w'm J.., - ^V •:•"•: "V'", r- :*'.. ..,>5, '.-'TvJ.ii mr'$ 7 j^, '^./'." - wJlas ;". Thursday, ., , M&W& . , -. r «. * • i2,iWfce I,I1PWW! chants who gmv* donations for this party. V"W 'V^*-.-#s*- bocietv Note Hi ^1'" .' ^fc»wd»y Afternoon Bridge %}'s, The Thursday Afternoon Bridge f* * Itlub was entertained on December 5 T ? Ht the home of Mrs. Dorothy Pajfe. * ^^'^rj-ges were awarded to Mrs. Elira- * •* l»eth Michels, Mrs. Rose Freund, Mrs. £ j)orothy Page, Mrs. Emma Freund *itd Mrs. Eva Nye. The next mett- / (nr will be held on December 19. *& - * * * ' „ Jahnsburg Community Club t- •"'••. Election of officers was held at the ~ f ia^t meeting of the Johnsburg Com- "• ^munity chib on Tuesday evening, Dei fember 3. Tony Schmitt was elected > President, H. Sereringhaus as ,1 %rice President a$d Peter Smith as \ 'Secretary - Treasurer. The regular w fcoard of trustees, was re-elected, f, Mayor Amundsen of Fox Lake, the •V guest speaker, gave great encourageiuent to the members in acknowledge- ^; Ijnent nf many fine works the ornization has accomplished fcaf Ji# % • betterment of the community, ,V> ; !/ ; . Mothers' Club The Mothers' club is sponsoring a Christmas party for the children, at the next meeting on Friday aftornon, "December 18. The party will be' held |n the K. of C. hall. Each member < Vho brings one or more* children is r - f8ked to bring a ten cent gift for each Child. The members are also requested to bring some article of food or Clothing for the Christmas baskets. Mrs. A. J. Wirtz heads the committee in charge of the party, while those in charge of the basket project are Mrs. George Kramer, Mrs. Albert Barbian and Mrs. Leonard McCracken. • * * * • Epworth League the Epworth League of the Community Methodist church held its regular meeting Sunday afternoon at the Sherman home. The sliding party <Was cancelled because of the lack of the necessary snow and ice. Beryl -Colby led the devotions, her topic having been, "Our Challenge." On Monday evening, December 23, the league will meet at the parsonage fct 6:80 for a chili supper and Christie-: §nas party. As the members expect . <to exchange names at the next meeting, all those who wish to partake in jthis activity of exchanging gifts are Jtkindly asked to hand their names to ,/^Bonnie Page before Sunday. Two new members were welcomed into the league, Jim Waterton and Boyd Dowell. Others who would like to join are welcome to do so. On Sunday evening the group will meet at the home of Warren Jones at 7;30. .-f~> > -v ' Irs.?.;,' •'•ft-'A TF^ Brder of fte Easllra SterTiid their School of Instruction for the new officers Monday afternoon in the Eastern Star hall. A pot-luck supper was enjoyed and this was followed by the regular meeting. Mrs, Lillian Gilbert, the instructress, of Crystal Lake, was present. , I'M Oracle® the McHenry County Past Oracles were entertained Tuesday at the Homestead Tearoom where they were served a delicious 1:30 luncheon. Following the luncheon they Went to the home of Mrs. Peter M. Justen where a meeting and social afternoon was spent. Santa Claus distributed the gifts to the thirty-two guests from Elgin, Elmhurst, Algonquin, Marengo, Woodstock and McHenry. • * « C. D. of A. \ Court Joyce Kilmer, No. 573, Catholic Daughters of America, met in the Legion hall on Thursday, December 5, Following the business meeting cards were enjoyed, with bridge awards going to Mrs. Anna Sutton and Mrs. Eleanor Nye. Pinochle prizes were awarded to Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson and Mrs. Dorothy Adams* Refreshments followed. Plans were made for the Christmas party on Thursday, December 19, at the K. of C. hall at eight o'clock: Members are requested to bring a tencent gift to exchange. This will also be the thiri tournament. •/ ! Jf* ' . * • « • Public Card Party Twenty-five tables of card players were in action last Sunday evening at the very successful public card party which was sponsored by the Parent- Teacher Association in St. Mary - St. Patrick school hsB* The grand prize for the evening was awarded to Mrs. Paul Tanda. Pinochle, %five hundred, auction bridge and conjaryrt badge' were played in pivot games. A prize was awarded the winner at each table. The association would like to extend their appreciation to the mer- Post Nuptial Shower Mrs. Henry Hiller, the former Miss Lorraine Blake who was a recent bride, was honored at a post-nuptial "shower Sunday afternoon in the home of Miss Lorraine Stilling. The honoree graciously thanked the thirty guests for their many miscellaneous gifts. ' The afternoon was spent at five hundred and bunco, with prizes in the former going to Mrs. John Herdrich, Mrs. Carl J. Freund, Mrs. Leo King and Mrs. William Stilling. The Misses Dolores Schulz and Rosemary Stilling received the awards in bunco. • • * Marriage Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Rose Tonyan, daughter .of Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan of McHenry, to Dr. Francis Joseph Rhejsa of Chicago. The ceremony took place at Blessed Sacrament church in Chicago at 5 p. m. on Saturday, November 30. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Theodot-e Kaut o{ Berwyn. The bride, a registered nurse, Is on the staff of supervisors at St. Anthony's hospital, Chicago, while the gro<#n is an interne at the same hospital. They are making their home at 32S2 Cermak road, Chicago. « » • Women's Society The chicken dinner and bazaar which was sponsored by the Women's Society of the Community Methodist church last Thursday evening was a wonderful success. The women wish to thank everyone who helped make it so by attending and either donating or helping with the work. They hope that everyone enjoyed the dinner and found the articles for sale either practical or interesting. The next general meeting' of the society will be a Christmas party on December 19 at 1:30 in the church hall. Mrs. William Spencer, chairman of the luncheon committee, will be assisted by Mrs. Thomas Kane, Mrs. Rollo Chamberlin, Mrs. C. H. Downs and Mrs. C. W. Klontz. The program is under the direction of Mrs. Leonard McCracken. The ladies are confident that you will enjoy this meeting and that you will be inspired by the lovely carols and Christmas stories. Everyone who attends is' kindly asked to bring an unwrapped gift to exchange. • * • Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith received the well wishes of one hundred relatives and friends last Wednesday, December 4, at their home at Grays lake, when they c||||id their golden wed-' ding anniveMiif celebration at' aA open house reception. The reception was preceded by a dinner which was attended by their three children, Alfred Smith and Mrs. Albert Obenauf of Grayslake and Mrs. Robert Tonigan of Waukegan; four grandchildren and two 'greatgrandchildren. Although Mrs. Smith is a native of Grayslake and Mr. Smith a former resident of MfiHenry, the couple < nevertheless was married in Wisconsin. The occasion was a double wedding at Burlington--Mrs. Smith's sister marrying Mr. Smith's^ brother. The Smiths at Grayslake, however, have survived the other couple by many years. Mr. and Mrs Smith have lived' in the vicinity of Grayslake during their entire married career, with the exception of fifteen months spent in Kansas in 1912. Their crops ravaged by grasshoppers in the prairie state, the Smiths decided that Lake eoonty in Illinois had too many attractions and returned to resume their tasks in this region. * • * , Chora) Society Tbe McHenry Choral Society was organized Monday'evening in the high school auditorium under the direction of Miss Adele Froehlich, a talented soprano who has achieved local fame through her numerous appearances in this vicinity. She is receiving the tutorage of noted teachers in Chicago. The twenty-three who attended this meeting agreed to meet every Monday evening at 7:30 and to enjoy themselves, by singing of course, for one and one-half or two hours. The group decided that each member will purchase and be responsible for his own music. Mrs. L. B. Murphy was appointed as librarian, wfyile Norbert Mauch will handle the financial ques? tion, having been selected as secretary. x New members who are interested in this work are welcome to join at the next meeting, December 16. It was decided that a person must be present at the meetings at least three times each month in order to retain membership, except in, case of illness. The group has selected a fine repertoire, and now that the task of getting organized is completed the work ahead will prove both interesting and profitable. Accompanists for the Choral Society are Mrs. Carl Weber and Mrs. Charles Goodell. •>-' ' P.-T. A. • The regular meeting of the Parent - Teacher Association was held on Wedndfcday, December 4, in St. Mary - St for oivtf wfck* «M K*«B Miday, Mr& Ptori QebMfc* WHBam Scfclitt and Mr* Ka*r Mfcr headwf the workers in ehargv of the arrangements. December 20 was the dat# set for the school 6hirdk*en'8 Christmas party which wiir be held in the school hall at Z p. m. A volunteer committee is in charge of the plans for this party. The fourth and fifth grade room was awarded the honors for having the most mothers present at the meeting. A splendid program was presented by the children of the school, unddr the direction of the music supervisor, Sister IVTary AndVeelTs. This included songs, drills, selections by a violin sextette and a marionette show. The mothers of the sixth and seventh grade students acted as hostesses during the social hour. The next regular meeting of the association will be held on Wednesday afternoon, January 8. m * m Afternoon Contract Bridge The Afternoon Contract Bridge club was entertained in Woodstock Wednesday, December 11, at the home of Mrs. Walter Conway. Prises were received by Mrs. Car! Hoyte, Mrs. Harold Owen and Mrs. George Stilling. On Wednesday, January. 8, the club will meet with Mrs. Wallace Dobyns. * • « Evening P&aoelJe Chib Mrs. Louis Stoffel was hostess to the members of the Evening Pinochle club Wednesday evening. Awards were merited by Mrs. Anton BlpVe Mrs. George J. Freund and Mrs. !><"• Stoffel. Gifts were exchanged the guests enjoyed a dainty lunch. Mrs | Rena Smith will entertain the club on Friday, December 27. • * * Mid-Week Club Mrs. Sitter, Mrs. Bienapfl and Mrs. May Dietz were awarded the prizes Wednesday afternoon when the Midweek club met at the home of Mrs. 0. H. Downs. Mrs. Frank Hughes will entertain the club after the first of the year. EXTENSION CLASSES There will be four more meetings | of the evening class which is brinp i conducted at the local high school by Dr. Howell, of Northern Illinois State J Teachers college at DeKalb. The j course is based on "The Making of u Curriculum." In February another of these extension classes will be organized. Miss Eileen Fitzgerald is cpaading the weekend in Chicago, can't believe their GOING over Buick dealers' reports on our 1941 models, we find ai|J unusual thing happening. > Time and again cars come in foi* the usual inspections with an extra no# of instructions -- "Please check thi*- gas gauge needle." There'8 nothing wrong with thosf gas gauge needles--they tyoi-Jk-pef1* fectly. see the snail-like pace from the Full, mark toward Empty--they don't see . jhow it's possible for a car as big as; Buick to go so far on so littlft. ^ But it does--and for good reason*. • The whole FIREBALL engine was designed and built to get the most good out of modern gasoline!* its Ertl; But even after hundreds of miles* pe<>pteDM«ru«t their eyet^Jjepjbey PRICSS 8tC/^ *935 h «...; And the simple secret of Compouncf |ear in a Buick gives you the economy of the so-called "gas-saving" fop speeds you hear boosted so inthusiasticaliy«|> re big thing it, of course, that this no small car that's setting these sftconomy figures. There are all the foom, size, impressiveness, comfort |ind downright thrilling performance ou expect from a Buick. at BOLGER'S •• • THIS WEEK'S •rv£-.s-.s*y ^ CREAM SPECIAL J CHEREY - LEMON - 0AKAMXL ' •V"; - - - .. ee differently delicious Luick Seatteat I - flavors .... each a delightful taste treat. M mw Gift Tifiie fm ':Wc- I mim* WrSSj: 1* vV< Carburetion is that it keeps youfe/'ji^ilAybe that's why people still hesiengine running on its mpst frugalx # tale to beiievfe their owb eyil^ - '»• diet for all normal driving--and pro* vides full feed only when you need,' want and Mil wallop. _ >"f; ' Meantime even the gears are helping save money high "We assure them, hoVvever--and you, |oo--that it isn't because the needle's < ,« but of kilter that it goes down so .v" slowly. It's because that needle's in ia'Buick--a thrifty and thrilling 1941 gy^pBALL Buick. for the Business Coup* deliveredat Flint, Mich. State tax, optional M K equipment and accessories--extra. Prices subject to change a without notice. IXIMPIAR OP OINKKAL MOTOKS VAtUI fV"' " R. L OVERTON MOTOR SALES front Street, W<wt McHenry, m. 316 Main St, QrygUl Ltln, Dl • '• - ' T ' WHEN MttfR AUTOMOBILES AU BUILT BUICK WILL BUILD THCM Approwriate gifts present no problem te the person who is famihar with clocks. Among our stock of excellent timekeepers there is a gift for everyone. And you give not only a handsome design but time-proved accuracy and reliability as well. Beautiful models in chrome and crystal. In a variety of colors in plastic and in metal cases, any of which will enhance any Setting. * 'M Priced from mm ^2.00 to *7.00: * An Ideal Family Selection Gheck through our stock Christmas Oifta--no matter for which one in the family--and you will find that we can ,offer you a multitude of choices. FOR MEN.... Our Pipe and Tobacco Department befrt tfe lift county. It ip complete to the smallest detail. Pipes of all shapes and sizes and in price range from 25c to $5.00 for the best imported briar . . . Pouches in all styles and colors are here available and make a very desirable com- •nanior) wrchase . . . Choice tobacco in pound pails ^eaeh in suitable holiday wrapping. FOB THE LADIES. , / v ; "i Toiletries ... the largest array of fldlifliEfgk TOf gro #ntr\ de of Chicago ... LENTHER1C, the complete line with aB its delightful aromas--Tweed, Miracle, Confetti, Pink Party--in perfume, cologne, powder or in any number of exquisite sets ... REVLON, newest shades of nail polish and matching lipstick. Sets of manicure necessities of various sizes in beautiful compact cases. Xmas Caidf. A large selection of fine cards is at your convenience and we are sure that you will have no trouble in making your selection. If you desire personalised cards with .your name imprinted, be sure to make your-choice this week if possible. An unusually large assortment of sets in printL and etchings as well as choice individual cards. C H R I S T M A S S P E C I A L FOR MEN In | I **cah $11,501: ktmVt SHAVEMASVER Both tbeflft pwt Shtnmasters hava tha wclovm Sunbeam bead dwt close aa a ttraigfc*-^edga, fastar. 1W famoos AC-DC model kas the Ua2- venal motor that operate# on either Alternating or Direct cvrwt. $15.00. (For nea who travel and occasionally get into. DC »reas). The sensational new AC aaadel with the new, , powerfvl Suabeam magnetic motor, for me « alternating tarntf .|7.J0 AC-DC Model I15N ~/naHtCinA r^f£M£^B^RYOaUGOtSr* HENR.Y*ILLINOIS* ; 1 .. '<m: •• r. - -L,l. •: