Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Dec 1940, p. 8

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,V'V jfbv.,: ' '"»% ' ** tvw-«ns Thursday; Society Notes li Housewarming }. K party of friends gathered at the tiome of Mrs. Harry Rankin on Fri- •jrtay evening to have a housewarming land also to celebrate the birthday of Edward J. Frett, a brother of Mrs. Itankin. " '• • * » • Pinochle Ctafc " . The Pinochle club met at the home bf Mrs. Anton P. FYeund last Wednesday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Rena Smith, Mrs. Margaret ground and Mrs. Martha Freund. L«uts Stoffel «jll entertain the mbers Of the club on December 11. ^ * * * -•pinochle Party Mrs. Fred Schneider entertained jfiw ladies last Thursday at which .time they enjoyed a few games of jjinochle*Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Albert Krause, Mrs. Celia Blake and, iMrs. Nick Barbian. Mrs. Kate Worts "will be the hostess on December 12. Past Oracles The Past Oracles of McHenry county will enjoy a 1:80 luncheon and Christmas party at the Homestead Tearoom in McHenry on Tuesday afternoon, December 10. .. * • * ^ Bridge Club Miss Marion Krause was hostess to Bast River Road Pinochle The members of the Eafc River Road Pinochle club enjoyed an outing last Friday night, but because of the perilous weather, were forced to confine their activities to their home town. After dining at a local restaurant they attended the movies and then topped the evening off with a light lunch. Mrs. Ed Sutton will entertain the club on Thursday afternoon, December 12. * • • '•> , .. •* Birthday S u r p r i s e . v . Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to the Misses Marion Krause, Incille Steffes and Evelyn Justen. On Thursday evening, December 12, Miss Betty Thennes will entertain the club. * * * Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Harry E. Durland of Riverside Drive, McHenry, announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary, to Mr. George J. Kauss, Jr., of 4746 N. Paulina street, Chicago. The date has not been set as yet. - /-vvr^S"' * '• ' - ' Teachers To Entertain The teachers of the Community High school and the Public Grade school will entertain the Mothers' club at a tea on Thursday afternoon, December 19, at four o'clock. Miss Lucia Rose Rausch is the chairman of the affair. • * * • • • " Bi-Weekly Five Hundred Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Simon entertained the Bi-Weekly Five Hundred The next meeting of the Mothers' club Saturday night at their home on chib. which will also be a Christmas Elm street. Prizes were awarded to party for the children, will be held in Mrs. William Bishop, John Phannen- George P. Freund was surprised by a group of relatives and friends Sun- , , , . day night on the occasion of his birththe members of her^bridge ^ub jast | day Thg brought a delicious iunch and a decorated birthday cake. Following the supper they played cards and awarded prizes. Those present were the George Freund family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gerasch and family, the Charles Michels family, the Charles Freund family, Mrs. Helen Weber and daughters, Mrs. M. J. Freund, Ed Smith and Mrs. Anna Meyer. -• Cousin Club . , "'ii&'ltaite Wolf was the' gracious , . ..ostess last Thursday evening to the •' lmembers of the Cousin club. Prizes ' were awarded to Fred Smith, Gertrude R. Weber, Barbara Weber and Will Bishop. The next meeting, in about two weeks, will be held at the Nick Weingart home. » * * • • Mothers' Club the K. of C. hall on Friday afternoon, Derember 13. Each mother who brings one or more children, is asked to bring a ten cent gift for each child. Each member of the Mothers' club is also requested to bring some article of food or clothing for the Christmas Order of Foresters, met last Thursday still, Mrs. John Matchen and Fran* Blake. The John Phannenstills will entertain on Saturday, December 14. * » * W. C. O. F. St. Clara's Court, Women's Catholic baskets. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz has been selected as chairman of the Christmas party, while the committee in charge of the baskets is composed of Mrs. George Kramer, Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mrs. Leonard McCracken. evening m St. Mary - St. Patrick school hall. Plans were made at this time for a Christmas party to be held on Thursday, December 12. Each membef is asked to bring a gift to exchange, as well as a gift for the usual basket. Gold Seal Pre~-Mix POULTRYMEN! Why don't you get away from the difficulty of mixing cod liver oil at home,in your poultry formulas by using Gold Seal Vitamin A.. & -D Pre-Mix. A combination of highly fortified concentrated cod liver oil, alfalfa meal, soy bean meal, and corn meal. 8 lbs. GOLD SEAL PRE-MIX is equal to 1 gal. of 85D cod liver oil. Do away vr.tji the mess and bother of handling liquid oil. Change to Gold Seal Pre-Mix and you will be pleasantly surprised at the results. McHeary County Farmers Co-operative Association Phone 29 JOHN A. BOLGER, Mgiv " McHenry GIFTS THAT ACHIEVE STYLE SUCCESS ARE . . . . mm Here is a gift that's sure to be a success . . . from his point of view as well as yours. He'll like the Wedglocke's patented "non-twist" seam for iieater knots ... smoother drape. Each tie, in addition to the unusual attractiveness in itself, is related in color, fabric or design to go with the new shirtings. Make his gift a «tvle success with one of these new Wedglocke ties. » $1.00 and $1.50 McGEE'S ^ Public Card Party I . " The public card party wnlcn was Sponsored by the Altar and Rosary Sodality of St. Patrick's church was held at the home of Mrs. Albert Purvey last Thursday afternoon. Prizes were awarded the following: for Contract bridge, Mrs. John Conway of Woodstock; Auction bridge, Mrs. Ellen Phalin and Mrs. C. J. Reiharsperger; pinochle, Mrs. Simon Michels and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson; five hundred, Mrs. A. P. Freund; special prizes went to Mrs. C. C .Hoyte and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger. Nine tables of ladies were present to enjoy the dainty refreshments and a delightful afternoon of cards. • * * . Book Review ,, The Mothers' club is sponsoring a series of five book reviews for the benefit of the McHenry Public Library. The first of these is to be given by Mrs. Clarence Anglese in the high school auditorium on Wednesday evening, December 11, at eight o'clock. Mrs. Anglese has given interesting book reviews in the past and those who have attended these have found her talks to be both interesting and informative. The tickets are to be sold at a rate of for one dollar. They may be used by several people on the same night, or they may be used by one person who wishes to attend each review. The dates of these reviews are December li, January 8, February 12, March 12 and April 9. Pinochle Club The Pinochle club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Maud Rothe^mel Wednesday evening. The awards were given to Mrs. Kate Thies and Mrs. Mathilda Gerasch. Mrs. Margaret Stilling will be the hostess on December 18. • » • Five Hundred CU Mrs. Joe Heimer entertained her ftve hundred club Wednesday afternoon. The following received awards: Mrs. Joe Heimer, Mrs. Kate Schreinery and Mrs. Rose Broughton of Wauconda. On December 18 Mrs. Kate Schreiner will entertain at a Christmas party. * * * . ' Evening Contract Bridge •'•"liri. Wallace Dobyns was hostess to the members ct the Evening Contract Bridge club Tuesday, December 3. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Ethel McGee, Mrs. Harry Durland and Mrs. Wallace Doybns. On December 17, the club will meet at the home of Clara Miller. • Neighborhood Club Mrs. William Spencer was the charming hostess at the last meeting of the Neighborhood club on Wednesday. evening. Prizes were merited by Mrs. Ellen Phalin. Mrs, C. H. Downs and Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger. On December 12 the club will meet with Mrs. Reihansperger. > ^ I^iworth League , On November 22, fourteen Ieaeuers attended the McHenry county Christian Youth Rally at the Methodist church at Marengo. Warren Jones, Violet Pearson and Chester Colby fumshed the transportation. The league met on November 24 at the Raymond Colby home and Laura Sherman led the devotions, her topic being "Missions." The meeting of December 1 was held at the parsonage and Rev. Miller led the devotions about "Prayer." The group is planning a coasting party for Sunday, December 8, to be held at Sherman's. Members are asked to meet at the church at two o'clock with sleds, toboggans, and whatever else they have to offer. There will also be a pot-luck supper, so each member is asked to bring sandwiches for him or her self, as well as a dish to pass. Dress warmly and prepare to enjoy yourself. --- + * * Twenty Years Old "Miss Lillian Nordin was- pleasantly surprised Sunday evening by a group of friends who gathered to help her and Miss Pauline Ashman, daughtet of M*[. and Mrs. J. H. Ashman of Mt. Vernon, III., were married Saturday afternoon, November 30, at 5:00 p. m., in the rectory at St. Paul's church at Burlington, Iowa, with the Rev. Father Callanan officiating. Miss Dorothy Matthews o£ McHenry, a sister of the groom, and John O'Connor of Macomb, 111., were the attendants. The lovely bride was outfitted in a blue wool afternoon dress with black accessories. Miss Matthews wore a dubonnet dress with matching accessories;. A graduate of Mt. Vernon high school and of the Dixon hospital school of nursing, the bride has been the surgical supervisor at the Woodstock hospital for some time. The groom wis graduated from the McHenry Community high school with the class of 1933 and is a pharmacist by profession. Employed at the Thomas P. Bolger drug store in McHenry for several years, he recently received a position with the Abbott Drug company, for which company he travels through Iowa. After a honeymoon trip, the couple will reside at Burlington, Iowa, which city has been the headquarters for Mr. Matthews since h# accepted the position. FIRSCHING - MILL3KR WEDDING OF NOV. 27 WAS COLORFUL AFFAIR Rev. John L. Daleiden, pastor of St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, officiated at the lovely wedding of Miss Cor ••'vM we^lebrate her twentieth birthday. O.R& The newly elected officers of the Order of the Eastern Star were installed in office Saturday evening, November 30. The officers are as follows: Mrs. Eber Bassett, Worthy Matron; Lisle Bassett, Worthy Patron; Mrs. Chauncey Harrison, Associate Matron; George H. Johnson, Associate Patron; Mrs. Valeska Hoppe, Conductress; Mrs. Ethel Smith, Associate Conductress; Mrs. George Lindsay, Secretary; Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Treasurer; Mrs. Howard Collins, Marshal; Mrs. Clinton Martin, Chaplain; Mrs. George H. Johnson, Organist; Mrs. Joseph Holle, Ada; Mrs. Roy Harrison, Ruth; Mrs. Margarita Spurling, Esther; Mrs. Margaret Reid, Martha; Mrs. Henrietta Vycital, Electa; Mrs. Florence Larson, Warder; Mrs. Heniy Stephenson, Sentinel. Games furnished an evening of fun, »after which delicious refreshments weTe served by Mrs. Nordin, Mrs. Ekstrom, Misses Mary and Margaret Ekstrom of Crystal Lake assisted the hostess. The honoree received many gifts from the group whom she graciously thanked. The guests were: Yvonne Benwell, Ethel Dimon, Alice Clark, Norma Larson, Winifred Benwell, Leta Clark, Gladys Larson, Eleanor Bolger, Nellie Bernardoni, Verda Anderson, Eleanor Clark, Beulah Bernardoni, Hazel Olson, Stanley Charles, Gordon Larson, Arthur Hoppe, Earl Harrison, Allen Dimon, Lyle Given, Gordon Clark, Ed Sullivan, Glenn Eppel, Larry Dierzen, Clarence Larson, Eugene Eppel, Ernest Larson, Edwin Bernardoni and Arnold Larson. Rural Teachers The McHenry Rural Teachers met at the Clemens school on December 4, The usual business meeting was conducted by Weldon Andreas. Special reports were given on objectives in reading by Miss Evelyn Bohl and Mrs. Lloyd. Miss Eileen Fitzgerald discussed difficulties in teaching arithmetic. & Those present were Mrs. Ethel C. Coe, Mrs. Ada Manning, Sister Prudens and Sister Bonavita, Miss Marie Molnar, Miss Josephine Molnar, Miss Helen Harrer, Miss Bernice Smith, Weldon Andreas, Math Freund, Miss Eileen Fitzgerald, Mrs. James Larkin and Mrs. Foley. At the close of the meeting tea was served by the hostess, Miss Eileen Fitzgerald. • * * Riverview Camp The members of the Riverviev Camp, R.N. A., elected the followinofficers to lead them throughout th coming year, at their meeting Tuesday evening: Barbara Weber, Oracle; Lena Bohr. Vice Oracle; Maud Rothermel, Recorder; Frances Vycital, Receiver; Ethel Holle. Chancellor; Catherine Worts, Marshal; Helen Weber, Inner ^Sentinel; Elizabeth Frisby, Outer Sentinel; Laura Weber, Manager for three years; Dr. Wm. A. Nye, Physician. The remaining officers will be appointed by the Oracle. On December 17, Tuesday, the members are planning a Christmas party. Each member is asked to bring a box lunch and a ten cent gift to exchange. The camp will provide coffee and cream. HENRY HILLER WEDS LORRAINE BLAKE AT 8TT. MARY'S CHURCH Itiss Lorraine Blake, daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. William Blake of McHenry, became the charming bride of Green Street Phone 47 McHenry Fox River Valley Camp "Election of officers was held Tues day evening at the meeting of the Fox River Valley Camo. R. N. A. The results were as follows: Oracle, Mrs. Susan Olson: Vice Oracle, Mrs. Mary R. Freund; Past Oracle, Mrs. Elizabeth Schoewer; Chancellor. Miss Clara Stoffel; Recorder, Mrs. Alice Lindsay; Receiver. Mrs. Etta Wattles; Marshal, Mrs. Cora Bassett; Assistant Marshal, Mrs. Gortrude Thurlwell: Inner Sen tinel, Mrs. Caroline Schiessle; Outer Sentinel. Mrs. Mabel Johnson; Physician, Dr. C. W. Klontz; Manager^, Mrs. Eva Wegener and Mrs. My Harrison. The other officers are to be appointed by the Oracle elect. Bunco was played after this business was taken care of, the prizes being won by Miss Clara Stoffel, Mrs. Mary R. Freund and Mrs. Etta Wattles. Refreshments were served at the | close. | Plans have been formulated for a Christmas party which w\ll be held On Tuesday, December 17. Each member is kindly asked to bring a small gift to exchange at this time. (Photo by Worwlek) MR. AND MRS. HENRY HILLER Mr. Henry Hiller of Johnsburg, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller, at St. Mary's church in this city at eight o'clock Saturday morning, No vember 30. The nuptial high mass was read by the pastor, Msgr. Chas. S. Nix. Attending the couple were Miss Lorraine Stilling of McHenry and Theodore Pitzen of Pistakee Bay. The lovely bride was attired in a suit of beige wool with brown accessories. Her shoulder corsage contained yellow and white mums. Her maid of honor wore a rose wool suit which was patterned the same as the bride's. She wore black accessories and a corsage of bronze mums graced her shoulder. . . The wedding breakfast for the bridal party was served at the home of the bride, while the immediate families enjoyed the wedding dinner at the same place. The bride of this happy couple is ^employed at the H. E. Buch and Son (Photo by Worwlek) MRS. GEORGE FIRSCHING della Miller^ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Spring Grove, and Mr. George Firsching, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Firsching, Sr., of Stacyville, Iowa, on Wednesday, November 27. The charming bride entered the church on the arm of her father, wearing a white satin gown with a long train and high neckline. Her flowing veil was held in place with a tiara of seed pearls. Her bouquet contained white roses and ferns. Miss Cecilia Miller, sister of the bride, assisted as maid of honor ip a gown of rose moire taffeta and matching headpiece. She carried a bouquet of white asters and yellow chrysanthemums. Miss Julette Thelen, cousin of the bride, and Miss Laura Firsching of hicago, a sister of the groom, attended as "bridesmaids. Both wore moire taffeta gowns of aqua blue and matching headpieces. Their bouquets were composed of pink roses. The groom was attended by Lawrence Firsching, his brother, of Stacyy ille, and Daniel Miller, a cousin of the bride. Following the ceremony a reception for one hundred and twenty-five cruests was held at the home of the bride. The couple will make their home with the bride's parents until spring, at which time they will oi&rate her father's farm. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Firsching and family. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Retterath and son, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Math Miller. Mith Weber, Art Rauen and Ernie Blake of Stacyville, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Nick Miller and daughter, Marceline, and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Weber of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Lee West and son. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schaefer and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Biederer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biederer, Rose and Laura Firsching and Roseal and Loraine Lay of Chicago, 111.: Miss Ahrira Mayer of Rochester, Minn. Residence Changes Mr. and Mrs. Alvan Rothermel. formerly of McHenry, have moved from the F. N. Muzzy flat above the Royal Blue store in Ringwood to Solon Mills Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and family have moved from the Peter J. Freund place on Waukegan street to the Frett place at the end of John street, recently vacated by Mrs. Sut Rankin and daughter. The new own ers. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Croniit have occupied the house vacated b> the Adams familv. The Whitehead familv has move, from $ flat in the B. J. Brefeld build on Riverside' Drive. She was ing on Waukegan street to the Simo. graduated with the class of '32 from the McHenry Community high school. Mr. Hiller is a painter by trade. EDWARD MATTHEWS MARRIES NURliE AT BURLINGTON, IOWA v_ Mr. Edward Matthews, son of Mrs. Delia Matthews of West McHeniy, Stoffel house on the same street, re centlv vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Wegener. Mr. and Mrs. Charle? Brda. newly weds,, have gone into housekeeping in the place vacated by the Whiteheads. flowers for the holiday season! Evergreen blankets and wreaths. Mc Henry Floral Co. Phone McHenry 608-R-l. 29 THIS WEEK'S ICE CREAM SPECIAL . ; ~ PEAKUT BRITTLE • OEANOK ICE VAHItt* Here's a treat for those who like a distinctive, different ice cream ... Peanut Brittle with OrangeTce^and Vanilla makes this for this weekend. EASTMAN KODAKS A CHRISTMAS OUT FOE gVBUYUHBI! A fascinating record of your family or friends that will bring much futture pleasure. A picture re corded now becomes for everlasting impression:. Eastman is the surest^ mark of quality in a ko^ dak. Our selection has been enlarged to give you a varied choice for aircstceptional gift. CHRISTMAS CARDS Now is the time to select your Christmas Cards ftom thF finest assortment we have ever had. We have them individually or in beautiful Assorted sets. An unusually distinctive box of genuine steel engravings ... M ckrd you will be proud to sendf Also a special assortment that you jnay have imprinted with your name a t . . . 25 for $1.00 So fob $i.oo FOR CHRISTMAS CHEER Christmas is not complete without several of these new playthings ... Books, games and toys of maiiy kinds for all ages. ^ All kinds of trimming ffor your Christmas Tree --Icicles snow and strings of vari-colored Christmas lights. Win dow wreaths and interior decorations will help to promote a holiday atmosphere. * ^u." ? FOR A HAPPIER CHRISTMAS FOR HER ALL SPIGE TOILETRIES Look as yott will, you won't find s more fragrant, spicy aroma that is characteristic of this line. A complete line -- bath powder, talcum, cologne, perfume, soap and bath crystals. All to be had in various combinations, any ensemble which you may be sure she will be happy to receive on Christmas Day. Gift selecting is cur, with <MT craaid acrajr of Whitman's Choco. lMM. Th* SamfiUr, »t.JQ to $7.90. OdMra m JOc a*. / 'Chocolates for Christmas The finest of candy in . ^ Ike assortment you want „ . . all in bright, holi- ' dny packagoR. WHITMAN'S - PAGE & SHAW-GOBELIN'S "/nammai M£HENRY DRUGGIST* HENRY-ILLINOIS

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