; Jy t . . , „ M, . 1 " l l w 1 1 mmm----mmf --w-- .«\Vr, /' . . . ^ " o ; • . 1* .•t.'Y^v; tl mm ^ • - - ' <s- -• 1 • • • ": _• T imimM) 5 *" **'V>* » • • * " "«• t- >»'.• .J.'""5, f ' v,f J*t<i -£• y- " each of Vou who fek. ;:^i" ;W Entered as second-daks toatter a* |; -: , the postoffice at McHenry, 111., and«r Um act otf May 8, 1879. Om Year .:v, ^:jmx Montfag JgfM% - 4, . , $2.00 „.....fl.00 FOB SALE f A; ipbULTET--Any kind, ..any amount, jsany time. MINNESOTA TURKEYS " fguaranteed young, no pin feathers, Jweisfhing from 8 to 84 lbs. Everything fresh dressed. Over 20 years >nf j riendly service in this community. | ^WOODSTOCK PRODUCE CO., Chas. 1|g. Bischoff, Prop., Phone Woodstock •|441, 728 Calhoun St. and Route 47 • Woodstock. 111. 25-8 t^APPLEfc FOR SALE--50c to $1.00 „.'.',4ier bushel. Jonathans, Red Delicious jjf :\"{ ©nd Golden Delicious. Ellsworth s , JOriole Springs Orchard, between Rich- * rr jmond and Wilmot. *81'2 *VV ^FOR SALE--Kitchen range. In good . Condition. Will sell very reasonable if 'taken at once. Phonp 129-J. *8? FOR KENT W';-. . JX>R RENT--Modern five room apartment, steam heat, parage. Phone Mrs. , John R. Knox, 17. 32 FOR RENT --Rooms above Hetterfnann Service Station, Johnsburg, Suitable for office, beauty parlor or light housekeeping. Furnished heat, hot and cold water. Apply Hettertnann Service Station. 31-tf ! WANTED WANTED--Man to sell Baker products under new liberal arrangement. Merchandise on consign"1®11*. No investment in merchandise or signers Required. Car needed. S. F. Bake* 4ft Co., Keokuk, Iowa. *30-3 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange your wheat for Quaker Flour at the Farmers Mill. Phone 29. McHenry. " 12-tf BEAD OE ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charge* GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 365 or 681-M-l. l-tf ^ „ NOTICE--After this date, Dec. 12, 1940, I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except - myself. FRANK M. MASQUELET. 30-8 ^ ' i AUCTION -v • " ' - . CHARLES LEONARD, Aactkoeer t, i, Tel. Woodstock 478 On the property known as the Ur bandale Poultry farm, 3 miles east of McHenry and % mile south of the Lily Lake school house, on-- FRIDAY, DECEMBEE 27 1:80 o'clock 4 Guernsey and 4 Hofetein Cewa? fresh and close. Young Holstein bull; all are especially good stock. 8 Mares, from 7 to 10 years pld. 250 Barred Rock and Leghorn Pullets. McCormick corn planter; sulky plow; gang plow; set of bridles; halters, collars and reins, like new; 5 starting battel ies with electric heaters; 2 incubators; wheelbarrow and numerous small tools. -- Terms -- AH sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Over that amount, a credit of six months time will be given on pood bankable notes, satisfactory to the clerk, bearing 7 per cent interest. Positively no property to be moved until settled for with clerks. BRUKO 8CHMACK, Prop. West McHenry State Bank and State Bank of Union, Mortgagees. Weat McHenry 8taie Bank, Clerking "t: - • ' • f•' ' This leopard trimmed suit worn to Brenda Marshall, movie star, Mows a pencil slim dress topped off with a coliarless jacket of mustard gold. Three large square hooks fasten the front, while patch pockets at either hip are ef leopard. The hat is a black felt tricorn. •~.r} Robber Soap-Dish given us your fin© friendship we extend ; our Greetings of the Season and Best Wishes fbr • Happy New Year! JJ' M SOSTS TAVERN i We My "Thank Your* . for your friendly pat- .ronage and loyalty, ; '|f and extend to yon the Best Wishes of the Sea- ; V ; v-: son, and the sincere ' , wish that j 1941 may be your best year. <v' ; LEOPARD TRIM A rubber soap-dish makes a non- dud Rrd tb: ath for the canaif. J. C. THIS i CO, 4Kmkt«M«S It's the dawn of a new year-«-the beginning of better foftune -- the start of all the good things you want. PISTAKEE MY SCHOOL Our thanks for your patronage during the past year. We desire to exprtss our appreciation. May the New Year of 1941 bring you fulfillment of' your every hope. TAVERN We extend our cordial greetings of the seasoA_ and our Sincere Wishes for your Happiness anid ihrosperity during tht. aoming year. 1 A. P, FREUND & May 1941 bring a fulfillment of your ambir tions, a new Prosperity, and increasing HappiilfeSB. May it be a truly great milestone in your 'S STANDARD SERVICE AlexJnstaa Let's li^t up for New jg^ar full to tl moment, wii lig^a the with health, wealth, and friendships that are lasting. v VKEHRY llOHDRT The Community dab held th«ttr regular meeting at St. IStfr's jMU^ah hall on Monday night. FoDowing the meeting, cards were played throughout the evening. Refreshments were served. Mrs. J. J. Freund was confined to her bed with illness at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles May last week. Charles May was host to Rev. John Daleiden and the ushers of St. Peter's church on Tuesday night at the Anton Widhalm home. Cards and visiting were the evening's diversion and refreshments were served. Father Daleiden presented each one of the ushers with a beautiful crucifix as a Christmas gift. Mrs. Alfons Wirt* of McHenry visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown on Tuesday. Miss Evelyn Sander* is in the Woodstock hospital suffering a broken foot and severe lacerations on the head and knee, the result of an automobile accident on Wednesday night when she collided with another car. Miss Virginia Schuren who was with her was taken to Harvard hospital but was able to return to her home on Sunday. She was badly bruised and suffered a concussion. There was to be a shower on Evelyn at the Schuren home in Genoa City on Wednesday night and the guests were waiting for her to arrive when the accident happened. She was to become the bride of Bad Schuren on December 28. Mrs. Arthur Kattner attended the Christmas party of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters at Johnsburg on Tuesday night. liie infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Freund was seriously ill in a Chicago hospital the past week. He has returned home and is now improving. « Mrs. Albert Britz entertained members of her club at her home. on Thursday afternoon. Cards furnished Mrs. Frank St. George called at the home at Mr.^andrMm. Clyde Wright at Lake Defiance Monday. William Lohmann and son, Raymond* of Libertyville were Sunday sapper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher. Miss Marjorie Ritta of Mundelein spent the weekend with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Wirt*. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Maxson and sons of Elmhurst were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. A large crowd attended the Christmas program at the Volo Community Bible church Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crabbe and sons of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. Mr. and Mrs. F. Beck and Mr. and Mrs. C. Shell of Woodstock and Mr, and Mrs. Clyde Wright of Lake Defiance were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wiser, Jr. Herman Danker motored to Capron, 111., on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Billion of Prairie View called at the Dowell home Friday. Mrs. Sarah Fisher called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour at Wauconda Sunday. The Volo school closed Friday evening1 for their Christmas vacation with an excellent Christmas program. Clifford Peterson is spending a few days in Chicago with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Boucher of Libertyville spent Wednesday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and daughter, Mona Jane, and G. A. Vasey of Hampshire called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Valenta of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Mr. i High, higlj-up! That where we want youlr ) good fortune to be on .. Father Time** chart fc|| ^ yjfiti, for 194J*""" ^ - • ' ^ SK K '. UVERSIDE BJUERT • v '• - . ' *• •' ® • " • ».3' the entertainment and prize winners and Mrs. Frank St. George. were Mrs. Charles Freund and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Len Littlefleld and Eldred Johnson while consolation went son were Thursday evening dinner to Mrs. Arthur Klein. Traveler's ' guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .prizes went to Mrs. Freund and Mrs. Paul Lewis. Following cards a Christmas exchange of gifts was held as all gathered around the Christmas tree. The hostess then emptied the contents of two huge red stockings and presented each guest with a Christmas gift. A delicious roast duck dinner was served with all the trimmings with the table decorated appropriate to the holiday season. At the L. Littlefleld, Sr., in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann and son, Jackie, of Grayslake called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Danker Saturday. Mrs. Ellwood Dowell and Alexander Boucher called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Thorsell at Lily Lake Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family called at the request of the hostess each guest left home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis her autograph on the tablecloth which at Slocums Lake Sunday. Irte, sixty Minutes to aifthour -- and for every hour of 1941 weln bringing you happy Uw)ughts. V; will be embroidered in green and red in memory of this happy occasion. Santa Claus visited St. Peter's school on Friday afternon and presented each child with a bag of candy and popcorn. The children greeted Herman Dunker was a caller at Dundee Monday. Mrs. Walter Vasey was s, Woodstock caller Saturday. G. A. Vasey and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rushing and daughter, Nona Santa Claus by singing Christmas J»ne, of Hampshire called at the home carols. Billy Klaus and Georgia May representing the school presented Father Daleiden with a Spiritual Bouquet and a lovely gift. A happy climax was the singing of a Christmas greeting to Father Daleiden by the school children. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund visited Miss Evelyn Sanders and Mrs. Walter Smith at Woodstock hospital on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Jake Miller was also one of Mr* Smith's visitors. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bauer of Ringwood was saddened by the of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Danker on Sunday. McOOLLUM LAKE Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce and daughter, Dale Ray and Eleanor Schaefer and Miss Molnar of Wonder Lake were visitors at the Jos. A. Schaefer home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheubert of ~4 j McCollum Lake are spending the week de*th,0f thelr g-ytl'-'M •«. who;with d,„ghte„ i„ Chicago. SImmoiil Monday a wtim of Mr and Mrs Challie Brocken and ^ompantod "'.^7. CbMm' Cl"" Clarence Miller twuncted boilneM In L™ Mi Chicago Monday. Among those from here who attended funeral service* of Math Smith at St. Joseph's. church in Richmond Monday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner, Michael Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Peterson spent Tuesday in Chicago. Elmer Schaefer left for Florida on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alva EUrton of Chicago spent Sunday at their home here. children, Mr. and Mm. Fred Meyw I J°"' ^ *PeBt S,tunto* S,d ""S6*,.?-1 Mrs. Hugh MelXmald enter- August Huff, Mr. aV m" Mi* "iT1 f£i!;'Vr0m Freund Mn _ . Mrs. Edd Horn and son of Brookseph Brown and Clarence^Miller! 8pent Sund*y ^ Mr* M™' A1 Horn Mr. and Mrs. John Scharf of Evans ton spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Winkrantz entertained friends from Diamond Lake Wednesday. K" ,tt™dlne "riy A. Schaefer home. Students of the University of Illinois who are enjoying Christmas vacation at their homes are Joseph Brown, Jr., Arnold May and Eugene Meyer. Parishioners of St Peter's church Christ by Christmas morning and again at nine o'clock. The first of which, a high mass, was held at four o'clock with Rev. John Daleiden, pastor, officiating. The altars were beautifully decorated with evergreen and poinsettias while the glow of many candles added to their beauty. At the side altar there is a likeness of the crib with the Infant Jesus lying on a bed of straw while evergreen trees with dozens of colored lights furnish the background. Early morning worshippers were welcomed by the strains of the traditional "Silent Night" as sung by the church choir, a low mass immediately followed the high mass. Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament was held after the nine o'clock mass. ^ r ^ Mrs. Stampu and daughter of Chicago spent Sunday at McCollum Lake LILY LAX3 Men Drhre Beit Miss Marion Telford, Chicago, • traffic expert, admits that men, as a rule, are better drivers than women. Ifiss Telford says figures show that the number of accidents does not vary greatly But men drive on more long trips than women and the weaker sex does less night driving. Also, men generally take the wheel when streets are slippery or when there is a downpour of rain. So, mile fbr mile and day for day, men are better drivers, she says. amaslunK Lights Fun Two small boys plus on£ hammer equaled a lot of headaches for employees who park their automobiles in a brewing company lot in Milwaukee. The youngsters, one four and the other seven, smashed headlights and tail-lights on more than 100 cars before they were caught seeking other targets. Leadondeiry Londonderry is in Ireland in London* not The Lily Lake P.-T.A. held a banco party at the home of < Mrs. Schiavone Tuesday afternoon, December 17. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Biescker in cards and to Mrs. Seyfferth and Mrs. Wegener in bunco. Members present were Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Biescker, Mrs. Nielson, Mrs. Bransford, Mrs. Seyfferth, Mrs. Wegener, Mrs Wieler and Mrs. Swanson. TTie serving of lunch concluded a most enjoyable afternoon. The next bunco party of the P.-T. A. will be held on January 9 at the home of Mrs. George J. Wegener. Everyone welcome. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Schiavone Sunday were Sal Corsi and sons of Chicago, brother of Mrs. Schiavone, and Mr. and Mrs. S. Schiavone of Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sears of Villa Park visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh Sunday and also at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wrublewski. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Carl O. Swanson. Sunday visitors were Mary Hubbell and Mrs. Helen Robinson, all of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough visited at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klabough, of Greenwood. Mrs. Thomas Klabough and daughter, Kathleen, and Mrs. Claude Mc- Dermott and son, Claude, and Miss Josephine Dosch and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Marsh were Waukegan visitors ' - 8.1. OVERTON MOTOR SALES . • l • • " Ring in the new! out the • old! Welcome to the new year--young OLD BRIDGE TAVERN Frank Immekus You'll be on top of the world when our prophecies for your new year come true. K E. DKH & SON We wish it were possible for lis to tatoe you and every friend \>y the hand and say to you, "A Very Happy New Year!" WALTER J. FREUND PPPfMi % yf We appreciate this opportunity to extend our Season's Greetings and to send you our friendly wishes for a year filled with an abundance of owuwi ttiinoo is • * '• r' : * i-- : -- f --- : JACOR JUSTEN & SONS * " ~T. ?Tis the season to be >'T#)Hy it is the season , to wish you and yours the best of everything in the New Year ^ of 1941. May it be with Happiness! ' 'v ^ ELIZABETH PK8 :f •