Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Nov 1940, p. 4

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i>3£' frff i;-Sx r}' • * «v hMiilwd evesy Thursday at Me- ; litany, 111., by Charles F. Renich. iSll£ H. MOSBBR Briitnr and Mawfir Entered as second-class matter at 1 the postoffice at McHenry, HI., "* ;#he act of May 8, 1879. f>s* fM'i ersonms One Year ... lijx Months *2.00 $1.00 p l.v: I:' COMING EVENTS iff W& " November 26 >y^ C. D.cof A.--Card Tournament. November 27 Mid-Week Club--Mrs. Elmer Banra. November 28 - last River Koad Pinochle--Mrs. Ed Sutton. ' Ifuhiic Card Party--Mrs. Albert Purvey-- Sponsored by Altar and Ros- * . ary Sodality. . - v t f •'SIT. C. O. F.--Regular Meetttfc ( * , i November SO » '<•' . 0. E. S.--Installation <rf Officers. December 4 .'"--v V JP.-T. A.--Regular Meeting. Decmber 5 • ; ^/vf ichicken Dinner and Bazuf--Meth- '„vodist Church -- Sponsored by Wo- > ^ ^ men's Society. «• ".'^Thursday Afternoon Bridge--Regular Meeting. K J,y- • December 8 "iy Christinas Party -- Sponsofeclby P.- ^ T.A, V > . ' , .jr '•'•-"f:'r;;1" T -z Public Eleetrie Shave; A new mtchini Vfeflds electric Shaves in teitniftkls, hotels and other public places. A coin is dropped fato a slot, the electric shaver goes K>to action, and the whiskers disappear. Rays from an ultra-violet lamp bathe the shaver as a sterilisfeg measure. < Aria -- The total area of Alaska is 590,884 Jjiquare miles, or nearly a fifth of the ,ff/|jrea of continental United States. MILLER Hxatra FRIDAY -- November 22 "MUMMY'S HAND" -- with -- Dick Foran - Peggy Moran Phis -- Merchant's Cargo! SATURDAY -- November 23 -- ContkMioms from 2:30 ---- 2 -- BIG FEATURES -- 2 "TOM BROWN'S SCHOOL DAYS" with Cedric H ardwieke and Freddie Bartholomew - P L U 8 - 'YOUNG BUFFALO BILL* with Roy Rogers SUNDAY -- MONDAY November 24-25 CMtinuous Sunday from 2:30 "THE WESTERNER" ^ * -- f e a t u r i n g -- GARY COOPER WALTER BRENNAN m TUESDAY -- November 2S iSc • Bargain Night - 16c CHARLIE CHAN IN THE WAX MUSEUM" with Sidney Toler WH>NESDAY -- THURSDAY November 27-28 "PUBLIC DEB NO. 1" -- with -- Gesrge Mvrphy - Breads Jeyee Charlie Baggies Also -- "March of 1W f » / * " r 0, Tke Beastifsl I;I TOVAIJ tm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL: McHenry Co'*. Leading Theatre THURSDAY -- FRIDAY November 21-22 Matinee -- Thursday, Thanksgiving Day . . . Sktnday Schedule Jk Ptieee Ginger Rogers - Ronald Cohaatt -- in -- "LUCKY PARTNERS" <s with Spring Byington A sweepstakes ticket changed their whole life! Also--Popeye Cartoon & News SATURDAY -- November 23 Tim Holt - Ray Whitley -- fa) -- 'WAGON TRAIN" A L S O "MEXICAN SPITFIRE OUT WEST" -- with -- Lope Veles - Leon Enrol SUNDAY -- MONDAY November 24-25 Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. 25c to 6 p. m.; 30c after. Children, 10e. BING CROSBY MARY MARTIN -- in -- "RHYTHM ON THE RIVER". ^ • g"g£ -- with --' ' Basff Ralhbone - Charles Grapewin It g Baig at his best with a new love and new songs! TUESDAY 10t -- Special -- 15e Robert Paige - Jean Cagney -- in -- "GOLDEN GLOyES" -- with -- Carrol Naish - Richard Denning - Sit J WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY November 27-28 George Murphy • Brenda Joyce -- in -- "PUBLIC DEB NO. 1" -- with -- Miacfca Auer - Ralph Bellamy Also -- Latest March ^f Time DESERT WARRIORS Mrs,,,Henry W. Johnson of Grand Rapids, Mich., is expected to spend Thanksgiving Day and sevral days following with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stock. Margery Duker returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, Wednesday to enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Milstead and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cope of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the Alex Adams home. Miss Catherine Diedrkh of St. Charles hospital, Aurora, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Oicui ich. Mrs. Joq Michels and Mr. and Mrs. Math Blake of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. George Weitl of St. Charles were among the out-of-town guests present at the silver wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Duker of Highland, 111., will spend Thanksgiving day in the home of his paretns, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker. Robert Knox and George Frisby, Jr., spent last Thursday at Dubuque, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phalin of Wilmette visited relatives in McHwiry last Thursday, Miss Maxine Bacon is in Waukegan on a nursing case. James Rothermel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. J. Rothermel, and Earl Smith, son of Mr. and Mrfc, Art Smith, returned to their resp&tive homes here Wednesday to enjoy the Thanksgiving holidays. Ray Rothermel will drive them back to Winona, Minn., on Sunday, where both are freshmen at •«St. Mary's. Sister M. Henry and a sister companion of Holy Angels academy, Milwaukee, Wis., were present at the silver anniversary mass read on Monday morning at St. Patrick's church for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Bolger. They were callers in the Thomas A. and John Bolger homes. Marshall Bacon of Chicago spent the weekend at his home in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Evans and Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock were guests in the John Bolger and Thos. A. Bolger homes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Maher, Mr. and Mrs. James Maher and family and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Real of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with their father, Thomas Maher, who has been ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. P. J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. George Bolger, Mrs. Mary Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kannagh of Elgin were among the out-of-town guests at the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Bolger. Miss Mabel Bolger, a student at Northern Illinois State Teachers college, DeKalb, was a weekend guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Bolger. Mrs. Edward Holle of Oak Park is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Raymond Arnold returned to his work as Public Health Milk inspector Monday after several weeks absence due to illness. Mrs. Howard Ensign left Sunday evening for a visit with her parents at Kennard, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Joe H. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Schaefer, . Arthur Martin, Mrs. Elsie Short, Mrs. Eleanor Nye and Mrs. E. R. Sutton of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner of Slocum's Lake were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin at Woodstock last Thursday evening, at which time Mr. Martin was celebrating his birthday.. Mrs. Martin Cooney returned home last week after spending a few weeks with her parents at Onaka, S. D. Miss Vivian Bolger of Elgin spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. A. Bolger. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams and son, Clem, were Sunday guests in the Kull home at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reihansperger and daughter visited. West Chicago relatives Sunday. Mrs. Eleanor Nye, Mrs. E. R. Sutton and Arthur Martin visited* relatives at Aurora Sunday. Khaki uniforms are ont of order on the desert. These Arab soldiers wear clothing which affords better protection against the hot sua and sand. Wartime Trickster Runs Into Trouble BERLIN.--A Berlin boy who wanted to take his girl for a motorcycle ride used her lipstick to paint an "official" red "V" on the license plate to imply that he had a right to drive during war time. But while they were in a roadside tavern a policeman rubbed his finger suspiciously across the "V." Result--three months in jail. >?/• ' ' TW^, Wawtaber'21. I6itf FOR SALX T FOR SALE--Used electric refrigerators. Excellent condition. Carey Electric Shop, Green Street, McHenry. 24-tf Regains Her Voice; Silent Four Years Describes It Like Being 'Saved From Drowning.' DETROIT. -- "Like being saved from drowning," is the phrase Mrs. Mary Gartner, Detroit stenographer, uses to describe her sensation on recovering the use of ber voice after four years of silence. Mrs. Gartner was the victim of a rare throat disease which resulted in displacement of her larynx-- the organ which produces vocal sounds. She says she lost her voice suddenly one day as she was reprimanding her husband, and for four yeers she was unable to speak above & faint whisper. After months of treatment, a Detroit specialist finally despaired of curing her, and suggested that she submit to treatment in a New York hospital. Doctors who examined her in New York were dubious at first, and {old her there had been few complete cures in such cases. Mrs. Gartner insisted on taking a chance, however, and the first step in her treatment was the making of phonograph records of her whispered voice. Doctors studied those records, and then determined upon an infinitesimal change in the position of her larynx. During the adjustment Mrs. Gartner kept talking--or rather whispering-- while her doctor sought the exact position to which the larynx should be moved. Suddenly, as the specialist worked, her voice changed from a faint whisper to the full tone of her normal speech. She was so delighted at being able to talk again, she says, that for the first few days she overworked her voice and it remained hoarse. Gradually, however, it cleared up, and now Mrs. Gartner's favorite pastime is talking. SLOCUM'S LAKE Mrs. Marlett Henry spent Monday and Tuesday at the borne of her p**- rats, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennettin Chicago. F. Swanson of Highland Park was a dinner guest last Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews call- FOULTRY--Any kind, ..any amount, on Mrs. Isabelle Rowley at the any time. MINNESOTA TURKEYS h®™e of Mr. *nd Mrs. Thomas Stanek guaranteed young, no pin feathers, , Crystal Lake. Mrs. Rowley recentweighing from 8 to 34 lbs. Every- ^ Returned from the hospital where thing fresh dressed. Over 20 years 8"® un<lcrwent an operation, of friendly service in this community. "rs- Raymond Lusk and daughter, WOODSTOCK PRODUCE CO., Chas. Be«y of Maple Park spent the G. BischofT, Prop., Phone Woodstock ^fkend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 441, 728 Calhoun St and Route 47 Jo{Vn Blomgren. Woodstock, Hi. 25-8 Harry Matthews attended the annual meeting of the Lotus Production B. Laures, West McHenry. or 183. tfA. 388 FOR SALE--Storkline crib and wardrobe to match. Good condition. Reasonable. Phone 301. 27 Practical Joker Drives Off in Cross-Country Bus INDIANAPOLIS.--A man stole a big, streamlined, cross-country Greyhound bus and drove it halfway from Toledo to Chicago belbre he was caught. State Police Captain Walter Eckert told the story. The bus was taken from the company garage in Toledo. State troopers from the Ligonier post stopped it on United States Highway 20 near Elkhart, Ind., a few hours later. At the wheel, Captain Eckert said, was a Toledo man who told the officers he used to drive for the bus line, but had been laid off last year. He explained he thought it would be a good joke on the company to drive the bus to Chicago and park it in front of the terminal there. • "They'd wonder," the man said, "how it got there." He was taken to jail in Elkhart, but no charge was filed. FOR SALEU-Golden delicious apples, utility grade, 60c per bushel. Ellsworth's Oriole Springs Orchard, on state line between Richmond and Wilmot. *27-3 HOUSE FOR SALE--Modern home Credit association at St. Mary's gym on Waukegan Street, McHenry. Math at Woodstock Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were business callers at Woodstock last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and . Mrs. Ralph Wagner were . callers at Waukegan last Saturday afternoon. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, and Otis Phillips attenefcd the hog sale sponsored by the boys of the Future Farmers of America club of Woodstock High school at Woodstock one day recently. Harry Raeburg of Belvidere spent the weekend with his wife and children at the hone of Mrs. Celia Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner and son, Gerald, were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Wagner near Round Lake. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart of WANTED--100 saws, 50 pr. of skates J?1111*™! ^rk Jom? °f and sharpening tools. Work guaran- d Mrs- ^ Webster last teed. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. *27 TOR BENT FOR RENT--6-room flat. Walsh, Agent. Phone 43. Earl R. 27 FOR RENT--Modern five room apartment, steam heat, garage. Phone Mrs. John R. Knox, 17. 27 McHENRY BOAT AND RADIO SERVICE-- New and used auto and house sets. All repairs guaranteed. See our $14.95 Philco and $12.95 Emerson. 218 Riverside Drive. McHenry 101-R. •27 FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange your wheat for Quaker Flour at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. McHenry. 12-tf DEAD OB ALIVE ANIMALS ° $1.00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges Tuesday evening. Chesney Brooks, in company with Mrs. Andrew Sowers and Miss Delia Kirwan of Wauconda attended the Hobby Show at the Stevens hotel in Chicago last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burkhart entertained ten relatives from Chicago over the weekend at their home at Williams Park. Mrs. Marlett Henry and son, Marlett, were among the guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bennett in Chicago last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner attended a birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin at Woodstock last Thursday evening in honor of Mr. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bohr of McHenry visited with the letter's mother, Mrs. Mary Sable, at the Arthur Wagne> home. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Gosweiller of Highland Park spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen. Mrs. C. H. Hansen sjpent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Sable at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wagner; WSllard Darrell and Mrs. Harry Matthews were among the thirty-two guests who enjoyed dinner and the evening at the hpme of Rev. and Mrs. R. C. Hallock at Wauconda Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell, Mr. and Mrs. Marlett Henry, Willard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Five hundred was played and delicious refreshments Were served. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillier of Barrington spent last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. VanNatta of Elgrin were supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett last Saturday. Sunday guests at the home at Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett were Mr. and Mrs. Byron DeForest of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Adams of Hubbard Woods, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hillier and daughter, Bettie, of Barrington, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake and Mrs. Catherine Wagner. McOOLLTJM LAKE day afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gorski in Woddatock. Mr. and Mra. Warren Barber of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pitaaferro aad daughter, Jerry, of Chicago spent the weekend here. Mr. and Mrs. George Schuebert who spent a week in Chicago returned home Saturday evening. , Mr. ahd Mrs. John A,. Winkranta entertained friends over the weekend. Miss Mickey Untz of Mundelein spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schaefer* ; s" Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bald and daughters, Joan and Lorraine, of Chicago spent Sunday at McCollum Lake. Miss Eleanor Schaefer and Mrs. Charles Brocken and son, Charles, and Junior Huska spent Wednesday evening at Richmond. Mrs. E. Engersaw and family of Chicago spent Sunday here. Bert Maclntyre and Frank Ritser of Chicago spent Sunday here. Mrs. Charles Brocken - and son, (Charles, who spent several days in Chicago, returned home Monday. Mrs. Joseph Schaeler and daughter, Eleanor, and Mickey Untz spent Mon- , Speed Pressure . :W. The pressure for speed and yet more speed in all phases of transportation from the automobile truck to the streamlined locomotive has centered unusual attention on wear-reHatant materials. The addition of nickel to iron, steel, aluminum and other metals has resulted in alloys which provide the necee» •ary wear resistance and offer sub» atantial savings in weight. Mosquitoes Prefer Horse The next time you're bitten tar mosquito don't think you natuniQjr attract the insects. Entomologists at the New Hampshire agriculture department report that in choosing a victim, the mosquito prefers a horse or a cow to a human being by about six to one. Pigs and dogs* they say, also are more popular thaft man. • MILES wl • iTOQDRUITrRaf Lioenwd Chiropractor Houpi: 10 to 8 - Except Thursday -- Phone 540 -- 112 Benton St. Woodstock, 111. THANKSGIVING PARTY SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd PINK HARRISON'S at Pistakee $ay / Turkey Plate Lunch -- 50c * mixed drinks and miule. Barbara Horick's Orchestra Inventor Makes Pillbox In Less Than 5 Hours WASHINGTON'. - A Philadelphia tov en tor- is seeking to convince the army that bomb-proof "pillboxes" can be put into high speed production. In a demonstration before war department officials and congress members, Karl Billner turned out a concrete pillbox in less than five hours, complete with gun apertures and trench-approach. Within a few hours the concrete, mushroomshaped structure had hardened sufficiently to sustain the weight of several men standing on its roof. A large balloon, inflated within the steel reinforcement, creates the form around which the concrete is poured. Stronger Winds It takes more time for an #<rpi«w to fly from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast than from west to east because in the east-to-west trip the prevailing winds blow from a westerly direction at normal levels of commercial flight. Benaada Canning Bermuda has established a goverament- owned canning factory. Traveling Girl of S Passes Her 14,000th Mile SEATTLE, WASH.--When sevenyear- old Patsy-Jean Emard of Anchorage sailed for Alaska, she started on her 14,000th mile of travel. Patsy-Jean was only out of swaddling clothes when her aunt, Miss Katherine G. Kane, Alaska school teacher, took her along as she flew to various teaching assignments in Alaska. To date Patsy-Jean has traveled by dogsled, airplane, automobile, dory, steamship and train. She toured the United States in 1938. Her parents live in Anchorage where her father heads a packing concern. Foot Bath of Marijuana Places Owner in Prison BALTIMORE. -- Judge J. Abner Sayler knows his herbs. Joseph Garcia, a Puerto Rican, contended that police seized herbs which he had used to soak his feet. This was the judge's message to Garcia: "They're marijuana; three years in the penitentiary." vjPeethomons Award A posthumous award--the first Victoria Cross of the war--was recently awarded to Capt. B. A. W. Warburton-Lee for gallantry and daring as commander of the Destroyer Hardy. He was killed in the first battle of Narvik, April 10, when a shell hit the bridge of his ship. Leading Gold Producer -Before the '49 gold rush, North Carolina was the nation's hutting gold producer. BIG SALE Trade in your old stove on this beautiful new •w ^ J"® ® ® Mmffic Chef Go* Mmmgm | N (MODSl SSS01-14) A genuine CT (Caliiil Pqrfonw--oc) range with ill these wortb-wldle »• quiremeaU • Porcelain enameled, inside and oat Fully insulated--keeps kitchen cooler • Super duty top burner • Lifetime burner guarantee • Handy drop-door broiler • Famous Red Vhcd ont beat control • All burners light automatically Large even-heat ovea '• lamp • Minute-Minder time voatrol Condiment set Mafic CtUft Jssad sjr VrnMu*! Regular price . •101.50 Old stove allowance 10.45 Special sale discount 5.00 mow ONLY *89.05 Mf IS Dsws. Balance, plus small carrying charge, with your monthly Gas Service bill. Don't miss this chance to own a Magic Chef at a real savings f • During this special sale, you can trade in your old cook ftove and receive a liberal allowance on this beautiful new gas range. It* many features make cooking faster, easier, better*..Its Smart design kdds beauty to your kitchen. Come in today! See for yourself the many outstanding bargaina^ .^ in Magic Chef ranges. But hurry-tfae specist sale prices wifl be effect for a limited time only. , ||p£ Other Dealers are aiaa offering special valuetin Gas Ratigitnom !vl 'I. 4 > GAS^d electric company pH'SK

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