A. H. MOSWER Editor and Manage Entered as second-class matter at fy 'the postoffice at McHenry, Dl*» under act °* May 8, 1879. ,«One Year 11.00 Births JP ' 11 <»»••« t A, son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. 'George Kreickle of West McHenry at te Woodstock hospital last Wednes- ; day, December 4. ^4 NEW EMPIRE McHENRY, ILLINOIS <W-: FRIDAY -- SATURDAY Ijipe Velw - Ii«w Errol "MEXICAN SPITFIRE OUT WEST" Abo -- Three Short Subjecta SUNPAY -- MONDAY December 15 - 10 Lam and Abner Phil Harris - Frances Lanfjfwri "DREAMING OUT LOUD" -- Also -- Cartoon - Novelty and News Sunday Matinee--2:45 TUESDAY Richard Dix • Wendy Bfcrrfe (1) ' 'Men Against the Sky" (2) "Dancing: on a Dime" WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Rosalind Russell - Brian Aherne Virginia Bruce "HIRED WIFE" It is reported that work is progressing very favorably in the McHenry Township road - building program. The Suburban Oil Company, success-'1 ful bidders in the black-top contract, have swung into action this fall with a determination to prepare as much roadbed as possible. This will put them in a good position next spring to spread the black top before the heavy traffic starts pouring into the community. Word also conies in that Jos. "Butch" Freund, road commissioner, has secured a new road tractor that will add greatly to the efficiency in handling not only the summer maintenance but also the snow problem in winter months. Since tractor lugs will not be permitted on the new surfaced roads, the new machine is equipped with heavy rubber tires. -V; , : POULTRY--Any kind, ..any amount, any time. MINNESOTA TURKEYS guaranteed young, no pin feathers, weighing from 8 to 84 lbs. Everything fresh dressed. Over 20 years of friendly service in this community. WOODSTOCK PRODUCE CO., Chas. G. Bischoff, Prop., Phone Woodstock 441, 728 Calhoun St. and Route 47 Woodstock, 111. 25-8 SPECIAL SALE --POULTRY AND APPLES--Chickens, 14c lb. live; 17c lb. dressed. Ducks, 13c lb. live; 16c lb. dressed. Apples, fancy hand-picked Jonathan, 65c bushel. No deliveries. Pine TreC^w™ No. 1, Phone 321. V 30 ! Residence dh&nges ! The John Matchen family ha* mov- ! ed from the Vogt house on Main street to the Buchert place on John street. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fitzgerald have occupied the Vogt place on Main street which they recently purchased. Thoy formerly resided in the Peter M. Justen home on Waukegan street. HASS BUYS GUERNSEY Fort Atkinson, Wis.--The American Guernsey Cattle Club, Peterborough, N. H., reports the sale of a registered Guernsey cow by Edwin Klement to George F. Hass of McHenry, 111. This animal is Rex's Primrose Belle 647096. HOUSE FOR SALE--Modern home on Waukegan Street, McHenry. Math B. Laures, West McHenry. Tel. 388 or 183. FOR SALE--1985 Chevrolet panel truck. Carey Electric Shop. Phone McHenry 251. • 28'3 POULTRY MEN, ATTENTION! -- When mixing Poultry Feed at home use GOLD SEAL VITAMIN, A & D PRE-MIX. For sale at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. 29-2 Marriage Licenses Edwin Houdek, Algonquin, HI., to Erna Gritmacker, Algonquin, HI., December 3, 1940. The Beautiful |< l. l OVAl! _JM CRYSTAL LAKfc, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY -- SATURDAY December IS - 14 Brian Donlevy in 'THE GREAT McGINTY" -- with -- Mariel Angelas • Akua Taariroff Also Lew Lehr Comedy and Novrftiee t. ,-K Lf."-, I " v-"" I ** SUNDAY -- MONDAY TUESDAY December 15 - 16 - 17 Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. nt. 25c to 6 p.».; 30e after. Children, 10c. PAT O'BRIEN -- in -- "KNUTE ROCKN* ALL AMERICAN" _ • ' « « ! » ,--p. _ Gale Page - Ronald Reagan A Picture as Great as its Hero! Also -- Walt Disney Cartoon WEDNESDAT -- THURSDAY December 18 - 19 ReaaKnd RaaseD • Brian Afcarae -- in -- "HIRED WIFE'* i . «vv -- with -- Virginia Bruce - Robt, BeneMey You'll enjoy this grand comedy! FOR SALE--Christmas trees, nursery grown. Fresh cut for homes and churches, from three to eighteen feet. Prices--50c to $4.00. Westman Evergreen Nursery, Woodstock, 111. Phone 232-R. , , 29-3 FOR SALE--Kerosene tyajk heater. New and O. K. J. K7~Stillin£, Route 2, McHenry. Phone 614-W-2. *30 --Thursday -- Turkeys, I Hick; Chickens Galore! Theatre I- %- MILLER Woodstock FRIDAY -- December 13 "BABIES FOR SALE" -- with -- Rochelle Hudson - Glenn Ford PLUS --MERCHANT'S CARGO! SATURDAY -- December 14 Continuous from 2:30 2 -- BIG FEATURES -- 2 "BLONDIE PLAYS --- CUPID" with Penny &ingleton -- P L U S -- "CCWBOYS FROM TEXAS" -- with -- The Three Mesquiteers SUNDAY -- MONDAY December 15-16 Continuous Sunday from ZM A Picture As Great As Its Hero! "KNUTE ROCKNE, ALL AMERICAN" -- with -- PAT O'BRIEN GALE PAGE RONALD REAGAN -- Color Cartoon' ft News Harry Durland is expected home today after spending a week in St. Louis, Mo., on a business trip. City of New Orleans Likes Its Fireworks In Christmas Season i Christmas without firecrackers just isn't Christmas down in New Orleans. "It ahybody not got no firewo'k he mighty po'," say the Creoies gayly. The more the firewoiks, the better the Christinas on the lower side of Canal street. While other people are shooting off fireworks on July 4, New Orleans is sweltering under intense heat. Outside activities are out of the question. With noisy July 4 festivities out of the question, ' it was easy to begin celebrating Christmas, instead, with the firing of skyrockets, Roman candles and firecrackers. Once started, there was no stopping it. * Shooting starts several weeks before Christmas, and every night the tumult increases- Parents consistently caution tW6ir children to save the firecrackers until the twentyfifth, because they won't get any more. The boys and girls refuse to believe this prophecy, but feel that Providence will not allow them to go crackerless. Even the almost penniless have firecrackers, but the more wealthy win the envy of others with their rockets. Enthusiasm is not limited t© the youi\g boys, but it is shared by the entire family. Boys and girls parade up and down the streets at night, making a racket with tin trumpets and "instruments" they picked up on the way. They ring doorbells, then run away with joyful laughter. The sky is lighted up with rockets and firecrackers beat a constant staccato. The fun begins again the next morning, with greater enthusiasm than ever. Although a boy may have banki opted himself the day before, firecrackers have taken a great drop in price. * He must have a new supply because they are cheap. Now the juveniles grow reckless. Whole packages of firecrackers go off at one full blow; those who were firecracker boys yesterday are skyrocket boys today. As night comes on, the streets seem ablaze with explosives and colored rockets. The second morning after Christmas the street® arc atrewn thick with burned pieces of fireworks; but the air is clear. The acrid odor of fireworks is again replaced by the perfume of Christmas roses. FOR SALE--Two-piece Mohair living room set. In good condition. Inquire Chapel Hill Country Club. *30 FOR SALE--Turkeys. Robert Vogt. Telephone Mclienry 616-W-2. 30 FOR SALE--Child's large size table and two chairs. Also large doll buggy. Reasonable. Phone 65-M. 30 FOR SALE--Heatrola, in good condl tion. Reasonable price. Phone Mc Henry 77-W. 30 FOR RENT FOR RENT--One room apartment. Heat, light and gas. Refrigerator and stove furnished. Riverside Drive and Pearl Street, McHenry, 111. *30 FOR RENT--Modern five room apartment, steam heat, garage. Phone Mrs. John R.. Knox, 17. • 29 WANTED WANTED TO BUY--80 to 120 acres north or south of McHenry; want some river frontage; must be on gravel road; condition of buildings not important. Write Box "W," care of McHenry Piaindealer, McHenry, 111. *30 ...I4ND LOOK AT THE PRICE! ^ ^ VH- s - (^ /. f/» , - < Sv^v CoV* sU'^ . - (pitdemMe Authentic period styling with graceful flowing lines. AH * : carved woods, mahogany. Harmonized colon easily selec- f ted from wide range lustrous fabrics with Krochler k "Color Harmonizer." , ' ' Beautiful Velotur - Damask and MohaJf v Living Room Suites $59-5° to $98-50 A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE UNTIL CHRISTMAS! GIRL WANTED --White; mother's helper; two children; hotel apt., no heavy work; $6.00. Write Mrs. L. Glassberg, 817 Lakeside Place, Chicago. WANTED--Man to sell Baker products under new liberal arrangement. Merchandise on consignment. No investment in merchandise or signers required. Car needed. S. F. Bakei & Co., Keokuk, Iowa. *30-3 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange your wheat for Quaker Floor at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. McHenry. 12-tf TUESDAY -- December 17 15c - Bargain Night - 15c Christmas Poultry Nite--Chickens and Ducks , ifi'Mii . On the Screen ---- •'PASTOR HALL" with Wilfred Lawson WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY December 18-19 "PUBLIC DEB. NO. 1 -- with -- George Murphy - Brenda Joyce Pins -- March of Time & News DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15,00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs 1-;^ lit help needed for loading ' Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phcae Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges Alabaster and china base lamps complete with pretty shades. Boudoir Lamps $1.25 to $3*00 Table Lamps $2-00 to $10*00 IES Reflector Floor Lamps $7-50 to $12*00 S>piece K i tchen t Jvit^Dinetto Sets Hassocks not ' $i3.50Jto »34so Gilt frame mirrors of excellent quality. AH flisqt andprioesl I384" GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let ns dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 865 or 631-M-l. 2-tf NOTICE--After this date, Dec. 12, 1940, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself. FRANK M. MASQUELET. 30-3 YOUR SWEETHEART THIS CHRISTMAS ^ LANE CtdaJiilo/xcCfwtt ft# f »»»»»»• Among the Sick Sugar and Water Stops Fall Of Christmas Tree Needles It's easy to stop the fall of Christmas tree needles. Saw off a portion of the tree's base--enough so the fresh wood will be exposed. Set a shallow pan of water beneath the base of the tree, in which the base should be immersed. A teaspoonful of sugar should be added to the water. The water provides needed moisture and the sugar nourishes the needles, giving them strength ,to hold on longer. Ugh Above Earth On November 11, 1935, the stratosphere balloon Explorer II reached the record altitude of more than 13 miles and hovered at a point where only 4 per cent of the earth's air remained above it., Had their balloon not blocked the view above, Mrs. J. T. Sorenson has been confuted to bed for the past two weeks with influenza and pleurisy at her home at Racine, Wis. Mrs. Peter Miller of Ringwood submitted to surgery last Thursday at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Harold Gielow underwent an operation this past weekend at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan. Miss Adele Froehlich has bean 111 at her home on John street. Mrs. Theodore Winkel is critically ill at her home. * Mrs. Linus Newman has been confined to her home with a knee injury which she suffered in a fall two weeks ago. John Kelter remains critically 111 his home. Mrs. Catherine Schneider is confined to her home on Riverside Drive with torn ligaments in her foot which she sustained in a fall about three weeks ago. Mrs. Lillian Cox has been confined to her home this week with a severe cold. -A* Owtitmin VakM la • Ms «T Mafer* Cfcwt, Wttk wm>ri OrtMtal Wn< wi Other Chests $10.50 to ' kt SmigREt. II .&>• . . . . V; LIFE'f|s T»bU» 11.28 *0 CARD OF THANKS I. wish to take this opportunity of thanking my many kind neighbors and friends for their lovely gift s cards and flowers which made my >« recent confinement in the Augusta mt Captain Stevens and Anderson prol> I hospital in Chicago seem much short t ably would have been able to see 1 and brighter. the stars at noontime. \ (80 MRS.I PHIL GULNTO. Peter M. Justen Furniture Telephone v- / Next Door to West Me: m.