HSffHi MKaM hi 1M^ at Mofcjpiy, VL, hy CktrlM F. Roieb. Entered as second-class matter at #ie postoffice at McHenry, 111., under die act of May 8, 1879. v©ne Year ... Mentha .12.00 .4i.o« John Schreiner of Batavia was a guest in the Jos. W. Rothermel home. Rt. Rev. Msgr. Francis Magner, of St. Mary's church, Evanston, a cousin of William Burke of West McHenry, was recently appointed Bishop of Marquette, Mich. Mrp. John S. Frerihd entertained at a family gathering at her home on Court street last Wednesday. • The guests were the Math Blake and B. H. Freund families of Crystal Lake, the Edwin Freund family of Spring Grove and the Peter Freund and Peter Weingart families of McHenry. Richard Justen, of the University of Wisconsin at Madison, is spending the holidays with Ms parents, Mr. and IT MOW! OLD PEOPLE An,„M Miller wer, would use ADLERIKA they would feel j among those who attended the Friday Jfcetter. I'm 70 and have had it on j evening performance of Sonja Henie's , hand for 14 years." (L. M.-So. Dak.) j jce Follies at the Stadium in Chicago, for QUICK bowel action and jrelief j Mr and Charles Peterson and Color Gives Diasi-- Painting objects in certain colors lves them the appearance of alered weight. Red and orange, fbr stance, give the illusion of heaviness while yellow and blue lend the Appearance of lighter weight. And 4>f course the same object appears larger when painted white than 4vhen it is painted black. ifom bloating gas, try ADLERIKA ^day. & THOMAS P. BOLGBR; Druggist NEW gMPIBI jfldcHENRY, ILLINOIS •48-- FRIDAY V, (Last Day) northwest MOUNTED POLICE" SATURDAY Johnny Downs - Barbara Allen "MELODY AND MOONLIGHT" Ako -- Comedies and News SUNDA Y -- MONDAY J a n u a r y 5 - 6 Wallace Beery - Ann Rutherford Leo Carrillo -- in -- "WYOMING" Also -- Cartoon - News and Novelty TUESDAY (One Day) Waller Pldgeon - Donald Meek "SKY MURDER" Also -- Comedies WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Henry Fonda - John Carradine Gene Tierney * ; *THE RETURN OF FRANK JAMES" MILLER IWatre Woodstock FRIDAY -- SATURDAY J a m a n r 1 - 4 ContineoBB Saturday from 131 "FOREIGN CORRESPONDENT" -- with -- Joel MeCrea - Laraine Day SUNDAY -- January 5 --• Centouaeas from 2:30 -- -- On Oar Stage -- 5 - Great Acts - 5* of big time V A U D E V I L L E -- On the Screen -- "DANCE, GIRL, DANCE" -- with -- Lucille Ball - Ralph Bellamy MONDAY -- TUESDAY J a n u a r y 6 - 7 "HULLABALOO** Frank Morgan - Billie Burke WEDNESDAY -- THURSDAY Januarv 8 9 "THIRD FINGER, LEFT HAND" Melvyn Douglas - Myrna Loy ei£'<v4 ; *5" vf «V'- • . . i t ' f- J BIT- ">"Vk y. • The Beautiful I.IIOVAK mm CRYSTAL LAKE, ILL. McHenry Co's. Leading Theatre FRIDAY -- SATURDAY January 3 - 4 Wallace Beery in , "WYOMING" -- with -- Am Rutherford - Leo Carrillo It's Wallace Beery's Greatest Role! Also -- Walt Disney Cartoon SUNDAY -- MONDAY TUESDAY r J a n u a r y 5 - 6 - 7 v Sun. Cont. from 2:45 p. m. 25c to 6 p.m.; 30c after. Children, 10e. TXJtQHE POWER LINDA DARNELL "MARK OF ZO) W -- with -- Basil Rath bone - Eugene Palletle . Your favorite team in their best roles! WEDNESDAT -- THURSDAY January 8-9 MYRNA LOY MELVYN DOUGLAft -- In -- "THIRD FINGER, LEFT HAND" -- with -- Bonita Granville. - Lee Bowman YsaU get the biggest laugh of year life at this picture! Miss Esther Lindstrom of Chicago were guests * in the Alvitl Peterson home last Wednesday. Miss Genevieve Ferwerda, -who is attending Lucy Flower Art school in Chicago, is speTsding the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferwerda. Richard Clark, formerly of McHenry, whe has been vacationing on leave in this city for several days, returned Monday to Great Lakes Naval Training station. Mr*. Elizabeth Plch spent several days in Chicago recently. Miss Rose Helen Gillespie of Quincy, 111., and Mrs. Jahies Farrell at Grand Rapids, Mich., are guests in the Wallace E. Dobyns home. Harold Taxman, a Junior at Northern Illinois State Teachers college at DeKalb, has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taxman. George Kauss, Jr., and Miss Mary Durland of Chicago were guests in the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Durland, this past weekend. Christmas day guests in the Albert Vales home were Mr. and Mrs. William Vales of Cicero, Albert Vales, Jr., George Vales and Miss Lillian Vales of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman called 4 at the Lewis McDonald home near Woodstock last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake and Joseph Blake of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Math Blake of Crystal Lake motored to Allenton, Wis., Saturday where they visited Sisters Mary Arcadia and Mary Udefons. Miss Joan Riley returned to McHenry Sunday afternoon after spending Christmas week in Chicago with her mother and grandparents. Her sister, Eileen, returned with her to spend New Year's week. 4 Jerome Buch has received a position at Camp Grant, Rockford. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley and daughter, Alice, of Crystal Lake spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butler apd family in Chicago. Miss Joan Rilty is entertaining a few of her friends this afternoon in honor of her sister, Eileen, of Chicago. | Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom of St ! Charles were callers in the Linus Newman home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsay enjoyed Christinas day with Crystal Lake friends. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger were guests last Thursday evening in the Clayton Hughes home at Crystal Lake. Miss Jane Marshall of Rockford was a weekend gtiest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond V. Powers of Crystal Lake, formerly of McHenry, are enjoying a vacation at Hollywood, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were Sunday guests at the home of their son, Charles Newman and family at Slocum Lake, James and Wayne Van Heirselee of Waukegan are spending the week with their grandmother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Al Jergens and twin sons, Daniel and David, of Chicago have been visiting her mother, Mrs. B. Stilling, the past week. John Sutton of Dixon is visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher entertained a group of friends and relatives on Christmas day, including Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schumacher and family of Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and family and Miss Alvina Schumacher of Johnsburg, Al Rix of Chicago and Wilbert Trainor. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baker of Iowa City, Iowa, are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zion F. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. James Clifford and daughter, Adeline, of Waukegan, were callers in the home of Kate and Thomas McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh were guests of Miss Alice Keating at Huntley on Chirstmas day. Ray McAndrews and family of Marengo were the guests oT McHenry relatives on Christmas, day. Mrs. Eleanor Foley and children were weekend guests of Chicago relatives. William Doherty, Sr., of North Crystal Lake, Arthur Lawrence, daughter, Jean, son, Francis, and Bob Sweeney of Wauconda were Christmas guests in the Thos. McLaughlin home. Atty. and Mrs. J. Albert Woll and children of Wilmette spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Mary Carey. Little Cynthia Woll remained for a longer visit. Miss Mary Kinney is enjoying a Vacation with her parents at Mankato. Minn. Eddie "Michels, of Omaha, Neb., spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Michels. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Murray and daughter, MUfjory, of Geneva, were Sunday guests "Id the home of Kate and Thomas McL&tthlin. Later that afternoon they calleaS®, Father Neidk . "-x'V V v~- . -pr." ert at Johuefcurg, their fermerptoto* Geotttama Donahue «f Huntfey spent Sunday with McHenry fitinda. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers, sons, Jfcck and Charles, and Mrs. George Meyers, Jr., of Woodstock, have re turned from an automobile trip. They made stops at Texas, New - Mexico, San Diego, Los Angeles, Pasadena and Burbank, Calif. An interesting part of their trip was watching army maneuvers at San Diego and visiting movie studios. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Victor Meyers of Burbank, Calif., who was formerly of McHenry, as was the George Meyers family formerly of this city. On Sunday, Kate and Thomas McLaughlin and Donna and Jimmy Freund were dinner guests in the William Doherty home at North Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs, M. L. Schoenholtz and family spent Christmas with Peoria relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Traub and baby of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. James Reinlie of Chicago were guests in the John Anderson home on Christmas day. Mrs. Ray Conway spent Tuesday in Woodstock. Miss Mary Douglas returned to McHenry New Year's day after spending a few days at Janesville, Wis. Edward Houlihan of Park Ridge called on friends here Monday. Genevieve Knor and Mildred Kinsalfc were Huntley visiters «a .jfew Year's <|ay. BpBnroeiovs FOR SALE FOR SALE--Modern home in good location for schools and churches. 105 Pearl Street. Frank Stock, 33-3 FOR RENT FOR RENT -- Rooms above Hettermann Service Station, Johnsburg, suitable for office, beauty parlor or light housekeeping. Furnished heat, hot and cold water. Apply Hettermann Service Station. 81-tf FOR RENT -- Ringwood Community Hall is now available for that special party; birthday, anniversary, costume or dance. Reasonable rental. Facilities include: curtained stage, piano, and luncheon facilities. F. N. Muzzy, Mgr. *33 • • iiljn.ll ! The af the public school enjoyed a CfcHttmas party at the school or< Tuesday afternoon. - 8&nt# Claus was there with a huge bag at gifts for the Jciddies and he stayed long enough to enjoy their program* Miss Evalyn 'Sanders was released from Wood*ta?k hospital on Tuesday, December 91. 'She spent Christmas at the hone Of her sister, Mrs. Alvio Westman, aft Woodstock and returned to her homeliere Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Sfhmeltzer spent the holiday with relatives in Rockford. Robert Hanford and Eugene Jung, students at Sacred Heart College in Geneva are enjoying Christmas vaca-, tion with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Sfchloeser and} daughter of California are enjoying a, visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Arthur Hergott. Mrs. Schloezer was formerly Miss Evelyn Hergott. The Albert Britz family were; Christmas day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Freund and, children joined in a Christmas party at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. Jt JFretind, in McHenry on Wednesday? night. A delicious supper was served" and the evening was spent in cards and visiting. A gift exchange was held, the gifts being distributed by Leo Gerasch, who took the part of Santa Claus. The Frank Sanders family enjoyed Christmas dinner at the home of Mr. -and Mrs. Alyin Westman in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shotliff, son; Edward, and Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Orvis were Christmas day guests in the Leonard Franzen home at McHenry. Mrs. Arthur Kattner and son, Billy, spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Ed Hoffman and family, in Wilmette. Those who have been ill during the flu epidemic are George W. May, Mrs. Math Nimsgern, Allen Meyer, Eunice Freund, Donna May and Mrs. J. G. Wagner. Funeral services for little Warren Bauer, 8-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bfeuer of Ringwood, were held at St. Peter's church on Thursday morning at ten o'clock. Pallbearers were Robert Kattner, Thomas Freund, Robert May and Kenneth Freund. Mrs. L. L. Kagan returned home with her infant son on Monday. He was born at St. Therese's hospital iifc Waukegan December 20. WANTED WANTED--Girl for general housework, family ef four. Address Box Z," Plaindealer. *33 WANTED--Private party wishes to buy low priced old house or cottageanywhere in McHenry county. Will pay cash. Write Box "X," Plaindealer. *83 WANTED--An experienced man and wife to operate a large dairy and poultry farm near Woodstock. Percentage basis. Must qualify with best of references. Write G. B., Box 69, Woodstock, Illinois. 33-2 YOLO WANTED--To rent farm 80 to 100 acres; will pay rent in advance if desired. Care of "R," Plaindealer. 33 LOST LOST--Dog, Doberman Pincher, large, black and tan. Call Johnsburg 244. Information as to owner on tag. 33 MISCELLANEOUS FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange your wheat for Quaker Flour at the Farmers Mill. Phone 89. McHenry. 12-tf DEAD OR ALIVE ANIMALS $1.00 to $15.00 Cash Cows - Horses - Hogs No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 102--Reverse Charges GARBAGE COLLECTING--Let us dispose of your garbage each week, or oftener if desired. Reasonable rates. Regular year round route, formerly George Meyers'. Ben J. Smith. Phone 366 or 631-M-l. 2-tf Vernon 3. Knox, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DAT® Estate of MICHAEL A. CONWAY, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 3, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of MICHAEL A. CONWAY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. LEROY M. CONWAY, "Executor. (Pub. January 2 - 9 - 16) Vernon J. Knox, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOHN B. KELTER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 3, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of JOHN B. KELTER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. "ELLA KELTER BURKE, ExeCuttlX. (Pub. January 2-9 -16) Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George spent Christmas day with the latter*^ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dusil| at Berwyn. Mr. and Mrs. Len Littlefield, Jr.,, and family spent Christmas eve witH the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L% Littlefield, Sr., in Waukegan. Mr. and MrSl Ed Bacon of Round Lake spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bacon. Little Arnold Wirtz, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Wirtz, is confined to hit bed at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey and SOil, Kenneth Lee, spent Christmas eve at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grabbe. The Volo Busy Bees of the Volo 4-H club met on Monday evening for a Party-a-Month-and-Leisure club meeting at the home of Arvilla and Lilah Fisher. Betty Anderson assisted Arvilla and Lilah as hostesses. Refreshments and fruit punch was served at the close of a very pleasant evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Withers and daughter, Leon a. of Rockford, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Len Littlefield, Jr. Clifford Wilson of Milwaukee, Wis., is spending his Christmas vacation here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Mrs. Alda Smith and son, Stanley, of Wauconda spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case. Mrs. Frank St. George called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hanke in Evanston. Thursday. Mrs. M. Dunker of Crystal Lake spent Christmas day her with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and family were Liberty ville caller* on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wellmann and son, Jackie, of Grayslake were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Herman Dunker. Donald Grabbe of Crystal Lake is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vasey. t |£i£kj_ r AND MRS. WM. QEFFLINd MR. AND MRS. LiNUfl NEWMAN MR. AND MRS. GEORGE FREY W] m: MR. AND MRS. JOS. H. HUEMANN GOLDEN WEDDINGS ' CELEBRATED IN '40 'My Uppers Gone'? At dinner, Alfred Mitchell off Milwaukee, 74, coughed violently, clutched at his motfth and gasped: "My uppers--they're gone." Relatives summoned a rescue squad, which worked 'for 20 mlniltes over Mitchell as he coughed intermittently. At a hospital physicians found the missing plate--in Mitchell's coat pocket. His coughing, apparently caused % a food pitftftte, soon subsided. . V . • * Wash Day aa Eveat In some parts of Europe wash day comes about once in six months at d then what an event it isl The linens are soaped, rubbed on stones, scrubbed with a brush, and finally beaten with large wooden paddles'- to the accompaniment tii laughter, song, and repartee. Necklace Vases Water Flowers , A necklace of small vases which can 'be filled with water to keep flowers fresh all evening was recently exhibited at the Texas State Florists' convention to Dallas The phiallike vases fit around the stems of the blossoms in a floral necklace or wristlets. A rubber vacuum arrangement prevents the water (from spilling. 75--Walks U Miles A'hike 6f any distance Is pretty Strenuous exercise for a man *15 years old. But 75-year-old Niles Smith, Canton. Ohio, is made <Jf sturdy stuff. When he goes walking he sometimes winds up 20 miles from home. On his seventy-fifth bitthd&y he hiked 20 miles, find uOci this frequently. Smith believes that walking is the secret of longevity. Jaa. ft--Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Daly of Grayslake, former residents of Mc; Henry, had cause for great rejoicing, this day being the occasion of their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary. Jan. 22--Mr. and Mrs. George Frey of McHenry marked the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding. They have resided in McHenry for the past twelve years and have one son. Mr. Frey is a native of Ridgewater, Mich., while Mrs. Frey was born in Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. K .P. Mortensen of Woodstock celebrated their fiftyseventh wedding anniversary on this same day. Jan. 23--Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman, who have resided in McHenry since their marriage and most of their lifetime previous to that, were married fifty years on this day. This union was blessed with Jive children, four of whom survive. Feb. 5--This was the day of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Donahue of Huntley, who have resided there more than eighty years. They have seven children. Feb. 17--Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Tryon of Woodstock were married fifty-five years ago on this day. Feh. 18--Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller of Woodstock celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. July 7--This was the fifty-ninth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. "Lawrence of Ringwood who have resided in this vicinity all their lives. They are the parents of three sons and one daughter. Sept. 2fr--Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Colby of Waukegan were rejoicing on the sixty-sixth anniversary of their marriage. Both are natives of McHenry, having practiced farming in this vicinity for many years. Their family consists of three sons. * Oct. 1--The 3. W. Colbys of Crystal Lake were married just fifty years ago on this day. Mr. Colby was horn in McHenry, later moving to (Jrystal Lake. Three daughters and one son 'were born of this union. Oct. 19--This date marked the fiftieth year of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Louis F. Ljungberg of Albany Park, who have been summer residents of McHenry for forty years. This couple owns property on the Fox river and also a winter hone on Center Street. Oct. 23--Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Huemann, both descendants of pioneer residents of Johnsburg, were married fifty years ago on this date and have spent their entire lives in that village. They are the parents of nine children, eight of whom survive. Nov. 6--Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling, retired farmers and liifetinie residents of the vicinity of Johnsburg, were honored at a large celebration held on the occasion of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Six children were born to this couple, Ave of whom survive; they also have fifteen grandchildren. Nov. 11--Mr. and Mrs. Joe Diedrich of McHenry celebrated their sixtieth wedding on Armistice Day. They were married at St. John the Baptist church in Johnsburg, and have no children. Dec. 4--On this day, just fifty years ago, Ben Smith of McHenry chose a lovely woman from Grayslake to become his bride. They then made their home at Grayslake where they have lived ever since. Dec. 19--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carls6n, who resided near Ringwood for seventeen years, celebrated their golden wedding • anniversary at their home two, miles out of Woodstock. Both were born in Sweden, coming to this country early in life. They met and married at Crystal Lake. Dec. 25--Dr. and Mrs. D. N. JJrown of Crystal Lake celebrated their fiftyninth wedding anniversary on Christmas day. They were formerly from McHenry. LILY LAKE Mr. and Mta. Harry lIMMiawi callers at MeHetiry lasi Thured^r. Miss Dona Mae ObflaMtf ef LHjerty-i ijviUe spent a few days the past week •t t&e h&me of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner. Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughter, Betty Lou. returned to their home tp:' Maple Par|; fty^jgay after spending p" few days at the Jiome of Mr. and Mri. John Bfoafian. Ray Dowell was a caller at McHe^ ry and Qrayslake last Saturday. f Mrs. Harvey Bailey returned to hfljr home at Amboy last Safcwday after spending a few days with %elativ#f here and at Oak Park. She was a||x companied home by her nephe^ Robert Matthews, who spent a few dayv there. " * Mrs. Arthur Wagner and daughtef^ Joan, attended the. wedding of" Miaafev Gladys Mills and Mr. Kenneth To|»\ bell at Kalamazoo, Mich., last Satuife day. Mrs. Wagner and daughter r£*:, turned-home Sunday evening. Chesney Brooks was a caller Liberfcyville last Saturday afternoo^, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon of Cry#-; tal Lake were callers at the homa .rf" Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowel! last Tbei. day evening. , v,. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren a«B\ Mrs. Raymond Lusk and daughtelS Betty Lou. spent last Thursday aftei* noon at the home of Mr. and Mrl, Axel Nerstrom at North Chicago. I ' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and chip ' dren. Migs Frances Davis and Martal Bauer were guests at the home of M|i and Mrs. Earl Converse Christmaa day. • Mervin Fuller of Saginaw, MiclL Misses Orissa Brown and Althea Co# of Wauconda were callers Saturdw at the hohie of Mr, and Mrs. W. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren wefte Christmas day dinner guests at tha home of G. Lagerlund at Elmwoo# Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews anf son, Lyle, and Willard Darrell were Sunday afternoon and supper guesta at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marled Henry. Mr. and Mrs. John Blomgren anf. guests, Mrs. Raymond Lusk a^J' daughter, Betty Lou, of Maple Park, were dinner guests last Friday at th# home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bagley i* Chicago. In the afternoon they called on Mrs. George Lundgren at thto So. Shore hospital and found her im proving. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wagner spent last Thursday evening in Chicago antf saw Sonja Henie and her Jce revot at the Chicago stadium. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Esping speigf a few days the past week at the honjt -of Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson at Da# enport, Iowa, and called on at Moline. Miss Jennie Dowell was a caller Barrington last Saturday. Mrs. Harry Raeburg and son, OIi4* er. and Miss Marion Dowell were rtiijfc ers at McHenry last Saturday. Otis Phillips was a visitor at ttS§>: home of Mr. and Mrs. ESd Johnson d|| the "Flats" last Tuesday. ^ Mrs. C. H. Hansen was a caller •£* McHenry Tuesday afternoon. ^ Mrs. Almeda Grantham and soL Walter, of Chifag©,* Jfr. ar.d Mrfe Arthur Hillier of Barrington and Mfe and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round I * enjoyed Christmas at the home of and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mrs. C. H. .Hansen spent Nelr Year's day at the home of Mr. aitf Mrs. Charles Shettler in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Wit lard Darrell and Mr. and Mrs. Charlsa Beu of Island Lake attended the "Old Time Dance" at Llbertyville Saturday evening. , Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hansen spell Christmas afternoon at the home if Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowel! and daughter, Dolores, spent Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Wfll Harris near Woodstock. * Mrs. L. Peterson and Mrs. Amelj| Suhr of Wauconda spent last Th"-*^ day afternoon at the home of Mr. Mrs. Frank LaBelle. 4 Dinner guests at the heme ef Mr. and Mrs. George J. Wegener Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krinn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Miller of Cicero and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs and daughter, Roberta Mae, and son, Wayne, of Lily Lake. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dosch Christmas day were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Daly of Grayslake. Other visitors in the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller of Cicero, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace and daughter, Virginia, of Grayslake. Marilyn and' Jeanne Klabough of Mauston, Wis., is spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough at Lily Lake. Dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klabough Christmas day were Mr. Ray McCalla of Mt. Vernon, Ohio, and Mrs. Nora McCalla of Chicago. Other visitors at their home during the holidays were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll, Margaret Farrell of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seyfferth of Lily Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Peschke and sons, Gerald and Bernard, spent Christmas day in Chicago at the home Of his mother, Mrs. Peshke. Among the sick at Lily Lake the last week were Mrs. Wilbert Swanson, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wirfs, Gerald and Bernard Peschke, Roberta Mae and Wayne Wirfs, Mrs. George Wegener ine DoscV **** * * *ttrrm »»» Among the Sick > ^ • « «•** "» "ttt I t t t H n Mrs. Jennie Eddy underwent an Off era tion last week at St. Therese's ho§». pital, Waukegan. ^ . George McGrath, Jr., of "Richmond underwent surgery on Tuesday of lank week at the Woodstock hospital. Mrs. Edward Tonyan underwent surgery last Saturday at St Theresa* hospital in Waukegan. ' Mrs. Jack McCarroll has been |§ medical patient at the Woodstock hoi* ' pital during the past week. * *: R. A. Rix ol Johnsburg, who has been confined to his bed for several!* weeks, is recuperating very nicely. Mrs. Mike Knox, who has been In poor health for some time, at h#r home at Terra Cotta, was taken $• Presbyterian hospital in Chicago Fi|». day for medical treatment. « % & MARRIAGE LICENSES Morris De Vogelaere, Huntley, to Elsie Roth, Woodstock, HI., Decera* ber 23, 1940. 7-- Edwin W. Rogman, Woodstock, n|r to Dorothy M. Zickuhr, Woodstocjfe 111., December 17, 1940. Herbert Willig, Woodstock. IU., ta> Margaret Radloff, Dundee, 111., Dip* cember 19, 1940. Wilson E. McCulloch, Chicago, Tl|,f to Ella Brown, Chicago, HI., DecembW* 14, 1940. Ignatz J. Dolinar, North Chicagfe 111., to Stella M. Krocesky, North CHI* cago, 111., December 21, 1940. Jacob Garofol, Waukegan, 111., Lorraine Smith,! McHenry, 111., Da* cember 28, 1940. v . *•' Heover Didst Taka Salaty " " Ex-President Hoover is the only Chief Executive the United State* has ever had who didn't take any salary. "He let the government keep his |75,000 per year. ,.- v WW