Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jan 1941, p. 4

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TIE mtatflY rtlUWEALER iiM rmjr Thondk| at Mef, IflL, bf CkniM F. Benkh. BAtor ud Muurr 71MS jwmi, ak well as the old, are many times Called to thetr eternal suddenly and without warning, Entered as second-class the postoffice at McHenry, III., tke act of May 8, 1879. One Year ----ItO# H. S. PRINCIPALS It) MEET There will be a meeting of the High School Principals Organization next Thursday at Mooseheart. Mr, Abraham and Mr. Ewing of Woodstock and Mr. Duker of McHenry will discuss the topic, "Modern High School Curriculum." J A N U A R Y Clearance Women's t&A P*r Cent Wool Union Suits, shoft sleeve, knee length 9c Boys', Girls' Union Suits ...39c Boys' Pajamma- Wool Parka Hoods . Heavy Outing Flannel, yd. 15c Flannelette Gowns, extra size ._ ,90c Boys' Melton Jackets $1.95 5 per cent Wool Blankets, pur _ <2.45 .5.25 J29C 100 per cent Blanket, single Tuckstitch Vests, Pants, rtf! Xavier church, LaGrange, w^l kwrial near her yadaBtlwr in St Bede*a cametery, Poor Lata. Boys <jg 8t Joseph's Academy, dreased in valform, were aetiw pallbearers and tlx of her jtxi classmates served as honorary pallbearers. Card of Thanks We desire in this maner to 'express oar thanks and appreciation to neighbors and friends for the many kind expressions of sympathy and acta of kindness, floral offerings and spiritual bouquets at the death of our mother, Mrs. Johcnna Walsh. We also wish to thank donors of cars. THE CHILDREN. FOR SAT,* FOR SALE--Modern home in good location, near church and school. 106 Pearl Street. Prank Stock. 88-3 KRS. JOHANNA WALSH John Stoffel AUCTION thas. Leonard and Edwin VogeW Auctioneers Having decided to quit' farming the undersigned will sell at Public Auction} on the farm known as the John Schalz farm, 6 miles north of Woodstock, 5 milfs south of Hebron, 1% miles west of Greenwood and 1% miles east of Route 47, on-- THURSDAY, JANUARY 23 Commencing at 10:30 o'clock sharp, the following described personal property. to-wit: 70 HEAD LIVESTOCK ;?•*' Consisting of IS Milk Cawa ' Jrotsteins, Durhams and some Swiss, about 20 of these cows have freshened since November 1. 12 two year old heifers; Holstein bull, 2 years old; "Durham bull, 1 year old; Brown Swiss bull, 1 year old. 50 chickens; 3 turkeys. 7 Head of Horses / ; . Black gelding, 6 yrs. old, 4St.£i60©; gray gelding, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1600; black gelding, 5 yrs. old,iWt. 1500; Chestnut gelding. 5 yrs. olja, wt. 1500; span of gray geldings) fr^yrs. old, wt. 2900; bay mare, S-yrtfl old, wt. 1200. This is a large sale and will be started promptly at 10:30 and all ma rflinery and equipment will be sold •tfore noon. Hay, Grain and 1200 bu. of oats; 2000 bu. <rf corn *a crib; 10 acres of standing corn in field; 45 tons of clover and alfalfa fcay in barn; 50 tons of timothy hay ® barn;. 35 tons of baled and cut alfalfa with some clover hay; 50 tons of baled soy beans; quantity of shredded fodder; 30 ft. of silage in 16 ft silo. All feed will be sold for cash. McCormick - Dee ring F-20 tractor With cultivator attachment; Allis- Chalmers tractor; McCormick-Deerifig 16-in. tractor plow, new; McCorapick - Deering 14-in. tractor plow, Bew; McCormick-Deering 8-ft. tractor disc, new; McCormick-Deering man- ' tire spreader. McCormick - Deering corn binder, nearly new; McCormick-Deering 8-ft. grain binder, new; McCormick-Deer- ; 4ng 6-ft- mower. 0 I McCormick - Deering side delivery rake; John Deere hay loader, new; 3 McCormick-Deering single row cultivtaors; McCormick - Deering hammer mill: McCormick-Deering cultipacker; McCormick-Deering rotary hoe; McCormick- Deering silo filler; John Deere walking plow; John Deere corn planter with fertilizer attachment; 110 rods of wire, and tongue truck, new; John Deere disc plow. VanBrunt 8-ft. grain drill; McCormick- Deering Broadcaster seeder: 2 8-section drags, new; 2 wood wheel wagons and hay racks; iron wheel wagon with grain box; Letz mill, pipes and distributors; fanning mill; potato planter; 5-tooth cultivator. 7-in. 75-ft. rubber drive belt, new; 600-lb. scale; 20 milk cans, steriliz- Hng tanks, pails and strainers; set of bob sleighs; corn sheller, new; buzz paw; 210-ft. of hay rope used one season; 2 silo carts; 3 sets breeching "harness. one new; DeLaval 4-single y lunit milking machine, complete; elecy . trie motor and pump jack; pump en- ':> J «ine; drinking cups and supply tank. * Lunch wagon on grounds. I * Some household goods, forks, shovm els and many article? too numerous ;to mention. ^ k TERMS:--All sms of $25.00 and under, cash. Over that amount a j-ff credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes satisfac- •i tory to the clerk bearing 7% interest. Positively no property to be moved " until settled for with clerks. Those ^desiring credit make arrangements prior to purchase. „ y €HAS. H. CAMPBELL and *' ' FRANK J. GREEN, ii®r. - Owners • ' First National Bank of Woodstock, Clerking ^ as was the case on January 5 and January 7, 1941, when a grandmother, Mrs. Johanna Walsh, and her beloved grandchild, Mary Lorraine Swenson, met their death in an automobile accident. The two spent modi of their time together, each enjoying the companionship of the other, and little Mary Lorraine was returning home after spending Christmas vacation with her grandma when the fatal accident occurred. In the crash of two automobiles at the intersection of the Algonquin and Elmhurst roads. Mrs. Walsh was killed instantly, although Mary Lorraine, who sustained fatal injuries, died two days later in Columbus hospital; Chicago. Others in the accident were seriously injured. Mrs. Johanna Walsh, 66 years old, was born on a farm south of .McHenry on the river road on April 25, 1874, and was the daughter of John and Bridget Frisby. She attended the McHenry schools and was a member of the first class to graduate from the McHenry high school in 1892. She taught successfully in the Lake county schools for several years, where her happy disposition won for her the friendship of her associates. Married in 1898 On February 16, 1898, she was united in marriage to John Walsh, the ceremony being performed by Father P. M. O'Neil at St. Patrick's church, McHenry. For a few years she lived near Long Lake and then moved with her husband to the old Walsh homestead near Fox Lake, where she resided until about three years ago. After leaving the farm home she lived adjacent to it for about a year and then moved to Wauconda, where she reside ed for the last two years. Wherever she resided she made many friends and her helpful deeds of kindness to those less fortunate than herself endeared her to all who knew her. She was unusually good to the shut-ins and' charitable in thought and deeds to*everyone, always ready to lend a hefjpftig hand to a family in distress. Mrs. Walsh was the exemplary mother of a large family, six of whom are left to mourn her passing, theses being: Ray Walsh of Fox Lake; Mra. Genevieve Swenson of LaGrange; Mrs. Bernadine Murray of Wauconda; Mrs. Irene Adams of McHenry; Howard Walsh of Moline, 111., and Bob Walsh of Wauconda. She is also survived by four sisters: Mrs. Mollie Givens, Miss Anna Frisby and Mrs. Nellie Bacon of McHenry and Mrs. Irene Warner of Elgin. Preceding Ijer in death was her husband and two daughters, Vera, who died at the age of six years and Mrs. Marjorie Long. She was an active member of the Royal Neighbors of America, her membership being at Wauconda. Although living away from McHenry for many years she loved to^« ; make return visits to relatives and friends in this vicinity and St. Patrick's parish, where she received wise teaching and all of her childhood sacraments. Funeral services'"were held from the home of her daughter, Mrs. Alfons Adams, in McHenry to St. Patrick's church at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Januffcry 8, 1941, with Father Coleman of Fox Lake, her pastor for many years, officiating at the service# and delivering the sermon which gav* tribute her virtues and exemplary' character. Interment was in St* Bede's cemetery, Fox Lake. _ Pallbearers wer^. old friends and FOR SALE--One 1% ton truck, *39 Studebaker, in good shape and enclosed milk body. Call Freund Oil Co. 202-W, 35-3 FOR SALE--Furniture, for six rooms. Mostly new. Inquire at The Plaindealer. *35 THE IDEAL GIFT -- Baby's first shoes, everlastingly preserved in bronze paper weights or book ends. Inquire of A. E. Nye's Jewelry Store. 85-3 FOR RENT FOB RENT -- Rooms above Hettermann Service Station, Johnsburg, suitable for office, beauty parlor or light housekeeping. Furnished heat, hot and cold water. Apply Hettermann Service Station. 31-tf FOR RENT--Large store with 3- truck garage in rear, or will rent separately. Will remodel for right party. Earl R. Walsh, Phone 48. 85 WANTED WANTED--Girl fr restaurant work. Leave name at The Plaindealer. 35 MISCELLANEOUS MILK VENDOR'S ATTENTION--The Snow White Dairy Co. (formerly Pine Tree Farms Dairy) wants new or established vendors for several1 open territories. Come up to the plant and learn how a consistently superior milk can make you more money under our new plan. Outside of McHenry on Pistakee Bay. Phone Pistakee 821. •35 CRIBBAGE TOURNAMENT --Herman Kreutzer, proprietor of the Sip Snack Inn on Elm St., McHenry, announces that a cribbage tournament will start there on Friday evening, January 24. All who desire to enter should get in touch with Mr. Kreutzer. Tel. 290. 35 FARMERS, ATTENTION--Exchange your wheat for Quaker Flour at the Farmers Mill. Flume 29. McHenry. 12-tf DKAD OS ALXVX AKIHALS $1.00 to tlB,00 Oath Cows - Hones • Hogs - No help needed for loading! Prompt and Sanitary Service Day and Night, Sundays and Holidays Phone Wheeling 101 Reverse Charges DAIRY FARMERS, ATTENTION-- The Snow White Dairy Co., (formerly Pine Tree Farms Dairy) wants to obtain the best milk in the McHenry area. Those interested in a steady income from a local source should call at the plant any time during the morning. *35 axLr today roa • josw/. whit*,m Funeral services were held this Thursday mortiing atiSK Peter's Catholic churcfc in RoclcfortI fbr John -J. White, aged 58, a native of the McHenry community. Mr. White was found dead in a garage he had rented in that city. He was found about 4 o'clock Monday afternoon by his daughter, Arlyne, when she began a search after the owner of the store that employed her father called to Inquire of his whereabouts. Die young lady summoned an inhalator squad from the Rockford fire department, but efforts to revive him were futile. At noon on Monday Mr. White chauffered his son, Joseph, to St. Anthony hospital, where he had been taking several rheumatism treatments each week. This was the last seen of Mr. White, The deceased waa born at McHenry, on January 4, 1888. He had attended Woodstock schools, and later was employed in Bunker Brothers grocery store. He also operated his own store at Crystal Lake. Mr. White was employed a few years ago as meat cutter in the Regner market in McHenry. For the past five years he had been employed at Rockford. He is survived by his widow, Marguerite Ellen, his son, Joeeph, daughter, Arlyne; six brothers, William and Frank of Woodstock, Charles of Hartland township, Edward of Barrington, Raymond of Aurora, Henry of Rockford; three sisters, Mrs. Anna Ladwig of Adams, Wis., Mrs. Isabel Kashub of Cambria, Wis., and Mrs. Mayme Meyers of Moline. Three grandchildren also survive. Oily OOtinoi] 30.90 30.00 2.50 4.00 8.00 Vernon J. Knox, Attorney NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE "Eatite of MICHAEL A. CONWAY, Decearsed. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 3, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of . MICHAEL A. CONWAY, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons, r-- LEROY M. CONWAY, Executor. (Pub. January 2 - 9 - 16) 'flV'. neighbors of the deceased: John Strataton, J. R. Graham, Patrick Graham, Charley Kriftner, John Skarda and Claude Baseley. Members of Wauconda lodge, R. N. A., were honorary pallbearers. Mary Lorraine Swensotf* That the companionship of Mary Lorraine Swenson and her devoted grandmother, Mrs. Johanna Waslh, remain unbroken through the many years, God called her on Tuesday, January 7, 1941, two days after the fatal accident which took Mrs. Walsh. Mary Lorraine, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Swenson of La- Grange, 111., died at Columbus hospital, Chicago, on Tuesday, January 7, 1941, of injuries received in the accident. She would have been thirteen years old on Sunday, January 12, 1941. Mary Lorraine was born at Joliet, 111., on January 12, 1928, and later moved with her parents to LaGrange. She was a member of the seventh grade at Our Lady of Bethlehem Academy, LaGrange, an J was beloved by all who knew her. She was a bright student, popular with her class mates and the future for her was bright. Her paternal grandmother was also killed In an accident a few years ago. Funeral services were held Friday, January 10, at 9 o'clock at 8t. Francis . Vernon J. Knox, Attorney -- NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOHN ft. KELTER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 3, 1941, is the claim date in the estate of JOHN B. KELTER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. ELLA KELTER BURKE, Executrix. (Pub. January 2 - 9 - 16) Wa. M. Carroll, Attorttay Woodstock, Illinois. NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of PEARL CLAXTON DREYMILLER, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that Monday, February 8rd, 1941 is the claim date in the estate of *• PEARL CLAXTON DREYMILLER, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. JOHN DREYMILLER, Executor. (Ebb. January 16 - 28 - 80) Council Room, Jan. 6, 1941. The City Council met in regular monthly meeting with Mayor Overton presiding. Aldermen present: Bolger, vFerwerda, Freund, Nye, Regner. Absent: Bun. Motion by Freund, seconded by Ferwerda, that the minutes of "the last regular meeting be approved as read. Motion carried, Motion by Regner, seconded by Nye, that the Treasurer's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Freund, that the Collector's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Nye, that the Clerk's report be approved as read. Motion carried. Motion by Bolger, seconded by Ferwerda, to approve payment of the following bills: John B. Wirtz, Police service ..$110.00 M. M. Niesen, Supt. waterworks service - 50.00 W. C. Feltz, Supt. streets anA alleys 105.00 Earl R. Walsh, Office expanse 15.00 McGee's Men's Wear, Policemen shirts Illinois Municipal League, Annual dues A dam 8 Repair Shop, Sign post Wm. Ahrens, Lerbor for waterworks : McHenry Plaindealer, Printing Chuck's Ice & Trucking, Sanding streets and sand for disposal plant Municipal Supplies, Waterworks suppliea Holly's Service Station, Gas, oil, police car Buss-Page Motor Sales, Preston e, repair orders «... Thomas P. Bolger, Supplies .... McHenry Artificial Stone, Labor on waterworks «... Alex J. Justen, Gasoline ........ Vycital's Hardware, Supplies, waterworks Public Service Co., Street lighting (2 months) Public Service Co., Service at waterworks Jack Smith, Police service ...... Earl R. Walsh, Postage Peter Wirfs, Police service .s.7 E. Doherty, Electrical work, on Riverside Drive Illinois Bell Telephone, Telephone service Charles Rietesel, Lettering police car and signs Mayme Buss, Commission, clerical work : Thomas P. Bolger; Gas service (W. U. G. & E. Co.) Edw. J. Hughes, State license plates Fred C. Felt*, Supt. disposal plant McHenry Artificial Stone, Labor at disposal plant Valvoline Oil Co., Distillate .... Charles Ensign, Labor at disposal plant * Chuck's Ice A Trucking, Sand Public Service Co., Power fit disposal plant Motion by Bolger, seconded by Regner, to approve the action of the Band Committee in instructing clerk to pay the McHenry Band |377.48, balance due them on taxes collected. a Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Freund, that the plat of Venice Park, Unit No. 1, be accepted and approved. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Regner, that the Mayor instruct the City Attorney to file claims on special assessments and accounts due from the John B. Kelter Estate. Motion carried. Motion by Ferwerda, seconded by Bolger, to adjourn. Motion carried. EARL R. WALSH. Clerk. R. I. OVERTON, Mayor. Harold Phannenstill attended the "Midget Auto Races" at the Interna- 16.89 ... 15J6 40.11 18.44 1.29 8.20 1.91 9.82 426;74 29.57 82.58 2.00 55.00 250.00 ... 8.28 16.00 26.07 48.88 2.00 90.00 44.90 14.28 25.00 2.00 50.40 Miss Lorraine Sndtii, daughter »f HrT of ]fc- Henry, became the bride of James Garofol, son <6t Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Garofol of Waokegan at St. Mary's church, McHenry, on Wednesday morning. Rev. Fr. Paul TuchHnski officiated at the eight o'clock nuptial high mass. The lovely bride, in a white velvaray embroidered satin floor length dress and a blush veil, carried white carnations. She wore h pearl necklace, a gift of the groom. The bridesmaid, Miss Esther Smith, sister of the bride, wore a- pale blue velvaray embroidered satin gown and a pink head gear trimmed with pale blue flowers. She carried light and dark pink carnations. James Wieser of Volo assisted as best man. Breakfast waa held at the bride's home and at five o'clock a reception for about forty-two guests. The young couple will make their home in Waukegan, where the groom is* employed in the American Wire Steel Mill. HUFFINE MILLER liJJPTIALS SATURDAY, : Si- LAKE GENEVA, WIS. Mrs. Rose Huffine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe P. Miller of Richmond, and Mr. Elmer Correy, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Bergett of Wisconsin, were married at Lake Geneva last Saturday afternoon, January 11. The bridesmaid was Mrs. George Zarnstorff, a sister of the bride. Both the bride and bridesmaid wore pale blue crepe dresses with pink corsages. George Zarnstorff acted as best man. After the ceremonies a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Bergett, son, Jack, daughter, Ella Mae, Mr. and Mrs. George King and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thiel and family, A1 Miller, Jeanette Hergott, Leo Miller and Dorothy Bowler, Mr. and IVfrs. Steve Engel and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Widhalm. Mn and Mrs. Tony Miller and family were guests from Chicago. The couple will make their home on a farm near Lake Geneva, Wis. SPRING GROVE CHURCH IS SCENE OF WINTER WEDDING WEDNESDAY In a long white satin dress with train and flopping veil, Miss Estelle May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben May of Spring Grove, was happily united in marriage to Mr. John Schmitt, son pf Mrs. Elizabeth Schmitt of Johnsburg, Wednesday morning at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove. Rev. Fr. Daleiden officiated at a 9 o'colck nuptial high mass. The bride carried a mixture of white roses and baby breath. The maid of honor, Miss tAlma Schmitt, a sister of the groom, wore a French rose "Gone With the Wind" frock with dubonnet accessories. She carried a bouquet of tearoses. The- bridesmaid, Miss Shirley May, a sister of the bride, alfeo wore a "Gone With the Wind" gown, but of a French blue color with royal blue accessories. She also carried a bouquet of tearoaes. The male attendant, Everett Hiiler, a nephew of the groom, and the groom both wore dark dress suits. A wedding dinner was served for the immediate faigily in the Johnsburg parish hall, with a reception in the afternoon for about 225 guests. A wedding dance was also held at Nell's Pavilion in Johnsburg Wednesday evening. The bride and groom left on a honeymoon trip Thursday morning. When they return they will be at home to their friends on the Anton M. $ehaaitt farm in Johnsburg. COMING EVENTS fc.D. A*--Card Tournament. January 17 Mothers' Club--Legion Hall. Riverview Camp--Practice for Officers. 0 January 18 < Fox River .Valley Camp--Installation of Officers. January 21* Riverview Camp--Installation of Officers. Afternoon Contract Bridge--Mrs. H. E. Durland. Forester Meeting--Refreshment®. " January 22 Mid-Week--Mrs. Cora Bassett. January 23 East River Road Pinochle--Mrs. Geo. Gloe. January 24 Evening Pinochle Club--Mrs. Paul Gerasch. Eastern Star Card Varty--Mrs. Ed Nordin. January 25 Anniversary of New Green Street Tavern. January 28 Christian Mothers--Ham Dinner and Bingo "Party. February S P.-T. A.--Regular Meeting. MRS. JOHN WINKRANTZ, McCOLLUM LAKE, DIES SUDDENLY IN CHICAGO Mrs. John Phannenstill of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. George Haldeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Haldeman of Woodstock visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Mitchell at Waukegan last Saturday. Mrs. Loretta Walsh was present at the farewell party given for Mrs. Betty Nielsen at Woodstock last week. Jimmy Justen of Riverside Drive spent Tuesday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen. •aaA the Want AJi Early Wednesday morning, one of McCollum Lake's well known residents died suddenly, being Mrs. John Winkrantz, 68 years old. Mrs. Winkrantz went to the city Tuesday with a group of friends, where they spent the day. While in the Maccabbee Hall, Mrs. Winkrantz suffered a stroke. She was rushed to the Martha Washington hospital, where she died at 2:05 Wednesday morning. Besides her husband, she is survivedl by a sister-in-law, Mrs. Lena Horton of Chicago, and two nieces of Kentucky. Funeral services will be held Friday afternoon in Chicago at 2 p.HV-, with feurial tn Rosehfll cemeteiy. 4 Sf.ZPA'S TAVERN un j •' itornar Riverside Drfa* and Elm. Street v: Jtanrfaf the best in Drinks, Sandwiches . and Ohili! ' I MM JOHNA.THENNBS > * Post-Holiday of Crosley, RCA and ith Radios. Come in compare price and qnal- Lateet sheet music hs well an Victor and Bftnbird RECORDS. / New and reconditioned Wrist & Pocket Watches. Gift items galore at 50c and up. SILVERWAREmunity and Rogers . . ^ jdl jprades and prices. Repair work on watches, clocks, radio* *«1ris!f iaachines $t guaranteed lowest prices! NYE JEWELRY-MIISIC-RADIO SHOP Main Street --:-- --:-- West McHenry, HL Five Star Stores Bargain Day§ Jafi. 17-25 Cocoa Mats, 79c value ;-iJ2.... Large sixe Split Bamboo Hampers Split Bamboo Clothes Baskets Six Arm Clothes Dryer $1.50 value Dnst Mop Japanned Cannister Set, $1.$5 set for... Japanned Cannister Set, 79c value Asstd. Colored Kitchen Salt & Pepper Shakers, pr. 15c 9-inch Dinner Plates, reduced to ... ...each IOC Cups and Saucers at -.pair 10^ Colonial Water Glass, good vainest _*__4|for 19<? Glass Measuring Cup ^ 5^ Assorted Waste Baskets ...... ...... I©*4 $62.95 Coleman Oil Heater, closed out for Younger's Oil Heater, $94.00 value, reduced to .$04-95 $149.50 Globe Dutch Oven Range, a bargain at $119-50 Plumb Tool Kit, $1.98 value for $1*59 hwh #gh Pint Thiprm<>8 Bottle, $l;39valuo ..Jl-09 J Phone 98-M Green Street CHAMPIONS 5.50x16 6.00x16 6.50x16 ----HI 4.75 and 5.00x19 5.25 and 5.50x17 ^ 5.25 and-5.50x18. ..... 6.00x16 6.25 and 6.50x16 $12-50 : 14-05 : 17-<* $ 9-30 1145 10« 1235 1540 CHAMPIONS, HI-SPEEDS, STANDARDS, CONVOYS GROUND GRIP TIRES For Snow and Mud, all sizes for cars or trucks. Trade in your old tires and battery. We will make you > ; • a good allowance! V V* Introductory Sale on >" > » IRE ST ONE BATTERIES ; - We have the famous Firestone Batteries to fit e^ery car $4 .45 and up Come in and let us inspect your tires -- You will be surprised how sensationally low priced these new tans are. FLOOR MATS -- - Firestone Fan Belts, Spark Plugs and Accessor! 4 Firestone Super Anti freeze, Radiator Ho^ Heaters. Everything for winter! , Walter J. Freund , ^ 'r;" Tire and Tube Vulcanising, Battery ^ ^ Charging and Repairing Phone 29i 7- --West McHenry U- „ ' • -V

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