chicago •spent Sunday afternoon in the S. W. •Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wurtzinger and family of Woodstock spent Sunday in the Lonnie Smith home. S. W. Smith and son, John, and Loilnie Smith and son, Charlie, attended the state .corn husking contest Monday. *: • -- Mr. and Mrs. >H. M. Stephenson in company with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Maud Granger of Me Henry enjoyed a trip into northern Wisconsin over the weekend. On Saturday evening they stayed at Ephraim, going 'on up into the peninsula on Sunday. They returned home Sunday night. Miss Mercedes Lindemann of Crystal Lake was a caller in the home al her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith, Sunday afternoon. Mr*. Fred Wiedrich and daughters, Mae and Mrs. Lester Carr, spent Modday afternoon with relatives at Crystal Lake. , Rita Mae Merchant of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mrs. S. W. Smith called on Mrs. Henry Sweet at Spring Grove Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Frankie Stephenson and Mrs. Lester Carr visited in the Robert McLean home at Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Wayne Foss spent Sunday afternoon in the Ernest Snyder home at Solon Mills. Mrs. Fred Wiedrich and daughter, Mae, called on friends in Richmond Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wi. A. Reid, Mrs. Eikin and Miss Madeline Reid of Winnetka spent Thursday afternoon and evening in the R. C. Harrison home. Robert Glawe of Woodstock spent Friday evening in the Roy Harrison home. Those from the Ringwood Home Bureau unit to go on the tour of the Jewel Tea company at Barrington last Thursday were Mrs. C. L. Harrison, Mrs. Roy Harrison, Mrs. Ray Merchant. Mrs. Clinton Martin, Mrs. Denman, Mrs. Lloyd Benwell and Miss Fesrl Smith. Mrs. Hel^i Johnson and daughter spent the weekend in the Phelps Saunders home at Fontana. A miscellaneous shower for Miss Maxine Vogel of Elkhora. Wis., was held at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Thursday afternoon. Guests were from Richmond, Solon Mills, Elkhom and Waukegan. Bingo furnished the afternoon's entertainment. Lunch was served after which many nice gifts were brought for Miss Vogel to open. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan of Solon Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders of Fontana spent Sunday evening in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and family spent Sunday with the former's sister and family at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Wattles, at McHenry and also called in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and family were Sunday guests of friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Will McLaughlin of Dowes, Iowa, attended the funeral of Mi*s. J. F. McLaughlin Thursday. Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and Mrs. Paul Walkington attended a handicraft school at Woodstock Tuesday. CAFETERIA SUPPER AT METHODIST CHURCH HALL Beginning at 5:30 next Thursday evening, November 7, the ladies of Circle Three of the Women's Society of the Community Methodist church, will serve a delicious cafeteria supper in the church hall. The public is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. Geo. Johnson is chairman of the committee in charge. The menu will consist of baked ham, meat loaf, scallo>ped potatoes, cabbage salad, vegetable salad, pickles, Harvard beets, rolls,* coffee, jeilo and cake. SBLL Pi J. FRBUND HOUSE The Peter J. Freund residence on East Waukegan street has been sold to Richard Cronin. Mr. Cronin, who is employed in Chicago 4s now residing along the Fox river and has made the vicinity of McHenry his home for the past thirty years. Mr. and Mrs. Cronin will take possession of the house on December 1. (Political Advertisement) FOB GOVERNOR DWIGHT H, GREEN SjUr fOR LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR v.-v, CRQ5S C. WAYIAND BBjQQKS iim "*~^rFD 51 A."*© FOK SECRETARY .OF STATE JUS1U& 'km JOHNSON VOV AUI1ITOR OF I'liRI-.C ACCOUNTS ARTHUR C. LUEDtB STATE TREASURER WARREN WRIGHT FOR TRUS'xEES OP THK UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS "PV HELEN JOHN R. FORNOF THIRD TERM FOR ATTORNEY GENERAL CEORGE F. BARRETT • VOTE TO SMASH K E L L Y - N A S H M A C H I N E . . . DWI6HT «. GREEN F o r G O V E R N O R Boss Kilty picked Hershey for tho Democratic candidate tar Governor because Kelly knew he could control him. S A V E . . . Your State from 4 years mora of the most putrid of all the New Deal ma* chines. , S T O P . . . Making every form of graft a protected political perquisite. LET . . . Dwight H. Green save YOU millions of tax dollars now being stolen from YOU by graften. > LET . . . Dwight H. Green inldi fat Illinois the fob begun In Cook County when he put Capons and his gangsters in the THERE IS NO I N D I S P E N S A B L E MAN Who nominated Hitler? Hitler. Who nominated Mussolini? Mussolini. Who nominated Stalin? Stalin. Who nominated Roosevelt? Roosevelt. WHO NOMINATED WILLKIE? THE PEOPLE "P EMEMBE R=------ For Representative in For Representative in Congress--State at Large Congress--State at Large STEPHEN A. DAY WILLIAM G. STRATTON FOR TRUSTEES OF . THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS * D I C T A T O R S D R S T R O Y L A t O R U N I O N S THIRD TERM MEANS DICTATORSHIP FOR UNITED STATES. THERE AR« SEVERAV~WAR VETERANS ON REPUBLICAN T I C K E T . ILLINOIS SALARIES AND WAGES' (STATE PAYROLL) DOUBLED UNDER DEMOCRATIC STATE HOUSE HULE 193Y#- 1932 ' Under Republican Rule Bionnlnm Actually Spent in Two Yeap0»» •....... $21,700,343 1939 - 1940 Appropriated ' Biennium Under State Democratic Administration for Two Years. • 41,231,139 Increased by State Democratic Administration for Two Years.........$19,530,796 ' ^ --• ' ' -.n- V: Number of State Employes under last Re|Aiblican Administration ........ .24.000 Number of State Employes under Democratic State Administration 44,000 PayroNs and Pay rollers both practically doubled under Democratic State Administration CHESTER ft. DAVIS PARK LIVINGSTON STAY OUT OF EUROPE'S WARSI • C. WAYLANB BROOKS FOR UNITED STATES SENATOR SAYS ... The blood of America belongs to the defense of America to the last drop and must not be shed or sacrificed In Europe*s wars. Iwlll never vote to send the youth of America to die In the shambles of Europe's wars. I have always advocated that we must have a strong national defense. THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IS THE PEACE AND PREPAREDNESS PARTY THE ROOSEVELT NEW DEAL PARTY IS THE WAR PARTY PROTECT A M E R I C A N L A B O R E R S a n d A M E R I C A N F A R M E R S By using American-made good* and American-grown fapn products '"Tfy"* •j Ing from foreign countries where labor Is cheap. | STOP BUYING IMPORTS FROM FOREIGN COUNTRIES ' ^ Watches, Shoes, Hams, Bacon, Beef, Corn, Wheat Eggs, Fats, Linens* Woolsas. Sugar, Etc. \ P R E S E R V E . . . The American High Standard of wages and Hying. . S A V | . . . American Markets §ot' Americans. o~> REPUBLICAN PARTY PLEDGES *. FREE SPEECH --FREE PRESS -- RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. ~~ • INCREASED PENSIONS FOR THE AGED. . • COLLECTIVE BARGAINING FOR LABOR. • JOBS IN PRIVATE INDUSTRY BY RESTORING CONFIDENCE. • TO CONTINUE RELIEF SO LONG AS IT IS NECESSARY. • TO RESTORE FULL DINNER PAIL • TO FIND JOBS FOR 10,000,000 UNEMPLOYED. VOTE REPUBLICAN DON'T LET THIS BE THE LAST VOTE YOU CAST McHENRY COUNTY REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE . & fiMk Dsly, Chin. Dr. K. IK Breeks» Y. CI*. M. L. Cewll*, 8ee>. W. J. Esetlsr, V

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