Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 19 Dec 1940, p. 7

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\' •-•>-v * >-V •* -V, „/ -, W*#KrHI•• ^^"4* *. ' H"1?, v%^. > ** - • y» '-V '« * -** W « 4t»M0v* »^4r«wk'V »¥*«• *"J" 19, lfeo •••• *' *W*'" - **/ '""' ^vw ir.*'Js.'-fflfc -;-. : ••"«•-* uv ^ i™**;-'•' ---i:- If IP !'.» ;-•- i.»xl r/-•"?s,~"*' i , • :-."vni-." - r •• Is • - T" ***, V'- C?>.^:^>'- \* i v®^ ' •_ r *~ ' 4M ' „ ' 1 *•*»! d%W tV" ?< *" * *»£* A -v »-*r '* '/Al listed ».-'••« UcHOTLY 7L0RAI* 00. , V ' \-,. f • f; A£*"".> «•• ';- v' •i*t- " "' r :'; " '* fe. One Mile South of McHenry en Route 3L ;. Ftowwr* for aH Phone IS VERNON j. BOX ATTORNEY AT LAW Frits Bldf. s » OFFICE Teesdays *nd PtMiyi Otfcer Bays by Appoiataient MtHwry - . - « - ; ^vV*. FHONB M T-tUy j>B. J.K. SAYLKft '- «' . . DENTIST •. eik« Honrs 9-tf an! INI - Bvcninc* by AppointOM»t Tfcva^ipa - 9 to IS ' ? W« V'A.. *•*• • l.3S?ir i *•• * P.FreundCo. Excavating Contractor Tnwking, Hydraulio and Orui £ v v Scrvice jt'l'S+MmA Building TeL204-M McHenry, fll Horses Wanted f I B U Y -•• m and Disabled Horses. ---- Pay from $5 to $14. ---- ARTHUR W. WERRBACK Phone 439 439 E. CaUMNm St. Woodstock, III. nn AUTO FARM L1F» • M INSURANCE f EARL R. WALSfl . '^-4 Pf»s--tlag " Reliable Companies |^mb you need insurance of ray kM f Phono 44 or §1-11 MoOOKLUKI^XB Mrs. Kilfether and son of McCollum, Lake spent the week in Chicago. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Houser hav* gone to Chicago to spend the holidays^ with their daughtef and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fritz and friends of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Miss Eleanor Schaefer of Wonder Lake spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. A. Schaefer. Frank Madsen, Charlie Brockea, jJr., and Miss Eleanor Schaefer celebrated their birthday anniversaries jSunaay at the home of Jos. A. Schaef- «i' when a delicious turkey dinner was iserved. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Brocken and son, Mr. "and Mrs. Jos. A. Schaefer, Elmer Schaefer, Mickey Untx of* Mundeleift jj |«nd Eleanor Schaefer. Mrs. C. Burg and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Georjre Sfeheubert were visitors in Chicago Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Madsen of Chi*, cago spent Saturday evening at the S. Smith home. Mrs. Kate Schaefer, son, Wilbur, and daughter, Eleanor May, left on December 7 for Missouri where they are visiting the former's family and reviving childhood memories besides seeing the sites. When are you coming back, Kate? Bill is tired <xt "baching" it. }Jnv*v t h e I d ( ii ^ i n t t i ( i Cfcrtetmai Canfcies Sftrttftma* 6ift* pries Bid*. McHann CASH FOR DEAD HORSES and CATTLE Horses, $3.00; Cows, $4.00; Dead Hogs and Siheep removed free! MIDWEST REMOVAL CO. Tel. Woodstock 1624-M-l or Dundee 10--Esvsrsc Charges "J1"' No. S00 #; •m1 ag«ata far all tlsss-- «f tetfcsM MaHXNBT - - ILUNOM S. H. Freond &Soo OONTRAOTOBI AMD BUILDERS Phone 56-W McHtmy Our Experience Is at Tour Service in Bl^diag Your Wants WOOD MOULDING N E W IMPROVED STORM S A S H *: NO MORE • PUTTY f TROUBLES B H#te !• the greatest storm Saab Improvement in years I Now you can have for your home genuine Morgan Storm Sash with glass bedded in putty and permanently secured with wood moulding. This d;f.r:its!;' prevent* |nn»«nil>g of putty and leakage which is com' mon with the ola-fashionea (tont sash after it has been installed and removed a few times. All Morgan Storm Sash are treated with water repellent toxin chemical which guarantee lo^g life and guard against swelling. Alexander Lumder Co. Ph« Mala Street Chvtte's Repair Northeast corner of State Bridge m Charles Street SifnPaintinf. Truek Lettsrin^^r fniitore Upholsfcerinf and RepairingrnarART. «ii RIETE8EL ••a; FRED 0. MTTsT.ER, M. D. flpsrisHghis fa BTE, EAR, NOSE aai THROAT wffl be la Dr. A. L Froeblkh's Crii A Streets, McH«ary Every Wednesday * floni 1 to 2^0 p.*. GLASSES FITTED XJUy DK. L B. KUBPHT * If. Hem ->9|.b. te • Street -- MCHcht, I1L PRICED LOW QUICK RELIEF FROM STOMMCH^ULCERS sue to EXCESS ACID Mast Help er R Ml CeetYea I Ovsr one mfflloa tottlss at Um WILLARD TRKATMKNT have been sold for nMelof due to Kassss AcM. Sold ob 15 d»y»' tri*l! Ask for "WWai#s Msssace" which Mig --this treatment -trss--at WATTLE! DRUG STORE Christmas Mreat^f ClriMma^ Meclifnfl driitmaf *pmns Lmmb Jvict IteiflM Ckwks RbtMiatic Pan Qafeklf If you suffer fro<n rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis psin, try this simple inexpensive hone rseipe that thoesandi ate asing. Get a package of Ra-Ex Con pound te4ay. Mix it with a qaart of water, add tba ]sies of 4 Issnoas. It's may. Ko trouble at all and pleasant. Toa need only X tablsspooafuls two tiasss a day. Often within 41 how sneiiHiass owsraight--splendid results are obtaiaed. If the pains do not quickly leave sad if you do not fj e e lI better, R-u-E-x wi-l-l- oast you nothing,to try as ft is sold by your drafffist under an absolute money-back ffaaiaatee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and by THOMAS P. BOLGER, Druggist < 4* WORWIOK PHOTOGEAPHBB 'fortraltare - Cesuterdal Photography - Photo-Flnlshing &ilargfag - Oopyfaic - Fraadag 275 -- BSreraUe Drive McHENRT, 114 ^ MILES E. : ^ WOODRUFF, D.O. - > • . Licensed Chiropractor Honrs: !• to % txcept Thursday -- Phone 540 -- 112 Bentoii St Woodstock, 111. MNcmroot) Christmas tree candles date back to ttie very earliest times in the Christian era. The Yule candle, of goodly size, lighted early Nativity celebrations. The lighting of candles is indeed a universl religious and national custom. Candle lighting featured the Norse mid-winter festival of the turning of the sun. The Jewish Feast of Chanuckah or Lights is also celebrated atmii*iJy at tbe same season. ^ St Nicholas rides Woden's horse on Christmas eve in Holland. There the children put up their wooden shoes in the chimney corners as • step signal for the merry fellow. Children of France followed the custom by placing their shoes for Boahomme Noel by the hearth. In England and the United States, boys and girls improved op the idea by hanging up stockings. These can hokl more gifts. .. tit | Romans exchanged gifts during gay celebrations. But giving of presents of course goes back much earlier. The Romans, however, gave it clearer identity as a part of their festival program. Christmas boxes and cards of today have a link to the ancient Roman festivities. In France, gifts are distributed to children New Year's eve instead of Christmas. In England, Germany, Italy, and most everywhere else, the custom is like in the United States. Santa comes a-visiting at Christmas. In ancient times the Teutons regarded holly as a symbol of good luck. The custom was widespread of hanging evergreens in the interior of dwellings. Later the legend was widely circulated that all growling things blossomed and bore fruit the night of the Nativity. Holly' came also to symbolize the crown of thorns worn by Christ. The Puritans, however, regarded holly and mistletoe decorations as pagan In nature, and they therefore were outlawed. Kir and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained the five hundred club at th$ir home Thursday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hawley, high and Mrs. Howard Craft and George Young, low. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan announce the arrival of a 9%-lb. son Sunday. George Young and Ben Justen spent Thursday at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peet and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wienke of Woodstock called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Neal of Oak Lawn spent the weekend in the Roy Neal home. Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Monday in Chicago. Mrs. George Young am) Mrs. Nick Young spent Tuesday afternoon in the J. R. Smith home at McHenry . Mrs, Ray Peters of Harvard attended the Home Circle Christmas party at the W. B. Harrison home Wednesday. Andrew Hawley of Crystal Lake spent the weekend in the S. W. Smith home. Miss Pearl Smith, of Woodstock spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lonnie Smith. Mrs. Jennie Bacon is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louis Abendroth, in Elgin. Mrs. S. W. Smith and daughter, Bernice, spent Sunday evening in the D. C. Bacon home at Crystal Lake. The Home Circle held their annual Christmas party in the W. B. Harrison home Wednesday. A Christmas box was presented to Mrs. Minnie Coates. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boehmke and family spent the weekend with relatives at Marengo. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington were Sunday dinner guests of the latter's brother and family at Hebron. Mrs. S. W. Brown and Mrs. Louis Schroeder spent Thursday and Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr and sons spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and son, Howard, spent Saturday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrq. C. J. Jepson spent the weekend in the Paul Norman home in Evanston. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters spent Saturday in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wiedrich and family spent Sunday afternoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich. Among those from here to attend the funeral of Edgar Thomas at McHenry Friday were: Mr. and Mrs. George Young, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCaimon, Mrs. Thomas Doherty, Mrs. Viols Low, Mrs. Joe MsCannon, and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr, Mrs. Lester Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson called on relatives in Woodstock Saturday afternoon. Harold Jepson of Urbana spent Friday night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. „Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington are moving to Rockford. Mr. <and Mrs. C. L. Harrison and family were Sunday dinner guests in. the Henry Marlowe home in Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Abendroth, Mrs. Mildred Munshau of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch and Will Beatty of Keystone were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Jennie Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Muzzy and family were guests of relatives at Marengo Sunday. Mrs. C. L. Harrison and daughters, Amy and Carol, spent Saturday morning at Woodstock. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Merchant of Kenosha spent Sunday afternoon and evening in the Ray Merchant home. Mr. and Mrs^Ed Bauer and family spent Sunday in the Joe Kattner home at Spring Grove. i Mr. and Mrs. Howard Craft and' family Of West Virginia spent the past week in the B. T. Butler home. Mrs. Mildred Munshau of Elgin was a caller in the Wm. McCannon home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hitchens of Forest Park and Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard of McHenry attended the five hundred party in the B. T. Butler home Thursday evening. Miss Clarice Huff of Forest Park spent Thursday evening here with friends. iMpiHaMiMI Phpi* eW-E-1 -- Bawmenttoeavatlng -- n*rrs fcWD ami' GRAVSL Special Bates on Road Gravel and Lot Filling Black Dirt and Stone - Power ' Shovel Service Power leveling and grading Cement mixers for renf J. E. NETT ::VK 'n Johnsbnrg p. o. McHenry, 18. MR. fAMIHU IT yea have the ilifintn t» lose aay ttrastock, call the PALATIHE RENDERm*1 COMPANY * and yon will receive the prices. Old. dead and horses, cattle, hogs, sheep ed promptly. Day or night servtea. PHONE PALATINE 95 OR RICHMOND 318--REVERSE CHARGES Eyes E^anined Plume: MeHenry l23-J Woodstock 674 #r. Paul A. Schwabe OPTOMETRIST A. E. Nye Bldg. West McHenry THURSDAY MORNINGS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Prepare for Winter Driving Let us fix up your car or track for cold weather use. Put & good anti-freeze 111 ridislors and the proper grouse in transmissions and differentials. We will be glad to make a checkup and ascertain your needs. Have your track tested at this garage, which is an official testing- station, and receive your state sticker. We have a well equipped repair shop to take care of your correction to comply with the law. v rlZ CENTRAL GARAGE v FRED J. SMITH, Prop Phone 200-J Towing Johnsbnrg V m M-YES- OF COUPSE THIS IS A USED CAR FPOM THEN HOP OUT- "> W6PE LOOKIM' WQ. A Hti 6000MES5 A REAL UfL I I DONYKNOf* I LEFT "THEM N A GLASS ON THe WASHSlANty R0SSMAN MOTOR SALES MAKE AWAY ANC PER IS '£*fi n'4 NASH - LaFAYETTE - PACKARD See the 1941 AMBASSADOR 6 today at tbi -- AUTHORIZED ,fe;, SERVICE V RDSSMRN MOTOR SALES RIVERSIDE DRIVE and PEARL STREET - PHONE 13 ' - a." : ' '• *' ^ • ^ '9 Presents with a future! i' • - • ' MM * /> w Bectrlc "navigator" clock Ideal for desk, den or mantel. This attractive electric clock is an tutbenric nautical design. Brown case--gold finished trim. Accuratc. Self-starting. Only . . $5,95 Dm Puritans predicted the disappearance of Christmas carols and did what they could to discourage the custom of singing them. Bu$ it has grown more and more a part of the Christmas tradition which began in early Christian days in Roma. TJie French Noel, dating to the Eleventh century, and the German Weihnachtslieder, have the same origin. Sunb«am ShavMnaster* He'll enjoy the £ut, smooth, fortable shaves Shavemaster gives. Has powerful brush-type motet ... famous hollow ground cutter. <A) ToaHm--Ur <tohww ft Makes a hit with every hostess! Set includes automatic, 2-slice Toastmaster, cutting board, large serving and 4 smaller •lilt lap trtyt, 4 appetiser dishes. (My ... 923.95 (I) G. C. automatic roaster She'll enjoy the dean, carefree cooking convenience of this beautiful electric roaster. Cooks complete meals to juicy, tempting perfection. Has automatic temper* ure control -- heavy insulation. Only . . . 916.95 (C) Suwbettin coffoonMMter Beautiful, lustrous, unbreakable chromeplate coffeemaster makes 8 cups of consistently good coffee. Shuts off and resets * itself automatically. Omb ...... 9|« (D) Mlxmaster Beats, whips, mashes, juices. Has 10- speed Mix-Finder dial. Maintains even power on every speed. Set includes juicer •ad 2 glass bowls. Only . . . 923.75 12 tMitnm*nMwtt at titgit txtrm mi. (I) Electric waffle iron A beauty--a bargain...has fast hearing dement, accurate heat indicator, expansion hiiwe, tarnish-proof chrome finish. Made by Westinghouse. (My ... 95.95 ? •! ^ t• . '1 W- •- PIJ, National Christmas Tift' Scene of Annual Service The United States has a national Christmas tree! It is not a spruce, fir or hemlock, but a giant Sequoia which stands more than 267 feet high. The tree is located in General Grant National park, 64 miles east of Fresno, Calif. Devotional and patriotic services held beneath the tre* each year since it was selected in 1925 are broadcast over • nationwide network,!:". t- Table lamps Scores of beautiful wide range of prices now on make your selections early. 1941 Miles and designs at a i aiqylay. " CRASH SUIT ' A joint action damage suit, asking judgment of $1,187.00, was filed Saturday morning in the circuit court bjr James H. Thompson, Ann R. Thompson, and Sarah Nelson against C. W. Smith. The suit is an outgrowth of an automobile accident which occurred last September 4 on 22nd street ia Elmhurst, DuPage cohnty. > Smith rep sides at Cary. / , Mrs. Kathryn Barbian was a cago caller Monday. h: 4 ' .! I* E. S. reflector lan|»s 6-way lighting. Gold and silver base with beige shade or bronze base with banana heart shade. Wide variety of styles to choose from. Modtl shown tniy l|2,9S ^ . Other dealers are also offering choice selections of electric Christmas gifts. UBLIC SERVICE STORK *j44hO modern ranges, water beaten, washes, iioc*n, refrigerators--gifts that will be appreciated for yean to come. All are new models with the latest features. Choice <£ models and sixes in a wide variety of prices liberal terms I All appliances selling ft»f $9 and up may be purchased for a small down payment... balance, plus small curf* tlgg charge, on your monthly service bill. ... .. . ami Electricity is Ckm}! ons al» *r. Mm. {tit dan£» feedstock issue! an! - "A , 101 V .. v.: i«ppa«

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